Business Memo Essays (Examples)

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Business Memo John Carlisle CEO
Pages: 2 Words: 418

However, if the final report is still uncertain, given the timely nature of the project, it may be wise that another venue is solicited. All new drugs have a limited first-mover advantage. Competitor companies are always researching alternative treatments, and it is imperative that this project be started soon. Until a final site is determined, the engineering and customization of the plant equipment necessary to manufacture the new drug must continue.

The projected release for the drug is officially set for the first quarter of 2012. However, unless a new venue is found immediately, attaining this goal seems unlikely. If time is of the utmost essence, a new area to construct the project should be found. If more time for an extended assessment of the site is preferable, the date must be pushed ahead, to accommodate the research. Please also remember that the contamination site will take time to clean, even…...

Business Memo and Thank You
Pages: 3 Words: 846

It is often said that is manage is what one does and a leade is who one is. Tobias is clealy moving in the diection of being a stong leade at the Kahala Hotel and Resot.
Font Desk Management Hous and Responsibilities

Tobias is insightful and astute in his peceptions of what it takes to manage and lead lage depatments in the hospitality industy. He povides examples of how citical people skills ae, how impotant multi-tasking skills ae as well in tems of getting the most done in the least amount of time, and also povided many examples of how impotant analytical skills ae too. He was able to explain how these skill sets, combined with a sense of humo and most impotant, a philosophy of sevice to the custome, leads to geate success ove the long-tem. In speaking with him it also becomes clea how impotant sevice ecovey is as…...


references to how difficult it is to multiplex his time across many different tasks, while also continually underscoring the need to be present and help his subordinates and peers. Leadership in the hospitality industry is exceptionally demanding and requires expertise in human relationship, communication and managerial skills so one can make very quick decisions. That is apparent from interviewing Tobias for this assignment.

Lessons Learned About the Interviewing Process

A key lesson learned from interviewing Tobias is that the combination of primary, open-ended questions combined with secondary closed questions leads to greater insights and the opportunity fro the interviewee to share their lessons learned. What an interview process must do is create the opportunity for the interviewee to open up and share stores that show insight and astute judgment based on years of experience. This provides greater insights than just having a series of closed-end questions for example.

Thank You Letter

Persuasive Business Memo
Pages: 2 Words: 574

urger Delight Expansion to Kenya was recently contacted by the Kenyan Minister of Trade and Commerce in relation to urger Delight commencing operations in Kenya. With the Minster's support for this, I have investigated the Kenyan market to ascertain whether it would be a viable market to enter. ased on this research, I have concluded that the possibility is worth considering further. Please find to follow a summary of the research conducted, with reasoning showing the viability of expansion into Kenya.
Kenyan Economy

The Kenyan economy has been stagnating due to poor government and poor management since the 1990's, however despite these setbacks Kenya is well placed to serve as an engine of growth in East Africa (Emulate Me). In 1993, Kenya had the support of the World ank and the IMF and economic performance improved remarkably. Since that time, various events caused a downturn in the economy. In 1999 a new…...



Emulate Me. "Kenya." CountryReports.Org, 2002. 

JamboKenya. "Food & Drink." Jambo Kenya Network, 2001.

U.S. Department of State. "Background Notes: Republic of Kenya." March 1998.

Persuasive Business Memo on Four Day Workweek
Pages: 2 Words: 421

boost morale, reduce overhead costs and also improve productivity? Sounds too good to be true? Actually, it is not: the solution is the four-day workweek. This proposed change would involve compressing the work week into four 10-hour days, thus allowing workers to have a 'long' weekend of three days on a regular basis.
First and foremost, a four-day workweek is often favored by employees who want to spend more time with their families or more time enjoying their personal hobbies outside of work. They have a full day to take care of personal matters, can sleep 'in' an extra day, and have greater flexibility in terms of scheduling other commitments. They do not have to commute five days a week to work, thus reducing the wear and tear of commuting on both their bodies and cars. They can save on gas money, thus adding to their salary.

From a company perspective,…...



Brunden, J. (2009). Utah finds surprising benefits in 4-day workweek. Retrieved: 

Drexler, P. (2013). Why four-day workweeks are best. CNN. Retrieved:

Business Law Memo the CEO
Pages: 5 Words: 1448

hen this happens, actuaries can use the data that was collected to provide a clear picture of what is taking place inside the various segments of the firm. ("Sarbanes-Oxley Act") (Holland)
Obtaining a complete list of all business units is where the off the books activities and any type of outside partnerships are disclosed to managers. This helps them to determine the extent of these arrangements on the company and the impact of the actions of other entities. Once this takes place, is when actuaries will have a better understanding of what is occurring and how this is contributing to the corporation's growth. ("Sarbanes-Oxley Act") (Holland)

Performing a risk assessment is when executives will determine if there are any kinds of actions that pose a threat to the firm. This allows them to see if questionable areas are a possible danger and the lasting impacts it will have on the organization.…...


Works Cited

"Sarbanes-Oxley." Deloitte, 2010. Web. 29 Jun. 2013.

"Sarbanes-Oxley Act." Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2004. Web. 29 Jun. 2013.

"Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002." Investopedia, 2013. Web. 29 Jun. 2013.

Holland, Jessica. "Ensuring Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley." University of South Carolina, 2006. Web. 30 Jun. 2013.

Business Communications the Company Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1245

A useful recommendation in this sense is represented by the contracting of a local law firm to ease the company's penetration into the region and to help us understand and overcome the initial barriers. But aside from understanding and complying with the regulations, it is also essential to understand and comply with the cultural features.
India is one of the oldest and most impressive global cultures. And its culture has also impacted the means in which business is conducted. One specific means is represented by the language barriers which are raised. And not only that the representatives of the two countries would speak different languages, it is highly possible that the representatives of India speak different languages among themselves. This is because the states of India have different official languages, and some states even have more than one official language (Kwintessential).

In terms of actual relationships between the Indians, these are…...



Khanna, P., Mohan, C.R., 2006, Getting India right, Policy Review, No. 135, Questia 

2011, Business laws and regulations in India, Amritt,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

2011, the world factbook -- India, Central Intelligence Agency,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

India -- language, culture, customs and etiquette, Kwintessential,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

Business Skills and Tactics in
Pages: 15 Words: 5051

Having this traditional silo-structured environment makes it very difficult to properly develop a curriculum surrounding service management. Because of this there is a significant gap that exists between the education received by business school graduates and the skills that they need to succeed in today's service heavy environment.
Non-traditional Business Skills and Tactics

Nontraditional business skills are often referred to as soft skills or people skills. These consist of the ability to communicate and understand people on an emotional level. These are often the skills that can determine the success or failure of a career (Thilmany, 2009). The skills are all related to human interaction. This includes most forms of communication, negotiation and leadership. Soft skills can be distinguished by different types such as informative, negotiating, listening, and communicative. Informative soft skills are those that send a message that has to be conveyed accurately. Negotiating or convincing soft skills is the…...



21 Business Skills Needed to Succeed. (2009). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from New

Horizons Web site:


Davis, M.M. And Berdrow, I. (2008). Service science: Catalyst for change in business school curricula. IBM Systems Journal, 47(1), 29-39.

Business and Ethics the Business Ethics Checklist
Pages: 4 Words: 1694

Business and Ethics
The business ethics checklist

Organizational Decisions-Making on Substandard Products

Unaccountable products from companies or manufacturers are often regarded dangerous, unsafe and substandard, both by the target consumers and government. Unfortunately, toy products stand among the most affected group of items within the field of production. Sub-standard products are those that do not meet the legal and safety standards and/or qualities set by the pertinent authorities. Such products may result due to failure in quality control during the production process, or failure in legal handling pursuit. According to Cockburn (2005), these are genuine items produced by legitimate manufacturers; however, they do not satisfy the quality disclaimers that the producer defines. It may not be intent of the company to cheat, but may be as a result of problems during the manufacturing process. Thecase of metal whistle herein is thereby regarded to fall under the category of sub-standard products, which could be…...



Cockburn, R. (2005). The global threat of substandard products: Why industry and governments must communicate the dangers. Business and Economics.2(4), 302-

Herbert, A. (1999). Administrative behavior. New York, NY: The Macmillan Company.

McDonalds, G. (2004). Corporate social responsibility: Structured decision making. Business Administration,56(3), 124-137.

McPhees, K. (1998). International social concerns into private sector: Decision-making process.Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Business Communications Today the Area
Pages: 3 Words: 817

Massive amounts of daily emails from various sources would arrive, often reiterating the same information or even forwarding the exact same memo. This is actually an instance of the slowdown of communication and operations due to the advances in communication technology that now exist; the ease of communication has led many organizations to over-communicate to the point of redundancy and extreme inefficiency. The emphasis in research literature on communication technology is also partially to blame for this perspective (Preston et al. 2009). This is still a problem at my current organization, though to a far lesser degree, and there is a company awareness of the problem.
The message types that result from this trend were largely ineffective, impersonal, unguided, and unreasoned. They did not really take into account who the recipients were, nor whether or not it was necessary for them to receive the communication, or if they had in…...



Beurer-Zelig, B.; Fieseler, C. & Meckel, M. "A descriptive inquiry into the corporate communication profession in Europe." Public relations review 35(3), pp. 270-9.

Preston, P.' Kerr, A. & Cawley, A. (2009). "Innovation and knowledge in the digital media sector." Information, communication, & society 12(7), pp. 994-1014.

Business Planning Canvas Basics
Pages: 3 Words: 781

Business Model Canvas
Combative Fighting Systems

Martial arts school that teaches Jeet Kune Do concepts / Kali / Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Opened July 1995

Westminster Ave, Westminster, Ca. 90630 (714) [HIDDEN]

Martial art instruction for children through adults.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training, coaching. Physical fitness

Business owner/operator

More info online Google Ken Gabrielson Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu.

"Dirty Dozen," Gracie Jiu-jitsu Black Belts. Combative Fighting Systems.

Fighters trained: John "Machine" Lober

Todd Medina El Tiburon


Key Activities:

Provide mixed martial arts training and coaching, including: Jeet Kune Do concepts / Kali / Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Provide an avenue for children and adults to develop physical fitness

Key esources:

"Dirty Dozen," Gracie Jiu-jitsu Black Belts, and Combative Fighting Systems

Superbly trained staff: John "Machine" Lober, Todd Medina, El Tiburon (have I got this right

Facility in Westminster, California

Partner Network:

Chamber of Commerce, Westminster

Mixed Martial Arts Association (MMAFA)

International Mixed Martial Arts Association (IMMA)


Value Propositions:

Combative Fighting Systems provides optimal training experiences in order to develop optimal self-defense and fighting capabilities in the men, women, and…...



Osterwalder, A. And Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. New York, NY: Wiley.

The Business Model Canvas Retrieved 

Alexander Osterwalder: The Business Model Canvas. [Video.] Retreived 

How to create your Lean Canvas. LeanStack. Retrieved

Business Report Adelaide Convention Centre How Resource
Pages: 3 Words: 1038

usiness Report: Adelaide Convention Centre
How Resource Requirements Are Determined

Why resources are acquired and allocated

How resource usage is and reported

The Adelaide Convention Centre was founded in 1987 with an aim to promote tourism and industry related economic activities in the area of South Australia. The center hosts banquets, cocktail functions, conferences, exhibitions, green events, meetings, product launches, school formals, weddings, and corporate events[footnoteRef:1]. [1: Adelaide Convention Center. "Our Green Commitment," Adelaide Convention Center. n.d. (accessed January 14, 2014).]

Part A: How Resource Requirements Are Determined

Current Processes:

The current operational plans are mainly targeted towards providing a place for the business and local community to organize their events in the center. The center provides the place for the event including food and beverages. There are various partnering suppliers for floral, lighting, music, and other special arrangements. The resources required for the center can be divided into two main categories including basic organizational resources…...



Adelaide Convention Center. "Our Green Commitment," Adelaide Convention Center. n.d. (accessed January 14, 2014). .

Collier, Paul M., and Samuel Agyei-ampomah. P3-Performance Strategy: Strategic Level, Performance Pillar. Elsevier, 2009.

Tennent, John. Guide to Cash Management: How to Avoid a Business Credit Crunch. Vol. 109. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2012.

Business Communications C E O Opening a
Pages: 2 Words: 762

The procedure to attain a Malaysian visa is quite hassle free unlike many countries. Many countries around the world enjoy visa exemption under Malaysian law and the visa fee for most countries is minimal (Noorbakhsh).
Malaysian government is doing all it can to promote the Malaysian tourism. Moreover, the fact that holiday packages in Malaysia are much cheaper as compared to other holiday destinations have resulted in attracting more tourists, who otherwise travel to European destinations, which are now very expensive. The fact that Malaysia is also emerging as an international trade hub has also increased the number of corporate tourists visiting the country.

Over the years Malaysia has been successful in gaining advantages from cheaper sources of energy. Presently, Malaysia's energy sources are cheaper that what is prevalent in most parts of the world. Currently, United States of America is one country that has cheaper energy resources. The low priced…...


Works Cited

Noorbakhsh, Abbas. "Globalization and Its Challenges and Opportunities in Malaysia and Singapore: A Two-Week Curriculum Project Taught in an Introductory Undergraduate Course in International Business." East-West Connections 6.1 (2006): 179+. Questia. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Rahman, Mohd Nizam Ab. "The Effective Implementation of Global Supply Chain Management in Small to Medium-Sized Companies in Malaysia: An Empirical Study." International Journal of Management 29.3 (2012): 274+. Questia. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Suratman, Robiah. "Tourism Industry in Malaysia: The Experience and Challenge." . University Technology of Malaysia. 23 March 2013. < >.

Wai-Ching, Poon, and Yong Gun-Fie David. "Comparing Satisfaction Levels of Asian and Western Travellers Using Malaysian Hotels." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 12.1 (2005): 64+. Questia. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Business Case Studies - Proposal
Pages: 2 Words: 590

As we may hope to avoid future suits concerning gender and racial-related hiring practices and policies, I believe it would be a good idea to institute a program of training future managers. This would also solve some of the cultural diversity problems which have been noted in this division. Many other corporations have such a policy concerning educational advancement and I feel it would be to our advantage to institute such a policy company-wide.
Thank you for hearing me out on this crucial problem which I feel needs attention.


As a new officer in your administration, I would like to commend you on the hard work and dedication to Oak Brook Medical Systems which I have observed in each one of you.

With this letter I am proposing an offer to any employee of Oak Brook Medical Systems - Hospital Supply Division (OBMS-HSD) the opportunity…...

Business Management -- Policy Memo
Pages: 2 Words: 657

Rationale -- the organization faces considerable potential liability unless the supervisor immediately initiates appropriate measures to resolve the problem and, if necessary, refer for training or discipline any staff member involved. By consulting legal counsel, the supervisor can avoid any insufficient response that could expose the company to liability for failing to take appropriate and timely action.

4. Racial, Religious, or Cultural Discrimination or Harassment

General Recommendations -- in cases of any report or complaint of racial, religious, or cultural discrimination or harassment, the supervisor is to consult with the employee and (separately) with any and all individuals implicated in the complaint. The supervisor is also to consult internal legal counsel for advice and to implement the solution recommended by counsel.

Rationale -- the organization faces considerable potential liability under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 unless the supervisor immediately initiates appropriate measures to resolve the problem and, if necessary,…...

Business Critical Thinking
Pages: 5 Words: 1679

Business Critical Thinking
To whom it may concern:

'Logically speaking...' How often do we say this simple phrase? There is a presumption that logic is not only good, but that the human mind can easily calculate the pros and cons of most decisions. However, the human brain did not evolve to naturally gravitate to an emotion-free, Spock-like way of evaluating options. "hen people face an uncertain situation, they don't carefully evaluate the information or look up relevant statistics. Instead, their decisions depend on mental short cuts, which often lead them to make foolish decisions. The short cuts aren't a faster way of doing the math; they're a way of skipping the math altogether" (Lehrer 2011). The sooner we admit this, the better we can cope with the challenges with which life presents us; the sooner a business organization admits this, the better it can guard against irrationality, or at least plan for…...


Works Cited

Gabor, Deborah. "Deirdre McCloskey's market path to virtue." Strategy + Business. 43 (2006)

[4 Jul 2012] 

Holt, Jim. "Two brains running." The New York Times. 27 Nov 2011. [4 Jul 2012]

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