Doing well
Total scores
Discuss the General Environment
In beginning to view the external environment facing Panera, one must look at the opportunities and threats that are present in the field. Within the industry, Panera is at the top of its gain, bringing in considerable profits, focusing on new technology and sustainability, and continuously expanding its presence throughout North America. Additionally, its societal focus on healthy living and environmentally friendly practices through the preparation of clean, healthy, and sustainable products continues to place Panera on the map in terms on new opportunities such as expansion, limited competition in the field of healthy products, and room to expand.
Panera boasts a host of opportunities, as mentioned, based primarily on its service of 130 million customers daily (2010 Annual eport, 2012, pp.6). In this capacity, Panera has the ability to expand its potential market base considerably should it market itself correctly to the public and to…...
Espire Marketing. (2010 April 16). "Panera Bread Company Case Study." Web. R
etrieved from: [Accessed on 13 June 2012].http://www.espiremarketing.org/panera-bread-company-case-study/.
Panera Bread. (2010). "2010 Annual Report to Stockholders." Web. Retrieved from:
[Accessed on 13 June 2012].http://www.panerabread.com/pdf/ar-2010.pdf .
Business Policy
J-Food has an opportunity to become the first one to shift in the "all-you-can-eat steak buffet" notion to grow into a market leader. The steady attractiveness of steak along with a perception of economy in buffet seems to be the perfect combination in foreign markets and is bound to produce the same results here (Clancy et al., 2000).
By analyzing the situation in the market, we have characterized groups into various subdivisions. The only exclusion comes when we characterize our subdivision for lunch. We strongly trust, and have observed, that a much widespread desire prevails for this lunchtime slot because our pricing is on the economical side and includes our J-Food's Specialty Beef burger. The following are our targeted subdivisions (Clancy et al., 2000).
* Age -- Aged, Baby-Boomers, youthful couples with children, and labor of all areas.
* Family Unit -- We will send requests to small families with infants or…...
Allen, E. And Fjermestad, J. "E-Commerce Strategies: The Manufacturer Retailer Consumer Relationship," Proceedings of the 5th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2000.
Betts, M. "It's Official: There really is a 'Digital Economy'," Computerworld, June 2000.
Carter, B. "Dying Dot-coms, Dwindling TV Ads," The New York Times, December 18, 2000.
Clancy, K.J. And Kriegafsd P.C. (2000). Counter intuitive Marketing. The Free Press.
Wal-Mart is also the company's most significant competitor when it comes to supply chain performance and the ability to manage tens of thousands of suppliers to predetermined performance objectives as well (Norek, Pohlen, 2001). Target, another significant competitor, is using an up-scale marketing message to position itself away from Wal-Mart and Sears/K-Mart. Target is also challenging Wal-Mart for leadership in consumer electronics including plasma and flat-screen televisions as well (Frazier, 2006). There is also competition from May Company primarily in apparel nationally, and with several smaller regional retailers who concentrate on clothing and furniture to a limited extent. Of these competitors, Wal-Mart has been the most effective as the company's unique value proposition focuses on enhancing and adding buying power to their customer's budgets. In fact it is known that Wal-Mart, for the Value Shopper, is a major means of making ends meet (Frazier, 2006). This translates into a…...
Mya Frazier. (2006, February). Marketing in Bentonville: Now it's serious. Advertising Age, 77(7), 1,38.
Soo-Young Moon. (2005). An Analysis of Global Retail Strategies: A Case of U.S. Based Retailers. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 7(1), 219-222.
Christopher D. Norek, Terrance L. Pohlen. (2001). Cost knowledge: A foundation for improving supply chain relationships. International Journal of Logistics Management, 12(1), 37-51.
The cons or disadvantages are the lack of accountability to the public, a risk the organization will lose touch with its customers and the needs it is meeting, becoming bureaucratic and inflexible in the process. Another disadvantage is the fact that organizations often lose control to government agencies over time as well. These are all critical factors organizations need to consider before going private and being funded by governments. When not-for-profit organizations shift to being for-profit, there are the opportunities for greater control of their strategic direction, greater flexibility in addressing the needs of the customers they serve, and greater potential to define their own financing strategies. Often non-for-profit organizations must abide by strict requirements of their benefactors, whether they are government agencies or large donors. Being for-profit can give a non-profit organization much more freedom to pursue their own strategic direction and plans, unencumbered with the demands of…...
Anders Gustafsson, Michael D. Johnson, Inger Roos. (2005). The Effects of Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Commitment Dimensions, and Triggers on Customer Retention. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 210-218.
Rob Markey, John Ott, Gerard du Toit. (2007). Winning new customers using loyalty-based segmentation. Strategy & Leadership, 35(3), 32-37.
Both these techniques have an inverse relationship with each other. If the Government chooses to make its operations more efficient, it will be able to utilize the same level of capacity efficiently and increase the level of production. On the other hand, it can make more investments to increase the capacity so that the current and projected demand can be met effectively (Landskroner 2001).
The best way to manage the demand and capacity is to get the maximum output from the minimum amount of inputs. But if the Government increases the capacity and does not bring efficiency in its operations, a significant portion of its available capacity will go in vein. Similarly, if it wants to control the level of demand in the market, it will have to introduce new alternative products for the consumers so that they switch to those products. However, this step requires a considerable time and…...
Connolly, S., & Munro a., 1999, Economics of the Public Sector. Harlow: Pearson Education
Graham, L., 2008, Internal controls: guidance for private, government, and nonprofit entities. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons
Hull, M., 2012, Network Utility Economics: A Basic Text. U.K: John Wiley
Landskroner, R.A., 2001, the nonprofit manager's resource directory. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons
Strategic Management
Please discuss, in detail, what is meant by a hierarchy of strategy?
In any organization there must be a hierarchy of strategy when any strategy is designed on an organizational level because to implement such a strategy it will have to be coordinated on many levels. For example, the CEO or the Board of Directors may wish to push an organization in a new direction with a high level strategic plan. They could see an opportunity in the market and wish to better position to take advantage of the opportunity that they have identified. However, to move towards such an opportunity it takes effort from the entire organization and they must move in unison. Therefore on lower levels of the organizational hierarchy there will have to be tactical decisions made about how to best organize daily operations to move towards the organizational strategies that have been implemented on a higher…...
mlaWorks Cited
Haanaes, K., et al. "Making Sustainable Profitable." March 2013. Harvard Business Review. Online. 6 June 2013.
Harvard Business Review. "How Hierarchy Can Hurt Strategy Execution." July 2010. Harvard Business Review. Online. 6 June 2013.
In the context of many organizations their cultures act as the central reference point for everything from how meetings are held to how people are spoken to, and certainly influence the level of innovation achieved (Markides, 2004). Cultures then can be either constraints or catalysts of growth for any company. It is in how they are defined that makes the difference. For any strategy to be effective however it must be in alignment with the cultural norms, values and expectations. For a strategy to be effectively executed it must focus on how to create significant value and change that everyone involved can accept. To do this, a strategy must align to a culture's given norms, values and expectations. Even when strategy changes culture, it must begin in the context of a cultural fit to be seen with credibility and trust.
Constantinos Markides. (2004). ethinking innovation. Leader to Leader, 2004(34), 35-42.
Jack W.…...
Constantinos Markides. (2004). Rethinking innovation. Leader to Leader, 2004(34), 35-42.
Jack W. Wiley, Marilou Legge. (2006). Disciplined Action Planning Drives Employee Engagement. HR. Human Resource Planning, 29(4), 8-12.
Governmental CS policies do not only assist consumers or organizations, they assist both the consumer and the organization (The Impact of Government egulations on Corporate Social esponsibility - How Government Policies Shape CS, 2009).
It is often said that international environmental laws do not differ from one another. European environmental regulations are very similar to the U.S. environmental laws. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has set up a database that contains all of the contaminated lands in the U.S. This database includes existing and formerly contaminated lands. The European Union, especially France has also put into place databases to track existing and formerly contaminated lands within France. These efforts are there to protect the public from coming into contact with contaminated lands. International governmental environmental policies do not differ from one another in the fact that they all seek to protect the public and the organizations (The Impact of…...
Emani, Gazelle. (2010). BP Oil Spill: 7 Secrets BP Doesn't Want You to Know. Retrieved July
19, 2010, from The Huffington Post Web site:
Freeland, Chrystia. (2010). What's BP's social responsibility? Retrieved July 19, 2010, from The
As part of the research triangle, Raleigh has a significant portion of its population that fits the target market. For the Farmery to succeed, it only needs to capture a small portion of the market share. This is especially true because the store has a small footprint, and has the flexibility to set up on vacant lots without the costs of either renting or developing fixed real estate. The Farmery therefore needs to focus on two or three key elements to ensure adequate market penetration.
The first of these is location. Let it not be understated that location, location, location is critical to the success of any retail business. Because food is not normally something that people are willing to travel more than a few miles for, it is important that the Farmery target a neighborhood where there is a high concentration of individuals that fit the target market. There…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Falk, T. (2012). Detroit turns shipping containers into condos. Smart Planet. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/detroit-turns-shipping-containers-into-condos/5900
Food Marketing Institute. (2012). Supermarket facts. Food Marketing Institute. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from http://www.fmi.org/research-resources/supermarket-facts
Greene, B. (2012) the Farmery. Kickstarter.com Retrieved December 4, 2012 from http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/farmery/the-farmery
Imlay, T. (2006). Challenges in today's U.S. supermarket industry. Microsoft. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479076.aspx
Business Plan for a Financial Divorce Software
Business Plan Divorce Software
Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software.
Business Plan relating to the Sales of a new Financial Divorce Software
Business Identification
Keys to Success
Company Summary
Industry History
Legal Form of Ownership
Location and Facilities
Management Structure
Products and Service
Market Analysis
Target Market
Industry Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Market Strategy
Ps of Marketing
Price List
Selling Strategy
Sales Forecast
Implementation Strategy
Overall Strategy
Control Plan
Financial Statements and Projections
evenue and Cost Estimate
Forecasted Profit and Loss Statement
Forecasted Balance Sheet
Financial Assumptions
Breakeven Point
Financial Position
Capital/Investment Needs
Executive Summary
Financial planning is involved in every aspect of life. Individuals and businesses have to formulate their daily, monthly, and yearly budgets in order to achieve a balance between their incomes and expenditures. Among other matters, divorce is also a critical issue in individuals' lives. In addition to family conflicts and break-ups, divorce also brings serious financial problems for both the parties (Women Advisors Forum, 2011). Therefore, it is very important to have advice from financial planners…...
Association of Divorce Financial Planners, (2012). Divorce Financial Planning. Retrieved on July 7th, 2012, from
Blythe, J. & Megicks, P. (2010). Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context, 3rd Edition. U.K: Prentice Hall
Cadle, J., Paul, D., & Yeates, D. (2010). Business Analysis, 2nd Edition. Swindon: British Informatics Society
Francis, P. (2010). Creating the Marketing Executive of the Future Using Key Deming Principles, Journal of Executive Education, 9 (1): 127-138
Supplier power
Suppliers tend to have a moderate power on the steel industry. This situation is mostly determined by the switching costs of firms in the industry. Another factor of influence on this situation is represented by the importance of volume to suppliers.
Entry barriers
It is difficult for companies to enter the steel industry. This is because of the great investments that are required in order to produce steel products or to purchase them. The limited success to distribution is another factor that increases the difficulty of addressing this industry.
3. Market analysis
This industry is characterized by an increasing demand for steel. The business sectors that report such significant demand increase of steel are represented by: the construction, the infrastructure, and automobile sectors. Producers of steel and organizations in the field tend to focus on developing user friendly steel products. This can be achieved by developing light weighted steel products. This is intended…...
mlaReference list:
1. Porter's Five Forces (2010). QuickMBA. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/porter.shtml .
2. Steel Industry Analysis (2010). EconomyWatch. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from http://www.economywatch.com/world-industries/steel-industry/analysis.html .
There has been little in the way of fiscal policy, and the result has been entirely predictable. ith no particular influx of spending into the economy, the recovery has generally been quite weak. ith no fiscal policy tools on the horizon, it is therefore unlikely that any improvement to the recovery will take place.
International business is also an option for a company to improve its situation. If a company wants to sell, for example, running shoes, it has a number of options for this. The company could make the shoes in one country and sell them around the world. The company could also make the shoes in a number of different countries for local sale. It is recommended that the country should take advantage of economies of scale and produce in one country. Then, the company should sell the shoes all over the world. It can use local help…...
mlaWorks Cited:
World Economic Forum (2013). Global agenda council on the role of business. World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 5, 2013 from http://www.weforum.org/content/global-agenda-council-role-business-2012-2013
Friedman, M. (1970). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine Retrieved May 5, 2013 from http://www.colorado.edu/studentgroups/libertarians/issues/friedman-soc-resp-business.html
Labonte, M. (2013). Federal Reserve: Unconventional monetary policy options. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved May 5, 2013 from http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42962.pdf
Business cluster refers to the geographical concentration of closely related businesses, suppliers, and firms belonging in a given field. The primary objective of forming these clusters is to boost the productivity with which firms compete at both national and international levels. Clusters are also crucial in the strategic management processes. This article discusses the benefits of such clusters, the management at domestic and international scales, and the negative aspects of clustering (DeWitt, Giunipero & Melton, 2006).
Concentrated clusters promote the management of supply chains by developing strong relationships between the customer and supplier. Employing the concept of concentrated clusters enhances the benefits a company derives from its interaction by linking various companies and other business entities within the same industry. Operating in concentrated cluster enables firms to understand the precise needs of customers and vice versa. With this situation in place, businesses are able to establish permanent clientele who in turn…...
Fischer, M. (2007). Determination of Critical Success Factors for the Development of Biotechnology Clusters. New York, NY: GRIN Verlag
Porter, M.E. (2000). Location, Clusters, and Company Strategy; Oxford Handbook of Economic
Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press
DeWitt, T., Giunipero, L.C., & Melton, H.L., (2006). Clusters and supply chain management:
Business Manager 0668
Transactions Process
Tools for customers
E-commerce payment solutions
Search Engine Optimization
Strategies for improvement
Affiliate Programs
Website advertisement
Search Engine Optimization and webpage rankings
Global business diversity
Business climate
Customer elationship Management
Website integration of tools
Discuss how you will facilitate customer payment using e-commerce solutions (e.g., how the transaction will take place, including the tools customers will use).
The customer transactions and payments are one of the important elements of e-commerce strategy. The businesses are required to offer a secure and trust worthy system for their client to manage the financial transactions. There are different transactions handling methods used by the e-commerce-based organizations. These payment methods should be aligned with the overall business transaction handling process as well as appropriate selection of tools and e-payment solutions.
Transactions Process:
The transactions of products produced under the label of Sunny Day salon are mainly related to hair care and the business seeks to open new avenues for sales. The existing customerslikely to purchase products…...
Buttle, F. (2012). Customer relationship management.USA: Routledge.
Kent, P. (2012). Search engine optimization for dummies. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Kim, C., Tao, W., Shin, N., & Kim, K.S. (2010). An empirical study of customers' perceptions of security and trust in e-payment systems. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(1), 84-95.
Ojeda-Zapata, J. (2011). iPad Means Business: How Apple's Tablet Computer is Changing the Work World. USA: Happy About.
Business Society and Corporate Values
There has indeed been a great deal of discussion regarding CEO compensation, which is rightly viewed as being completely out of line. The core problem and cause of inflated CEO salaries cannot be attributed to a single reason, but is rather the result of a range of inter-connected factors. What is definitive is the fact that these salaries have inflated over time; this is in part due to the fact that greed is a progressive, boundless factor. "According to the Economic Policy Institute, in the late 1970s, total compensation of chief executives in large American corporations was 35 times that of the average American worker. In 2007, it was 275 times that" (Borger, 2007). These facts alone demonstrate that there is good reason to be in a state of alarm. The reasons for such severely inflated and remarkably unjust salaries are a result of the following…...
Ball, P. (2012, July 4). GlaxoSmithKline's bribes are evidence that Big Pharma isn't working. Retrieved from Guardian.co.uk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/04/glaxosmithkline-big-pharma-not-working
Borger, J. (2008, September 5). Why do CEOs make so much? Retrieved from Minnpost.com: http://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2008/09/why-do-ceos-make-so-much
Boselovic, L. (2011, May 15). Rajaratnam case puts big chill on insider trading. Retrieved from post-gazaette.com: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/rajaratnam-case-puts-big-chill-on-insider-trading-297777/
Choudhury, U. (2011, October 14). Rajaratnam becomes a 'whipping boy' for Wall Street misdeeds. Retrieved from firstpost.com: http://www.firstpost.com/business/rajaratnam-becomes-a-%E2%80%98whipping-boy%E2%80%99-for-wall-street-misdeeds-107346.html
The literature on business planning, marketing planning, and strategic management planning often discusses these concepts in overlapping yet distinct terms. A business plan serves as a comprehensive document that outlines the operational and financial objectives of a business, detailing how these goals will be achieved. It typically includes sections on company description, market analysis, management structure, product/service line, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. According to Barringer and Ireland (2012), a business plan is crucial for new ventures as it not only guides the entrepreneur but also serves as a tool to attract investors by demonstrating the viability and....
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