Leadership of Dick Smith
Leadership has always been at the forefront of business studies; leaders are always (or should always be) concerned with how they can stimulate the best performance in the workforce in order to gain the best results and stability for their business. Among the various types of leadership, transformational leadership includes actions that are charismatic, visionary, and inspirational. These actions inspire followers to deliver not only their best, but to try and deliver beyond their best. Followers under such leadership are inspired so much that they do not only meet the expectations and demands of their duties, but perform beyond these (Qu, Janssen and Shi, 2015). Business success is often dependent upon leadership that can inspire workers to perform beyond what they consider to be their best work. As such, charisma is an important part of leadership. A charismatic leader offers an inspirational and energetic example of the…...
Boehm, S.A., Dwertmann, D.J.G., Bruch, H., and Shamir, B. (2014). The missing link? Investigating organizational identity strength and transformational leadership climate as mechanisms that connect DEO charisma with firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly. Retrieved from: http://www.researchgate.net/
Breevaart, K., Bakker, A., Hetland, J., Demerouti, E., Olsen, O.K., and Espevik, R. (2014). Daily transactional and transformational leadership and daily employee engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 87. Retrieved from: http://www.beanmanaged.com/doc/pdf/arnoldbakker/articles/articles_arnold_bakker_343.pdf
Clarysse, B., Wright, M., Bruneel, J., and Mahajan, A. (2014, Aug.). Creating Value in Ecosystems: Crossing the Chasm Between Knowledge and Business Ecosystems. ERC Research Paper No. 22. Retrieved from: http://enterpriseresearch.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ERC-RP-Creating-Value-in-Ecosystems.-Research-Paper-No-22.pdf
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J., and Ferrell, L. (2013). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
strong leaders has been an important aspect of organizational development since the beginning of time. Compelling leaders possess a number of personality traits and skills that require constant development, and it has been demonstrated that leaders who possess charismatic qualities are likely to gain respect and admiration over those that lack this characteristic. Within the structure of organizations, one of the primary requirements for fostering charisma is the development of a vision, defined as a mental image of an idealized future for an organization (Awamleh and Gardner 346). Once a vision has been established in a leader's mind, it can only be successful once it is expressed to all levels of the organization. Outstanding leaders are able to establish their goals and objectives for the organization in a charismatic fashion. The following discussion will provide an analysis of charisma and its role in leadership development and will provide some…...
Awamleh, R., & Gardner, W. (1999). Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness:
the effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance. Leadership Quarterly 10(3), 345-373.
Bast, M. The ethics of charismatic leadership. Out of the Box Coaching and Working With the Enneagram, 1-3.
Beyer, J.M. (1999). Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations. Leadership Quarterly 10(2), 307-330.
Charismatic Leadership
By Ylva Sandberg and Christopher M. Moreman
The two authors commence their article by assessing the role of charisma in efficient management, given specifically by the ability of charismatic leaders to motivate and influence their peers and subordinates. The literary challenge of charisma is represented by the assessment of its nature and the division of tools and mechanisms by which charisma can be created. Still, it would most often appear that charisma is an innate trait with which leaders are either born or not. In other words, it would be possible for a charismatic leader to improve and exploit his/her skills to better attain their objectives, but it would be more difficult for one with no innate charisma to develop it; still, charisma could be created in crisis situations.
The starting point in Sandberg and Moreman's article is represented by the belief that charisma supports the formation of charismatic leaders…...
Sandberg, Y., Moreman, C.M., 2011, Common threads among different forms of charismatic leadership, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 2
The co-founder and former chief executive officer, president and chairman of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, has frequently been cited in the leadership literature as being an exemplar of charismatic leadership (Gibson & Blackwell, 1999). This paper provides an analysis of this leadership style drawing on charismatic leadership theory and some of the traits and behaviors of Kelleher that are characteristic of this type of leadership. A discussion concerning three personal long-term SMAT goals that the author is committed to that relate to the professional development plan is followed by a discussion concerning two personal short-term SMAT goals that are related to professional leadership development. In addition, a discussion concerning the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that are needed to achieve each of these five long- and short-term goals is followed by a discussion concerning two specific leadership strengths that the author brings to an organization. An explanation concerning how these…...
Akundi, L. (2011, October-December). Fostering creativity: Expert solutions to every day challenges. South Asian Journal of Management, 18(4), 148-151.
Byun, G. & Dai, Y. (2016, October 20). When does empowering leadership enhance employee creativity? A three-way interaction test. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 44(9), 1555-1559.
Finkelstein, S. & Hambrick, D. C. (2009). Strategic leadership: Theory and research on executives, top management teams, and boards. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gibson, J. W. & Blackwell, C. W. (1999, Summer-Fall). Flying high with Herb Kelleher: A profile in charismatic leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 120.
Given the emergent challenges of the modern day society -- such as more and more pretensions customers, the incremental competition or the growing pressures towards environmental stability -- organizations are presented with the necessity of continually evolving and adapting to new requirements. Transformational leadership can support this dynamic organizational life by sustaining and promoting both creativity as well as innovation (Sarros, Cooper and Santora, 2008; Williams).
Transformational leadership is a relatively new concept and its implementation remains limited. Given this situation, combined with the scarcity of academic models detailing the gradual steps in the implementation of transformational leadership, a new theoretical need is identified. Some of the few sources which do integrate suggestions on the implementation of the managerial style include Stoerm Anderson and Ava Miller's Implementing transformational leadership as a model for service learning activities in an online N to BSN leadership course or ussell L. Ackoff's a systemic…...
Ackoff, R.L., a systemic view of transformational leadership, Acasa, last accessed on June 18, 2010http://www.acasa.upenn.edu/leadership.pdf
Anderson, S., Miller, a., 2007, Implementing transformational leadership as a model for service learning activities in an online RN to BSN leadership course, Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, last accessed on June 18, 2010http://ojni.org/11_1/Miller.htm
Sarros, J.C., Cooper, B.K., Santora, J.C., 2008, Building a climate for innovation through transformational leadership and organizational culture, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2
Williams, S., Leading creativity and innovation, Wright State University, last accessed on June 18, 2010http://www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/LeaderLetter/innovation.htm
Had the failure of the Cuban invasion not occurred, Kennedy would not have been able to appear so ascendant, and the positive reaction to his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis might not have been as great in magnitude. Truly however, it was his social programs such as the Peace Corps and his focus on establishing peace with the Soviet Union that truly showed him to be the charismatic leader for which he is remembered today.
Freedom Doctrine Speech." (1961). WGBH Lectures. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://forum.wgbh.org/wgbh/forum.php?lecture_id=1164
John F. Kennedy." (2009) About the White House: Presidents. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy/
John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Spartacus Educational. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAkennedyJ.htm
O'Brien, M. (2005) John F. Kennedy. New York: Macmillan. etrieved via Google Books 2 January 2009. http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=fxzd__gA_I4C&dq=john+f+kennedy&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=b090N20I3D&sig=vZHZ3U4jmj3sFVEx7CFDb7pE4s&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=9&ct=result#PPA494,M1
Parekh, N. (2005). "John F. Kennedy Biography." Accessed 21 January 2009. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/1-23-2005-64647.asp
Charismatic JFK...
Freedom Doctrine Speech." (1961). WGBH Lectures. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://forum.wgbh.org/wgbh/forum.php?lecture_id=1164
John F. Kennedy." (2009) About the White House: Presidents. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy/
John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Spartacus Educational. Accessed 21 January 2009. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAkennedyJ.htm
O'Brien, M. (2005) John F. Kennedy. New York: Macmillan. Retrieved via Google Books 2 January 2009. http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=fxzd__gA_I4C&dq=john+f+kennedy&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=b090N20I3D&sig=vZHZ3U4jmj3sFRVEx7CFDb7pE4s&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=9&ct=result#PPA494,M1
Dangers linger in any relationship where one party holds power and the other party gives it. Any student of leadership, must recognize that tripwire, and assiduously avoid it through correctly recognizing the dangers that abuse of power can bring.
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Bass, B., Atwater, L., & Avolio, B. (2008). The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and omen. Applied Psychology, 5-34.
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Ulrich, D., Zenger, J., Smallwood, N., & . (1953; CR 1999). Results-Based Leadership. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press.
mlaWorks Cited
Bass, B., Atwater, L., & Avolio, B. (2008). The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and Women. Applied Psychology, 5-34.
Beverly Alimo-MetcalfAlban-Metcalfe, J., Bradley, M., Mariathasan, J., & Samele, C. (2008). The impact of engaging leadership on performance, attitudes to work and well-being at work: A longitudinal study. Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 586-598.
Beyer, J. (1999). Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 307-330.
Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Leadership Path Goal Theory
The Boy Scouts" using the "path- goal theory
Leadership theories
Path Goal Theory
Explain how the theory works and include an example
Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization
Are the followers receptive?
Would you recommend another strategy?
Transformational Leadership
Transactional Leadership
Evaluate the role of transformational and transformational leadership in the organization
Effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization
Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization
Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization
If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why?
The leadership theories are different in their relevance and approach, however, the importance of effective leadership cannot be undermined in operations of a successful organization. The boy scouts and other military organizations also deploy various leadership and management practices in order to motivate their members. It further leads them for successful operations…...
Bolman, L.G., & Deal, T.E. (2011). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership. USA: Jossey-Bass.
Samson, D., & Daft, R.L. (2009). Fundamentals of management. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Winkler, I. (2010). Contemporary leadership theories. USA: Springer.
Leadership Style: What Do People Do When they are Leading?
Hewlett Packard (HP) remains one of the most successful computer and related services company in the Diversified Computer Systems industry. In this text, I concern myself with the leadership style of Meg Whitman -- the CEO of HP. In so doing, I will amongst other things analyze how her leadership style aligns with the company's culture. I will also examine Whitman's strengths, weaknesses as well as personal and organizational values.
Born in 1956, Whitman has over the years earned herself an enviable reputation as an efficient and brilliant corporate executive keen on making a mark in a corporate environment dominated by men. Having cut her teeth at Hasbro, Stride ite, Disney, and most notably eBay where served as CEO for a decade, Whitman rose to become the head of HP. She has also in the past tried her hand in elective politics…...
Ferris, G.R. & Treadway, D.C. (Eds.). (2012). Politics in Organizations: Theory and Research Considerations. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Group.
Forsyth, D.R. (2010). Group Dynamics (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
Fox, W. (2007). Managing Organizational Behavior. Cape Town: Juta and Company.
Hellriegel, D. & Slocum, J.W. (2009). Organizational Behavior (12th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Comparing Characteristics of Leaders and Managers
The term leader and manager is often used in an interchangeable manner and it is likely that at some point most leaders have undertaken a management role. However, when looking at leaders and managers there are some distinct differences. These can be considered in terms of their characteristics and the way these characteristics manifest. A common theme in much literature is the way in which leaders may be identified as they have followers and inspire others
This refers to the concept of leaders having charisma. In this context there are many examples of leaders both good and bad. Leaders which fit in with this context include, John F. Kennedy former U.S. President, Nelson Mandela the South African leader, Richard Branson founder of the Virgin empire and Howard Schultz the CEO and inspiration behind Starbucks. These are all examples of charismatic leaders
. They have been able to…...
He has also had to grapple with a dangerous world, including escalating tensions in the Middle East. These challenges have forced him to deviate from the inspiring, common touch of the rhetoric of the campaign.
However, some of the perceived shift in tone in Obama's leadership seems less due to circumstances and more due to greater knowledge of his character, such as his more aloof and cerebral side that his advisors tried to hide during the campaign. These qualities have made it difficult for him to communicate the full benefits America has accrued from his leadership, and allowed some of his political adversaries to position him as elitist, despite his relatively modest upbringing. But although he may not always be as charismatic as a reasoned and cautious leader, he is always transformational in his aspirations -- otherwise he would never have undertaken the risks of reforming healthcare at all. There…...
Dowlin, Joan E. (2011). President Obama's calm assertiveness. The Huffington Post.
Retrieved June 27, 2011 at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joan-e-dowlin/president-obamas-leadersh_1_b_836228.html
Hamburger, Tom & Matea Gold. (2011, June 25) Election 2012: Obama campaign courts wealthy donors. The L.A. Times. Retrieved June 27, 2011 at http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jun/25/nation/la-na-0625-obama-donors-20110625
McManus, Doyle. (2009, February 15). For Obama, governing isn't campaigning.
Most conclusions on this approach were vague or indecisive in terms of social, psychological or mental significance (ice, 1978, 1981; Graen et al., 1972; Ashour, 1973).
Furthermore, over the years, many scholars have come to the realization that leadership is situational and hence there are many realistic settings like the environment, the employees, the resources, etc. that determine the characteristics needed in a leader as well as his/her business approach (Hershey and Blanchard, 1977, 1984). This is why it is important to first understand the different types of scenarios that a leader can face and then use those scenarios as the foundation on which most leadership techniques and approaches are built. This idea of leadership being situational is very helpful in outlining the methods through which leadership can be developed and has taken up a good part of the last three-decade of research (Mckenna, Boyd and Yost, 2007).
There were many…...
Adler, a. (1946). Understanding human nature. New York: Permabooks.
Ashour, a.S. (1973). The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 9: 335-76.
Bandura, a. (1997). Self-efficacy. The Exercise of Control. New York: W.H. Freeman. (Bass, B.M. 1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York: The Free Press.
Bennis, W., and B. Nanus. (1985). Leaders. New York: Harper and Row.
"An older, more experienced teacher questions whether 15- to 17-year-old kids are really ready yet to handle Keating's brand of freedom. 'Gee, I never pegged you for a cynic,' says Keating. 'I'm not,' says the other teacher. 'I'm a realist.'… Although there's a carefully placed scene in which Keating tries to make the distinction between unfettered self-expression and self-destructive behavior, the principles behind the re-formation of the Dead Poets Society eventually lead to catastrophe. It becomes clear that at least some of the boys really aren't emotionally equipped to incorporate into their own lives the kind of freedom and nonconformism that Keating is selling" (Emerson 2010). The extremity of Neil's reaction shows the vulnerability of his unformed adolescent emotions and his inability to deal with his resistance to his father in a rational fashion.
However, for all of his faults, by the end of the film, Keating's students have clearly…...
Dead Poet's Society. (1989). Directed by Peter Weir.
Emerson, Jim. (2010). Dead Poets Society. Retrieved February 13, 2010 at Screening room. http://cinepad.com/reviews/deadpoets.htm
Straker, David. (2010). Charismatic leadership. Changing Minds. Retrieved February 13, 2010 at http://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/styles/charismatic_leadership.htm
The four lanchard leadership styles include:
1) directive;
2) managing;
3) coaching; and 4) delegating. (Clawson, 1989)
2) House's Path Goal Theory of Leadership - the motivational function of the leader consists of increasing personal payoffs to subordinates for work-goal attainment and making the path to these payoffs easier to travel by clarifying it, reducing roadblocks and pitfalls, and increasing the opportunities for personal satisfaction en route. (Clawson,1989)
Charismatic leadership is measured by: (1) Followers' trust in the correctness of the leader's belief; (2) similarity of followers' beliefs to the leader's beliefs; (3) unquestioning acceptance of the leader by followers; (4) followers' affection for the leader; (5) followers' willing obedience to the leader; (6) emotional involvement of followers in the mission of the organization; (7) heightened performance goals of followers; and (8) belief of followers that they are able to contribute to the success of the group's mission. (Clawson,
Charismatic leaders have the…...
Liu, W., Lepak, D.P., Takeuchi, R., and Sims, H.P (2003) Matching Leadership Styles with Employment modes: Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective. Human Resource Management Review. 13 (2003).
Clawson, J.G. (1989) Leadership Theories. University of Virginia Darden School Foundation. Charlottesville, VA. Online SSRN Research.
Stodgills Handbook of Leadership (1981) revised Bernard M. Bass New York: The Free Press 1981.
Mintzberg, Henry (1973) Mintzberg's Ten Managerial Roles -the Nature of Managerial Work 1973.
Few leaders so overtly and ostentatiously embody the concept of transformational leadership as Sir Richard Branson. Branson heads the mega company Virgin Group. The leader's unconventional personality has been described as vocal and flamboyant, (Management and Leadership of Richard Branson at Virgin Group Ltd., 2010). Although Branson is known for his personal charisma, he does not limit himself to a charismatic leadership style. Charismatic leaders operate on the assumption that Charm and grace are all that is needed to create followers, (Leadership Styles, Changing Minds).
From his charismatic character flows a natural leadership style that encourages personal freedom of choice at the managerial level. Thus, Richard Branson can be best appreciated as a transformational leader, and one who has extraordinary vision. Transformational leadership is characterized by the empowerment of workers to make decisions that promote organizational goals, visions, and values. Transformational leaders aim to achieve an articulated vision of the organization,…...
mla"Management and Leadership of Richard Branson at Virgin Group Ltd." (2010). UPX Success. Retrieved online: http://www.upxsuccess.com/leadership_richard_branson.html
"Most Recognized Organizational Leadership Models." Retrieved online: http://hubpages.com/hub/Global-Leadership-Models
Murray, A. (n.d.). Leadership styles. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved online: http://guides.wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/how-to-develop-a-leadership-style/
1. The role of charismatic leadership in the church.
2. The challenges and opportunities of leading a multicultural church community.
3. The importance of mentorship and accountability in church leadership.
4. Rethinking traditional models of hierarchical church leadership.
5. The impact of technology on church leadership practices.
6. Balancing personal and professional boundaries as a church leader.
7. The role of women in church leadership positions.
8. Addressing burnout and self-care for church leaders.
9. Strategies for conflict resolution within church leadership teams.
10. The role of spirituality and emotional intelligence in effective church leadership.
11. Exploring the concept of servant leadership in the church context.
12. Incorporating principles of inclusivity....
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had differing approaches to achieving civil rights for African Americans in the United States.
1. Nonviolence vs. Militancy: Martin Luther King Jr. believed in nonviolent civil disobedience and passive resistance to address racial inequality. He advocated for peaceful protests and believed in the power of love and forgiveness to bring about change. In contrast, Malcolm X urged African Americans to defend themselves by any means necessary, including violence. He argued that if violence was perpetrated against African Americans, they had the right to defend themselves.
2. Integration vs. Separation: Martin Luther King Jr. was....
Characteristics of Transformational Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations with Focus on International Aid
Transformational leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of non-profit organizations, particularly those engaged in international aid. Leaders with this leadership style possess the ability to inspire and motivate followers, create a shared vision, and foster a culture of innovation and change. This essay analyzes the characteristics of transformational leadership in non-profit organizations with a focus on international aid.
Characteristics of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders exhibit a distinct set of characteristics that set them apart from traditional leaders:
Visionary: Transformational leaders articulate a compelling vision that motivates followers and sets....
1. The life and beliefs of Marshall Applewhite: A cult leader's journey to infamy
2. Heaven's Gate: The rise and fall of Marshall Applewhite's cult
3. The psychology behind Marshall Applewhite's charismatic leadership in Heaven's Gate
4. Analyzing the reasons behind the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate cult followers
5. The influence of science fiction and apocalyptic beliefs on Marshall Applewhite's teachings
6. A comparison of Marshall Applewhite's leadership style with other infamous cult leaders
7. The legacy of Marshall Applewhite and Heaven's Gate in popular culture and media
8. The impact of social isolation and radical beliefs on the followers of the Heaven's Gate cult
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