Calculus Essays (Examples)

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Calculus the World of Business
Pages: 3 Words: 824

Being able to "crunch the numbers" is an essential part of the manager's role. Too often managers feel uncomfortable working with numbers because of their limited mathematical background. This reduces their usefulness, however. Strong managers are not intimidated by the numbers, but rather view them as an essential component of the job. Therefore, part of the process of studying business management is to build the set of tools that will allow a manager to confidently approach all aspects of the job.
At its heart, calculus is the study of change. The concept of change is a major part of the manager's role. The world of business is constantly shifting. Calculus provides the theoretical backdrop to understanding the myriad of changes faced by managers today. When managerial decision making relies on a manager to understand the impacts of several different change processes, this illustrates a reliance on the principles of calculus.…...

Calculus Calculus Is a Vast
Pages: 3 Words: 1264

(Hilton, 26) in general, no mathematician would be willing to accept the solution to a problem without some sort of proof, and in the same way, no student of calculus would be ready to accept the resolution of a problem without the necessary proof. (Cadena; Travis; Norman, 77)
It must be stated that Newton's mathematics that involved 'fluxions' was one of the first forms of the area defined as 'differential calculus'. Although Newton used and preferred to use geometrical methods to algebraic equations, calculus methods had come into importance. However, calculus was not widely accepted at the time, and there were several philosophical objections to the science, but the fact remains that these objections over the years have made no difference to the application of the science. This is mainly because of its abstract nature, and also the logically sufficient nature of the science. The mathematician, Karl Popper, has stated…...



Cadena, Juan; Travis, Betty; Norman, Sandy. An evaluation of Reform in the teaching of calculus. Mathematics and Computer Education. Spring, 2003. Vol: 16; No: 2; pp: 74-77.

Dosemagen, Debra M; Schwalbach, Eileen M. Developing Student Understanding: Contextualizing Calculus Concepts. School Science and Mathematics. 2000. Vol. 100; No: 1; pp: 53-57

Hilton, Peter. Calculus and analytical mechanics in the Age of Enlightenment. Canadian Journal of History. December, 1998. Vol: 12; No: 1; pp: 26-28.

Lambda Calculus. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved at   Accessed on 23 June, 2005 .

Advanced Calculus
Pages: 5 Words: 1309

Calculus and Definitions of Its Concepts
Indefinite integration

Indefinite integration is the act of reversing any process of differentiation. It is the process of obtaining a function from its derivative. It is also called anti-derivative of f. A function F. is an anti-derivative of f on an interval I, if F'(x) = f (x) for all x in I. A function of F (x) for which F'(x)=f (x), this means that for every x domain of f is said to be an anti-derivative of f (x)

The anti-derivative of a derivative is the original function plus a constant. In most cases indefinite integral is denoted by ? symbol which is called the integral sign, and f (x) is referred to as the integrand. In most cases in indefinite integration the constant C. is always zero this means that any constant can be added to it and the corresponding function bear the same integral.




Buck C.R. (2003) Advanced Calculus, 3rd Edition Waveland Press Inc. Illinois

Decker R. (1996) Calculus, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

Hoffmann L.D & Bradley G.L (2000) Calculus for social and life sciences. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill Madison

Periodontal Health Definition of Calculus
Pages: 10 Words: 3205

Nevertheless, an individual may prefer to have this type of calculus removed for other reasons or otherwise as part of a long-term treatment regimen. For example, Bennett and Mccrochan note that, "When the American Dental Association later approved Warner-Lambert's mouthwash, Listerine, by stating that 'Listerine Antiseptic has been shown to help prevent and reduce supragingival plaque accumulation and gingivitis. . ., ' sales rose significantly" (1993:398). It remains unclear, though, what effect, if any, that supragingival calculus has on gingival inflammation. For instance, Mandel and Gaffar report that, "Although there is no doubt that gingivitis can develop in the absence of supragingival calculus, it is not clear to what extent the presence of mineralized deposit enhances gingival inflammation" (1986:249). Although the composition of the material is the same, the location of calculus below the gumline is termed "subgingival" and this condition is discussed further below.
Subgingival. Because of its location…...



Alaluusua, S., Calderara, P., Gerthoux, P.M., Lukinmaa, P.L., Kovero, O., Needham, L.,

Patterson, D.G., Tuomisto, J. & Mocarelli, P. 2004 "Developmental dental aberrations after the dioxin accident in Seveso." Environmental Health Perspectives 112(3): 1313-

Ainamo, J. 1970 "Concomitant periodontal disease and dental caries in young adult males."

Suomen Hammaslaakariseran Tomituksia 66: 301-364.

Mamikon's Approach to Teaching Calculus
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Mamikon even takes this simple observation about curves to establish a new relationship between the tractrix and exponential curves (Apostol & Mamikon 2002).
Mamikon's visual understanding and explanation of calculus is not limited to two-diemnsional curves, nor does he concern himself only with new insights into mathematical relationships. In another paper, again published with Apostol, Mamikon established new proofs for Archimedes' discoveries concerning polyhedrons and their circumscribing prisms (Apostol & Mamikon 2004). Again, his explanation abounds with visual examples, clearly shaded in various tones to correlate areas and volumes for an easy understanding of the relationships Mamikon is describing. The mathematical formula are present too, of course, but they are far more easily understood for most students when accompanied with visual examples.

In sharing these and other visual learning techniques with students, I would start (as Mamikon does) with examples familiar to their daily lives -- the curve made by two…...



Apostol, T. & Mamikon, M. (2002). "Subtangents -- An Aid to Visual Calculus." The American Mathematical Monthly, 109(6), pp. 525-33.

Apostol, T. & Mamikon, M. (2004). "A Fresh Look at the Method of Archimedes." The American Mathematical Monthly, 11(6), pp. 496-508.

Mamikon. (2000) "Bicycle Puzzle." Visual Calculus by Mamikon. CalTehc ITS website. Accessed 7 July 2009.

Pre Calculus II Project Setup
Pages: 2 Words: 452

The semi-minor and semi-major axis are easily determined, and can then be subbed into the standard equation for an ellipse. Taking the square root of y will result in a plus/minus, and discarding the minus erases the lower half of the ellipse. The long axis extends horizontally, and the short axis extends vertically. The x and y axis bisects the ellipse already, so both a and B. are available: 525' and 350'.
The width of the channel is, once again, determined by inputting a known point.

Hence, the semi-elliptic bridge allows 315 ft of clearance from the centerline, or 630 ft in all.

If the river flooded, the tanker would sit 10 ft higher and would, hence, have only the clearance available at 290 ft. For the parabola:

For the semi-ellipse:

Thus, the parabolic bridge with a raised water level would have only a minor decrease in clearance from 470ft to 435ft. The semi-ellipse…...

Derivatives and Definite Integral
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Derivatives and Definite Integrals
Word Count (excluding title and works cited page): 628

Calculus pioneers of the seventeenth century such as Leibniz, ewton, Barrow, Fermat, Pascal, Cavelieri, and Wallis sought to find solutions to puzzling mathematical problems. Specifically, they expressed the functions for derivatives and definite integrals. Their areas of interest involved discussions on tangents, velocity and acceleration, maximums and minimums, and area. This introductory paper shall briefly introduce four specific questions related to these problems and the solutions that were sought.

In calculus, how a function changes in response to input is measured using a derivative. The derivative of a function is the result of mathematical differentiation. It measures the instantaneous rate of change of one certain quantity in relationship to another and is expressed as df (x)/dx. It can be interpreted geometrically as the slope of the curve of a mathematical function f (x) plotted as a function of x. The…...


Nave, R. Derivatives and integrals. Hyper Physics, Retrieved from 

Kouba, D.A. The Calculus Page, U.C. Davis Department of Mathematics.   Retrieved January 25, 2011 ,

Weisstein, E. Wolfram Mathworld.   Retrieved January 25, 2011 ,

Jeremy Bentham Tried to Establish
Pages: 3 Words: 1029

Smoking rates do seem to be down, as a result of sin taxes and smoking bans in public areas like restaurants.
However, although this might be an example of when Bentham's moral science might seem to work (although it is controversial how helpful mandatory sentences may be) it is hard not to think of a familiar phrase: "one man's meat is another man's poison" -- in short, what gives pleasure to some might not give pleasure to all. A good example of this might be a child who is starving for parental attention. The child begins to 'act out' and is punished. The parents think they are acting to deter the behavior, but in reality, rather than experiencing an intense and swift punishment, the child experiences the punishment as a kind of reward, because it is at least feels like some kind of attention. Another example might be that of…...

Frequency Distribution Below Shows the
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The probability that both a and B. will occur is different from the probabilities that a will occur and that B. will occur.
Refer to the following data to answer questions 7 and 8. Just the answer

A random sample of song playing times in seconds is as follows:

7. Find the standard deviation. 28.65

8. Are any of these playing times considered unusual in the sense of our textbook? Explain. Does this differ with your intuition? Explain. The longest playing time, 293 seconds, could be considered somewhat unusual in that it is more than 1.5 standard deviations away from the mean, meaning more than 93% of data in the population (if normally distributed) would fall below this level -- 93% of songs would be shorter. Intuition says that this is not the case, and that though the song is longer this is simply part of the variation that exists in music.

Refer to…...

Personal Challenges Early on in
Pages: 3 Words: 874

During my junior year, I decided to undergo a significant change in my educational career, which is to transfer from Los Angeles to San Francisco. My decision to transfer to another school was anchored on two objectives. My first objective was to transfer to a school where I will develop my knowledge and know my limits in studying, particularly in the field of natural science. My second objective, meanwhile, was to attend a school that has a curriculum structure and format that complements my needs -- that is, to attend classes centering on natural science and mathematics.

It was noticeable during my junior year that I experienced difficulty in excelling in my humanities class. This was due to the difference in the format of teaching humanities between my old and new school. In the new school I enrolled in, humanities class was handled differently, requiring greater classroom (teacher-student) interaction, which my…...

Art and Mathematics Are Related
Pages: 10 Words: 2688

Note the distinct similarities.
An examination of Escher's Circle Limit III can thus tell us much about distance in hyperbolic geometry. In both Escher's woodcut and the Poincare disk, the images showcased appear smaller as one's eye moves toward the edge of the circle. However, this is an illusion created by our traditional, Euclidean perceptions. Because of the way that distance is measured in a hyperbolic space, all of the objects shown in the circle are actually the same size. As we follow the backbones of the fish in Escher's representation, we can see, then, that the lines separating one fish from the next are actually all the same distance even though they appear to grow shorter. This is because, as already noted, the hyperbolic space stretches to infinity at its edges. There is no end. Therefore, the perception that the lines are getting smaller toward the edges is, in…...


Works Cited

Corbitt, Mary Kay. "Geometry." World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. World Book, Inc., 2003.

Dunham, Douglas. "A Tale Both Shocking and Hyperbolic." Math Horizons Apr. 2003: 22-26.

Ernst, Bruno. The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher. NY: Barnes and Noble Books, 1994.

Granger, Tim. "Math Is Art." Teaching Children Mathematics 7.1 (Sept. 2000): 10.

Dedicate Myself to an Interest
Pages: 2 Words: 675

I intend to pursue a career in medicine, a career that I regard as a calling as well as an aspiration. My sports activities have disciplined me, toughened me, and honed my competitive instincts in a way that I believe is necessary for pre-medical studies, and later, perhaps, for medical school. I intend to enter the health care field, either a practitioner, or perhaps from a business angle, as I have grown convinced, after seeing my own family's struggle with the bureaucratic aspects of the American medical system, that there is a need for an infusion of compassion and reform into the system from all areas, on the part of administrators as well as doctors.
At present, to give me a strong academic founding for my rigorous college studies in science and business, I am currently enrolled in three AP classes: Calculus AB AP, Psychology AP, and Spanish V AP.…...

Attend the University of Toronto
Pages: 1 Words: 306

During my two years at the Sias Marketing Group, I have put the theories I learn every day into practice through various company projects. In these projects, I am often in charge of bringing together statistical data on marketing projects for analysis and further examination. While analyzing this data with the senior management of the corporation, I have gained valuable experience in the practical use of mathematics in combination with economic theories. I enjoy this type of work very much, and hope to continue to gain more experience and knowledge for my continued career success.
I feel my education and the experience in finance qualifies me for a chance to capture the crown jewel of the world of mathematical finance, and you will accept my application to attend the University of Toronto. I look forward to hearing from…...

Personal Statement for Pharmacy School
Pages: 2 Words: 713

Personal Statement for Pharmacy School
Pharmacy School is highly important to me as part of my career path, and I believe I am both personally and professionally well-qualified to attend and be successful. I have work experience in the pharmaceutical field, having worked at my aunt's pharmacy in the past. This work taught me a great deal about pharmacy as a profession, but also gave me a lot of insight about how to properly treat patients and interact with others. I consider myself more well-rounded because of the interaction I had with so many people during my time at the pharmacy. I smile frequently, consider myself a nice person, and have developed a high level of patience with people from all walks of life. In 2000, when I was 17, I came to the United States and earned my diploma from Valencia High School. Just a week later I began attending…...

Recommendation Letters
Pages: 2 Words: 573

Pharmacy Personal Statement
Over the course of my life, I have been confronted with many obstacles, yet one core passion has kept me focused: that of my desire to enter the medical profession as a pharmacist. I came to the United States when I was seventeen, relatively late to enter the U.S. school system, but I was still able to become a part of the Honors Program at the College of the Canyons as a pre-pharmacy major, with a focus in chemistry. I had already worked at my aunt's pharmacy, and seeing how the work of a pharmacist could make such a difference in people's daily lives cemented my decision to pursue the profession. While at College of the Canyons I was a participant in the EOPS (Educational Opportunity Programs and Services) and volunteered at the pharmacy of Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia. The latter enabled me to continue…...

My teacher suggested focusing on unit lesson. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 512

Unit Lesson Essay Topic Ideas


The Causes and Consequences of the American Civil War: Analyze the complex factors that led to the outbreak of the American Civil War and explore its far-reaching social, political, and economic consequences.
The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on European Society: Examine the technological, economic, and social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution, considering its effects on workers, urbanization, and the balance of power.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: Investigate the reasons for the rise and eventual decline of the Roman Empire, analyzing its political, social, military, and economic strengths and....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about Slave Compromises?
Words: 215

1. The Impact of Slave Compromises on American History

2. Negotiating Freedom: The Role of Compromises in the Slave Experience

3. The Morality of Slave Compromises: Ethical Dilemmas in the Antebellum South

4. Balancing Act: How Slaves Navigate Compromises for Survival

5. The Power Dynamics of Slave Compromises: Agency and Resistance

6. Compromising Identity: How Slaves Adapted to Forced Negotiations

7. A Necessary Evil? Examining the Justifications for Slave Compromises

8. Repercussions of Slave Compromises: Legacy and Memory

9. Breaking the Chains: How Slave Compromises Led to Liberation

10. From Oppression to Empowerment: The Evolution of Slave Compromises
11. The Political Calculus of Slave Compromises: A Critical Analysis
12. The Psychological....

I need some suggestions for abstract for maths in physics project essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 223

1. The Fibonacci sequence and its applications in physics
2. Chaos theory and its implications for understanding complex systems in physics
3. The role of symmetry in modern physics
4. Fractal geometry and its applications in modeling natural phenomena
5. The use of wave equations in describing physical processes
6. The concept of infinity in calculus and its significance for physics
7. The mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
8. Differential equations and their role in modeling physical systems
9. The geometry of spacetime in general relativity
10. The role of group theory in understanding the fundamental forces of nature
11. The applications of calculus in solving problems in classical mechanics

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on abstract of maths in physics. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 209

One potential essay topic could be exploring the role of abstract mathematical concepts in developing new theories and models in physics. This could involve discussing how abstract mathematical structures, such as group theory or differential geometry, have been used to describe and understand physical phenomena in innovative ways. Additionally, you could examine how the interplay between abstract mathematics and physics has led to the discovery of new principles and relationships in the natural world. Finally, you could also consider the philosophical implications of the use of abstract mathematics in physics, and how it challenges our understanding of reality and the....

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