Certification Essays (Examples)

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Certification Trainers Newfoundland Canada I Introduction a
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Certification Trainers Newfoundland, Canada. I introduction a discussion Future Labour Demands . This entire paper involves post secondary training. The remainder paper focus: History Post secondary Education Standards ( National, provincial Industry) Institutions ( university, college, private, apprenticeship trades) Certification Process accreditation / legislation Conclusion Could I introduction discussion future labour demands?.
Certification of trainers in Newfoundland, Canada

The basis of the modern day labor force rely in the Industrial evolution, when the people moved from the rural areas to the urban regions, to become employed in factories and search for a better life. Yet, their initial hopes were crushed by exploitation, low wages, improved living conditions, unsafe workplaces and other such abuses (Mokyr, 1985). Gradually however, the people joined forces and formed unions that would fight for the rights of the workers. Despite the initial violent reaction to the unions that was characteristic of factory owners, the law makers came…...



Brown, P., Hesketh, A., Williams, S., 2004, The mismanagement of talent: employability and jobs in the knowledge economy, Oxford University Press

Mokyr, J., 1985, The economics of the industrial revolution, Allen & Unwin

2012, The world factbook -- Canada, Central Intelligence Agency, accessed on May 23, 2012https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ca.htmllast

Forecast of future labor supply and demand, United States Department of Defense,   last accessed on May 23, 2012http://dodcio.defense.gov/Home/Initiatives/NetGenerationGuide/ForecastofFutureLaborSupplyandDemand.aspx 

Certification and Accreditation of Pontius
Pages: 5 Words: 1275

Security categorizations are defined as per the level of effort needed for certification. Three categorization levels of security exist and are defined as follows:
This table has the definitions the three main security categorizations degree of effort based on them

This table shows the required SSP sections that are needed for systems in each of security categorizations.

When the initiation phase comes to an end, then the certification phase commences.



In this phase, the team mandated with certification evaluates the entire information system in order to determine whether the security requirements have been satisfied. They then proceed to identify any deficiencies or vulnerabilities. The corrections of the deficiencies/vulnerabilities that are severe enough to prevent system operation from being approved are a responsibility of the System Owner

System Security Plan. The SSP must bear a reflection the current system status. If there are modifications to the system security controls due to the certification evaluation process,…...



Public Law (1995.), Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

FIPS PUB 199 (2003), Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems, December 2003.

NIST SP 800-18 (1998), Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information Systems, December, 1998.

NIST SP 800-30 (2002), Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems, January 2002.

Certification and Licensure Exams
Pages: 5 Words: 1615

Licensing and Certifications

Under the laws of every state in the United States, certain professions require practitioners to obtain a license issued pursuant to state licensing guidelines.

Accountants, attorneys, engineers and physicians, in particular, must satisfy stringent requirements and attain a satisfactory score on professional licensing exams that individual states have established to qualify professionals intending to practice, which vary widely from state to state, in addition to satisfying any necessary educational degree requirements as a prerequisite to register for any licensing exam.

Precisely because the applicable statutes and specific scoring requirements vary between states, there is no national minimum standard for licensure, and practitioners must generally acquire a license in every state one wishes to practice, with certain limited exceptions that allow practitioners licensed in other states to participate in projects, represent clients or treat patients in other states. Nevertheless, the actual licensing exams for Certified Public Accountants, Professional…...



Certified Flooring Installers [Online Homepage] Accessed at  http://www.cfi-installers.org/certification.htm 

Federation of State Medical Boards [Online Homepage] Accessed at  http://www.fsmb.org/ 

International Fitness Professionals Association [Online Homepage] Accessed at  http://www.ifpa-fitness.com/Fitness-Certifications/fitness_certifications.htm 

National Accountancy of State Boards of Accountancy [Online Homepage] Accessed at  http://www.nasba.org/NASBAWeb.nsf/CBT-OpenFrameset

Licensure Certification and Accreditation Hospitals Must Meet
Pages: 3 Words: 1108

Licensure, Certification and Accreditation
hospitals must meet various requirements in order to legally function as hospitals. Three avenues/requirements are: state licensure, based on minimum state requirements for a hospital; DHHS certification based on requirements for participating in Medicare and Medicaid; and JCAHO accreditation, based on meeting standards set by the Joint Commission. Though JCAHO accreditation is an indication of at least better-than-State standards for performance and quality of care, the accreditation process has some inherent weaknesses.

The Role of Accreditation

In order to understand the role of "Accreditation" in health care, particularly for hospitals, it is best to also review the nature and roles of "Licensure" and "Certification." All three terms apply to many types of health care providers; however, this work focuses on hospitals. As we learned in our course, hospital "Licensure" is overseen by State governments and is usually administered by each State's department of health. Essentially, a license is a…...


Works Cited

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2012). Hospitals. Retrieved June 17, 2012 from www.cms.gov Web site:  http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/CertificationandComplianc/Hospitals.html 

Gebhart, F. (2011, July). Joint Commission changes HAI survey standards and focus. Retrieved June 17, 2012 from proquest.umi.com Web site:  http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=2406925841&SrchMode=2&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1340028890&clientId=14844 

Greenfield, D., & Braithwaite, J. (2008, March 28). Health sector accreditation research: A systematic review. Retrieved June 17, 2012 from www.pdfio.com Web site: http://www.pdfio.com/k-56805.html

Joint Commission. (2012). About the Joint Commission. Retrieved June 17, 2012 from www.jointcommission.org Web site:  http://www.jointcommission.org/about_us/about_the_joint_commission_main.aspx

NCLB Stance on Teacher Certification for Special
Pages: 4 Words: 1833

NCLB stance on teacher certification for special education and its impact in New Jersey. And, what students right do you feel is most important to uphold?
NCLB is, in other words, the 'No Child Left behind Act' that was passed by the President of the United States of America George Bush in the year 2002. The Act is an educational policy that is primarily meant for attempts to improve the performance of the Primary and the Secondary schools of America by increasing the standards of answerability and accountability for the various states of America, as well as the school districts, and also the various schools. Parents too would be able to find benefits form this Act because it would allow them the flexibility to choose the particular school that their children must attend. (Definitions of NCLB on the Web)

With the passage of the NCLB Act, the entire responsibility of public…...



"Definitions of NCLB on the Web" Retrieved From

  lr=& oi=defmore& q=define:NCLBhttp://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en& ;

Accessed on 14 July, 2005

"Education Update" Retrieved From

Licensing Accreditation and Certification Licensing
Pages: 2 Words: 536

This includes checking equipment, employee licensing, and general health concerns.
California also has special requirements which aim to ensure a complete lack of racist inequalities within the hospital environment. Every facility must incorporate a system where different languages, including nonverbal communication, are available to those patients who do not speak English as a first language. Proof of this system is necessary in order to fully give accreditation the specific facility.

Along with following such rules and regulations, the organization must stay on top of paying the state the necessary licensing fees to remain accredited within the eyes of the state of California. These include both survey and annual fees which are necessary for both private and public organizations. These fees are a necessity for any California business organization, and must be paid in full before the State will issue a healthcare organization full accreditation.

Once a specific hospital or private healthcare organization…...



Joint Commission. (2008). Comprehensive accreditation manual for hospitals. 11 July. 2008.  http://www.jointcommission.org/AccreditationPrograms/Hospitals/Standards/FAQs/default.htm

National Board Certification as a
Pages: 20 Words: 5551

(Holland, 2002)
Opponents of national board certification argue that these schools place only passing emphasis on future teachers' mastery of the subject matter they will teach their students. Those are, of course, the same educational programs from which many of the current education officials themselves graduated. Of course, they are loathe to admit that there are more intellectually productive routes to fulfilling, productive teaching careers according to Robert Holland. (Holland, 2002)

Since 1987, the education powers-that-be have taken that dictum to a higher level via the National oard for Professional Teaching Standards (NPTS). Through this entity -- which is lavishly funded by elite foundations and the government -- they assert that national certifying of teachers according to the prevailing intellectual standards of the education-school establishment will create a fleet of master teachers who will be instrumental in elevating the state of public-school teaching. (Holland, 2002)

Recently the certification-as-usual mindset has come under…...



Jeanne Ponessa, "Despite Rocky Road, Ed-School Accreditation on a Roll," Education Week, June 18, 1997.

Danielle Dunne Wilcox, "The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: Can It Live Up To Its Promise?," Better Teachers, Better Schools, The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1999.

Myron Lieberman, The Teacher Unions: How the NEA and AFT Sabotage Reform and Hold Students, Parents, Teachers, and Taxpayers Hostage to Bureaucracy, The Free Press, New York, 1997.

Linda Darling-Hammond, The Right to Learn: A Blueprint for Creating Schools That Work, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1997.

Laws and Rules in State Licensing and or Certification
Pages: 4 Words: 1723

Describe the criteria and standards for becoming a licensed professional counselor in your state of proposed practice. Include educational and experiential requirements for licensure, and the scope of practice for the selected state of practice.

In the state of Florida an individual will need to earn a graduate degree from a program that has been accredited by CACEP. It must be a mental health counseling degree, as opposed to another specialty. In addition to core content areas, it should include courses in substance abuse and human sexuality.

There are many universities and institutions that offer CACEP accreditation such as Capella and Walden. Capella University, offers three online CACEP- accredited master's in counseling programs. These programs included Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, and School Counseling. In addition, Walden University offers one of the only CACEP-accredited online M.S. In Mental Health Counseling degrees in the country (Patel, 2010).

In the state of…...



1) Kitchener, BA & Jorm, AF, 2002, Mental Health First Aid Manual. Centre for Mental Health Research, Canberra. p 5

2) Patel, V., Prince, M. (2010). Global mental health - a new global health field comes of age. JAMA, 303, 1976-1977

3) Richards, K.C.; Campania, C. Muse-Burke J.L (2010). "Self-care and Well-being in Mental Health Professionals: The Mediating Effects of Self-awareness and Mindfulness." Journal of Mental Health Counseling 32 (3): 247

4) Hattie, J.A.; Myers, J.E.; Sweeney, T.J. (2004). "A factor structure of wellness: Theory, assessment, analysis and practice." Journal of Counseling and Development 82: 354 -- 364.

Alternative Teacher Certification
Pages: 4 Words: 1186

Alternative Teacher Certification Issues
Why are Schools Hiring Non-Credentialed Teachers?

Because many school districts across the United States have been experiencing severe teacher shortages [the U.S. Department of Education projects that up to 2.7 million new teachers will be needed by 2013 (Shepherd, et al., 2003)], many districts have turned to unqualified, non-certified college graduates, to fill in for the dearth of fully-credentialed teachers. This policy puts people with college degrees into jam-packed classrooms, but are they really teachers? Of course not. And, are they able to teach writing, reading, math, science - and give bona fide tests - with the same degree of competence as teachers who have gone through the entire training period and have received their credentials? Certainly not, in most cases, this paper shows.

Surely, it is safe to say that schools that hire non-credentialed individuals and call them "teachers" in order to put warm bodies in the classrooms…...



Barnett, Barry. (2001). No Shortcuts to Preparing Good Teachers. Educational Leadership, 32-36.

Fratt, Lisa (2004). Study: Certified Teachers Can Increase Test Scores. District Administration.

Green, Miranda. (2004). "Worrying" increase in unqualified teachers school staff.

The Financial Times, 6.

Health Care -- Licensing Accreditation and Certification
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Health Care -- Licensing, Accreditation and Certification -- Case Assignment King/rew Medical Center
JCAHO accreditation is a formal "seal of approval" by an authorized organization while JCAHO certification is a "gold seal of approval" by a private arm of JCAHO given for adherence to high national standards. Both types of recognition provide numerous benefits and notable disadvantages, some of which overlap. A cautionary tale about official approval and the loss of it is provided by King/rew Medical Center, which was eventually forced out of business. Fortunately, the underserved population of South Los Angeles County that was formerly served by King/rew looks forward to the 2013 opening of the Martin Luther King-Harbor Hospital.


Accreditation and Certification, Their Relative Significance, As Well As Advantages and isadvantages


Accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) is a formal "seal of approval" for health care organizations meeting uniform national standards by an authorized…...


Deficiencies at King/Drew That Resulted In the Problems and Current Status/Prognosis for King/Drew

King/Drew was the Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School, established in 1966, which joined forces with the Martin Luther King General Hospital, constructed across the street in 1972 (Calderon & Beltran, 2004). Consequently, the King/Drew Medical Center (KDMC) is deemed to have opened in 1972 (Mitchell, 2006). KDMC included a 2-year medical school and a hospital located in Willowbrook (Mitchell, 2006), south of Watts (Weber, Ornstein, & Leonard, 2007) and serving mostly poor and minority residents of Watts, Compton, Willowbrook, South Central and Lynwood in South Los Angeles (Ornstein, 2005). In its decades of existence, KDMC trained thousands of doctors, served millions of people and saved thousands of lives (Calderon & Beltran, 2004).

From its inception, KDMC endured internal and external difficulties that were crippling and eventually fatal. First, its structure was inherently weak: as a two-year medical school, its access to certain types of funding, including research funding, was automatically limited and KDMC had considerable difficulty attracting high-quality students, educators and administrators (Calderon & Beltran, 2004). Secondly, its existence as a "safety-net" hospital for poor, at-risk populations further limited its funding and forced KDMC to rely on the L.A. County Department of Health Services (LACDHS) and the L.A. County Board of Supervisors (LACBOS) for funding and oversight, though those organizations already labor in a system with huge budget deficits (Calderon & Beltran, 2004). Third, KDMC faced critical issues due to changing demographics: in a five-mile radius of KDMC, from 1980 to 2000 the African-American population sank from 64% to 35%

Scrum Certifications and Tool
Pages: 3 Words: 943

The PMI-ACP is a professional certification that is offered by a selected few institutes to individuals. PMI (Project Management Institute) is known to offer professional certification for agile practitioners known as PMI Agile Certified Practitioners (PMI-ACP). The examination for PMI professional certification stands apart from other project management certification examination development practices. The PMI is known to align itself with certification industry best practices, just like the ones that are used in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (Project Management Institute, 2014). In order to get the PMI-ACP certification, one must attain the minimum requirements education and professional experience requirements. One must have a secondary degree, have 12 months of having worked on project teams over the last 5 years, 8 moths of having worked on project teams using the agile methodologies over the last three years and at least 21 contact hours earned in agile practices. On the other…...



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Rasmusson J., (2017). Burndown Charts. Retrieved October 1, 2017 from  http://www.agilenutshell.com/burndown 

Reggie, (2015). The Right Tool: Scrumwise vs Jira. Retrieved October 1, 2017 from http://www.b2cloud.com.au/general-thoughts/the-right-tool-scrumwise-vs-jira/

Scrum Alliance, (2016). Certified ScrumMaster (CSM). Retrieved October 1, 2017 from  https://www.scrumalliance.org/certifications/practitioners/certified-scrummaster-csm 

Target Process Inc., (2017). Backlog Planning and Management. Retrieved October 1, 2017 from  https://www.targetprocess.com/guide/solutions/work-management/project-management/ 


How Alternative Certification Affects New Teacher Effectiveness
Pages: 43 Words: 9828

TABLE OF CONTENTSPageLIST OF TABLES .LIST OF FIGUES .ChaptersI. INTODUCTION .Overview .Statement of the Problem .Purpose of the Study .Conceptual Framework .esearch Questions .ationale for the Study .Significance of the Study .Definition of Key Terms .Organization of the Study .Summary .2. EVIEW OF THE LITEATUE .Overview .Background .Conceptual Framework .Summary ..3. METHODOLOGY ..Overview .esearch Design .Participants ..Instrumentation ..Data Collection ..Data Analysis ..Limitations of the Study Summary .AbstractToday, education in the United States is faced with the triple whammy of a critical shortage of qualified teachers, high rates of attrition for new teachers and inadequate resources to support existing public schools. Therefore, the overarching purpose of this study is to help educational leaders identify and develop best practices to help both alternatively and traditionally certified teachers improve academic outcomes while reducing unplanned turnover rates by new teachers leaving the profession entirely. This purpose is aligned with the authors field of study…...


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Licensure Certification and Accreditation Kaiser Permanente
Pages: 3 Words: 982

Kaiser Permanente (N. California) NCQA Accreditation
Kaiser Permanente (Northern California) NCQA Accreditation

Accreditation is a comprehensive evaluation process in which a health care organization's systems, processes and performance are examined by an impartial external organization -- an accrediting body -- to ensure that it is conducting business in a manner that meets predetermined criteria and is consistent with national standards (Iglehart, 1996). The 2010 federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for use of accreditation to ensure quality in the managed health care sector and provide resources to state policymakers through public-private partnerships. Accreditation also helps promote compliance with state law. States use accreditation as a part of their overall effort to evaluate and improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of health care.

The accreditation process seeks to identify best practices and promote continuous quality improvements through ongoing performance measurements (Katzfey, 2004). Specialized advisory groups help to draft and periodically review accreditation standards. The independent…...



Evans, M. (2011). Model support. Modern Healthcare, 41(47), 16.

Greenfield, D., Pawsey, M., & Braithwaite, J. (2011). What motivates professionals to engage in the accreditation of healthcare organizations? International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(1), 8-14.

Iglehart, J.K. (1996). The National Committee for Quality Assurance. New England Journal Of Medicine, 335(13), 995-999. doi:10.1056/NEJM199609263351322.

Jaafaripooyan, E., Agrizzi, D., & Akbari-Haghighi, F. (2011). Healthcare accreditation systems: further perspectives on performance measures. International Journal For Quality In Health Care, 23(6), 645-656.

Staffing a New Crime Laboratory
Pages: 4 Words: 1688

The second is the methods of work that must follow a quality certified system.
Overall System Design

Since the work relates to scientific study, a scientific temperament and better equipped laboratory is a must. For each section of the system dealing with major and minor investigations, appropriate equipments, modern electronic gadgets and data processing systems must be provided and they must also be upgraded frequently. The personnel must be trained in the use and proper management of digital forensic laboratories and high technology crime detection and investigation. These must be installed and maintained on turnkey approach. One suggestion is to contract a company which has experience in setting up the lab and turn over the installation to them. For example, the Pyramid Company provides turnkey contracts for setting up such Laboratories and Centres. (Pyramic Cyber, 2012) Such service providers would provide for the commissioning of equipments and tools as specified by…...



ASCLD/LAB-International (2010) "Program Overview" Retrieved 14 November, 2012 from  http://www.ascld-lab.org/documents/AL-PD-3041.pdf 

CSTL. (2000) "Quality assurance standards for Forensicnda DNA Testing Laboratories"

Forensic Science Communications, vol. 2, no. 3, Retrieved 14 November, 2012 from  http://www.cstl.nist.gov/strbase/QAS/Final-FBI-Director-Forensic-Standards.pdf .

Forensic Access. (2011) "Quality management and quality standards support to the police:

Enhancing Security in Civil Aviation
Pages: 2 Words: 723

Airline Operations
The Airline Certification Process And Dot eporting egulations

Airline certification is a complex process that involves a series of steps an airline company should follow and meet its requirements for the certification process. The certification provides the airline company with the authority to carry out its operations in the global markets with minimal limitations. The certification process begins with filling in the application form in the air carrier authority. The information provided when filling the form includes supporting information, confidentiality treatment, service, and filing. The application is then processed by the carrier authority staff where they make decisions based on the information provided by the company and their credibility. Upon the acceptance by the staff, evidence requirements are submitted by the organization applying for the certificate. Evidence requirements include information such as fitness test, corporate ownership and structure, technical ability and management expertise of the organization, and operating plans of…...



Belliotti, R., National Research Council (U.S.). Airport Cooperative Research Program. & United States. (2010). Reference guide on understanding common use at airports. Washington, D.C: Transportation Research Board.

Parsons Brinckerhoff, Chait, E.P., Cambridge Systematics, & National Cooperative Highway Research Program. (2008). GASB 34 -- methods for condition assessment and preservation. Washington, D.C: Transportation Research Board, National Research Council

United States. & National Research Council (U.S.). (1998). Improving the continued airworthiness of civil aircraft: A strategy for the FAA's Aircraft Certification Service. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press

I am working on an essay about Mental Health Funding for First Responders. I am looking for key points that illustrate the problem?
Words: 368

It is difficult to address the issue of lack of mental health funding for first responders without first acknowledging the general lack of appropriate thoughts about mental health.  While physical illness is treated as a legitimate illness and self-care to help avoid that illness is supported, mental illness is oftentimes still treated like a character defect.  People who seek assistance for mental health not only have to face a lack of funding, but often have to worry about whether the stigma that attaches to seeking such help will work against them in their future professional lives. For....

I need help writing a 10 year career plan for a class is due next week?
Words: 403

When writing a career plan, it is important to take into account all of the factors that could impact your career in the projected period.  You want to look at where you want to be in ten years, but, more importantly, you want to look at the steps that you are going to need to take to get there.  If you know that you will have significant personal events occurring in that time period or that you want to have occur in that time period, you want your plan to accommodate those....

I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 474

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what cosmetology is
B. Importance of cosmetology in personal care and beauty industry

II. History of Cosmetology
A. Origins of cosmetology
B. Evolution of cosmetology over time

III. Education and Training in Cosmetology
A. Types of cosmetology programs and schools
B. Curriculum and skills learned in cosmetology training
C. Licensing and certification requirements for cosmetologists

IV. Specializations within Cosmetology
A. Hair styling and cutting
B. Makeup artistry
C. Nail care and manicures
D. Skincare treatments

V. Career Opportunities in Cosmetology
A. Job outlook for cosmetologists
B. Potential salary ranges for cosmetologists
C. Work environments for cosmetologists


I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on how do you plan teacher interview?
Words: 491

How to Plan a Comprehensive and Thought-provoking Teacher Interview


Conducting effective teacher interviews is crucial for schools seeking exceptional candidates who can inspire and nurture students' growth. A well-planned interview process ensures that the school identifies the most qualified and promising educators. This essay explores the essential steps involved in planning a comprehensive and thought-provoking teacher interview.

1. Define the Selection Criteria

Before initiating the interview process, it is imperative to establish clear selection criteria. These criteria should align with the school's values, mission, and specific subject area requirements. Consider factors such as:

- Education and Certification
- Relevant Teaching Experience
- Content Knowledge and Pedagogical....

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