Business Venture Essays (Examples)

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Failure in Business Ventures Entrepreneurs Firms' Success
Pages: 5 Words: 1455

Failure in Business Ventures
Entrepreneurs, firms' success, and failure factors are a subject of extensive research over many years. It is necessary for entrepreneurs and organizations to understand both the internal and external motivational factors that may lead to success or failure of a business venture. A business in the startup level encounters various barriers and challenges. It is the task of the entrepreneur or the managing board to decide on the right moves for the success of the business. This study will use an example of two companies Siebel and eBay to analyze the various factors that determine the success or failure of a startup company.

Siebel and eBay are an example of two companies that show contrasting characteristics of handling the market area for their products and services. Siebel and eBay both ventured into their lines of business successfully, but Siebel developed various problems on its way up and…...



Kerstetter, J. (2003, June 2). Can Siebel stop its slide? Missteps -- and tough rivals -- undermine the software giant. Business Week 3835. Retrieved from .

Larson. R. (n.d.). Pages on Business Planning. Free Management Library. Retrieved from .

Baron, R.A. (2006). Opportunity recognition as pattern recognition: How entrepreneurs

"connect the dots" to identify new business opportunities. The Academy of Management

Day Spa Business Plan My Business Venture
Pages: 3 Words: 853

Day Spa Business Plan
My Business Venture is the Day Spa and my financial plan is to initiate, maintain, and improve the factors that will increase and stabilize my cash flow. My business will implement effective cost management to increase the business net worth in the first year and in the foreseeable future. The paper presents the pro-formal balance sheet based on some important assumptions.

My financial plan depends on some important assumptions listed as follows:

The plan assumes that the U.S. economy will continue to improve and the economy will not slide back into a major recession.

It is also assumed that the tax rates and interest rates will be based on the conservative rate.

The current average interest rate will be 6% and the long-term interest rate will be 5.25%.

It is also assumed that the tax rate will be 34%

The venture will achieve a success by recording sales growth.

It is also assumed that…...



Dul, J. & Hak, T. (2008). Case Study Methodology in Business Research. First Edition, Charon Tec Ltd., Great Britain.

Finch, B. (2007). How to Write a Business Plan. Second Edition, MPG Books Ltd. press, Great Britain.

Palepu, K.G. Healy, P.M, Bernard, V.L. (2004).Business Analysis & Valuation: Using Financial Statements. Third Edition, Mason, Ohio.

Funding a Business Venture
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Funding a Business Venture
All startups need to find a means of financing their operations. The company must explore different financing options in order to make a determination as to the best option. In the process of exploring financing options, there are a number of different financing terms that need to be understood. This paper covers some of those terms and discusses the issue of startup financing. The pros and cons of some key options are outlined and a recommendation is made with regards to the ideal source of financing for the new technology idea.

There are a number of mechanisms for the financing of a business venture. Each mechanism has its advantages and its disadvantages. These will need to be understood and considered prior to making a decision about financing.

The first financing option is the investment banker. Investment bankers are essentially brokers who put together deals, matching those with money and…...

Business Data Analysis - Writing
Pages: 4 Words: 1089

3. SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis reveals the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which are likely to affect the outcome of launching the electronic commerce at Blue Cut Fashion. The strengths and weaknesses derive from internal features and amongst others, may refer to financial highlights and previous expertise. The opportunities and threats are generated by the external environment and may refer to commercial trends and technological advancements. All these are presented in the following table:

Table 1: SWOT for e-commerce at Blue Cut Fashion



1. International recognition and favorable image on the market, facilitating as such the penetration of the online market

2. Blue Cut Fashion possesses sufficient financial resources to engage in an electronic commerce venture

3. The existent logistics system could be extended to cover the delivery of the online sold clothes and shoes

4. Blue Cut Fashion employs dedicated workers which produce high quality products with increased attention to details

5. The management and…...



Ghosh, Anup, K., 1998, E-Commerce Security: Weak Links, Best Defenses, 1st Edition, Wiley

Goel, Ritendra, 2007, e-Commerce, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P.

Korper, Steffano and Ellis, Juanita, 2000, the E-Commerce Book: Building the E-Empire, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufman

Rosen, Anita, 2002, the E-Commerce Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Business Managers, 2nd Edition, American Management Association

Businesses Are the Cornerstone of a Capitalistic
Pages: 8 Words: 2907

Businesses are the cornerstone of a capitalistic society. Businesses often drive economic growth and overall societal prosperity. In many instances, business can enhance the overall quality of life of those living in civilization. Looking back briefly at history, provides a unique perspective of business as it relates to societal development. Currently, looking at a minimum wage individual living in America today, they are able to perform tasks and activities that many of the wealthiest individuals in society during 1900 could only dream of. The minimum wage individual can watch television, listen to music on a cell phone, use the internet and even control the weather within their vehicle. This has occurred primarily due to the profit incentive embedded in a capitalistic society. The same will occur with Alex, Bill, Carl, Devon, and Xavier as there farm business developments. These same principles are present for all Christians who want their business…...



1. Barnet, Richard; Ronald E. Muller (1974). Global Reach: The Power of the Multinational Corporation. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

2. Blumberg, Phillip I., The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law: The Search for a New Corporate Personality, (1993)

3. Cadman, John William. The Corporation in New Jersey: Business and Politics,, (1949)

4. Conard, Alfred F Corporations in Perspective. 1976.

Business Idea Create a Thrift Store Focuses
Pages: 6 Words: 1814

business idea create a thrift store. Focuses employing boys girls juvenile detention center. The profits store invested housing education workers, children maintain store. The assignment: Clearly explaining idea reader Then focus briefly highlighting aspects idea: 1.
Thrift store

The modern day society is more and more pressured by changes in the behavior of people, but also by larger changes at the greater social level. A notable change is as such represented by an increasing gap within the population. While the efforts are focused towards increasing social and economic equality, fact remains that the gap between the rich and the poor continues to be impressive. In such a setting, some people possess large amounts of products, which have to be disposed off, and others are in need of various products, but do not afford them. The thrift store comes to answer the needs of both population categories, by collecting goods and reselling them.




Hatten, T.S. (2011). Small business management: entrepreneurship and beyond. Cengage Learning.

Katzmann, G.S., (2002). Securing our children's future: new approaches to juvenile justice and youth violence. Brookings Institution Press.

Longenecker, J.G.. Moore, C.W., Palich, L.E., Petty, W.J., (2006). Small business management: an entrepreneurial emphasis. Vol. 1. Cengage Learning.

Olson, G.E. (2010). Better green business: handbook for environmentally responsible and profitable business practices. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Business - RFID Radio Frequency
Pages: 4 Words: 1225

Moreover, FID technology has proven useful in other respects, such as ensuring the proper temperature of frozen and refrigerated goods in transit and even by facilitating the coordination of emergency supplies during disaster responses on the part of the federal government (Gordon, 2006).
In fact, the ability of FID to monitor other variables besides geographical location suggests additional valuable applications such as the incorporation into manufacturing processes. For example, (as in the case of transporting refrigerated goods), temperature can be monitored and adjusted automatically, improving the quality and safety of everything from crucial medical supplies to pop tarts.

Furthermore, potential cost savings provided by FID technology transcend the realm of production and supply chain management. Shippers can monitor compliance on the part of their truckers with speed limits and route restrictions, thereby saving additionally on the cost of insuring their employees and equipment, by virtue of the increased ability that FID…...



Byrne, P.M. (20041). Supply chain RFID: Lessons from a leader; Logistics Management, Vol.43, No. 5, May/04 (31-2).

Byrne, P.M. (20042). RFID: Not just for Wal-Mart anymore; Logistics Management, Vol.43, No. 9, Sep/04 (31-2).

Chatur, a.A. (2006). Driving costs out of the supply chain: Inbound logistics; Infosys.

Gordon, B. (2006). Outsourcing: What's the next big trend? A wave of supply chain governance; Canadian Transportation Logistics, Nov/Dec Vol. 109, No. 11 (75).

Business Finance Sources of Finance Sources of
Pages: 6 Words: 1838

Business Finance
Sources of Finance

Sources of Business Finance

Finance is the life blood of every business as all types of businesses need money at every stage of their operation. It is of vital importance particularly for the modern businesses which require huge capitals. Finance is actually the determinant of the firm formation and it not only influences the ability of any firm to enter in the market but also affects its performance after the entry. Empirical studies have shown that sufficient size of initial capital play an important role in boosting the ability of the new firms to survive in the market (Bruderl et al. 1992, p.227), make higher profits and expand further (Bamford et al. 1999, p.253).

Now, the question is that how can businessmen and entrepreneurs gather these huge amounts of money? Do they have enough money that they can do business with their own money; which is obviously difficult in…...



Bamford, C.E., Dean, T.J. And McDougall P.P 1999, "An examination of the impact of initial founding conditions and decisions upon the performance of new bank start-ups." Journal of Business Venturing 15: 253 -- 277.

Bruderl, J. Preisenorfer, P. & Ziegler, R 1992, "The survival chances of newly founded business

Organizations," American Sociological Review, 57: 227-242.

Business Creativity Many Times People
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

It is only after the organization has lost its market share that it realizes the importance if employee creativity. Successful organizations have always known that to improve and increase their competitive position they need to value their employees and encourage them to be creative. This way the organization is better placed to provide its customers with the services and products they demand Epetimehin, 2011()
The importance of creativity in improving the workplace performance is not as many people believe to be a novel idea. Allowing employees to be creative in their problem solving has been shown to improve employees' problem solving abilities and increase their productivity. The question that organizations should ask is what the importance of creativity to its business is and will creativity improve its competitiveness in the market. The answer to these questions will allow the organization to see the benefits it can reap by allowing its…...



De Miranda, P.C., Aranha, J.A.S., & Zardo, J. (2009). Creativity: people, environment and culture, the key elements in its understanding and interpretation. [Article]. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 36(7), 523-535.

Epetimehin, F.M. (2011). Achieving Competitive Advantage in Insurance Industry: The Impact of Marketing Innovation and Creativity. [Article]. European Journal of Social Science, 19(1), 123-127.

Junarsin, E. (2009). Creativity and Competitiveness. [Article]. Globalization (15359794), 8(1), 1-13.

Business Management for Most of Us Dealing
Pages: 6 Words: 1897


For most of us, dealing with money has been altered by technology. Most of us use money out of ATM's or we pay bills with online banking just as easily as we change channels on a television. Obviously printing presses and paper cutters create our physical money, but how is the idea of money really created? Do banks and laws really make the idea of money? This essay evaluates the efforts of the Federal eserve System, often called the Fed, in terms of regulating the money creation of financial institutions?

Congress passed the Federal eserve Act near Christmas in 1913 and that established the Federal eserve Banks and also created a more elastic currency and established new legal controls over the commercial banking industry. The Federal eserve is the central bank of the United States and is made up of 12 regional Federal eserve banks that are overseen by a seven-member…...



Cisco Systems. (2009)." E-marketing." Retrieved on November 23, 2009, from .

FED. (2009). "Structure: Responsibilities." Retrieved on November 23, 2009, from 

Mishkin, Frederic S.. (2002). "The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets." 6th ed.. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

Business Innovation and Enterprise
Pages: 10 Words: 3027

Business innovation and enterprise -- Innovation in China
The buzzword of today is represented by the internationalized economic crisis which has commenced from within the American real estate sector and soon expanded to impact all sectors across the entire globe. Before the emergence of the crisis however, the buzzword was that of globalization, understood as the process by which boundaries between states are gradually eliminated and the values, beliefs, cultures and resources of one region can easily transcend to another region.

Globalization has impacted all aspects of life, from the means in which one spends their leisure time to the means in which one completes their professional tasks. Globalization has generated effects on all fields of life, from politics, to economics and culture.

Within the business community, globalization has translated into a myriad of impacts. For once, the phenomenon allowed economic agents to transcend boundaries and benefit from the comparative advantage of other…...



Ashton, A., 2010, 7 technologies where China has the U.S. beat, GreenBiz,   last accessed on November 8, 2011 

Chang-Rong, K., Fu-Yu, L., 2011, Cultural innovation industry exports talent to China, Want China Times, last accessed on November 8, 2011

Li, W., 2011, Applying Grey relational analysis to evaluate the factors affecting innovation capability: evidence from Chinese high-tech industries, Canadian Social Science, Vol. 7, No. 3

Lin, C.Y., 2007, Factors affecting innovation in logistics technologies for logistics service providers in China, Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2, No. 1

Business Law Predators Businesses Often Engage in
Pages: 2 Words: 731

Business Law (predators
Businesses often engage in predatory practices to deter their competitors from entering their market niches or send their competitors out of business. Certain business ventures usually reduce their prices to destroy their rivals or worse still discourage new entry into the market. This happens regardless of the existence of the Sherman Act that was enacted to prohibit this predatory practice. The Sherman Act has largely been considered vague because of its inability to reign in firms that engage in predatory pricing vice (Areeda & Turner, 1975). Business ventures that engage in predatory pricing tend to draw a very vague line between legitimately competitive prices and prices that are utterly predatory. Businesses that engage in predatory pricing normally price their products below appropriate measure of cost with an intention of driving their financially weaker competitors out of business and establishing monopoly power. Courts have failed to address the issue…...


References List

Areeda, P. & Turner, D.F. (1975). Predatory Pricing and Related Practices under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Harvard Law Review, 88(4), 697-733.

Bowdler, J. (2005). Jeopardizing Hispanic Homeownership: Predatory Practices in the Homebuying Market. National Council of La Raza, 15, 1-20.

Oster, C.V. & Strong, J.S. (2001). Predatory Practices in the U.S. Airline Industry. Retrieved May 27, 2013 from

Business Case Should Patenting Genes
Pages: 2 Words: 537


Annabelle Lever makes a very strong argument for her case, and is ultimately convincing in her assertion that the degree of manipulation necessary to create a patentable gene warrants their continued patentable nature without ethical fears entering the picture. While it is important to respect life and the building blocks of life and to ensure that these building blocks do not suddenly fall under ridiculous legal restrictions or controls, it is also important to encourage progress in the new and still emerging area of gene creation and manipulation. Continuing to allow patents for genes and recognizing the ethical good that these patents can produce is important as brave new worlds of medical and technological capabilities are continuously invented, and limiting these patents out of a misguided fear that they will lead to control over life or the reduction of medical efficacy would be a great disservice to humanity.

The U.S. banking…...

Business Proposition Business Competition Chain Word Count
Pages: 9 Words: 2773

business proposition business competition chain. Word count: 400 words B) Based idea produced question 1 part A, explain main difficulties/barriers? Word count: 400 words Question 2 A) eflect possibility finance business.
In the current context of the unstable economy, more and more people and firms have come to lose their activity and their savings. In such a context, they seek to become engaged in new opportunities, to create new business ventures and to ensure their functioning and living. In other words, despite the still ongoing effects of the economic crisis, fact remains that some business ideas could turn into successful ventures. One example in this sense is that of providing child care services.

The small firm would operate in its own facility, but would provide a series of services outside its facilities, as well. For instance, the company could pick the children up in the morning and drive them to school…...



Longenecker, J.G.. Moore, C.W., Palich, L.E., Petty, W.J., (2006). Small business management: an entrepreneurial emphasis. Vol. 1. Cengage Learning.

Peavler, R. Debt and equity financing. The advantages and disadvantages of debt and equity financing.   accessed on November 13, 2012 

Tracy, B. (2004). The 7 P's of marketing. Entrepreneur.   accessed on November 13, 2012 

(2010). The marketing mix. Net MBA.   / accessed on November 13, 2012 

Businesses Comparison and Analysis of Businesses in
Pages: 4 Words: 1218

Comparison and Analysis of Businesses

In this paper we will assess two businesses, one successful and the other unsuccessful. We will attempt to contrast the two businesses in features such as their core business functionalities, sizes, financials and global presence. Our main aim will be to assess what has been the reason(s) for their success and failure respectively. We will also analyze some primary reasons for the different outcomes as well as give some recommendations as to how the unsuccessful one could have been made successful. For our choice we will choose the businesses from the field of e-commerce namely as the successful one and as the unsuccessful.


First, let's have a look at Amazon. It is an American multinational e-commerce firm which was founded in 1995, at first it served as a bookstore available online but soon it expanded its operations by selling different other things such as…...



Gray, R. (2007). A Climate of Success. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann.

Barnes, S. (2007). E-Commerce and V-Business. Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Pokora, J. (2007). Coaching and Mentoring at Work. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

How do I select 3 functional areas of a business and their purpose supporting company goals for an essay due?
Words: 375

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

\"What innovative business concept did you propose in your grade 11 term 1 business venture essay?\"
Words: 203

In my grade 11 term 1 business venture essay, I proposed an innovative business concept called "GreenPrints." GreenPrints is a sustainable printing company that offers eco-friendly printing services using recycled paper and vegetable-based inks. Additionally, GreenPrints also promotes digital printing solutions to reduce paper waste and carbon emissions.

The aim of GreenPrints is to provide an environmentally conscious alternative to traditional printing companies, catering to businesses and individuals who prioritize sustainability. By offering high-quality and affordable printing services with a focus on being eco-friendly, GreenPrints aims to make a positive impact on the planet while meeting the needs of environmentally conscious....

What are some key factors to consider before starting a new business venture?
Words: 751

Some key factors to consider before starting a new business venture include:

1. Market research: It is important to thoroughly research the market to understand the needs, preferences, and trends of your target customers. This will help you identify opportunities and potential competitors.

2. Business plan: Creating a detailed business plan is essential for outlining your goals, strategies, financial projections, and operational plans. It will also help you secure funding and attract potential investors.

3. Financial planning: Consider the costs of starting and running your business, including initial investment, operational expenses, salaries, and marketing costs. Determine how you will fund the business and....

What are some key factors to consider before starting a new business venture?
Words: 672

1. Market Research:

Before embarking on any business venture, it's crucial to conduct thorough market research. This involves:

Identifying your target audience: Determine who your potential customers are, their demographics, interests, and needs.
Analyzing the competitive landscape: Research potential competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.
Gauging market demand: Assess the overall demand for your product or service and identify any market gaps or opportunities.

2. Business Plan:

A comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap for your venture. It should outline:

Mission statement and goals: Clearly define your business's purpose and objectives.
Market analysis: Summarize your market research findings and identify your....

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