Bp Oil Spill Essays (Examples)

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BP Oil Spill Gulf BP Oil Spill
Pages: 5 Words: 1833

BP Oil Spill Gulf.
BP Oil Spill

A Detailed Description of the issue 3

The basis of the issue 6

What ethical change, deficiency, or conflict brought it about

BP Oil Spill happen Gulf.

"BP is in the business of finding oil, refining it, and selling the gas (and propane, etc.) that results. In the course of doing business, BP interacts with a huge range of individuals and organizations, and those interactions bring with them ethical obligations" (Chris, 2010). In doing this business the company has to comply with the ethical obligation like; Offer the product to the satisfaction of the customer, have an honest contract with suppliers; comply with the workplace health and safety standards and implementing environmental regulations. But the oil spill of 2010 has proved that the company is not fully implementing these business ethics and has been criticized internationally. (Chris MacDonald, 2010)

In this report, the author discusses the issue of latest Gulf…...



Andrew Seidman McClatchy Newspapers (2010) Could better corporate ethics have prevented BP oil spill? August 17, 2011 from http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/08/02/98496/could-better-corporate-ethics.html#ixzz0vYrB9Qvr

Carolyn Moynihan (June 2010), BP: creaky ethics in the Gulf oil spill published online at  http://www.speroforum.com/a/35142/BP-creaky-ethics-in-the-Gulf-oil-spill 

McClatchy Newspapers (2010) retrieved on August 17, 2011 from http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/08/02/98496/could-better-corporate-ethics.html#ixzz0vYrB9Qvr

Research, Guardian. "BP Oil Spill Timeline." Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Guardian.co.uk. 22 July 2010. Retrieved August 17, 2011 from. .

BP Oil Spill 2010 May
Pages: 2 Words: 580

11 workers killed


"The Deepwater Horizon rig sank on April 22, 2010, two days after the Macondo well blowout and explosion that killed 11 workers." page 328 (Spill 2011)

Extreme Leakage


"On April 23, the day after the Deepwater Horizon sank, Coast Guard officials said privately they now feared the well could leak at a rate of more than 64,000 barrels per day -- the equivalent of an Exxon Valdez accident every five day." (Magner 2011, p. 209)

Thousands of barrels


Day 5 "Then, over the weekend of April 24, it put out estimates of "up to" 1,000 per day. Eventually the government put the volume as high as 62,000 barrels per day." (Reed & Fitzgerald 2011, p. 87)

Day 6 "On April 25, P began to consider placing a large containment dome, known as a cofferdam, over the larger of the two leaks from the broken riser." (Juhasz 2011

Containment Dome


"On April 25, P began…...


Being held accountable


"Ken Salazar, secretary of the interior, is quoted in USA Today: "They will be held accountable. We will keep our boot on their neck until the job gets done." (Walaski 2010, p. 65)

BP Oil Spill 2010 Accident
Pages: 11 Words: 3586

United Kingdom and Chinese newspaper coverage of BP Oil spill
British Petroleum came under severe criticism from around the world when in April 2010 the company lost control of marine drilling operations and caused a major oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. The disaster claimed 11 lives and injured many others. Apart from human loss, the oil spill also resulted in massive loss of precious oil as 205.8 million gallons of crude oil gushed out of the well and no amount of effort worked to cap the well.[Maureen, 2010] The well with active resources of oil was losing 53,000 barrels per day when it was finally closed in July-august 2010. But by then the oil spill had caused major damage to life and property, and it continues to cause problems for sea life in Gulf of Mexico as the latest deaths of dolphins is found connected with BP oil spill.

The world…...



Wilkinson, I. (1999). News media discourse and the state of public opinion on risk. Risk Management, 1(4), 21 -- 31.

"White House oil commission." Jan 2011.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jan/11/offshore-oil-industry-white-house 

Singer, E., & Endreny, P.M. (Eds.). (1993). Reporting on risk: How the mass media portray accidents, diseases, disasters, and other hazards. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Shanghai Daily. "U.S. sues BP." Dec 16, 2010  http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90852/7232442.html

2010 BP Oil Spill
Pages: 8 Words: 2793

BP Oil Disaster Impact and Lessons Learned
On April 20, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon spill dumped more than 4.1 million barrels of crude into the Gulf region over 87 days (Walsh et al., On the Edge). The oil and gas industry developed new technologies in pursuit of valuable energy supplies, venturing into deeper waters farther from the coastline (National Commission, 85). egulators, however, failed to keep up with the industrial expansion and new technology -- often because of industry's resistance to more effective oversight (Juhas 11). This led to a major shortfall in the supervision of offshore drilling. Companies cited for negligence included well owner BP, Switzerland-based rig owner Transocean and cement contractor Halliburton. A major blowout -- a high-pressure ball of gas, mud and oil that shot up from the oil reservoir -- killed eleven crewmembers and seriously injured several others (Klein 12). In the end, fire engulfed and…...



Australian National Research Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Regulation. Management Walk-Arounds: Lessons from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Well Blowout. Published February 2011.

Bruce, Horovitz. "BP's image won't be easy to clean." USA Today n.d.: Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 June 2012.

Guarino, M. "BP oil spill settlement: Justice for 100,000 Gulf Coast victims?" Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. Web. 24 June 2012.

Juhas, Antonia. "Two Years Later: Bp's Toxic Legacy. Special Investigation." Nation 294.19 (2012): 11-15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 June 2012.

2010 BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Pages: 7 Words: 2130

2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill -- cause, effects, and restoration efforts

The 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the largest accidental marine pollution in the history of petroleum industry and is the result of an uncontrolled release of oil from an oil well that experienced malfunction in the pressure control system. Eleven crew members on the Macondo well died as a result of the explosion while others were injured, fishermen experienced extreme hardships in their enterprise, and marine life in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida was severely damaged. The blowout took place on April 20, 2010, and rapidly came into public attention as people watched more and more people and activities affected by the disaster. The initial impact of the explosion was nothing in comparison to what followed: the oil spill set off a series of events that had physical,…...


Works cited:

Adam, David, "BP oil spill: death and devastation -- and it's just the start," Retrieved September 25, 2011, from the Guardian Website:  http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/31/bp-oil-spill-death-impact 

Eley, Tom, "What caused the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon?," Retrieved September 25, 2011, from the World Socialist Website:  http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/may2010/spil-m14.shtml 

Harper, Rick, "The Economic Impact to Northwest Florida of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill," Retrieved September 25, 2011, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Website:  http://www.frbatlanta.org/documents/rein/southpoint/harper_economic_impact.pdf 

Wyeth Griggs, John, "Bp Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill," Energy Law Journal 32.1 (2011)

Logistics Management Reflect BP Oil Spill Relates
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Logistics Management: eflect BP oil spill relates global supply chain; examine current transportation economic situations 2010 BP oil spill Gulf Mexico internet exercise discussion board.
BP Oil spill

The supply chain of BP was immediately taxed by the unexpected magnitude of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill: the ramifications for the company were seismic: "The supply chain challenge was the near and offshore response…The [BP] team had to buy everything from mealworms to feed wounded birds, to booms (that float in the water and stop further spread of oil), to dispersant and sorbent materials to remove the waste. A total of 6,500 vessels were used in the cleanup and as of the end of 2011, BP had spent $14 billion (£8.6 billion) on its response" (Ellinor 2012). BP had practiced drills to simulated oil spill crises in the past, but a number of unexpected supply chain snafus arose. For example, none…...



Amadeo, K. (2013). About the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from:


Amadeo, K. (2013). Could oilzilla be good? Retrieved from:


BP Oil Spill Incident
Pages: 5 Words: 1620

Analysis of the Global View of BPBritish Petroleum (BP) is one of the leading oil and gas companies across the globe with operations in approximately 72 countries. The company has global recognition in the oil and gas industry given its broad range of energy systems in the world. However, the firms operations have been affected by various events in its history including the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The incident remains one of the worst environmental disasters in the United States and the biggest oil spill in the nations waters. The oil spill is one of the major issues that the company has faced in its recent history. This environmental problem was influenced by various factors including internal issues within the company.Description of the Organizational ProblemThe Deepwater Horizon oil spill remains one of the major organizational problems and environmental issues experienced by BP in its recent history. Ebinger (2016) notes that…...


ReferencesBroder, J.M. (2011). BP shortcuts led to Gulf Oil Spill, report says. The New York Times. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from   C.K. (2016). 6 years from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill: What we’ve learned, and what we shouldn’t misunderstand. Retrieved from The Brookings Institute website:  https://www.brookings.edu/blog/planetpolicy/2016/04/20/6-years-from-the-bp-deepwater-horizon-oil-spill-what-weve-learned-and-what-we-shouldnt-misunderstand/ ExxonMobil. (2018). The Valdez oil spill. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from  https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/Operations/Energy-technologies/Risk-management-and-safety/The-Valdez-oil-spill#Overview Goldenberg, S. (2010). BP oil spill blamed on management and communication failures. The Guardian. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from  https://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/dec/02/bp-oil-spill-failures Heinitz, K., Lorenz, T., Schulze, D. & Schorlemmer, J. (2018). Positive organizational behavior: Longitudinal effects on subjective well-being. PLoS One, 13(6). Retrieved from  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198588 Kalwani, S. & Mahesh, J. (2020). Trends in organizational behavior: A systematic review and research directions. Journal of Business and Management, 26(1), 40-78.Mayrhofer, W. (2004). Social systems theory as theoretical framework for human resource management: Benediction or curse? Management Revue, 15(2), 178-191.Mullins, J. (2010). The eight failures that caused the Gulf Oil Spill. New Scientist. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from  https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19425-the-eight-failures-that-caused-the-gulf-oil-spill/ Office of the Spokesman. (2010). Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: International offers of assistance. Retrieved from U.S. Department of State website:  https://2009-2017.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2010/06/143127.htmhttps://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/15/science/earth/15spill.html Ebinger,

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill-April
Pages: 8 Words: 2513

However, this calmness did not translate into crisis management success. Although BP seemed to not be significantly affected by the situation, Hayward stated that the company was overwhelmed by the media attention. The former CEO blames the press for the image that the public has formed on the company in response to its handling of the situation.
The control that the company was supposed to reveal did not match the intensity of the crisis. BP did not show that it fully controlled the situation. The fact that the company tried to share the blame with the rig owner and the drilling company reveals the fact that the company was not in control of the situation. The numerous attempts and strategies that the company developed and implemented in order to stop or reduce the oil spill also prove the lack of control from BP.

The lack of control showed by BP can…...


Reference list:

1. Fitzgerald, a. (2010). BP Had Prepared for Oil Spill 10 Times Golf Disaster, Permit Plans Say. Bloomberg. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-05-31/bp-told-u-s-it-could-handle-oil-spill-10-times-larger-than-gulf-disaster.html .

2. Raines, B. (2010). BP Told Feds it Could Handle Oil Spill 60 Times Larger Than Deepwater Horizon. Retrieved March 5, 2011 from  http://blog.al.com/live/2010/05/bp_told_feds_it_could_handle_o.html .

3. BP Ex-Chief Admits Company Was Ill-Prepared to Handle Oil Spill (2010). Empowered News. Retrieved March 5, 2011 from  http://empowerednews.net/bp-ex-chief-admits-company-was-ill-prepared-to-handle-oil-spill/183629/ .

4. Moore, K. (2010). Integrated Marketing Communications. Retrieved March 5, 2011 from  http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Integrated_Marketing_Communications_-_5_Primary_Communication_Tools.html .

Gulf Oil Spill
Pages: 2 Words: 742

Gulf Spill
In the wake of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, about thirty percent of the oil, and "the most volatile fraction" of it, evaporated in a period of about ten hours (Handwerk, 2011). This was the primary aerosol emanation Another ten to twenty percent evaporated over the course of the next few days, and those turned into a wide plume of aerosol that was later identified as being comprised of intermediate or semi-volatile organic compounds (Xie, 2011). This secondary aerosol was composed of both light and heavy types of hydrocarbons, which have contributed to air pollution over a wide area (Handwerk, 2011). Ironically, the pattern of aerosol evaporation from the oil spill has advanced scientific understanding of how secondary aerosols form after the initial chemical conversion from their most volatile compounds (Xie, 2011). According to the EPA (2014), in addition to volatile organic compounds, the oil spill released…...



Handwerk, B. (2011). Gulf oil spill helps explain air pollution mystery. National Geographic News. Retrieved online:  http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/03/110310-gulf-oil-spill-air-pollution-science-nation/ 

National Wildlife Federation (2014). How Does the BP Oil Spill Impact Wildlife and Habitat? Retrieved online:  http://www.nwf.org/What-We-Do/Protect-Habitat/Gulf-Restoration/Oil-Spill/Effects-on-Wildlife.aspx 

Radermacher, M. (n.d.). Bioremediation of marine oil spills. Retrieved online:  http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~tge/ce421-521/matt-r.pdf 

Stewart, R.R. (2005). Atmospheric structure and pollution sources. Retrieved online: Atmospheric Structure and Pollution Sources. Retrieved online:  http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/atmosphere.html

Leadership at BP During the Oil Spill Crisis
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

BP Oil Spill DisasterIntroductionAs Garcia (2011) notes, the seeds of the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe were planted well before the BP oil spill disaster actually occurred. They were planted by leadership that failed to be engaged, failed to conduct appropriate oversight, and failed to create a culture of accountability. There was no risk management. There was no situational awareness. There was no clarity regarding roles and processes. There was no quick action once the disaster erupted and mistakes were compounded. This paper will provide the background information on what management did before, during and after the spill, and how the role of leadership and teams, leadership practices and leadership principles can help to improve outcomes for organizations.BackgroundManagement before the SpillPrior to the disaster, management had engaged in cost-cutting exercises without conducting adequate risk management of the Deepwater Horizon site. The build-out of the well used cheap cement, which systemically weakened the…...


ReferencesBureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)/U.S. Coast Guard Joint Investigation Team (14 September 2011).Chandler, M. (2011). Marcia McNutt: Leadership Lessons from the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from   G. (2010). Five Leadership Lessons from the BP Oil Spill. Retrieved from  https://hbr.org/2010/06/five-lessons-in-leadership-fro Garcia, H. F. (2011). BP: A Failure of Leadership and Management on a Massive Scale. Retrieved from https://logosconsulting.net/bp-a-failure-of-leadership-and-management-on-a-massive-scale/Loftus, G. (2016). The Deepwater Horizon Disaster: BP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Lethal Leadership Lessons. Retrieved from  https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffloftus/2016/09/21/the-deepwater-horizon-disaster-bps-lethal-leadership-lessons/?sh=17112658569ehttps://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/marcia-mcnutt-leadership-lessons-bp-oil-spill Corkindale,

BP Case Study Introduction BP
Pages: 2 Words: 580

In general, crisis management focuses on three major activities: 1) What are the most appropriate methods of response to both real and perceived crises?, 2) What models and scenarios need to be defined that constitute a crisis and should engage a necessary and appropriate response?, and 3) What is the communication plan and chain that is necessary to ensure that the emergency phase of crisis management is handled appropriately? (Fink, 2000). However, there is a clear difference between the leadership style needed from a multinational corporation and that needed from a local franchise. The overall theme, though, regardless of how correct it is, is indeed set by BP. Consumers see the corporate logo- the sign, and the image is transferred from international to local.
Using a model developed by leadership experts Kouzes and Posner we can find at least three major leadership gaffes committed at both the BP international level…...

BP and How it Can Impact on
Pages: 15 Words: 4554

BP and how it can impact on the performanve of the firm
In the recent times, a number of people have opposed the strategies that have been developed by BP. The major strategies that have been opposed by individuals is that of stoping the case regarding oil spill in the gulf of mexico.Operational strategy and effectiveness are vital for superior performance which is usually the main aim of all enterprises and organizations. A firm may perform better than its rivals only if the organization is capable of establishing a difference it is capable of preserving. The firms have to deliver higher values to its customers. Besides, the organizations should be capable of creating comparable values at very low costs. Delivering higher values enables companies to charge higher unit prices. Similarly, very great efficiency and effectiveness will result into very low unit costs. Operational effectiveness (OE) implies performing same activities more…...



Austin, E.W., & Pinkleton, B.E. 2006. Strategic public relations management:

Planning and managing effective communication programs (2nd ed). Mahwah,

NJ: Erlbaum.

Axson, A.J. 2003. Best practices in planning and management reporting. New York:

Gulf Oil Spill Whether the
Pages: 7 Words: 2557

So far, this is not the case, and oil companies only pay royalties on production. This is another area under scrutiny in the MMS scandal. There are reports, dating back to 2008, that the royalty offices of the MMS, located in Denver, routinely accepted oil company numbers on the amount of oil they produced, rather than independently auditing the numbers. No one knows how much lost revenue to the government that practice resulted in, and there is no way of finding out now. Clearly, future policy formation on the industry needs to include more oversight, more regulations, and a much less cozy relationship between the regulators and the companies they are regulating.
Future policy formation on other energy sources

The Gulf spill has helped to change public opinion on oil and its production, and on how it is regulated. It seems much clearer after the spill that we are a nation…...



Editor. (2010). Update on oiled wildlife and marine life recovered along Louisiana's coastline. Retrieved 16 July 2010 from the Louisiana.gov Web site:  http://emergency.louisiana.gov/Releases/07142010-wildlife.html .

Editors. (2010). Oil dispersants. Retrieved 16 July 2010 from the Prairie View A&M University Web site:  http://www.extension.org/pages/Oil_Dispersants .

Falola, T., & Genova, A. (2005). The politics of the global oil industry: An introduction. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Green groups bolster lobby against offshore drilling; Democrats struggle to pacify uneasy voters. (2008, July 16). The Washington Times, p. A06.

Gulf Oil Spill on April
Pages: 3 Words: 1095

"But we did kill a lot of resources," said Beck. That having been said, Beck does believe that some habitat losses -- and some that occurred prior to the oil spill -- can be "re-engineered" if the marshes receive the attention they deserve to receive.
Meanwhile, the assertion that the oil has dissipated and there is "very little" oil that is recoverable goes against the tone of a story in USA Today (Jervis, 2010, p. 3A) on October 19. Jervis writes that "Swaths of fresh oil flatten miles of march grass and cane weeds" in Bay Jimmy in Louisiana. Indeed, although BP has pulled back workers, more than 32,000 gallons of oil were removed (sucked out by industrial vacuum cleaners operated by workers in hazardous materials suits) during a recent 10-day period in Bay Jimmy (Jervis).

"People think it's over," said P.J. Hahn, the coastal zone director for Plaquemines Parish. "But…...


Works Cited

Bates, Theunis. "BP Unloads Assets So It Can Pay for Gulf Oil Spill." AOL News. 18 Oct.

2010: retrieved Oct. 19, 2010, from  http://www.aolnews.com .

Drake, Nadia. "UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disaster."

The Mercury News 18 Oct. 2010: retrieved Oct. 19, 2010, from  http://www.mercurynews.com .

BP Deepwater Horizon Risk Is Probably One
Pages: 7 Words: 2342

BP Deepwater Horizon
isk is probably one of the most important components of company management, especially in an industry where the potential for disaster -- foreseen or otherwise -- is high. This is particularly so for the oil industry, and also especially in the light of the recent, worst disaster that humanity has ever seen, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. While some consider this disaster the result of a risk management shortcoming, others have taken their inquiries deeper and concluded that, in truth, the issue is one that concerns strategic management. As an oil company, BP's strategic management practices before the oil spill have focused primarily on increasing the profit the company could gain from the industry while decreasing the investment required to reach this goal. Those who focus on this component are of the opinion that the company's strategic management focus should have been more clearly delineated in terms…...



Borison, A. And Hamm, G. (2010, Sep 22). Lessons from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: When is a black swan just a white swan covered in crude oil? Nera Economic Consulting. Retrieved from: http://www.argonbridge.com/e_library/file_show.php?id=585

Bright, F. (2011, Jan 10). BP's competitive strategy: Leadership at what cost? The Mix: Oil and Water! Retrieved from: http://www.themixoilandwater.com/2011/01/bps-competitive-strategy-leadership-at.html

Holt, R. And McNulty, T. (2008). Securing the license to act: a foundational capability. Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 1 No. 1.

Peel, M. (2010, Sep 15). Opposition grows to BP's legal strategy. Financial Times. Retrieved from:  http://www.ft.com/international/cms/s/0/c1945fcc-c0f4-11df-99c4-00144feab49a.html#axzz1Azmu20UT

I\'m searching for essay topics on obama. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 637

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to Barack Obama:

1. Analyzing the major accomplishments and legacy of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
2. Exploring the challenges and obstacles faced by Obama during his presidency and evaluating his responses.
3. Investigating the impact of Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), on the American healthcare system.
4. Discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy, focusing on significant events such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement.
5. Examining the Obama administration's efforts to address climate change and promote clean energy.
6. Assessing the economic policies and strategies implemented by....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to obama?
Words: 304

1. The impact of Barack Obama's presidency on race relations in America
2. Obama's approach to foreign policy and its successes and failures
3. Analyzing Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act
4. The significance of Obama being the first African American president in the United States
5. Obama's environmental policies and their impact on climate change
6. Evaluating Obama's economic policies and their effects on inequality
7. Obama's legacy in terms of immigration policy and reform
8. How Obama's leadership style and rhetoric influenced public opinion and political discourse
9. Assessing Obama's response to national security threats, such as terrorism and cybersecurity
10. The role of social media....

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