Career Assessment Testing
Managing emotion
Relating Well
Emotional Mentoring
Intuitive ability
The assessment that has the most bearing on my career and the future direction of it pertains to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a valuable part of interacting with individuals both within and outside of an organization because it represents one's ability to deal with intangible factors that can significantly influence the productivity and overall cohesion of an organization. The findings of my emotional intelligence assessment were fairly revealing, and indicate that my principle strength is in relating well to others. In fact, my score in relating well to others was almost double that of the scores in the other areas of this assessment, which include managing emotions, self-motivation, relating well and emotional mentoring.
The area in which I can use the most improvement is self-motivation. I have realized this aspect about my personality and its manifestation as a work proclivity prior to this assessment.…...
Career Assessment Plan for Jeremy
Career planning and development is an important process in personal and professional development that requires comprehensive self-assessment. The need to conduct a self-assessment is attributed to the fact that career planning and development begins at school and determines the transition from a learning institution into adult life. This implies that career planning and development requires making the best choices and decisions based on sound information. The process of choosing a career also requires guidance and encouragement from supportive and caring individuals in order to ensure best decisions and choices are made. A career assessment plan is crucial towards identifying the knowledge, interests, skills, ability, and values that contribute towards successful career choices. Generally, a formal career assessment examines an individual's history and identifies personal issues associated with career development and planning.
Jeremy's Career Counseling
This career assessment plan focuses on Jeremy, who is experiencing several issues related to…...
Arbona, C. (2013, August). Case Conceptualization Outline -- Theory of Counseling. Retrieved from Department of Educational Psychology - University of Houston website:
Ladany, N. & Bradley, L.J. (2010). Counselor supervision (4th ed.). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Leung, S.A. (2008). The Big Five Career Theories. In J.A. Athanasou, R. Van Esbroeck (eds.)
International handbook of career guidance (chap. 6, pp.115-132). Retrieved from
I am a psychology student, pursuing the degree I have always wished to since my childhood days. In addition to this degree’s scholastic advantages, I can identify a number of personal developmental elements attached to it. In specific, the advantages may be availed of through an explicit mission, professional target and aims, and a PDP (personal development plan). Through this essay, I attempt at providing a thorough view of my professional, educational and personal life and aims.
Personal and Educational Background
Before letting you in on details of my academic and professional life, let me begin by introducing myself and offering a brief overview of my personal life. I am Jonathan Scott, born and brought up in a far-flung village in North America, in a staunch Protestant Christian household. My dad held employment in a neighboring town. My siblings and I visited church each Sunday without fail, more to make our mother…...
Bolier, L., Haverman, M., Westerhof, G. J., Riper, H., Smit, F., & Bohlmeijer, E. (2013). Positive psychology interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. BMC public health, 13(1), 119.Hock, R. R. (2015). Forty studies that changed psychology. Pearson Higher Ed.Jung, C. G. (2015). Psychology and education. Princeton University Press.Smith, J. R., & Haslam, S. A. (Eds.). (2017). Social psychology: Revisiting the classic studies. Sage
Financial Manager's Career
Description of Career
Qualifications Needed to Enter the Field
Salary and enefits
Supply and Demand
Efforts of Technology on the Field
Other Factors
The financial manager plays a vital role of ensuring an organization is financially healthy. With the growth of the economy, this career is expected to continue being viable for several years to come. This is because finance managers can work in several industries and not just one that is specific. Some of the principal accountabilities of a finance manager include: budgeting, management, administration and supervision of funds and financial analysis. In addition, the career of a finance manager is appealing as one can advance into different positions in the organization, such as vice president of finance, finance director, Chief Financial officer (CFO) and senior finance manager. The minimum requirement for this career path is a achelor's degree in finance. Additional requirements include: a graduate in finance, economics or business administration and…...
Accounting Tools. (2015). Finance Manager Job Description. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from:
Allahyari, A., & Ramazani, M. (2011). Firm Technological Change and its Effects on Management Accounting Change (Case study of Iranian Manufacturing Firms). Global Journal of Management and Business Research,11(9).
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2014). U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition. Financial Managers. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from:
Effects of Information Technology on Financial Services Systems (Washington, D. C.: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-CIT-202, September 1984).
I am particularly interested in the students who have challenges, either educationally or behaviorally. I feel that by working to develop new assessment tools it will be possible to further evaluate the skills and abilities for these students which may previously have been unavailable to us. I look forward to working with teachers, parents and students in order to formulate tools which will help students get the most out school.
Educational psychology is an excellent career move for me. I have experience working with children who have autism, high school students, and my personality seemed to be a good fit in what can be a challenging and rewarding environment. I think my current education and work experience melds nicely into my hopes to work in a research capacity, designing evaluations, analyzing and interpreting data and presenting coherent results. While I do not consider myself a linear thinking, I believe that…...
teaching allows learning and assessment for those that are my learners, as a painting and decorating tutor with the view to self-develop and progress. e will learn how to make the most of and inspire learning and how diversity and fairness play a significant part for both teachers and learners.
Most would probably know that assessment is getting the measurement of the learners' reaction to understanding and competence in teaching instruction (Curzon pg 383). In the job as a painter and decorating tutor, assessment are very important and foremost, as in the way learners are measured against usual standards prior to exams and attaining combined standing. My proficient and personal thoughts upon assessments are that as a teacher we need to be able to utilize various of methods and skills that will be employed to inspire and really keep learners motivated while giving feedback that is constructive in allowing them…...
mlaWorks Cited
APPLEYARD, N. a. (2010). Communicating with Learners in the LifeLong Sector. Glasglow: Learning Matters.
BLACK, P. a. (2010, May 13). Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment, Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved from
COWLEY, S. (2008, March). Teaching Skills For Dummies. Atlanta: Cowans Publishing.
CURZON, L. (2006). Teaching in Further Education, an Outline of Principles and Practice. Oxford: 6th Edition. Continuum.
TEST CITIQUE STUCTUE Test Critique Structure of Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) AssessmentIn todays modern world, where more deployment of artificial intelligence is observed, people have become anxious about their importance as the necessary human labor for employment in a globalized world (Blustein, Ali & Flores, 2019). People want to work for a living but are worried whether the technology would entirely replace them. Vocational psychologists are now debating the changing nature of work and human psychology regarding specific occupations and skills. Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) is considered a vital tool for assessing the individuals fitness for the jobs they are interested in. This paper aims to provide a detailed critique of the said instrument and its application in the contemporary world.Introduction of the Assessment SurveyDavid P. Campbell created Campbell Interest and Skill Survey assessment. This tools purpose is self-reporting by the individuals whose occupational interests are…...
mlaReferencesBlustein, D.L., Ali, S.R. & Flores, L.Y. (2019). Vocational psychology: Expanding the vision and enhancing the impact. The Counseling Psychologist, 47(2), 166-221. K.R. (1999). Campbell Interest and skill survey: Review and critique. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 32(3), 168-182., D.P. (1995). The Campbell Interest and skill survey (CISS): A product of ninety years of psychometric evolution. Journal of Career Assessment, 3(4), 391-410. Hansen, J.C. & Leuty, M.E. (2007). Evidence of validity for the skill scale scores of the Campbell Interest and skill survey. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 71, 23-44. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2007.04.006Pearson Assessments. (2009, February 7). Individual profile: Sample report. Retrieved from Statistics Solutions. (n.a.). Campbell Interest and skill Survey (CISS). Retrieved from,of%200.81%2C%200.79%2C%200.79 .Sullivan, B.A. & Hansen, J.C. (2004). Evidence of construct validity of the interest scales on the Campbell interest and skill survey. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 65(2), 179-202. Tang, M. (2009). Examining the application of Holland’s theory to vocational interests and choices of Chinese college students. Journal of Career Assessment, 17(1), 86-98. DOI: 10.1177/1069072708325743Taylor, N. & Donnelly, C. (n.a.). Interest and skill measurement in parallel- The Campbell interest and skill survey. Psychological Assessment in South Africa. Retrieved from,
Vocational Assessments Critiques
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)
The Stanford-Binet is an individually administered test of intelligence and cognitive abilities for people between the ages of two to 85 years. The SB5 is normed on a stratified random sample of 4,800 people who categorically match the year 2000 United States Census, and the scores have been found to approximate a normal distribution. The SB5 measures the following five factors of cognitive ability: Fluid easoning, Knowledge, Quantitative easoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory. The SB5 is used for clinical assessment, neuropsychological assessment, educational placement, career assessment, compensation evaluations, forensics, and aptitude research.
Critique. Parallel forms have been developed and the standards have changed to present a balanced verbal and non-verbal IQ content. Moreover, the test has been revised to be more colorful, interesting, and, therefore, more appealing to test-takers. The test permits combinations of screener subtests to be used for different purposes in…...
____. (2012). Beta III. Retreived
HAIWEB/Cultures/en-us/Productdetail.htm?Pid=015-8685-202&Mode=summary [Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
milestones in my career as well as identify principle actions and advice that assisted me in moving forward in my career. People often are not aware of the difficulties that entail being a career counselor. It requires a myriad of skills of which take time to learn and master. The first major milestone I discuss is the utilization of the Myers-Briggs Test. This test not only helped me identify options for people career-wise, but also categorize them in a way that was easy to discuss and examine.
My next major milestone involved the four phases of assessment. It takes time to evaluate and understand where the client is intellectually and emotionally. By assessing things like education level, preferences, it makes it easier to understand where that person can take their career in relation to their current skills or plans for future skill development. Everything takes time to fully grasp and…...
Braunstein-Bercovitz, H. & Lipshits-Braziler, Y. (2015). Career-Planning Beliefs as Predictors of Intentions to Seek Career Counseling. Journal of Career Assessment.
Zunker, V. (2015). Career counseling (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.
career positions at Humana is product development. This can be a risky position particularly since it may involve working in an environment that contains substances that may be non-conductive to one's health.
There are many controversial chemicals in some products and some individuals working with these can be at risk whether known or not. Products can be toxic or harmful. In Australia alone, exposure to hazardous workplace substances cause over 2000 deaths annually (Better Health Channel).
Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) definition of harmful substances include toxic substances such as chemical matters or biological agents that are known to cause harmful health effects. Many of Humana's innovation or product workers work in such environments. Interaction with such products include health effects that introduce respiratory infections, positioning, disorder of lung, kidney, and liver, skin rashes, burns, neurological impact and far more. The common hazardous substances in the workplace that product developers…...
Workplace safety- hazardous substances. Better health Channel.
It is the role of the career counselor to work with the diverse populations and help guide them to success through building their confidence in their abilities.
Career counseling is a profession in which the counselors have an impact on the national workforce and its direction, though many professional counseling majors in college ignore career counseling as a potential career. As the world continues to diversify and globalize the impact career counselors have on society will continue to expand.
Herr, Edwin (2003)the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.(Career Counseling in the Next Decade) Career Development Quarterly
Bysshe, S., Hughes, D., & Bowes, L. (2002). The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies.
Herr, E.L. (2000, June). Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth Gallup/NCDA Poll. Paper presented at…...
Herr, Edwin (2003)the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.(Career Counseling in the Next Decade) Career Development Quarterly
Bysshe, S., Hughes, D., & Bowes, L. (2002). The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies.
Herr, E.L. (2000, June). Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth Gallup/NCDA Poll. Paper presented at the ninth National Career Development Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kileen, J., White, M., & Watts, a.G. (1992). The economic value of career guidance. London: Policy Studies Institute, Department of Education and Employment.
ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Social Worker/Assessment AssignmentDescription of PersonEbony (not her real name) is a 24-year-old African American female. She, alongside her 2 children (both girls, aged 4 months and 3 years respectively) live with her mother. Ebonys children are by the same father. Ebony does not possess any advanced academic qualifications. Having dropped out of high school, Ebony completed her formal education at a lower school level. The salary that she is currently paid as a cashier at a gas station is inadequate to enable her further her education. Further, she is the sole provider for the household. Although she owns and drives a car, Ebony has no drivers license. She has no access to either health or dental benefits.Description of Family of OriginEbony was brought up in a single-mother household. She has never met her father. Ebonys mother only got as far as 9th grade. The larger family has grappled…...
mlaReferencesBozek, A., Nowak, P.F. & Blukacz, M. (2020). The Relationship between Spirituality, Health-Related Behavior, and Psychological Well-Being. Front Psychol., 11(4), 56-63. Sheldon, B. & Macdonald, G. (2010). A Textbook of Social Work. Routledge.
CEO who asked for a short report on strategic human resource management was impressed with the report. Following the reading of the research on strategic human resource management and considering how senior individuals in the organization are selected the Assessment Center Approach caught the attention of the CEO. The objective of this work is to prepare a proposal that includes a description of this approach as well as methods of measuring the effectiveness of the approach and the costs and benefits anticipated for such an approach.
The "Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations" Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines states that the Assessment Center "…consists of a standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple inputs. Multiple trained observers and techniques are used. Judgments about behaviors are made, in major part, from specifically developed assessment simulations. These judgments are pooled in a meeting among the assessors or by a…...
Byham, William C. (2011a) What is an Assessment Center. Development Dimensions International, Inc. Retrieved from:
Byham, William C. (2011b) The Assessment Center Method and Methodology: New Applications and Technologies. DDI. Retrieved from:
Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (2000) International Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines Endorsed by the 28th International Congress on Assessment Center Methods May 4, 2000 San Francisco, California, U.S.A. Retrieved from:
Overview of the Assessment Centre Approach Popularity of the Assessment Centre Approach (2011) Canadian Public Service Commission. Retrieved from:
Business Law Contracts, Defenses, Breach, And emedies
The Dream House:
-Was your contract with Bobby a unilateral or bilateral contract; if unilateral, at what time did Bobby substantially undertake performance?
The prerequisites for a bilateral contract are that an offer must be made, that offer must be accepted, and consideration must be tendered. In the Dream House scenario, I offered Bobby an opportunity to build my house in exchange for $500,000, and Bobby accepted my offer. Bargaining the performance of construction work in exchange for a predetermined payment amount represents consideration, completing the third and final requirement and making this agreement a bilateral contract.
-What remedies and/or damages are available to you and to Bobby?
I would be able to sue Bobby for damages while seeking the amount needed to compensate Sheila to complete the unfinished job, which amounts to a sum of $350,000. Conversely, Bobby could defend himself by claiming that he must be…...
Martucci Lamarre, H. (2006). Career focus: a personal job search guide. Prentice Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ).
National Constructors v. Ellenberg, 681 So.2d 791 (3rd. Dist. FL 10/2/1996)
Stambovsky v. Ackley, 169 A.D.2d 254, 572 N.Y.S.2d 672 (07/18/91)
The relevance of maintaining healthy communities cannot be overstated. In basic terms, communities should be designed and maintained in a way that promotes the well-being of their inhabitants. In so doing, such communities could end up realizing not only the economic but also the social benefits of a happier, healthier, and more productive society. There is therefore a need to assess and diagnose the key health problems specific to various communities. This way, lasting and innovative solutions can be sought and implemented to rein in the identified health problems.
For this particular assignment, I will concern myself with North Las Vegas which also happens to be one of the largest cities in Nevada. In terms of governance, the city falls under the administration of a mayor who is assisted in this role by four members of the council. When it comes to city life, it is important to note that…...
American Casino Guide (2013). Las Vegas Casinos. Retrieved from:
Castellani, B. (2000). Pathological Gambling: The Making of a Medical Problem. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Casino-History (2009). Las Vegas Casino History: The History of Gambling in Sin City. Retrieved from:
Healthy People (2013). 2020 Topics and Objectives -- Objectives A -- Z. Retrieved from:
I. Introduction
A. Explanation of career exploration
B. Importance of career exploration
II. Benefits of career exploration
A. Helps in making informed career decisions
B. Allows for the exploration of various career options
III. Tools and resources for career exploration
A. Online career assessment tests
B. Career counseling services
C. Networking with professionals in various fields
IV. Steps in career exploration
A. Self-assessment of interests, values, and skills
B. Researching various career options
C. Gaining hands-on experience through internships or job shadowing
V. Challenges in career exploration
A. Fear....
High School seniors who have clear career goals are more likely to have better future life paths compared to those who have vague or no goals.
Having clear career goals in high school can significantly impact a students future. When seniors set specific goals for their careers, whether its entering a particular field, pursuing higher education, or gaining specific skills, they are more likely to make intentional decisions that align with those goals. This focus and direction early on can lead to better outcomes in terms of job opportunities, financial stability, personal fulfillment, and overall success in life.
Students with concrete career....
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