Budget for a Two-Year Campaign ($500,000) to Reduce Food Insecurities among Senior Citizens 60 Years and Up in BirminghamGoal 1: Raising Awareness on the Issue of Food Insecurities among Senior CitizensThe project will organize quarterly awareness-raising campaigns running for a week that will focus on sensitizing the Birmingham community on the issue of food insecurity facing the elderly.Public Service Announcement: The campaign will involve a 60-second radio and television public service announcement outlining the extent of the problem and inviting community members to be part of the campaign. The projected costs for each ad is $5,000 a week as the ads will air at strategic times, such as in the middle of news broadcasts to get the attention of more senior citizens. There will be eight awareness-raising campaigns for the two years, translating to a total cost of $40,000 on radio and television ads.Community Sensitization Meetings: Throughout the campaign week,…...
DeSilva, D., & Anderson-Villaluz, (2021). Nutrition as we age: Healthy eating with the dietary guidelines. Department of Health and Human Services. https://health.gov/news/202107/nutrition-we-age-healthy-eating-dietary-guidelines
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (2019). Seniors food insecurity report. Author. https://health.mo.gov/seniors/pdf/food-insecurity-report.pdf.
Budget Plan for $10 Million Fund Allocation
Positive economic development in any city in the United tates relies on the provision of effective, efficient, and strong infrastructures that will attract investment to generate job opportunities in the city. A central goal of any city is also to improve health outcomes for the residents to improve their health outcomes. City public officials should also provide safety and securities, and improve students achievements to enhance quality of human developments . However, a city officials are required to keep proper accounts of all income and expenditures to deliver high quality financial resources.
As a newly elected public official of the city of between 50,000 and 250,000 population, our goal is to attract investment opportunities in the city through effective use of budgetary control to meet the economic and health needs of the residents in order to enjoy 100% federal funds. Our goal is to also…...
mlaSources of Payment, and Incremental Costs, Health Affairs.
Lunenburg, F.C. (2010). Financial Controls: A Safeguard Against Misuse of Public Funds. National Forum of Educational Administration & Supervision Journal. 27(4).
Nkuah, J.F. Tanyeh, J.P. & Asante, J.(2013). The Relationship between Financial Control Systems and Public Sector Efficiency in Ghana. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences.2(7):209-235.
Malloy, L.C & Merkowitz, S.P. (2015). The Economic Impact of Expanding Medicaid. Healthy Economy.
Popovcic-Avric, S. Mizdrakovic, V. & Djenic, M.(2014). Budget Control and Fund Accounting. International Conference: XIV International Symposium .
The departmental and program breakdown of the information in the city of Detroit's budget does not provide quite the same level of detail or of annual change that the city of Austin's budget does, but this more than made up for by the ease of accessing what details are available, and by the different formats of the two cities' budgets almost necessitate these differences in clarity, but they do not entirely account for the lack of clarity in the city of Austin's budget. That budget is already organized by department and broken down into the individual programs; tabulating the department totals and providing a clear overview of the major expenditure and revenue items on the budget would not have entailed any undue extra effort. The city of Detroit's budget clearly shows that both detail and overall clarity are entirely achievable in a municipal budget, making it both more effective…...
Lee, R.; Johnson, R. And Joyce, P. (2008). Public budgeting systems. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Stenberg, C. (2007). Managing local government services: a practical guide. Washington. D.C.: ICMA.
Budget Proposal
Agency: Oregon Park and ecreation Department (OPD)
Agency's Mission: "To provide and protect outstanding natural, scenic, cultural, historic, and recreational sites for the enjoyment and education of present and future generations" (OPD, 2011).
To attain its mission, the agency organizes its operations into six work areas; direct services, community support and grants, park development, central services, Oregon exposition center, and director's office (OP, 2011). The agency operates a total of sixteen programs scattered across the six work areas. Of the sixteen, Park Experiences takes up the largest amount of funds - approximately 36% of the total lottery revenues - and accounts for 39% of the agency's total budget (OPD, 2011)
Proposal: Cut down spending on Interpretative program.
Identified Need: OPD does not receive any funding from the General Fund Tax kitty, and only relies "on a mix of Other Funds, Lottery Funds and a small amount of Federal Funds, plus a similarly small…...
OPRD. (2011). 2011-2013 Means and Ways Budget. OPRD. Retrieved 27 May 2014 from http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/documents/2011-2013-budget-presentation-20110316.pdf
Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission. (2014). Parks and Recreation Department. OPRD. Retrieved 27 May 2014 from http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/Documents/Commission/2014.4_Bend/COM_Item9_2014.4.pdf
Rocco, K. & Hill, D. (2013). Legislative Fiscal Office. OPRD. Retrieved 27 May 2014 from https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/lfo/Documents/2013-3%20LAB%20Summary%2013-15.pdf
Are visits to customers scheduled so that sales staff are available to customers at all times in the showroom? Are the full time carpenters sufficient to handle timely output? Would one additional full time person be more financially beneficial than using four on-call contractors?
Income can be categorized as point of sale or accounts receivable. Expenses can be categorized as fixed (insurance, rent, etc.) and variable (supplies, utilities, etc.). Everything that is paid out each month should be included, factoring in for taxes and other items that don't necessarily occur each and every month. Just organizing the data in this fashion may reveal immediate areas of action, like lagging receivables or expenses in a particular category that are out of scope. One of the first steps usually involved is that once everything is laid out in writing, it is time to review the list and decide where to adjust accordingly.
Managing Finance: Essential Skills for Managers, Geoffrey Meredith and Bob
Williams, 1999 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company of Australia Pty Limited.
Five Steps to an Effective Strategic Plan, Scalet Sarah, CSO Magazine, July, 2005
BHP Billiton Budget and Financial Planning
Company Overview
BHP Billiton is a global Anglo-Australian company specialized in petroleum, metal and mining. Headquartered in Melbourne, the BHP Billiton is one of the world largest mining company using the 2013 total revenue. The BHP Billiton was established in 2001, and has been ranked as a top performing mining company in the world. At the end of 2015 fiscal year, BHP Billiton recorded $44.6 Billion as the total revenue with the net income of $1.9 Billion. In 2010, the company recorded a net income of $12.7 Billion, and by the end of 2014 fiscal year, the net income increased to $13.8 Billion. However, the company net income drastically declines to $1.9 billion at the end of the 2015 fiscal year. (Annual Report, 2015).
This report carries out a financial and budget planning for the BHP Billiton to enhance a greater understanding on the strategy the company…...
mlaSources of data to evaluate effectiveness of financial management process are:
Tracking items such as utilities, inputs, salaries, and materials.
Evaluate whether costs are allocated by the cost centers.
Financial reports are linked to financial budgets
Cash flow statements are accurate.
Company is a corporate development, management, Information Communications Technology (ICT), and support consultancy firm, offering its clients solutions to confidently research, survey, set up, and profit from business, as well as other opportunities. The firm aids civil society, public, and private clients in developing required relationships, advances in bonds and securing the required support services and systems in a cost-effective manner, in order to run optimally and accomplish their specified goals. Our objective is providing our clients with essential professional services, to be utilized as a springboard for instituting their business, as well as offering them and others the flexibility of operating without an office; that is, they can simply avail themselves of our Virtual Office Service as a start. X Company's strengths include:
Human esource: Our Company is constituted of a esourceful Managers' team, with highly- qualified members having strong preference for knowledge generation, dissemination and utilization. As knowledge…...
DoIT Project Management Advisor. (2006). Stage 2: Initiate the Project. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from http://www.pma.doit.wisc.edu/initiate/5/how.html
Personal finance at duke. (n.d.). What is a budget and why is it important? Retrieved August 4, 2015, from http://personalfinance.duke.edu/manage-your-finances/budget/overview
Shapiro, J. (n.d.). Budgeting Toolkit. Civicus.
Westland, J. (2011, June 23). Project Management: 4 Ways to Manage Your Budget. Retrieved from CIO: -- 4-ways-to-manage-your-budget.htmlhttp://www.cio.com/article/2406862/project-management/project-management
Operating expenses include selling and administrative expense. Ordinarily, a forecast or budget for selling expenses is prepared together with the sales budget or profit target because selling efforts such as promotions, commissions and salaries of the sales staff are directly related to sales. Selling expenses may either be variable or fixed. Administrative expenses include projected administrative costs for other than production or selling activities. These expenses are mostly composed of fixed costs such as research and development, insurance payments and government taxes.
3. Calculate expected profits
Profit is the excess of revenue over total costs and expenses incurred in generating such revenue during the period of operation. Profit can be expressed in the mathematical equation:
Profit = Sales - Total Costs and Expenses]
Costs having been considered, the budgeted profit plan may now be established. Injecting the concept of 'revenue less expenses equals profit,' the profit may be calculated as follows:
Budgeted Sales
Less: Direct/Product/Manufacturing Costs
Decreasing purchases of the items that regularly expire, assuming that such a decrease does not dramatically increase the per-unit cost of each of these items, would definitely present a cost savings to the organization. The other major costs that the organization has some (though not total) control over are the lost balls and the cost of trainers; it is likely that a move to hiring permanent trainers would be more cost-effective than hiring them on an as-needed basis, but more regular participation levels will need to be established for this to be effective. Likewise, it is possible for the organization to reduce lost equipment costs by erecting a temporary barrier to contain wildly hit balls, but the cost of the barrier would need to be fairly low and its durability fairly high to justify this.
6)a. Sales price variance = (25x40000) -- (25x39200) = 20000
Sales volume variance = (20x40000) --…...
Doing this activity provided me with information I was unaware of before doing the assignment. It seems amazing to me that more than half of the federal money is going to the military. Yet only 4% of the federal budget goes to education. his is a very sad state of affairs. Since September 11, 2001, the government of the United States has spent $635.9 billion on just homeland security. his doesn't even include the amount of money that has been spent in the war on terror. he website states that since 9/11, the government has spent $7.6 trillion on the military. his is a huge amount of money.
he budge projection for 2012 is that the United States government will spend another $3.7 trillion. hat means that the government will spend the same amount in one year that they have spend in the five years before. his is an obscene amount…...
mlaThe budge projection for 2012 is that the United States government will spend another $3.7 trillion. That means that the government will spend the same amount in one year that they have spend in the five years before. This is an obscene amount of money, especially since the country's economy is in such bad shape. Many people are out of work in this country. Higher education is costing so much money that people are having to drop out of college. Health insurance costs keep climbing so that very few people can afford health care. The country is in very bad shape and yet the government keeps investing in the war in another country instead of fixing the problems at home.
While I can see that spending money on security of the nation is important, I cannot imagine how the government could have used so much money on the war. Also, it seems to me that the budget should be redesigned. Education should take up far more than 4% of the federal budget money. The government's budgetary plans for the upcoming future are severely flawed. Not enough is being invested in the future of the American people and in their education. This is leading to further problems in the country.
The United States is a nation built upon the idea of individual freedoms. It is also based upon the idea that anyone can achieve the "American Dream." This is the idea that anyone can come from even the most poverty-affected background and through hard work and diligence, become a millionaire. One of the ways you pull yourself up from the dregs is by investing in your education. Consequently, those who do not take advantage of the education system have only themselves to blame for their failures. At least that was how the country was intended to function. In the United States, there is a correlation between education and criminality, education and poverty, and education and eventual hardship in adulthood. So, by not providing funds to help education, the United States is becoming part of the problem rather than helping people.
" (Huang & Chen, 1) This characterization of using the budgetary process to play 'games' carries with it a negative connotation, which is driven by the inherently threatening implications of tying personal income to performance evaluation.
That said, budgetary clarity is among the most important features to creating and implementing an effective plan of operation in any context. This is to argue that there is never an excuse for a failure to properly budget. This is a primary purpose of accounting, which allows an organization to identify those resources and conditions at its disposal and to determine how these can be used to yield functional operation, sustainability and profitability. Though the numbers which are yielded from a projected budget cannot be used as restraints with respect to operational creativity or mutability, these should at least help to establish a plan of action; anticipate certain milestones in the execution of the plan;…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Hope, T. (1997). Competing in the Third Wave. Harvard Business Press.
Huang, C. & Chen, M. (2008). Relationships among budgetary leadership behavior, managerial budgeting games, and budgetary attitudes: Evidence from Taiwanese corporations. ScienceDirect. Online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W58-4VDSJS0-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=987186959&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=570424efa71791707f3c9fc21199de67
Walker, K.B. & Johnson, E.N. (1999). The effects of a budget-based incentive compensation scheme on the budgeting behavior of managers and subordinates. Journal of Management Accounting Research 11, 1-28.
S. debt.
Health care is a large part of the federal budget and it is increasing in importance. The rate of growth in health care outlays is greater than the rate of growth in the budget itself. The poses a problem, because the federal budget deficit is increasing in size. Debt service is going to be the most rapidly growing component of the federal budget over the next several years, highlighting the need to control costs in all aspects of the budget. The challenge, however, is that both demographic trends and health care cost inflation trends signal a dramatic increase in health care costs in the coming couple of decades. Health care reform is expected to help with cost containment, primarily through shifting some eligibility requirements, but greater solutions are required. Privatizing health care would take if off the government's books, but would have significant negative externalities with respect to public…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Budget of the U.S. Government, fiscal year 2011. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/budget/fy2011/assets/budget.pdf
CBO. (2010). HR 4872. Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/113xx/doc11355/hr4872.pdf
Klein, E. (2010). Rep. Ryan proposes radical solution to budget problem. Washington Post. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/05/AR2010020504796.html
Operational Plan and Correlating Budget
Project Description
The 4 West is an organization that delivers health care for the community. ecently, the organization has decided to replace the existing medical-surgical unit into a new acute care oncology unit. The oncology is a specialty in medicine that deals with cancer. The CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) has informed the nurse director that 4 west is to become a specialized oncology unit. Since the hospital is planning the transition from the medical-surgical unit to the oncology unit, the hospital will need a new operational plan and correlating budget to assist the hospital to deliver high quality healthcare at lower costs.
Objective of this project is to develop an operational plan and correlating budget for the hospital to assist in effective transition from the medical-surgical unit to the oncology unit,
Project Details and Data
To start the budget plan, it is critical to use the organizational previous salary expenses…...
Bureau of Labor Statistics.(2014). Healthcare Occupations. Occupational Outlook Handbook. USA.
Clarke, S.P. & Donaldson, N.E. (2010). Chapter 25. Nurse Staffing and Patient Care Quality
and Safety.
Goodman, A.(2012). Oncology Nurse Staffing Is Variable and Multifactorial. Nursing News.
Beyond Budgeting" by Jeremy Hope
The Significance of Budgeting on Effective Management: Analysis of "Beyond Budgeting" by Jeremy Hope
In the book "Beyond Budgeting," author Jeremy Hope gave an altogether different conceptualization of the significance of budgeting on effective management. In it, he emphasized the need for better and well-thought out budgeting plans in order not to sacrifice the management decisions and ultimately, the efficient performance of a company or organization. The author aimed to create a strong argument illustrating this objective -- that is, the relationship of budgeting with management -- and successfully achieved this by centering his attention to the rudimentary, yet essential, details of budgeting in a more comprehensible manner. The book, in effect, was organized into three parts: firstly, an analysis of budgeting; secondly, on management; and finally, the role that budgeting plays on effective management.
One of the revolutionary ways in which budgeting was transformed in the…...
mlaWork cited
Hope, J. (2003). Beyond Budgeting. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Six Steps in the Budgeting Process. Bottom-up vs. Top-down Budget Plans, 2010).
The budget rules that are prepared by top management are passed down through successive levels within the company. Managers at each level may make additions and offer greater detail for their subordinates. The managers at each level prepare the plans for items under their control. The budgeting process will caution management of possible problems that may occur. By knowing the problems, solutions may be formulated. For example, at the valleys in cash flow, a shortage of cash may occur. Knowing this ahead of time allows management to arrange for a short-term loan for the financing need rather than face an unexpected financing crisis. In a similar element, planning allows for a smooth manufacturing program to result in both lower production costs and lower inventory levels. It steers clear of a crisis circumstances requiring overtime or high transportation charges…...
Fuller, Julia. (2010). How to Make a Budget for an Organization. Retrieved August 7, 2010,
from eHow Web site: http://www.ehow.com/how_4464789_make-budget-organization.html
How to Prepare A Sound Budget Process. Six Steps in the Budgeting Process. Bottom-up versus
Top-down Budget Plans. (2010). Retrieved August 7, 2010, from Online Success Center
1. The role and responsibilities of a grant writer in nonprofits and fundraising organizations
2. Essential skills and qualifications needed to be a successful grant writer
3. Common challenges and obstacles faced by grant writers in the interview process
4. Strategies for effectively communicating your experience and qualifications as a grant writer in an interview
5. Tips for preparing and practicing for a grant writer interview
6. The importance of research and preparation in the grant writing interview process
7. Discussing your portfolio and past grant writing success stories in an interview
8. Addressing questions about your understanding of grant funding sources and proposal writing techniques
9. How....
Key Responsibilities of a Radiology Administrator in a Healthcare Setting
1. Strategic Planning and Management
Develop and implement short-term and long-term plans to enhance radiology services and align with healthcare organization's strategic direction.
Conduct market research, analyze trends, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.
Establish and monitor performance metrics to assess radiology service quality and efficiency.
2. Fiscal Management and Budgeting
Oversee all financial aspects of the radiology department, including budget planning, expense monitoring, and revenue generation.
Ensure compliance with financial regulations and accounting standards.
Identify and implement cost-saving measures without compromising patient care.
3. Human Resources Management
Hire, train, and evaluate....
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