Black Lives Matter Essays (Examples)

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Black Lives Matter Essay
Pages: Words: 4379

What is the Black Lives Matter Movement and why is it important?
Is the Black Lives Matter Movement doing more harm than good?
What is the purpose of the Black Lives Matter Movement?
Who founded the Black Lives Movement?


The Troubled State of Race Relations in America:  The Rise of the Black Lives Movement
The Impact of the Black Lives Movement on the Discourse over Race Relations in the U.S.
How a Grassroots Idea became an International Movement through Social Media
The Purpose and Future of the Black Lives Matter Movement[h1]


Established in 2012 following the high-profile shooting of 17-year-old African-American Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman who was subsequently acquitted. Since that time, the Black Lives Matter movement has become a global phenomenon that has attracted both praise and criticism.  The three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, also remain active today in their efforts to educate…...

Black Lives Matter's Approach
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Black Lives Matter’s Approach is Contradictory to the Civil Disobedience of the Civil Rights Era Movement

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has risen in response to what is perceived to be unfair treatment of African Americans by police. The movement stemmed from a social media hashtage #BlackLivesMatter that generated a following and resulted in the formation of a social activist group—BLM. The group’s objective is to “build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes” (Black Lives Matter). However, the interventionist method or approach of the BLM organization is more aggressive and hostile in terms of how it expresses itself, with many people viewing the BLM organization as similar to the Black Panthers, which advocated violence in order to achieve the desired change (Rankin). While the perception may be wrong and BLM may not in fact advocate violence, the behavior and expressions…...

What Black Lives Matter Means
Pages: 9 Words: 2837

Black Lives Matter is a social movement facilitated by social media, which critiques multiple forms of injustice and disparity. The movement can be viewed as the latest in a string of attempts to achieve racial parity and universal civil rights in the United States, but has been more narrowly defined by the movement's concern with race-based police brutality and racialized violence. Beneath this oversimplification of the Black Lives Matter movement is its core commitment to creating a more just society. Black Lives Matter is not just about race-based police brutality. Police brutality and racial discrimination in criminal justice is one of the many facets of Black Lives Matter.
From a sociological perspective, Black Lives Matter encapsulates the core tenets of conflict theory, because the movement highlights the intersectionality between race, class, gender, and power. The Black Lives Matter movement can also be understood within a postmodern framework and within a structuralist-functionalist…...



Barnard, A.V. (2015). Keep it contentious. Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 18 Aug, 2015. Retrieved online: 

Blauner, B. (1989). Black Lives, White Lives. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Chatelain, M. & Asoka, K. (2015). Women and black lives matter. Dissent 63(3): 54-61.

Garcia, J.J. & Sharif, M.Z. (2015). Black lives matter: A commentary on racism and public health. American Journal of Public Health 105(8): e27-e30.

Do Black Lives Really Matter Essay
Pages: 2 Words: 747

Analyzing Police Behavior in Retrospect There are numerous examples of the need to effectively police, or perhaps monitor diligently, the activities and actions of the police. Perhaps the most eminent example of this emerging trend is evinced in the so-called Black Lives Matter movement, which is predicated on issuing social justice to African Americans who are routinely abused and even wantonly murdered by police officers allegedly doing their duties. In numerous instances, unarmed African American men were murdered by police. In fact, the names Michael Brown, who was killed by members of the police in Ferguson, Missouri, and Freddie Gray, who was murdered by the police near Baltimore, Maryland, have become synonymous with the need to cease these senseless and inexplicable murders conducted by authors in the pretext of doing their duty. A thorough examination of the each of these respective cases reveals that in both instances, the police were remiss…...

Black Films as a Reflection
Pages: 10 Words: 4019

The Aftermath

Uncle Tom characters were common in both white and black productions of the time, yet no director before Micheaux had so much as dared to shine a light on the psychology that ravages such characters. By essentially bowing to the two white men, Micheaux implied that Old Ned was less than a man; an individual whittled down to nothing more than yes-man and wholly deprived of self-worth. At this point in the history of black films, with some of the most flagrant sufferings of blacks exposed to the American public, the only logical path forward that African-Americans could take was to begin making cogent demands to improve their collective social situation.

Slowly, black characters in film took on greater and more significant roles in film. Sidney Poitier was one of the most powerful film stars of the mid twentieth century. In roles like the 1950 film by director Joseph L.…...


Reference List

Finlayson, R. (2003). We Shall Overcome: The History of the American Civil Rights

Movement. Lerner Publications Company, Minneapolis, MN.

King, Jr., M. And Jackson, J. (1963). Why We Can't Wait. Signet Classic, New York,


Black Slaveowners Agriculture and Even
Pages: 8 Words: 2773

.. The history of miscegenation in this country...demonstrate[s] how society has used skin color to demarcate lines between racial groups and to determine the relative position and treatment of individuals within racial categories. (Jones, 2000, p. 1487)
Prior to the civil war lighter skinned blacks were more likely to gain their freedom, and own property, through favor or inheritance. This is probably in part to the public, sometimes even official, recognition of their lineage, often they were the product of their white masters and favored slaves.

The large number of mulattoes among the slaves freed in Missouri suggests the master's benevolence was a genuinely warm feeling he had for persons he knew to be his blood relations. By 1860, the presence of 1,662 mulattoes in the total free Negro group of 3,572 in Missouri, indicates considerable race-mixing. (Official Manual State of Missouri, 1973-1974 "The ole of the Negro in Missouri History: Free…...




Black Elk's Religion Member of
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Then they began dancing, wheeling from one quadrant of the sacred circle to the next, drawing everyone into the circle until all were within the center (ink 2000). A stick was planted in the earth that would flower as a sign of life and hope for the Sioux tribe (ink 2000).
Black Elk never doubted that his vision depicted the harmony and life that the Great Spirit wanted for all human beings on earth, yet due to the suffering the Sioux endured by the United States policies, he felt that the vision had failed, and even blamed himself (ink 2000). Toward the end of his life, Black Elk once said,

And now when I look about me upon my people in despair, feel like crying, and I wish and wish that my vision could have been given to a man more worthy. I wonder why it came to me, a pitiful…...


Works Cited

Black Elk. Retrieved November 27, 2006 at

Downey, Anne M. (1994, September 22). A broken and bloody hoop: the intertextuality of 'Black Elk Speaks' and Alice Walker's 'Meridian.' MELUS. Retrieved November 27, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Hoxie, Frederick E. (1996). Encyclopedia of North American Indians. Houghton Mifflin

Company. 1996. Pp. 73,74.

Black Wax Museum Young Civil Rights Advocates
Pages: 2 Words: 728

Black Wax Museum
Young Civil ights Advocates at the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum

One of the most powerful images from the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum is that of two young children standing behind a sign that reads "We are not afraid." Behind them stands a tall figure hooded in the sinister white costume of the Ku Klux Klan. The photos that serve as the backdrop to this display show how African-Americans had to fight for basic rights that were already enjoyed by whites. The children are a sad reminder that racial prejudice was directed towards people of all ages, no matter how innocent they were. The children's sign is a reminder that African-Americans showed courage in the face of prejudice, and even children took bold steps to secure their rights and the rights of others.

In the display, the children appear to be of elementary school age. They are…...



  "The National Great Blacks In Wax Museum." Accessed ,

November 23, 2013.

  "The Ruby Bridges Story." Accessed November 23, ,

Black White and Jewish by Rebecca Walker
Pages: 4 Words: 1741

Black, White, Jewish
Black, White, and Jewish -- the Source of All Rebecca Walker's Angst?

Rebecca Walker's memoir Black, White, and Jewish, is subtitled "Autobiography of a Shifting Self." Walker states that is a woman who is most comfortable "in airports" because they are "limbo spaces -- blank, undemanding, neutral." (3) In contrast, because of her multi-racial and multi-ethnic identity, she is both never 'neutral' and also never quite 'of a color.' nly in airports to the rules of the world completely apply to her as well as to the rest of the world, Walker states -- and even then, this statement has an irony, given the recent events and controversies over airport racial profiling that occurred after the book's publication. The book does on to describe, with great poignancy, the author's perceived difficulty of living with a dual, often uncomfortable identity of whiteness and blackness, of Jewishness and 'gentileness.'

It should be…...


One might ask Walker, however, if this sense of alienation from one's own parents, from one's own past identity, even one's own ancestry, is a condition of a multi-racial and mixed religious background, or a product of American adolescence? But the conventional existence eventually chosen by her father suggests that a White man can return to the mainstream after spurning all these things as a rite of adolescent passage, while Walker cannot. Walker's physical appearance forces her into a continual existence of protest, whether she chooses to conform or not. Even her mother's bohemian existence is chosen, and offers the comfort of ancestry, even an enslaved one.

How constructed, however, one might ask is the idea of ancestry and connection? The unbroken line between African-Americans might itself, one say, be a construction, a tracing together between various Africans who were enslaved centuries ago. An African-American immigrant from Haiti might be 'read' the same by white eyes as one from South Carolina, causing a sense of identity diffusion because of societal mis-reading, as one cannot always see Rebecca Walker's Jewishness upon her. Making a social argument about the destructive legacy of the 1960's from hurt, from the depression and parental and personal conflict that seems to be characteristic of American adolescence is difficult. Individuals of different sexualities, of conflicted relationships even with homogenous paths might make the same argument of placenessness, of existing in a space they must create, rather than find. Although Rebecca Walker's book is a powerful personal testimony, it does not quite hold up -- nor perhaps should it aspire to -- as a sociological document. It is written, as the author admits, with emotion and in her own blood, and cannot admit the alternative perspectives of other American twenty and thirty-somethings undergoing similar identity crisis.

But unlike the identity crisis of leaving and returning to the bosom of the family, Walker has no family to return to -- her parents are divorced and have returned from their respective crisis of identities, into the bosoms of their own ethnic identities. They have been changed and perhaps improved by their heightened cultural exposure. But after her own rebellion, Rebecca Walker has no place to comfortably rest and return to -- except, ironically, the airport, she might say. "I am flesh and blood but I am also ether," she states at the end of her work. She attempts to create anew rather than return to ancestors, like her parents, and this re-creation is a constant source of consternation.

Black Diamond Case Raises a
Pages: 10 Words: 2537

Such data gathering helped decide the number to be produced and the time frame to be given for the manufacturing process for the first batch at least. Similarly, data is now sought on the problem that has developed and for the development of alternatives for addressing the problem and achieving a better procedure for the future.

Management is aware that what the company needs are both short- and long-term solutions, and the two are clearly linked. If the short-term solution includes a product recall, for instance, then the long-term reputation of the company may suffer and require specific attention. The alternatives for the short-term include the following:

product recall ignore the issue as if it were a one-time freak accident continue to sell the product with a warning label sell the current inventory while also taking a look at the product and its manufacture for possible changes for the future

An added…...

Black Church the Redemptive Role
Pages: 50 Words: 16899

It will use historical evidence to examine the role of the church is a spiritual entity. It will examine the role of the church as a political entity throughout changing political landscapes. It will explore the role of the church as a social service provider with regards to the importance of this role in helping black people to redeem themselves in light of historical cultural atrocities that they have faced.
esearch Questions

In order to examine that topics of interest un this research study the following research questions be addressed.

1. How has the black church served as redemptive force in helping the black people to heal?

2. What factors served as a redemptive force in helping the image of black people in the black church to improve?

3. How has a black church helped black communities to regain and maintain their self-sufficiency?

4. How has the black church served as a means to identify…...



Primary Sources

Aaron. (1845), the Light and Truth of Slavery. Aaron's History: Electronic Edition. Retrieved June 19, 2010 from 

Adams, John Quincy. (1872). Narrative of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Retrieved June 19,

2010 from

Life Before Tylenol and Prozac
Pages: 6 Words: 1710

Choice # 2: I also made the decision to make citical thinking a pat of this couse, instead of meely focusing on the histoy o technical aspects. I want students to be able to fom thei own opinions about folk medicine based on what they have leaned.

Name and descibe one of you pojects stengths.

One of the main stengths of this poject is that it combines fun with fact. In othe wods, it is not just a dy look at the histoy of folk medicine, but it will include inteesting anecdotes and some bizae and funny ituals and pactices as well. I went this diection because I want to keep things inteesting and keep the students engaged.

Name and descibe one of my pojects weaknesses.

The main weakness of this poject is that it may be difficult to include all of the many aspects of folk medicine in detail because thee ae such…...



Additional Source #3: UCLA's Online Archive of American Folk Medicine. Web.

This online searchable database will provides students with access to thousands of articles and texts related to the course topic.

Two Guest Speakers

Guest speaker #1: D.C. Jarvis, author of the book Folk Medicine. Having him as a guest speaker would be an excellent supplement to the book. It would also allow students to ask questions related to his book.

Psychology of the Black Experience
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Even though the titles such as "Kin XX (Be my knife)" addess injustice, the individuality and humanity within the subject's faces is a pofound challenge to any easy categoization of the woks. As Quashie notes, the viewe is compelled to ask -- who is o was that woman o man? A viewe cannot eflect upon the institution of slavey without egad fo its individualized impact upon families, communities, and black lives. By constantly being povoked to ask such questions, the viewe is foced to acknowledge the pesonal natue of human expeience, even when human beings ae caught in a lage political wold.
Q3. On one hand, it is vey difficult to emove ace fom the consideation of the Lovell exhibit, given the stess put on ace in the essays addessing Lovell's woks attached to the exhibit and the pesentation of the exhibit itself. Given that black atists still emain undeepesented…...


references a historical period that is particular to the black experience, but the subject's pictorial biography cannot be limited to that of the experience of slavery and their race.

Media's Stereotyical Portrayal of Blacks
Pages: 5 Words: 2333

But Martin Lawrence bugs out his eyes a little and he's a coon. It makes no sense.'7
The defense seems somewhat warranted. After all, if all characters in the sitcom Martin were white, and acted the same way, such behavior would be attributed to the standard stupidity showcased on television. Much like the quote earlier about sitcoms and stereotypes leveling things, television in general fails to showcase the brightest and most sublime of human endeavors.

Lawrence is not alone in criticisms aimed at contemporary black actors. In her essay, "Stereotypes of History: Reconstructing Truth and the Black Mammy," Jennifer Kowalski claims, "actors such as Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, and Tyler Perry, have once again recycled the first existence of the Mammy/Aunt Jemima character." The "mammy" stereotype is "represented as full-figured women with strong and defensive attitudes, especially toward men who may bring harm to their loved ones." Lawrence recently starred in…...


Works Cited

Aristotle. "Poetics." The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B.

Leitch. New York. W.W. Norton and Company, 2001, 90-117.

"Blackboard Jungle Fever." Martin. By John Bowman. Martin Lawrence, Tisha

Campbell-Martin, Carl Anthony Payne II, Thomas Mikal Ford. The WB. January

Racism and Claude McKay
Pages: 1 Words: 382

Black Lives Matter: The Paradox of Injustice—“If We Must Die…” In the poem “If We Must Die,” by Claude McKay, the African American poet writes that “If we must die, let it not be like hogs / Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, / While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, / Making their mock at our accursèd lot.” He states if blacks must be persecuted, let it not be in vain—but rather let them fight back. This was essentially the directive of Malcolm X as well (Fiero, 2010). However, Martin Luther King, Jr., had a different take on the plight of black people in America. He believed they should use non-violent means of protest. He based his idea on Thoreau’s (1849) “Civil Disobedience.” McKay’s poem does not promote civil disobedience but rather actual physical confrontation. McKay did not want his people to be passive. He wanted them…...

Having a hard time answering the following course questions; how have you become an agent of social change? And in doing so, how have you taken initiative to learn about and experience cultures different from your own?
Words: 429

This is a difficult question to answer.  In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times.  That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people.  While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people.  People tend to go to places on the internet....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to 2020 Presidential Election?
Words: 248

1. The impact of social media on the 2020 Presidential Election
2. The role of race and identity politics in the 2020 election
3. The influence of foreign interference in the 2020 election
4. The polarization of American society during the 2020 election
5. The rise of political populism in the 2020 election
6. The role of the Electoral College in the outcome of the 2020 election
7. The role of gender in the 2020 Presidential Election
8. The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 election
9. The importance of swing states in determining the outcome of the 2020 election
10. The impact of voter turnout and voter suppression....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover injustice title ideas?
Words: 267

Of course, here are some potential essay topics that cover various aspects of injustice:

1. The impact of systemic racism on minority communities
2. The criminal justice system and its treatment of marginalized groups
3. Gender inequality in the workplace
4. The effects of income inequality on social mobility
5. Discrimination against individuals with disabilities in society
6. Environmental injustice and its effects on low-income communities
7. The prevalence of human rights abuses in authoritarian regimes
8. The lack of access to affordable healthcare in disadvantaged communities
9. Educational disparities and their long-term effects on students
10. The role of media in perpetuating stereotypes and promoting social injustice

These topics provide....

Need help generating essay topics related to President Trump / President Biden. Can you help?
Words: 607

1. A comparison of President Trump's and President Biden's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Analyzing the impact of President Trump's immigration policies versus President Biden's immigration policies
3. Evaluating President Trump's approach to foreign policy in comparison to President Biden's foreign policy stance
4. The role of social media in the presidency: A look at how President Trump and President Biden use platforms like Twitter
5. Examining the economic policies of President Trump and President Biden and their effects on the middle class
6. A deep dive into the environmental policies of President Trump and President Biden, including their views on climate change
7. The....

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