Speaking with professors in these subjects, to prepare them for student comprehension difficulties, is one cost-effective way to deal with the problem. Professors, particularly in technical subjects, might be able to schedule special review sessions specifically designed to cope with the challenges of ESL students.
Students from foreign nations often need transitional support in adjusting to the new environment. Having students from the existing Hispanic community create support groups and cultural activities, as well as a special orientation sessions to address ESL student's unique challenges would enable students to bond together in their common struggle, while still allow them to connect with others individuals outside of the ESL community.
As students become integrated into the community, it is essential to ensure that they continue to expand their academic and social English vocabulary. Having summer 'meetings' and outings for students residing within the U.S. At that time, and creating special events (such…...
" (King, 1) This means that
interpersonal communication is not simply a process by which we pronounce
and defend our interests, but one by which we attempt to understand the
position of our opponent or relational partner. Using the method of clear
communication and displaying a willingness to step outside of one's
perceptual filters in order to attain some level of empathy for the
opposite party, it should be possible to better field and even satisfy some
of this party's demands.
By incorporating the host of relationships addressed here above into a
unified support system comprised of both healthcare specialists and members
of the patient's personal network, it may be possible to appeal both to the
rational and emotional interests of the patient. Combined, these forces
may have the capacity to assure the patient of his strength to endure a
treatment that could ultimately relieve him of pain and prolong his life.
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King, D. (2000). Four Principles of interpersonal communication.
Pellissippi State Technical Community…...
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Pellissippi State Technical Community College. Online at http://www.pstcc.edu/facstaff/dking/interpr.htm .Marcus, L.J.; Dorn, B.C.; Kritek, P.B.; Miller, V.G. & Wyatt, J.B. (1995).
Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration.Jossey-Bass, 1st Edition.
Universal Commercial Code does apply because the vendors are supplying goods and products to the stores. "Many of the Code's provisions apply only to merchants or to transactions between merchants" (Mallor, 2003). It is possible that common law contracts might also apply. However, for any issue that arose to be governed by common law rather than the Uniform Commercial Code, it would have to concern a service to be provided by the vendor, and not the vendor's product. Often when there is a mixture of both service and product involved in a legal dispute, in the case of commercial transactions, the UCC will take precedence if the service component is merely incidental to providing the goods.
There are at least three separate issues here. The first concerns whether or not it was specified in the contract between grocery, Inc., and Masterpiece Construction that Masterpiece was not to subcontract or delegate…...
Commercial impracticability. Insurance CCH Web site. Retrieved 8 August 2004 at http://insurance.cch.com/rupps/commercial-impracticability.htm
Forum. Free Advice Web site. Retrieved 8 August 2004 at http://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?s=f4bbb3a767a023c2e52ee4f4fbd776e3&p=682153#post682153
Mallor. (2003) Business law: The ethical, the global & ecommerce environment. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Tasini, Jonathan. (1998) What planet are you on? The working lives of writers and the UCC2B. April. Retrieved 8 August 2004 at http://www.law.berkeley.edu/institutes/bclt/events/ucc2b/tasini.html
School A has set up Facebook page courtesy of parents and friends of the school. It has gained several commentators and followers that include several members of the teaching staff. A teacher here referred to as teacher B. who is new on the staff at the beginning of the year has joined the fray. In the second term of the year, the school head bans games and sports activity before class hour. He explains that students need to be energized and ready for studies and not tired as a result of active sports Teacher B. isn't happy with the decision by the head. The decision also draws lots of negative interest and response on the school's Facebook page. It first starts with criticism of the head's decision but evolves to include many other complaints about the principal and the school. The grappling question at this point is: what is the…...
Drug Interaction ScenarioDrug interactions involve pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics interactions. Pharmacokinetics occurs when a drug interacts with another drug at the level of absorption, metabolism, or even excretion. A clinical application applies the effective and safe management of drugs therapeutically. The relationship between drug concentrations and how they respond pharmacologically has helped in applying pharmacokinetic principles in situations of actual patients. On the other hand, pharmacodynamics gives the relationship between the concentration of drugs at the site of action and the effects like the intensity of therapeutic, time course, and the adverse effects. The binding of drugs with the receptors determines the influence of drugs at the site of action. In most drugs, the intensity of the impact of the drugs is determined by the concentration at the receptor site.In this assignment, the drug interaction scenario is between Febuxostat and Azathioprine since each drug interaction pair will have a scenario associated…...
mlaReferences Gerriets, V., & Jialal, I. (2021). Febuxostat. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. A., & Gresser, U. (2018). Side effects and interactions of the xanthine oxidase inhibitor febuxostat. Pharmaceuticals, 11(2), 51.https://doi.org/10.3390/ph11020051Logan, J. K., Wickramaratne Senarath Yapa, S., Harinstein, L., Saluja, B., Muñoz, M., Sahajwalla, C., Neuner, R., & Seymour, S. (2020). Drug Interaction Between Febuxostat and Thiopurine Antimetabolites: A Review of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System and Medical Literature. Pharmacotherapy, 40(2), 125–132. https://doi.org/10.1002/phar.2362Mohammadi, O., & Kassim, T. A. (2021). Azathioprine. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31194347/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31334959/ Jordan,
Nursing elated Case Study
Tom's vitals, in the emergency department, revealed an elevated respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure. His oxygen saturation was also considerably low. Tom's Body Mass Index (BMI) falls in the overweight category. He was also a-febrile, at presentation, indicating that infection was not a precipitating cause.
Initially the ABGs were normal, indicating an acute severe exacerbation or life threatening asthma. Later, when the ABGs were repeated, carbon dioxide levels were above normal. A raised carbon dioxide level is the differentiating bench mark between life threatening and near fatal asthma. The ABG analysis also reveals acidemia which cannot be solely attributed to a respiratory or metabolic cause alone, and hence can be safely classified as a mixed disorder.
Tom's history is typical of atopic asthma which usually begins in childhood and is triggered by antigens from the environment, such as pollen, animal dander or dust. Upper respiratory tract infections…...
Brandis, K. (n.d.). The physiology viva. Retrieved from http://www.anaesthesiamcq.com/downloads/odc.pdf
Guyton, A., & Hall, J. (2011). Guyton and hall textbook of medical physiology. (12 ed.). Mississippi: Elsevier.
Kumar Abbas, & Robbins, (2007). Basic pathology. (8 ed.). London: Saunders Company.
Myron, K. (2005, May 10). Is obesity a risk factor for asthma. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/24118.php
Legal Thinking, Law Case, Ethics Case
The court case of Regal finance Company, Ltd. And Regal Finance Company II, Ltd., Petitioners, v. Tex Star Motors, Inc., Respondent, is extremely significant to conducting business in the United States and to that involving collateral for automobiles in particular. Moreover, it attests to the fact that the standard one should hold for the circumstance in which a used-car dealer disposes of secured collateral is that set by the legal precedent of this particular case, and not the mandates of the Uniform Commercial Code (which involved article 9 in this particular case). Although wrangling of the interpretation of the aforementioned article in the UCC may have led to the initial decision In this case, one of the things that makes this case so notable is that initial decision was eventually overturned by the Supreme Court of the state of Texas. In doing so, the…...
However, the dual relationship may still violate the purpose and policy of the NASW Code of Ethics as pertains to dual relationships, if only because it may be unrealistic to restrict the definition of exploitation so literally.
Dual Relationship Ethical Issue #4 - Harming Clients, Colleagues, and 3rd Parties:
As pertains to the client(s), there is not necessarily an issue of harm, except perhaps by virtue of the circumstances identified with respect to the exploitation issue.
However, if the State qualifies as a third party, the proposed arrangement is harmful to third parties because it perpetuates a violation of employment law and laws defining illegal immigration. In that sense, the arrangement violates the dual relationship provisions of the NASW Code of Ethics.
The employment arrangement proposed by the social worker raises ethical issues that may violate the NASW Code of Ethics. The logic of the arrangement is understandable and the social worker's motivation…...
Given this, and that they have received a boost in profit on this project based on favorable interest rate fluctuation over the bid period, it would be best to enter into a hedge in order to lock in some of these profits.
A forward contract would lock in a profit of $165,643 on the project. The risk would be fully hedged at this point.
A foreign currency loan replaces fully hedges the risk as well. The cost is the interest paid of $81,562.50 and the fee paid of $3,262.50. The profit would be based on today's spot rate, less the combined fees of $84,825. Thus, the total profit of this option would be $173,406.
Buying a put would cost $58,725 and lock in a worst-case rate of 1.3888, which yields a profit of $133,296.20. The upside is technically the full value of the contract should the Canadian dollar strengthen infinitely. Writing a…...
Healthcare Study
Defined as the philosophical study of right and wrong action, Ethics is a predominant subject of concern in nursing (Michael Dahnke, 2006). Being presented with various situations, the ethical and cultural problems are a serious concern faced by the nursing and healthcare staff which needs to be catered to day in and out. There is no time tested methodology that can be applied here, since the every patient is different, with a different background history, therefore the ethical and cultural implications of each decision would also vary.
Importance of Ethical Theory to Nursing
Defining what is right and wrong is a very subjective approach and even that can change from scenario to scenario. Therefore it is important to have some form of umbrella under which the functioning of nurses takes place. It is under this rationale that the importance of ethical theory emerges in front of us.
In the absence of an…...
mlaWorks Cited
DuAnne Foster Edwards, R.M. (1999, Feburary). The Synergy Model: Linking Patient Needs to Nurse Competencies. Retrieved September 30th, 2011, from American Association of Critical Care Nurses: http://www.aacn.org:88/wd/certifications/content/synpract2.pcms?pid=1&menu=
Green, D.B. (2001, July). Medical Ethics. Retrieved September 30th, 2011, from Priory.com: http://priory.com/ethics.htm
Michael Dahnke, H.D. (2006). Defining Ethics and Applying the Theories. In P.M. Vicki D. Lachman, Applied Ethics in Nursing (p. 3). New York: Springer.
Samar Noureddine RN, M. (2001). Development of the ethical dimension in nursing theory. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2-7.
His overactive super-ego demands rigid acceptance of social conformity, including a set of standards that are applicable to him being a role model to others. He might ask himself the question, " that if he, as a conservative role model, cannot control his physical urges what then would a less "public" and conservative individual do if he or she were exposed to such materials? His response with regard to reaction formation might tell him that despite ample scientific evidence that arousal from erotic imagery is normal and even healthy and that the majority of people who view such material still remain within the confines of acceptable adult morality, that the average lesser individual might react to erotic material by committing adultery, raping or acting sexually aggressive toward someone, turn deviant (i.e. gay), or the worst case scenario inappropriately touch a child. All of these fears are aspects of reaction…...
It is like a double-edged sword, one must understand the pros and cons to every option. Yes with option one, it appears that by having the bank take over that this offers the best case scenario for everyone but Joe must weigh the possible repercussions and how they will affect business. In other words, this may be saving everyone's job and the company but at what cost to quality of the job and the company? This bank intervention may not be worth the hassle if the culture of the company changes for the negative. This can have a direct influence on productivity and morale. Joe needs to keep all the details in mind before deciding.
Question 4: hat pressures does Joe face regarding honesty and telling the truth about his situation?
In this situation, Joe faces many pressures as most business owners would when faced with such challenges. He has to…...
mlaWork Cited:
Leadership Ethics? I did not have the information about the chapter. Citation style below.
Last name, first name. Book title. City of Publisher: Publisher name, year of publication.
The same proportion exists concerning the probability of going to a non-vegetarian restaurant which serves alcohol.
Objectives expected
The anticipated outcome of this discussion is to provide a clearer picture of the variables impacting the ultimate dining decision on a weighted basis. The objective of deciding upon a dining destination which is most amenable to all parties is intended to be met here by measuring against one another the probabilities resultant from individual preferences.
Certain aspects of the scenario remain inconclusive however, even given these measurements. It is clear that the 1 in 4 probability in both scenarios relating to the absence of alcohol are undermined by the 3 in 4 probability in both scenarios related to the presence of alcohol. However, in all instances relating to the decision to eat in a vegetarian or non-vegetarian restaurant, there is a 1 in 2 probability that makes it unclear how the two couples…...
This analysis only represents break-even analysis. If the school wishes to make profits, it can increase prices to accommodate this factor, However, the caveat in this move is that as prices go up, the number of prices sold may go down (Cebrzynski, 2008). Therefore, further studies, will have to be conducted to determine the price elasticity of the students within the school. In this case, supply is constant, therefore the only two factors that can change are price and demand. This program is expected to be highly dependent upon price factors.
There are several factors that may affect the accuracy of the information used for this analysis. The first is that the actual school budget is not available, Therefore, representative figures had to be obtained from other sources. Prices may differ from state to state, which could affect the results of this study. However, even if the numbers changed by as…...
Amonline.com (2008). Average School Lunch cost Jumps 10% in One Year. 17 September 2008. Retrieved 18 November 2008 at http://www.amonline.com/online/article.jsp?id=22636
Cebrzynski, F. (2008).
Launch @ isk: the Case of Glenmark Generics Inc.Glenmark faces four risk-management options: to proceed with the launch @ risk, to negotiate with Sanofi-Aventis for a settlement, to take out an insurance policy for launch @ risk, and to forego the launch @ risk altogether. The subsequent sections discuss the risks associated with each of these options to identify the most plausible option for the company.To Proceed with the Launch @ iskIn determining whether to proceed with the Launch @ isk, Glenmark would need to consider the risks involved in navigating the legal maze and the possible effects of litigation on pricing and gross margins. The company had committed an initial capital outlay of $0.5 million in developing Tarka. Sales revenues are projected at $18.9 million during the six-month exclusivity period, assuming the worst case scenario that it sells 10 percent less units than the projected 10 million capsules at…...
mlaReferences Chandasekhar, R. (2021). Glenmark Generics Inc.: Launch @ risk. Ivey Publishing.
1. Imagine a world where clean water is a luxury, not a basic necessity.
2. As the sun set over the horizon, the last of the endangered species disappeared into the darkness.
3. In a society where technology reigns supreme, human connection is fading into oblivion.
4. The sound of children laughing in the distance reminds us of the innocence we have lost.
5. With each passing day, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, leaving millions in despair.
1. Imagine a world where every decision could hinge on a single, compelling story. How can a well-crafted case scenario not only inform but also persuade?
2. In the courtroom of public opinion, a case scenario is your opening statement. How can it set the stage for a persuasive referral?
3. A case scenario isn't just a narrative; it's a strategic tool. Discover how it can turn a referral into a compelling argument.
4. What if the power of persuasion lay in the details of a story? Explore how a case scenario can make or break....
1. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of case scenarios in essays for referring to services. Case scenarios are valuable tools that can help illustrate real-life situations, provide context to the discussion, and offer practical examples for readers to better understand the topic at hand. By incorporating case scenarios into essays, writers can effectively engage their audience, enhance the credibility of their arguments, and ultimately, make a stronger case for the referral to services.
2. When introducing case scenarios in essays for referral to services, it is essential to provide background information on the....
1. In the realm of academic and professional writing, the integration of case scenarios into essays serves as a pivotal tool for illustrating complex concepts, particularly in fields like social work, psychology, and healthcare where referral to services is a common practice. Case scenarios provide a narrative framework that not only enriches the reader's understanding but also bridges theoretical knowledge with practical application. This essay explores the strategic introduction of case scenarios in essays to enhance the discussion on referral to services, examining how these narratives can be crafted to maximize educational impact and facilitate better decision-making processes in service....
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