Biblical Worldview Essays (Examples)

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Biblical Worldview and God
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Biblical Worldview: How Genesis 1:26-27 Affects My Choice of Professions
A belief that is foundational to the Christian faith is that people are made in the image of God as explicated in Genesis 1:26-27. Given this centrality, it is reasonable to posit that this biblical worldview also affects Christians' choices of professions in varying degrees. To gain some fresh insights into this issue, this paper provides an explanation concerning how this belief affects my relation to people in my chosen vocation of foster parent and group home director, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning this biblical worldview in the conclusion.

The unique status of humankind is clearly established early on in the Old Testament in the Genesis 1 account. For instance, the New International Version (NIV) of Genesis 1:26 states that:

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may…...



Blatt, Susan Mcnair. A Guidebook for Raising Foster Children. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 2000.

Peterson, Anna L. Being Human: Ethics, Environment, and Our Place in the World. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001.

Biblical Worldview
Pages: 3 Words: 985

An educator who possesses a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education means that the instructor views life, life’s purpose, and all of history from the standpoint of the Christian religion. For such an instructor, the Incarnation is the most important moment in all of history, because it is the moment in which God became Man and the beginning of the redemption of mankind was initiated. The biblical worldview incorporates into such a teacher’s perspective the Old Testament conception of human nature: the fall of man, through the first sin; the loss of the kingdom of Heaven; the consequence of sin being sickness and death; and the longing for eternal companionship with God, the Creator of all things. This worldview and the Christian philosophy which goes with it, provides one with a path to moral education as well: it allows one to inform the character and grow in accordance…...

Biblical Worldview
Pages: 3 Words: 972

Paul's epistle to the omans offers a thorough framework for what would become the Christian worldview. In omans, Paul outlines core themes related to the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. The way Paul delivers the message that became the heart of Christian doctrine was to present not a systematic theology, but a reasoned outline of why the teachings of Christ offered something new and potentially meaningful.

One of the themes in omans, and particularly in the first several chapters, is Paul's view of the natural world. In omans, Paul spends a good deal of time on the nature of creation and the human relation to it. As of omans 1:3, at the start of the letter, Paul is already referring to Jesus's "earthly life," thus focusing on the physicality of Christ and linking Jesus to the natural world. Paul understands that much of his audience will be skeptical;…...



Bible: NIV

Ellis, J. (2012). The Christian worldview and Romans. The Power of Grace. Retrieved online: 

Frank, B. (2013). Christian worldview. Retrieved online: 

West, C. (2013). Biblical worldview essay. Retrieved online:

Biblical World View Contrast the
Pages: 3 Words: 955

In this way, it has a consistency since, not measuring itself against fluctuating essences such as physics, biology, psychology, and the other sciences; it asserts that existence can be gauged only by the human's reaction and response to his own existence. And that each human has to work out for himself how to live his life (Flynn, 2006).
On the other hand, existentialism can be inconsistent since, history seems to indicate that it has often followed the fashion of the moment and country. There have been times when existentialism has been more Christian (such as with Kierkegaard) and times when it was not only atheistic but contra- religious too (e.g. Nietzsche). These moods seem to correspond with the religious mood of the moment. 'Authenticity' it seems has been defined by the social, historical, and political aspects of the country and moment. In that way, existentialism could become Christian (Kierkegaard or…...



Flynn, T., 2006. Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Harrison, P., 2004, Elements of Pantheism; Religious reverence of nature and the universe, Coral Springs, Florida: Llumina Press, 2nd edition.

Kuhn, T (1962) the Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press

Analyzing Biblical Worldview Romans 1 8 Teaching
Pages: 4 Words: 1456

iblical Worldview: Romans 1-8 Teaching
My analysis of Romans chapter 1-8 will cover the following areas of interest; culture, the natural world, human relationships, and human identity. Paul was inspired to write the book of Romans by the fault line, an obvious crack in the Roman society and culture which Paul adopted in framing his letter to the Romans. My view of the world is that, the sins the Romans committed since the days of Paul have not stopped even today (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I think we can learn an important lesson from Paul's letter to the Romans in that, Rome at that time was suffering severe moral decadence and the society we have today has been ravaged by total moral decay just like Rome. In my opinion, the society generally is not likely to change and that every individual needs some kind of divine intervention and revelation and salvation to be…...



BibleGateway Romans 1-8"BibleGateway Romans 1-8." Accessed April 14, 2016 from .

Jackson, Christopher. "Worldview essay on romans chapters 1-8."2014. Accessed April 14, 2016 

Piper, John. "The Mighty and Merciful Message of Romans 1-8." 2002. Accessed April 14, 2016 

Turner, Eddie. "A Christian's worldview from Romans 1-8." 2015. Accessed April 14, 2016

Biblical Worldview Church
Pages: 4 Words: 1327

The Bible implores young people to be leaders in their spiritual communities, for youth can be the pallbearers of faith. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity," (1 Timothy 4:12). For a church to remain relevant for today's youth, it must actively communicate with young people using the symbols, language, and activities that the current generation appreciates and understands. The challenge is to retain core church values while still packaging traditional Biblical truths in new ways. In other words, churches need to be careful not to sacrifice core values, but to always help young people see how faith and service are important parts of spiritual growth, social functioning, and overall health and happiness.

The church I currently attend does a good job of keeping young people active and interested…...



Huizenga, D. (n.d.). Is church relevant? Ignite Your Faith. Retrieved online: 

Taylor, J. (n.d.). Top ten reasons the church is losing our youth. Justin Taylor: Between Two Worlds. Retrieved online: 

"Why Young Adults are Leaving the Church." Relevant Magazine. Retrieved online:

A Biblical Worldview in Finance
Pages: 6 Words: 1853

The Bible and Financial Concepts Introduction
The Bible is quite clear on how one should orient oneself in this life towards Heaven and pursuing the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33). However, in the financial world of today, this orientation can easily be lost as secular goals replace spiritual ones. This paper will address the issue of profit maximization, insider trading, and how to convert a sinner from a Biblical perspective to show why orienting oneself towards the Heaven is so important for one’s spiritual life.
Part I
Profit maximization by itself is an inappropriate goal because it is not connected to the moral or spiritual purpose of life, as indicated in Matt. 16:26: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” One who dedicates his life simply to storing up riches for himself…...

Discussion thread using Biblical Worldview
Pages: 2 Words: 606

LITEATUE EVIEW Discussion Thread: Literature eviewA literature review is an unbiased, personal, and informative synopsis of the information published in an area of study (Winchester & Salji, 2016). Literature reviews help a researcher identify gaps in literature, add to the existing body of knowledge, or apply the insights provided in the literature to solve a problem. This assignment demonstrates each of these concepts from a biblical worldview.Gaps in literature are pieces of insufficient or missing information in the literature that provide a rationale for conducting research. They are the unexplored or under-explored areas in regard to a given character, sample or population, methods of data collection and analysis, or research variables (Winchester & Salji, 2016). For instance, a review of the book of 1st Samuel reveals a gap in the character of Samuel. In 1 Samuel chapter 3, God calls Samuel as a young boy and attests him as his…...


References McCracken, R. (2014). Mind the gap: Guidelines for gaps in biblical narratives. Bible Study.   C. L., & Salji, M. (2016). Writing a literature review. Journal of Clinical Urology, 9(5), 308-312. Winchester,

Worldviews Remification of Worldviews Mortimer J Alder an
Pages: 2 Words: 640

emification Of Worldviews

Mortimer j.Alder an American philosopher an intellect and a person of remarkable wisdom did not believe that education should be determined by social engineering but unchanging standards of truth.

What Alder was trying to say?

Mortimer Alder in his statement "more consequences for thought and action follow affirmation of denial of God than from answering any other basic question" was trying to point out an argument about existence of God, he tries to point out that it is important to understand the issues that surrounds the seriousness of the truth that are made and the amount of evidence required to make conclusions. Since belief in atheism could possibly result in irreparable consequences, therefore the theist should be given chance to produce concrete evidence to support their position. He tried to say that atheism simply evades the test of evidence with their fingers crossed and they hope that they do…...



Blaise Pascal (2010) philosophy of Religion.

Phillips, W.G., Brown, W.E. & Stone Street, J. (2008). Making sense of your world: A biblical worldview.

(2nd Ed.). Salem, WI: Sheffield Publishing Company

biblical'scholarship and interpreting archaeological evidence
Pages: 4 Words: 1295

Article : Niels Peter Lemche and Thomas L Thompson, Did Biran Kill David? The Bible in the Light of Archaeology Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 64 (1994) pp 3-22.Lemche and Thompson establish themselves as minimalsts, and offer a harsh critique of the methods used by Israeli archaeologist Avraham Biran upon presenting his findings of the Tel Dan bytdwd inscription. According to Lemche and Thompson, Biran leapt to conclusions about the connection between the inscription and the Bible and distorted its significance in order to promote a fundamentalist reading of the Bible, (5). Moreover, the authors claim that Biran manipulated both the scholarly and the popular media into buying into his assertion that the inscription proved that David was a historical figure and that the Bible was therefore substantiated as historical fact.The first claim Lemche and Thompson make is that the inscription is far removed both chronologically and…...

Worldviews of Americans in the
Pages: 1 Words: 323

The Puritans and early 19th century Americans also tended towards a pessimistic view of the world: the physical body and the physical universe were perceived as being inherently evil in conjunction with the concept of original sin. Death was therefore viewed as liberating. Because of westward expansion, 19th Century Americans cultivated more utopian visions and were generally more hopeful about the future of the United States. Furthermore, the Puritans lived outside the confines of the nation-state so their attitudes toward human life and politics differed from that of 19th century Americans.
Ethics in Puritan New England and in early 19th century America were rooted in Christian beliefs. The Puritans laid the foundations for a normative ethics that closely followed the Biblical commandments. 19th century Americans would conveniently override Biblical ethos when it came to the treatment of slaves and Native Americans and therefore both Puritans and early 19th century Americans…...

Understanding Worldviews
Pages: 4 Words: 1153

A comprehensive framework of one's basic beliefs about things and their relationships, a worldview addresses a stance that one believes is critical and fundamental about the world (Downers, 2008)

According to Phillips (2008) a worldview is an explanation and interpretation of the world and it involves application of this view of life, in simple terms worldview is a view of the world and a view for the world.

Why am I living?

According to Kennedy (2010) God placed a living soul into a lifeless human body; this tells us that man is more than the offspring of primeval animals. Man is created with unique and vast higher nature inside the mortal is something immortal. God introduced a form of life into the human organism which is soul. Soul is eternal, does not breath air, drink water or consume food it is sustained entirely by the design and will of God and will…...



Downers Grove, (2008) the transforming vision, shaping a Christian world views.

Kennedy Raggio, (2010) I am here for a reason retrieved from

Phillips, W.G., Brown, W.E. & Stone Street, J. (2008). Making sense of your world: A biblical worldview.

Christian Worldviews and Biblical Tenets
Pages: 4 Words: 1346

worldview is a "mental model of reality -- a framework of ideas & attitudes about the world, ourselves, and life, a comprehensive system of beliefs," (usbult, n.d.). Each person views the world through the lenses created by personality, parental and peer influences, the media, culture, and a host of other internal and external forces. While worldviews can change over time, generally they can remain static throughout one's lifetime, especially when one grows up in a tightly knit or traditional community. A worldview shapes one's outlooks and beliefs to extent that it impacts political opinions, moral views, relationships, and behaviors. A clash in worldviews can create serious miscommunications and misunderstandings, which is why living in a diverse society like ours can present significant challenges.
Part II

(1) The Question of Origin: The Bible literally begins with the question of origin because "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," (Genesis…...



Bible: NIV

Meyer, R.K. (2003). A comparative analysis of the factors contributing to the biblical worldview of students enrolled in a Christian school. Dissertation: Boyce Digital Library.

Newport, J.P. (1998). The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview. Cambridge: Eerdmans.

Rusbult, C. (n.d.). What is a worldview? Retrieved online:

What the Bible Says About Science and How the Utilitarians Would Have Viewed the Biblical View
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

Biblical Views of Science, Technology, And Business
One of the more difficult aspects of trying to live a biblically-inspired life is that the Bible is, in many ways, a historical document. It was written thousands of years ago and describes events that are, in many ways, very unlike the challenges faced by modern human beings. This is particularly true in the 21st century, when modern science, technology, and business advances seem to be, at times, in direct opposition to the Bible or biblical teachings. That view ignores the basic underlying premise of the Bible, which is that it is both a historical document and a living document. As a living document, it has the ability to grow with the advances of mankind. In fact, it does not actually grow with mankind; on the contrary, as man's understanding expands to encompass more of the universe, as reflected in advances in science, technology,…...



Crampton, W.G. 1997. The biblical view of science. Retrieved September 2, 2014 from The

Trinity Foundation website: 

Fooshee, G. 2014. 10 financial principles that are biblical. Retrieved September 2, 2014 from Back to the Bible website: 

Hibberd, P. Unk. To what extent is utilitarianism compatible with Christian theology? Discuss

Christian World View Ethical Dilemmas of Pornography
Pages: 5 Words: 1595

Ethical Dilemmas: Pornography
Biblically, God requires Christians to please Him in everything they do. Whether it is in secret or overtly, in thoughts or behaviour, Christians have a duty to portray Christ-like behaviour every moment of their life (Hiles & Smith, n.d.). Nonetheless, compliance with biblical teachings is not always as easy as portrayed by the Bible. In the course of their Christian walk, Christians often encounter situations of dilemma. These are basically situations in which it is not exactly clear whether doing something is right or wrong. Such situations especially arise when the Bible does not offer a straightforward solution or when the act in question appears to harm no one. Pornography is one of the issues that may present a dilemma for a Christian. Does the Bible allow pornography? Is engaging in pornography morally right given that it does not harm others? This essay discusses the ethical dilemmas presented…...

How can a kingdom education approach benefit students in today\'s society?
Words: 556

The Transformative Benefits of a Kingdom Education Approach in Modern Society

In the tapestry of education systems, the kingdom education approach stands out as a transformative force, empowering students to thrive in the complexities of today's society. Rooted in biblical principles, this approach fosters holistic development, critical thinking, and a sense of purpose that empowers young minds to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities of the 21st century.

1. Cultivating a Biblical Worldview:

At the heart of kingdom education lies a biblical worldview that shapes students' perspectives on life, the world, and their purpose. By grounding learning in biblical truths, this approach....

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