Cesarean Section Essays (Examples)

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Cesarean Section Rate in the United States
Pages: 5 Words: 1753

Cesarean section rate in the United States has risen 30% and while the use of this method is in the form of a life-saving operation, cesarean section significantly increases a woman's risk morbidity mortality. This work will examine the potential risks to the mother and infant with cesarean section. The cesarean section for the United States will be examined and the rates compared to countries with much lower rates. This work will discuss why the rate is so high in the United States and what is being done to reduce the rates of cesarean sections as well as what nurses can do to reduce the cesarean section rate and to foster and support vaginal birth.
Recent Reports on Cesarean Deliveries

AU.S. News Today report published recently reports that the number of cesarean deliveries "rose significantly from 27% of births to 34%" and that the jump in C-sections "is a national trend." (2011)…...



Boyles, Salynn (2012) C-Section May Raise Child Obesity Risk: Obesity Rate Twice as High in Surgically Delivered Children. WebMD. 24 May 2012. Retrieved from:  http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20120524/c-section-may-raise-child-obesity-risk 

Cesarean Section (2012) Why Is the National U.S. Cesarean Section Rate So High? Childbirth Connection. Retrieved from  http://www.childbirthconnection.org/article.asp?ck=10456 

Norton, Amy (2012) Curbin C-sections could save countries billions. Reuters Health.  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/23/us-cesarean-idUSBRE82M0Z020120323 

Park, Alice (2010) Understanding the High C-section Rate in the U.S. Health Land TIME. Retrieved from:  http://healthland.time.com/2010/08/31/understanding-the-high-c-section-rate-in-the-us/

C-Sections in the United States While the
Pages: 2 Words: 674

C-Sections in the United States. While the article itself is not an empirical work, it draws extensively from the work of medical researchers and experts in the field. The phenomenon under consideration was the alarming increase in the rates of C-sections amongst all sectors of the American population. The writer used a bar chart to demonstrate that the numbers of C-sections have increased steadily from 1998 to 2007. The increase was from a low of 21 C-sections per 100 births in 1998, to 32 per 100 births in 2007. Overall, the numbers of C-sections has increased by more than 50% since 1996.
The main hypothesis tested examined the relationship between induction and C-sections. It was hypothesized that there was a direct relationship between the induction of labor in a woman and conducting a C-section. This hypothesis suggests that as the numbers of induced labors increase there will also be an…...



Rubin, R. (2010). Why has the U.S.A.'s cesarean section rate climbed so high? USA Today.

Retrieved from  http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/parenting-family/babies/2010-08-31-csection31_ST_N.htm

C-Sections Relative to Hospital Size a Cesarean
Pages: 5 Words: 1405

C-Sections elative to Hospital Size
A cesarean section, more commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure in which a fetus is delivered via a hysterotomy rather than a more typical vaginal delivery procedure. There are many medical reasons why a c-section is necessary, although the geographic and demographic distribution of c-sections shows many trends in the prevalence of the procedure, indicating medical necessity is not the only reason that the surgery is performed. Affluence and medical availability and infrastructure have clear impacts on the rate and outcome of c-sections.

In 2010, the World Health Organization estimated that on average, 10-15% of live births were via c-section, and the rate of c-sections in the United States, despite a rising popularity of alternative birthing methods (midwifes, home births, doulas, etc.), the c-sections have increased by 48% since 1996. While the size of hospitals studied when studying c-section outcomes has been noted,…...



Chen, Chin-Shyan et al. (2008). "Urbanization and the likelihood of a cesarean section" European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ad Reproductive Biology

Volume 141, Issue 2, Pp 104-110

Chris Macourt, et al. (2007). "Elective Cesarean Section and Decision Making: A Critical Review of the Literature" Birth..Volume 34, Issue 1, pp 65 -- 79.

Kritchevsky, SB et al. (1996). "Decreasing the cesarean section rate in a private hospital: Success without mandated clinical changes." American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Volume 174, Issue 1. Pp 184-191.

Gum Chewing Following Cesarean in Their Research
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Gum Chewing Following Cesarean
In their research article entitled "Gum-Chewing Speeds Return of First Bowel Sounds but Not First Defecation after Cesarean Section," Harma et al. (2009) explore a two-fold research question. First, they looked into the duration of postoperative ileus if gum was chewed following a cesarean section. Secondly they looked at whether there was a difference in the results when comparing patients who chewed sugar-free gum with the results of those who chewed gum with sugar substitute in it. In the experiment, 76 women were divided into three categories, the control group, the sugar-free gum group, and the group who were given sugar-substituted gum. The patients who got to chew gum did so every fifteen minutes starting two hours after their surgery. hat the researchers found was that there was no marked difference between the three groups in comparing the time it took to their first episode of flatus…...


Works Cited

Harma, M.I., Barut, I., Arkian, I.I., & Harma, M. (2009). Gum-chewing speeds return of first bowel sounds but not first defecation after cesarean section. Anatolian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1-3.

Lafon, C., & Lawson, L. (2012, April). Gum chewing as a strategy to reduce the duration of postoperative ileus. Gastrointestinal Nursing. Mark Allen. (10:3). 18-22.

Arnold Palmer Hospital Labor and Delivery Workflow
Pages: 5 Words: 1468

Arnold Palmer Hospital Labor and Delivery Workflow Analysis
The Arnold Palmer Hospital (AHC) located in Orlando, Florida is considered one of the most efficient and patient-centric healthcare providers in the U.S. due to the customer satisfaction scores the facility receives and amount of patients the hospital sees on an annual basis. The AHC has been ranked fifth in patient satisfaction out of 5,000 hospitals and sees on average 1.5 million children and women annually. It is the fourth-busiest labor and delivery hospital in the U.S. And the largest neonatal intensive care unit in the entire Southeastern U.S. AHC has also put into place one of the most thorough and well-respected continuous improvement processes in the U.S. healthcare system. With the goal of 100% patient satisfaction, AHC has created an entire quality management and improvement organization which is now a critical part of its culture.

Of the myriad of processes that AHC relies…...



Ahsan, K., Shah, H., & Kingston, P. (2010). Location context for knowledge management in healthcare. International Journal of Healthcare Technology & Management, 11(1), 3.

Bertolini, M., Bevilacqua, M., Ciarapica, F.E., & Giacchetta, G. (2011). Business process re-engineering in healthcare management: A case study. Business Process Management Journal, 17(1), 42-66.

Hellstrom, A., Lifvergren, S., & Quist, J. (2010). Process management in healthcare: Investigating why it's easier said than done. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 21(4), 499-511.

Whiteman, A.S. (2004). Applying quality management in healthcare: A process for improvement. Hospital Topics, 82(1), 37-37.

Is Pitocin Induction a Factor in Postpartum Hemorrhage
Pages: 6 Words: 1697

Pitocin Induction and Postpartum Hemorrhage

Is Pitocin Induction a Factor in Postpartum Hemorrhage?

The induction of oxytocin injection has been a bane of contention in the medical community not only because it has been listed as a high-alert medication, which incurs serious risks to the patient, the fetus and the institution. It is also used frequently to manage postpartum hemorrhage. This quantitative correlational study analyzes and presents the findings of five updated and authoritative sources on the subject and answers the questions surrounding the induction of oxytocin in postpartum hemorrhage and its appropriateness, efficacy and safety.

Postpartum hemorrhage occurs when there is blood loss greater than 500 ml during spontaneous vaginal delivery or 1,000 ml during a cesarean section delivery (Yiadom, 2010). Fortunately, in most cases, healthy females can tolerate much blood loss of more than 500 ml without incurring adverse conditions. The two types are early hemorrhage and late hemorrhage.…...



Balci, O. et al. (2011). Comparison of induction of labor with vaginal misoprostol plus

Oxytocin vs. oxytocin alone in term primigravidae. Vol. 2 # 9, Journal of Maternal

and Neonatal Medicine: Informa Healthcare Publishing Technology. Retrieved on January 12, 2014 from http://www.ingenta.connect.com/content/apl/mfn/2011/00000024/00000009/art00002

Clayworth, S. (2000). The nurse's role during Oxytocin administration. Vol. 25 # 2, The

Nursing Through Stages of Labor
Pages: 8 Words: 2635

However, women also receive labor support even when its starts at a later stage in labor, in settings with companions of their choice, and settings with routine epidural. The supportive care provided to women during labor and birth through the one-to-one nursing includes various processes like provision of physical comfort and information and emotional support. The other processes include assisting women to communicate to caregivers and engaging members of their family as desired by the woman.
As an important part of one-to-one nursing during stages of labor and delivery, continuous support during childbirth enhances the normal labor processes while lessening the use of obstetric interventions. Therefore, this kind of support is an exceptional element of maternity care that provides well-established incentives and has no identified disadvantages.

Enhancement of Spontaneous Vaginal Birth:

Since continuous one-to-one nursing support during childbirth enables women to avoid analgesia or anesthesia and cesarean surgery, it's vital in promoting…...



Barrett, S.J. & Stark, M.A. (2010). Factors Associated With Labor Support Behaviors of Nurses.

Journal of Perinatal Education, 19(1), 12-18. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2820357/ 

"Chapter 5 -- Care During Labour and Birth." (n.d.). Family-Centered Maternity and Newborn

Care: National Guidelines. Retrieved from Public Health Agency of Canada website:  http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hp-ps/dca-dea/publications/fcm-smp/fcmc-smpf-05-eng.php#careduring

Domestic Violence in Pregnancy and
Pages: 20 Words: 6040

In light of the evidence in this literature review then it is of great import that monitoring of the health of pregnant women is vital in reference to LW infants not only in the sense of present terms but as well to lifelong health considerations for the LW infant which is probably why stated further is: "Given the relative neglect that mothers and newborns have suffered, their centrality to the Millennium Development Goals, and the cost-effectiveness of maternal and newborn health interventions, a greater emphasis on safe motherhood and newborn health is clearly needed within many health sectors." (JHPIEGO, 2003)
Literature Review

Stated in the publication "Shaping Policy for Maternal and Newborn Health: A Compendium of Case Studies (2003) is that: "The health of a newborn is inextricably linked to the health of the mother; the majority of newborn deaths are caused by the poor health of the mother during pregnancy,…...



Krieger N. & Smith, G.(2004) Bodies County and body counts: Epidemiology and embodying inequality. Epidemiological Review Journal 200:26:92-103

Coker, AL et al. (2004) Partner Violence During Pregnancy and Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Pediatrics Perinatal Epidemiology 2004 Jul; 18 (4): 260-9. University of Texas School of Public Health.

Bohn, D.K. et al. (2004) Influences of Income, Education, Age, and Ethnicity on Physical Abuse before and During Pregnancy. Journal Obstetrics Gynecology Neonatal Nursing 2004 Sep-Oct; 33(5): 561-71.

Salihu, Boy a. (2004) Intimate Partner Violence and Birth Outcomes: A Systematic Review International Journal of Fertility Women's Medicine 2004 Jul-Aug; 49(4): 159-64. Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama.

Microbiome Can Be Defined as the Sum
Pages: 5 Words: 1528

Microbiome can be defined as the sum of microbes, their genetic genomes and their environmental interactions in a particular environment. The word Microbiome was inverted by Joshua Lederberg, one of the giants of molecular biology to designate all microbes. He emphasized that microorganisms inhabiting the human body should be included as part of the human genome, reason on the influence on human body physiology (Predator, 2012).
However, microbes are seen to be the dominant life form of Earth. Its bacteria organisms which live on the plant are outnumbering all other bacteria combined. According to Joshua Lederberg, Microbiome bacteria dominate not only the planet, but also new people. However, the body of each one of us is ten (10) times more microbial cells than other cells which are contained in the human body (Predators, 2012). Therefore, the number of microbial genes in the human body is one hundred and fifty (150) times…...



NAS. Interplay of the Microbiome, Environmental Stressors, and Human Health [workshop], 27 -- 28 April 2011, Washington, DC. Washington, DC:National Academies of Sciences (2011). Available:   [accessed 19 Jul 2011]http://tinyurl.com/4xotab3 

Rappaport SM, Smith MT. Environment and disease risks. Science 330(6003):460 -- 461. 2010.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1192603 

The Human Microbiome Project is an NIH program intended to characterize microbial communities at several different sites on the human body (nose, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and urogenital tract) and to investigate their role in health and disease.

The European Commission's Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract consortium investigates associations between human intestinal microbiota, human health, and disease.

Program Development the Program That
Pages: 7 Words: 1895

So, in those regards the curriculum is slowly catching up with the times. Personally, I would like to see additions such as a playing of the movie, "The Business of Being Born" at one of the sessions or as homework.
The second way that the curriculum should change within the next three years is to begin allowing more nurses to become certified teachers. Currently, it is easier for a parent to become a coach than it is for a nurse. The reason, according to Bradley, is that the parents have direct experience, whereas nurses only have book-related experience. In fact, Bradley does offer the option for nurses to become a teacher, but additional reading and exam requirements must be met.

Personally, I find it to be in the best interest of Bradley to offer their curriculum with open arms to nurses for one simple reason: the more nurses who know about…...


Works Cited

Halfon, Saul (2010). Encountering Birth: Negotiating Expertise, Networks, and My STS Self. Science as Culture, 19(1), 61-77.

Hathaway, Marjie; et al. (2007). The Bradley Method Student Workbook. American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth.

Lake, Rikki (2008). The Business of Being Born. Barranca Productions.

Lieberman, Adrienne (1992). Easing Labor Pain: The Complete Guide to a More Comfortable and Rewarding Birth. The Harvard Common Press, Boston.

Beyond the Critical Incident Itself Which Will
Pages: 8 Words: 2649

Beyond the critical incident itself, which will be described and looked at as part of this report, I will also bring in a number of major themes and analysis methods. The two major tools that will be used in this report are Carper's Fundamental Patterns of Knowing and Gibb's eflective Cycle. Each step and part of those two frameworks will be looked at in fairly strong detail. The essay will end with a conclusion that encapsulates and summarizes all the main points made throughout the report.
Coming back to the incident itself, the incident will not name the hospital or any of the people involved but the incident will be described with a strong level of detail. The details will include the problem that occurred, what led to the problem occurring, how the incident came about and climaxed and the resolution to the problem will be discussed at the end.…...





pp. 115-141, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 October 2013.

Brady, M 2013, 'How to improve patient care by learning from mistakes', Emergency

Healthy Mothers and Babies Recent Research
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Maternal Risk Entity
Is there anything more important to a family -- and to the community of interest around that family -- than the safe and healthy delivery of the brand new baby and its mother? Modern medicine has provided technologies and training to alleviate many of the risks vis-a-vis mother and infant, however there is never going to be a situation absolutely free of potential risks surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-pregnancy period. Hence, nurses and physicians and other healthcare professionals must stay informed and be fully prepared to come up with solutions when risky situations occur. This paper presents the peer-reviewed literature on several maternal risks and there possible remedies.

Infants' Risks in Late Preterm Births

In the peer-reviewed journal Birth, the authors point out that the preterm birth rate has risen from 10.6 births in 1990 to 12.8% in 2006 -- a twenty percent increase (Kirby, et al., 2010). Meanwhile…...


Works Cited

Hooker, L., Ward, B., and Verrinder, G. (2012). Domestic violence screening in maternal and child health nursing practice: A scoping review. Contemporary Nurse, 42(3), 198-215.

Kirby, R.S., and Wingate, M.S. (2010). Late Preterm Birth and Neonatal Outcome: Is 37 Weeks'

Gestation a Threshold Level or a Road Market on the Highway of Perinatal Risk? Birth, 37(2)


Ray Technology in Medicine How
Pages: 6 Words: 1960

Some sources also offer a different insight for the emergent increase in need of this technology. Bernike Pasveer follows the idea that it was because there was a need for efficient diagnosis methods (Pasveer, 1993, p89). It was only after the introduction of X-rays that there was a determination of the nature of tuberculosis. The need for an efficient method that disputed the myths was necessary, and that was achieved on the introduction of X-ray technology. This is supported by Andrew Warwick who claims that the reason why this technology is still significant was due to its diagnostic properties. However, Andrew differs from Bernike by instead using fractures as his example. Andrew explains the role of X-ray technology especially in Germany where the surgeons undertook this process to determine fractures and diagnose bone discrepancies (Warwick, 2005, p4). Incidentally, this is a role of the technology that is still in practice.





Andrew Warwick (2005), X rays as evidence in German orthopedic surgery.

Anja Hiddinga (1992), X-ray technology in obstetrics: Measuring pelvis at the Yale School of Medicine, in J.V Pickstone ed.

Bernike Pasveer (1993), Depiction in medicine as a two way affair: X -- ray Pictures and Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the early Twentieth century, in Ilana Lowy ed. (Pasveer,

1993, p89).

Quality Improvement Project Healthcare Associated Infections
Pages: 12 Words: 3609

NUSING AbstractHealthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) are the ones that are caught by the patient when they are at the hospital for the treatment of another medical condition. One of the common infections is urinary tract infection, which majorly affects the urinary tract system and causes pain and distress for the patients for the rest of their lives. If no proper precautions are taken during catheter insertion, which is considered one of the leading causes of UTI, and no timely treatment is given to the patient, consequences could be severe.The current project seeks to employ a quality improvement project by studying a similar retrospective project from literature. With the deployment of a PDSA cycle, need identification is made, and running a literature review and exploring the evidence-based practices for supporting the change. Further, the paper discusses the application of change theory and its various stages, selecting an inter-professional team for reviewing the…...


ReferencesAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2017, March). Guide to implementing a program to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections in long-term care.   T., Eliakim-Raz, N., Turjeman, A., Pujol, M., Carratala, J., Shaw, E., Grange, A.G., Vuong, C., Addy, I., Wiegand, I., Grier, S., MacGowan, A., Vank, C., Heuvel, L., & Leibovici, L. (2021). Risk factors for hospital re-admission following complicated urinary tract infection. Scientific Reports, 11.  https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-86246-7 Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015, October 16). Healthcare-associated infections: Catheter-associated urinary tract infection. https://www.cdc.gov/hai/ca_uti/uti.htmlGoldfield, N.I., McCullough, E.C., Hughes, J.S., Tang, A.M., Eastman, B., Rawlins, L.K. & Averill, R.F. (2008). Identifying potentially preventable re-admissions. Healthcare Financing Review, 30(1), 75-91. Hines, S.C. (2014). Strengthening national efforts to reduce healthcare-associated infections. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.  https://www.ahrq.gov/hai/patient-safety-resources/advances-in-hai/hai-article2.html  Huston, K. (2018, April 16). Blame your anatomy: Women are more prone to UTI than men. Norton Healthcare.  https://nortonhealthcare.com/news/uti-ecare/ Magers, T.L. (n.a.). Using evidence-based practice to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Lippincott Nursing Center.  https://www.nursingcenter.com/ce_articleprint?an=00000446-201306000-00027 Manchester, J., Gray-Miceli, D.L., Metcalf, J.A., Paolini, C.A., Napier, A.H., Coogle, C.L. & Owens, M.G. (2014). Facilitating Lewin’s change model with collaborative evaluation in promoting evidence-based practices of health professionals. Available at: Scholars Compass,  http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcoa_pubs/3  Manojlovich, M., Martin, S. & Carraway, S. (2017). Breaking down barriers to aseptic catheter insertion [PowerPoint slides]. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, AHRQ.  https://www.ahrq.gov/hai/cauti-tools/archived-webinars/breaking-down-barriers-slides.html Medinngs, J., Rogers, M.A.M., Krein, S.L., Fakih, M.G., Olmsted, R.N. & Saint, S. (2014). Reducing unnecessary urinary catheter use and other strategies to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection: An integrative view. BMJ Quality and Safety Journal, 23(4), 277-289.  https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001774 Montalvo, I. (2007). The national database of nursing quality indicators (NDNQI). OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3).  https://doi.org/10.3912/OJIN.Vol12No03Man02 Nicastri, E. & Leone, S. (2021). Guide to infection control in the healthcare setting: healthcare-associated urinary tract infections. International Society for Infectious Diseases.  https://isid.org/guide/hospital/urinary-tract-infections/  Nicolle, L.E. (2008). Healthcare-acquired urinary tract infection: The problem and solutions. Patient Safety Network (PS Net).  https://psnet.ahrq.gov/perspective/health-care-acquired-urinary-tract-infection-problem-and-solutions Pandey, D., Mehta, S., Grover, A., & Goel, N. (2015). Indwelling Catheterization in Caesarean Section: Time To Retire It! Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR, 9(9), QC01–QC4.  https://doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2015/13495.6415 Raynaldo, M. (2020). Implementing hospital-acquired pressure injury (HAPI) prevention program [Doctoral dissertation, University St. Augustine for Health Sciences]. SOAR.  https://doi.org/10.46409/sr.RIDN4317https://www.ahrq.gov/hai/quality/tools/cauti-ltc/modules/implementation/guide.html#core Babich,

Nursing Practice and Nursing
Pages: 3 Words: 1141

Theoretical-Empirical Structure (CTE) Evaluation of the oy Adaptation Model
There are a number of valuable outcomes that can be achieved using conceptual models, theories, and empirical indicators for advanced nursing practice, including the application of models or theories to real-world nursing practice, research, and education. To develop some first-hand experience in this area, this paper examines how the Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical (CTE) structure translates into nursing practice based on the oy Adaptation Model. A translation and application of this theory to nursing practice using actual examples is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the CTE structure and its implications for nursing practice in the conclusion.

Evaluation of the conceptual-theoretical-empirical linkages

There is an inextricable linkage between the conceptual, theoretical and empirical models that can help guide its application to nursing practice, research and education. For instance, according to Fawcett (2009), "It is impossible to conduct nursing research or to…...



Alkrisat, M. & Dee, V. (2014, December 1). The validation of the coping and adaptation processing scale based on the Roy Adaptation Model. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 22(3), 368-370.

Cowling, R. W. & Taliaferro, D. (2004, Fall). Emergence of a healing-caring perspective: Contemporary conceptual and theoretical directions. Journal of Theory Construction and Testing, 8(2), 54-58.

Fawcett, J. (2009, September/December). Using the Roy Adaptation Model to guide research and/or practice: Construction of conceptual-theoretical-empirical systems of knowledge. Aquichan, 9(3), 16-21.

Smith, M. C. (2001, March/April). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary nursing knowledge: Nursing models and theories. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 22(2), 92-95.

What are the key factors contributing to surgical site infections in obstetrics and gynecological patients?
Words: 836

Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a common complication following obstetrics and gynecological surgeries, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Several factors have been identified that can affect the risk of developing SSIs in these patient populations.
One of the key factors affecting SSIs in obstetrics and gynecological postoperative patients is the presence of comorbidities. Patients with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and immunosuppression are at a higher risk of developing SSIs due to impaired wound healing and increased susceptibility to infections (1).
Surgical technique and perioperative practices also play a crucial role in preventing SSIs. Inadequate sterilization of....

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