risks are associated with implementing a BYOD policy, and how can these risks be addressed? Consider how BYOD risks differ from those in a corporate-owned mobile strategy.
The first risk associate with a BYOD policy is the added costs associated with adding multiple phone lines to the overall platform. As the firm has over 210 associates, it will be very costly to implement a blackberry, android, and iPhone platform that accommodates all the investment personnel within the company. As such, the firm will incur the risk of increasing costs at the expense of familiarity with mobile devices. The investment personnel within the firm are using multiple applications on differing devices for their clients. Some applications are tablet-based while others exist on mobile phones. By allowing a BYOD policy, the firm will be utilizing disparate systems and operating software to engage and attract clients. This form of business may be detrimental…...
1) Saylor, Michael (2012). The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything. Perseus Books/Vanguard Press. p. 5. ISBN 978-1593157203
2) Kling, Andrew (2010). Cell Phones. 27500 Drake Road, Farmington Hills MI 48331: Lucent Books. pp. 24 -- 26
3) Donner, Jonathan, and Steenson, Molly Wright. "Beyond the Personal and Private: Modes of Mobile Phone Sharing in Urban India." In The Reconstruction of Space and Time: Mobile Communication Practices, edited by Scott Campbell and Rich Ling, 231 -- 250. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008
4) Hahn, Hans and Kibora, Ludovic. "The Domestication of the Mobile Phone: Oral Society and New ICT in Burkina Faso." Journal of Modern African Studes 46 (2008): 87 -- 109.source Information 2007
Issues Identification
Incompatible devices – There is a distinct possibility that employees may choose to utilize devices which are incompatible with an organization’s network and security infrastructure.
Personal Usage – If employees are allowed to use their personal devices in work settings, there is the potential to use them for personal use during allotted work time. They may have specific programs on these devices conducive to doing so.
Maintenance – There can become pecuniary disputes between management and employees regarding the maintenance of personal devices used for work. Employees may want to subsidize battery replacements and other maintenance.
Outside of Firewall – The primary security issue is that these devices are unprotected once they leave the physical confines of an organization and its firewall, rendering organizational data vulnerable.
Theft – Theft is a principal concern with BYOD policies, since if personal devices are stolen users may be able to access sensitive workplace data, compromising an…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kanaracus, Chris. Half of companies will require BYOD by 2013, Gartner says. www.pcworld.com 2013. Web. Phifer, Lisa. BYOD Security Strategies: Balancing BYOD Risks and Rewards. www.techtarget.com 2013. Web. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/feature/BYOD-security-strategies-Balancing-BYOD-risks-and-rewards Whittaker, Zach. BYOD: From Optional to Mandatory by 2017, says Gartner. www.zdnet.com 2013. Web. http://www.zdnet.com/article/byod-from-optional-to-mandatory-by-2017-says-gartner/ https://www.pcworld.com/article/2036980/half-of-companies-will-require-byod-by-2017-gartner-says.html
Educational Technology Plan 2014-2017
TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies
TIP 2: Needs Assessment
TIP 3: The Planning Process
State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures
TIP 4: Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies
TIP 5: Executive Summary
TIP 6: eferences
TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of Imaginary County Public Schools
The Imaginary County Public Schools District seeks to empower students with the latest technological resources and training to provide them with the knowledge to take advantage of educational and professional opportunities throughout their communities -- and the rest of their lives.
Vision: The vision of the Imaginary County Public Schools District is to enable students to become vital contributing members to the surrounding society with the most effective and modern methods indicative of the 21st century.
Goals and Strategies
Goal 1: Students must have a safe environment in which to learn and which fosters confidence, so that they can expand to attain…...
Harper, J. (2014). Mobile data governance. www.dataversity.net Retrieved from http://www.dataversity.net/mobile-data-governance/
Hogan, K.. (2013). The Edtech era. Tech & Learning. 33(8), 4.
Sangani, K. (2013). BYOD to the classroom. Engineering & Technology.8(3), 42-45.
Savitz, E. (2012). How we can use technology to transform the classroom. www.forbes.com. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/ciocentral/2012/11/27/how-we-can-use-technology-to-transform-the-classroom/
Only then will the moe effective use of knowledge occu and its value is de-politicized, making it moe potent in geneating pofits (Chatand, 1985).
It is a paadox that the moe challenging, disuptive and uncetain a given industy is the moe oganizations factionalize thei stuctues, ceating splinte goups and politically volatile stuctues that only acceleate a company's demise. The paadox is that in the toughest and uncetain of times in the telecommunications industy, Veizon Telecommunications needs to think moe about how they too can be a disuptive foce in the maket. Instead, the management team is focused on a highly balkanized, vey politically-diven agenda of holding onto powe by ceating smalle silos o depatments that can easily manage the data that is peceived as the most valuable asset thee is in the oganization. The paadox comes full cicle when a company is sold in pieces and the sold unit o…...
mlareferences added
Chartrand, R.L. (1985). The politics of information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 36(6), 376-376.
Frederic Jallat, & Ancarani, F. (2008). Yield management, dynamic pricing and CRM in telecommunications. The Journal of Services Marketing, 22(6), 465-478.
Liljander, V., Polsa, P., & Forsberg, K. (2007). Do mobile CRM services appeal to loyalty program customers? International Journal of E-Business Research, 3(2), 24-30,33-40.
Piercy, N.F. (1989). Information control and the power and politics of marketing. Journal of Business Research, 18(3), 229-229.
EMC IT Strategic Plan
EMC: Strategic IT Plan
The corporate IT governance environment of EMC Corporation was analyzed in the previous papers and it was indicated that the firm is challenged with issues related to data security, data mobility, and data backup for cloud customers. For the highlighted issues of IT governance, some solutions were also recommended that included encryption of data, application of Firewalls, VLANs and other securitization throughout the EMC IT infrastructure. For data mobility, it was recommended that EMC should adopt an efficient data mobility model to decrease end-to-end delay in data mobility (Camp, Boleng & Davies, 2002). Gauss-Markov Mobility Model was recommended as the optimal model of data mobility for the firm. emote data integrity standards and state as well as national level data back legal provisions were recommended as solution for data back-up issue. This paper will highlight the implications of recommended IT solutions followed by strategic…...
Agile Path Corporation. (2013). Cloud Leadership Forum. Retrieved from: https://www.eiseverywhere.com/file_uploads/8d78b669e86b0120d704469d84fbf680_CLF_2011_Governance_Frameworks_Eric_Marks.pdf
Camp, T., Boleng, J., & Davies, V. (2002). A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 2(5), 483-502.
Kelly, S.G. (2006). Security Implications of Using the Data Encryption Standard (DES). IETF Trust. Retrieved from: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4772.txt
Kundra, V. (2011). Federal cloud computing strategy. The U.S. Chief Information Officer: The White House. Retrieved from: http://cdn3.ctovision.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Federal-Cloud-Computing-Strategy1.pdf
Google might be one of the most iconic and most cataclysmic company of the last fifteen years or so. Starting as a simple search engine, Google has been able to evolve more rapidly and with more success than any other company imaginable. When it comes to the future, one can only look at the history and background of Google to provide clues as to how the company is likely to evolve. This paper examines Google's fundamental strategy for growth which has been to earn, entice, expand and experiment (Faktor, 2013) and discusses how nearly every step and branch of their services, marketing efforts, and company organization falls under this greater umbrella.
Earning intensely has been one of the major elements that has long allowed Google to grow as rapidly as it has and to experiment in so many different markets. Google makes 95% of its profits simple from advertising (Faktor, 2013).…...
Burnham, K. (2014). Google's Top 10 Best (and Worst) Innovations of the Year. Retrieved from Cio.com: http://www.cio.com/article/630718/Google_s_Top_10_Best_and_Worst_Innovations_of_the_Year
Davis, B. (2014, January 27). 12 inspiring marketing campaigns from Google. Retrieved from econsultancy.com: https://econsultancy.com/blog/64204-12-inspiring-marketing-campaigns-from-google#i.1fs1j8810sbdp5
Faktor, S. (2013, June 28). Google's Strategy Explained. Retrieved from linkedin.com: http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130628195308-4802093-google-s-strategy-explained
Nerney, C. (2014, February 5). Google's enterprise strategy: Infiltrate, entice, embrace. Retrieved from citeworld.com: http://www.citeworld.com/article/2114411/consumerization/google-enterprise-strategy-explained.html
BJ's Wholesale Enterprise Architecture
It is necessary to develop a business environment that shelters all applications under one roof. As such, the business environment will minimize the average cost of running a business and ensure that systems are not redundant. A desirable business environment is one that merges I.T orientations to a business environment without the two contradicting each other. Subsequent effort to improvise this system has seen software developers come up with responsive system, EP systems, or Point of Sales amongst others. However, these systems fail to provide a comprehensive business approach. After all, quality counts than quantity and having many systems does not denote proper service orientation. For this reason, researchers affiliated to IBM developed the MDM to ensure that various business systems are well and fully managed and thus, eliminating the occurrence of redundancy.
Part One: Business model
List of acronyms
Enterprise esource Planning. This business management software is integrated into…...
Alur, N. (2009). Master data management rapid deployment package for MDM. United States?: IBM, International Technical Support Organization.
Das, T.K., & Mishra, M.R. (2011). A Study on Challenges and Opportunities in Master Data Management. International Journal of Database Management Systems, 3(2), 129-139.
Haug, A., & Arlbjorn, J.S. (2011). Barriers to master data quality. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 24(3), 288-303.
Lamolle, M., Menet, L., & Duc, C.L. (2013). Incremental checking of Master Data Management model based on contextual graphs. Enterprise Information Systems, 4, 1-28.
Organizational behavior is an important concept in the modern business environment since business organizations have experienced significant development and growth from the conventional times. This growth and development of business organizations that has contributed to the significance of the concept of organizational behavior has occurred in relation to organizational structure, people, and operations. As a relatively new discipline in business management, organizational behavior primarily focuses on group dynamics, execution of leadership, organizational functioning, and interactions between people in an organization. The emergence of this discipline in the 20th Century is attributed to its evolution from the conventional classical management theories to a complex concept and idea.
Definition of the Concept and Emerging Issues
Organizational behavior has widely been described as an academic field of study that focuses on explaining, understanding, forecasting, and managing human behavior within an organization or business environment. From a personal position, organizational behavior is the study of the…...
"Emerging Trends in Organizational Behaviour." (n.d.). Trends in OB. Retrieved from Indian School of Mines website: http://ismdhanbad.ac.in/elearning/notes/trends_in_ob.pdf
Gillis, T.L. (2013). Current Issues in Organizational Behavior: Teaching Social Media and BYOD Policies. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from http://www.abeweb.org/proceedings/Proceedings13/Gillis.pdf
Griffin, R. & Moorhead, G. (2014). Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Johnston, K. (n.d.). How to Implement a Plan of Action to Strengthen Teamwork. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/implement-plan-action-strengthen-teamwork-13104.html
Persistent Threats
One of the biggest risks that companies face is advanced persistent threats.
Advanced persistent threats can be very harmful to a company and can come in various forms as hackers have a variety of methods in their tool belt; however, on the receiving end, companies should be prepared for cyber attacks -- and yet they often are not, because of carelessness, neglect, lack of oversight, regulation, accountability, transparency, review, and an ability to conduct proper assessment. APTs are happening all the time and can be traced to origin locations all over the world (Norse, 2016). Cyber security should be therefore a number priority for any and all businesses that utilize information systems software and hardware. As the Norse Map shows, countries in both the East and the West are waging cyber war against one another; cyber security is therefore a real going concern for all (Norse, 2016).
Discuss the most…...
Boyens, J., Paulsen, C., Bartol, N., Moorthy, R., Shankles, S. (2012). Notional Supply
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Earned Value Analysis. (2012). Project Management Guru. Retrieved from http://www.projectmanagementguru.com/eva.html
Fleming, Q., Koppelman, J. (2000). Earned Value Project Management. PA: Project
Mobile Device Security PolicyA hand-held mobile device security policy is crucial for any company that values the protection of its intellectual property and confidential data (Zafar, 2017). In today\\\'s fast-paced business environment, employees are increasingly using their personal smart phones and tablets for work-related tasks, and it is essential that a comprehensive policy is in place to mitigate the risk of data breaches and loss of intellectual property. What follows is this companys policy, which is applicable for both company-owned and employee-owned devices.This policy prohibits of the use of unapproved apps, such as third-party cloud storage services, on company-owned devices. This is important because these apps may not have the same level of security as the apps approved by the company and may put sensitive information at risk. Additionally, the policy restricts the use of the camera and other functions, such as Bluetooth, on company-owned devices to prevent the unauthorized…...
mlaReferencesAldawood, H., & Skinner, G. (2019). Reviewing cyber security social engineering training and awareness programs—Pitfalls and ongoing issues. Future Internet, 11(3), 73.Zafar, H. (2017). Mobile computing and hand?held devices at work. The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of the internet at work, 195-210.
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