Breast Cancer Essays (Examples)

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Breast Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 1088

Breast Cancer
roject Title: Women who chose Lumpectomy Over rophylactic Mastectomy as Treatment for Early Stage Breast Cancer May have an Increased Risk for ost-Treatment Anxiety Regarding Fear of Recurrence.

This proposed research plan will address the post treatment psychology of Stage I breast cancer patients who have received the less invasive breast retention surgery, referred to as lumpectomy.

Do women with early stage breast cancer have more intrusive thoughts (stress) regarding recurrence after lumpectomy than after prophylactic mastectomy? Within the survivor group the study will specifically address issues of psychological anxiety related to recurrence of cancer. The study will be retrospective, based upon cognitive memories of post treatment anxiety related to recurrence of breast cancer and subjects will be chosen in a non-random fashion. The main research query will be: Do women who choose prophylactic mastectomy after early stage breast cancer return to their pre-diagnostic sense of wellness as compared to women…...


P.G. Norton (Feb 1, 2003) "Another study supports breast conservation over mastectomy. (For Phase I or II Cancer)" Internal Medicine News, 36/3 pg. 29.

E. Mechcatie (Dec 1, 2002) "Similar survival in mastectomy, breast conservation. (20-

Year Follow-Up)." Family Practice News, 32/23 pg. 6.

Breast Cancer in Malaysia Breast Cancer Has
Pages: 11 Words: 3180

Breast Cancer in Malaysia
Breast cancer has turned out to be one of the most common cancers in women in almost every part of the world. Nonetheless, there is a noticeable geographical difference in the incidence and also the stage of presentation. It has ben documented to be uppermost in North Europe and North America, in-between in Mediterranean nations and South America, and not high at all in Asia and Africa nations (Abdullah, 2003). During the year of 2000 there had been 1,050,346 circumstances of breast cancer that had been documented international and 372,969 deaths from the illness (Sharifah, 2010). In industrialized nations the incidence was around 94.93 per 100,000 populace, and in less advanced states it somewhere around 19.66 per 100,000 populations (Taib, 2012). With that said this essay will discuss breast cancer in Malaysia.

Background and Definition of the Problem

The basic issue is the lack of a population-based epidemiological record…...



Abdullah, N.H., & Yip, C.H. (2003). Spectrum of breast cancer in Malaysian women: Overview. World Journal of Surgery, 27(8), 921-3.

Agarwal, G., Pradeep, P.V., Aggarwal, V., Cheng-Har Yip, & Cheung, P.S.Y. (2007). Spectrum of breast cancer in asian women. World Journal of Surgery, 31(5), 1031-40

Ahmad, F., Binti Muhammad, M., & Abdullah, A.A. (2011). Religion and spirituality in coping with advanced breast cancer: Perspectives from malaysian muslim women. Journal of Religion and Health, 50(1), 36-45.

Baig, M.R., Subramaniam, V., Chandrasegar, A.A., & Khan, T.M. (2011). A population-based survey on knowledge and awareness of breast cancer in the suburban females of sungai petani, kedah, malaysia. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 3(9), 671-679.

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology
Pages: 8 Words: 2914

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology
Breast Cancer

Advanced Pathophysiology

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. There are three general determinants associated with the cause of the disease: heredity factors, environmental factors, and hormonal factors. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, as 78% of cases are diagnosed in women ages 50 and older. isk factors are distinguished by their respective etiological influences, such as family history, lifestyle, and exposure to pollutants. The pathophysiology of breast cancer is focused into two cellular models: sporadic clonal evolution and cancer stem cell. The pathological progress of breast cancer stages is understood and is used for diagnostic purposes. Treatment for breast cancer often involves invasive interventions; the future of breast cancer treatment is concentrated within genomic targeted therapies and the identification of cancer stem cell biomarkers as a preventative treatment method.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer for women worldwide…...



Bombonati, A., & Sgroi, D. (2010). The molecular pathology of breast cancer progression. Journal of Pathology, 223, 307-317.

Brody, J., & Rudel, R. (2003). Environmental pollutants and breast cancer. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(8), 1007-1019.

Charafe-Jauffret, E., Ginestier, C., Iovino, F., & Wicinski, J. (2009). Breast cancer cell lines contain functional cancer stem cells metastatic capacity and a distinct molecular signature. Cancer Research, 69(4), 1302-1313.

Eberl, M., Philips, R., Lamberts, H., Okkes, I., & Maboney, M. (2008). Characterizing breast symptoms in family practice. Annals of Family Medicine, 6(6), 528-533.

Breast Cancer Is a Disease
Pages: 16 Words: 4768

Partial Mastectomy- a procedure that remove part of the breast that contains the cancer and some tissue around the affected tissue. This type of surgery is also called a segmental mastectomy (Breast Cancer Treatment).

In addition the National Cancer Institute reports that patients who undergo the aforementioned types of surgeries may also have some lymph nodes removed (Breast Cancer Treatment).

Another type of surgery that does not conserve the breast is the total mastectomy. During this type of surgery the entire cancerous breast is removed (Breast Cancer Treatment). This type of surgery is also referred to as a simple mastectomy. As an aspect of this surgery lymph nodes, the lining of the chest muscles and the chest wall muscles may also be removed (Breast Cancer Treatment). A patient may also undergo a radical mastectomy which involves the removal of the cancerous breast along with the muscles underneath the breast and lymph nodes…...


Works Cited

"About the IBCCP." Retrieved February 20, 2010 from;

Breast Cancer Treatment. Retrieved February 20, 2010 from; 

Madison County Health Department. Retrieved February 20, 2010 from;

Molenaar, S. Mirjam AG Sprangers, Emiel JTh Rutgers, Ernest JT Luiten, Jan Mulder, Patrick MM Bossuyt, Jannes JE van Everdingen, Paul Oosterveld, and Hanneke CJM de Haes. Decision Support for Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Effects of an Interactive Breast Cancer CDROM on Treatment Decision, Satisfaction, and Quality of Life. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 19, No 6 (March 15), 2001: pp 1676-1687

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology Breast Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 1186

hile the incidence of carcinoma in situ has been increasing, the incidence of invasive breast cancer has remained fairly steady or even decreased slightly in the past 25 years, and the mortality rate has declined (Common types of invasive breast cancer, 2008, Eli Lilly). The earlier the detection of breast cancer, in its first stage, rather than the subsequent second, third, or fourth stages, the better the prognosis, regardless of its type or the age of the woman.
Nursing interventions

Nurses have an extremely important role to play as educators regarding breast cancer. First of all, they can help women have a realistic appraisal of their risk for the disease, based upon their family background, age, and lifestyle. Nurses can play a role in health promotion throughout a patient's life by encouraging women to minimize or manage high-risk behaviors that contribute to the likelihood of contracting the disease, such as alcohol…...


Works Cited

Breast cancer risk factors. (2008). Eli Lilly. Strength in knowing. Retrieved 8 Oct 2008 

Common types of invasive breast cancer. (2008). Eli Lilly. Strength in knowing. Retrieved 8 Oct 2008 

Genetics of breast cancer. (2008). Eli Lilly. Strength in knowing. Retrieved 8 Oct 2008 

Hormone-Receptor Status and Breast Cancer. (2008). Eli Lilly. Strength in knowing. Retrieved 8 Oct 2008

Breast Cancer Is a Type of Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that originates from tissues in the breasts commonly from within the inner lining of milk ducts or alternatively lobules which supply milk to the ducts. Breast cancer can occur in both humans and other mammals but .The majority cases in humans occur in women, however breast cancer also occurs in men but in very rare instances. Those few cases of breast cancer in men occur to men in the ages between 60 and 70.from statistics white women are seen to be at a higher risk of the development of malignant breast cancer as compared to Hispanics or Asians. Breast cancer comes second when it comes to cause of deaths due to cancer in women aged between 45-50.there is an increase in the number of women who are diagnosed with cancer each year. If cancer is detected early enough than the chances of survival…...



MediLexicon International Ltd., (2012). What Is Breast Cancer? What Causes Breast

Cancer? Retrieved march 30,2013 from 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;(2009). National cancer Institute. Breast cancer treatment. Retrieved March 30, 2013, from #Keypoint25

Breast Cancer Treatments
Pages: 6 Words: 1949

Breast Cancer Treatments
Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer related deaths in females and its rising incidence makes it the second most common cause of deaths due to cancer in both genders. Its incidence increases with the following risk factors, age and first degree relatives affected with the illness. However, only five to ten percent of all breast cancers are hereditary. The BCA1, BCA 2 and the p 53 genes have proven to be the involved mutations. Other risk factors include prior breast cancer, a lengthy reproductive life, null parity, obesity, exogenous estrogen intake and an already existing proliferative fibrocystic change, especially atypical hyperplasia. (Abbas, 739-750)

Treatment affectivity depends on several factors. The type of tumor determines its aggressiveness. A well defined tumor that is small in size, belonging to a less invasive variant, with estrogen and progesterone receptor sensitivity, generally responds well to treatment. However, the reverse…...



"{Artist Supports Breast Cancer with Brass-Iere} {Arty Bra Raises Funds for Cancer}," The Queensland Times (Ipswich, Australia) 11 Oct. 2008: 1, Questia, Web, 29 June 2011.

Breast cancer. Web .

Harvey Richard A and Pamela C. Champe. Pharmacology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Company. 744-808. 1995. Print.

Kumar, Abbas., Fausto, Mitchel. Robbins Basic Pathology. India: Elsevier. 2007. 739-750. Print.

Breast Cancer Although it Remains True That
Pages: 2 Words: 853

Breast Cancer
Although it remains true that many Americans will die of acute illnesses, injuries, and accidents, it is at the same time becoming the case that more and more Americans are dying of chronic diseases such as cancer. In fact, cancer is expected in the future to be the leading cause of death in the United States, and any integrated plan for providing quality medical (including) nursing services in the future must focus on the treatment of such long-term illnesses.

Among the most common forms of cancers, breast cancer cases are increasing the most quickly (Ku 2001), with the overall lifetime risk for American women having grown to one in eight (American Cancer Society, 2001). The reason for this increase is not understood, although a number of factors are known to come into play, and it may be possible that the increased risk is a combination of these various known factors,…...

Breast Cancer Research & Awareness
Pages: 3 Words: 966

osenberg (ScienceDaily, 20010) suggests that oral contraceptives have evolved over a great many years and thus it is relevant to discuss once again the effects of oral contraceptives on women and their likelihood of getting breast cancer.
Marchbanks et al. (2010) did conclude that either present or earlier use of oral contraceptives among women ages 35 to 64 did not increase their chances of getting breast cancer. Their research was adamant about the results, which said that oral contraceptive use does not increase the risk of breast cancer later on in life, when the chances of a women getting breast cancer is higher than when they were younger.

What also needs to be considered is that the biology of white and black women may be significantly different and thus their bodies react differently to oral contraceptives. Because of this reason (as well as numerous others) and the fact that we cannot…...



Marchbanks, P.A., McDonald, J.A., Wilson, H.G., Folger, S.G., Mandel, M.G., Daling,

J.R., Bernstein, L., Malone., K.E., Ursin, G., Strom, B.L., Norman, S.A., and Weiss, L.K. "Oral contraceptives and the risk of breast cancer." The New

England journal of medicine, Vol. 346(26). Massachusetts Medical Society, 2002.

Science Daily. "Oral contraceptive use associated with in crease risk of breast cancer in African-American women, study finds." ScienceDaily, 2010. Retrieved 3 August

Breast Cancer Treatment and Screening
Pages: 2 Words: 580

" (O'Malley, 190) The basic argument is that there is a certainty of a relationship between low-income and diminished health standards and treatment opportunities. Thus, the close association between low-income and the African-American race has a direct bearing on the severe disparity in racial vulnerability to breast cancer.
As stated, this is also often because those in races tending toward lower income will often not receive proper screening and, if even possible, will be forced to undergo a treatment with its own health risks. Upon diagnosis, primary treatment is centered on chemotherapy, which uses traditional radiation methods to attack the cancer cells leached to one's system. Additionally, where tumors are present in the breast, a surgical procedure called a mastectomy will be performed. The mastectomy is generally considered the first choice in attacking a tumor in the breast and is effective in cases where detection occurs early enough. It is a…...

Breast Cancer Outline
Pages: 2 Words: 491

Breast Cancer
Education as the key to awareness

Cancer awareness information needs to be available to the general public

Teaching children about breast cancer awareness

Taking the matter to the streets -- encouraging volunteers to interact with individuals in their neighborhoods with the purpose of informing them concerning the gravity of the situation

Devising ways of providing proper educating the masses

Academics are often available for such campaigns and can easily join one if they are provided with the chance to do so

People tend to trust scholars more

You are important!

Learning to take rapid action

Know the difference between normal and abnormal

Doctors are your friends!

Prevent serious problems

Become accustomed to getting tested

Acknowledge the fact that you are the most important person who can help you

Care for your loved ones

a. Age is a primary factor associated with breast cancer

Encourage people close to you to visit doctors on a regular basis

2. Focus on helping your parents detect problems in incipient phases


Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not
Pages: 15 Words: 5213

Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer is not an illness which can be cured with medication, it is a fatal disease. If not detected at an early stage it is incurable. A famous Chinese proverb states "We cannot control the wind, but we have the power to adjust its sails"; in the same manner, we cannot prevent breast cancer, but it is in our power to take appropriate measures to reduce its fatality. Annual mammography screening is one of the ways to detect this disease at an early stage. Doctors recommend women to get it done at least once in a year. Despite all this, African-American women do not give much attention to this. Cancer screening, spreading awareness about its side effects and health related issues are concepts alien to these women. Such an attitude constitutes a major obstacle in the way of dealing with this disease. This article attempts to identify…...



American Cancer Society. (2005). Facts and figures 2005. Atlanta: Author.

American Cancer Society. (2005a). Breast cancer facts and figures 2005-2006. Atlanta, GA: Author.

American Cancer Society. (2006a). Cancer facts and figures 2006. Atlanta, GA: Author.

American Cancer Society. (2006b). Cancer prevention and early detection facts and figures 2006. Atlanta, GA: Author.

Breast Cancer Immunization
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Breast Cancer Immunization
The need for increased breast cancer screening: New Zealand

The incidence of breast cancer in New Zealand is comparable to that of the rest of the developed world. After skin cancer, it is the most commonly-diagnosed and most common cause of death of women from cancer (Cunningham, Shaw & Sarfati 2010:2). In general, white, highly-educated women have a higher instance of breast cancer, and cancer risk increases with age. "Older age at first birth, lower parity, lack of breast feeding, younger age at menarche, older age at menopause and use of menopausal hormone therapy (HT) are all related to increases in breast cancer risk" (Cunningham, Shaw & Sarfati 2010:2).

The need for early detection is widely acknowledged, but screening programs have come under increased scrutiny because of their high rates of false positives. A recent study found that while "43 deaths from breast cancer prevented for every 10-000 women invited…...



Breast self-exam. (2013). National Breast Cancer Organization. Retrieved: 

Cunningham, Ruth, Shaw, Caroline & Sarfati, Diana. (2010). Ethnic and socioeconomic trends in breast cancer incidence in New Zealand. BMC Cancer, 10: 674. Retrieved

Breast Cancer
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

women living in Western society will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. Germline mutations in BRCA1, a breast cancer tumor suppressor gene, are responsible for 50% of inherited breast cancers and 90% of combined inherited breast and ovarian cancers. The BRCA1 protein, BRCA1p, is involved in many important cellular pathways, including regulation of the cell cycle, DNA repair, transcription, and cell proliferation. It has been shown to bind over 20 different proteins. One such protein is
the retinoblastoma protein, Rbp. Rbp is the product of another tumor suppressor gene, termed Rb. Like

BRCA1p, Rbp is known to be involved in regulation of the cell cycle and cell proliferation.

Regulation of cell proliferation and maintenance of genome stability are major functions of many tumor suppressors, including BRCA1p and Rbp. Rbp expression is known to decrease cell proliferation in a wide array of cells and tissues, consistent with its ubiquitous expression in mammalian cells…...

Breast Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 782

Preventing and educing the isk of Pre-Menopausal Breast Cancer: A Proposal for Youth Education
The incidence of pre-menopausal breast cancer is on the rise. In recent years many different factors have been identified that contribute to this increased risk. Among the more common include an earlier onset of menses, obesity or overweight in youth which pre-dispositions a person to breast cancer, use of hormonal replacement therapy and long-term use of oral contraceptives (Claudio, 2000; Emanoil, 2000). Many studies have suggested that women are not taking adequate steps to assure early detection of breast cancer (Emanoil, 2000).

The aim of this proposal is to develop a workshop geared toward educating young adults about the risk factors associated with pre-menopausal breast cancer and educate the community about the importance of early detection. The author hypothesizes that by addressing and educating youths, the incidence of breast cancer and deaths associated with breast cancer may decrease…...



Claudio, L. (2004). "Breast cancer takes center stage." Environmental Health

Perspectives, 112 (2):92

Emanoil, P. (2000). "The key to public health is community." Human Ecology, 28(2):16

Can I get help with a concept analysis regarding black women in America and breast cancer disparities?
Words: 366

One of the troubling things about breast cancer in the United States is how much more fatal it is for black women than for white women.  Understanding this difference will not only help improve care for African American women, but also help explore the racial disparities that exist throughout the American healthcare system.  To do this, it is important really understand the concept.  What are the reasons that black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women? Critical to understanding this concept is the fact that, while black....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on type 2 diabetese. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 590

Lesser-Known but Intriguing Essay Topics on Type 2 Diabetes

1. The Interplay between Gut Microbiota and Type 2 Diabetes

Explore the role of gut microorganisms in the development and progression of type 2 diabetes.
Discuss the potential for modulating gut microbiota as a therapeutic approach.
Examine the impact of diet, prebiotics, and probiotics on gut health in relation to type 2 diabetes.

2. Precision Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Management

Analyze the application of genetic testing and biomarkers to personalize treatment strategies.
Discuss the role of pharmacogenomics in tailoring medication selection and dosage.
Explore the ethical and practical considerations of using precision....

what are the effects of underage drinking?
Words: 553

Effects of Underage Drinking

Underage drinking poses significant risks to the physical, cognitive, and emotional health of youth. The consumption of alcohol by individuals under the legal drinking age has been associated with a wide range of negative consequences, both short-term and long-lasting.

Physical Effects

Liver damage: Alcohol can damage the liver, leading to scarring and cirrhosis.
Heart disease: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Pancreatitis: Alcoholism can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas.
Cancer: Alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer, including liver, colorectal,....

How do genetics and environment interact to influence lifespan development?
Words: 676

Genetics and Environment: A Dynamic Duo in Lifespan Development

The intricacy of human lifespan development is a testament to the complex interplay between genetics and environment. Both factors coalesce to shape an individual's physical, cognitive, and psychological well-being across the life course. Understanding this dynamic interaction is crucial for unraveling the secrets of healthy aging and optimizing health outcomes throughout life.

Genetic Influences

Our genetic endowment serves as the blueprint for our biological makeup, influencing a wide range of traits that impact lifespan. Genes control the synthesis of proteins, the building blocks of our bodies, and orchestrate numerous biochemical processes that determine our....

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