Certain specialists in the field have agreed upon the two most
important principles that the budget, whether it is a governmental or
corporate one, should follow. One of the two principles consists in the
fact that the budget should be designed as a tool for planning and
monitoring (Andrews, 2007).
Similarities between the Federal Budget and the Corporate One
As mentioned above, the two types of budgets are very distinct in
areas like the development process, budget application, or decision makers
involved. However, there are a series of similarities between the two types
of budgets that cannot be overlooked.
For example, both types of budgets are subjected to modifications, in
case certain unpredicted situations emerge, requiring a new adaptation of
the budget. It is more difficult to modify the federal budget, given the
repercussions this action has and given the fact that federal revenues
cannot be modified in accordance with modifications required by the budget.
It is more a matter of fund reallocation.
Also, in both…...
mlaReference list:
1. Four Principles for the Federal Budget (2009). InvolvedVoters. Retrieved October 16, 2009 fromfederal-budget.html.2. Budgeting (2001). CIVICUS: World Alliance for CitizenParticipation. Retrieved October 16, 2009 fromhttp://www.civicus.org/new/media/Budgeting.pdf.3. Bowles, Marc (2009). Budget Types. The Institute for Workinghttp://involvedvoters.blogspot.com/2009/03/four-principles-for-
Keeping staff medically informed so that they can best deal with the variety of cases seen within the context of an E unit. Within the vulnerable population inside the E are individuals who inappropriate use its services. esearch states that "patients who inappropriately overuse the E has become a national health care priority as E costs per-visit are generally three times higher than a comparable care in an outpatient clinic," (Thompson & Glick 1999, p 1). Studies have shown these individuals to include the mentally ill and "socially vulnerable" population, including the poor, who otherwise have no access to typical health care services without insurance (Thompson & Glick 1999, p 2). Yet, in the modern context, care can be provided in other care locations. A well trained and experienced staff can help filter out those individuals who can provide referrals to more appropriate health settings. With all the new…...
Cunningham, Peter J. (2006). Medicaid / SCHIP cuts and hospital emergency department use. Health Affairs. 25(1):237-247.
House Committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor. (2010). Bill summary. Affordable Health Care for America. Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http://docs.house.gov/energycommerce/SUMMARY.pdf
Thompson, Karen MacDonald & Glick, .(1999). Cost analysis of emergency room use by low-income patients. Nursing Economics. Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FSW/is_3_17/ai_n18608642/?tag=content;col1
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (2010).Needs assessment. Continuing Medical Education. Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http://www.uams.edu/cme/word%20docs%202/NEEDS%20ASSESSMENT/NeedsAsmt.pdf
Budget Planning and Controlling
Benefits of a ealistic Budget
A budget is delineated as a written statement of the plans for management for a particular period of time, conveyed in financial terms. A realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes as compared to having no budget at all. One of the benefits is forecasting. A realistic budget will assist the owner of Babycakes in projecting yearly expenses and also helps in perceiving the costs as they take place. A second benefit is setting the right prices. It is imperative to note that aspects such as the prices of rival products are not the only factors taken into consideration when setting the rates, charges and prices of products. For instance, the price of cupcakes set by Babycakes during Valentines should not be solely determined by what other bakeries set their prices to (Drury, 2013; Weygandt et al., 2009).
A third benefit of Babycakes…...
Drury, C. M. (2013). Management and cost accounting. New York: Springer.
The Motley Fool. (2017). What Are the Advantages of Using a Flexible Budget vs. a Static Budget?
Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., & Kieso, D. E. (2009). Managerial accounting: tools for business decision making. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Wiley. (2011). Budgetary Planning featuring Babycakes. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frh3I2rVDzs
budgeting management was most helpful to me, I believe, in the sense that it actually helped clarify the various processes about which I wrote, providing me greater conceptual awareness of budget management planning, processes, and content. Of the essays I completed, I must admit that I like various parts of all of them, but feel that my third essay was the best. By then I was more confident about what I was writing. Overall, what I learned from writing all three essays, an insight that will, I believe, remain with me long after this course, is that one learns a great deal more about a subject from writing about it.
My third essay was the best-focused of the three, and most detailed and specific. It was the end result of much thinking I had done. My best sentence, within that essay was (I feel): "The top management, working with the…...
Are visits to customers scheduled so that sales staff are available to customers at all times in the showroom? Are the full time carpenters sufficient to handle timely output? Would one additional full time person be more financially beneficial than using four on-call contractors?
Income can be categorized as point of sale or accounts receivable. Expenses can be categorized as fixed (insurance, rent, etc.) and variable (supplies, utilities, etc.). Everything that is paid out each month should be included, factoring in for taxes and other items that don't necessarily occur each and every month. Just organizing the data in this fashion may reveal immediate areas of action, like lagging receivables or expenses in a particular category that are out of scope. One of the first steps usually involved is that once everything is laid out in writing, it is time to review the list and decide where to adjust accordingly.
Managing Finance: Essential Skills for Managers, Geoffrey Meredith and Bob
Williams, 1999 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company of Australia Pty Limited.
Five Steps to an Effective Strategic Plan, Scalet Sarah, CSO Magazine, July, 2005
budget components (Policy Document, Financial Plan, Operating Plan, Communications Device), rank them in order of importance in your opinion and justify your rank order.
ank 1: Policy Document: The Policy Document is synonymous with a Budget Document. The budget document can be a line item detailed listing of every expenditure for every department within the government operation. The document conveys the policies and procedures of the administration and outlines its funding.
The expenditure amount is a further clarification of the entity's commitment to their underlying cultural and operating practices which complement their specific organizational goals and organizational strategies. Organizational strategies in accordance to the Policy Document include the Strategic Planning Document which details how the organization will propel itself into the coming years as a strategic city seeking to attract the best and the brightest to start businesses and to be residents. As the underlying specific goals to the macro strategy,…...
Blocksidge, Charles. "The Art of the Budget." The American City & County 110.3 (1995): 6-. ProQuest. Web. 18 July 2011.
PPBS. http://www.ninemoney.net/planning-programming-and-budgeting-system-models-ppbs.html
Thomas, John. "Operational Plan Framework: A Step Toward Sound Management." Optimum 15.2 (1984): 76-.ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 18 July 2011.
Functions That udgeting Accounts for Is the Planning Function
We will be arguing for the importance of the planning function in the overall budgeting activity and will be arguing for the many ways the budgeting planning function is coordinating with the company's strategic planning.
First of all, the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to the planning activities that the company, starting with the financial department, needs to (1) determine what the company's long-term strategy is, (2) determine what projects bring most added value to the company and (3) determine what priority these projects should have.
Let's refer to each of these steps in part and determine how they impact the budgeting strategy of a company. The long-term strategy for a company is essential in determining the overall objective of a company. For the long run, this may be increasing the volume of sales or increasing the market share or promoting…...
1. The Training and Technical Assistance Division. Budgeting Techniques. On the Internet at http://www.tcada.state.tx.us/training/presentation/ppt/BudgetingTechniques.ppt#1
The Training and Technical Assistance Division. Budgeting Techniques. On the Internet at http://www.tcada.state.tx.us/training/presentation/ppt/BudgetingTechniques.ppt#1
BHP Billiton Budget and Financial Planning
Company Overview
BHP Billiton is a global Anglo-Australian company specialized in petroleum, metal and mining. Headquartered in Melbourne, the BHP Billiton is one of the world largest mining company using the 2013 total revenue. The BHP Billiton was established in 2001, and has been ranked as a top performing mining company in the world. At the end of 2015 fiscal year, BHP Billiton recorded $44.6 Billion as the total revenue with the net income of $1.9 Billion. In 2010, the company recorded a net income of $12.7 Billion, and by the end of 2014 fiscal year, the net income increased to $13.8 Billion. However, the company net income drastically declines to $1.9 billion at the end of the 2015 fiscal year. (Annual Report, 2015).
This report carries out a financial and budget planning for the BHP Billiton to enhance a greater understanding on the strategy the company…...
mlaSources of data to evaluate effectiveness of financial management process are:
Tracking items such as utilities, inputs, salaries, and materials.
Evaluate whether costs are allocated by the cost centers.
Financial reports are linked to financial budgets
Cash flow statements are accurate.
Operating expenses include selling and administrative expense. Ordinarily, a forecast or budget for selling expenses is prepared together with the sales budget or profit target because selling efforts such as promotions, commissions and salaries of the sales staff are directly related to sales. Selling expenses may either be variable or fixed. Administrative expenses include projected administrative costs for other than production or selling activities. These expenses are mostly composed of fixed costs such as research and development, insurance payments and government taxes.
3. Calculate expected profits
Profit is the excess of revenue over total costs and expenses incurred in generating such revenue during the period of operation. Profit can be expressed in the mathematical equation:
Profit = Sales - Total Costs and Expenses]
Costs having been considered, the budgeted profit plan may now be established. Injecting the concept of 'revenue less expenses equals profit,' the profit may be calculated as follows:
Budgeted Sales
Less: Direct/Product/Manufacturing Costs
..ERP combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs of a single database so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other." (Pang, 2001) the work of Les Pang (2001) entitled: "Manager's Guide to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems" published in the Information Systems Control Journal informs this study that over the past ten years an organizations have significantly experienced "changes in their core business applications. These applications have moved from a centralized mainframe platform towards distributed client-server architecture, changed from monolithic customized software systems to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system modules with graphical development tools and expanded from a local area network environment to one with the broad reach of the World Wide Web. usiness applications have changed to support the globalization of their organization with the addition of multisite and multicurrency functionalities." (Pang, 2001)
The desire of a great number…...
Preparing Financial Projections (nd) PlanWare - Creative Commons Attribution-onCommercial-NoDerivs License. Online available at http://www.planware.org/financialprojections.htm
Writing a Business Plan (nd) PlanWare. Online available at http://www.planware.org/businessplan.htm
ABC - an Introduction to ERP: Getting Started with Enterprise Resource Planning (2008) CIO Online available at: www.cio.com.
Pang, Les (2001) Manager's Guide to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems. Information Systems Control Journal, Volume 4, 2001. Online available at
Decreasing purchases of the items that regularly expire, assuming that such a decrease does not dramatically increase the per-unit cost of each of these items, would definitely present a cost savings to the organization. The other major costs that the organization has some (though not total) control over are the lost balls and the cost of trainers; it is likely that a move to hiring permanent trainers would be more cost-effective than hiring them on an as-needed basis, but more regular participation levels will need to be established for this to be effective. Likewise, it is possible for the organization to reduce lost equipment costs by erecting a temporary barrier to contain wildly hit balls, but the cost of the barrier would need to be fairly low and its durability fairly high to justify this.
6)a. Sales price variance = (25x40000) -- (25x39200) = 20000
Sales volume variance = (20x40000) --…...
Planning Proposal on "Feasibility of developing an intranet"
To whom it May Concern:
Re: "Feasibility of developing an intranet" (Planning Proposal)
Project Description
Our company is an internationally-based company that is extremely spread out geographically, and even on an internal level, in its architectural structure. Managers often wish to communicate efficiently and confidentially amongst themselves regarding the performance of other members of the staff. However, at present, this is difficult to accomplish. Of course the company could build a new physical structure to accommodate needs for better face-to-face connectivity amongst individuals, but another and less expensive potential solution exists, that of the development of an in-house intranet, or online connectivity structure.
Why an intranet? Why not simply make use of the World Wide Web, given currently existing corporate computer structures allow for such connections? The establishment of an intranet would automatically give an additional level of secrecy and protection from viruses and external security threats…...
Planning, Control
The grade that I would like to earn in this course is an A. The reason I set this goal is simply that if I aim for an A, I will put forth my best effort. The objective may or may not be reachable, but in my case there is no downside to trying for an A, no real tradeoff that I need to consider. Failing to achieve the goal will still result in a B. So some of the rules with regards to organizational goal-setting do not apply here.
In order to achieve an A in this course, there are several steps that I will need to take. The first step is to create a plan that outlines the steps I feel will earn me an A. I can create these steps based on past experiences of my own academic successes, and the advice of others who have experienced…...
One cannot anticipate every possible bad -- or good -- scenario. Yet as cataclysmic as 9/11 proved, the recession that followed did not come from one cause -- planning and examination provided earlier hints of a slow down. One could argue that the overconfidence that the market could only go up during the heady days of the 90's tech boom, and the refusal to consider other possibilities not only contributed to 9/11's impact but sowed the seeds for recession just as much as the unexpected. Thus planning is still key, and planning if done efficiently can still be part of a speedy implementing strategy. One must always first look at what's important to a company and decide where the company needs to go. A company must identify business needs before deciding what the practices will be to satisfy those needs, and develop and implement an effective active plan only…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kaelin, Mark. (13 Dec 2004) "Resources for designing, planning, and implementing." Tec Republic. Retrieved 26 Jan 2005. http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6228_11-5479908.html
Lockwood, Gary. (1999) "Annual planning." Management Science. Retrieved 26 Jan 2005 http://www.bpubs.com/Management_Science/Strategic_Planning
S. Government to make future or immediate monetary outlays. In the second subcomponent, the reporting and outlay phase lasts for the duration until the funds are canceled or until the funds are totally disbursed. One should note that these cancellations are in no way connected with cancellations that are connected with budget reductions. These are a separate congressional activity (ibid).
Sometimes spending adjustments are needed during the fiscal year. They may require special reporting and approval procedures by both Congress and OMB. In some instances, an agency can request supplemental funding by submitting a request to the Congress. Mostly, the departments and agencies are required to manage their funds according to their available resources and have only a limited monitoring by the OMB and the Congress during this particular phase of the budget process (Government Printing Office, 29-30).
hat is the effect of this system in theory as well as in practice?…...
mlaWorks Cited
Government Printing Office, the budget cycle. Washington, DC: GPO. Retrieved
from http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/cdocuments/sd109-5/25-30.pdf.
Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Introduction to the federal budget process (CRS Publication No. 98-721 ). Washington DC: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from http://budget.house.gov/crs-reports/98-721.pdf .
Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Suspension of budget enforcement procedures (CRS Publication No. RL31068). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/ .
1. The role and responsibilities of a grant writer in nonprofits and fundraising organizations
2. Essential skills and qualifications needed to be a successful grant writer
3. Common challenges and obstacles faced by grant writers in the interview process
4. Strategies for effectively communicating your experience and qualifications as a grant writer in an interview
5. Tips for preparing and practicing for a grant writer interview
6. The importance of research and preparation in the grant writing interview process
7. Discussing your portfolio and past grant writing success stories in an interview
8. Addressing questions about your understanding of grant funding sources and proposal writing techniques
9. How....
Key Responsibilities of a Radiology Administrator in a Healthcare Setting
1. Strategic Planning and Management
Develop and implement short-term and long-term plans to enhance radiology services and align with healthcare organization's strategic direction.
Conduct market research, analyze trends, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.
Establish and monitor performance metrics to assess radiology service quality and efficiency.
2. Fiscal Management and Budgeting
Oversee all financial aspects of the radiology department, including budget planning, expense monitoring, and revenue generation.
Ensure compliance with financial regulations and accounting standards.
Identify and implement cost-saving measures without compromising patient care.
3. Human Resources Management
Hire, train, and evaluate....
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