Black Panther Party Essays (Examples)

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Black Panther Party and the Africa-American Community
Pages: 5 Words: 1874

Black Panther Party
Bobby Seale and his contribution to Black Panthers

Charles E. Jones and the analysis he conducted in his book has basically been used by us in this paper to conduct an assessment of the contribution made by Bobby Seale to the Black Panthers. We chose Jones' book for this paper because all the essays that were written by the previous Black Panther Party members as well as the essays that were written by the historical scholars are accurately presented in Jones's book. Furthermore, various characteristics of the Black Panther Party through and past its active days have been included in the book by Jones himself (Jones 1998).

Jones (1998) has summarized the achievements of Bobby Seale by categorizing him as an activist of the civil rights with an African-American origin who founded the Black Panthers along with Huey Newton. This was a leftist party whose initial purpose was self-defense for…...



Churchill, W. And Vander Wall, J. (1988). Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret War Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement. South End Press.

Forbes, F.A. (2006). Will You Die With Me? My Life and the Black Panther Party. Atria Books.

Hilliard, D. And Cole, L. (1993). This Side of Glory: The Autobiography of David Hilliard and the Story of the Black Panther Party. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company.

Jones, C.E. (1998). The Black Panther Party: Reconsidered. 1998. Maryland: Black Classic Press.

An Analysis of the Success of the Black Panther Party
Pages: 8 Words: 2408

Authenticity and Legacy of the Black Panther Party
Authentic is when someone is true to their heritage and culture and a growing number of modern observers agree that despite their otherwise militant activities, the Black Panther Party was an authentic representation of the blacks in America at the time. To determine the facts, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide a background and overview of the Black Panther Party, an analysis concerning whether the Black Panther Party was authentic or not with respect to black authenticity, whether such a standard is applied to other black people with different political views and the positive and negative effects of their activities. Finally, an assessment of the extent to which the Black Panther Party succeeded in achieving its goals is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.

Background and Overview of the Black Panther…...


Works Cited

Baggins, Brian. (2015). "History of the Black Panther Party." Marxists Internet Archive. Web.

"Black Panther Party Platform, Program, and Rules." (1966, October). History is a Weapon. Web.

Black's Law Dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1991. Print.

Cleaver, Eldridge. (1995). Interview with Eldridge Cleaver. Public Broadcasting Station. Web.

Real History of the Black Panther Party
Pages: 5 Words: 2099

Real History of the lack Panther Party
The lack Panther Party may be one of the most misunderstood organizations in American History. Often thought of as a militant and violent separatist organization, few people understood the true origins or goals of the lack Panther Party. Part of this is due to the fact that people intentionally distorted the role that the lack Panther's sought to play in American society. Rather than a group that advocated violence, the lack Panthers were actually an anti-violence organization. At the time that the lack Panthers was founded, police brutality against African-Americans was not only widespread, but also went unpunished in many instances. The lack Panthers was an answer to that brutality. Unlike the more moderate civil rights organizations of its time period, the lack Panther Party did not advocate passive resistance or the peaceful acceptance of police brutality; instead, it advocated that African-Americans defend…...



Alabama Tourism Department. 2011. Civil Rights Trail Itinerary. Sweet Home Alabama.

2011,   (accessed July 12, 2011). 

King, Robert Hillary. 2009. From the bottom of the heap: The autobiography of Black Panther

Robert Hillary King. Oakland, CA: PM Press.

Political Science Black Representation
Pages: 12 Words: 3350

political representation of African-Americans in the southern United States. The author explores many different theories as well as the ideas of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King to explore the under presentation of Blacks politically. There were eight sources used to complete this paper.
African-Americans have come a long way since the nation's inception. From the days of slavery, to the present time many bridges have been crossed and many battles have been won. Gone are the days that Blacks were required to sit at the back of the bus.

No longer can Blacks be told they must eat at a certain restaurant. Black and white children go to school together daily, they grow up on the same streets and they marry into each other's race with increasing frequency. It is becoming the America that the founding fathers envisioned at the time the nation was created. One of the reasons America…...


Works Cited

Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man

Cornell, Stephen. The Return of the Native: American Indian Political Resurgence

Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (October 1990)

Swain, Carol. Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African-Americans in Congress

Case Study on Black Freedom Struggle
Pages: 10 Words: 3369

C.O.R.E. And Its Role in the Black Freedom Struggle
Nearly one hundred forty years ago, a tall, and not very good-looking, bearded man stepped out onto a great, open field. His tired eyes wandered over the bloody ground, over the earth covered with corpses, over the scene of one of the greatest battles in American History, and his words rang out true and clear -."..Our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Abraham Lincoln's famous address gave meaning and purpose to all those young lives so tragically cut short. It etched forever in the minds of posterity the real aim behind that great war. e were a nation of free people. Subjection and slavery were banished for all time from our shores. Or were they? The Civil ar freed the slaves. A piece of paper…...


Works Cited

Terry H. The Movement and the Sixties. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. De Leon, David, ed. Leaders from the 1960s: A Biographical Sourcebook of American Activism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. Eskew, Glenn T. But for Birmingham: The Local and National Movements in the Civil Rights Struggle / . Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. Jasper, James M. The Art of Moral Protest: Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. King, Richard H. Civil Rights and the Idea of Freedom. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Levy, Peter B. The Civil Rights Movement. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Peake, Thomas R. Keeping the Dream Alive: A History of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference from King to the Nineteen-Eighties. New York: Peter Lang, 1987. Pinkney, Alphonso. Black Americans. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prenitice-Hall, 1975."Anderson,

Ballot or the Bullet Malcolm
Pages: 3 Words: 954

" He explained that the ballot of 1964 represented a catalyst for the time being, "When all of the white political crooks will be right back in your and my community ... with their false promises which they don't intend to keep." He stated further that the Democrats lied about their support of the civil rights bill and had no actual intentions of passing it. He stated that they were simply out to play games and were using African-Americans as bait. Essentially, Malcolm stated that all African-Americans must use the ballot or the bullet. They must defend themselves and also push for equality and black nationalism as well as human rights (Malcolm X).
The experiences of the Black Panther were decidedly more militant but took their inspiration directly from him. In Oakland, California, in October of 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. The Panthers…...



Black panther party. Web. 24 Mar 2012.

Caucasia - Danzy Senna the
Pages: 5 Words: 1338

hat Birdie learns is that race, like many other issues of identity is mutable, if your appearance is "passable." One thing that is particualy interesting is that blackness is an ideal in the work, and the white daughter (Birdie) is not the favored daughter. "Danzy Senna's 1998 novel, Caucasia, casts blackness as the ideal, desired identity. For protagonist Birdie Lee and her sister, Cole -- offspring of a civil rights movement union between their white activist mother and black intellectual father -- whiteness simply pales in comparison. (Harrison-Kahan 19) to a great degree whiteness is constructed as a lesser identity to blackness, based on cultural richness and identity, through appearance and inner knowledge. This is reflective of the Black Power movement that is idealized in this work by the Black Panther movement. To be black was to be a personal source of pride and any lessor version of it…...


Works Cited

Bayes, Jane H. Minority Politics and Ideologies in the United States. Novato, CA: Chandler and Sharp, 1982.

Dagbovie, Sika Alaine. "Fading to White, Fading Away: Biracial Bodies in Michelle Cliff's Abeng and Danzy Senna's Caucasia." African-American Review 40.1 (2006): 93.

Harrison-Kahan, Lori. "Passing for White, Passing for Jewish: Mixed Race Identity in Danzy Senna and Rebecca Walker." MELUS 30.1 (2005): 19.

Senna, Danzy. Caucasia. New York: Riverhead Trade, 1999.

Radical Groups Individuals and Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 761

The Black Arts Movement refers specifically to the rise of African-American literature in the 1960s. Writer and activist Amiri Baraka started the movement in Harlem in response to the assassination of Malcolm X and actively encouraged black writers to use their voices to tell their stories. The movement went outside of the realm of written art to include theater and other forms of expression. It led to the development of cultural studies programs at universities that focused on the idea that being black in the United States was a different cultural experience than being white, and helped highlight social differences between black and white America.

The Black Student Movement is an organization at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. It was established because of Black student dissatisfaction with both the growth of the black student population at the school and the NAACP chapter at the school. It became an active…...



Estate of Malcolm X (2012). Biography. Retrieved May 13, 2012 from Malcolm X website: 

Huey P. Newton Foundation. (2012). What was the Black Panther Party? Retrieved May 13,

2012 from website:

Manning Marable in His Book
Pages: 3 Words: 1301

By 1967, Black Power had become the dominant ideology of black youth as well as many individuals in the working and middle classes. King's assassination confirmed the growing nationalistic belief against nonviolence. The greatest challenge came from the Black Panther Party and its ten-point program of radical reform. The U.S. government were alarmed by these demands, and agencies such as the FB stepped up their targeting of radical black groups.

n Chapter 6, Marable analyzes the political status and labor movements of this time. He emphasizes the lack of support for the full incorporation of black laborers -- the American Federation of Teachers, for example, opposed the establishment of affirmative action programs to regulate fairness in the labor market. The Longshoresman's Association nixed equal status of black members, and the Operating Engineers Union imposed physical violence on black graduates of their apprenticeship program and therefore blocked participation of blacks in unions.



In his epilogue, Marable concludes: "American history has repeated itself, in regard to its interpretation of the pursuit of biracial democracy: the fist time as tragedy, the second time as catastrophe. In the aftermath of the First Reconstruction, white American historians attempted to portray the democratic experiment of 1965-77 as a complete disaster." After the Second Reconstruction, a similar process of historical revisionism took place -- led by President Reagan, who attempted to undermine the last vestiges of institutional equality.

Does this mean that the Second Reconstruction was a failure? "Our judgment," he says, "would be a resounding and unconditional 'no.'" Jim Crow is dead, the American State is committed to equal opportunity under law, the black consumer market has grown considerably. However, as an Afro-American and a socialist, Marable admits he cannot write his book without some political comment concerning those in poverty and many of the crimes against blacks still being committed. "The story of the Second Reconstruction has no moral, other than the simple truth that an oppressed people will not remain oppressed forever." Several basic ideals have sustained black courage: democracy, equality and freedom.

However, "given the evolution of capitalism, racism and democracy in America, a truly anti-racist democratic state must of necessity also be a socialist democracy....The demand for racial parity within a state apparatus and economy, which is based on institutional racism and capital accumulation at the expense of blacks and labor is flawed from the outset." A small group of black elites has formed, a small amount of blacks have been appointed in the government, but the now the passage of power must be given to those who create all wealth -- the working class. This will only be realized with the rise of the Third Reconstruction that seeks the empowerment of the laboring classes and all oppressed.

Amiri Baraka
Pages: 3 Words: 864

Le OI Jones was the original name for the activist who became Amiri Baraka. He came from the Beat Movement to activism after the assassination of Malcolm X, taking his new name. As a writer, he was able to contribute a literate voice to the civil rights and Black Power movements. This paper will outline those contributions that he made to both of these movements, including founding the Black Arts Movement.
Early Life

Jones was born and raised in Newark and took an interest in both music and writing at an early age. After graduating Howard University with a degree in English in 1954, he joined the Air Force. He was dishonorably discharged and then relocated to Manhattan. He attended Columbia University and became an artist in Greenwich Village, before becoming affiliated with the Beat Movement (Biography, 2014). He married Hettie Cohen and the two started a literary magazine together, and a…...



Als, H. (2014). Amiri Baraka's first family. The New Yorker. Retrieved November 3, 2014 from (2014). Poet, playwright, activist. Retrieved November 3, 2014 from 

Biography. (2014). Amiri Baraka. Retrieved November 3, 2014 from 

Ulaby, N. (2014). Amiri Baraka's legacy both controversial and achingly beautiful. NPR. Retrieved November 3, 2014 from

Martin Luther King's Contribution to
Pages: 6 Words: 1598

Martin Luther King's contribution to the Civil Rights movement in America was certainly significant. He was more than just a figurehead with tremendous oratory skills. As an advocate of non-violent protest he helped formulate, and implement, one of the most important strategies of the Civil Rights era. However, his most important contribution to the Movement was his ability to connect with a majority of Americans. His message concerning injustice and equality swept away divisions based on class or color because he reminded the nation that its very foundations were based on such ideals. Without King's message it is unlikely that history of the Civil Rights Movement would even be recognisable. Consequently, King's contribution to the Civil Rights Movement in America was undoubtable extremely significant.


ryant, Nick (Autumn 2006). "lack Man Who Was Crazy Enough to Apply to Ole Miss." The Journal of lacks in Higher Education (53): 60 -- 71.

Clayborne Carson;…...



Bryant, Nick (Autumn 2006). "Black Man Who Was Crazy Enough to Apply to Ole Miss." The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (53): 60 -- 71.

Clayborne Carson; Peter Holloran; Ralph Luker; Penny a. Russell. The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.. University of California Press, 1992.

De Leon, David (1994). Leaders from the 1960s: a biographical sourcebook of American activism. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.

King, Martin Luther Jnr. "Letter From Birmingham Jail," 17 March 2010

Recession and African-Americans in the
Pages: 40 Words: 11600

Edgar Hoover, makes public its continuing investigation into the activities of black nationalist organizations, singling out the Black Panther Party in particular, Hoover viewing the group as a national security threat.
January 05, 1970

Blacks Move Out of Inner Cities: The Bureau of Census statistics show as the quality of life in poverty-stricken urban communities worsens, a continuous stream of middle-class blacks escape to higher-income neighborhoods and suburbs.

February 13, 1970

First Black Member of the New York Stock Exchange: Joseph L. Searles III becomes the first African-American to become a member of the New York Stock Exchange, starting his training as a floor partner with the firm of Newberger, Leob & Company.

June 16, 1970

Gibson Elected Mayor of Newark, New Jersey: Kenneth A. Gibson was elected mayor of Newark, New Jersey on this date. He also became the first Black president of the Conference of U.S. Mayors during his career.

January 25, 1980

BET Launched:…...



African-American male unemployment: Robert Carmona. (2007). Congressional Testimony.

Retrieved May 12, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

Algernon Austin. (2008, January 18). What a recession means for black America. EPI Issue Brief

#241. Retrieved May 13, 2009 from

Assata Shakur's Autobiography Assata Shakur Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 1810

Assata Shakur's Autobiography
Assata Shakur is a member of the Black Panthers and an activist. She is also an escaped convict and has been linked to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). She was accused of various crimes between 1971 and 1973, and became the subject of a police hunt that reached across several states (Christol, Gysin, & Mulvey, 2001). In 1973 she was part of a New Jersey Turnpike shootout where she was wounded along with a trooper. Another trooper and a BLA member were killed in that altercation. Between then and 1977, Shakur was indicted in relation to six other crimes, including armed robbery, murder and attempted murder, kidnapping, and robbing a bank (Christol, Gysin, & Mulvey, 2001). Three charges were dismissed, and she was acquitted on the other three charges. Then she was convicted in 1977 on eight felony counts including first-degree murder for the New Jersey Turnpike shootout.…...



Christol, Helene. Gysin, Fritz, and Mulvey, Christopher (eds.). (2001). Militant Autobiography: The Case of Assata Shakur in Black Liberation in the Americas. Berlin-Hamburg-Munster: LIT Verlag.

Shakur, Assata. (1987, New edition November 1, 1999). Assata: An Autobiography. Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books.

Cointelpro an Acronym for Counterintelligence Program
Pages: 6 Words: 1922

In the United States during the 1960s, the nation was in a period of social turmoil. The post-orld ar II suburban culture was giving way to rebellion and revolution and a total upset of the status quo. Particularly in the school and universities, educated members of the youth population began to question the rules and morays established by their predecessors and became determined to change things. This did not sit well with the older Americans, those who had fought in the world wars or Korea and who had taken over the guardianship of the country, this included holding positions of political power in the United States government. Those in power did not trust the youth movement and were highly suspicious of their activities. To understand them and determine if the youth were a threat to the government, a program was designed to covertly spy on the activities of members of…...


Works Cited:

FBI document. (1969). Director FBI to SAC San Francisco. FBI Reading Room.

Glick, B. (1989). The War at Home: Covert Action against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do

About It. South End: Boston.

Haak, N. (2011). Preying on the panther: the FBI's covert war against the Black Panther Party

Fight the Power by Public
Pages: 4 Words: 1361

notes in "Public Enemy: Power to the People and the Beats," the Civil ights Movement did not change living conditions for many black Americans:
The famous Civil ights movement, which began in the fifties with Martin Luther King and reached a climax in the late sixties with the spread of the Black Panther Party, in reality failed to bring a significant improvement in the living standard for the oppressed black minority within the United States."

Public Enemy rejects at least some of the teaching of the Civil ights Movement, including the notion that people are all the same, implying that there are a special set of problems and circumstances suffered by blacks that need to be addressed specifically. Chuck D. pleads for awareness of this crucial truth, thereby taking a much more radical approach to racial issues that had been accepted by mainstream society. Certainly, other voices existed in the societal…...



Haupt, Adam. "Notions of rupture (or noise) in subculture." Accessed 16 March 2005.

M., Goran. "Public Enemy: Power to the People and the Beats." Accessed 16 March 2005.

Mudede, Charles. "SHUT THEM DOWN: A History of Public Enemy vs. The System." Accessed 16 March 2005.

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on american history. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 652

The Forgotten Chapters of American History: Uncovering Lesser-Known but Captivating Essay Topics

Beyond the familiar narratives of the American Revolution, Civil War, and westward expansion, American history is a tapestry woven with countless lesser-known stories that offer valuable insights and provoke thought. Here are some intriguing essay topics that illuminate hidden aspects of our nation's past:

1. The Forgotten Pioneers: Exploring the Contributions of Women in the Transcontinental Railroad

While the construction of the transcontinental railroad is often attributed to male workers, over a thousand women played a crucial role as cooks, laundresses, nurses, and telegraph operators. Their contributions were essential to the....

What historical significance does Crenshaw hold in Los Angeles?
Words: 442

Crenshaw holds significant historical importance in Los Angeles as it has been a center of African American culture and community in the city for many decades. It has been home to various influential figures, institutions, and events that have played a major role in shaping the social, cultural, and political landscape of the city.

Crenshaw is known for its rich history of activism and civil rights movements, with organizations such as the Black Panther Party and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) being active in the area. The neighborhood has also been a hub for African American businesses, arts, and culture,....

How did the Underground Railroad help shape the future of Civil Rights Movement?
Words: 643

The Underground Railroad: Shaping the Future of the Civil Rights Movement


The Underground Railroad (URR) was a clandestine network of routes, safe houses, and abolitionists that aided enslaved African Americans in their escape to free territory in the North and Canada during the antebellum period. While its primary goal was to secure the freedom of enslaved individuals, the URR also played a pivotal role in galvanizing the abolitionist movement and laying the groundwork for the future Civil Rights Movement.

Emergence of the Abolitionist Movement

The URR emerged amidst the growing abolitionist sentiment in the North. Abolitionists, such as William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick....

How did the Black Panther Party challenge social injustices in America?
Words: 688

1. The Black Panther Party, founded in 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, was a revolutionary organization that sought to challenge social injustices in America, particularly those faced by African Americans. Inspired by the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, the Panthers took a more militant approach to addressing systemic racism, police brutality, and economic inequality. Emerging during a time of heightened racial tension and unrest, the party quickly gained national attention for its bold tactics and outspoken advocacy for black liberation.

2. One of the primary ways in which the Black Panther Party challenged social....

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