Budget Cuts Essays (Examples)

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Budget Cuts in Today's World
Pages: 5 Words: 1583

This lack of mindfulness, when applied to the education system, can lead to sudden and unexpected change. The authors appear to believe that this is, by association, an affliction of the leadership position, which makes it all the more important to involve the public in the decision-making process.
To increase mindfulness, Boleman and Deal (p. 11) suggest the construction of frames, which are basically a type of map by means of which systems can be monitored. If any element within the system then does not fit into the frame, it can be examined in more depth to determine the appropriate course of action to mitigate the anomalies or unfavorable changes in the system.

The main advantage of frames is that it can be applied to the system as a whole and that it determines meaningful patterns. Any anomaly can therefore be identified and handled without any delay.

What this means for budget…...

Budget Cuts to the Correctional System the
Pages: 4 Words: 1269

Budget Cuts to the Correctional System
The country is still in the grips of a massive financial crisis. As companies and government organizations continue to feel the impact of the recent financial crisis, budgets are being slashed across the board. Unfortunately, that means that funding formerly allocated for public goods and programs is being cut as well. One of the largest budget cuts seen in a number of states across the country has been within the context of correctional facilities. Due to the exurbanite costs of keeping the prison systems running effectively, correctional facilities have been a major target for budget slashing. However, this leaves these facilities vulnerable and unable to care for the massive number of inmates that are in their charge.

The last few decades had actually seen an increase in prison spending, as more and more facilities diversified their programs and practices to incorporate new methods of inmate care.…...



Awofeso, Niyi, (2005). Making prison healthcare more efficient. British Medial Journal, 331(7511), 248-249.

King, Ryan S & Mauer, Marc. (2002). State sentencing and corrections policy in an era of fiscal restraint. The Sentencing Project. Web. http://www.sentencingproject.org/doc/publications/inc_statesentencingpolicy.pdf

Luekefeld, Carl G. & Tims, Frank M. (1992). Drug Abuse Treatment in Prisons and Jails. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research. Web.  http://archives.drugabuse.gov/pdf/monographs/118.pdf#page=8 

Tewksbury, Richard & Dabney, Dean A. (2008). Prison and Jails: A Reader. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Budget Cuts in Maine the Effect of
Pages: 3 Words: 912

Budget Cuts in Maine
The Effect of Budget Cuts in Maine on Mental Health Care

Maine Governor Paul LePage's supplemental budget proposal will have dire effects on individuals with mental afflictions according to the Bangor Daily News. The governor's budget will cut about 14,000 people from MaineCare health coverage. Currently the state is facing a 438 million dollar budget shortfall. The proposed cuts will slice about 60 million from health care services for the mentally ill, poor, and unemployed (Hamilton, Prybylo, & Schmidt).

Those people who are without health insurance will be forced to get services at higher cost service centers including emergency rooms and hospital beds. Critics of the proposal say community health centers, community health organizations, homeless shelters, law enforcement, municipalities, and prisons will all end up absorbing individuals who are left without services.


Jennifer Rooks of the Maine Public Broadcasting Network reports that the a 2009 Muskie School report reveals that…...


Works Cited

Cover, Susan M. "U.S. Court Gives up Pineland Oversight." The Portland Press Harold. 20 March 2010. 21 March 2012.

Hamilton, Dale, Mary Prybylo and Kenneth Schmidt. "Proposed Cuts Threaten Bangor's Health Care." Bangor Daily News. 30 December 2011. 21 March 2012.

Rooks, Jennifer. "Budget Cuts Impact on Maine Mental Health Programs." Maine Watch. [Video] Maine Public Broadcasting Network. (2010). 21 March 2012.

Budget Cuts in Education the
Pages: 3 Words: 1099

In a community college in North Carolina (where there is a serious shortage of nurses) the entire nursing program is cut back to the point that there is a "waiting list just to get on the waiting list" (Rampell).
hen states run short of money they cut back on funds to community colleges, and when that happens it not only hurts students and their families, but it hurts communities. hen a population is educated, it enjoys faster economic growth "and a more stable democracy, and benefits the poorest workers the most," Rampell explains.

I know that when states are short of funds, education seems to be the first place that gets cut. By reading the financial and business pages, I also learn that those cuts to colleges and universities reduce the classes in important subjects that society needs to have available; it cuts back on the ability of young people to…...


Works Cited

Naison, Mark. "Public School Budget Cuts Herald End of Equality." LA Progressive.

Accessed May 15, 2012, from   2009.http://www.laprogressive.com .

National Education Association. "House Votes to Slash Education, Health Care, Food

Assistance. Accessed May 16, 2012, from  http://www.nea.org .

Budget Cuts for Colleges in
Pages: 4 Words: 1577

he Canadian journal of higher education - peer reviewed, 101-127.
Johnson and Rahman discuss the various economic factors involved in individuals choosing to attend a college or university. he note the impact of these factors including tuition costs, room and board, fees, books etc. hey also discuss the budget shortfalls and how they impact the ability of the university to fund tuition costs and apply money to grants.

Pierre, D.S. (2009, February 01). University budget cuts will be painful. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from oronto sun: http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/02/01/8221536-sun.html

Pierre, education reporter for the oronto Sun explains the impact the budget cuts will have on schools in Ontario. He discusses that the depth of th cuts on top of the economic hard times presents a negative double impact on the schools.

he Laurier Institute. (2000, June). Attracting and keeping faculty and senior administrators at British Columbian universities. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from peer-reviewed

he Laurier Institute…...


The Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy is a research center at Wilfrid Laurier University which studies issues pertaining to the creation, use and representation of public opinion in the policy process. The study discusses the problems associated with keeping post-secondary faculty and administrators at Canadian colleges and universities.

Wilfred Laurier University. (2009, January 8). Budget 2009-2010: Actions that are being taken and/or considered - peer-reviewed. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from Wilfred Laurier  https://www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=1165&p=1371 

Wilfred Laurier University houses the Laurier Institute but is not immune from the budget shortfalls. The president of the University discusses the significant number of actions that he has taken and also the actions under consideration to reduce the impact of the cuts.

Public School Finance Budget Cuts
Pages: 5 Words: 1592

Justification for School Budget Cuts
Public School Finance - Budget Cuts

School budgets have been affected greatly by budget cuts which have become a common and unpleasant task for most members of the school administration. The budget reductions have led to deficits in the organizations and have compromised the organizational growth greatly. The new wave of budget cuts that has been instituted by the school district involves a 30% reduction in the soft capital budget and 20% in the maintenance and operations budget. Nonetheless, the school needs to comply with this district budget cut and cut some items in the budget.

The concept of the budget cut is unified across all fields and professional sectors in the school in order to make sure that there is no noticeable difference which creates an impact on how the funds are allocated and prioritized. While the 30% cut for the soft capital budget would mean that…...



Angelo, D.S. (1983). Florida Bites No Bullets on Federal Aid Cuts. Publius, 12, 127-137.

Ellerson, N. (2012). School Budgets 101: American Association of School Administrators.

Ghosh, A. (1992). 1992-93 Budget and Economic Policies. Economic and Political Weekly, 27(15/16), 829-838.

Maddox, D. (1999). Strategic budget cutting. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Student Affairs Budget Cuts Hello Glad to
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Student Affairs Budget Cuts
"Hello, Glad to see you folks. That is a nice outfit it looks good on you etc.. etc.….Student affairs is an integral part of the higher education process and it means a lot to me and the university. eceiving the information that 8% of the annual budget for Student Affairs office is being cut, has presented a new challenge that will use all of my leadership and political knowhow in order to succeed. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and helping me today…. The purpose of this presentation is to describe my plan to manage this cut as the director of the Student Affairs Office. In this presentation I will list the important actions that need to be taken in order for this office to sustain its mission.

Current Situation

"Hers my staff. All of them are pretty good and I don't' want any of…...



ACPA/NASPA (2010). Professional Competency Areas For Student Affairs Practitioners. 24 July 24, 2010. Retrieved from  http://www.naspa.org/images/uploads/main/Professional_Competencies.pdf 

McCarthy, C. (2012). Follow proven strategies to effectively manage budget cuts. Student Affairs Today, 20 April 2012. Retrieved from  http://www.studentaffairstodaynewsletter.com/Article-Detail/follow-proven-strategies-to-effectively-manage-budget-cuts.aspx

Education Budget Cuts Education Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2674

The state cannot allocate funding that is simply not available.
This is also manifest in the funding allocated to the community college system in the state, which would be reduced by $400 million. Leaders from the three higher education systems in the state are, however, particularly unhappy by the cuts, holding that current trends demand a growth rather than a cut in higher education.

Importantly from the government's point-of-view, all funding recipients across the country have faced a reduction in grants from the government. In the current economic climate, it is simply not possible to provide all industries and funding recipients with the funding they were hoping for. Education, however, is an issues of extreme importance for students and family alike, as demonstrated by the thousands who protested against yet further funding cuts and tuition increases across the Californian state (McKinley, 2010).

According to McKinley (2010), the protest was referred to as…...



Brand, M. (2010, Jan 27). California budget woes hurt university system. Retrieved from:  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123035049 


Chea, T. (2009, Aug 5). Will budget cuts cripple California colleges? USA Today. Retrieved from  http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2009-08-05-california-colleges_N.htm 

Hemmila, d. (2011, Jan 10). Proposed budget cuts S$1.4B from higher education. University of California. Retrieved from:  http://articles.latimes.com/2008/apr/17/local/me-cuts17

Briefing Note and Make a Recommendation for a Budget Cut
Pages: 3 Words: 862

Briefing Note
The recent economic climate has been a challenge in all sectors of life, including the health care sector. The purpose of this document is therefore to propose a 10% budget cut for health care in the province, based on the fact that severe economic circumstances have necessitated a lower allocation of government funding for this purpose. The question and focus for this briefing note is therefore: How can we achieve the necessary budget cut without compromising the quality of care taxpayers and insurance holders have come to expect in this country?

The current economic turndown has affected both individuals, businesses, and governments. Most individuals are in a situation where they need to manage their money very carefully in order to make ends meet in an economy where salaries remain the same while prices increase incrementally. The same is true for governing bodies such as ours.

The cost of health care, like…...

State Health Department Budget Cut During the Revenue Shortfall
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

Health Department Budget Cut during the Revenue Shortfall
Yersey Yersinian, State Governor

FROM: Curtis Healy, Health Commissioner

Cutting Budgets during the imes of Revenue Shortfall

Our current fiscal budget has revealed that we have already run short of our project revenue and the issue requires immediate attention. In the present fiscal year, we are facing challenges of raising tax revenue for the projected fiscal year. By consequence, the tax revenue projected for the fiscal year between July and June is short of $30 Million. While the fiscal year has nearly run into half, the shortfall could increase by 7% if immediately solution has not been implemented to arrest the situation. he immediate problem that we are facing is the strategy we could adopt to raise up to $60 Million within six months. he solution is not to raise the government fees or taxes because implementing these policies will make us contradicting our promises…...


The memo recommends different policy options that the government should employ in order to cut expenses of the state health department to meet the proposed budget for the fiscal year. The memo recommends that the government should cut the WIC expenses to save $2 million. Moreover, the memo suggests that the government should cut expenses on the health promotion program to save $3 million. We should also cut expenses on marketing program to save $150,000. All these savings will assist us to implement high quality health program in the state.


Grum, G.E.(2014). State Health Department Cutting Budgets in Times of Revenue Shortfall. University of Virginia. Wise.

Educational Budget Cuts Will Children of Today
Pages: 3 Words: 915

Educational Budget Cuts
Will children of today become leaders of tomorrow? Unfortunately, this looming question continues to resonate in the hearts and minds of many parents and educators. Today, many elementary and high schools throughout the United States are receiving less state funding than last year in at least 37 states, and in at least 30 states school funding now stands below 2008 levels -- often far below (Fabian, 2011). How could such a travesty have emerged in such a vital system, which is the foundation of this country? Simply, the guilty culprit is the nations huge deficit that continues to grow. Moreover, the failure of the federal government to extend emergency fiscal aid to states and school districts is of primary concern. Most states have failed to balance their budgets through spending cuts and to devise revenue-generated streams, thus creating a substantial funding gap. Subsequently, budget cuts affect all dependent…...



Fabian, N. (2011). Managing editor's desk. World Rankings of the U.S. & #8230; Education & #8230; NEHA. Journal Of Environmental Health, 73(7), 58-38.

Ginsberg, M.R. (2009). Observations and reflections. YC: Young Children, 64(6), 90-91.

Oliff, P., and Leachman, M. (2011, October 7). New school year brings steep cuts in state funding for schools. Retrieved from  http://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view&id=3569 

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Budget Cuts and Army
Pages: 8 Words: 2418

Force Management System or FMS Utility exists due to the complex array of people existing within the army. These people have one or more of an assortment of skills and access to several millions of items of equipment. An organized system for the documentation of how much is authorized and what is required is put in place to keep things in order. Taking that into consideration, the force development process and its five phases keeps coordinated efforts in order as shown in the "Gen. Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium" reading. To begin, there was a mention of Odierno having difficulty turning a "1.1 million-man Army and another 250,000 civilians in a direction"[footnoteRef:1]. [1: U.S. Army,. "Feb. 24, 2012 - Gen. Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium." Www.Army.Mil. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 8, 2016. https://www.army.mil/article/74650/Feb__24__2012___Gen__Odierno_AUSA_Winter_Symposium.]
First, it important to understand how an army runs within the five phases. The first phases 1 and…...

Budget Crisis How Current Budget Crisis Impact
Pages: 3 Words: 904

Budget Crisis
How current budget crisis impact public Health & Community services individual states? 1) Colorado 2) South Carolina 3) New Hampshire 4) California 5) Arizona 6) Oklahoma 7) Virginia

How does the current budget crisis impact the public health & community services in the following individual states?


Even before the current crisis, Colorado ranked "near the bottom when compared to other states for covering families and children for health care" (Anderson 2011). Now, because of recent budget cuts, healthcare services are likely to suffer further. For some healthcare centers, cuts will comprise up to 20% of their annual operating budgets. The need for services has increased, given that job losses mean that more people are reliant upon state assistance. "Demand is up as much as 40% by Medicaid patients and 23% by the uninsured" (Anderson 2011). Public clinics are closing or laying off staff and reducing hours because of $32.4 million in…...



Anderson, Polly. (2011). The crisis: Field perspective Colorado. NACHC.

Retrieved: http://www.nachc.com/magazine-article.cfm?MagazineArticleID=149

Kaine's budget proposal: Cut mental health services, facilities. (2009). Hampton Roads.

Retrieved:  http://hamptonroads.com/2009/12/kaines-budget-proposal-cut-mental-health-services-facilities

Budgets in Order to Address
Pages: 3 Words: 1145

125% to 6.0% would increase the estimated revenues by approximately $300 million, bringing this revenue to its highest level in history. This rate would still be lower than the state sales tax rate in neighboring Southwest states such as Arizona (6.6%), Texas (6.25%), Nevada (6.85%) and California (7.25%) (Sales Tax Clearinghouse, 2010). ith this increase, personal income tax rates would not need to be increased. Corporate income tax rates would also remain the same, as they are not a significant component of general revenues. hile the move to increase the state sales tax would prove unpopular, it would allow New Mexico to build for a more stable budget future, less reliant on federal transfers, while remaining competitive in terms of corporate and personal income taxes.
Appropriations will also need to be cut in order to save money. The main problem with appropriations in the budget is that a looming and unexpected…...


Works Cited:

Massey, B. (2010). NM revenues weaken, more state budget cuts loom. Business Week. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from  http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9H3JT6G1.htm 

McCaffrey, S. (2010). State budget shortfalls may reach $180 billion this year. Boston Globe. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from  http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2010/01/04/state_budget_shortfalls_may_reach_180_billion_this_year/ 

McNichol, E.; Oliff, P. & Johnson, N. (2010). States continue to feel recession's impact. Center of Budget Policy Priorities. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from  http://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view&id=711 

New Mexico 2011 Budget. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from http://budget.nmdfa.state.nm.us/cms/kunde/rts/budgetnmdfastatenmus/docs/284016296-01-05-2010-09-15-31.pdf

Budget Process for Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Pages: 5 Words: 1499

budget process for Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD). LVMPD was formed in 1973 as a result of the merger of the Las Vegas Police Department with the Clark County Sheriff's Department. LVMPD serves the city limits of Las Vegas along with unincorporated areas of Clark County.
LVMPD is funded by the City of Las Vegas and Clark County. Police department funding is based on a complex formula determined by population, calls for service, and the number of felony crimes from the previous year. Both city and county governments must approve not just the annual operating budget, but also their respective percentage of the budget. In addition to funding supplied by the two governments, the department itself generates approximately one-third of its funds though property tax and the charging for certain services, such as special events. A special sales tax to fund commissioned positions generates additional funding.

The Law Enforcement Study…...


Works Cited

Haynes, B. (2011). Board votes to tap Las Vegas police reserves. Las Vegas Review-Journal. Retrieved August 4, 2011 from:  http://www.lvrj.com/news/board-votes-to-tap-las-vegas-police-reserves-120669354.html 

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. (2011). Amended Final Budget FY 2011- 2012. Retrieved August 4, 2011 from: Retrieved August 4, 2011 from:  http://www.lvmpd.com/pdf/FinalBudget2011-2012.pdf 

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. (n.d.). About Us Consolidation. Retrieved August 4, 2011 from:  http://www.lvmpd.com/about/consolidation.html 

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. (2011). Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget-in-Brief. Retrieved August 4, 2011 from:  http://www.lvmpd.com/pdf/BudgetinBrief2011-2012.pdf

Can you aid me in forming a thesis statement about the private colleges vs. public colleges funding ?
Words: 496

Thesis Statement

The funding models employed by private and public colleges in the United States have significant implications for the educational experiences and opportunities available to students. While private colleges often rely heavily on tuition revenue and endowments, public colleges receive substantial government support, leading to variations in costs, financial aid availability, and institutional priorities.


Higher education is a pivotal investment in an individual's future and the broader societal fabric. The choice between attending a private or public college is a multifaceted one, often influenced by factors such as cost, academic reputation, and location. However, underlying these considerations is the crucial issue....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Veteran Rehabilitation. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 340

1. The importance of specialized rehabilitation programs for veterans returning from combat zones
2. The role of physical therapy in supporting veterans with physical injuries from military service
3. The impact of PTSD on veterans and the need for effective rehabilitation strategies
4. The effectiveness of alternative therapies, such as art or equine therapy, in supporting veterans' mental health and well-being
5. The challenges faced by female veterans in accessing rehabilitation services and the need for gender-specific programs
6. The role of family and community support in the rehabilitation of veterans
7. The impact of substance abuse and addiction on veteran rehabilitation efforts
8. The benefits of....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on local government challenges. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 535

Essay Topic 1: Fiscal Challenges of Local Governments

Introduction: Discuss the increasing financial pressures faced by local governments, including declining tax revenues, rising service demands, and unfunded pension liabilities.
Body Paragraph 1: Explore the impact of state and federal policies on local government funding, such as budget cuts and revenue restrictions.
Body Paragraph 2: Analyze the role of property taxes as a major source of local revenue and the challenges associated with maintaining fair and equitable assessments.
Body Paragraph 3: Discuss alternative revenue sources, such as fees, user charges, and sales taxes, and their potential advantages and disadvantages.
Conclusion: Offer....

How can health services managers effectively mitigate the adverse effects of economic crises on local societies?
Words: 592

Health services managers play a crucial role in mitigating the adverse effects of economic crises on local societies. Economic downturns can have a profound impact on the healthcare sector, leading to budget cuts, reduced access to care, staff layoffs, and increased demand for services. To effectively address these challenges, health services managers must implement strategies that focus on maintaining quality care, optimizing resources, and ensuring the sustainability of healthcare delivery.

One key strategy that health services managers can adopt is to prioritize preventive care and health promotion initiatives. By focusing on preventing illness and promoting healthy behaviors in the community,....

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