Business Communication Essays (Examples)

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Business Communication Is a Necessity in a
Pages: 4 Words: 1149

usiness Communication
Communication is a necessity in a firm for ensuring effective interaction between employees and the management (Hartley & ruckmann, 2001, pg 345). Communication also determines the code of ethics in a business and should be observed strictly (Mehrabian, 2007, pg 234). A firm's business revolves around people in the external environment, the employee team as well as its clients. Every individual in the firm must be accorded respect and fairness for them to work effectively. Stakeholders of a firm should act in everyone's best interest to ensure that the desired ethical cultures are observed (Mehrabian, 2007, pg 234).

Considering case studies of company dealing with Roy haulers limited (Mehrabian, 2007, pg 234). The company deals with goods' clearing and forwarding, as well as customer care handling. Three of its managers recently had a disagreement on an issue that arose due to the ignorance and mistrust elicited by the operations manager…...



Foss, K., & Littlejohn S. 2007 Theories of human communication. New York: Cengage learning publishers.

Hartley, P. & Bruckmann .C. 2001. Business communications. New York: Rout ledge publishers.

Harvard business school press. 2003. Harvard business essentials: Business communications. New York: Harvard business school press.

Locker, K. 2004. Business and administrative communication. London: McGraw-Hill/Irwin publishers.

Business Communication Theory
Pages: 4 Words: 1069

Business Communication Theory
This work conducts an examination of five different books or articles on business communication theory and reports on each of these works.

Cornelissen and Business Communication Theory

The first work under review is that of Joep Cornelissen entitled "Understanding the Development nd Diffusion of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) A Metaphorical Perspective" reports that recently "theoretical commentaries and empirical research" regarding the conceptualization of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) have been concerned with "its development and specification as a theoretical construct and its diffusion among academic and practitioner populations across the globe." (2006) Cornelissen states the argument that "the development and diffusion of IMC, including its diverse interpretations and uses, can be understood by seeing and understanding IMC as a metaphor." (2006) Specifically proposed by Cornelissen is that IMC can be understood "through three core metaphors or metaphorical projects: (1) discourse; (2) system; and (3) practice. (2006) These three metaphors are reported…...



Cisco Active Network Abstraction Theory (nd) Cisco. Retrieved from: 

Harvard Business Review on Communicating Effectively, Harvard Business School Press (1 April 2011);

Hartley, Peter and Bruckman, Clive G. (2002) Business communication Routledge: London and York.

Kirzan, A.C. et al. (2007) Business Communication. Routledge.

Business Communication With Other Cultures
Pages: 10 Words: 2942

Business Communication Across Cultures

Communication is a necessary challenge that each person faces daily. Communication is an aspect of business that is necessary to success and achievement. Many countries in the world are industrialized to the point where their culture is in what is called the information age or the digital age. Digital technology, social media, and information technology are prominent aspects to life, communication and business. This paper will examine how various factors including technology, media, gender, ethnicity and background impact verbal and nonverbal communication.

Communication is complicated and layered enough between couples, families, and other small groups. When we consider the impact, value, and importance of communication with respect to business, all the problems and pitfalls of communication intensify, as the stakes for a business are often greater than or at least equal to the stakes within our important relationships. When considering business communication across cultures, either within or outside…...



Dumbrava, G. (2010). The Concept of Framing in Cross-Cultural Business Communication. Annals of the University of Pertrosani, Economics, 10(1), 83 -- 90.

Guang, T., & Trotter, D. (2012). Key issues in cross-cultural business communication: Anthropological approaches to international business. African Journal of Business Management, 6(22), 6456 -- 6464.

Jameson, D.A. (2007). Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and Its Role in Intercultural Business Communication. Journal of Business Communication, 44(3), 199 -- 235.

Setlock, L.D., Fussell, S.R., & Neuworth, C. (2004). Taking it Out of Context: Collaborating Within and Across Cultures in Face-to-Face Setting and via Instant Messaging. Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Paper 58, 2 -- 11.

Business Communication the Business Environment
Pages: 12 Words: 3383

An interesting theory on interpersonal communication was developed by Leon Festinger, and refers to cognitive dissonance. egarding this theory, cognitive dissonance is represented by an aversive drive that determines individuals to avoid opposing points-of-view, to seek reassurance when making a difficult decision, and to modify their individual beliefs in order to match public behavior in certain conditions (Festinger, 1957). In other words, the theory refers to the differences between behavior and belief.

In Feistinger's opinion, the size of the cognitive dissonance depends on the importance of the issue, and on the size of the discrepancy. Feistinger has developed a series of hypotheses that are intended to study how dissonance between attitudes and actions can be reduced. These hypotheses refer to selective exposure preventing dissonance, post decision dissonance creating a need for reassurance, minimal justification for action inducing attitude modifications.

In his work, Feistinger discusses several studies and classic experiments in the field.…...


Reference list:

1. Luecke, R. (2003). Business Communication. Harvard Business School. Retrieved March 9, 2011 from .

2. Hartley, P. & Bruckmann, C. (2002). Business Communication. Routledge. Retrieved March 9, 2011 from .

3. Guffey, M. et al. (2010). Business Communication Process and Product. Nelson Education. Retrieved March 9, 2011 from .

4. Saha, a. (2007). Communication Theories. Business Communications. Retrieved March 10, 2011 from .

Business Communication Is Mainly Used to Promote
Pages: 3 Words: 880

Business communication is mainly used to promote or market an organization as well as its products and service since it incorporates the steady flow of information. Additionally, business communication is not only used in transmitting information within a business but is also used in relaying information between a supply chain. While the supply chain basically consists of the consumers and the manufacturer, business communication is also used to tackle legal issues that a business experiences. Customer relations, marketing, advertising, branding, consumer behavior and pubic relations are some of the various aspects that business communication encompasses. Effective business communication is essential to both the basic management functions and productivity of a business (Joseph, n.d.).
As a sales person, business communication is vital for the success of the business and assurance of customer satisfaction. In the daily activities of a sales person, business communication plays two major important roles that enable the sales…...



Joseph, C. (n.d.). What Are the Functions of Communication In a Business? Retrieved December

3, 2010, from 

Hunt, J. (2010, May 12). Current Trends In Business Communications. Retrieved December 3,

2010, from

Business Communication With People of Different Cultures
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Communication Protocols
In order for the goals of a company are achieved and profits are maintained there should be an effective communication protocol within the business that can be relied on. Business opportunities can be discussed in interviews, board room meetings and other informal discussions within the business. The objectives of the business can also be discussed here.

Therefore effective communication protocol is a vital component for a successful business. This communication can be internal, business to business or with the customers. Communication protocol incorporates factors such as promoting meaningful exchange of information and relationship building with stakeholders and partners. These therefore include code of conduct that is used as a guide in business related etiquette and behavior.

This paper looks at the different communication protocols in U.S. And how they can pose a challenge or can be a barrier with people from different cultures and how to overcome the challenges.

U.S business communication…...



Callaway, C. (2000). Business Communication Protocol. Retrieved October 6, 2012, from

Martin, M.J. (2012). Resolving Cultural Conflict in the Workplace. Retrieved October 6, 2012, from

Griffin, J. (2008). How to say it at work: putting yourself across with power words, phrases, body language, and communication secrets. Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Business Communication Trends Locker-Kienzler 2008
Pages: 2 Words: 611


I feel an increasing trend in business communication today is the use of electronic communication as opposed to paper or telephone communication. One reason for this is the increasing use and dropping prices of email communication (Scudder, 2010). It has even been suggested by some that offices may sooner than later start to communicate in an entirely paperless manner. This would probably be a good thing in terms of environmental sustainability and preserving the world's forests. Also, what I like about email communication is its immediate arrival after sending.

Another new trend in business communication is the increased use of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to communicate the purpose and policies of a business. Most businesses today have at least a Website. These are useful for obtaining new customers and communicating with existing customers when promotions and donating opportunities arrive.


Message types that are common by means of…...



Locker-Kienzler: Business I. The Building Blocks of 1. Business the McGraw-Hill and Administrative Effective Messages Communication, Companies, 2008

Scudder, R. (2010, Sep. 14). Latest in Business Communication Trends. Retrieved from:

Business to Business Communication Processes Three B2B
Pages: 5 Words: 1265

Business to Business Communication Processes
Three B2B Messages:

Today, the Business to Business (B2B) communication process is shifting according to changes in the way that businesses gather and distribute information. With the technological advances and user predilections driving the changes in web-bound information consumption, most businesses are giving a great deal of attention to Social Networking forums. B2B messages have found broader communities and more clearly defined targets through such venues. So is this demonstrated by the examples presented here, drawn from LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter respectively.

LinkedIn is a B2B environment driven by professional purposes, using the social networking technologies pioneered by MySpace and Facebook and applying them to business and employment priorities. So is this demonstrated by the message on TMPWorldwide's profile page ( The purpose of the B2B message here is to identify the company to the community of potential clients. The message centers around the firm's mission and the…...

Business Communication According to Daniel
Pages: 5 Words: 1881

All of the phases are continuously present, although one may predominate at different times, depending on the nature of the group. (Wheelan, 1990, 15)
Though some would consider the functions stressed by Wheelan above are not reflective of a business group, the truth is that all social situations require a sense of fulfillment of social needs that stresses independence, to some degree.

Promotion of its Members' Personal and Professional Development.

Some might consider that final of the three measures of group success to personal for a business dynamic and yet it is also clear that group participation depends on the willingness of its members to make sacrifices that are equal to or lesser than those things they might gain. "Individuals have goals that may be shared with others in the group, or they may be divergent and personal." (Gottlieb, 2003, 11) it then becomes clear why the development of the five needs…...



Caudron, S. (2002, June). Just Say No to Training Fads: Management Fads Come and Go-Leaving Disillusioned Employees in Their Wake. Here's How to Avoid Fad Worship and Become the Business Partner Your Executives Want. T&D, 56, 38. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from Questia database: 

Gottlieb, M.R. (2003). Managing Group Process. Westport, CT: Praeger. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from Questia database: 

May, G.L. (2003). Group Dynamics for Teams. The Journal of Business Communication, 40(3), 241. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from Questia database: 

Overton, B.J., & Burkhardt, J.C. (1999). Drucker Could Be Right, but.: New Leadership Models for Institutional-Community Partnerships. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3(4), 217-227. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from Questia database:

Business Communication Management Many People
Pages: 7 Words: 1991

Historically, many companies have been resistant to this commitment due to their focus on the bottom line of the business which has become even more prominent during the current economic downturn. However, several factors have recently companies realize that sustainability is an investment that can generate tangible benefits. Most notably, research is increasingly showing that customers value supporting businesses that are socially responsible (Good business deeds, 2004). There is growing consumer awareness that the negative consequences of poor decisions by a single business entity are shared by everyone. In particular, the public's anxiety over environmental problems is encouraging patronization of businesses that are making sustainability efforts and we are seeing an increased interest in our customers regarding our efforts in this area. Further, an organization's reputation in the community and its reputation for social responsibility are drivers for employee engagement (Corporate social responsibility: It's no longer an option, 2008).…...

Business Communication Relating Redundancies Check
Pages: 20 Words: 5732

" According to Short, Williams, and Christie (1976; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005), Social Presence Theory notes that "communication media differ in the degree to which they can communicate (or simulate) the social presence of the communication partners through the use of social cues (both verbal and nonverbal cues)." This theory purports that if a medium can only communicate limited social cues, communication partners do not experience each other's social presence. In turn, they will likely not pay as much attention to each other in the interaction as they would if the interaction took place in a face-to-face setting. In light of this contention, Media ichness Theory (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) proposes that not all communication media uniformly suit information requirements various tasks generate. Daft and Lengel (1984; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot…...



Accident Group chief points finger at HBOS.," Financial News, August 19, 2003. Retrieved October 9, 2008, at .


Charles, M. (2004). Outstanding Article in Business Communication Quarterly. Business Communication Quarterly, 67(1), 106+. Retrieved October 9, 2008, from Questia database: .

Claims company accident group lays off 2,000; many informed by text message," AP Worldstream, May 30, 2003. Retrieved October 9, 2008, at .

Business Communication Email Is Widely Used as
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Business Communication
Email is widely used as a form of business communication and overall it is a highly effective communication tool. As difficult as verbal communication may be, written communication in any forum is even more so. Each time, a person interacts communication occurs. In the absence of face-to-face communication, many professionals rely upon gaining one's interest via written form, such as memos, emails, or proposals (Campanizzi, 2005). Email is inexpensive, only requiring an Internet connection that is generally already present in the business. Although a printout of emails is possible, emails often stay as soft copies because archiving and retrieving email communications is easy to do. Insomuch, such form of communication should be carefully assessed as to the intent of the message, as well as how it will be received and perceived. Perceptions are realities, whereby presentation is everything. With such high stakes, careful construction should be given to ensure…...



Campanizzi, J. (2005). The write stuff for quality. Retrieved from 

Christensen, G.J. (2003). Professional e-mail needs attention. Retrieved from 

Jerz, D.G. (2000). E-Mail: Ten tips for writing it effectively. Retrieved from 

Johnson, L.K. (2002). Does e-mail escalate conflict? MIT Sloan Management Review,

Business Communication & Technology Barnes
Pages: 25 Words: 7132

n this case, the authors say not much is understood in terms "…of how it support for knowledge management practices in organizations affects the development of TMS (transactive memory system) (Choi, et al., p. 855). n this research, the trio of researchers have come up with several interesting findings relative to the impact of information technology.
ndeed, after researching 139 technology teams (743 individuals) in South Korea, they learned that: a) knowledge sharing has a "positive impact on knowledge application" and that in turn has a "direct impact on team performance"; b) knowledge sharing "does not" have a direct impact on the performance of a team, and moreover the impact of knowledge sharing on team performance "was fully mediated by knowledge application"; c) organizations can improve the knowledge of team member regarding meta-knowledge…through the careful investment in information technology; and d) sharing knowledge stops short of being effective, unless organizations…...


In this scenario that the authors present, there has been a faculty strike at a university. It is important for the faculty to get its side of the message out before the university administration jumps ahead with its side of the story. The faculty's union "must establish its voice and credibility" because in this case there will be "competing messages" sent out to the press and the community (p. 309).

One of the salient points of this article is not a faculty strike but how technology has changed the way people communicate in a crisis like this. And the more "uncertainty" about the reasons for the crisis, "the greater the crisis," Veilhaber continues on page 311.

The authors reference Argenti (2006) who makes the case that technology has "fundamentally change the dynamic between corporations and their employees" as well as any outside stakeholders that may have an interest in the events. Today, unions and union members have equal opportunities with the establishment to use technology's lightning speed of delivery.

Business Communication it Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1228

Advertising managers are also commonly derived from a student base with business communication degrees (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). Advertising and promotional campaigns are vital to a company's success. These professionals can work at agencies and firms specifically focused upon creating advertising campaigns for clients, or in media firms that sell advertising space or time.

In our firm, an advertising department can be a valuable addition to the business we conduct. By having a separate department focused upon promotional and advertising campaigns, the rest of the company can focus on other important areas of the business, including research and development and public relations. This will increase the quality of our advertising campaigns and hence increase the company's profitability.

Marketing managers in turn work with advertising and promotion managers to help promote an organization's products and services. If we elect not to create a separate advertising department, we could alternatively appoint a…...



Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers, on the Internet at 

Education-Portal (2011). Bachelor of Arts (BA): Business Communication Degree Overview. Retrieved from: 

Education-Portal (2011). Career Information for a Degree in Business Communications. Retrieved from: 

Murphy, H.A. (2011). Benefits of Effective Communication in your Career. Effective Business Communication. Retrieved from:

Business Communication the Four General Purposes of
Pages: 3 Words: 853

Business Communication
The four general purposes of oral presentations are to inform, persuade, instruct, and entertain. The information purpose aims to provide information to the audience that may have been not known, or simply, to relate the information in a manner that is understandable and interesting for the audience. Information that is presented may concern mundane issues, or crucial ones, such as those concerning important changes in a particular group or organization. Persuasion purpose has a clearer and more established agenda than presentations that aim to inform. To persuade through presentations is to utilize information and data in such a way as to convince the audience to accept the information presented. Effectiveness of persuasion is determined through the audience's receptiveness or skepticism to the information related, respectively. Instructional purpose aims to elicit action from the audience, and this may include demonstrations or step-by-step illustrations of information so that the audience can…...

What role does business communication play in your day-to-day activities?
Words: 234

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

How has information technology revolutionized communication in the modern world?
Words: 585

Information Technology: A Communication Revolution

Information technology (IT) has profoundly transformed the way we communicate in the modern world. By enabling the rapid and ubiquitous exchange of information, IT has revolutionized our personal, professional, and societal interactions.

Real-Time Communication

One of the most significant impacts of IT has been the advent of real-time communication. Messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger allow us to send and receive messages, photos, and videos instantaneously, regardless of location. Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype have made virtual face-to-face interactions a reality, bridging geographical distances.

Social Media

Social media platforms have created vast virtual communities where....

How does a well-defined title enhance relationship management strategies within organizations?
Words: 215

1. Title 1

    The Significance of a Well-Defined Title in Enhancing Relationship Management Strategies

2. Title 2

    Clarity and Precision: The Impact of Well-Defined Titles on Relationship Building

3. Title 3

    RoleClarity in Relationship Management: How Well-Defined Titles Empower Employees

4. Title 4

    Title's Influence on Perception: How Well-Defined Titles Shape Interactions

5. Title 5

    The Correlation between Title Clarity and Employee Engagement in Relationship Management

6. Title 6

    The Role of Titles in Establishing Professional Boundaries and Building Trust

7. Title 7

    Beyond a Name: How Well-Defined Titles Enhance Communication and Collaboration

8. Title 8

    The Impact of Title....

How do different genres affect the effectiveness of an essay conclusion?
Words: 641

Genre Analysis: How Different Genres Affect the Effectiveness of an Essay Conclusion Introduction An essay's conclusion is a crucial element that leaves a lasting impression on readers and reinforces the main argument. While the content and structure of the conclusion vary depending on the essay's genre, the effectiveness of the conclusion relies heavily on its alignment with the genre's conventions and expectations. This literature review examines how different genres influence the effectiveness of an essay conclusion by exploring the specific characteristics, strategies, and considerations associated with each genre. Genres and Corresponding Conclusion Structures 1. Academic Writing Academic essays typically conclude with a clear restatement of....

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