Biomedical Ethics Essays (Examples)

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Biomedical Ethics
Pages: 8 Words: 2162

ethics of abortion. The writer takes one case of a requested abortion and explores its ethical possibilities. The writer uses several cases to argue that this case is ethically sound for the performance of an abortion. There was one source used to complete this paper.
Abortion has always been a very sensitive issue. Most of the nation is divided into two camps, pro-choice, and pro-life. Those who are in the pro-choice camp believe that abortion is the choice of the woman because it is her body and her life that will be forever altered by having a baby. Those that are pro-life believe it is the killing of a child and should never be done. Abortion has held its position as one of the most heated and emotional topics in the country for many years. For pro-choice and pro-life advocates most cases are clearly cut and dry as to their…...


DOE v. BOLTON, 410 U.S. 179 (1973)

410 U.S. 179

Ethics and Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1821

Ethics and Computing in Computer Science

Errors and Hazards and Their Consequences

Despite the best of care and talent, computation is subject to uncertainties, which experts call "errors (Landau, 2008)." Some of these errors are man-made and some are produced by the computer itself. The four classes of errors are blunders or bad theory, random errors, approximation or algorithm errors, and round-off errors. lunders are typographical errors or errors caused by running or using the wrong program or similar errors. Random errors are results of occurrences like fluctuations in electronics or cosmic rays running through the computer. Algorithm or approximation errors include the substitution of finite by infinite figures or variable inputs by constants. And round-off errors are inaccuracies as the finite number of digits for storing floating numbers (Landau). Peter Neumann at the SRI International identified more than 400 incidents of these errors, hazards and other problems, which can…...



Jacky, J. (1989). Safety-critical computing, hazards, practices, standards and regulation.

Vol. 29, # 5, "Programmed for Disaster: Software Errors that Imperil Lives."

Department of Radiation: University of Washington. Retrieved on March 22, 2014


Ethics Behind Stem Cell Research
Pages: 5 Words: 1818

Do patients understand what it means to donate tissue to science? Not only that, but use of EG cells confuses stem cell research with the debate over abortion, bring up the risk of biasing emotions (McDonald 7).
So, while stem cell research is an exciting new field that holds much promise, ethical problems arise to delay research, discovery of benefits or dangers, and involve many who have no knowledge of the complexities of the field. Though controversies usually accompany new discoveries in science, this biotechnological process involves manipulating the basis of life itself in embryonic stem cells. But the field is rapidly changing. hat is true today may be outmoded tomorrow. A neutral substitute for stem cells may be discovered that will prove to be the answer to these ethical questions.

orks Cited

Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. "Financial incentives in recruitment of oocyte donors." Fertil Steril 2004;…...


Works Cited

Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. "Financial incentives in recruitment of oocyte donors." Fertil Steril 2004; 82:Suppl 1:S240-S244.

Hwang, W.S., Roh, S.I., Lee, B.C., et al. -- Patient-specific embryonic stem cells derived from human SNCT blastocysts." Science 2005;308.

Magnus, David and Cho, Mildred K. "Issues in oocyte donation for stem cell research." Science Express Magazine, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and Department of Pediatrics, Vol. 308. no. 5729, June 2005. .

McDonald, Chris. "Stem cells: a pluripotent challenge." BioScan Vol. 13, Iss. 4, (Toronto Biotechnology Initiative.) Fall 2001.

Ethics in Nanomedicine the Term
Pages: 40 Words: 10726

All these charters that have clearly defined the boundaries of what both the positive i.e. natural rights and negative i.e. The unjust exploitative rights of the people are and how no institution or research domains have the right or power to violate them (Dierkes, Hoffmann and Marz, 1996).
Based on the above fact, we have to consider all the concerns related towards security of an individual as well as his rights, societal principles and considerations, national strategies, the financial system and market of the country as well as the social-educational-traditional structure that might be put in jeopardy due to a scientific research of nanomedicine. Hence we have to carefully consider that the researchers who are investing their time and effort in to the nano-medical research are treated with value while still securing the human rights of the society i.e. awareness of and protection against the hazardous effects of nanoparticles on…...



Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press.

Brennan, M. et al. (2002). Communication, Cultural and Media Studies. Routledge. London.

Chambers, T. (1996). From the ethicist's point-of-view: The literary nature of ethical inquiry. Hastings Center Report 26(1): 25-32.

Chang K. (2005). Tiny is beautiful: translating 'nano' into practical. New York Times; p. A1.

Ethics of Allowing Anyone to Have Kids
Pages: 4 Words: 1523

Biomedical Ethics
The author of this report was given the choice of one of two assignments when it comes to the Johnna Fisher textbook offering on medical ethics. The author of this report has decided to seize upon one of the articles littered throughout the book and make a thesis argument and report about the same. The Fisher text is full of articles and ethical quandaries that are ripe for the picking. However, the author of this report has chosen to focus on the idea of sterilizing the "feeble-minded" as explained and argued by Grekul, Krahn and Odynak. The question of whether people could or should have full rights to procreate despite the social problems it can create or aggravate is a burning question for many people. hile choosing who can procreate and who should not are very Nazi-esque to some, the idea of controlling who can have kids and who…...


Works Cited

Akerlof, George. "An Analysis of Out-Of-Wedlock Births in The United States." The Brookings Institution. N.p., 1996. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.Fisher, J. (2009). Biomedical ethics. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press.

PBS. "American Experience -- The Pill -- People & Events." N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

Ethics Reproductive Technologies - There
Pages: 2 Words: 768

The next objection of IVF separating the procreation and marital aspects of marriage and in the end damaging the marital relationship was totally untrue in this case. This couple had a very strong relationship and going through the process of gestational surrogacy strengthen their martial relationship as opposed to damaging it. The last objection of adoption is a better answer to the trouble of childlessness may very well be true for a lot of people. One cannot argue the fact that there are a lot of children out there that need to have good homes and there are many couples that could benefit tremendously from this avenue. But in the case of the couple in this article the idea of having a biological child was something that was very strong from them, thus making the path that they took the best one for them.
IVF, just like many other things…...



Kuczynski, Alex. 2008. "Her Body, My Baby." Web. 5 July 2011. < >

Singer, Peter. IVF: The Simple Case. Biomedical Ethics. By Degrazia, David, Mappes,

Thomas A. And Brand-Ballard, Jeffrey. 2010. 7th ed. Columbus: McGraw-Hill. 2010.

Ethics Is Knowing the Difference Between What
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do" (1). Ethics and its subsequent practice have been a very contentious issue in American society of late. Our current economic resulted almost entirely of excessive greed and unethical actions of key financial institutions. As a result of their lack of integrity, the entire world economy has subsequently suffered in a very severe manner. Many have lost their homes; even more have lost their retirement savings, while still others have lost their livelihoods. Such is the power of ethics and how its practice can have both positive and negative consequences on society as a whole. With all the attention placed on the financial community and in particular, Wall Street, many are often neglecting the unethical practices of the health care industry. I believe a very ubiquitous and widespread issue apparent within…...



1) "Ethics Quotes - BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. Web. 04 Aug. 2011. .

2) "VM -- Refusal of Emergency Care and Patient Dumping, Jan 09 ... Virtual Mentor." Virtual Mentor:: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics | Web. 04 Aug. 2011. .

3) "EMTALA - Primary Law." EMTALA.COM - Resources and Information. Web. 04 Aug. 2011. .

4) Public Citizen." Public Citizen Home Page. Web. 04 Aug. 2011. .

Ethics Form Consent Form I
Pages: 18 Words: 5968

Any kind of other personal information that is collected will be securely stored and monitored by the Chief Investigator. ("Information Privacy Principals," 2010)
5.2 Give details of the arrangements that have been made for the safe storage of the data and also the measures, which will be adopted to protect confidential records about research participants?

(a) During the study. All data will be securely stored under lock and key.

(b) After the study. All data will be stored under lock and key. The Chief Investigator will be the only person who is allowed access to the information.

5.3 How will confidential records be destroyed after the study is complete?


5.4 Will anyone else, apart from the Chief Investigators, have access to confidential records or human tissue samples?

Yes [ ] No [x]

5.5 May any party, other than investigators claim ownership of the materials or results derived from the research?

Yes [ ] No [x]

5.6 Are there…...



The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap. (2009). McKinesy & Company. Retrieved from 

Information Privacy Principals. (2010). Office of Victorian Privacy Commissioner. Retrieved from: 

MP Ignores the Job Needs of the Less Educated. (2010, July). Sydney Mourning Herald. Retrieved from 

National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia. (2010). Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Retrieved from

School Counseling Ethics Has Been
Pages: 25 Words: 7187

othe values
Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal.

These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that. Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty (1899).

Almost 100 yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession (o moe boadly the chaacte of a community), and moal self-examination (Soukhanov, 1992).

Hill (2004) offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content. They believe that ethical analysis is both…...


references for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 62-67.

Welfel, E.R. (1992). Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 182-189.

Welfel, E.R. (1998). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Welfel, E.R. (2002). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Carol Gilligan Ethics of Care
Pages: 4 Words: 1170

Carol Gilligan - Ethics of Care
The central theme to Carol Gilligan's argument is that while women more often focus on care, men focus more on justice. The "care orientation," according to Gilligan, focuses on emotional relationships of attachment. Gilligan suggests that "humans who think in terms of the care orientation define themselves in terms of a system of relationships, connections, loyalties and circles of concern." (University of Reading Website)

The author also argues that psychology has "persistently and systematically misunderstood women - their motives, their moral commitments, the course of their psychological growth, and their special view of what is important in life." (Harvard).) A point she challenges is that if male development is largely a matter of increasing separation from others to achieve autonomy and independence, does that mean that women have failed to grow into mature adults if their development involves a continuing and unresolved struggle to balance their…...



In a Different Voice. Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Retrieved January 29, 2004, from Harvard University Press Website: 

Feminist Ethics / The Ethics of Care. Retrieved January 29, 2004, from the University of Reading Website: 

Gilligan's In a Different Voice. Retrieved 29 January, 2004, from St. Olaf College Website: 

Velasquez, M. Business Ethics, Concepts and Cases. Fifth Edition. pp. 27-32.

Ethics Project
Pages: 10 Words: 4363

Life and Death: The Life Support Dilemma by Kenneth E. Schemmer M.D
Kenneth Schemmer in his thorough, thought provoking book brings to life the controversial subject of the life support issue. For years, many all over the country have pondered, "What if a person were in some kind of an accident and the physicians told them that they were not going to make it?" And all that he or she could do is just lie there in extreme pain waiting for their life to the end. Or even worse case scenario what if they happened to end up completely brain dead? These debated questions are taken on by Dr. Schemmer in making his point that life support decisions may not necessarily be the decision of the family, the doctor or the patient but by a higher being that gives life and takes life. Schemmer uses these controversial questions in his…...



Court backs right to die | terminally ill have right to refuse medical life support. (1984, Dec 28). The San Diego Union, pp. A.1-1.

Ackerman, T. (2005, Mar 27). Life support battle shifts / A decade ago, patients families had to press for 'right to die. Houston Chronicle, pp. 1-B.1.

Allen, P. (2000, Oct 07). Right to die upheld despite new euro law, doctors can end life support rules judge. Daily Mail, pp. 33-33.

Dolan, M. (2001, Aug 10). Justices deal setback to right-to-die movement; health: State court bans removal of life support from conscious patients whose wishes are not clear. Los Angeles Times, pp. A.1-A.1.

Ethics and Principles of the Milgram Study
Pages: 22 Words: 6466

1aExecutive SummaryThis essay addresses the roles of managers and leaders in organizations today by looking at how those roles are challenged by globalization, innovation and the need to create harmony in the workplace. One of the areas of exploration discussed is the use of humor in the workplace to help workers bond and increase confidence so as to develop intelligent followers. It also discusses the risks of the laughter advantage, particularly when it comes to crossing lines that might lead to loss of respect for the leader or a damaged reputation for the organization.Table of ContentsIntroduction 1The oles of Managers and Leaders 1Areas to Explore 2Conclusion 4eferences 4IntroductionOrganizations today require that managers and leaders be authentic, accountable and capable of motivating employees in diverse environments as a result of globalization and the rise of virtual workplaces. Managers must be effective at providing and obtaining feedback (Steelman & Wolfeld, 2018). Leaders…...


ReferencesBelmont Report. (1979). Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Retrieved from

Conflict Between Research and Ethics
Pages: 5 Words: 1633

I think that I would have to personally review any experiments conducted by that person, to assure myself that they did not contain the same types of ethical flaws. Furthermore, I would report the person to their appropriate governing body, so that they would at least be aware of the potential ethical problems that could be created by the researcher. If I were to enter into management and discover that one of the studies under me was being conducted in a manner like the Tuskegee study, I would not immediately end the study.
Instead, I would order that all study subjects be given effective medication to treat their disease and then end the study. One ethical question that I cannot answer is whether I would inform the patients that they had been subjected to years of useless treatments and then try to convince them that I was going to give…...



Brunner, B. (2008). The Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Retrieved November 5, 2008 from Tuskegee University

Web site: 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). U.S. Public Health Service syphilis study at Tuskegee: Home. Retrieved November 5, 2008, from Centers for Disease Control

Web site:

Ethical Issues Raised by Biomedical
Pages: 4 Words: 1736

As the narrow policy discussions regarding Physician-Assisted Suicide continue, we ought to encourage all presently existing and legal methods of reducing the painful sufferings during the last phase of life.

Drickamer, Margaret, a; Lee, Melinda. a; Ganzini, Linda. (1997, Jan 15) "Practical Issues in Physician-Assisted Suicide" Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 126, no. 2, pp: 146-151.

Emauel, Ezekiel. (1997, Mar) "Whose right to die?" The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 17, no. 2, pp:

Hayden, Laurel a. (1999, Apr) "Ethical Issues: Helping Patients with End-of-Life Decisions"

The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 99, no. 4, pp: 2401-2403.

Kaplan, Kalman. J; Harrow, Martin; Schneiderhan, Mark. E. (2002, Spring) "Suicide, physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in men vs. women around the world: The degree of physician control" Ethics and Medicine, vol. 21, no. 1, pp: 14-20.

Quill, Timothy E; Meier, Diane. E; Block, Susan. D; Billings, Andrew. J. (1998, Apr) "The

Debate over Physician-Assisted Suicide: Empirical Data and Convergent Views" Annals…...



Drickamer, Margaret, a; Lee, Melinda. a; Ganzini, Linda. (1997, Jan 15) "Practical Issues in Physician-Assisted Suicide" Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 126, no. 2, pp: 146-151.

Emauel, Ezekiel. (1997, Mar) "Whose right to die?" The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 17, no. 2, pp:

Hayden, Laurel a. (1999, Apr) "Ethical Issues: Helping Patients with End-of-Life Decisions"

The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 99, no. 4, pp: 2401-2403.

Jewish Ethics
Pages: 7 Words: 2214

The Scope of Jewish Ethics
When one thinks of the ethics of any religion, behavior of the individual often comes to mind initially. However, the behavior of the micro informs the macro, as the creators of the code of Jewish ethics are well aware. This paper will examine the scope of Jewish ethics as they pertain to the economic and health spheres, two arenas where there needs to be strong connections to ethical codes. The scope of Jewish ethics pertains to all arenas and subjects where the safety, wellness, happiness and potential of the individual and collective are concerned.

Dorff and Mackler discuss that the Jewish tradition acknowledges that there is a collective duty to care for one another; this duty only pertains to what is reasonably within human power (321). However, as the authors suggest, this naturally brings up the notion as to how much medical care do people then have…...

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