CEEBAL PALSY is the term used to describe mental retardation in children with malformed brains. It has been noticed that the disorder generally occurs in premature children or kids who needed intensive care right after birth. Causes of the disorder are unknown but it is believed that all children with this problem have underdeveloped brains or improper brain functioning, which can be caused by premature birth, injury during birthing process or injury in mother's womb. Many believe that cerebral palsy is not one disorder but like other childhood conditions including ADHD, CP also represents several disorders where a child loses control over his muscles and movements. But it has been medically proved that impaired muscle control is not the result of faulty muscles but is solely connected with improper functioning of the brain.
When a certain part of the brain is injured or underdeveloped, it affects a person's connection with his…...
THE ALFRED I. DUPONT INSTITUTE, Cerebral Palsy: a Guide for Care
Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
cerebral palsy affects motor development. A brief introduction to cerebral palsy will be given, and then a more detailed look at exactly how motor development is affected will be entered into.
Cerebral palsy is a general term for a variety of disorders caused by damage to the brain (Schuelein, 2002). The damage occurs before or during birth or in the first few years of life, and may cause severe crippling, or the symptoms may be so mild that they hardly interfere with the patient's activities (Schuelein, 2002).
There are several types of cerebral palsy, and all involve lack of muscle control: common effects of the disorder include a clumsy walk, lack of balance, shaking, jerky movements, and unclear speech (Schuelein, 2002). In many patients, the brain damage also causes mental retardation, learning disability, seizures, and problems in sight and hearing (Schuelein, 2002).
In most cases of cerebral palsy, the causes of faulty…...
Barbosa, V.M. et al. (2003). Longtitudinal performance of infants with cerebral palsy on the Test of Infant Motor Performance and on the Alberta Infant Motor Scale. Phys. Occup. Ther. Pediatr. 23(3): 7-29.
Dabney, KW et al. (1997). Cerebral palsy. Curr. Opin. Pediatr. 9(1): 81-8.
Damanio, D.L. And Abel, M.F. (1996). Relation of gait analysis to gross motor function in cerebral palsy. Dev. Med. Child. Neurol. 3(5): 389-396.
Hanna, S.E. et al. (2003). Development of hand function among children with cerebral palsy: growth curve analysis for ages 16 to 70 months. Dev. Med. Child. Neurol. 45(7): 448-455.
young adult living with cerebral palsy functions in the world today and provides a transition plan for either college or work after high school. There are sixteen references used for this paper.
People living with cerebral palsy face many challenges, however, with the right resources, they can become productive members of society. Whether a young adult chooses to attend college or enter the job force upon completion of high school, he needs to research all of the options available to him in order to format a transition plan into adulthood.
Defining Cerebral Palsy
Before determining what is the best course for someone with cerebral palsy to take in life, it is important to understand cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a medical condition that affects a person's control of his muscles. The word cerebral pertains to the head and brain while the word palsy refers to a person's inability to use some of…...
Acord, Deb. (1996, 09 December). TRAILBLAZERS: People with disabilities find ways to enjoy the wilderness. The Dallas Morning News. Pp. 3C.
Becker, Heather & Schaller, James. (1995, 15 April). Perceived health and self-efficacy among adults with cerebral palsy. Vol. 61, The Journal of Rebilitation.
Pp. 36.
Betz, Cecily L. (1998, 11 January). Adolescent transitions: a nursing concern. Pediatric Nursing.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke notes that the earlier treatment begins, the more the patient can benefit. In fact, many cerebral palsy patients go on to live nearly normal, healthy lives if their treatment begins early enough. Drugs may be used to help control seizures, but most treatment includes physical, speech, and/or occupational therapies, surgery to control some muscle defects, wearing braces to correct misshaped limbs, and in more severe cases, wheelchairs or voice-synthesizing computers. None of these will cure the disease, and research continues into finding ways to enhance treatment.
How can you tell if your child is afflicted with the condition? The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke offer these most common signs of the condition in children. "lack of muscle coordination when performing voluntary movements (ataxia); stiff or tight muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity); walking with one foot or leg dragging; walking on…...
Condeluci, Al. "Empowering People with Cerebral Palsy." The Journal of Rehabilitation 55.2 (1989): 15+.
Editors. "Cerebral Palsy Information Page." NINDS.nih.gov. 2 Oct. 2006. 12. Oct. 2006. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/cerebral_palsy/cerebral_palsy.htm
Teaching Manding Through Functional Communication
Teaching Manding Thorugh Functional Communication Training To A 53-year-old Man With Cerebral Palsy
Self-injurious behavior (SIB) usually occurs in mentally retarded persons. There are certain genetic syndromes which are more likely to cause self-injury as part of the behavioral phenotype of the condition. SIB can be quite devastating since it is a characteristic of several mental disorders. About 5-17% of all people who have intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities usually engage in self-injurious behavior in a repetitive nature with some having the number of incidences of self-injurious behavior being quite high. The incidence of self-injurious behavior in those who are mentally retarded can exceed 50%. SIB is a chronic problem Mikhail & King, 2001.
Emerson (1995)
found that out of 95 individuals who were mentally retarded, about 71% of them still showed signs of self-injurious behavior up to 7 years later. Functional communication is one of the methods of…...
Emerson, E. (1995). Challenging Behaviour. Analysis and Intervention in People with Learning Difficulties. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gerra, L.L., & Dorfman, S. (1995). Functional communication as a means of decreasing self-injurious behavior: A case study. [Article]. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 89(4), 343.
Harding, J.W., Wacker, D.P., Berg, W.K., Winborn-Kemmerer, L., Lee, J.F., & Ibrahimovic, M. (2009). Analysis of Multiple Manding Topographies during Functional Communication Training. [Article]. Education & Treatment of Children (West Virginia University Press), 21-36.
Howlett, M.A., Sidener, T.M., Progar, P.R., & Sidener, D.W. (2011). Manipulation of motivating operations and use of a script-fading procedure to teach mands for location to children with language delays. journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(4), 943-947.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Etiology and Risk Factors of Cerebral alsy:
This essay topic invites an examination of the causes and risk factors associated with cerebral palsy. It involves an exploration of the various prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal factors that contribute to the development of this neurological condition. The essay would also discuss genetic influences, maternal health, birth complications, and early childhood infections as part of the complex interplay of factors leading to cerebral palsy.
2. Living with Cerebral alsy: Challenges and Support Systems:
This topic focuses on the daily life experiences of individuals with cerebral palsy and their families. It covers the spectrum of challenges they face, such as mobility issues, communication barriers, and social integration. The essay should also delve into the roles that healthcare services, educational systems, community support, and assistive technologies play in enhancing the quality of life for those affected by cerebral palsy.
3. Advances in Treatment and Therapy…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Rosenbaum, Peter, et al. \"A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006.\" Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Supplement 109.49 (2007): 8-14.
Aisen, Mindy L., et al. \"Cerebral palsy: clinical care and neurological rehabilitation.\" The Lancet Neurology 10.9 (2011): 844-852.Sanger, Terence D., et al. \"Definition and classification of negative motor signs in childhood.\" Pediatrics 118.5 (2006): 2159-2167.Peterson, Mark D., Edward A. Hurvitz, and Mary L. Greenland. \"Trends in the Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy in a Population-Based Study.\" Pediatrics 130.6 (2012): e1573-e1580.Noritz, Garey H., and Amy J. Houtrow. \"Evaluation and management of children with cerebral palsy.\" Pediatrics 140.2 (2017): e20171489.
Essay Topic Examples
1. Understanding Cerebral alsy:
An in-depth look at what cerebral palsy is, its causes, symptoms, and the various types of cerebral palsy.
2. The Impact of Cerebral alsy on Daily Life:
Exploration of how cerebral palsy affects individuals in their daily activities, from mobility to social interactions.
3. Advances in Cerebral alsy Treatment:
Discussion on the latest medical and therapeutic advancements aimed at improving the quality of life for those with cerebral palsy.
4. Educational Strategies for Children with Cerebral alsy:
Examination of educational approaches and accommodations that help children with cerebral palsy thrive in school settings.
5. The Role of Family and Community Support:
Analysis of how family dynamics and community resources can influence the life outcomes for individuals with cerebral palsy.
Essay Title Examples
1. Navigating Life with Cerebral alsy
2. Cerebral alsy: A Journey of Resilience
3. Breaking Barriers: Living Beyond Cerebral alsy
4. The Science and Soul of Cerebral alsy
5. Empowerment through Understanding…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesBobath, Berta, and Karel Bobath. Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation. Wiley-Blackwell, 2000.Novak, Iona, et al. \"A systematic review of interventions for children with cerebral palsy: state of the evidence.\" Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 55, no. 10, 2013, pp. 885-910.
McIntyre, Sarah, et al. \"Cerebral palsy—don\'t forget the brain: a review of the evidence for improved brain health outcomes in cerebral palsy.\" Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 55, no. 1, 2013, pp. 28-36.Rosenbaum, Peter, et al. \"A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006.\" Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 49, no. s109, 2007, pp. 8-14.Shevell, Michael I. \"Cerebral palsy: epidemiology.\" Handbook of Clinical Neurology, vol. 110, 2013, pp. 15-22.
DISABILITY IGHTS MOVEMENTesource 1: Cerebral Palsy esearch PaperIn the first resource, the focus was on the definition, types, and treatment of cerebral palsy disease using home-based intervention programs. As highlighted in the document, cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle tone, movement and body coordination. According to Mayo Clinic (2021), these are brought about by brain damage that occurs to the developing and immature brain before birth. This happens to be the case owing to various reasons which are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; infant infections, bleeding into the brain, fetal stroke, and maternal infections. Apart from the use of home-based interventions as highlighted in the document, there are various ways through which cerebral palsy can be treated. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2021), in the most severe cases, cerebral palsy can be treated through surgery whereby tightly contracted and…...
mlaReferencesCDC (2022). Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2022). Treatment and Intervention Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/treatment.html Mayo Clinic (2021). Cerebral Palsy. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cerebral-palsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20353999 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2021). What are Common Treatments for Cerebral Palsy? https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/cerebral-palsy/conditioninfo/treatments https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/signs.html#:~:text=Autism%20spectrum%20disorder%20(ASD)%20is,%2C%20moving%2C%20or%20paying%20attention .CDC
ecause the germinal matrix is so very primitive and thin, there is a much higher chance that it could rupture. How primitive the glial and mesenchymal tissues are have a great deal to do with the extent of the hemorrhage (www.emedicine.com).
Within the United States, the number of babies that have IVH is related to how old they are gestationally when they are born and what type of birthweight they have. Perinatal care and obstetric care have increased greatly in recent years, and more mothers are becoming aware of how important this kind of care is. Due to this, there are more babies that are carried to term, and more premature infants are able to survive the problems that they are often faced with. Since this is the case, the incidence of IVH, which was as high as 50% in 1977, has come down to between 8-56%. Most nurseries have…...
Pediatrics.aappublications.org. (1980). Mitchell, W., and O'Tuama, L. Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhages in infants: a widening age spectrum. Pediatrics. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/65/1/35 .
A www.emedicine.com.(2004). Leung, A. MD. Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage. Emedicine. http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic305.htm
Patient Intake ecord
Case eport
Patient's Name: Perez, B
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 06/XX/1985
Occupation: egistered Nurse
Marital Status: Single
Phone [HIDDEN] Private
Chief Complaint: Bell's palsy
History of Present Illness:
The patient states she first felt numbness on her tongue 10 days ago. When she woke up in the morning and was cleaning her teeth, the water was dripping from her mouth. Her right eye was not able to close completely, and she felt numbness on the right side of her face.
Medical History:
The patient consulted with her doctor who confirmed the diagnosis as Bell's palsy; her doctor prescribed prednisone for 14 days. The patient came to see me on 8/29/2013. The patient states she has pain and numbness on the right side of her face, drooling, loss of the ability to taste, and her right eye cannot fully open or close and has excessive tearing.
Personal History:
Menstrual History: She is taking birth control pills.
Obstetrical History: None
Smoking/Addiction/Alcohol History: None
[1] Deng, T (1999)."Abdominal pain," in Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, K. Ergil, Ed: Churchill Livingstone, London, UK, 1999, pg. 464 -- 472.
[2] Wolfe, H (2003). "Joining Needling for Facial Paralysis." Blue Poppy Press. Accessed 10 June 2005.
[3] Bell's Facial Paralysis, Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vol. II (1990), Practical English Chinese Library of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pg. 964.
[4] Suk, YM (2008). Understanding the Jin Gui Yao Lue, A Practical Textbook, Peoples' Medical Publishing House, pg. 110.
Authors Communicate
There are a number of points of interest regarding "Massage therapy in post-operative rehabilitation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy - a pilot study." On the whole this is an extremely well-organized article, which is one of its primary strengths. The different sections and phases of the research are well documented. There are a variety of tables that elucidate several components related to the literature review, the results, and the particulars of the subjects considered in the research. However, there is more than one area of the study in which the researchers could have benefited from the use of more substantial effort and a more thorough methodology, which is certainly reflected in the results and the conclusion.
The central weakness of this study is the fact that all of the results were based on research performed on just six subjects. To the credit of the researchers they initially…...
O'Conner, P. (2003). Woe is I: The grammarphobe's guide to better English in plain English. New York: Riverhead Books
Describe how teachers may use assistive technology effectively with students with cerebral palsy or other physical disabilities.
Children with cerebral palsy can be aided with assistive technology that allows them to communicate more effectively, such as manual communication boards. This form of technology allows the student to speak in class and participate, just like his or her peers.
Question 3: Describe some of the possible effects of substance abuse by the mother during pregnancy. How do these effects impact the child's development?
Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause delayed intellectual development, as well as many other physical health problems that affect the child's appearance and social functioning. It has been hypothesized that drug addiction can cause children to be more hyperactive, and have attention-deficit problems. Although this correlation is not certain, it is noteworthy that substance abuse is often linked to premature and low-weight births, which in and of itself can put the…...
It can be used to establish language dominance, to determine whether a student is performing at grade level in academic subjects in his native language, and to distinguish whether or not a student's weaknesses are due to limited English proficiency or to a specific learning disability. The test has the following sections: 1) eadiness; 2) Speech; 3) Functional Word ecognition; 4) Oral eading; 5) eading Comprehension; 6) Word Analysis; 7) Listening; 8) Writing and Alphabetizing; 9) Numbers and Computation; and 10) Measurement. Not all parts of the test are administered to every student because the teacher/test administrator is encouraged to check off skills that she knows the student has mastered (Brigance Diagnostic Assessment of Basic Skills).
Obstacles Associated with the research
As it relates to conducting and carrying out the aforementioned research there are certain potential obstacles that exist. The first of which has to do with receiving the appropriate amount…...
Brigance Diagnostic Assessment of Basic Skills. http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/databases/EAC/EAC0056.htm
Lombardi, T.P. (Ed.). (1999). Policy and Practice. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.
Odom S.L. (2000) Preschool Inclusion: What We Know and Where We Go from Here. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. Volume: 20 (1). Pg. 20.
Beyond High School
I started at Essex Community College immediately after completing my high school. I joined the college seeking a degree in nursing and was also advised by my advisor to start college before going into any university. Before joining Essex Community College, I joined Coppin State University, but because of initial difficulties in adjusting in a university fresh out of high school and on the advice of my mentor, I joined the college so as to get used to the environment of colleges and then adjust in the university.
My troubles started when I became pregnant during my nursing classes in the Essex Community College, and because of severe illness, I had to leave my studies midway. After leaving I started my career as a Certified Geriatric Assistant and continued my personal life as a single mother. Managing career and personal duties as a single mother of young children was…...
working with a small group of children from years 4 doing a reading activity sheet set by the teacher. One child is being disruptive and "off task."
It is possible the child is off-task because he or she is not quite developmentally ready either for pre-reading tasks or tasks that include worksheets. The child might be feeling somewhat insecure. Like the child who is given a toy too advanced for him and plays with the box instead of the boy, the child might be in a little too deep. I would sit by the child and encourage him, simplifying the task for him if necessary, providing moral support and using his paper as an example so he would have the help he needs. Probably proximity alone would calm his behavior but he might need more than that.
A couple of older preschoolers are teasing a child with cerebral palsy by imitating…...
Outline of the Potential Risks and Challenges Associated with Teenage Pregnancy
I. Physical Risks to the Mother
A. Preterm labor and premature birth
B. Low birth weight babies
C. Gestational diabetes
D. Preeclampsia and eclampsia
E. Postpartum hemorrhage
F. Cesarean delivery
II. Physical Risks to the Baby
A. Prematurity and its associated health problems
B. Low birth weight and its associated health problems
C. Cerebral palsy
D. Mental retardation
E. Respiratory distress syndrome
F. Jaundice
III. Social and Emotional Risks to the Mother
A. Dropping out of school
B. Poverty
C. Homelessness
D. Child abuse and neglect
E. Mental health problems
F. Relationship....
1. Educate society about the causes and symptoms of cerebral palsy: Scientific research has provided valuable insights into the underlying causes and symptoms of cerebral palsy. By disseminating accurate information about the condition, misconceptions can be challenged, and individuals with cerebral palsy can be better understood and supported.
2. Raise awareness about treatment and management options: Advances in scientific research have led to the development of new treatment and management options for individuals with cerebral palsy. By highlighting these advancements, society can gain a better understanding of how individuals with cerebral palsy can lead fulfilling and independent lives.
3. Promote inclusivity and....
Harnessing Scientific Advancements to Combat Misconceptions and Foster Understanding of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP), a group of neurological disorders affecting movement and posture, is often shrouded in misconceptions that hinder societal understanding and inclusivity. Advancements in scientific research can be harnessed as powerful tools to challenge these misconceptions and educate the public, fostering a more informed and compassionate society.
Breaking Down Misconceptions
Misconception 1: CP is solely a physical disability affecting mobility.
Scientific Evidence: Research reveals that CP can also manifest in cognitive, sensory, and communication impairments. By studying the underlying brain abnormalities, scientists have expanded our understanding of CP's multifaceted nature.
Misconception 2:....
In conclusion, cerebral palsy symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and may change over time with therapy. While the condition does not worsen, the resulting brain damage is permanent and can have lifelong effects. Early intervention is key, especially for those with mild symptoms, in order to provide the necessary support and care. It is important to monitor any signs of developmental delays in children and seek help from a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment. Early intervention programs can improve the quality of life for individuals with mild cerebral palsy by providing them with personalized therapy and....
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