Bottled Water Essays (Examples)

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Bottled Water Safe Environmentally Friendly
Pages: 7 Words: 1906

A Counterproposal by Goodman

A counterproposal to all the above comes from an article by Sara Goodman, in which the author advocates not for a ban, but for more regulations by giving detail of current lack thereof.

Goodman begins by reiterating the fact that bottled water manufacturers do not disclose information about their product, but also states that they are not obliged to do so. The problem for this is that the FDA in charge of bottled water, whereas the EPA is in charge of tap water, and the FDA lacks the regulatory capacity, according to Goodman, of the EPA. Therein falls in the discrepancy between bottled/tap water and the lack of regulation in the former. The ensuing proposal, though not clearly stated, is implied and offers the opinion that bottled water should, simply put, be better regulated, and that there are no excuses for not doing so.


As one can see from…...


Natural Life Magazine. Bottled Water or Tap Water? Resource provided by the customer.

Adeland, Elly. The Tides are Turning: The Backlash against the Bottled Water Industry in Canada. Resource provided by customer.

Goodman, Sara. "Fewer Regulations for Bottled Water Than Tap, GAO Says." November 22, 2011. .

Bottled Water vs Tap Water
Pages: 9 Words: 3081

S.) buy bottled water "because we believe it is healthier." Those beliefs are based on the fact that "Many consumers are willing to swallow the sales hype" but in reality "there is little evidence that bottled waters are substantially healthier to drink than ordinary tap water."
If one is truly thinking "green" about food and drink, there are more things to consider with regards to drinking water than the decision between tap water and bottled water. For example, in the UK, by the time Fiji water arrives on supermarket shelves it has traveled 10,000 miles. How much fossil fuel was used in the transporting of that water? hat was the impact on climate change? And Naya Spring water travels 3,000 miles to arrive in the UK. How much greenhouse gas was released into the atmosphere so that Englanders could drink supposedly pure spring water from Canada?

On the eb site Dream Beverages,…...


Works Cited

Daeschlein, Georf, Kruger, William H., Selepko, Christian, Rochow, Markus, Dolken, Gottfried,

Kramer, Axel. "Hygienic safety of reusable tap water." BMC Infectious Diseases 7.45

2007): 45-57.

Dream Beverages. "Naya Spring Water." Retrieved April 2, 2008, at

Bottled Water America Is the
Pages: 2 Words: 747

..After the water has been consumed, the plastic bottle must be disposed of. According to the Container ecycling Institute, 86% of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter."
Another important point raised by some reports is that tap water is just as clean as bottled water but we let advertisers to make us believe otherwise. According to a blind test results, tap water was found to be as natural and fresh as any bottled water but it was when labeled were placed that people preferred bottled over plain tap water. The report concluded that: "...if you buy bottled water because you think it's healthier than tap, test after test shows no evidence of that. And if you buy fancy brands because you think they taste better, you're probably just buying the hype." (Stossel, 2005)

The third and most alarming issue highlighted by some reports is the privatization…...



Emily Arnold and Janet Larsen, February 2, 2006: BOTTLED WATER: Pouring Resources Down the Drain. Earth Policy Institute. Accessed online at

John Stossel, ABC News: Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap? Americans Are Spending Billions on a Drink That's Virtually Free May 6, 2005. Accessed online at

Bottled Water Harmful Effects of
Pages: 2 Words: 574

While most commercially-bottled water is considered safe for human consumption, "Studies have shown that chemicals called phthalates, which are known to disrupt testosterone and other hormones, can leach into bottled water over time. One study found that water that had been stored for 10 weeks in plastic and in glass bottles contained phthalates, suggesting that the chemicals could be coming from the plastic cap or liner" (Bottled water, 2011, NDC). Other contaminants have been found in some popular brands of bottled water, and no study has found that any brand of bottled water is substantially safer than tap water that satisfies basic, federal environmental standards.
Even if bottled water is safe, the obvious question arises: why pay for something that you can get for free? Bottled water is expensive, and surely consumer's dollars could be channeled into more worthy areas of the economy, such as buying higher-quality food (or saved…...



Bottled water. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Retrieved January 12, 2011 at 

Plastic recycling facts. (2011). Earth 911. Retrieved January 12, 2011 at

Bottled Water Our Dirty Obsession
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

However, there is the perception that tap water 'tastes funny' and this drives the industry in its marketing of a product that Barnett views a kind of modern form of patent medicine -- it is at best needlessly expensive and harmless to the drinker, at worst destructive to the ecosystem (Barnett 139). In fact, there is a kind of circular irony -- the more bottlers are allowed to exploit the environment, the worse the press about water quality and the more people are inclined to purchase bottled water, thus raising the sales of the industry that is complicit in such destruction. Companies are not even charged for "the groundwater from which they profit" (Barnett 142)
The lack of concern amongst the water-drinking public may have to do with water's ubiquity -- every day we ignore the tap near our kitchen sink, buy bottled water, and carelessly discard that water because…...


Works Cited

Barnett, Cynthia. Mirage: Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S. Ann Arbor, MI:

University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Gleick, Peter. Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water.

Island Press, 2011.

Bottled Water Be Banned Why
Pages: 11 Words: 3428

Is ottled Water Truly as Pure as the Industry Would Like Us to elieve?

The NRDC hired three independent laboratories to conduct the testing of more than 1,000 plastic bottles -- 103 different brands -- and found that "about one third" the 103 brands contained "significant contamination," that is, levels of chemical or bacterial contaminants that exceed federal and state standards. After the independent labs completed their research and testing, NRDC also hired an "independent data verification firm" to confirm the accuracy of the results. The data showed that nearly one in four of the bottled waters tested (23 of the 103 waters, or about 22%) "violated strict applicable state (California) limits for bottled water in at least one sample" (NRDC). The most commonly found contaminant was "arsenic" or other cancer-causing man-made compounds.

One in five of the bottles tested (that is 18 of 103, or 17%) contained "more bacteria than allowed…...



Baskind, Chris. (2010). 5 Reasons not to drink bottled water. Mother Nature Network. Retrieved January 18, 2011, from .

Beverage Industry. (2011). Bottled water recycling rates on the rise. 102(1), p. 13.

Buildings. (2010). Seattle University bans selling bottled water, 104(12), p. 16.

Department of Health and Human Services / Food and Drug Administration. Docket No.

Business Ethics Bottled Water Costs
Pages: 9 Words: 2715

Explore the ethical issues that arise due to Dr. Moriarty's recommendation of the OMG treatment option.
Clearly there is a conflict of interest in Dr. Moriarty prescribing a treatment he has received Drug Company funding to validate, promote and publish on. It is quite understandable that Ned would be troubled by the recommendation. There is the obvious conflict of interest issue to resolve, yet with only a single paper published on the procedure and the obliteration of his immune system and the replacement of bone marrow, the risks are just too high to go forward with the OMG treatment option. The entire procedure, from its nascent status and the role of Dr. Moriarty in its initial research and now prescribing it to the high level of risk to Ned's immune system all point to the need to consider second opinions. In addition to all these factors, Ned does not know…...

Water and Plastic Bottle Burden
Pages: 5 Words: 1800

With this information, people can make informed decisions regarding the water they consume. Which additives are healthful? Which are not? These are examples of only some of the questions responsible consumers should have when choosing their water. Regarding the use of plastics, the solution is simple. By simply changing their habits from plastic water bottles to stainless steel or any of the other alternatives, not only is the consumer choosing something that supports of the well-being of the planet, but also supports the well-being of themselves.
This is merely one solution of many meant to work towards a more sustainable lifestyle across the globe. That the consumption of water increased so quickly, all over the world, signifies the impact of advertising on consumer choices. This can be a reason for hope, since just as quickly the use of stainless steel water bottles and clean water can be brought into individual…...


7. Fluoride Action Network, Health Effects, ( ...)

8. Fluoridation/Flouride, Toxic Chemicals in Your Water, ( )

9. Worth Health Organization, Water Related Diseases, ( ...)

Water Gatorades and Powerades I Am a
Pages: 2 Words: 792

Water, Gatorades and Powerades
I am a registered dietician, presenting my piece of work on the different types of beverages. I am giving this presentation because water is an overlooked nutrient in the hydration process while it can be an excellent sports beverage. Water is the most essential nutrient in the body because death can occur rapidly in the absence of water than any other nutrient. Knowing this, does not take much imagination when dehydration occurs during sports performance or training. Around 60% of the human body is inside water called intracellular cells, and the muscle tissues have 70% of water which is critical during exercise.

Gatorade and PowerAde contain added proteins, sodium and carbohydrates, which help in increasing blood glucose levels and high cycling performance. PowerAde has low calories while Gatorade is lightly flavored with enhanced vitamins also with low calories. These power drinks are moderately isotonic because, they provide a…...



Heather, F.A. (2011). Practical Applications In Sports Nutrients. Atlanta: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Jones, R.S. (2010). Nutrition for Sport and Exercise. Atlanta: Jonnes and Bartlett Publishers.

Water Sanitation We Discuss the
Pages: 8 Words: 2180

The role of community in achieving proper water and sanitation standards in times of disaster

It is important to note that whenever a natural or manmade disaster hits a particular region, the entire community is put at risk since it is them who suffer the direct results of the disaster. These negative outcomes of the disaster could be social, economic and even psychological. It is therefore necessary to properly educate the entire community on how they can cope with water shortage and sanitation problems that are as a result of either flooding or hurricanes. The various community drinking water treatment plants should have elaborate emergency plans that are to be put in action should there be a disruption of the service. It is integral that the community water treatment facilities comply with the stringent requirements that are laid down by both the federal and state regulations.

After the emergency for example, it…...



Associated Contents,(2010) The Importance of Water to Health and to Human Life 

Copeland, C (2005). Hurricane-Damaged Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities:Impacts,

Needs, and Response

Water Rocket Design and Lesson
Pages: 4 Words: 1388

Therefore, it will be the teacher's responsibility to streamline the use of a standard bike pump and the erection of a launch tube, ensuring that this common denominator does not impact differently any group's experimental design.
Using a wide open space such as a soccer field which is not in the direct proximity of any structures or populated areas, groups could affix their respective design to the launch tube and retain it by tethering it to a length of twine. The student selected as the launch captain for each group would stand at a distance of at least 20 feet with the free end of the string at hand while another student from the group, selected as Ground Control, would activate the bike pump. Upon the point at which the compressed air reaches the top of the water bottle and pressure begins to build, the launch captain would release the…...


Works Cited:

Johnson, D. (1998). Water Rocket Annex. Dog Rockets. Online at

Mazza, D. (2005). All About Water Rockets. NASA. Online at

Wikipedia. (2009). Water Rocket. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc.

Wikipedia1. (2009). Newton's Laws of Motion. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc.

Water in Sub-Saharan Africa
Pages: 7 Words: 2389

Water in Sub-Saharan Africa is of special interest because of my background but water is a fascinating issue in general, one that I think will play an increasingly large role in the 21st century, as the effects of population growth and climate change bring about significant changes to our water usage and availability. A lack of water in particular has a substantial destabilizing effect.
Water as a social issue combines a lot of different elements. As an issue, water sits at the intersection of social justice, politics, economics and agriculture are all areas weather. This is probably because water is so essential to human life. We drink it, we use in for domestic purposes, agricultural, industrial, transportation. Yet clean water is not always easy to come by. Some feel that access to clean water is a human right. So there is a significant importance attached to water in most parts of…...



Acerman, M. & Hollis, G. (1996). Water management and wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa. IUCN: Switzerland.

Bayliss, K. & Fine, B. (2007). Privatization and alternative public sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa: Delivering on electricity and water. Palgrave MacMillan.

Bojo, J. (1996). The costs of land degradation in sub-Saharan Africa. Ecological Economics. Vol. 16 (2) 161-173.

Conway, D., Persechino, A., Ardoin, S., Hamandawana, H., Dieulin, C. & Mahe, G. (2008). Rainfall and water resources variability in sub-Saharan Africa during the 20th century. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Retrieved April 18, 2014 from

Voss Water
Pages: 29 Words: 7740

As will be shown below, the bottled water market is increasingly competitive and consumers have a dazzling array of choices available to them. It is clear that Voss has taken this into account when developing its sophisticated packaging, some samples of which are shown in Figure ____ below.

Figure ____. epresentative Sampling of Voss Packaging Techniques.


In fact, one new admirer of the Voss brand unashamedly proclaimed that even though she liked the water, it was the "wicked cool" Voss packaging that sold her: "Yesterday, I drank a few bottles of Voss Artesian Water from Norway. One was Still. One was Sparkling. Both were pretty good but its wicked cool glass bottle is the best thing about it. My friend Sharon said she paid $20 for a bottle of Voss at the tres upscale Michael Mina estaurant in San Francisco, which was more than she paid for a glass…...



AquaMaestro: The Source for Fine Waters. (2007). Available: .

Aras, Bulent. (2004). "The Future of Liberal Islam," Futures, 36(9), 1034.

Beer, Cider and FABs in Turkey to 2010," 2007, Available: 

Brown, F.E., S.J. Neary and M.S. Symes. The Urban Experience: A People Environment Perspective (London: E & FN Spon), 1994.

PepsiCo organizational change caused by Aquafina water
Pages: 5 Words: 1760

Bottled portable water was not a significant product in the beverage industry in the US two decades ago. The industry was dominated and controlled by such giants as Groupe Danone SA’s Evian and Nestle SA’s Perrier. By 2002, the industry was worth $3.5 billion. In 1997, Pepsi made attempts to join the bottled water market. Some of the efforts included buying a spring water company and a shot at selling a brand that was sparkling. However, these efforts did not yield fruit. The management came to the conclusion that the best method to create a successful water brand was to exploit a resource that was already in existence, i.e. the water treatment equipment already at the bottling plant locations. These were being used to purify water for the soft drinks that the company produced (McKay, 2002).
The then Pepsi beverage main CEO along with his team figured out that there was…...

Commodity Chain Analysis Water Commodity
Pages: 13 Words: 3514

Though municipal untreated tap water can be used for premix (as opposed to post mix when soda syrup was mixed on site) that comes from the beloved soda fountain in most restaurants the marketing of the Aquafina brand is still likely to be present and bottled Aquafina is often sold there. If on the other hand an individual asks for a cup for water and then pours water from the "water" bypass tap on the soda fountain they are getting municipal tap water, usually unfiltered.
Endorsements are often developed in a similar way to those associated with other types of soft drinks and sports endorsements are common in the bottled water industry as even the Aquafina spin off products that contain the Aquafina (seven step) water and additional flavorings and sweeteners are considered by many to be healthier than soda, but to some degree this remains to be seen. As…...



Aquafina (2010) Website Retrieved December 13, 2010 from

Brown, Bruce. The Skinny on Bad Bottled Water: Due diligence reveals why America drinks Coke & Pepsi. (January 2005) Web. Retrieved December 13, 2010 from

"Factory Accident Risks and Injuries" (November 2010) Web. Retrieved December 13, 2010 from

Quantus Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Drinking Water Alternatives & Consumer Beverage Consumption in North America (February 2010) Web. Retrieved December 13, 2010 from < >

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 574

Corporate Level Strategies of Nestlé: Opposing Viewpoints

Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, has employed various corporate level strategies to maintain its competitive advantage. However, these strategies have sparked contrasting viewpoints among experts.

Essay Topic 1: The Advantages of Nestlé's Portfolio Diversification

Proponent Viewpoint: Nestlé's extensive portfolio diversification, spanning food, beverages, pet care, and pharmaceuticals, provides several advantages:

Reduced risk: By operating in multiple industries, Nestlé mitigates the impact of fluctuations in any single market.
Exploiting synergies: The company can leverage its expertise and resources across different divisions, creating cost efficiencies and cross-selling opportunities.
Increased growth potential: Diversification allows Nestlé to....

what are level of business strategies of coca cola?
Words: 548

Corporate-Level Strategy

Coca-Cola's corporate-level strategy revolves around maintaining its global leadership in the beverage industry. This includes a focus on expanding market share, driving profitability, and boosting brand recognition. The company has pursued several key initiatives, such as:

Diversification: Expanding beyond its core carbonated soft drink business into other beverage categories, including juices, sports drinks, and bottled water.
Acquisitions: Acquiring strategic brands and companies to strengthen its portfolio and expand into new markets. Notable examples include Minute Maid, Dasani, and Innocent Drinks.
Global Expansion: Continuing to expand its geographical reach by establishing operations in new countries and increasing market penetration in....

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