Biological Engineering Essays (Examples)

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Engineering Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 601

Engineering Organizations
The first image displayed on the website for the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, rather eccentrically for an engineering organization, is two hands holding a clump of soil. Yet despite this earthy image, the society also stresses its technical nature, as members in the biological, agricultural, and other food related sciences could engage in virtual web conferences with one another, through web space accorded to the organization. Thus, the technical as well as the agricultural aspects of the organization enable members to improve their professional credentials and connect with other engineering professional in the agricultural field. Members can also make use of the organization's technical library and database of technical experts.

The ASAE also offers such perks for members as a group insurance plan and an e-newsletter. The offer of a group insurance plan illustrates that many members may not be members of a large corporate entity, and may…...


Works Cited

ASAE -- American Society of Agricultural Engineers. (2004) Official website. Retrieved 29 November 2004 at

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (2004) Official Website. Retrieved 29 November 2004 at

Elites in Engineering in the
Pages: 40 Words: 11890

Enginees should focus on the impovement of the pefomance of the economy. This elates to the tansfomation of the theoies of contolling the wold and adopting new famewoks in the opeating in conjunction with the planet. New enginees need to adopt and implement new theoies of focusing on the economic, social, and political concepts in elation to both technical and nontechnical disciplines (Cameon 2010 p.40).
Leades in Bitish Engineeing

Accoding to Lewis (1998, p.88), the technology style of the 19th centuy stetches fom the peak of one long wave to the peak of the next. The concened style would have made its fist appeaance in 1870s and would have held geat influence in the late Victoian peiod. It was maked though the diffusion of cheap bulk steel that emeged in the mid-Victoian peiods, advances in science-based industies such as engineeing and chemicals, spead of electic powe and the adoption of novel…...


references of the current population without compromising the needs of the future population. This relates to the achievement of sustainable development thus improving living conditions of the citizens. Global warming is a problem affecting growth and development of the economy. This is through increasing the sea water level because of the high temperatures thus melting of ice caps. In order to minimize the effects of global warming, it is ideal to focus on the transformation of the engineering systems in the United Kingdom (Nuvolari et al. 2009 p.700).

Possible predictions about the future of British engineering

In order to address challenges affecting the current and future populations, it is essential to train engineers with the ability to make intelligent decisions in relation to maximum protection and quality life on the planet than endangering forms of life. Engineers will have to make decisions with reference to professional environment in relation to interactions between technical and nontechnical disciplines. The modern system should focus on the preparation of the engineers to become valuable facilitators of sustainable development and implementers of appropriate technology. This aims at addressing social and economic challenges facing the current engineers because of the modern systems and mindset of engineers in the context of the United Kingdom. This is essential in becoming an effective and efficient body of engineers with the aim of providing leadership to the world engineering body (Burgess 1972 p.10).

Future development in relation to the engineering systems and subsystems in the United Kingdom should focus on adequate implementation of technology in addressing essential needs of the future population. Technological developments should also focus on the improvement of conditions such as sufficient water, protection of the environment, and adequate infrastructure. This is vital in the achievement of the millennium development goals and objectives as outlined by the United Nations under the influence of its General Assembly. Future engineering should focus in the achievement of sustainable development thus addressing current and future needs of the world's population. It is vital to note future engineering should integrate numerous aspects in addressing social, economic, and political effects on the planet.

Reference List

Environmental Engineering -- Contrails Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1144

Additionally, Bollier further states the contrail emissions to cause warmer weather.
The duration of contrails in the atmosphere can last for days, according to (Harris, Kuper, Lebel, 2010). Trails may last for days and spread over hundreds of miles. According to Patrick Minnis, senior research scientist at NASA's Langley esearch Center in Virginia, "It helped us get a very good handle on the relationship between natural cirrus clouds and contrails, and separate the two effects. We estimate that contrails have an overall warming effect which is at least the same as aircraft CO2 exhaust, if not more." (Harris, Kuper, Lebel, 2010)

The white streaks (Murray, 2006), which characterize the contrail left by a flying aircraft is suggested by Murray to be removed as a contaminant by lowering the altitude of the aircraft during flight. Additionally, "because contrails are released at high altitudes, have a more potent effect on the environment than…...



Fast, E. 2002, "Can contrails alter climate?," Environment, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 7.

Beam, S. 2005, "The Trouble with Contrails," Environment, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 4.

Bollier, S. 2007, "High Flyers and the Grounding of Equality," Multinational Monitor, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 31.

Harris, P., Kuper, S. & Lebel, C. 2010, Sandals Optional: Stories - Environment - Insight; Not all heroes of the green revolution fit the left-liberal activist stereotype.., the Financial Times Limited.

Agricultural Health in Pennsylvania Nursing
Pages: 4 Words: 1173

" (Murphy, 2009)
This is held by Murphy to be what is wanted since high carbon dioxide levels help to maintain high quality silage." (2009) Simultaneously, the gas that is "odorless and colorless" is stated to be that which is dangerous. The gas is stated to replace the oxygen in the silo and since this gas is present in high concentrations the individual receives very little in the way of warning that the gas is about to overcome them. This gas is stated to be characterized by "…a strong bleach-like odor and low lying yellow, red, or dark brown fumes. Unlike carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide levels reach a peak about three days after harvesting and rapidly begin to decrease thereafter particularly is the silo is ventilated." (Murphy, 2009)

Sealed silos are specifically designed so that there is no necessity to enter them however, there are various gases present in convention silos and…...



Murphy, Dennis J. (2009) Silo Gases the Hidden Danger. College of Agricultural Sciences -- Cooperative Extension. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Penn State E-16. Online available at:

Murphy, Dennis J. (2009) Farm Respiratory Hazards. College of Agricultural Sciences -- Cooperative Extension. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Safety 26. PennState. Online available at:

The Dirt on Pennsylvania Agriculture (2004) Trends in Rural Pennsylvania. March/April 2004. Online available at:

Benefits and Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods or Organisms
Pages: 6 Words: 2177

The introduction and use of genetically modified or engineered foods or organisms have attracted attention, mostly alarmed in recent years (WHO 2014). These foods are manufactured from organisms by artificially altering or engineering their DNA for nutrition purposes. This is done by infusing an edible plant gene into the organisms for immediate and ultimate purposes. One is to optimize production and increase the resistance to plant disease while tolerating the harmful effects of herbicides. Another is to extract them from genetically modified or GM microorganisms or animals for future use. Still another object or prospect is to alter the nutrients themselves in foods in order to control or prevent allergies they cause (WHO).

The target of the United Nations Organization's Millennium Development goals is to cut down the proportion of hunger this year into half (World Hunger Education Service, 2015). The proportion…...



Chatsko, M. (2013). Regulatory similarities between GMO foods and pharmaceuticals.

The Motley Fool: Interactive Data Managed Solutions. Retrieved on April 25, 2015


CHGE (2012). Genetically Modified Foods. Center for Health and the Global Environment:

GMO - Genetically Modified Organisms
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Furthermore, these crops could exhaust soil to such a degree that no more crops could be developed there, and thus contribute to rather than alleviate the problem of world hunger.
Another problem cited by opponents is the danger to biodiversity that might be created by GMO's. Genetically modifying foods may have a negative impact on the environment by destroying biodiversity, according to this group. Proponents however argue that biodiversity is encouraged rather than destroyed by genetic engineering. Indeed, they place it in the same category with modifications that have been brought about in nature itself in order to adjust to different environments, or by human beings in the past.

Biological engineering is a very controversial issue, and it appears that it will remain so for a long time, even while the field grows and develops beyond attempts to stop it....

Brain Dysfunction
Pages: 6 Words: 1659

Essay Topic Examples
1. Neurotransmitter Imbalances:
    Explore how imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine can lead to various brain dysfunctions, including mood disorders, schizophrenia, and arkinson's disease.

2. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):
    Discuss the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries on cognitive functions, emotional regulation, and physical abilities, focusing on both immediate and chronic impacts.

3. Genetic Factors in Brain Dysfunction:
    Analyze how genetic predispositions contribute to brain dysfunctions, examining specific genes linked to conditions like Alzheimer's, Huntington's disease, and autism spectrum disorders.

4. The Role of Inflammation in Brain Health:
    Investigate the connection between chronic inflammation and brain dysfunction, including neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric conditions, and discuss potential therapeutic interventions.

5. Environmental Toxins and Brain Function:
    Examine how exposure to environmental toxins like lead, mercury, and pesticides can impair brain function, leading to developmental delays, cognitive decline, and other neurological issues.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Unraveling the Mysteries of Neurotransmitter Dysregulation"

2. "The Long Shadow of Traumatic Brain Injury"

3. "Genetic…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Blumenfeld, Hal. Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases. Sinauer Associates, 2010.

Kandel, Eric R., et al. Principles of Neural Science. McGraw-Hill, 2013.

Lezak, Muriel D., et al. Neuropsychological Assessment. Oxford University Press, 2012.

Schmahmann, Jeremy D. Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders. Springer, 2012.

Squire, Larry R., and Eric R. Kandel. Memory: From Mind to Molecules. Roberts and Company Publishers, 2009.

Neural Network
Pages: 11 Words: 3129

Artificial Intelligence
hat is AI?

Future of AI

The Expert System

hat is an Expert System?

Three Major Components of an Expert System

Structure of an Expert System

Neural network

Fuzzy Logic

Chaos Engineering

Field and Benefit

Debate on Comparison

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Expert System Defined

Consulting applies a knowledge-based system to commercial loan officers using multimedia (Hedburg 121). Their system requires a fast IBM desktop computer. Other systems may require even more horsepower by using exotic computers or workstations. The software used is even more exotic. Considering there are very few applications that are pre-written using AI, each company has to write it's own software to determine the solution to their specific problem.

An easier way around this obstacle is to design an add-on. The company Fuziare has developed several applications which act as additions to larger applications. FuziCalc, FuziQuote, FuziCell, FuziChoice, and FuziCost are all products used as management decision support systems for other off -- the shelf applications (Barron…...


Works Cited

Barron, Janet J. "Putting Fuzzy Logic into Focus." Byte April (1993): 111-118.

Butler, Charles, and Maureen Caudill. Naturally Intelligent Systems. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1990.

Bylinsky, Gene. "Computers That Learn By Doing." Fortune 6 Sep. 1993: 96-102.

Liebowitz, Jay. "Roll Your Own Hybrids." Byte July (1993): 113-115.

Synthetic Biology Most Eminent Mr
Pages: 2 Words: 534

While this is a future that is heralded by some as the next logical step in our own evolution -- why let it occur haphazardly and slowly if it can be accomplished through careful planning and design? -- others see this stance as full of dangerous hubris, and an insistence that humanity knows best despite the fact that it has shown itself time and time again willing to grossly misuse available technologies to detrimental ends. The synthetic creation of other "persons" and even the alteration of existing human beings is fraught with many ethical considerations, not the least of which is the fact that we simply don't know what we don't know -- the effects of such synthesis are likely to be surprising and unexpected, despite the best of intentions and the most careful planning.
This is no surprise to you, of course; you played your hand very close to…...


Other possibilities using the techniques of synthetic biology are not so certain. AMny fear that such knowledge and capabilities will lead to the eventual genetic altering of mankind, and perhaps even the purposeful creation of an alternative being that will supplant humanity with a new race of "persons," possibly humanoid but in reality synthetically designed to be better than humans in their interactions with the world, use of resources, et cetera (Oxford 2008). While this is a future that is heralded by some as the next logical step in our own evolution -- why let it occur haphazardly and slowly if it can be accomplished through careful planning and design? -- others see this stance as full of dangerous hubris, and an insistence that humanity knows best despite the fact that it has shown itself time and time again willing to grossly misuse available technologies to detrimental ends. The synthetic creation of other "persons" and even the alteration of existing human beings is fraught with many ethical considerations, not the least of which is the fact that we simply don't know what we don't know -- the effects of such synthesis are likely to be surprising and unexpected, despite the best of intentions and the most careful planning.

This is no surprise to you, of course; you played your hand very close to your chest with evolution for years, fearing the effects it would have on society and on science. History has definitely shown that caution is prudent, and the way you lived your life is excellent evidence of this as well. Before folks go rushing off armed with your ideas, they ought to take a moment to get to know you, as well.


Prototyping Is a Great and Exciting Way
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Prototyping is a great and exciting way to allow for faster manufacturing across numerous fields. Things like bioprinting allow for prototyping reaching new levels of science and technology. Prototyping has become an important aspect of things like tissue engineering. This means society can cross-new frontiers in the world of medicine and treatment thanks to prototyping. The one thing that surprised me the most about prototyping is the ability of organizations and people to use it in a variety of fields, especially in medicine like the aforementioned tissue engineering.
In article titled: "Printing and Prototyping of Tissues and Scaffolds" by Brian Derby, the author discusses the various ways in which prototyping opens new avenues for manufacturing. "New manufacturing technologies under the banner of rapid prototyping enable the fabrication of structures close in architecture to biological tissue. In their simplest form, these technologies allow the manufacture of scaffolds upon which cells can grow…...



Derby, B. (2012). Printing and Prototyping of Tissues and Scaffolds. Science, 338(6109), 921-926. doi:10.1126/science.1226340

Robotics How Close Are We to Creating a Bionic Man
Pages: 4 Words: 1372

Robotics: How Close Are e to Creating a Bionic Man?
hile the creation of a 'bionic man' similar to the Six Million Dollar Man of the 70s television series or the gun-slinging robot of estworld may still be the realm of popular sci-fi, technology has developed to a stage where we are closer to such a possibility than ever before. Some of these technologies include robotics, the development of organic polymers that could be used as artificial muscles, nano-technology, and artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper we will review the latest developments in the relevant technologies to find how close we are to developing a 'bionic man.'

Apart from the availability of the required technology, one of the factors that would eventually determine if (or how soon) we are able to develop a bionic man is -- the urgency or need for such a development. This is because technology does not develop…...


Works Cited

Barnes, Peter. "Bionic Limbs for Amputees." September 23, 2002. Tech TV Website. October 1, 2002.,24195,3400267,00.html

Battles without Troops." Article in Newsweek International: Special Issue. December 2001-February 2002. pp. 38-40

Bekey, George A. "Robot." Article in Encyclopedia Encarta, 2002.

McCarthy, John. "What Is Artificial Intelligence?" Stanford University: Computer Science Department Website. July 20, 2002. October 1, 2002.

Rur and AI More Human
Pages: 6 Words: 1955

Kubrick himself suggested the baton be passed onto Spielberg due to that director's unique abilities.
The play was originally-based Brian Aldiss's short story "Supertoys Last All Summer Long," on which a.I. is based, in 1983 (Corliss 1-3). In the Kubrick formulation, the world is a lot darker and Gigolo Joe is much more aggressive. According to Corliss in the "Joe was much more aggressive, more twisted." Here he is, in Spielberg's word, David's "scoutmaster." Spielberg did this to solve many of the problems Spielberg had with the text, Joe being one of the biggest problems. By softening things and making them more human and less dark, he provided solution to the problem (Ibid 1). The Flesh Fair and Rouge City are vintage Kubric and remained a part of the body of the work. Garish scenery completes this menagerie Spielberg identifies himself with the abandoned child (ibid 2).

It is the contention…...


Works Cited

Corliss, Richard. Time 17 June 2001: 1-3. Web. 3 Nov 2010.

Differences Between the Technology in Use in 1910 and the Technology in Use Today
Pages: 7 Words: 2234

Technology in Use in 1910 and the Technology in Use Today
Technology during 1910 and its rapid evolution to the present era:

The 19th century witnessed major upheavals in science and technology ushering a gamut of changes and widespread ripple effect on the society. The dawning of science in industry brought about by the Industrial evolution was a watershed in global technology that continued to shape the future of mankind. It was in that era when development of large scale metal working techniques popularised steam power. ailroads appeared and facilitated in mass migration of populations. Urbanizations started, commerce flourished, fortunes were made and a new class of affluent appeared. Major scientific inventions like electromagnetism by Clerk Maxwell and greater sophistication of electricity brought about technological changes and improved quality of life with telegraph, electric light and radio transforming the world for the better. (Jeff, 2002)

Development in natural science spearheaded by Charles…...



Chandrinos, K.V; Trahanias, P.E. (n. d.) "Beyond HTML: Web-based Information Systems"

Institute of Computer Science, Retrieved 15 March 2012 from 

Davenport, Thomas H; Short, James E. (1990) "The new industrial engineering information technology and business process redesign" Center for Information Systems Research. CISR WP No. 213, Sloan WP No. 3190-90.

EEA. (2010) "SOER 2010 -- Assessment of global megatrends"

Legal Environment in Healthcare and Administrative Responsibility
Pages: 4 Words: 1118

Healthcare -- Administration and Legal
Many vectors -- science, research funding, social acceptance or rejection -- influence how and whether medical technology is eventually adopted into medical praxis (Hogle, et al., 2012). Undergirding the choices and changes is a shared body of ethical standards and law, the establishment of which is often not consensual or efficacious. Any emerging technology can encounter unanticipated social resistance and ethical concerns that can change the course of how medical science research progresses (Hogle, et al., 2012). Medical technology often poses questions about access to expensive innovations and considerations about race, gender, and social justice that are inseparable from the socio-economic levels of patients (Hogle, et al., 2012). In contemporary society, there are the inevitable considerations about patent issues, clinical practice, and the commercialization of medical innovations (Hogle, et al., 2012). The recent court decision finding in favor of Myriad Genetics, Inc. provides a good platform…...



Cho, M. (2010, November 1). Patently unpatentable: implications of the Myriad court decision on genetic diagnostics. Trends in Biotechnology, 28(11), 548-551. Retrieved / pii/S0167779910001411?_returnURL=

Hogle, L., Tobin, S., Gaba, D. And Yock, P. (2012). Web-Based Research Integrity Training for Biomedical Engineers and Medical Device Researchers (Public Health Service). Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford School of Medicine. Retreived   / programs/science_and_society.html 

Morrison, E. (2011). Ethics in health administration: A practical approach for decision makers. (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Stempel, J., Steenhuysen, J., Wallace, J., Grebler, D. And Orr, B. (2012, August 16). Myriad wins gene patent ruling from U.S. appeals court. Thomson Reuters. Retrieved

Programming Genetic Circuits Is Fundamentally
Pages: 8 Words: 2235

To elaborate, he used his 'transistor' to build logic circuits that program each cell's behavior. For instance, he was able to tell a cell to change color in the presence of both a specified two enzymes. Remarked Kleem (online): "Endy envisions plant-based environmental monitors, programmed tissues and even medical devices that "make Fantastic Voyage come true," (Kleem, 04.02.13).
In the first (grainy) image below, Endy's DNA "buffer gates" flash different colors according to their situation. In the image below that, we have a string of DNA -- we see the code of the a's, C's, T's and G's -- that has been programmed by synthetic biologist Eric Winfree of the California Institute of Technology --.

(Excerpted from Keim, B Computers Made Out of DNA, lime and Other trange tuff


Timothy Lu, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is taking this idea further by building cellular computers that can, for…...



Brumfiel, G (March 29, 2013) Tiny DNA Switches Aim to Revolutionize 'Cellular' Computing. NPR. 

Lovgren, Stefan (2003-02-24). Computer Made from DNA and Enzymes. National Geographic. 

Heaven D (02 April 2013) DNA transistors pave way for living computers Newscientis

Strain D (June 2, 2011 ) Flexible DNA computer finds square roots Science News

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