Business Studies Essays (Examples)

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Business Studies Case Study -
Pages: 7 Words: 1829

Resuming the aspects related to the external environment, the following problems were identified:

the increased health concerns and possible environmental damage caused by the increasing number of discarded mobile phones may temper, in the future, the demand for mobile phones; changes in the type of consumers implies further diversification; technological changes bring about additional challenges; increasing competition in the mobile phone market.


The recommendations are based on three pillars: e-business, quality services and diversification. The first is essential in the company's adaptation to the new requirements of the business world. The Internet allows for the fast propagation of information and a significant decrease in administrative costs. Additionally, the businesspersons are statistically more inclined to use the Internet for making purchases rather than go to the local mall. It would not be an understatement if one was to say that a retailer cannot compete without a website and a clear e-commerce program.

In terms…...

Business Studies Augustine Medical Inc the Bair
Pages: 3 Words: 1414

Business Studies
Augustine Medical Inc.; the Bair Hugger Case Study

Augustine Medical Inc., have developed the Bair Hugger patient warming system. Designed to be used in post operative situations prevent or treat post-operative hyperthermia, the product offers a number of advantages over the existing systems. However, introducing a new product into the medical markets can be a challenge, as there are constraints which may hinder market entry and the gaining of market share.

There are already a number of products on the market which are designed to perform the same task, preventing or treating post-operative hypothermia. Many of these are tried and tested, and trusted by the hospitals. Some of the cheaper options include use of blankets which are warmed by the staff to be placed on the patient, water circulating blankets, thermal drapes and the use of infrared heating lamps. As these are established they may be seen as providing competition. In…...

Business Studies Examples of Culture and Leadership
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Business Studies
Examples of Culture and Leadership Impacting on Business Outcomes

Culture and leadership cannot fail to have an impact on business and the way outcomes in business are achieved, which may support success or lead to difficulties. The case of Honda and the U.S. And Disney in France are two good examples.

Following the Second World War the Japanese economy has been devastated. The Japanese received aid from the Allies in order to rebuild their commercial base. A number of companies sought to enter the U.S. market, one of these was Honda. Honda leadership had adopted a very formalized approach to strategizing, developing a tactic for the firm to enter the U.S. market selling large motorcycles, competing with companies such as Harley-Davidson. However, the large motorcycles which were successful in Japan, were not well suited to the U.S. taste or roads (Thompson, 2008). The sales representatives which be sent over from Japan…...

Reflecting on a Business Studies Course
Pages: 2 Words: 750

Personal knowledge, skills, and abilities have been enhanced through the current session of learning, which has helped with the development of transferable skills. The modules have built in past knowledge and stretched learning to encompass new ideas and concepts that can be appreciated not only from a theoretical perspective but also from a practical perspective.
The work undertaken through the modules examining different elements of an organization increased understanding on the way in which the different elements of a business are interrelated. To examine a firm and assess its position, as well as potential future strategies, it is essential the firm is considered in a comprehensive manner, looking at the different aspects of a business and the way they may fit together, potentially creating more value where there is a good fit.

The modules have provided a solid foundation for strategic analysis of a business. The modules dealing with the internal…...

Reliability and Validity in Business Research
Pages: 5 Words: 1663

Concepts of Reliability and Validity in Business Research Introduction
In business research, how evidence is obtained and how well the process can be duplicated to verify results are two important features that help scholars, professionals and stakeholders make progress in the field. Building on ideas and processes that can help business leaders, managers, owners, administrators and investors is part of what makes research so vital and important. However, not all research is equal—and sometimes research is conducted that is filled with bias or that has a faulty method because the study fails to control for other variables or does not observe what it intends to observe. Sometimes the study is so poorly explained that other researchers have no way to verify the reports. In such cases, these studies could cause more harm than good were their recommendations to be implemented in an organization or place of business. Research is meant to shed…...



Dikko, M. (2016). Establishing construct validity and reliability: Pilot testing of a qualitative interview for research in Takaful (Islamic insurance). The Qualitative Report, 21(3), 521-528.

Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher?Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout?Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence?based practice competencies for practicing registered nurses and advanced practice nurses in real?world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15.

Nicholas, D., Watkinson, A., Jamali, H. R., Herman, E., Tenopir, C., Volentine, R., ... & Levine, K. (2015). Peer review: Still king in the digital age. Learned Publishing, 28(1), 15-21.

Business Etiquette Failure
Pages: 2 Words: 725

Business etiquette can be extremely important; extremely where the etiquette is linked to the way in which first impressions are made (Martin & Chaney, 2012). This is particularly true when dealing with international communications, as customs and practices which are accepted as etiquette in a managers' home nation may not be shared. Examining a short etiquette breach from a senior manager when meeting with some Japanese businessmen.
Prior to attending the meeting, the manager, who we will call Jon, had received a short briefing from the HR department on expected etiquette; Jon had been informed that the Japanese business people will expect a formal business atmosphere, with Jon expected to wear a suit, and when meeting them to bow rather than shake hands unless a hand was offered, and always refer to his counterparts using their citations to show respect. These were all complied with, however, the meeting did not go…...

Business Economics the Airline Industry
Pages: 10 Words: 2792

A lower price enables an airline to remain well above the competition.
Economies of scale and scope are vital to the performance of an organization no matter the industry the organization is involved in. An organization can only remain competitive if driven to achieve economies of scale (Bronson & Morgan, 1998). Tactics an organization may adopt to achieve economies of scale and scope will include optimal market coverage, increasing sizes, superior "internal growth" and raised capital (Bronson & Morgan, 1998). Another important consideration for organizations include efficiency. One might define efficiency as "the ratio of inputs to outputs" (Bronson & Morgan, 1998).

Efficiency of an organization may be measured in various ways including by observation through accounting (Bronson & Morgan, 1998). An organization particularly a franchised business location will continually measure efficiency to ensure they are minimizing costs and saving time to help facilitate economies of scale and scope.

Tactics Businesses Use…...



Acumen Professional Intelligence Ltd. (2005). "Business Environment - British Airways." Acumen Enterprise, 31, October 2005:

British Airways, (2005). "Global Warming and Aviation." 31, Oct 2005:

Business Ethics a Contradiction in
Pages: 5 Words: 1820

Ironically, the single most important thing a university could do might be to suspend all forms of grading by the traditional test methods. Even without cheating, the focus on grades only encourages studying to perform on test instead of learning for the sake of learning. It might not be practical for large classes, but one-on-one oral exams between students and professors or TAs might be more difficult to cheat on and provide more accurate indications of what students have actually learned than traditional testing methods. If the university cannot suspend traditional grading and testing, the single most important thing might be to provide a mandatory ethics course to freshman in conjunction with employing a very strict one-strike policy for cheating.

8. Do you agree or disagree with Professor Couser, author of the "Dear Plagiarist" article? Why? What are two main points he is trying to communicate to students in this article.


Business Organisations Environments Exist Business Organizations Environments
Pages: 6 Words: 1743

Business Organisations Environments Exist
Business Organizations Environments

Organisations have changed their normal horizon of working and they have transformed their general perspective to work. In the current era strategies have been transformed and effectiveness prevails in the international business arena. This paper would solely focus on the aspects of internal and external environments within the organisation and how these environments affect the general procedures of an organisation in the longer run. The evaluation of this paper is based on several questions and these questions are answered below in detail.

Internal pressures in an organisation and quite critical and complex. At times they can change the entire scenario of a worker and they have the tendency to either bring laurels for the company or they can also tarnish the career of an individual. That is the reason why all these aspects should be kept in mind when an individual is working on all…...



Davis, P. & Desai, A., 2000. Mode Of International Entry: An Isomorphism Perspective.. Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 4, pp. 3-28.

Johnson, R. & Scholes, G., 2008. Exploring Corporate Strategy. 8th ed. London: Prentice Hall.

Judge, T. & Robbins, S., 2010. Organizational Behavior. 14th ed. London: Prentice Hall .

Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R., 2009. Organizational Behavior. 9th ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Study of Relationship Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior
Pages: 17 Words: 4930

Relationship Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior
Research Questions & Sub-questions

Research Design & Methodology

Organization of Study

Secondary Research

his report explores Customer Relationship management. In [articular the investigation seeks to understand the impact of relationship Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior. his issue has proven problematic for businesses because many do not have the ability to form effective relationships with customers. his deficiency costs companies customers and profits. he report sought to present effective ways to better customer relations at the business level. More specifically, the investigation saught to determine how businesses can determine what their customers really need and how will meeting these needs affect the customers' behavior? A review of the literature suggest the customers are effected by the attitudes of employees that they come into contact with. he attitude of a saleclerk can often have an impact on a customers decision to do business with a certain company.…...


These relationships can be with co-workers, with casual acquaintances, with spouses, and with many others. Even though they have these relationships very few of them are committed and close in nature (Clark, 1990). More of them are much more open and lacking a commitment that would really be needed to have a close personal relationship with someone (Clark, 1990). Because many of the relationships in their personal lives are not close and committed it is difficult to understand how businesses can actually expect these same individuals to hold close and committed relationships with a particular company (Clark, 1990). Some consumers have argued that the amount of requests that they receive for improving relationships between customers and businesses is so staggering that people find them meaningless (Clark, 1990).

Some people indicate that they receive as many as 10 mailings from various companies every single day and if they ever leave on vacation the accumulated amount of these offers is so great that they end up throwing them away instead of opening them and looking to see if there is something really worthwhile inside (Johnson, Johnson, & Maruyama, 1983). In other words, so many companies seem interested in marketing a relationship that their efforts become meaningless because they do not offer anything unique to the consumer (Johnson, Johnson, & Maruyama, 1983). Even those companies that do offer something that may be unique and valuable to a particular consumer often do not get any benefit from marketing to them. The benefit is never realized because there are so many other pieces of marketing given to these consumers that they do not take the time to read them and look for the value contained in all of the meaningless mail (Johnson, Johnson, & Maruyama, 1983).

Because so many companies flood individuals with advertisements regarding their relationships, some believe that it really makes no difference which company

Business Analysis for Verizon Communications
Pages: 14 Words: 4182

VEIZON COMMUNICATIONS SummaryThe focus of this paper in on Verizon Communications, which is an American multinational telecommunications company based in New York City but incorporated in Delaware. The company has its roots in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in that the company was formed after a merger between Bell Atlantic and GTE. Bell Atlantic was formed out of the breakup of Bell Systems into several companies with each company being referred to as Baby Bells. Bell Atlantic was one of the Baby Bells. Verizon was formed in 2000 and this was considered to be the largest merger in American corporate history. The company is listed on the NYSE and the NASDAQ using the ticker VZ. While the merger was announced in 1998, it took two years for the two companies to get the approval of their shareholders, state approvals, and federal government approvals. This was all due to…...


ReferencesBarry, M. (2018). Verizon Wireless Communications: A Financial Analysis. Carroll, A. B. (2016). Carroll’s pyramid of CSR: taking another look. International journal of corporate social responsibility, 1(1), 1-8. Chan-Olmsted, S. M., & Guo, M. (2011). Strategic bundling of telecommunications services: Triple-play strategies in the cable TV and telephone industries. Journal of Media Business Studies, 8(2), 63-81. McDonough, C. C. (2017). US telco industry history as a prologue to its future. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 5(2), 98. Verizon. (2018). Code of Conduct. Retrieved from (2020). Citizen Verizon: Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved from Verizon. (n.d.). Our Company. Retrieved from Verizon Media Relations. (2016). The history of Verizon Communications. Retrieved from Verizon, W. (2014). Your Code of Conduct. Retrieved from

Report on Business Conditions
Pages: 10 Words: 3157

Business eport on Dental Prima
The Firm's Specific Advantages for its Internal Environmental Assessment

Accessing Foreign Markets and their Buyers

Key Global Environmental Issues

Political, Economic, Social and Technological Environments

Key Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Markets

Market Entry Modes

Structure and Control Mechanisms

Logistics & International Business Operations

Future Implications

Prima Dental is based in Gloucester in the United Kingdom and has a legacy of more than 150 years. It is among the oldest of dental companies in the UK (, 2016). The company produces a wide range of high-tech tools that are used for dental treatments the company has business all over the world. The company has been achieving double-digit sales growth in the last few years and considers itself a global leader in precision dental products. The core competencies of the company include its extensive research work that helps it to come up with new and innovative products. The company has a skilled team of employees which…...



Amante Garcia, B. and Martinez Martinez, M. (2014). Internationalization: Changes and challenges chasing internationalization targeting. J. Technol. Sci. Educ., 4(1).

Bateman, I., Lovett, A. and Brainard, J. (2003). Applied environmental economics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Cadle, J., Eva, M., Hindle, K., Paul, D., Rollason, C., Turner, P., Yeates, D. and Cadle, J. (2014).Business Analysis. Swindon: BCS Learning & Development Limited.

Chanakira, M. (2012). Factors Affecting the Choice of Market Entry Modes in the African Telephony Industry. International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, 1(2), pp.1-15.

Business Cluster Refers to the Geographical Concentration
Pages: 3 Words: 988

Business cluster refers to the geographical concentration of closely related businesses, suppliers, and firms belonging in a given field. The primary objective of forming these clusters is to boost the productivity with which firms compete at both national and international levels. Clusters are also crucial in the strategic management processes. This article discusses the benefits of such clusters, the management at domestic and international scales, and the negative aspects of clustering (DeWitt, Giunipero & Melton, 2006).
Concentrated clusters promote the management of supply chains by developing strong relationships between the customer and supplier. Employing the concept of concentrated clusters enhances the benefits a company derives from its interaction by linking various companies and other business entities within the same industry. Operating in concentrated cluster enables firms to understand the precise needs of customers and vice versa. With this situation in place, businesses are able to establish permanent clientele who in turn…...



Fischer, M. (2007). Determination of Critical Success Factors for the Development of Biotechnology Clusters. New York, NY: GRIN Verlag

Porter, M.E. (2000). Location, Clusters, and Company Strategy; Oxford Handbook of Economic

Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press

DeWitt, T., Giunipero, L.C., & Melton, H.L., (2006). Clusters and supply chain management:

Business Plan to an Organization
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Additionally, businesses must anticipate seasonal shifts in demand when allocating and anticipating costs. A toy company cannot assume that the revenue it enjoys after a Christmas marketing a 'hot toy' will be sustained all year 'round.
In terms of taking a long-term view, a business should treat its employees in an ethical fashion. If employees are treated in a respectful manner, they are likely to perform better and show more loyalty to the organization. Additionally, if a company is found to be exploiting its employees, as was the case of Nike and the 'sweatshop'-type conditions of its offshore operations, this negative publicity can deter individuals from buying from the company. Employee costs in the long and short-term, in terms of compensating employees for overtime and giving them reasonable benefits, must also be included in the business plan. Also, the possibility of stock options, should the company incorporate, is another issue…...



Business plan for starting out, 2010, Score Retrieved September 4, 2010 at

The value of a business plan. (2010). Striding Out. Retrieved September 4, 2010 at

Business Plan This Business Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2364

The office and administrative expenses would remain constant even to that point, as would the insurance expense.
Exhibit B: Cash Flow Statement, Year Two

At this point, the business is earning a healthy return and Mr. Ahn is receiving will be able to bring in a reasonable salary. The nature of the business may well change at this point. At the maximum revenue of $144,000 per year the pretax profit would be $63,600. As a result, it is likely that a clinic will be formed with other practitioners in order to minimize expenses and increase profitability.

e did not include taxes in our cash flow examples because the company is going to be set up as a sole proprietorship. This means that the income from the company will be rolled into the income for Mr. Ahn, as well as his liabilities. Mr. Ahn's personal expenses are therefore not included in the model,…...


Works Cited

No author (2007). Traditional Chinese Medicine. Alternative Medicine Foundation. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2005). Regulation of TCM in the United States. Medscape Today. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2008). HIV / AIDS, the U.S.-China Partnership for Public Health at Work, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the U.S. Fact Sheet. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

Census information from U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at

What are the key findings on rice value chain in recent literature reviews?
Words: 435

Key Findings on Rice Value Chain in Recent Literature Reviews
1. Market Segmentation and Specialization
Studies indicate a growing trend towards market segmentation, with different grades and qualities of rice targeting specific consumer segments.
Specialization among farmers and millers allows for greater efficiency and responsiveness to market demands.
2. Value Addition and Diversification
Rice value chain analysis highlights the potential for value addition through processing, packaging, and branding.
Diversification of rice production into niche markets, such as organic or aromatic varieties, can enhance profitability.
3. Food Safety and Quality Standards
Growing consumer awareness of food safety and quality has led to stricter regulations....

What role do e-payment adoption factors play in revenue growth for SMEs?
Words: 692

Electronic payment adoption factors play a crucial role in revenue growth for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in todays digital economy. With the increasing trend towards cashless transactions and the growing popularity of online shopping, businesses are recognizing the importance of embracing e-payment solutions to stay competitive and attract customers. In this literature review, we will explore the various factors that influence the adoption of electronic payment methods by SMEs and discuss how these factors can impact revenue growth. One of the key drivers of e-payment adoption among SMEs is convenience. Studies have shown that customers prefer the convenience of....

How does cultural background shape your spending habits?
Words: 161

1. Have you ever wondered why some cultures are known for their frugality while others are known for their lavish spending? The answer lies in the complex interplay between culture and consumer behavior.

2. Growing up in a collectivist culture, I have firsthand experience of how cultural values can shape our spending habits.

3. Imagine a society where saving for the future is considered a virtue, while in another, spending money on experiences is seen as a way to live life to the fullest.

4. Cultural norms and expectations can have a profound impact on our....

What factors affect Vietnamese businesses entering global markets?
Words: 830

Vietnamese businesses venturing into international markets face a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges, influenced by a myriad of factors. The global market presents an expansive arena where Vietnamese companies can leverage their competitive advantages, particularly in sectors like textiles, agriculture, and electronics. However, the path to internationalization is fraught with obstacles that require strategic navigation.

One of the primary opportunities for Vietnamese businesses lies in the cost advantage. Vietnam's lower labor costs compared to many developed nations provide a significant edge in manufacturing and service sectors. This cost efficiency can be particularly appealing in industries where price competitiveness is crucial.....

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