Biomedical Engineering
Technology is my lifeblood. I grew up in a technologically-obsessed household. My father was a software engineer, and much like a musician might put his child's fingers on the keys of a piano at a young age, my father made sure that I could type on a computer even before I could reach the keyboard on my own. I went to a technologically-driven school from my early years onward and soon became fluent in programming. However, there was always something missing. I was a profoundly social and extroverted person. I loved performing. I often found that there was something isolating about simply wanting to make a computer 'work' for the sake of a program. I seek a profession that can merge my interest in helping the world with my passion for science and mathematics. Growing up in India, I was fortunate enough to be raised in a technologically literature,…...
With the new algorithms and computational statistical techniques that John Doe will come up in his research, there will surely be positive changes that will be applied to the medical practitioners and other healthcare providers particularly in data analyses and presentations.
Meanwhile, part of John Doe's" long-term goal is to focus his career on computational genomics research. He is inspired by different research methods and the benefits of coming up with good research findings.
Thus, he is optimistic that with his Computer Science background coupled with the understanding in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology that he will achieve, he will be able to perform effectively as a researcher on computational genomics.
In this type of career, it is not enough that a researcher is able to present the data. More so, is will not be enough if the researcher knows where and when to get the needed information for a particular idea or…...
Enginees should focus on the impovement of the pefomance of the economy. This elates to the tansfomation of the theoies of contolling the wold and adopting new famewoks in the opeating in conjunction with the planet. New enginees need to adopt and implement new theoies of focusing on the economic, social, and political concepts in elation to both technical and nontechnical disciplines (Cameon 2010 p.40).
Leades in Bitish Engineeing
Accoding to Lewis (1998, p.88), the technology style of the 19th centuy stetches fom the peak of one long wave to the peak of the next. The concened style would have made its fist appeaance in 1870s and would have held geat influence in the late Victoian peiod. It was maked though the diffusion of cheap bulk steel that emeged in the mid-Victoian peiods, advances in science-based industies such as engineeing and chemicals, spead of electic powe and the adoption of novel…...
mlareferences of the current population without compromising the needs of the future population. This relates to the achievement of sustainable development thus improving living conditions of the citizens. Global warming is a problem affecting growth and development of the economy. This is through increasing the sea water level because of the high temperatures thus melting of ice caps. In order to minimize the effects of global warming, it is ideal to focus on the transformation of the engineering systems in the United Kingdom (Nuvolari et al. 2009 p.700).
Possible predictions about the future of British engineering
In order to address challenges affecting the current and future populations, it is essential to train engineers with the ability to make intelligent decisions in relation to maximum protection and quality life on the planet than endangering forms of life. Engineers will have to make decisions with reference to professional environment in relation to interactions between technical and nontechnical disciplines. The modern system should focus on the preparation of the engineers to become valuable facilitators of sustainable development and implementers of appropriate technology. This aims at addressing social and economic challenges facing the current engineers because of the modern systems and mindset of engineers in the context of the United Kingdom. This is essential in becoming an effective and efficient body of engineers with the aim of providing leadership to the world engineering body (Burgess 1972 p.10).
Future development in relation to the engineering systems and subsystems in the United Kingdom should focus on adequate implementation of technology in addressing essential needs of the future population. Technological developments should also focus on the improvement of conditions such as sufficient water, protection of the environment, and adequate infrastructure. This is vital in the achievement of the millennium development goals and objectives as outlined by the United Nations under the influence of its General Assembly. Future engineering should focus in the achievement of sustainable development thus addressing current and future needs of the world's population. It is vital to note future engineering should integrate numerous aspects in addressing social, economic, and political effects on the planet.
Reference List
passion for the Biomedical Engineering field and wish to pursue it as my career. What separates my interest of Biomedical Engineering apart from the rest of the engineering field is its focus on medicine, and therefore, people. The ever changing medical field allows for the constant challenge that I thrive for in a work environment.
I originally became interested in the Biomedical Engineering field when participating in a project in my junior high school health class. Before that moment, I was unaware of the possibilities I might have for such a field. After initially learning about the field, I studiously read books and magazines about what advancements had been made in Biomedical Engineering until I was finally able to be accepted for and complete my internship with an MRI division of a hospital.
I am recent graduate from the LIST YOUR PROGRAM at LIST YOUR UNIVERSITY, where I was able to…...
Personal Statement
As a person who is concerned with the environment and has a background in information technology, applying for admission to a Masters of Science program at XXX University is one in a series of logical steps and choices in my personal and professional lives. As a student in MSEM program, I will utilize my professional knowledge and skills acquired from both my experience as a biomedical engineering student and my family business to contribute to this community. My interests and skills coincide, expand, and deepen at the prospect of entrance to a Masters of Science program in the area of Biomedical Engineering.
My parents both own companies in China that focus on international trading business. I grew up in an environment full of business people and I enjoy it. I found doing business is compelling and thrilling. As the companies grow, they opened their companies divisions in XXXX in 2005…...
Option 1: Envision yourself near the end of a fulfilling, lifelong career and you just published your autobiography.
Title of Autobiography: Seeing Differently: The Life and Times of (YOUR NAME)
For the vast majority of us, sight is something we take for granted. The sky is blue, and we do not need to know the physics of light particles to appreciate that because every day we look up and gaze at its deep cerulean grandeur. Our eyes, the lenses of our soul, get lost in the infinite wonder of sky and the motion of the clouds. In so doing, we have failed to remember that for millions of people worldwide, darkness is the norm. Yet now, people who are born, or who became blind later, can envelop themselves in the glory of the blue sky. We can all walk through the Louvre together, gazing upon the mysterious visage of the Mona Lisa.…...
esponse to Leighanne2 Corinthians 5:17 is commonly used to support the issue of bone tissue regeneration as it compares to the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit in an individuals body. However, there are additional scriptures that talk about bone tissue regeneration and healing such as Ezekiel 37:1-10 and Proverbs 3:8. These verses provide the biblical basis for bone tissue regeneration, which has attracted attention in the field of medicine because of the growth of the aging population and increased demands for organs/tissues for transplant. While these verses do not specifically talk about bone tissue engineering, they compare to it as they show Gods transformative power. Exodus 15:26 states that God heals us of our diseases. He uses various methods of healing including modern medicine practices like bone tissue engineering.Despite attracting attention in the field of medicine in recent years, bone tissue engineering has been characterized by some complications even…...
mlaReferencesAmini, A.R., Laurencin, C.T. & Nukavarapu, S.P. (2013). Bone tissue engineering: Recent advances and challenges. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 40(5), 363-408.Perez, J.R., Kouroupis, D., Li, D.J., Best, T.M., Kaplan, L. & Correa, D. (2018). Tissue engineering and cell-based therapies for fractures and bone defects. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6(105), 1-23.
The truth that electronics aid humanity may be a subject for debate. However, it must be noted that nothing else may beat your doubt on electronics but the fact that we can derive from others' experiences that the technological advances in electronics really assist man in sustaining his life and surviving from the weaknesses of our physical body. More so, we may derive such information from our relatives and friends who may have experienced recovering from diseases with the aid of advanced biomedic machines. or, you can also ask this question to yourself to provide a view on how effective do you really believe can technology that is applied in electronics help, assist, and aid humanity -- "Would you rather go for the old method and practices of medicine than how medicine is practice these days?"
Technology in Electronics - Aiding Other Defects of Humanity
If the advances in electronics lead the…...
Electronics and Biomedical Engineering.
Taylor, John. "Serving Blind Readers in Digital Age."
American Libraries, 35.11 (2005): 49-51.
Jarvis, Jessica. "Opening Doors to Learning."
The authors were trying to develop a system of estimating and indexing muscle fatigue rates during static muscle contraction. The results of this study indicated that estimations were reasonably successful with some limitations that were noted. One limitation was that the study neglected muscle recovery since the experiment was performed in a lab under controlled conditions and the muscles were able to fully recover. However, in the real world muscles move in a dynamic environment thus making muscle recovery rates a challenge in producing an accurate estimate of fatigue.
Another study looked at the efficacy of treatments in patients who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The study conducted research using 111 patients who suffer from CTS. They compared the standard conservative treatment (SCT) with other forms of treatment available that also propose to alleviate symptoms associated CTS. They found that SCT, which includes local steroid injections, was effective as…...
Yewguan Soo; Sugi, M.; Nishino, M.; Yokoi, H.; Arai, T.; Kato, R.; Nakamura, T.; Ota, J.;, "Quantitative estimation of muscle fatigue using surface electromyography during static muscle contraction," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009. EMBC 2009. Annual International Conference of the IEEE, vol., no., pp.2975-2978, 3-6 Sept. 2009
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5332521
Ay-e N. Bardak, Mehmet Alp, Belgin Erhan, Nurdan Paker, Betul Kaya and Ay-e . Onal,;, "Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of conservative treatment in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome," Advances in Therapy, Publisher Springer Healthcare Communications, ISSN 0741-238X (Print) 1865-8652 (Online), Issue Volume 26, Number 1 / January, 2009
Over the past ten years many technology companies have succumb to the economic conditions that have dictated their demise. InVision technologies is a company that has risen to the occasion and silenced many of the pessimists and naysayers. The purpose of this discussion is to identify InVision's strategic strengths and weaknesses based on environmental "scan" analysis. The discussion will also focus on the core competencies of the organization and develop a Porter's "Five Forces" analysis for the organization. Finally we will discuss the strategic thinking of company CEO Sergio Magistri. Let's begin with a brief description of the company's function and the products that it offers.
Brief description
According to MultexInvestor Invision Technologies produces and sells explosives detection systems which are used in airports throughout the world to monitor checked baggage. The company, founded in 1992, has created products that are based on advanced computed tomography. (Company Profile) The detection systems that…...
Company Profile. 2003. MultexInvestor. Retrieved August 19, 2003 from;
Company Overview. (2003) InVision Technologies. Retrieved August 19, 2003 from;
Management. (2003) InVision Technologies.
The transition from being a lecturer at Princeton University with degrees in history and religion to running a biotech company was not a smooth one. it's easy to imagine the kinds of hurdles that Drakeman had to face. Professors do not have to be business-minded in order to be successful. Their business -- the university, especially a prestigious university like Drakeman's Princeton -- is stable and requires no rainmaking on their part. They are not responsible for the practical, everyday tasks of running a business and often unaffected by the bottom line. Unless they are a department head or dean, professors may lack personnel management and competitive skills.
One of the most important skills Drakeman needed to learn during her transition was the skill of delegating. She was lacking important knowledge needed for understanding some of the basics of her new business, such as the technical jargon of biomedical engineering.…...
mlaJeanne Whalen's article from the October 17, 2005 Wall Street journal examines the story of academic-turned-businesswoman Lisa Drakeman, who at the time was the CEO of Genmab as, a pharmaceutical company based in Denmark. The transition from being a lecturer at Princeton University with degrees in history and religion to running a biotech company was not a smooth one. it's easy to imagine the kinds of hurdles that Drakeman had to face. Professors do not have to be business-minded in order to be successful. Their business -- the university, especially a prestigious university like Drakeman's Princeton -- is stable and requires no rainmaking on their part. They are not responsible for the practical, everyday tasks of running a business and often unaffected by the bottom line. Unless they are a department head or dean, professors may lack personnel management and competitive skills.
One of the most important skills Drakeman needed to learn during her transition was the skill of delegating. She was lacking important knowledge needed for understanding some of the basics of her new business, such as the technical jargon of biomedical engineering. To bridge the gap, she delegated certain tasks to engineers, who could translate the terms for her. Drakeman also realized that she needed support in taking on the big tasks of her business, such as outfitting a new plant to technical specifications. The details are overwhelming for one person, or even a team of people to oversee, so Drakeman had to learn to let go and assign tasks to others. There is only so much one person can do, and when they run into their absolute limit, a business can no longer grow.
Drakeman built her own success by making good choices, including hiring experienced employees, inspiring her colleagues, delegating responsibility and relying on those with knowledge of the biotech industry to help her make decisions. She also spent time at her husband's biotech company before moving out on her own, learning critical skills and immersing herself in the business.
3). While additional research is needed in this area, these findings suggest that the attributes of non-thermal plasma hold significant promise for the regulation of mammalian cell activity and inducement of apoptosis in targeted cells. In this regard, Sensenig et al. conclude that, "Plasma-induced DNA damage in turn may lead to the observed plasma-induced apoptosis. Since plasma is non-thermal, it may be used to selectively treat malignancies" (2010, para. 4).
The foregoing findings were also congruent with previous research by Kligman et al. (2007). According to these researchers, the floating electrode dielectric barrier discharge plasma (FE-DBD) plasma treatment has been found to invoke apoptosis in melanoma cancer cell lines, and it accomplishes this without causing necrosis while still possessing the ability to initiate apoptosis in the targeted cells (Kligman et al., 2007). The "floating" designation in this application is derived from the manner in which the plasma is generated. Simply…...
Clark, W.R. (2002). A means to an end: The biological basis of aging and death. New York:
Cleveland, C.J. & Morris, C. (2006). Dictionary of energy. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Di Quinzio, M.L., Dewar, R.A., Burge, F.I. & Veugelers, P.J. (2005). Family physician visits and early recognition of melanoma. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(2), 136-139.
Fridman, G., Shereshevsky, a., Jost, M.M., Brooks, a.D., Fridman, a., Gutsol, a., Vasilets, V. & Friedman, G. (2007). Floating electrode dielectric barrier discharge plasma in air promoting apoptotic behavior in melanoma skin cancer cell lines. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 27(2), 163-176.
Increase benefits
To gain more employees for the nursing staff, SKMC should increase their level of satisfaction by offering several incentives such as increased living expenses or better housing facilities. Moreover, they should include full medical coverage in the work contract. Regarding the foreign employees they should expand the annual leave from 42 days to at least 60 days in order for the abroad workers to be able to spend two full months with their families back home.
The management of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City might object to these propositions arguing the increased costs they would involve. However, their objection can be counteracted by the fact that satisfied personnel perform better at their jobs, leading to an increased quality of the services offered by SKMC and therefore to an increased number of patients and increased revenues and profits.
Emphasis on culture
To attract more foreign personnel within SKMC, the management of the clinic…...
John M. Bryson, September 1995, Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement, Jossey-Bass Publishing, Revised edition
Janet Shapiro, Strategic Planning Toolkit, Civicus, World Alliance for Citizen Participation, last accessed on March 1, 2007,
Jay Cooper, Acting Chief Executive Officer Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Official Website of SKMC, accessed on March 1, 2007,last
International Hospital Recruitment Inc. Canada, Sheikh Khalifah Medical Center, 2004, last accessed on March 1, 2007 ,
Some of the treatments include learning how to avoid the things that can prompt attacks as well as how to control asthma reactions if those items cannot be avoided.
There are also two types of medicine that can be taken to help avert the attacks.
The first medicine is short-term and is taken at the onset of an attack, while the second medicine is taken on a more long-term plan, and is usually daily in its usage. Both the long-term and short-term medicines seek to open the airways so that more air can reach the lungs of the individual.
Doctors and scientists have come to some conclusions regarding this disease and many of these medical experts believe that there should be a lot more studying done on why and how the disease affects certain people and does not affect others. The disease is one that affects many people and costs millions of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Asthma, (2006)
Accessed February 25, 2007 ,
Iowa, University of (2006) Asthma Study Seeks Patients With Moderately Severe Asthma, University of Iowa Health Care Today,
Skobeloff, E.M., Spivey, W.H., St. Clair, S.S., Shoftstall, J.M. (1992) the Influence of age and sex on Asthma Admissions, the Journal of American Medical Association, Vol 268 Issue
Technology Assessments
Prior to launching into an assignment to create a Technology Assessment Committee, it is prudent to offer an in-depth description of a TAC, and the need therein.
Introduction to Technology Assessment in Hospitals
Technology Assessment Committee should be "incorporated into the strategic management of a hospital," according to Uphoff & Krane, and perhaps that is an understatement. Why? For two critical reasons: 1) Given the pivotal need for constant upgrading of technologies which hospitals rely upon for the delivery of maximum health care to patients, and the fact that financial resources are scarce in many hospitals, a TAC is vital; and 2) Given the fact that stress and burnout are being reported as widespread among health care professionals - and that there are key decisions to be made as to whether to spend money to bring in new technology or spend money to upgrade working conditions and pay for employees -…...
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into diabetes management has marked a significant leap forward, particularly in the development of transdermal insulin patches combined with Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems. These technologies aim to automate and personalize diabetes care, reducing the burden on patients and potentially improving outcomes. Recent advancements in this field have focused on enhancing the accuracy, reliability, and user-friendliness of these devices.
One of the latest innovations includes the development of smart insulin patches that not only deliver insulin but also incorporate AI algorithms to predict insulin needs based on real-time glucose data. For instance, a study by....
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