Brewing Essays (Examples)

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Brewing Industry Beer
Pages: 3 Words: 796

Brewing Industry
The beer brewing industry is an important contributor to many economies of the world including that of the U.S.A. In this paper we shall give an overview of U.S. beer industry. It will contain a brief summary of the current trends in the industry and major players, the effect of the brewing industry on the U.S. economy, external environment facing the beer industry, and the opportunities and the challenges facing the industry.

Current Trends & Major Players

beer industry is characterized by flat consumption trends and dominance by three brewers, namely Anheuser-Busch (the makers of Budweiser), Miller Brewing, and Adolph Coors.

percent of the U.S. market share is held by Anheuser-Busch (45%), Miller Brewing (23%), and Adolph Coors (10%).

The above named companies are also the top three brewing companies in the world having overtaken German companies since long.

Some major brewing companies that have been closed down or been absorbed by others…...



Overview of the U.S. Beer Industry." (n.d.) Minnesota Trade and Economic Development. Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at

Shakeout in the Brewing Industry." (n.d.) Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at 

State of the Industry: Industry Growth Pauses." (2003) Beer Institute Research. "Research and Publications." Retrieved on April 2, 2003 at 

Adapted from "State of the Industry" (2003): Beer Institute Online; "Shakeout in the Brewing Industry." & "Overview of the U.S. beer Industry" (n.d.)

Brewing Forecasting Trends
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Forecasting: Kentucky Swamp Brew
Forecasting demand within the brewing industry is dependent upon three basic factors: "trends, cycles, and seasonal patterns" (Elfner n.d.). Trends are defined as gradual shifts in demand that permanently affect the demand for the good or service; cycles are repetitious shifts in demand that manifest themselves in cyclical and predictable patters; and seasonal shifts are changes that occur periodically (Elfner n.d.). For example, a trend for Kentucky Swamp Brew might be an upsurge of interest in craft, small batch brewing. A cycle might be a gradual upsurge of demand with an increase in the health of the economy; a seasonal pattern might be a shift from preferring darker or heavier brews in the winter to lighter brews in the summer.

Trends are likely more difficult to forecast because they can be more unpredictable. Watching industry patterns, using managerial judgment, opinion, past experiences, and instinct are all common qualitative…...



Elfner, E. (n.d). An introduction to forecasting. SNC. Retrieved from:

New Belgium Brewing Ethical and Environmental Responsibility
Pages: 2 Words: 680

New Belgium Brewing Company
New Belgium Brewing: Ethical and Environmental esponsibility

What are the main facts of the case?

The New Belgium Brewing Company is a small, relatively 'boutique' beer company specializing in the production of unique beers that are brewed in small batches. The company until recently relied mostly upon 'word of mouth' advertising and social media. It markets itself upon quality, in contrast to its major rivals such as Coors. Its recent expansion has demanded a more intensive advertising and marketing campaign to raise brand awareness. The company hired an 'edgy' New York firm and went with a conceptual advertisement: "Follow Your Folly & #8230;Ours Is Beer" (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell 2011: 478). The firm markets itself to serious beer consumers -- who also have a serious interest in how their beers are made, ethically as well as in terms of their taste. NBB sees its ethical commitment as an integral…...



Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, John, & Ferrell, Linda. (2011). Business ethics. 8th Ed. Mason, OH:

South-Western, Cengage Learning.

New Belgium Brewing Nbb Has
Pages: 1 Words: 365

Inteestingly howeve, eseach does demonstate the by building the image of the oganization, custome esponse to the oganization can be quite positive egadless of the industy in which the oganization opeates (Xiaoli and Heo, 2007). Oveall, business ethics can seve as the impetus fo the development of a stong intenal cultue that pevades to the exteio of the oganization and encompasses customes (McDonald, 2007). This appeas to be what NBB has accomplished as a esult of its decision to place envionmental concens above the desie to make a fast pofit. In the end, New Belgium Bewing has become a model of copoate social esponsibility by pomoting its image and stategy though envionmental development pojects.
Refeence List

Mackey a., Mackey TB. And Baney, JB. 2007, "Copoate social esponsibility and fim pefomance: Investo pefeences and copoate stategies," Academy of Management Review, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 817-835.

McDonald G. 2007, "Business ethics and the…...


references and corporate strategies," Academy of Management Review, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 817-835.

McDonald G. 2007, "Business ethics and the evolution of corporate responsibility," Chartered Accountants Journal, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 12-14.

Xiaoli N. & Heo K. 2007, "Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives," Journal of Advertising, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 63-74.

Social Media Marketing Plan for Brisbane Brewing Company
Pages: 11 Words: 3732

Brisbane Brewing Company - Social Media Marketing Plan
Through a marketing plan based on a social media platform, Brisbane Brewing Company is targeting consumers of alcoholic beverages of the ages 18 and 25. Due to their unique tastes and individual traits they should not be viewed as your common-place beer drinkers since they are crafty. And because they mainly interact through social media, many firms have now adopted this mode of marketing as an integral tool to their marketing strategies. Apart from being one method of reaching out to consumers, it is now the major means of sending out communication to people. Interestingly, many businesses still do not understand how this affects their bottom line despite the fact that its advocates shout its praises on mountain tops. Many organizations employ its use because everybody else is doing the same.

To distinguish himself from his comic namesake from Bolton, a social media expert…...



How Bath Ales grew its online sales using social media. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from 

Morgan R. (2003). BEER TRENDS IN AUSTRALIA"18- to 24-year-olds: Challenge or Opportunity?"

Libby M. (n.d). International Marketing Project: Breckenridge Brewery Introduced in Australia.

Craft Beer Production in Australia: Market Research Report. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

Global Brewing Industry Has Taken
Pages: 5 Words: 1275

3) (Merrett, 1998, p. 238) the larger companies seem to have an endless level of access to labor and capital, creating a stable situation, as they often seek marginalized areas with easy access to supplies that are otherwise labor rich, but job poor. (Merrett, 1998, p. 238)

Buyers are significant only in that, buyers for beer are in every corner of every market, tough they play a much more significant role in cutting into mass market sales by substituting with products perceived as higher quality. For most buyers of beer, other than those who have a problem beer is a luxury item that does not constitute a large portion of their total purchases, such as the case would be with fuel, this is one reason why price does not always determine buyer choice. In the global beer market the diversification of products and the micro-brew/specialty brew trend has create a…...



Ali, a. (2004, August/September). Coke Plant Heralds New Beginning in Somalia: The Long-Drawn out Civil War in Somalia Has Devastated the Country's Business Climate but Things May Be about to Change. A New Bottling Plant for Coca Cola Could Be the Start of Better Days to Come. Abdi Ali Reports from Mogadishu. African Business 40.

Bank Shares Surge amid Merger Fever. (2006, February 18). The Daily Mail (London, England), p. 109.

Benson-Armer, R., Leibowitz, J., & Ramachandran, D. (1999). Global Beer: What's on Tap?. The McKinsey Quarterly, (1), 3.

Goldberg, J. (2000, September 25). Buds for Life: A Man and His Beer. National Review, 52.

Technical Description Brewing Made Simple
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Lauter tun (used to strain the steeped grain liquid, called wort)
3. Mash filter (used to hold the already steeped grain, which is called mash)

4. Large kettle for boiling

5. Large kettle for fermentation and conditioning

6. Optional filtering and/or bottling equipment

Once the ingredients and equipment are assembled you can begin the fascinating process of brewing beer, which is basically a liquid bread. First, soak whatever grain you selected in hot water. Temperatures and steeping times will vary depending on the type of malt you bought and the style of beer you wish to create. This step is called mashing, which is a critical phase during which sugars in the malted grain are released into the warm water. The resulting sweet grain water is called wort, and the remaining spent grain is called mash. Next you will want to separate the wort from the mash in a process called lautering. At this…...



Palmer, John. "How to Brew." Retrieved Feb 15, 2008 at

Molson Coors Brewing Company Despite
Pages: 1 Words: 315

In this scenario, the inefficiencies were pegged to the lack of a unified approach in the meaning that both parties saw themselves as individuals.
An actual unification between the two companies has as such yet to be reached. Each family maintained and appointed its own representatives within the leadership of the greater company. This however meant that the board would often be divided between Molson and Coors and the conflicts which arouse were of a person-role nature. It could have been more efficient if more specialized managers had been brought in from outside the organization. These managers would have revealed an unbiased stand and would have stood more chances of serving the overall interests of the united brewery.


McCuddy, M.K., Morgal, M.L., Molson Coors Brewing Company: Conflict esolution in the Aftermath of a Merger...



McCuddy, M.K., Morgal, M.L., Molson Coors Brewing Company: Conflict Resolution in the Aftermath of a Merger

Manual Picking of the 18th
Pages: 6 Words: 2351

In England, one of the premier locations for growing Hops in the 18th century was Kent. Kent has a long history with the growing and curing of hops; "The cultivation of hops for brewing was, in fact, introduced to Kent by Flemish brewers in the 16th century," (Kent County Council 2007:2). Once the popularity of hops exploded in England, it was Kent that vastly benefited from the rich soil and close proximity to massive amounts of seasonal laborers available to manually work the fields in the 18th century. Kent alone employed over 80,000 workers in the harvesting, drying, and sale of hops during the 18th and 19th centuries; "thousands of acres of Kent's countryside were devoted to growing hops in fields known as 'hop gardens,' with up to 80,000 people involved in the annual harvest at hop-picking time in September," (Kent County Council 2007:2). The region found great success…...



Chambers's Encyclopedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. (1873). Vol. 10. Philadelphia J.B. Lippincott & Co.

Fluckiger, Frierich August & Hanbury, Daniel. (1874). Pharmacographis, a History of the Principle Drugs of Vegetable Origin. London: Macmillan and Co.

Kent County Council. (2007). Hops and Downs: A Taste of Mid-Kent. Retrieved 12 Nov 2009 at 

Madison County. (2005). Hop map. Heritage Trail. Madison County, New York. Retrieved 13 Nov 2009 at

Molson From Your Perspective Were
Pages: 4 Words: 1276

From his entry to the company, Ian and his side of the family was summarily ousted and perceived as outsiders. Ian claimed that Eric "refused to work with him" and as a result had "destabilized the company," ("Vying for Control of Molson Inc.," nd). The cousins had clearly outlined roles within the company so their conflict was not necessarily due to intrarole conflict or to jurisdictional ambiguity. However, their personalities did appear to clash. Ian was obviously to more brash and outgoing of the two and Eric has been described as a "shy man who was uncomfortable with public speaking," ("Vying for Control of Molson Inc.," nd). The clash between the cousins led to significant intergroup and intragroup conflicts. Each believed the other incompetent, and each believed that his methods and strategies were more effective than the other's. Eric leveraged his superior position as Chairman of the Board and his…...



Eric Molson Retains Control of Brewery." (2004). Modern Brewery Age. July 5, 2004. Retrieved Mar 31, 2007 at 

Vying for Control of Molson Inc." (nd).

South African Breweries There Are a Few
Pages: 2 Words: 610

South African Breweries
There are a few important trends in the international brewing industry. The first is consolidation (Fletcher, 2011). With slowing demand in major markets, many large brewers are seeking to do two things: improve their economies of scale and gain access to new markets. This has led to successive rounds of consolidation in the industry, with most of the world's largest brewing companies now global conglomerates of strong regional brands. For SAB, this has meant not only consolidating the firm's home territory of Africa, but exploring options outside the continent as well.

The second major trend in the international beer industry is that growth has shifted to emerging markets. In the major beer-drinking markets, consumption is either stagnant or shrinking, and this has led to a quest for growth elsewhere. Many emerging markets have large populations and as these markets become more attuned to beer drinking, some of emerging not…...



China Daily. (2002). SAB aims to be biggest beer maker. China Daily. Retrieved November 13, 2011 from 

Fletcher, C. (2011). SABMiller Chief Mackay forsees more consolidation in global beer industry. Bloomberg. Retrieved November 13, 2011 from

Methods of Refrigeration
Pages: 5 Words: 1622

Refrigeration in American Craft rewing Industry
The purpose of this study is to examine the use and operation of various refrigeration systems used in the American Craft rewing industry. This includes such as glycol chillers, walk-in evaporative coolers and refrigerated dispensing systems including how the systems work and their function in the brewing process.

Condenser Cooling

Condenser cooling uses air or water and it is reported that each of the methods are characterized by both strengths as well as weaknesses. Air-cooled compressors are reported to potentially "lose significant cooling capacity on a hot day" and this is when the capacity for cooling is most needed. The water-cooled systems are reported to be more efficient in their operation but at the same time to make a requirement of "more maintenance and investment cost." (Prochiller, nd, p.8) Cold box refrigeration systems make provision of cooling for "a small direct-draw box cooler or a large walk-in."…...



A Brewery Glycol System Guide (nd) Prochiller. Retrieved from: 

Evaporative Cooler (nd) Instructables. Retrieved from: 

King, MP (nd) CHILLER SYSTEMS AND GLYCOL USE . Chiller TechNet Document #1021. Seven Considerations. Retrieved from:   EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT GLYCOL 

Refrigerated liquid dispensing system (2014) U.S. 20060080993 A1. Google Patents. Retrieved from:

Delight Is in the Details
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Other smells that give the shop character include the manure on farmers' boots, the odor of chain saw oil on loggers wearing flannel, wool, Carhart jeans, and dingy ball caps. The self-serve counter also offers up some tantalizing smells, such as hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, and chili. All these smells combined remind me of the rodeo that comes through town. The aromas in the shop enhance the experience because they unify the entire experience.
The little store is truly a one-stop shop in that you can find almost anything you need. For example, the shelves are lined with the regular products you would expect to see in any shop including pharmaceutical items, such as pink, blue and green thermometers hanging from racks; staple groceries like Wonder bread with its red, blue and yellow packaging; toilet paper; liquor; cigarettes and Skoal; candy bars, ranging from Hershey bars to the healthy fiber…...

Corporate Mergers and Public Good
Pages: 15 Words: 3815

Corporate Mergers and the Public Good
The United States of America, during the last years of the Nineteenth Century, witnessed a rash of corporate mergers. The Industrial Revolution had taken firm hold, and the nation was changing rapidly. Millions of Americans who had once been independent farmers or tradesmen now found themselves in the position of what some termed "wage slaves." At the mercy of their corporate employers, they worked long hours at low pay, and often under appalling conditions. The reasons for the merger mania of this period are many and complex, as are its effects upon the population as a whole. In breaking down the traditional vocational environment, the gigantic new conglomerates also transformed the entire social landscape. ork was no longer a family business shared by all generations. Communities no longer clung together for mutual protection and aid. Suddenly, the citizen of this new world was out on…...


Works Cited

Applebaum, Herbert. The American Work Ethic and the Changing WorkForce: An Historical Perspective. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.

Aronowitz, Stanley. False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.

Atack, Jeremy. (1985). "Industrial Structure and the Emergence of the Modern Industrial Corporation" Explorations in Economic History 22, 48.

Champlin, Dell P., and Janet T. Knoedler. "Corporations, Workers and the Public Interest." Journal of Economic Issues 37.2 (2003): 305+.

Anheuser One of the Many
Pages: 4 Words: 1299

Many problems surface for companies such as Anheuser-Busch because the company believes that their 'global' presence means they can act and do what ever it is they think is best. Such an attitude does not work well in China, because of the hundreds of brewers that provide cheap beer on a regional and local basis. Many Chinese citizens would rather drink their local beer than the 'global' beer for two reasons, once of which is loyalty but the other which is price. These are two factors that the global company has to consider when entering the Chinese market.

One of the most prevalent problems experienced by Anheuser-Busch (or any brewery) in China could be the lack of a coherent, comprehensive distribution network.

Events to consider when attempting to distribute a product that quickly loses its appeal, flavor and freshness (such as beer) would normally entail scheduling refrigerated trucks for pick-up and delivery…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Coffee?
Words: 437

1. The history and origins of coffee: tracing the journey of this beloved beverage from its discovery in Ethiopia to its global popularity today
2. The social and cultural impact of coffee: how coffeehouses have shaped society and facilitated intellectual and creative discourse throughout history
3. The health benefits and drawbacks of coffee consumption: examining the latest research on the effects of coffee on physical and mental health
4. The environmental sustainability of coffee production: exploring the challenges faced by coffee farmers and the industry in maintaining sustainable practices
5. The art and science of coffee brewing: delving into the intricate process of selecting....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Coffee?
Words: 415

Essay Topics Pertaining to Coffee

Coffee, a beloved beverage consumed by millions worldwide, offers a rich tapestry of topics for exploration in essays. Here are several essay topics that delve into various aspects of coffee, its history, culture, and impact:

Historical Perspectives

The Origins and Spread of Coffee: A Journey from the Ethiopian Highlands to the Global Stage
The Role of Coffee in the Age of Exploration: Fueling Empires and Shaping Cultures
Coffee's Economic and Social Impacts: A Historical Analysis of Its Rise and Influence
The Brewing Revolution: Innovations and Traditions in Coffee Preparation

Cultural Significance

Coffee as a Symbol of Identity: Explorations....

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