Boxing was banned from the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 because the sport was considered to be too violent. Only until 1920 did the sport gain international recognition, followed by a wave of immense popularity due to the likes of boxing heroes like Cassius Clay (Mohammad Ali) and George Foreman. Undoubtedly boxing is one of the most blatantly violent sports. Only recently has one-on-one fighting superceded boxing's intensity on television with the anything-goes rules of "ultimate fighting" competitions. Boxing usually results in at least a little blood spill, and involves intense blows to the head that can cause brain damage or even death. In extreme cases, the violence of boxing bleeds outside of the ring, as when Mike Tyson brutally bit the ear of opponent Evander Holyfield. Because of the intensity of boxing's violence, many individuals and groups have called for a ban of boxing, at least on television.…...
mlaWorks Cited
'BMA Renews Call for Boxing Ban." BBC News. 3 May 1998. < >.
Brown, Gerry. "Boxing." .
"Should boxing be banned?" Scholastic Action. New York: Jan 25, 1999.Vol.22, Iss. 7.
Marks, John. "Whatever it Takes to Win." U.S. News & World Report. Washington: Feb 24, 1997.Vol.122, Iss. 7.
Boxing also known as pugilism, is a combat sport in which two individuals engage in contact using their fists, with or without gloves.
Professional boxing is supervised by a referee and is a series of 1-3-minute intervals called rounds.
Boxing is also an Olympic and contact sport
The winner of a boxing match is declared if one player is disqualified, resigns, is knocked out, or based on judge scorecards.
istory of Boxing
Fist fighting depicted in Ancient World
Mesopotamia (3rd millennia) -- relief carvings as sport.
Egypt (2nd millennia) -- hieroglyphics -- as contest and training sport.
Crete (1500-900 B.C.) -- training for youths (men).
Ancient Greece as an Olympic Sport and required training
Records of classical boxing disappeared after fall of Rome when weapons (swords, lances, etc.) became more popular.
C. Evolved in Western Europe after the Age of Enlightenment, at least as a formal sport.
The Modern Sport
A. Broughton's Rules (1743)
Designed to prevent unnecessary death.
ii. Fighter can drop to one…...
mlaHalbert, C. (2003). The Ultimate Boxer. Chicago, IL: Impact Publishing.
McIlvanney, H. (2001). The Hardest Game. New York: McGraw Hill.
Silverman, J. (2004). The Greatest Boxing Stories Ever Told. New York: Lyons Press.
Boxing and Equestrian Dressage Should Be emoved From the Olympic Program
Boxing has for a long time been one of the main games featured among the dozens of Olympic sports since 1904. However, 8 years before Boxing was featured in summer Olympics of 1896 in St. Louis United States, the International Olympic Committee had removed the sport from the Olympic program, arguing that it was too risky. However, the sport was very popular in the U.S., thus was re-introduced in the 1904 games. Moreover, controversy has surrounded the presence of Boxing in the Olympic sport ever since, with many calling for the game to be removed completely from the Olympic Games. This essay looks at a moral perspective that would support the said removal (Matthews, 2011). Another sport that has caused a bit of disagreement among the committee members is equestrian dressage; an event similar to triathlon that involves the…...
Ball, C.G., Ball, J.E., Kirkpatrick, A.W., Mulloy, R.H. (2007). Equestrian injuries: Incidence, injury patterns, and risk factors for 10 years of major traumatic injuries. Amer. J. Surg., 193, 636-640.
Cooke, S.V. (July 28, 2012). OLYMPICS, Equestrian Eventing: The Olympics' Most Dangerous Sport?
Davis, P. (1993-94). Ethical issues in boxing. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Vol. XX-XXI, 48- 63.
IOC, (September 2015). Olympic Charter, retrieved from on 26 January 2016
George Bellows
Identification of Painting
The George Bellows painting that will be reviewed and critiqued in this paper is "Stag at Sharkey's 1909." The painting is oil on canvas, 36 1/4 x 48 1/4 (91 x 112.6 centimeters). The painting was done in 1909.
Description of Painting
hat Bellows has done with this painting is create an exaggeration of two boxers going at it. The boxers are locked in a bloody battle. It is a brutal image. There appears to be blood on the arms and shoulders of the boxer on the left, and it seems as though the neck and part of the back of the boxer on the right shows blood as well. The faces in the audience are twisted, grotesque, and only a very few are even discernible. Just above the boxing mat, under the right shoe of the boxer on the right is a pair of eyes and eyebrows of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Beckett, Wendy. (2003). Stag at Sharkey's. The Cleveland Museum of Art. KCET Public
Television. Retrieved December 7, 2012, from .
Dowling, Claudia Glenn. (2012). Guts and glory: the muscular art of painter George Bellows, like his nation, is a study in contrasts. Retrieved December 7, 2012, from Gale Biography
in Context.
Gender reflection: On identifying with a particular gender
Until I took a class in critical theory, I never gave much thought to my gender. I am sure that some of this is by virtue of being a straight male. I have female friends who have experienced discrimination or harassment in school and at work by virtue of not being male. I do not believe I have experienced such direct prejudice as a result of my gender. Also, physical fitness is a very important part of my life, and many of my female friends and girlfriends have been very passionate about working out, yet unlike me they have been told not to lift weights or box because this would give them 'bulky' and masculine-looking muscles (which is not true). Obviously, I have never faced such discrimination based upon my interests or because I look strong.
I have come to understand that men --…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Dude, you're a fag." YouTube. 20 Sept 2011. [8 Apr 2013]
Fogel, Curtis. Review of Kath Woodward, Boxing, Masculinity and Identity: The 'I' of the Tiger.
New York: Routledge, 2007. Gender Forum: An Internet Journal of Gender Studies, 19 (2007): 1-2. [8 Apr 2013]
Manny Pacquiao
Trinidad's Pacific Storm: Dispatches on Pacquiao of the Philippines begins with an epigraph from Ernest Hemingway, stating that "courage above all is the first quality of a warrior" (p. 1). But in my own engagement with both Filipino boxing -- and with the amazing life story of Manny Pacquiao, currently deemed to be (pound for pound) the greatest boxer in the world -- I think I would have to disagree. I do believe that boxing requires courage -- this seems obvious. But from what I have learned in my own short study of these subjects, I would argue that if Pacquiao or any boxer is truly a warrior, then the "first quality" that distinguishes the greatness of Pacquiao is not so much courage as endurance. It is easy to understand why a commentator on boxing would emphasize Pacquaio's courage: when one is raised in American culture where the public…...
The fight itself was beautifully orchestrated by Ali through the study of Foreman's technique, movement, strength, and weaknesses. hile preparing for the fight, Ali focused training on his weaknesses, and on Foreman's strengths as a fighter. Ali also took advantage of the public's support and encouragement and used it to build up his esteem, mentally and amongst the African peoples. Foreman, on the other hand, stayed out of the public eye and was reluctant to take part of the cheering for or against his opponent. Foreman was rather laconic during his stay, saying little and staying out of the spotlight. Ali took advantage of the publicity that the fight was receiving and was constantly in front of the camera, whether he was boasting his great skill, advocating his political views, or trying to psych Foreman out. Ali boasts include his great ability to be able to manipulate Foreman's actions stating,…...
mlaWorks Cited
D'Silva, Roy. "History of Boxing." 2011. Web. 3 February 2011.
Gast, Leon. When We Were Kings. Gramercy Pictures, 1996. Film.
Graham, Gordon. Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics. New York:
Routledge, 2005. Print.
Kim Basinger
It is difficult to see how the jury could reach an intelligent decision in this case because the defense's profit-sharing argument left so much information missing from the production costs. The jury was not given the nature of the costs: variable vs. fixed in incremental production costs for the movie; discretionary vs. non-discretionary costs, which would tend to be unreliable because the Plaintiff is the expert about them; committed vs. avoidable costs.
Based on scant testimony from the Plaintiff's expert:
Plaintiff's Minimum Damages (in $ Millions)
ith Basinger
ithout Basinger
Foreign Pre-Sales
Domestic Pre-Sales
Total Revenue
Production Costs
Profit (Loss)
(Albrecht, Stice, Stice, & Swain, 2008, p. 1114).
Should Main Line's maximum and minimum lost profit amounts be revised downward for the following? hy?
a. The domestic distribution revenues of $3 million because the deal had not been finalized.
No, the $3 million domestic distribution revenues, estimate of future cash flows from domestic distribution, should not be used to revise Main…...
mlaWorks Cited
Albrecht, W.S., Stice, J.D., Stice, E.K., & Swain, M.R. (2008). Accounting: Concepts and Applications (10th Edition). Mason: Thomson Learning, Inc.
De Vany, A. (1997, July 25). Hollywood is an Uncertain Place: Kim Basinger's Ordeal and Complexity in the Movies. Retrieved from
FAO: Agriculture and Consumer Protection. (n.d.). Basic Finance for Marketers: Chapter 5: Information for Decision Making. Retrieved from FAO Web site:
Khan, M. (2007, Spring). 15.963 Managerial Accounting and Control: Spring 2007. Retrieved from MIT Sloan School of Management Web site:
Frankie replies by allowing her to keep the bag she is hitting and giving her some hope. Later, Frankie agrees to train Maggie, but still maintains his distance by telling her that he will not be her manager. He even goes so far as to arrange for her to meet a manager, but Maggie insists on Frankie for the entirety of her boxing career, and after getting to know her better, Frankie concedes. Thus, Frankie begins to accept Maggie as he becomes more and more aware of her persistence and determination. His ability to accept her, then, some may argue, is built on her having masculine characteristics. If she were feminine at all, this critic would suppose, he would not accept her. However, this argument can be countered by simply suggesting that no characteristic is inherently feminine or masculine, but that each gender has equal ability to experience many…...
Using the run-on sentence that follows, explain how you would correct the grammatical error, applying each of the five methods. (5 methods: Period and Capital Letter, Comma and FANBOYS Conjunction, Semicolon, Semicolon and Transitional Expression, and Dependent Word)
Period and capital letter:
At the family reunion, Ellen enjoyed seeing her aunts, uncles, and cousins. She had not seen them in years. Her teenage children became quickly bored. They were glad when it was time to go home.
Comma and FANBOYS Conjunction:
At the family reunion, Ellen enjoyed seeing the aunts, uncles, and cousins that she had not seen in years, but her teenage children became quickly bored and were glad when it was time to go home.
At the family reunion, Ellen enjoyed seeing aunts, uncles, and cousins that she had not seen in years; her teenage children became quickly bored and were glad when it was time to go home.
Semicolon and Transitional Expression
At the…...
I'm also good at communicating with the internal and external stakeholders of an organization. For example, at Sam Jacinto Community College, I was constantly interfacing with the athletic department and ground maintenance. And, as a sales manager, I developed a wide range of communication networks with area businesses and vendors.
A also believe that I have the unique breadth of skills required in education administration. y earlier work in the field of boxing clearly demonstrates my ability to handle complex and diverse tasks. I was effective at many activities such as promoting events, organizing local sponsorships, producing newspaper and television advertisements, completing contracts, setting venues, establishing commissions, selling tickets, booking hotel and food accommodations, making travel arrangements and paying operating expenses. Administration was also a large part of my sales management responsibilities that included ensuring acceptable revenue generation, tracking company inventory, expenses and payroll, preparing contract proposals and loan documents…...
mlaMy strong interpersonal and communication skills are another motivating factor guiding my career decision. In my present position at Las Vegas National Gulf Course, I communicate extensively with the public and club members to make sure they understand rental and schedule policies as well as to promote club tournaments. I'm also good at communicating with the internal and external stakeholders of an organization. For example, at Sam Jacinto Community College, I was constantly interfacing with the athletic department and ground maintenance. And, as a sales manager, I developed a wide range of communication networks with area businesses and vendors.
A also believe that I have the unique breadth of skills required in education administration. My earlier work in the field of boxing clearly demonstrates my ability to handle complex and diverse tasks. I was effective at many activities such as promoting events, organizing local sponsorships, producing newspaper and television advertisements, completing contracts, setting venues, establishing commissions, selling tickets, booking hotel and food accommodations, making travel arrangements and paying operating expenses. Administration was also a large part of my sales management responsibilities that included ensuring acceptable revenue generation, tracking company inventory, expenses and payroll, preparing contract proposals and loan documents and preparing monthly financial reports. My recognition as a collegiate baseball national world series champion and a nationally ranked professional boxer shows that I'm a hands-on contributor as well as a leader.
In 2002, I received a B.A. degree in finance and sports management from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Although I feel that have put my education to excellent use, I would value the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree in education. Additional skills and knowledge will help me make inroads into my future career aspiration, becoming a (what? ). Thank you for your consideration.
earliest childhood I have been fascinated with architecture. Even as a little child working with crayons and magic markers, I was drawing buildings and bridges while other children drew family members, animals and flowers. My favorite toys were Legos and building blocks, and unlike many boys my age, my pleasure was always in constructing and never in demolition. I pursued the art of building throughout my childhood, and by the time I was in middle school I already knew that I wanted to be an architect. It should be no surprise, then, that when I informally began my college search a few years ago, Ball State University quickly distinguished itself in my mind as a school whose architecture and design programs would help me succeed in my life goals.
I have always stayed focused on my goal to become a great architect and a credit to my family and school.…...
But I only did this for twenty minutes. I started on my cardiovascular workout by doing exercise on the elliptical for thirty minutes again. I will consistently use elliptical in my daily workout because it exercises my whole body more than the treadmill does. Also, elliptical machines are not high impact exercise machines, which means that unlike the treadmill, I could workout with the same level of effort in the elliptical as in the treadmill, but with less impact and not feeling as tired as I could have been on the treadmill. To start my weight training, I decided to use some free weights first. Using fixed-weight dumbbells with 5 lbs-increments (5lb, 10lb, 15lb and 20lb), I did six repetitions of sixteen count exercises for each dumbbell and each arm. I progressed from the 5lb- to the 20lb-dumbbells.
On the third day of my workout, I did my routine cardiovascular…...
Philippians 4:13 ("I can do all things through him who strengthens me")
This Scripture is regularly understood as a divine promise that whatever problems a Christian may encounter in life such as math test, swimming competition and boxing match, he/she will be victorious. The verse has become very popular among Christians and even non-Christians who use it as a divine promise for conquering every challenge or issue in life. For many people, this verse is always recited when they need powers/authority from God to conquer a challenge in life or overcome an enemy. However, the literary context of this verse shows that it's the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misused Scripture. From the literary context, Paul is showing his contentment in every situation when in need or when he has plenty. This verse is part of a larger idea of contentment despite of the current situation and needs. Therefore, this Scripture is…...
Cinderella Man
The 2005 film "Cinderella Man" reunites the team of director Ron Howard, screenwriter Akiva Goldsman, and leading man Russell Crowe, who had worked together four years earlier on the Oscar-winning "A Beautiful Mind." On the surface the two projects could not seem more different: in "A Beautiful Mind" Crowe plays John Nash, a bespectacled Princeton professor with paranoid schiozphrenia and a Nobel Prize in economics; in "Cinderella Man" he plays Depression-era heavyweight boxing champion James J. Braddock (who had been dubbed "Cinderella Man" in the newspaper columns of raffish "Guys and Dolls" scribe Damon Runyon, who also supplies the film's epigraph). Although the film was widely praised by critics and was nominated for three Oscars (for editing, makeup, and for Paul Giamatti as Best Actor in a Supporting Role playing Braddock's trainer Joe Gould) "Cinderella Man" would underperform at the box office on its original 2005 release --…...
1. Welcome to creative writing, a world where imagination reigns supreme and the boundaries of reality dissolve. In this realm of limitless possibilities, wordsmiths craft enchanting tales that transport readers to distant lands, introduce them to unforgettable characters, and ignite their emotions. As you embark on this extraordinary journey, let us explore the captivating techniques that will enable you to cast a spell over your readers from the very first sentence of your essays.
2. The opening sentence of an essay holds immense power, akin to a master key that unlocks the door to your readers' hearts and minds. A well-crafted....
## Strategies for Managing and Channeling Rage
Rage, an intense and overwhelming emotion, can be a destructive force if not managed effectively. However, with the right strategies, individuals can learn to channel this powerful emotion into constructive outlets.
### 1. Identify Triggers and Early Warning Signs:
Identify the situations, thoughts, or people that typically trigger feelings of rage. Recognize the physical and emotional warning signs that indicate an impending outburst, such as increased heart rate, clenched fists, or irrational thoughts.
### 2. Pause and Self-Regulate:
In the face of a trigger, make a conscious effort to pause and calm yourself before reacting. Employ deep breathing....
Stress relief: Boxing provides a physical outlet for stress and pent-up emotions, allowing individuals to release tension and improve their mood.
Increased self-confidence: Boxing helps individuals build self-confidence through mastering new skills, setting and achieving goals, and improving physical fitness.
Improved focus and concentration: Boxing requires mental focus and concentration, which can help individuals improve their ability to stay present and focused in other areas of their life.
Boosted self-discipline: Boxing training instills discipline as individuals must commit to a consistent training....
Boxing: A Therapeutic Outlet for Mental Wellness
Boxing, traditionally perceived as a violent sport, has emerged as an unexpected ally in the pursuit of mental well-being. Its unique combination of physical exertion, emotional release, and self-discovery has proven effective in alleviating various mental health challenges.
1. Physical Benefits with Psychological Impact:
Boxing is an intense cardio workout that releases endorphins, natural mood enhancers known to reduce stress and elevate happiness. The physical exhaustion also provides a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-confidence and reducing anxiety.
2. Emotional Catharsis and Stress Release:
Punching a heavy bag can provide a safe and controlled outlet for pent-up emotions. It....
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