(Byd and Byd, 1993)
The pocess of healing can be found, fo example, in Luke 13:10-17, which efes to a woman who has been cippled fo eighteen yeas. The healing takes place by the laying of hands on the women by Chist. In John 5:1-18 we have the stoy of a seiously ill man placed at pool waiting fo healing. This episode stesses the impotance of listening to Chist's instuction and the man is healed when Jesus tells him to take up his pallet and walk. The aspect of instuction and counsel in the pocess of healing will also be dealt with in moe detail in the discussion section. The healing though thought is also stessed in Matthew 8:2-4, when Jesus cues a man of leposy.
3.1.2. Discussion
Easton's Bible Dictionay efes the tem healing in the Bible to Ephphatha which is "...the Geek fom of a Syo-Chaldaic o Aamaic wod, meaning "Be…...
mlareferences to healing that may be useful as bibliotherapy to the empowerment of rehabilitation clients. www.highbeam.com/Search.aspx?q=biblical+counseling++%20publication:%5b%22The%20Journal%20of%20Rehabilitation%22%5dThe Journal of Rehabilitation. www.highbeam.com/Search.aspx?q=biblical+counseling++%20pubdate:%5b19930628;19930704%5dJuly 1, 1993
Retrieved Sept 3, 2007, at http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-14567664.html
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible:CHAPTER 12.
Retrieved October 3, 2007, at http://bible.crosswalk.com/Commentaries/JamiesonFaussetBrown/jfb.cgi?book=pr&chapter=12#Pr12_18
Crosswalk Com. Retrieved October 3, 2007, at http://www.crosswalk.com/
Critics have interpreted the love described in these lines not as the love between people, but the love that god has for man and humanity in general. The saintly appearance of the woman is also an allusion to the bible.
Pa Joad is a symbol of the common man who is struggling in a world dominated by sin. The famine and all its terrible consequences are used by the author to suggest the devastating consequences that sin can gave upon the human soul. The salvation is to be found in Jesus Christ who stands as a symbol of a set of values such as love and the sacrifice of the self. Accepting Jesus and these new values will remove sin from one's life.
The relationship that is established between the Joad family and Casy can be considered similar to the one which is created between Jesus and man. On the one…...
Biblical allusions in the grapes of wrath. University of Southern Queensland. Retrieved April 30, 2010 from http://www.usq.edu.au/artsworx/schoolresources/thegrapesofwrath/biblical
Biblical allusions and imagery in Steinbeck's the grapes of wrath. Retrieved April 30, 2010 from http://www.azete.com/view/17194
Bloom, H. The grapes of wrath, Bloom's modern critical interpretation. Young adult. 2006
Coers, D.V., Ruffin, P.D., Demott, R.J., French, W.G. After grapes of wrath: essays on John Steinbeck. Ohio University Press. 1995
Biblical values coespond to the appopiations of things and pinciples deived fom God's chaacte and will, which makes it the only system of efeence that is etenal, flawless, and standad. As such, these values must look upon the ingedients of which the attitudes, actions, and ministy itself is constituted as well as the objectives which ae aimed fo. Thus, it is undestood that a ministy must be thooughly biblical in the sense that this is accepted as the only petinent way fo God to be pesent within the congegation. Howeve, the tanscending of pactical puposes into ideology is needed and this is whee philosophy is able to espond. Although, by studying that which is woldly, man can accumulate easonable knowledge in elation to the existence of ou wold, the univese, and the values upon which these ae built, this in itself is not enough. Futhemoe, although geneal insights can lead…...
mlareferences, ministries can structurally organize themselves to maintain the basic functions of the church such as these appear to derive from passages in the bible. These primarily functions are to evangelize which is to outreach people outside churches, to encourage those within the church by strengthening their belief and affirming the ministry's position, to reach God through the intermediary of prayers and worship, and to teach by means of addressing the Bible. In relation to these functions, the philosophical foundations help define God's purpose for all that which is worldly and for life itself. Furthermore, philosophical foundations of ministry address the mission of churches and the motivation for living and working in accordance and for the fulfillment of objectives. The importance of philosophical foundations resides in that God, as the only known reality, has created man and that man, therefore, is similar to God. Through divine revelation, knowledge is build upon and that divine revelation comes about as a result of ministries around the world. Ministries then resolve to deal with specific areas that maintain a balance between the underlying, universal mission of the Church and the means by which the former is achieved.
Reference List
Easley, Michael J. (2007). Foreword. The measure of a healthy church: How God defines greatness in a church. By Gene E. Getz. Chicago: Moody Publishers.
Hull, Bill. (2007). The disciple-making pastor: Leading others on the journey of faith. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Biblical foundation is of utmost important for a practicing Christian in today's tenuous, and arduous, times. There are several different sources that acknowledge the fact that "the truth of the Bible is applicable to every area of a person's life: to every sphere of society, to every aspect of creation" (Fey, no date). The Bible helps to provide the word of god in a relatively unadulterated form. As the preceding quotation suggests, the knowledge contained within this book helps to provide a degree of truth that transcends a variety of facets of life itself. Therefore, the relevance of the Bible will be discussed in this document in terms of its relevance to Christian philosophy and worldview, to the truth about society, to the roles of the teacher and the learner, and in the roles of society, government, church and family in the development of curriculum.
In terms of a Christian worldview…...
Dobson, J. (1992). The Strong-Willed Child. New York: Living Books.
Fey, M.A. (No date). "A Real Foundation." Focus on the Family. Retrieved from http://www.focusonthefamily.com/faith/christian_worldview/why_is_a_christian_worldview_important/a_real_foundation.aspx
No author. (No date). "Romans 12: 2." Bible Gateway.com. Retrieved from http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+12%3A2&version=NIV
Josephson, M. (2011). "Commentary: What is character?." What Will Matter. Retrieved from http://whatwillmatter.com/2011/11/commentary-what-is-character-751-2/
Biblical Counseling
In Effective Biblical Counseling, Larry Crabb shows how church-based and faith-focused counseling provide ideal models for deepening Christian lives and Christian communities. The goal of Christian counseling is not to make people happy, but to spread the word of the gospel by opening minds and hearts to God's word. With serving God as the primary goal of spiritual counseling, Crabb's approach is distinctively Christian and therefore provides a strong foundation for future work.
eframing the counseling process as being oriented toward God is a radical departure from traditional psychology. Traditional psychology serves the ego and the self, not God. Christian counseling serves God first and foremost. Individuals who come to the Christian counselor do so precisely because they need to know how they can serve God better, even if their problems are articulated in more mundane or selfish ways. The Christian counselor's objective is to liberate the person from mundane…...
Crabb, L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
"Personal Integrated Counseling Theory." Retrieved online: http://coltsfankana.wordpress.com/2011/03/30/personal-integrated-counseling-theory/
Turning Wisdom into Wine: Semiotic Analysis of Counseling Words in the ible
A iblical Word Study provides counselors with a deeper understanding of the concepts, tools, and techniques of counseling. This understanding promotes spiritual and psychological wholeness, providing a framework for the client to achieve his or her goals. A Word Study is an engaging and thoughtful process requiring both critical and creative thinking. Taking words commonly used in counseling settings, we search for those words using helpful online databases like the lue Letter ible's. The following Word Study examines two sets of words: those related to counseling in general; and those related to addiction in particular. The Word Study will describe both Old and New Testament usage for the words. The counseling-related words include "counsel," "wisdom," and "help." The addition related words include "wine," "desire," and "restraint." The iblical Word Study is a semiotic exercise that strengthens the counselor's lexicon.
mlaBlue Letter Bible (2012). Dictionary and Word Search for 'avah (Strong's 183). Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15 Nov 2012. < http:/ / www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H183&t=NASB
Blue Letter Bible (2012). Dictionary and Word Search for thel? (Strong's 2309). Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15 Nov 2012. < http:/ / www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G2309&t=NASB
Blue Letter Bible (2012). Dictionary and Word Search for epithyme? (Strong's 1937). Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 15 Nov 2012. < http:/ / www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G1937&t=NASB >
Biblical Preaching
Robinson, Haddon . Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001.
Book Evaluation
For any preacher who finds himself becoming lazy about the preparation of his sermons, Haddon . Robinson's book, Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages, serves as a major wake up call. Robinson does not in any way espouse a lazy approach to preaching. As he states so eloquently, "Thinking is difficult, but it stands as our essential work. Make no mistake about the difficulty of the task. It is often slow, discouraging, overwhelming. But when God calls us to preach, He calls us to love Him with our minds. God deserves that kind of love and so do the people to whom we minister."[footnoteRef:1] Consequently, Robinson confronts the preacher whose sermon preparation relies on "inspiration" instead of preparation. Robinson's argument for expository preaching demonstrates how inspirational preaching does…...
mlaWhat I Will Do Differently
Robinson's book has definitely had an effect on my perception of my role as a pastor. I am now convinced that no pastor should approach the pulpit with anything less than a well-prepared, well-researched, and well-prayed-over sermon. I believe that being lackadaisical about my role as a pastor would be flirting with disaster; therefore, I am convinced that it is essential that all pastors should be diligent to set aside a sufficient amount of time each week precisely for the purpose of preparing their address. This should be any pastor's priority as the pastor's address is the avenue in which he most directly affects the body of Christ. In addition, many members of the body view the pastor as a major representative of God and believe that the pastor's words are divinely appointed by God. Consequently, the assumption that any warm fuzzy feelings or sense of inspiration are sufficient preparation for an address can never truly be appointed by God.
Part of any pastor's sermon preparation should include setting aside a definitive amount of time to get to know his sheep. As Robinson explains, "The letters of the New Testament, like the prophecies of the Old, were addressed to specific assemblies struggling with particular problems. Our expository sermons today will be ineffective unless we realize that our listeners, too, exist at a particular address and have mind-sets unique to them."[footnoteRef:2] Without this type of thoughtful interaction with the church members, no minister can adequately do his job. By getting to know your flock, you will enable yourself to be able to minister to their needs in your sermon. This direct application would certainly be more effectual than a dry sermon that lacks real-life application. After all, is not the purpose of a sermon to draw people (myself as a preacher and my flock) closer to God in all truth and heart and soul? If that is indeed the purpose, than how can a pastor who is a stranger to his flock ever truly please God? [2: (Robinson 2001)]
Views in the New Testament
Besides the Hebrew Bible which mainly refers to the Old Testament, the New Testament also has its views about poverty and social justice. The New Testament majorly makes use of the Christian virtues throughout the whole book with Jesus His disciples being the main mentors. Most of the Christian virtues given by Jesus and the latter seem to be favoring the poor. The prayer that Jesus gave His disciples to recite gives the insight for the need of social justice in the society: "…love your neighbor as you love yourself…" Mark 12:28-34 (Grassi, 2003). This verse indicates that if an individual is rich then he should find a way of making his neighbor be in the same status. This makes the New Testament no different from the Old Testament since this is the greatest commandment that was given to the Israelites. This commandment was given out…...
Grassi, J.A. (2003). Informing the future: Social justice in the New Testament. New York:
Paulist Press.
Malchow, B.V. (1996). Social justice in the Hebrew Bible: What is new and what is old.
Minn: Liturgical Press.
Thus, the inspirational message that has become so important in the Christian community seems somewhat hollow when this story is critically analyzed.
Summary of the Views of Other Authors
Depending on the viewpoint, faith and belief of the individual providing the explanation, the origin and point behind the book of Job there is vastly different. Some view the work in a similar light to that of Viktor Frankl who survived a Nazi extermination camp. Like Frankl, Job is a character that is to be admired and emulated because of his unfaltering belief in his God. Others view the story as a lesson that reveals the nature of God and how the good in one's life can only come from Him whereas each negative event that occurs in life results from influence from Satan.
My Own Interpretation
My view of the work is one of skepticism and criticism. As a work of poetic art,…...
mlaWorks Cited www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=82301691
Glatzer, Nahum N. Essays in Jewish Thought. University: University of Alabama Press, 1978.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=102058543
Gutierrez, Gustavo. On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent / . Trans. O'Connell, Matthew J. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1987.
A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=94250073
The most surprising thing I learned was that I actually had some long-held resentment. Fortunately for me, these resentments were not over any really significant issues, but they were things that held me back. I had always noticed that the most attractive and smartest people seemed to be at an advantage to other people, and I had a hard time struggling with the idea that some people start out with a competitive edge, which others do not have. I seemed to resent these people in general, but there were two specific people from high school that I found myself thinking of in anger. I had actually not responded to a friend request from one of them on a social networking site, though, in hindsight, I realized that, while I perceived that person as being snobby, I could not actually recall any incident where she treated me poorly. I began letting…...
mlaWorks Cited
Adams, Jay. The Christian Counselor's Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973.
Adams, Jay. Competent to Counsel. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.
American Psychological Association. "Controlling Anger before it Controls You." Psychology
Topics. APA. 2010. Web. 9 Apr. 2010.
They can then clearly abandon their idol worship.
(B) Gideon's story remains one of the most relevant ones in the Old Testament. People today are bombarded by an influx of information. This information can lead the individual toward or away from God. Just as the Israelites distanced themselves from God to their detriment, so too have modern human beings neglected their faith in favor of materialism. Discerning the will of God amidst terrible temptations and modern equivalents of idol worship requires similar tests of faith that Gideon presented.
For example, a person can clearly ask of God for proof of His will. The simplest means by which to discern the will of God is via scripture itself. Reading scripture leads to the embodiment of God's will. Often the answers to big and small problems is contained clearly in scripture.
When scripture seems ambiguous, the individual needs to seek solace in the Christian…...
Studies have shown that despite the biblical appurtenance, the evidence of life in Tel-Dan is obvious starting with as early and sixth century BC. Of the utmost archeological importance however is the offering of evidence relative to existence of King David as a real figure, as stated by Jesus, and not just a mythical character, as initially believed by some researchers. The inscriptions found in Tel-Dan mention the House of David and are written in ancient Aramaic. Most of these inscriptions were found in front of the gate complex and the largest of them reveal a size of 32 by 22 centimeters. The stele found was broken by time and past conflicts, but it represents a great value as it is the first laic evidence to suggest the existence of King David. "Although the broken stele raises serious historical problems, it is one of the most important written finds…...
Tel-Dan, Camp S'dei Chemed International, last accessed on June 1, 2009http://www.campsci.com/iguide/tel_dan.htm
Tel Dan, Common Ground, last accessed on June 1, 2009http://www.co-ground.com/common/teldan.html
Tel Dan -- Archeology in Israel, The Jewish Magazine, last accessed on June 1, 2009http://www.jewishmag.com/59mag/dan/dan.htm
Tel Dan Excavations, Word Press, / last accessed on June 1, 2009http://teldan.wordpress.com
Some films ae about myths, some films ae mythic, and some films ae both. Both Cecil B. DeMille vesions of "Ten Commandments" ae both about myths and mythic on thei own. The moal content of the film is coupled with thei content: which is dawn diectly fom Biblical myths.
The animated Deamwoks poduction "The Pince of Egypt" is about the myth of Moses just like the "Ten Commandments" movies. "The Pince of Egypt" does delive a moal message, although one that is milde in tone than eithe of the "Ten Commandments" movies, Kie-lowski's "The Decalogue" o David Hugh Jones' "The Confession." Futhemoe, animation enhances the mythic components of "The Pince of Egypt." Because the film is animated, viewes can suspend disbelief and suende to the powe of myth.
Kzysztof Kie-lowski's "The Decalogue" attains mythic dimensions as a film because of its poweful moal messages. The moal meaning of "The Decalogue" could stand…...
mlareferences, and therefore it is neither mythic or about a myth.
Biblical Interpretation
In religious doctrine, formalism is a process of shifting concepts away from abstract or spiritual principles toward specific objects, structures, dress, languages or diets. It has often been challenged, as to if these ideas are supporting theological beliefs and principles in Christianity. To see their different interpretations requires carefully examining the examples from Jacob, Esau, Laban and the Gibeonites. These elements will illustrate how they are applied and if these concepts are considered to be an acceptable part of divine practices. (Holy Bible New International Version, 2007)
Jacob and Esau
In the case of Jacob and Esau, formalism appears in the form of a birthright. This occurs when Esau believes that he is entitled to be the carrier of Abraham's (i.e. God's) ideas. The problem is that Esau is immoral and will often make up his own interpretations. They are based upon what he wants and the different sins he goes…...
Holy Bible New International Version. (2007). Lebanon, TN: The Gideon's.
Biblical Passage
While replete with theological demands for life and moral requisites, very few passages in the Bible allow for open analysis of Jesus' own position in ethical politics. While the gospels proffer more opportunities for development, Matthew 3:38-45 is the crux of these keyholes into the structure of the Christ. Extolling followers to be like the flawless Christ, this lesson in enemies and love is the foundation of the Christian ethical ideal. In its corollaries to Hebrew texts and historical social mores, the message of radical non-retaliation and call for perfection demands thorough analysis of not only its strengths, but also the conflicts and textual keys that provide its ultimate opacity.
Both the ospels of Matthew and Luke provide illuminating insight into Jesus' teachings, most plainly through the Sermon the Plain in Luke and that of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. Each draw upon the cultural norms of the…...
mlaGuelich, Robert A. The Sermon on the Mount: A Foundation for Understanding. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1982. p. 220.
Weaver, Dorothy Jean. "A Transforming Nonresistance." The Love of Enemy and Nonretaliation in the New Testament. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1992. p. 41.
Dickey, Samuel. "The Revolutionary Attitude of Jesus." The Biblical World, Vol. 50, No. 5. (Nov. 1918.) p. 278.
One of the great things about writing a position paper using the Bible to provide scriptural support is that the Bible is such a large document, full of internal inconsistencies, which means it can be used to support almost any position. This is especially true if you are looking at scripture in isolation, rather than viewing it as an excerpt from a larger book or as part of a cohesive theme. In fact, you might be surprised to discover that the Bible has text that can be used to argue against most of the ideas that we think of as....
Many people are familiar with the word “canon” as it is used when discussing fictional works. It refers to those books or other works that are an official part of the created world, as opposed to those created by others, like fan fiction. It also distinguishes the written word from speculation or theories built on that word, but not directly supported by it. Canon has a similar meaning in Biblical studies of the New Testament. It refers specifically to those books believed to have been divinely inspired and incorporated into the New Testament. This makes Christianity somewhat different from many....
I. Introduction
A. Background information on the topic
B. Thesis statement
II. The Biblical perspective on the origin of language and people groups
A. Creation account in Genesis
B. Tower of Babel story
C. God's role in the dispersal of people and the development of languages
III. Scientific perspectives on the origin of language and people groups
A. Theories on the development of language
B. Anthropological findings on the origins of people groups
C. Possible intersections between scientific theories and Biblical accounts
IV. Christian interpretations of scientific findings
A. Acknowledgment of the diversity of viewpoints within Christianity
B. Discussion on how Christians reconcile scientific theories with Biblical narratives
C. Importance of open-mindedness and critical....
Outline for an Essay on the Origin of Language and People Groups from a Christian Perspective
Establish the relevance and significance of?? the origin of language and people groups from a Christian viewpoint.
State the thesis statement, which should reflect the Christian perspective on the matter.
Body Paragraph 1: The Biblical Account
Summarize the Biblical narrative of creation, including the creation of mankind in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
Discuss the implications of this account for the origin of human language and diversity.
Explore the concept of the Tower of Babel and its impact on linguistic and cultural differences (Genesis....
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