Carbohydrates Essays (Examples)

309+ documents containing “carbohydrates”.
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Carbohydrates & Nutrition the Term
Pages: 6 Words: 1787

He has just recently had surgery. What are the likely results of his deficient protein intake?
D. His surgical wound will heal effectively and he will grow normally because he can live off fat stores

85. When protein consumption is in excess of body needs and energy needs are met, the excess amino acids are metabolized and the energy in the molecule is

B. excreted in the urine.

86. Kwashiorkor usually is associated with a deficiency of C. protein.

87. Which of the following is not true about an incomplete protein source?

D. Lower quantities of this source could be eaten to get adequate quantities of essential amino acids

88. The most reliable source of vitamin B12 for the vegan would be

A. fortified soybean milk.

89. Today the best estimate for the amount of protein required for nearly all adults is ____ grams per kilogram body weight per day.

D. 1.5

90. A vegetarian who excludes animal flesh but…...

How Carbohydrates and Fructose Pack on the Pounds
Pages: 8 Words: 2856

Carbohydrates and Obesity
Obesity and diabetes are diseases that are not restricted to national boundaries or culture today. These health threats are universal. In the United Kingdom recent reports put the percentage of men that are either overweight or obese at 67%, and the percentage of overweight or obese women is an estimated 57% (Boseley, 2014). Recent data shows that about one-fourth of the entire population in the United Kingdom is obese (Boseley, 2014). The Global Burden of Disease study reflects that around the globe an estimated 26% of boys and 20% of girls are either overweight or obese, Boseley writes in The Guardian.

The number of overweight and obese people in the world has "surged in the past three decades," Boseley explains; to put this surge into perspective, about 2.1 billion people on the planet are either overweight or obese -- and that is almost a third of the human population.…...


Works Cited

Boseley, Sarah. "UK among worst in western Europe for level of overweight and obese people." The Guardian. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from   2014. .

Bostock-Cox, Beverley. "Obesity and diabetes: a different perspective." Practice Nurse,

44.8, 1-5, 2014.

Bray, G.A. " Fructose: should we worry?." International Journal of Obesity, vol. 32, S127-

Human Nutrition Carbohydrates Are the
Pages: 1 Words: 391

Vitamins enhance the body's use of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; help in forming blood cells, hormones, neurotransmitters and the genetic material called DNA; and prevent many health disorders (MSN Encarta 2006). Minerals are metallic elements required for the healthy growth of teeth and bones and in other cellular functions. Excellent food sources of vitamins and minerals include oranges, milk, and sweet potatoes (MSN Encarta).

Dietary fiber is either soluble or insoluble (MSN Encarta 2006, Feinberg 2005). Soluble fiber is found only in plants, such as oats, barley, beans, peas, apples, strawberries and citrus fruits. Insoluble fiber is found in vegetables, whole-grain products and bran. Soluble fiber prevents or reduces the absorption of potentially dangerous substances from food in the small intestines, binds dietary cholesterol and carries it out of the body to prevent high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes. Insoluble fiber provides roughage, which hastens elimination of feces and reduces…...



1. Feinberg School. (2005). Dietary Fiber. Northwestern University. 

2. MSN Encarta. (2006). Human Nutrition. Microsoft Corporation.

Three-Day Food Intake Nutritional Analysis Protein Carbohydrates
Pages: 2 Words: 707

Three-Day Food Intake Nutritional Analysis
Protein, Carbohydrates, and Lipids

Generally, most of my meals contained an adequate source of protein, from poultry (chicken), red meat, and eggs. The primary sources of carbohydrates were bread and bagels, rice, beans, cereals, and fruit juices. All of the sources of protein from poultry, meat, and eggs provided complete protein. ice and beans alone provided incomplete vegetable protein by themselves but would have provided complete proteins had they been consumed together instead of separately as side dishes of different meals (inzler, 2004). Almost all of the main foods that I consumed contained excessive levels of lipids because the chicken was fried in oil, the meat was a flank steak with considerable intramuscular fat, and the eggs were cooked on an oil skillet and included all of the egg yokes.

I was surprised by how much fat I consumed because I always considered chicken and meat and eggs…...



Hamric, A.B., Spross, J.A., and Hanson, C.M. (2009). Advanced Practice Nursing: An

Integrative Approach. St. Louis: Mosby.

Larson-Duyff, R. (2007). American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition

Guide. Hoboken: Wiley & Sons.

Carbohydrate Loading You Lead Research Scientist Woowoo
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Carbohydrate Loading
You lead research scientist WooWoo Pharmaceuticals. As a research scientist, responsible testing efficacy newly designed drugs. However, recently assigned a task. Your task determine effect eating pasta marathon performance.

WooWoo Pharmaceuticals:

esearch study on eating pasta (carbohydrate loading) before a marathon

Carbo-loading before a marathon has been a staple of many runners' dietary programs. However, athletes are notoriously superstitious and frequently base their training regimes on anecdotes rather than sound science. The scientific method demands a rigorous process involving researching a particular phenomenon (in this case, athletic performance); formulating a hypothesis; creating an experiment that effectively isolates the variable under study in the form of an experimental and control group; confirming or disconfirming the hypothesis and then retesting the experiment.

The existing literature notes "the practice of carbo-loading dates back to the late 1960s. The first carbo-loading protocol was developed by a Swedish physiologist named Gunvar Ahlborg after he discovered a positive relationship…...



Fitzgerald, M. (2013). The evolving art of carbo-loading. Competitor. Retrieved:

Carbohydrates and the Glycemic Index
Pages: 1 Words: 370

In addition, it may be helpful in treating diabetes and heart disease.
Lactose intolerance is the body's inability to digest lactose, which is a dairy sugar. It's caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, in the small intestines. Treatment includes eliminating dairy products from the diet, yet, milk substitutes are necessary, to ensure that enough calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, and protein are consumed.

Diabetes and hypoglycemia relate to the amount of blood sugar in the body, too much and too little, respectively. A healthy level of glucose in the body, via the consumption of carbohydrates, is critical to the treatment of these two diseases. Add to this the risk factors of obese people of contracting these diseases, and the dietary benefits of carbohydrates, and one can see why carbohydrates should be a part of everyone's reasonable daily caloric intake.


Bowman SA, Spence JT. A comparison of low-carbohydrate vs. high-carbohydrate diets: Energy…...



Bowman SA, Spence JT. A comparison of low-carbohydrate vs. high-carbohydrate diets: Energy restriction, nutrient quality and correlation to body mass index. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 21(3): 2002; 268-274.

Low-Carb Diet or a Low-Fat
Pages: 3 Words: 1197

In most of the studies, low carb and low fat dieters have been compared. In one of these studies, two groups of people were chosen. One of these groups was given the low fat diet and the other group was given the low carb diet. Exercise routines were designed for these groups. In the end of the study that was carried out for a period of two years, it was found that the same amount of weight was lost by the two groups and, health parameters in the two groups were the same. Most of the studies have shown that there could be a greater degree of weight loss in the first 3 to 6 months of using low carb diets. Nevertheless, after some months, there are no differences in the weight. Calories are the most important factor in the case of these two kinds of diets.

Most of the…...



D'Arrigo, T. (2007). "Low-fat vs. low-carb. What really works?" Diabetes Forecast 60(7):16.

Flynn, Mary. Low-Fat Lies: High Fat Frauds and the Healthiest Diet in the World. Regnery Publishing, 2000.

Kim, J.Y., Yang, Y.H., Kim, C.N., Lee, C.E., and Kim, K.I. (2008). "Effects of very-low-carbohydrate (horsemeat- or beef-based) diets and restricted feeding on weight gain, feed and energy efficiency, as well as serum levels of cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, insulin and ketone bodies in adult rats." Ann Nutr Metab.53 (3-4):260-7.

Lutz, Wolfgang., Allen, Christian., and Allan, B. Christian. Life Without Bread: How a Low Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000.

Low Carb Food Craze &
Pages: 5 Words: 1468

In fact, Dr. Atkins himself died suddenly some years ago, and while his public relations machine attributed his death to brain damage from a fall, the rumor has it that he had a massive heart attack, likely brought on by his own diet program (Miller, et al., 2000).
Scientific Understanding elevant to the Issue

Approaching an exploration of the scientific knowledge that could be relevant to the low carb issue immediately opens up a heated debate, with low carb advocates pitted against those who feel that the alternative to low carb is more harmful than an few extra pounds from eating carbohydrates themselves. This being said, there are some areas of scientific knowledge which could help in the issue.

Admittedly easier said than done, the ability to understand once and for all if high protein diets, beyond the weight loss, are in fact safe would be very useful in enabling the individual…...



Cetron, M.J., & Davies, O. (2005, March/April). Trends Now Shaping the Future: Economic, Societal, and Environmental Trends. The Futurist, 39, 27

Gabel, K.A., & Lund, R.J. (2002). Weight Loss at a Cost: Implications of High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diets. JOPERD -- the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 73(2), 18+.

The Low-Carb Craze. (2004, October). Ebony, 59, 74+.

Miller, H.I., & Longtin, D. (2000). Death by Dietary Supplement. 15.

Low Carbohydrate Diet Results
Pages: 7 Words: 2853

Dieting Factors
Americans spend billions of dollars on weight-loss products and programs every year. Despite this, most people do not lose the amount they would like or, if they do, regain the weight after a short period of time. The problem lies with following specific fads that emphasize one type of eating pattern. The low-carbohydrate diet, which has been popular off-and-on-again since the mid-1800s, exemplifies such a diet program. Studies do show that the low-carbohydrate diet can offer some benefits, but over the long-term does not offer any more advantages than any other diet. Other factors, such as adherence to the diet and lifestyle are more important to the equation.

Americans spent approximately $60 billion in 2009 on weight loss products and programs, including so-called "special" diet foods, appetite suppressants, diet books, exercise memberships, workout videos, and stomach-clamping surgery (World Health Organization, 2010). Yet obesity, especially among children and youth, continues to…...



Dansinger, ML, Gleason, J., Griffith, J.L., Selker, H.P., & Schaefer, E.J. (2005) Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction. A Randomized Trial JAMA. 293:43-53.

Hellmich, N. Success of Atkins diet is in the calories. USA Today

Foster, G.D. et al. (2003) A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. New England Journal of Medicine 348:2082-2090

Lecture material from course.

Enzymology and Catalytic Mechanism Carbohydrate Metabolism Adenosine Triphosphate ATP
Pages: 2 Words: 752

Explain how enzymes are involved in processes such as the breakdown of fructose.

Enzymes are integral to processes such as the breakdown of fructose, a monosaccharide. Thus, a deficiency in enzymes can cause malabsorption of fructose or other sugars. Chemically, enzymes are complex proteins. Some enzymes like fructokinase transform molecules into available energy via processes of metabolism. For example, fructokinase and aldolase B. are enzymes involved in the breakdown of fructose. Any imbalance or absence of these and other enzymes can lead to fructose intolerance in the person, leading to a number of medical symptoms. When fructose cannot be metabolized by enzymes, it may lead to reduced absorption of water in the intestines, which in turn may lead to "bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, flatulence, and stomach pain due to muscle spasms. (Breakspear Medical Group, n.d.).

Found throughout the human body, enzymes can be considered to be chemical catalysts that convert substances like…...



Breakspear Medical Group (n.d.). Fructose metabolism -- acumen. Retrieved online: 

"Citric Acid Cycle Summary." Retrieved online: 

"Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, and other Energy-Releasing Pathways," (n.d.). Retrieved online: 

United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (n.d.). What is mitochondrial disease? Retrieved online:

Enzymology and Catalytic Mechanism Carbohydrate Metabolism ATP
Pages: 3 Words: 1091

Doctor Determine Treatment for a Diagnosis of Hereditary Fructose Intolerance:
Explain how enzymes are involved in processes such as the breakdown of fructose.

The enzymes work as a lock and key process where the relevetn active part of the enzyme fits into the substrate (i.e. The molecule on which the enzyme acts) and activates it. There are various active sites on the enzyme and only the enzyme that will 'fit' in the substrate will work. After part of enzyme matching with substrate, enzyme breaks down substrate into two smaller products.

The following image illustrates:

(adapted from

At times the process can be blocked by an impediment that stops the 'key' from 'turning, as happens in the case of a lack in aldolase B. which can prompt hereditary fructose intolerance

Explain how a deficiency in aldolase B. can be responsible for hereditary fructose intolerance.

Hereditary fructose intolerance is a disease that disable the individual from consuming…...



Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L. (2002) Biochemistry. 5th edition. New York: WH Freeman

Cross NC, de Franchis R, Sebastio G, et al. (1990). Molecular analysis of aldolase B. genes in hereditary fructose intolerance. Lancet 335 (8685): 306 -- 9

Huntington's Disease Outreach Project for Education at Stanford Coenzyme Q10: An Antioxidant Drug

Chemical Digestion
Pages: 2 Words: 613

The mechanical and chemical digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth. Chewing also termed as mastication ensures that the carbohydrates crumble down into smaller pieces. There are salivary glands within the oral cavity that secrete saliva which coats the food. Saliva comprises of an enzyme salivary amylase which breaks down the bods that are found between monomeric sugars like disaccharides, oligosaccharides and starches. It also breaks down amylose and amylopectin into small glucose chains referred to as dextrin and maltose. About 5% of starches are broken down within the mouth. There is also production of mucus by mucus cells within the salivary glad which helps the food to stick together and also lubricates food hence help in swallowing. At this stage the food is known as bolus and it is forced into the pharynx with the help of the tongue (Swartz, 2012).

During swallowing, the food passes through the esophagus which…...



Swartz, A. (2012). Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates. Retrieved September 25, 2014 from

Omniverous vs Vegan Diet Omnivorous
Pages: 4 Words: 1503


Acheson, K.J. (2012). Diets for body weight control and health: the potential of changing the macronutrient composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. etrieved from PubMed: doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.194.

Austin et al. (2011). Trends in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes and association with energy intake in normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals:

1971 -- 2006. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. etrieved:

Barnard, Neal D. (et al. 2009). A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(5): 1588S -- 1596S. etrieved from Pub Med:

Davis, N., Forbes, B., & Wylie-osett, J. (2009). Nutritional Strategies in Type 2 Diabetes.

Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 76(3), 257-268. etrieved from EBSCOhost


Foster, G.D., Wyatt, H.., Hill, J.O., Makris, a.P., osenbaum, D.L., Brill, C., & ... Klein, S.

(2010). Weight and metabolic outcomes after 2 years on a low-carbohydrate vs. low-fat diet. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153(3),…...



Acheson, K.J. (2012). Diets for body weight control and health: the potential of changing the macronutrient composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved from PubMed: doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.194.

Austin et al. (2011). Trends in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes and association with energy intake in normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals:

1971 -- 2006. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved:

Food Intake Analysis Food Inake Analysis Who
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Food Intake Analysis
Food Inake Analysis

Who does not want to be healthy? However, to achieve such an admirable goal, it will require diligence, motivation, and consistency. To many, this is quite a daunting task that is met with much resistance because of the level of commitment and consistency that it requires. Insomuch, with all the various types of fast foods available and society's life style, the challenge to reach and to maintain an ideal rate seems impossible. According to the Center for Disease Control (2012), the U.S. obesity rate at 35.7%; this demonstrates a significant increase since the 1990s. Since I am concern about my health and refuse to become a statistic, I will analyze my food intake for three days.

ecorded Intake

Below is my recorded 3-day food intake. Based on the data, several adjustments will should be made to reach the recommended dietary reference intake (USDA, 2012). According to My Fitness…...



Build a Heathy Body (n.d.). Let the pyramid guide your food choices.

Retrieved from 

Center for Disease Control -- CDC. (2012). Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from 

MyFitnessPal. (2012). Charts and reports. Retrieved from

Cardiovascular Health a Nurse With
Pages: 10 Words: 2748

"Participants were instructed to drink no more than 3 caffeinated beverages and no more than 2 alcoholic beverages per day" (pg. 2457).
Two features from this study that stand out when compared to the previous study (as read about earlier) was that this study sought to keep the participants weight relatively stable and that the participants were not obese and old, but were young and healthy. The goal of this study was measurably the same as the pervious study, but was set in entirely different circumstances. This is important to individuals seeking entry to the nursing field because it provides ammunition for lifestyle interventions even before the patient may think it is necessary.

The study's primary interest was to ascertain "the contrasts between the carbohydrate and protein diets and between the carbohydrate and unsaturated fat diets" (pg. 2459). What the study found was that for each diet (when compared to baseline)…...



Appel, L.J.; Sacks, F.M.; Carey, V.J.; Obrazanek, E.; Swain, J.F.; Miller III, E.R.; Conlin, P.R.; Erlinger, T.P., Rosner, B.A., Laranjo, N.M.; Charleston, J.; McCarron, P.; Bishop, L.M.; (2005) Effects of protein, monounsaturated fat, and carbohydrate intake on blood pressure and serum lipids: Results of the OmniHeart randomized trial, Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 294, No. 19, pp. 2455-2464

Trichopoulou, A.; Bamia, C.; Trichopoulos, D.; (2005) Mediterranean diet and survival among patients with coronary heart disease in Greece, Architecture of Internal Medicine, Vol. 165, pp. 929-935

Villareal, D.T.; Miller III, B.V.; Banks, M.; Fontana, L.; Sinacore, D.R.; Klein, S.; (2006) Effect of lifestyle intervention on metabolic coronary heart disease risk factors in obese older adults, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 84, pp. 1317-1323

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis on the benefits of breastfeeding?
Words: 595

Thesis Statement: Breastfeeding offers substantial benefits for both mothers and infants, promoting optimal health outcomes and fostering a unique bond between them. Its advantages range from providing essential nutrients to reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing cognitive development in infants, while also providing health benefits and convenience for mothers.


The practice of breastfeeding has been recognized as a fundamental aspect of parenting, providing infants with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive. This thesis delves into the multitude of benefits breastfeeding offers to both mothers and their infants, highlighting the positive impact it can have on health, development, and emotional....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about food?
Words: 330

I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber or hook
B. Background information on the importance of food
C. Thesis statement: The essay will explore the significance of food in our lives and its impact on our physical and mental well-being.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Nutritional Value
A. Explanation of essential nutrients found in food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals)
B. Discussion on the importance of balanced diet and portion control
C. Benefits of consuming nutrient-rich foods for overall health and disease prevention

III. Body Paragraph 2: Cultural Significance
A. Exploration of how food plays a role in different cultures and traditions

What is Outback Steakhouse\'s most popular bloomin\' onion appetizer?
Words: 542

Indulge in the Outback Steakhouse's Legendary Bloomin' Onion

Outback Steakhouse has tantalized taste buds since its inception in 1988, and one appetizer has consistently reigned supreme – the Bloomin' Onion. This colossal culinary creation is a testament to the restaurant's unwavering commitment to mouthwatering appetizers that complement their hearty entrees.

A Symphony of Flavor and Texture

The Bloomin' Onion is a masterpiece of culinary engineering. A whole onion is hand-cut into a magnificent flower shape, revealing layer upon layer of delicate petals. These petals are then coated in a light batter and deep-fried to a golden-brown perfection. The result is an appetizer that....

how to lose weight presentation?
Words: 689

How to Lose Weight: A Comprehensive Guide


Weight loss is a common goal for many people, but it can be challenging to achieve and maintain. There are numerous factors that can contribute to weight gain, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions. However, there are also a number of effective strategies that can help you lose weight and improve your overall health. This presentation will provide a comprehensive guide to weight loss, covering topics such as:

The causes of weight gain
The different types of weight loss diets
The importance of exercise
The role of behavior modification
The challenges of weight....

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