Carbon Footprint Essays (Examples)

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Carbon Footprint Qantas Carbon Footprint Researcher One
Pages: 5 Words: 1487

Carbon Footprint
Qantas Carbon Footprint

Researcher One

Corporate Governance

Qantas corporate governance statement mentions that Qantas has an appropriate corporate governance structure to ensure the creation, protection, and enhancement of shareholder value (Qantas, 2012). Based on this statement alone it seems as if Qantas does not promote a triple bottom line or any other measure of sustainability in the summary of their corporate governance strategy. Other firms in the airline industry make a stronger dedication to social and environmental issues in their corporate governance. Continental for example has significantly more mentions of such causes as well as a plethora of various projects to address these causes (Continental Airlines, 2012). Although Qantas does address such business functions later in their document, their corporate governance strategy seems to be more focused on shareholder value than a more balanced scorecard.

In response to pressures to mounting pressures to address ecological concerns about issues such as climate change and…...


Works Cited

Airline Tickets, 2011. How Airlines Cut Costs. [Online]

Available at:   / [Accessed 5 February 2012]. 

Continental Airlines, 2012. Ethics and Compliance. [Online]

Available at:

Carbon Footprint One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 512

In modern school cultures, for instance, we often say, "Oh, they're Asian, they must be smart." So, the Asian-American person hears that they "must be smart, must overachieve, must get good grades." They then come to believe that this is far more than what society expects of them, but instead, what they are supposed to be as a person. So, they become that person, they apply themselves a bit more, study a bit more, and soon the prophecy seen from the outside world is internalized and factual.
Of course, this idea may be pejorative as well -- homosexuality being labeled as deviant, "you fag, you queer;" mental illness as "looney, nutty, off their rocker;" and so many negative ethic terms one's head would spin: "kike, spick, nigger, cholo, slant eye, towel head, beaner, etc."

We must then ask, why do we label? Perhaps it is the human tendency to box or…...



What is a carbon footprint? (2011, January). Retrieved March 2011, from 

Yarrow, J. (2008). How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. San Francisco and London: Chronicle Books.

Carbon Footprint and Employees
Pages: 2 Words: 1080

outine Message
The following is a list of pros and cons with respect to teleworking or telecommuting.


Better work-life balance

Lower commuting costs and time

Lower real estate and head office costs

Improved carbon footprints

Increased productivity

Better employee retention rates


Makes the company and employees less innovative

Less collaboration

Ineffectiveness in employees doing their job

It can harm an employee's chances of promotion


PAIBOC Analysis of the Communication Situation

P- What is your purpose?

The purpose of the message is to understand telecommuting per se the benefits for both of employees and the organization; the downsides with respect to the personnel operating from home. The objective is to understand how to strike a balance between working from the office and from home to benefit all involved.

A -- What is your target audience?

This communication addresses all personnel and workforces of Yippee, specifically those working from home.

I -- What information must you include in the message?

Information that must be incorporated encompasses the key points as…...



Bowness, S. (2013). It's 2013: why aren't more people teleworking? The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from: 

El Akkad, O., Bowness, S. (2013). Telework or teamwork? Yahoo and the evolution of the office. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from: 

Jermyn, D. (2013). OUT OF THE OFFICE: The downside of working from home. Retrieved from: 

Tugend, A. (2014). It's Unclearly Defined, but Telecommuting Is Fast on the Rise. New York Times. Retrieved from:

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Cities
Pages: 3 Words: 981

Environmental Pollution Scenario: eview and Summary
Although cities contribute to both waste and global warming because of population density and the demands of urban life, they also offer the potential to conserve energy in terms of transportation costs, in comparison to suburban and rural areas. The compact nature of cities makes alternative transportation such as buses, subways, walking, jogging, and bicycle use a feasible alternative to using cars. egarding the effectiveness of public transportation, in terms of mitigating the effects of global warming it is estimated that "public transit reduces carbon monoxide emissions by nearly 745,000 tons annually. This equals nearly 75% of the carbon monoxide emissions by all chemical manufacturers in the United States" (How public transportation helps the environment, 2014). Public transportation also reduces smog-generating pollutants by 100,000 tons per year (How public transportation helps the environment, 2014).

Finally, using public transportation reduces U.S. dependency on oil in a meaningful…...



Baur, J. (2014). grrl power: encouraging more female riders key to city's cycling health.

Fresh Water. Retrieved: 

Grynbaum, M. & Connelly, M. (2012). Bicycle lanes draw wide support among New Yorkers, survey finds. The New York Times. Retrieved from:

Improving Carbon Management to Mitigate
Pages: 15 Words: 4856

Figure 3. Central England Temperature

Note: Blue bars indicates changes in CET annual values during the period 1877 to 2006 relative to the average over the 1961-90 baseline period (about 9.5 "C). Error bars enclose the 95% confidence range and the red line highlights decadal variations.

Source: UK Climate Projections 2011 at / content/view/751/500/

As shown in Figure 3 above, the Central England temperature (CET) has increased by approximately one degree Celsius since 1980; in fact, the year 2006 was the warmest on record (Central England temperature 2010). Some salient trends represented by these historic weather patterns include:

1. Following a period of relative long-term stability for most of the 20th century, CET has increased by about a degree Celsius since the 1980s. This is a more rapid rise than that of the global average land-surface temperature over the same period, and considerably faster than that of the global mean temperature.

2. The annual…...



Allen, R.D., Seaman, S.M. & Delascio, J.E. 2009 "Emerging Issues: Global Warming Claims

and Coverage Issues." Defense Counsel Journal 76(1): 12-13.

"A low-carbon UK." 2011 U.K. Department of Energy & Climate Change. [online] available:

Airlines Environmental Footprint
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Analysis and Recommendation
As CO2 emissions may be reduced by 80% through the conversion process of conventional jet fuel to sustainable biofuels, it is important that airlines begin to implement this conversion process with all appropriate models. The commercialization of these fuels will begin once the demand is in place, and the demand must come from the consumers. For the airlines interested in reducing their environmental footprint, a policy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) will help to support this conversion process and show stakeholders that the companies are interested in reducing the amount of toxic emissions that are distributed by carriers.

Another option is for carriers to be more logistical in terms of how they perform their routes. By implementing more intelligent ATM (Air Traffic Management) systems alongside better airport infrastructure, congestion in the skies and airports can be prevented, which would substantially reduce the amount of fuel burn that takes place.…...

Our Energy Use and Associated Consequences
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

CONSEQUENCES OF OU ENEGY USEConsequences of our Energy Use1) elationship between Energy Use and Carbon FootprintEnergy use is generally related to carbon footprint given that carbon dioxide emissions account for the total anthropogenic emissions. This is more so the case given that as energy is consumed, carbon dioxide is also released. In essence, increased consumption of energy leads to increased emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Chontanawat, 2020).2) Carbon footprint in terms of Anthropogenic Source of Carbon Dioxide Emitted to make LaptopsDespite the fact that laptops do not consume a lot of electricity, they still contribute towards carbon dioxide emissions especially when we think in terms of their building and shipping. With regard to laptop building, Circular Computing (2021) estimates that manufacturing of laptop produces approximately 75 to 85 percent of the entire footprint. In particular, most of the said emissions are produced from the materials used in…...


ReferencesChontanawat, J. (2019). Relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emission and economic growth in ASEAN: Cointegration and causality model. Energy reports, 6(1), 660-665.Circular Computing (2021). What is the Carbon Footprint of a Laptop?   B. L. (1990). The Nuclear Energy Option. EIA (2021). U. S. Energy Facts Explained. EPA (2022). Global Greenhouse Emissions Data.,the%20motherboard%2C%20SSD%20and%20display .Cohen,

Eating Locally Why Eat Locally Why Participate
Pages: 3 Words: 1144

Eating Locally
hy eat locally? hy participate in the locavore movement? The locavore movement is a movement in which one's carbon footprint is reduced by eating food grown near one's home. The point of this paper is quite simple and straight forward: eating locally means reducing your carbon footprint because what you ate last night for dinner did not travel 1,500 miles -- or even 200 miles -- and hence, fossil fuels were not used in the transport of that food. This paper points to the advantages of eating locally from a person perspective, with a brief mention of why reducing one's carbon footprint is desirable in an over-heated world.

Global arming -- Carbon Footprints

There are still people who are in denial about climate change -- including some elected officials, including United States Senator Tom Colburn, a Republican representing Oklahoma. According to Climate Progress, 161 members of the U.S. Congress are in…...


Works Cited

Germain, T, Koronowski, R., and Spross, J. (2013). The Anti-Science Climate Denier: 113th

Congress Edition. Climate Progress. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from .

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2013). Climate Change Report: 2013 vs. 2007

Findings. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from .

Michael Pollan Why Bother and Anna Lappe
Pages: 3 Words: 976

Michael Pollan ("Why Bother?") and Anna Lappe ("The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork") are both focused on providing well-defined information about reducing individuals' carbon footprints as the climate continues to heat up. They are both centered on issues related to the warming of the planet and on wise responses that can be made in light of that threat. And both articles, while quite different in focus and in tone, embrace the idea of reducing one's carbon footprint by changing food habits. Why are these articles valuable? There are elected representatives and high-visibility media personalities that have been carrying on a constant negative attack against those who believe in and are responding responsibly to global warming. To deny what is happening is to be ignorant about science, but those campaigning against global climate change are in fact having an impact on public opinion. So the truth about…...

Bamboo Industry in India Bamboo
Pages: 22 Words: 6798

S. production value. Exports account for approximately half this amount (Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley). Figure 2 portrays three views of bamboo. One: A bamboo forrest; Two: A bamboos shoot; Three: A bamboo grove walkway.
Figure 2: Three Views of Bamboo (adapted from Stickman).

As bamboo production levels have risen, the amounts of raw materials needed to facilitate the production have simultaneously increased. The bamboo industry in Anji predominantly harvests bamboo from plantations, as it primarily grows a fast growing and easily cultivated, bamboo species, locally known as "maozhu" or "moso bamboo" (phyllostachys heterocycla) (Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley). .

Currently in Anji, the cultivation of moso bamboo encompasses 60% of the forest area, with the percentage rising as plantations expand. Along with the hefty production of bamboo, the intense cultivation bamboo industry uses mammoth amounts of fertilizers and pesticides; which contributes to negative environmental effects. In reference to the bamboo production in Anji being…...



Applegate, Ed and Johnsen, Art. Cases in advertising and marketing management: real =

situations for tomorrow's managers Plymouth, United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. Print.

Adhikary, Nripal. "Treatment Process." Abari Adobe and Bamboo Research Institute. 2009.

Web. Available at: . 09 October 2009.

Impacts of a Borderless Society
Pages: 4 Words: 1482

Borderless Society
A history of a typical American meal

When a typical consumer purchases a rib-eye steak for dinner, he or she will pay far less than his or her grandfather did for the same cut of meat. This is because of the efficiencies generated by the commercial meat industry. While the cow will begin its life in a manner similar to that of cows of the past -- by the side of his or her mother on a ranch -- that will quickly change. "Cows raised on grass simply take longer to reach slaughter weight than cows raised on a richer diet, and the modern meat industry has devoted itself to shortening a beef calf's allotted time on earth" (Pollan 2002). On a factory farm, cows are quickly weaned from their mother and fed a corn-based diet or 'finished' on corn while they are held in pens. Instead of 4…...



Big dairy enters the era of big data. (2012). Businessweek. Retrieved: 

Bittman, Mark. (2008). Rethinking the meat guzzler. The New York Times. Retrieved:

Economic and Environmental Benefits of
Pages: 29 Words: 7982

Cost and CO2 reduction analysis were performed using local data available from both commercial and professional bodies. A majority of current thermal rating programs require the equipment to be tested in accordance to a standard test under specified testing conditions. This approach provides reliable data because it is possible to replicate such tests within an accepted uncertainty band. There are, however, some rating programs which combine a standard test and a calculation procedure to produce a performance rating. Such is the case for the energy guide label for electric and gas hot water heaters. A similar method has been developed to provide a practical rating system with the goal of presenting an easily understood comparison between SDHW systems and conventional hot water systems. Note that the performance any individual commercial enterprise will experience may differ due to location and hot water usage.
The thermal performance rating is based on the…...



Abbasi, T., & a., a.S. (2011). Renewable Energy Sources . New Delhi: PHI.

BRE (2002), BREDEM-8 Model Description: 2001 Update, BRE, UK ? BSI (1989), BS5918:

British Standard Code of Practice for Solar Heating Systems for Domestic Hot Water,

Bradford, J. & Bean, F. (2011). 'Here comes the sun: a field trial of solar water heating systems.' The Energy Saving Trust. [PDF]

Global Warming Cause and Mitigation
Pages: 4 Words: 1470

Climate Change -- Cause and Mitigation
There are several ways to look at climate change because there are natural causes and there are also human-influenced causes for the global climate to change. This paper defines anthropogenic climate change and it defines natural climate change and the historic record of the earth's changing climate over the millennia. This paper also provides strategies for mitigating global climate change and speculates as to the possible stabilization of climate change vis-a-vis the business and economic fields.

hat is Anthropogenic Climate Change?

The Merriam-ebster Dictionary defines anthropogenic as "…relating to, or resulting from, the influence of human beings on nature"; the first use of this team was in 1923.

Meanwhile, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research lists three ways in which the evidence points toward humans having influence over the rising temperatures on earth. The "…concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is rising," which is a proven fact based…...


Works Cited

Institute of Physics. (2013). Study reveals scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change.

Retrieved September 1, 2013, from .

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2007). Climate Change 2007: Working Group I:

The Physical Science Basis. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from .

Behavioral Changes Reducing the Effects
Pages: 4 Words: 1835

hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities (Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively), who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" (alsh, 2011). In the book written by Dunlap and McCright (the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society) they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles (using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…...


Works Cited

Chevrolet. (2012). Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from .

Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming

And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from . (2010). Green Driving Tips. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from .

Eco-Friendly Vehicles Coca Cola Estar
Pages: 2 Words: 697

"2-liter soda bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate, more commonly known as PET plastic, which is a non-renewable resource" (Takac 2009). It launched a plant billboard made of "a thriving species of Fukien tea plant, which absorbs air pollutants" so that while advertising its company it could also help improve the environment (Coca-Cola's environmentally-friendly plant billboard, 2011, Larry Fire)
While this program clearly has positive effects for the company in terms of P and cost savings, it may not be enough to deflect criticism from the soda manufacturer for its role in the nation-wide obesity epidemic. Although it has been praised by the current Administration for its efficient and environmentally-friendly ways of delivering its product, soda has increasingly been targeted as a culprit in the rise of obesity. Even diet sodas have been linked to weight gain, given their blunting of the response of the body's ability to process sugar.…...



Coca-Cola's environmentally-friendly plant billboard. (2011). Larry Fire. Retrieved November

8, 2011 at 

Coca-Cola® leads the charge toward greener fleets. (2011). Coca-Cola.

Retrieved November 8, 2011 at

Can I get help writing a 900 word essay with title and resources on global war?
Words: 1071

Creating a 900-word essay on global warming is a substantial task. However, we can certainly help you get started with an outline, key points, and some sources that you can use to expand your essay.


"Global Warming: Understanding the Crisis and Seeking Solutions"

Introduction (Approx. 150 words):

  • Definition of global warming.
  • Brief overview of how global warming has become a critical issue in the 21st century.
  • Thesis statement: This essay explores the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to global warming.

Causes of Global Warming (Approx. 250 words):

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Explain how carbon dioxide, methane, and....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Crypto Markets?
Words: 586

## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends

### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.

### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on digital camera journey future developments a case study?
Words: 509

Essay Topic 1: The Evolution of Computational Photography and Its Impact on Digital Camera Development

Advancements in computational photography and image processing algorithms
Integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced image quality
The blurring line between smartphones and dedicated digital cameras

Essay Topic 2: The Rise of Mirrorless Cameras and Their Disruption of the DSLR Market

Advantages of mirrorless cameras over DSLRs in terms of size, weight, and versatility
Impact of mirrorless cameras on the professional photography industry
The future of DSLRs in the face of mirrorless camera innovation

Essay Topic 3: The Emergence of Computational Photography as a Separate Art....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Greenhouse Effect. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 454

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to the Greenhouse Effect:

1. The causes of the Greenhouse Effect and its impact on global climate change.
2. The role of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, in exacerbating the Greenhouse Effect.
3. The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing sustainable energy solutions to mitigate the effects of the Greenhouse Effect.
4. The potential consequences of unchecked global warming due to the Greenhouse Effect, such as rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events.
5. The role of international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, in addressing the Greenhouse Effect....

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