hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities (Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively), who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" (alsh, 2011). In the book written by Dunlap and McCright (the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society) they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles (using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chevrolet. (2012). Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from http://www.chevrolet.com/volt-electric-car/ .
Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming
And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from http://www.epa.gov/climatechange .
Greenercars.org. (2010). Green Driving Tips. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from http://www.greenercars.org/drivingtips.htm .
Trans-Theoretical Model for Health Behaviors
The adoption of a healthier and new clinical behavior consists of multiple factors. The oger's diffusion theory is helpful in adopting specific clinical health behaviors. oger identifies compatibility, relative advantages, complexity, observability, and trialability as the elements that determine a change clinical behavior. (Sanson-Fisher, 2004).
Moreover, the TTM ("Trans-theoretical Model of Behavioral Change") (James & Wayne, 1997 p 38) is one of the most popular theoretical models used to modify a health behavior. The TTM focuses on decision-making with reference to the abilities of an individual rather biological and social influences on human behavior. The paper uses the TTM for the implementation plan for heathier changes of diabetes patients.
Overview of the TTM
The trans-theoretical model of health behavioral changes involves six changes: Contemplation, preparation, pre-contemplation, maintenance, action and termination. In essence, the model assesses the individual readiness to employ a healthier behavior as well providing a process…...
Campbell, J. (2012). Diabetes Empowerment. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 14
(7), 630-634.
James O. P. & Wayne, F. V. (1997) The Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change. American Journal of Health Promotion.12 (1):38-48.
Lach, H.W. Everard, K.M. Hisghstein, G. et al. (2004). Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Health Education for Older Adults. Health Promotion Practice. 5 (1): 88-93.
Behavioral Inoculation and Health Status
Describe an example of behavioral inoculation that is being used currently in the media to bring about change in health status (health behavior). Do you think it will work? Explain.
There are a myriad of behavioral inoculation initiatives and strategies in place today, each highly targeted to a given demographic and psychographic segment of consumers. Of the many in process, the most compelling are those of AIDS prevention and the need for having safe sex. What is particularly effective about these behavioral inoculation programs is the social and cultural context cues they use to create a more effective motivation for behavioral change (Maibach, Parrott, 1995). One of the most powerful aspects of these AIDS public service announcements is the implication of how devastated friends and especially immediate family would be with an unexpected illness and death. Sexually transmitted diseases with lethal consequences (like AIDS) underscore how precious…...
Lee, J.S., & Davie, W.R. (1997). Audience recall of AIDS PSAs among U.S. And international college students. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 74(1), 7-22.
Maibach, Edward and Roxanne l. Parrott. (1995). Designing health messages: Approaches from communication theory and public health practices.
Pfau, M. (1995). Designing messages for behavioral inoculation. Designing health messages: Approaches from communication theory and public health practice, 99-113.
Pfau, M., Bockern, S.V., & Kang, J.G. (1992). Use of inoculation to promote resistance to smoking initiation among adolescents. Communications Monographs, 59(3), 213-230.
" Change must therefore be accomplished by the institution of a strong leadership of just a single individual (Kotter,1996,p.25) .In this case, the person was Ghosn. Change however requires a special team of leaders as well as managers who have a common goal that is communicated succinctly by the team leader. Ghosn therefore "walked the talk" since his leadership style which was transformational, brought real change to the organization.
It is important to note that for any organization to succeed, a balance must be struck between leadership and the management. This is because there can never be any form of transformation without a true leader. All successful organizational transformations are only achieved via the right mix of leadership and management.
Baggaley, B. 2006. Using strategic performance measurements to accelerate lean performance. Cost Management (January/February): 36-44
Cloud, C (2010). Epilogue: Change leadership and leadership development. New Directions for Community Colleges; Spring2010, Issue 149, p73-79,
Baggaley, B. 2006. Using strategic performance measurements to accelerate lean performance. Cost Management (January/February): 36-44
Cloud, RC (2010). Epilogue: Change leadership and leadership development. New Directions for Community Colleges; Spring2010, Issue 149, p73-79,
Elving, W, JL (2005) "The role of communication in organisational change," Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 10 Iss: 2, pp.129-13
Kotter, J.P. (1995), "Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail," Harvard Business Review, March-April, 59-67
Social learning theory states that an individual will learn from others through observation, modeling, and imitation (Bandura & McClelland, 1977). A person's behavior is dependent on the environment they come from and the models they grew up observing. Learning is believed to be a cognitive process that will take place in a social context. The social learning theory is often referred to as a bridge between cognitive and behaviorist learning theories because it covers memory, attention, and motivation. Albert Bandura proposed the theory, and it is one of the most influential development and learning theory. Bandura held to the belief that learning could not be fully accounted for by direct reinforcement. The theory proposed by Bandura was rooted in the traditional learning theory, but it added a social element. He argued that individuals could learn new behaviors and information by observing other individuals. Observational learning is the term he used,…...
Akers, R.L. (2011). Social learning and social structure: A general theory of crime and deviance. Piscataway Township, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Akers, R.L., & Jensen, G.F. (2011). Social learning theory and the explanation of crime (Vol. 1). Piscataway Township, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Bandura, A., & McClelland, D.C. (1977). Social learning theory.
Cherry, K. (2011). Social Learning Theory an Overview of Bandura's Social learning Theory. The New York Times Company.(online article).
ehavioral Therapy vs. Freud's Psychoanalysis
Amazing advances have been made in the treatment of mental illness throughout the years (Merck, 2004). An understanding of what causes some mental health disorders has resulted in a greater sophistication in customizing treatment to the underlying basis of specific disorders. Thus, many mental health disorders can now be treated almost as successfully as physical disorders.
Most treatment methods for mental health disorders are either categorized as somatic or psychotherapeutic (Merck, 2004). Somatic treatments include drug therapy and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapeutic treatments include individual, group, or family and marital psychotherapy; behavior therapy techniques; and hypnotherapy. There are many others, as well
Research reveals that for major mental health disorders, a treatment plan involving both drugs and psychotherapy is more effective than either treatment method on its own. This paper will discuss two treatment methods -- behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis -- in an effort to shed some light into…...
American Psychoanalytic Association (1998). About psychoanalysis. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.apsa.org/pubinfo/about.htm .
Beystehner, K. (1997). Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality. Northwestern University. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/beystehner.html .
Guterman, J. (July 1996). Doing mental health counseling: A social constructionist re-vision. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. American Mental Health Counselors Association. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.jeffreyguterman.com/writing/solution.html .
HealthinMind.com. (2004). Individual Therapies. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://healthinmind.com/english/individth.htm .
The Leadership Style
Leadership Qualities
The Change Process
Change Leadership in emember the Titans
The film is set in the 1970s in April of 1971, during a period in which the United States Supreme Court passed a historic judgment about the issue of state imposed segregation in public schools. Following the judgment in the same year T.C. Williams High School located in Alexander Virginia were racially integrated which serves as the setting on which the film is portrayed. The context of the film is critical to understanding the plot because during these events there was social discord between blacks and whites in America (Titans et al., 2015).
The story begins with the integration of the schools. As a result of the integration, the football teams of the two schools were merged and a new team was formed. Herman Boone was appointed head coach who was chosen by a wining white coach and brought in…...
Hu, J., & Liden, R. (2011). Antecedents of team potency and team effectiveness: An examination of goal and process clarity and servant leadership. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 96(4), 851-862. doi:10.1037/a0022465
Rus, D., van Knippenberg, D., & Wisse, B. (2010). Leader power and leader self-serving behavior: The role of effective leadership beliefs and performance information. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(6), 922-933. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2010.06.007
Titans, R., Yakin, B., Howard, G., Washington, D., Patton, W., & Harris, W. (2015). Remember the Titans (2000). IMDb. Retrieved 19 March 2015, from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0210945/
Transtheoretical Therapy
"Delving deep into the process of change, I want to expose you to the Transtheoretical Approach. Once you have an understanding of this approach we will begin to dig deeper into the stages of change. After all, our clients usually seek our help hoping that we can help them change. Read the article Transtheoretical Therapy - toward a more integrative model of change.pdf. Discuss your thoughts regarding this article. hat information stood out to you as a counselor and how might you apply this in your personal practice?"
Transtheoretical therapy approach was based on a composition of a multitude of different therapy systems in the attempt to integrate them into one comprehensive model that could more holistically allow therapy alternatives based on various conditions. The original model included four primary variables including:
Preconditions for therapy
Processes of change
Content to be changed
Therapeutic relationship
Despite the original variables, researchers used evidence that was collected from…...
mlaWorks Cited
Boston University. (N.d.). The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change). Retrieved from Behavioral Change Models: http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/SB/BehavioralChangeTheories/BehavioralChangeTheories6.html
Chronic illnesses, for instance diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are liable for several deaths that take place in the United States. Primary or causal factors for these illnesses are in general nutritional factors for instance use of tobacco (smoking), poor nourishment, and sedentary living. In particular, this research study attempted to establish the behavioral and medical effect of a therapeutic lifestyle-change intervention on a set of community helpers. The method of the study encompasses 348 participants in a randomized clinical trial between the ages of 24 and 81 years of age. The participants were requested to participate along with their significant other and thereafter randomized as a unit in pairs. The remaining participants were randomized individually as units. This encompassed teaching the participants the significance of making better decisions with reference to their lifestyles. The program results, six months later indicated that the patients had been having better nutrition and had…...
Aldana, S. G., Greenlaw, R., Alberg, A., Diehl, H. A., Merrill, R. M., Thomas, C., Ohmine, S. (2006). The Behavioral and Clinical Effects of Therapeutic Lifestyle Change on Middle-aged Adults. Preventing Chronic Diseases.
Jepson, R. G., Harris, F. M., Platt, S., & Tannahill, C. (2010). The effectiveness of interventions to change six health behaviours: a review of reviews. BMC public health, 10(1), 538.
Life Span and Developmental Psychology
Scientists use three main research designs to study human lifespan development; longitudinal, cross sectional and sequential designs. The longitudinal design involves the study of selected participants repeatedly over a given span of time. This can be over a short time ranging from a few months to a few years, or can be over a long period of time spanning to a decade or more. The advantage that the researchers have in using this approach is that they are able to observe common patterns among the participants as well as differing trends among them in the early as well as late events in their lives. On the other hand, the weaknesses that it has are that there is possibility of distortion of the age related changes occasioned by participants dropping out, the cohort effects and practice effects in the process of the research.
Cross-sectional design is when the…...
MAterial: Berk, L.E. (2014) Development through the Lifespan 6th Ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon (ISBN:978-0-205-95760-6). Retrieved January 9, 2016 from http://catalogue.pearsoned.co.uk/samplechapter/0205491251.pdf
Behavioral Health Changes
Behavioral health, rehab, and detox diagnoses: eimbursement and treatment philosophy
Although mental and physical health statuses are clearly interrelated, mental health diagnoses are treated differently both on a social and institutional level. According to the AHA Task Force on Behavioral Health (2007) one-fifth of patients who suffer a heart attack are also found to suffer from major depression. Depression after a heart attack significantly increases the likelihood of a patient dying from a second attack and mental health issues and heart problems are often co-morbid (Behavioral health challenges, AHA2007:1) However, despite this 'mind-body' connection, reimbursement services have been problematic, particularly for case management services and services provided by non-physicians, but also for more standard forms of mental health care for many patients (Mauch, Kautz, & Smith 2008:2).
Patients with all forms of health insurance have faced considerable obstacles in accessing high-quality mental health care. The privately-insured often have strict limitations…...
ARMS. (2013). MGH-Harvard Center for Addiction Medicine (CAM). Retrieved from:
Barkil-Oteo, A. (2013). The paradox of choice: When more medications mean less treatment.
The Psychiatric Times. Retrieved:
ehavioral iology
iopsychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes through a biological approach (Cooper 2000). Practitioners in this field believe that biological processes may explain certain psychological phenomena, such as learning, memory, perception, attention, motivation, emotion, and cognition, particularly problems and issues connected with these phenomena. iopsychology is also called biological psychology, psychobiology, behavioral biology or behavioral neuroscience (Cooper).
Practitioners in this new field use varied and overlapping fields of study: cognitive neuroscience, which primarily examines the brain to understand the neural workings of mental processes; psychopharmacology, which deals with the effects of drugs on psychological functions; neuro-psychology, which is concerned with the psychological effects of brain damage in humans; behavioral genetics, which deals with behavior and psychological traits; evolutionary psychology, which is involved with how psychological processes have evolved; and comparative psychology, which compares findings among different species (Cooper). The last science centers on ethology, which is the…...
Chudler, E. (2001). Biopsychology. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/introb.html
2003). The Mystery of the Human Brain. The Quest Team. http://library.thnkques.org/TQ0312238/cgi-bin/view.cgi
Cooper, Cat. (2000). Biopsychology. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia. http://www.angelfire.com/az2/MystiCat/biopsychology.htm
Cummings, Benjamin. Behavioral Biology. Pearson Education, Inc. http://biosci.usc.edu/documents/bisc121-fuhrman_11/403.pdf
Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Theories
Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioral Theories
In this paper, there is going to an examination of Cognitive Behavioral and Psychodynamic theories. This is accomplished by focusing on: the two theories, their theoretical concepts, micro skills / techniques and a summary of these ideas. These elements will show how each one can address issues impacting the patient and the long-term effects upon them.
In the world of psychology, there are different theories which are used to explain how someone reacts to various stimuli. The result is that there has been contrasting ideas about the best way to understand human behavior. Two schools of thought which are very popular are the psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches. (Okun, 2008)
To fully understand them requires examining each one. This will be accomplished by focusing on the two theories, their theoretical concepts, micro skills / techniques and a summary of these ideas. Together, these elements…...
Larson, P. (2012). How Important is an Understanding of the Clients Early Attachments. Counseling Psychology Review, 27 (1), 10 -- 18.
Lucia, M. (2012). Therapeutic Activities and Psychological Interventions. Counseling and Psychotherapy Research, 12 (2), 118 -- 127.
Okun, B. (2008). Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques. New York, NY: Brooks and Cole.
Parpottis, P. (2012). Working with the Therapeutic Relationship. Counseling Psychology Review, 27 (3), 91-97
Behavioral Control
The author of this report is asked to define the three levels of behavioral control and why it is important to strike the balance between them. Of course, those three levels, per chapter nine of the suggested text, are culture, rewards and boundaries. Stressing only one (or even just two) of those three dimensions can yield decent to good results. However, pushing all three and in a complementary fashion is the best way to proceed and the suggested text make it very clear why this is the case (Dess, 2009).
Three Levels of Behavioral Control
The three dimensions introduced in the first section of this paper are complemented by four characteristics of any good control system. First, there should be a focus on constantly changing information that has a potential strategic performance. Second, the information in play is important enough to demand frequent and regular attention from all levels of the…...
Dess, G.G., Lumpkin, G.T., & Eisner, A.B. (2009). Strategic management: text and cases (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Lavelle, L. (2002, January 20). Commentary: How Governance Rules Failed at Enron
Businessweek. Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial
Advice. Retrieved October 2, 2013, from http://www.businessweek.com/stories
Behavioral Finance and Analysis of American Financial Crisis
Financial theories are the cornerstone of the modern corporate world. They lay the foundation for most tools used in areas like asset pricing and investment banking. Most theoretical concepts like general equilibrium analysis and information economics are planted in the field of microeconomics. There are several different financial theories based on both consumer behavior, as well as how they impact decisions made by financial managers.
One financial theory that many business managers use is The Modern Portfolio Theory,
or MPT. It suggests how investors use diversification to enhance their portfolios, as well as how to price an asset based on the risk, in relation to the market as a whole. Modern portfolio theory displays the return of an asset as a variable, and the portfolio as a combination of all of the assets. The return of a portfolio is also a random variable and it…...
mlaWorks Cited
Klier, Thomas H. "From Tail Fins to Hybrids: How Detroit Lost its Dominance of the U.S. Auto Market." Economic Perspectives 33.2 (2009), 2-17. Web.
Heakal, Reem, 2008. Macroeconomic Analysis: Retrieved on May 10, 2012 from:
Krumm, Paul, 2007. How Money is Created Retrieved on May 10, 2012 from:
Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm
Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action. Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case. Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them. In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....
Essay Topics on the Recent Childhood Obesity Epidemic
In recent years, childhood obesity has emerged as a significant public health concern, affecting millions of children worldwide. The epidemic has far-reaching implications for both the physical and mental well-being of our children. This essay presents a comprehensive overview of the current childhood obesity epidemic, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
Causes of Childhood Obesity:
Dietary Factors: The consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats contributes significantly to childhood obesity.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and increased screen time have led to decreased energy expenditure and increased calorie intake.
## Road Accidents: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies
### Causes of Road Accidents
Human Factors: Driver distraction, speeding, fatigue, impairment, and aggressive driving.
Vehicle Factors: Mechanical failures, defective components, and inadequate maintenance.
Road Conditions: Poor visibility, slippery surfaces, inadequate signage, and dangerous road design.
Environmental Factors: Weather conditions, visibility, and wildlife hazards.
Technological Factors: Malfunctioning traffic control systems or lack of advanced safety features.
### Consequences of Road Accidents
Human Toll: Injuries, disabilities, and fatalities.
Economic Burden: Medical expenses, lost productivity, property damage, and infrastructure costs.
Social Impact: Grief, trauma, and community disruption.
Environmental Damage: Air pollution, oil spills, and habitat fragmentation.
I. Introduction
A. Definition of Behavioral Analysis
B. Importance of Behavioral Analysis in various fields
C. Overview of a career in Behavioral Analysis
II. Educational Requirements
A. Bachelor's Degree in Psychology or related field
B. Master's Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis
C. Licensing and certification requirements
III. Skills Required
A. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
B. Excellent communication skills
C. Ability to work under pressure and in high-stress situations
IV. Job Duties
A. Conducting assessments to identify behavioral issues
B. Developing and implementing intervention plans
C. Monitoring and evaluating progress
D. Collaborating with other....
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