Big Black Good Man Essays (Examples)

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Big Black Good Man Is a Story
Pages: 6 Words: 1841

Big Black Good Man is a story by Richard right which was published in 1958, three years before his death. The story is a part of Eight Men which is a collection of stories. It has themes of alienation, fear and suspense which is fiction of right. This story is well-known in all parts of the world and is also included in The Art of the Tale: An International Anthology of Short Stories which is shortened by Daniel Halpern in 1987.
The Story Big Black Good Man demonstrates hatred by a white American to black American sailor who comes to stay at a hotel of white American. The hatred caused was a result of size, blackness and loudness of black American. Thus, story reflects true racism caused between the two i.e. white American and black African-Americans (Sanders 98).


The story revolves mainly around Jim, a black American and Olaf Jenson, a white…...


Work Cited

Gelfant, Blanche and Graver, Lawrence. Columbia Companion to the 20th Century American Short Story. NewYork: Columbia University Press, 2004. Print.

Sanders, Ronald. Richard Wright Then and Now. Black World/Negro Digest: Vol. 18, No. 2. Johnson Publishing Company, 1968. Print.

Ward, Jerry and Butler, Robert. The Richard Wright Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2008. Print. Page 112.

Wright, Richard. Big Black Good Man. Literature; Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Boston: Thompson Heinle, 2004. Print.

Big Black Good Man One
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Men always asked for whisky and a woman, but this case was different. Olaf was most likely thinking about the stereotypes that black men were more sexually potent and had greater prowess. Who could handle im, "but this one is big," Olaf found himself saying" (100). Lena could not understand why he asked that question, since "You never asked me that before..." Her response was "He's just a man," which was not what Olaf saw. He did not see a man. He saw a "black mountain of energy, of muscle, of bone..." (101)
Olaf was especially afraid of this energy and muscle, because he was anticipating that it would be inflicted against him. Not all blacks were violent, he thought, but given this nonhuman's "booming voice" and physical strength, he's "probably too violent to boot...There was something about the man's intense blackness and ungamely bigness that frightened and insulted..." (96).…...


Jim's reaction to this whole situation adds ironic humor to Wright's story. He immediately senses Olaf's fear, which was so evident, and plays on it. He probably has a good laugh about the absolute fear that Olaf feels when being measured for the shirts. Jim could have easily said, "I sell shirts and would like to give you some. Let's check out your size," but refrains from doing so. He has seen prejudice his whole life and is reacting in his own way, as Olaf does. That is why Jim returns to the hotel with the shirts, which were not necessary to purchase. He wants to give Olaf that last dig. He wants to show Olaf that he is a good man, regardless of being white or black.

Olaf, who has to be told something over and over again until he gets the point, if he gets it all, finally calls "thanks," when everything sinks in. Then, Jim gets in the last word "Daddy-O, drop dead...(109). At this point, Olaf will learn from this lesson and recognize his bigotry or he will just chalk Jim's comment up as another example of black violence. Given Olaf's personality, it is not too difficult to know what happens.

Wright, Richard. "Big Black Good Man," in Eight Men, 93-109. New York: Thunder's Press, 1987.

Big Black Good Man
Pages: 3 Words: 933

Richard right was one of the most controversial writers of his time. He wrote about life as an African-American Man. In many cases he sought to teach white America a lesson about blacks through his novels and short stories. rights most popular work was the novel Native Son, however he also wrote several short stories. Among these was the story Big Black Good Man published in 1958. The purpose of this discussion is to examine the themes that are used throughout the story. The discussion will examine the location, time of year and how the story reflected the racial and ethnic composition of the main characters.
Throughout the story right uses humor to set the tone and to develop the characters. One of the main characters in the story is Olaf Jenson, a white Danish night clerk of a boarding house. The other main character is Jim, a black Sailor from…...


Works Cited

Butler, Robert J. 1995. The Critical Response to Richard Wright. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT.

Gounard, Jean-Francois., Beranger Jean F., Rodgers, Joseph J. Jr.1992. The Racial Problem in the Works of Richard Wright and James Baldwin Greenwood Press.; Westport, CT.

Judging a Book by Its
Pages: 5 Words: 1360

This is revealed at the end of the story when Olaf realizes that Jim never intended to kill him but simply do something nice for him. It is interesting to note that while Jim drinks and spends time with prostitutes, he is the one that offers a nice gesture toward Jim. Olaf would appear to be the nicer of the two men, given that he does not drink and carry on like Jim does. Olaf seems nice and keeps most of his thoughts to himself; this is precisely why we should not trust him. Jim might be perceived as the more aggressive and frightening of the two because he towers over six feet tall. right uses these images to illustrate how looks can, and usually are, deceiving. right keeps us guessing about Jim until the end of the story; he leads us on with Olaf's thoughts and fears.

The heart…...


Works Cited

Alsen, Bernhard. "Richard Wright." African-American Authors. The African-American Experience Resource Database. Information Retrieved December 03, 2008. 

Ellison, Ralph. Modern American Literature. Vol. III. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1969.

Marshall, Margaret. Modern American Literature. Vol. III. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1969.

Spiller, Robert. Literary History of the United States. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1974.

Seeing World Another Perspective Half a Day
Pages: 2 Words: 571

Seeing orld Another Perspective." "Half a Day" Naguib Mahfouz "Big Black Good Man" Richard right "A Very Old Man Enormous ings" Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Particularities have always served as a tool for discrimination, given that the contemporary society has grown accustomed to treat people on account of their background and depending on the way that they look. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 1955 short story "A Very Old Man ith Enormous ings" puts across an episode in the life of a Hispanic community that has come to express its discriminatory and exploitative nature consequent to encountering a distressed creature. The Native American saying "Never criticize another until you have walked a mile in his moccasins" partly explains Garcia Marquez's account. Fueled by folklore and as a result of seeing the opportunity to make easy money, the Pelayo and Elisenda do not hesitate to take advantage of the angel's state of decay, regardless…...


Works cited:

1. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. (1955). "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings."

Black Films as a Reflection
Pages: 10 Words: 4019

The Aftermath

Uncle Tom characters were common in both white and black productions of the time, yet no director before Micheaux had so much as dared to shine a light on the psychology that ravages such characters. By essentially bowing to the two white men, Micheaux implied that Old Ned was less than a man; an individual whittled down to nothing more than yes-man and wholly deprived of self-worth. At this point in the history of black films, with some of the most flagrant sufferings of blacks exposed to the American public, the only logical path forward that African-Americans could take was to begin making cogent demands to improve their collective social situation.

Slowly, black characters in film took on greater and more significant roles in film. Sidney Poitier was one of the most powerful film stars of the mid twentieth century. In roles like the 1950 film by director Joseph L.…...


Reference List

Finlayson, R. (2003). We Shall Overcome: The History of the American Civil Rights

Movement. Lerner Publications Company, Minneapolis, MN.

King, Jr., M. And Jackson, J. (1963). Why We Can't Wait. Signet Classic, New York,


Black Elk's Journal
Pages: 5 Words: 1717

Black Elk's Journal
The offering of the pipe

Black Elk believes himself as a symbol of his tribal values. According to him, he embodies the spiritual forces which have been bestowed upon him by the superiors of his tribe. In the first chapter, he has mentioned how the sacred pipe came to his tribe and the values borne by it.

"Behold!! She said. "ith this you shall multiple and be a good nation. Nothing but good shall come from it. Only the hands of the good shall take care of it and the bad shall not even see it." Then, she sang and went out of the tepee; and as the people watched here going. (Niehardt 3)"

In most of the religions of the world, there is always a character who is message bearer. It is amazing to see this similarity in the tribal history of Black Elk as well. The cow who turned…...


Work Cited

Niehardt, John, G. Black Elk Speaks, The Life History of the Holy Man of Ogalala Sioux. 1932. Print.

Bigger Thomas's Descent Towards Being
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

Tracing these developments in the novel, the succeeding discussion illustrates the character transition of the protagonist through his relationships and interaction with other characters in the novel.
As a discriminated individual, Bigger had learned not to expect more from his community and society, limiting his dreams in life by earning just enough money to allow him and his family to eat for a day, as well as provide for some basic needs. right provides a glimpse of Bigger's psyche, which explained why his behavior and attitude towards life was full of bitterness and limitations (13):

He hated his family because he knew that they were suffering and that he was powerless to help them. He knew that the moment he allowed himself to feel to its fullness how they lived, the shame and misery of their lives, he would be swept out of himself with fear and despair. So he held…...


Works Cited

Wright, R. (1966). Native Son. NY: Harper & Row.

Black Church the Redemptive Role
Pages: 50 Words: 16899

It will use historical evidence to examine the role of the church is a spiritual entity. It will examine the role of the church as a political entity throughout changing political landscapes. It will explore the role of the church as a social service provider with regards to the importance of this role in helping black people to redeem themselves in light of historical cultural atrocities that they have faced.
esearch Questions

In order to examine that topics of interest un this research study the following research questions be addressed.

1. How has the black church served as redemptive force in helping the black people to heal?

2. What factors served as a redemptive force in helping the image of black people in the black church to improve?

3. How has a black church helped black communities to regain and maintain their self-sufficiency?

4. How has the black church served as a means to identify…...



Primary Sources

Aaron. (1845), the Light and Truth of Slavery. Aaron's History: Electronic Edition. Retrieved June 19, 2010 from 

Adams, John Quincy. (1872). Narrative of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Retrieved June 19,

2010 from

Conception of the Good One of the
Pages: 6 Words: 2023

Conception of the Good
One of the most critical and central aspects to human activity has presumably been the search for a good life and happiness. In attempts to understand and explain the quest for a good life and happiness, various philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Augustine have tried to explain the conception of good. Most of these philosophers have carried out their work in Athens, which is a great city that marked the pinnacle of the careers of these philosophers. Socrates was one of the philosophers from Athens who considered philosophy or the love of wisdom as a sacred path that should not be taken lightly. Plato was Socrates famous student who reconstructed some of Socrates' writings or discussions and describe him as the best of all men. On the contrary, Augustine was a philosopher from North Africa who received Christian education and went through a progression of philosophical…...


Works Cited:

"Augustine: On Evil." Great Philosophers. Oregon State University, 2002. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .

Boeree, C.G. "The Ancient Greeks, Part Two: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle." Shippensburg University. C. George Boeree, 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .

Payne, W.R. "St. Augustine." Bellevue College. W. Russ Payne, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .

"Plato." Crandall University. Crandall University, 12 Sept. 2012. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .

How the Media Portrays Black Males
Pages: 5 Words: 1988

Media Forms
The media has a significant influence not only on individuals but also on the society as a whole. Media representations are not merely an echo and emulate of society but rather they are highly discerning and fabricated portrayals. It is the capability of these representations to form and structure our awareness of the world, which is taken into account in this paper. One important aspect that can be shed light on, is the representation of the minority groups or disadvantaged groups in the media (Sanson et al., 2000). This is particularly of great importance since the issues of discrimination and racism have historically and even today been deemed high-profile subject matters. It is imperative to point out that the roles in which these minority groups are portrayed and represented in the media have a tendency of emphasizing stereotypes about them (Sanson et al., 2000). The focus on this particular…...



Dubriel, J. G. (2006). The television portrayals of African-Americans and racial attitudes.

Moore, K., Jewell, J., & Cushion, S. (2011). Media representations of black young men and boys: report of the REACH media monitoring project.

Punyanunt-Carter, N. M. (2008). The perceived realism of African-American portrayals on television. The Howard Journal of Communications, 19(3), 241-257.

Sanson, A., Duck, J., Cupit, G., Ungerer, J., Scuderi, C., Sutton, J. (2000). Media Representations and Responsibilities: Psychological Perspectives. The Australian Psychology Society.

Revelations From Men Seeking Women
Pages: 8 Words: 2014

Age, race open. I'd like to chat so if you're interested.
M4W: Are you ready to truly be happy? Me too...glad I found you - (Almost) 39

Are you looking for a man to treat you like you have never been treated before? Do you want a man who can't wait to hurry and get home to you at the end of the day and wrap his arms around you like he is never going to see you again? Do you want a man you know you can trust never to let you down and know you can always turn to him for anything no matter how big or how small?... I am looking for my forever, not just sex or a one night stand... A man who will always be there for you 24/7 well then I am glad we found each other.... I look forward to spending the rest…...



Buss, David M.. (1999). Evolution of Desire. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at

Conklin, Ellis E.. "Board With Her Love Life North Bend Woman Advertises Big in Search of a Relationship." Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, WA), November 19, 1998. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at 

Craigslist, Inc. (2000-2008). BusinessWeek. The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. Retrieved October 15, 2008, at 

Guidelines, Professors (2008) Class Handout

Man Racism Isn't an Inborn
Pages: 2 Words: 677

There are costs to bearing and believing in such a secret.
These costs are manifested in many ways. There are the psychosomatic costs Jesse endures, his impotence, his weakness around the black boy in the jail, his tremors at the thought of Otis, "Now the thought of Otis made him sick. He began to shiver." There are also the psychological costs that Jesse is plagued by, the self-delusion associated with believing racism is moral, the mental anguish, and the constant struggle over whether he can trust his coconspirators, "They were forced to depend on each other more and, at the same time, to trust each other less" (Baldwin). What Baldwin is underscoring with these psychological and psychosomatic burdens is that the path Jesse has followed, a path of racism and discrimination, has led him to a very troubled existence.

Baldwin wants the reader to understand that proponents for a Jim Crow…...

Man Intended to Present a Set of
Pages: 5 Words: 1414

Man" intended to present a set of ethical and moral rules that would help a man vindicate the ways of God instead of criticizing the same. It was written in the neoclassical tradition which favored reason over blind passion and emotional restraint over enaissance obsession with excessive expression. It is more in line with John Milton's Paradise Lost where theme and central Christian beliefs are concerned. While "Essay on man" may not be inherently Christian, it does promote ancient Christian assumption that man sinned once and the burden of that original sin stays with man throughout his life. For this reason, he needs to work even harder to exonerate himself and achieve salvation.
The most controversial line in the Essay claims that "one truth is clear, 'Whatever IS, is IGHT'" (I. 1.294). This line appears to suggest that morality and ethical rules are useless, since whatever happens for example, rape,…...



1) Pope, Alexander. "An Essay on Man." Ed. Gordon N. Ray. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1969.

Black Elk Speaks Being the Life Story
Pages: 5 Words: 1574

lack Elk Speaks: being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux
This book is about the life and development of an Indian medicine man, lack Elk. From a historical perspective the life of lack Elk is significant as he was present at the famous he attle of the Little ig Horn and he survived the Wounded Knee Massacre1890. lack Elk is also an important figure as he represents the Sioux people as a holy man or medicine man. The cultural as well as the spiritual aspects of the story of lack Elk also provides the modern reader with insight into the culture of the American Indian.

This book also has a message for the modern person living in a world such as ours, where war, poverty and other problems such as climate change have caused humanity to look at other cultures and views of life for inspiration…...



Black Elk Speaks: being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux. Web. 7 Nov.

2011. (

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