Behavior Plan Essays (Examples)

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School Behavior Plan for Justin Case
Pages: 9 Words: 1810

School Behavior Plan
Identifying Information

Justin is a male self --contained 8-year-old male pupil in a classroom of 12.1.1. Justin is being managed by a trained paraprofessional, who has skills in behavioral management, however, the paraprofessional does not possess enough knowledge in order to construct a plan. Moreover, Justin has one special education aide and one special education teacher who are interested in implementing behavioral management tool if it does not interfere with the teaching of other students.

Justin is very hypersensitive and always act without thinking. However, he has been identified as having a good heart because he never hurts other kids on purpose. When one of his classmates annoys him, he sometimes pushes or hits him before he remembers that he is not to do such behavior. Moreover, Justin has some reading problem and often refuse to get books that are at his reading level. For example, he will always…...

Emotional Behavior Disorder Patient Positive Behavior Plan
Pages: 6 Words: 1696

unning head: POSITIVE BEHAVIO PLAN FO EMOTIONAL BEHAVIO DISODE PATIENT POSITIVE BEHAVIO PLAN FO EMOTIONAL BEHAVIO DISODE PATIENT. 7Positive Behavior Plan for Emotional Behavior Disorder PatientMental health in children includes various emotional and behavioral disorders. The main problems are obsessive emotional disorder, conduct disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Behavior is the most common form of communication, and most students learn that problem behavior is the most effective form of communication to express their needs. Nathan Mays, a student, has an emotional and behavioral disorder. He lacks peer relationship skills, has poor self-esteem, is about two grades behind in his reading, and is on a math level. When assigned any group project involving math class, Nathan participates in any group activities and makes taking noises about five times during the thirty-minute group project. He qualifies for the IDEA services and has individual education programs for learning and emotional support. When his…...


ReferencesAdair, J. (2009). Leadership for Innovation; How to organize team creativity and harvest ideas. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page,(pp. 96)Billingsley, B., Brownwell, M. T., Lewis, T. J., Maheady, L, & McLeskey, J. (2019). High leverage practices for inclusive classrooms. New York, NY: Routledge. (ISBN-13: 978-1138039186)Levin, J. & Nolan, J., 7th Ed. (2014). Principles of Classroom Management: A ProfessionalDecision-Making Model. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ. (ISBN-13: 978-0-205-62502-4)Parsonson, B. S. (2012). Evidence-Based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies. Kairaranga, 13(1), 16-23.Simonsen, & Meyers. (2015). Chapter 5:Functional Behaviour Assessment. In 2017-2018 MO SW-PBS Tier Team Woerkbook (pp. 93-165)Thompson, J. R., Meadan, H., Fansler, K. W., Alber, S. B., & Balogh, P. A. (2007). Family Assessment Portfolios; A New Way to Jumpstart Family/School Collaboration. Teaching exceptional children, 39(6), 19-25.

Planned Change Lewin's Model of
Pages: 2 Words: 575

The technological environment might be the most important environmental factor for organizational development going forwards. In particular, advances in communication have increased the pace at which business operates today. In addition, the increase in communication speed and intensity has resulted in the evolution of the knowledge economy. hen a company's success depends almost wholly on its knowledge base, organizational development becomes critical to the company's success.

This is because organizational development places specific emphasis on the human resources and organizational culture functions. Talent must be attracted, retained and shepherded in order to achieve long-term success in an information economy. Companies that do not have plans in place to help them foster strong organizational development will struggle to meet the requirements of the information economy as they will lose key people, fail to attract talent, or will have cultures that are incongruent with the dynamism in today's economy.

Another important factor is the…...


Works Cited;

Kritsonis, a. (2005). Comparison of change theories. International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity. Vol. 8 (1) 1-7/ website. (2010). Retrieved May 5, 2010 from

Behavior-Based Safety Bbs Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 2139

7. Fenn, P., & Ashby, S., 2004. Workplace risk, establishment size, and union density. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42, 461 -- 480.

8. Griffin, M.A., & Neal, A., 2000. Perceptions of safety at work: A framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge, and motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, 347 -- 358.

9. Neal, A., Griffin, M.A., & Hart, P.M., 2000. The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior. Safety Science, 34, 99 -- 109.

10. Hechanova-Alampay, R.H., & Beehr, T.A., 2001. Empowerment, span of control and safety performance in work teams after workforce reduction. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6, 275 -- 282.

11. Kaminski, M., 2001. Unintended consequences: Organizational practices and their impact on workplace safety and productivity. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6, 127 -- 138.

Turner, N., & Parker, S.K., 2004. The effect of teamwork on safety processes and outcomes. In J. Barling &…...

Assessing'student behavior and designing plan
Pages: 3 Words: 783

Case Conceptualization-Student Information and Demographics: Emilio Morales, a sophomore at Sylvia Plath High School, is of Latino descent and new to the district.-Presenting Concerns: Emilio\\\'s grades have dropped, he quit writing for the school paper, is sullen and rude in class, and has been hanging out with some so-called popular kids, who may be troublemakers. His teacher and mother are concerned that he may be drinking with them.-Assessment Process: Conduct a thorough assessment that includes information from Emilio, his teacher, and his mother, as well as any available data sources. This will help to determine the underlying causes of his current behavior, including any internal and external contributing factors.-Diagnostic Impressions: Emilio may be experiencing depression and anxiety, which could affect his academic performance and behavior.-Differential Diagnosis: Other related diagnoses may include substance abuse disorder or adjustment disorder, resulting from Emilio\\\'s recent move and difficulties adjusting to the new school environment…...


References:Baruth, L. G., & Manning, M. L. (2016). Multicultural Counseling and Psychotherapy. Taylor & Francis.Dobson, D., & Dobson, K. S. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Guilford Publications.Ligsay, A., Bain, J. M., Veenstra-VanderWeele, J., & Hagerman, R. (2018). Pediatric and Neurological Assessment and Targeted Treatments. Autism Spectrum Disorders, 143.Parritz, R. H., Troy, M. F. (2018). Disorders of Childhood: Development and Psychopathology (3rd Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Sori, C. F., & Hecker, L. L. (2015). Ethical and Legal Considerations when Counselling Children and Families. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36(4), 450-464.

Consumer Behavior - Perception Perception
Pages: 6 Words: 1837

Through the use of better marketing strategies and advertisements that are appealing to the customer, the executives use stimuli to grab the attention of the customer ("Consumers Behavior," n.d.). In most cases, such kinds of efforts by the executives are usually vividly clear and identified by the customers. Furthermore, executives can make better marketing and advertising decisions by understanding that customers are sometimes influenced by indiscernible stimuli which is also known as subliminal message. This is regardless of the fact that a customer only pays attention to few of the stimuli that he/she comes into contact with and usually interprets the messages he/she can recall.

Secondly, perception is important to executives in making better marketing and advertising decisions since it helps in devising marketing strategies. Executives make better marketing and advertising decisions by the use of a perceptual map which helps them to identify the characteristics that customers associate with a…...



Babitski, I.V. (n.d.), What Is Perception?,, viewed 12 December 2010, (n.d.), Consumer Behavior: Perception,, viewed 12 December 2010, (n.d.), Consumer Behavior: Chapter 5,, viewed 12 December 2010,

Behavior Business Management and Organizational
Pages: 2 Words: 621

For example, the fact that I am calm and in control helps me make good decisions based on analyzing the facts of a situation, rather than relying on emotions or factors that cannot be controlled. In my opinion, such characteristics are very important for managers. Also, I am interested in theoretical aspects, in identifying patterns and innovation oriented, which is extremely useful for entrepreneurs. I am logical and critical in work situations, which allows me to correctly assess various situations.
I am systematic, I enjoy making plans, developing schedules and procedures, I have a structured and strategic thinking. These are characteristics that managers must have, given the importance of the planning process within companies. I am interested in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of a situation before making a decision.

However, this type of personality reveals that I must improve my communication skills. This is because I have the tendency to…...

Plan and Develop a Training Program Within an Organization
Pages: 8 Words: 2249

The purpose of this discussion is to provide a Plan and develop a training program within the organization known as AT&T. Human Resource Development The part of human resource management that specifically deals with training and development of the employees. Human resource development includes training an individual after he/she is first hired, providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources that are beneficial for the employee's tasks, and any other developmental activities (Human Resource Development)."

AT&T is one of the oldest companies in the world. Its inception began in 1876, when Alexander Graham ell invented the telephone. Since this time the company has grown tremendously. The mission of the company is to "connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else (Company Information)." At the current time AT & T. is a leading provider of IP-based communications. The company also has the fastest…...



"A Brief History: The New AT&T." Available [Online] 

Ante, S.E., et. al., (2011)Skepticism Greets AT&T Theory. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition) p. B1-2

Bates, R. (2004) A critical analysis of evaluation practice: the Kirkpatrick model and the principle of beneficence. Evaluation and Program Planning. 27(3), 341-347

Company Information. Available [Online]

Planned Method of Student Assessment
Pages: 2 Words: 590

Here, it would be possible to establish a range of categories and subcategories relating to student socialization, academic performance, emotional development, improvement and a host of other crucial learning and developmental areas. The great value in the observational checklist is that it essentially creates a context in which all students are assessed according to the same standards of consideration. This improves the objective veracity of the yielded findings.
Finally, portfolio logs will become possible over the course of a later school year, with the larger sample of completed work allowing for the observation of certain longterm patterns or periods of transition. By taking the time to assess the formulation of these patterns over the course of the school year, the teacher can begin to create a valuable data set through which to observe any number of importance issues relating to strengths, weaknesses, needs and areas of excellence for each student.…...

Plan for Little Whinging
Pages: 7 Words: 2782

psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl, while suffering numerous hardships in his life as a prisoner of war in a Nazi work camp that included being isolated from the rest of the world including his family along with the prospect of facing at the hands of his captors death every day began to question the meaning of his own existence and the meaning of life in general. Frankl eventually came to the conclusion that people derive meaning from their lives as either as result of their suffering, their ability to love another, and their work (Frankl, 1985). A person's work helps them to define a sense of themselves, contributes to their feeling that they are useful, and helps to keep them active (Frankl, 1985; Shacklock, 2006; Waddell & Burton, 2006). These benefits occur at any age; therefore, by continuing to remain in the workforce elderly people can both produce benefits to their…...



Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2006). Retirement and retirement intentions. Canberra: Author.

Beier, M.E., & Kanfer, R. (2013). Work performance and the older worker. Sage Handbook on Aging, Work, and Society, 16, 65-97.

Center for Disease Control. (2012). Older employees in the workplace. In National Center for chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Retrieved September 25, 2014, from .

Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change. Stanford, CT:

Behaviors by Alex Are Having
Pages: 3 Words: 815

Nonetheless, despite Alex's impersonal and intimidating style of management, she has proven to be an effective motivator throughout all aspects of her role in the company, successfully spearheading the rebranding campaigns of two major skin care products while earning promotions along the way. In the 9:00PM section of the case study timeline, the reader is privy to a conversation between Alex's boss Sam Glass and his senior counterpart in the company, and their glowing appraisal of her managerial presence bodes well for her potential for future career success at Landon Care Products, Inc. When Sam Glass says "Alex makes waves, but that's the price you pay for having such a star," he is showing that executive management prioritizes performance and productivity over the personal feelings of low-level workers. By dismissing the concerns voiced by many of Alex's coworkers simply the waves made by star management material, Sam Glass shows that…...

Behavior-Based Safety
Pages: 15 Words: 7492

Fifteen questions used to measure willingness to AC were assembled into a questionnaire designed to examine the personality measures and items regarding employee response to various safety issues, adequacy of safety training, and attitudes toward other safety related issues. The most pertinent questions relating to AC were:
If I know a coworker is going to do a hazardous job, I am willing to remind him/her of the hazards (even if the employee is familiar with the job),

I am willing to warn my peers about working unsafely am willing to do whatever I can to improve safety, even confronting my peers about their unsafe acts.

The responses to these questions, measured on a 5-point Likert scale, were added to attain an AC score. The Likert technique presents a set of attitude statements. Subjects are asked to express agreement or disagreement of a five-point scale. Each degree of agreement is given a numerical value…...


Works Cited

Asfahl, C.R. (1999) Industrial safety and health management, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Coopersmith, S. (1967). The antecedents of self-esteem. San Francisco: Freeman.

Curtis, S.L., (1995) "Safety and total quality management," Professional Safety, Jan., pp.18-20

DiPadova, L.N., and Faerman, S.R. (1993). "Using the competing values framework to facilitate managerial understanding across levels of organizational hierarchy," Human Resource Management, 32(1), 143-174

Individual Development Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1413

Individual Development Plan
My Current State

Strengths: I am an excellent team player and I possess the ability of communicating well with other members of my team and motivate and inspire others towards accomplishment of goals. I believe that through team building, I am able to consistently develop and sustain cooperative functioning relationship with other team members.

I have a characteristic state of acceptance and inflexible assertiveness and thus I can describe myself as a positive thinking personality. I also have a superior conflict management record whereby I am capable of identifying and taking steps to avoid potential circumstances which could lead to distasteful confrontations.

I am also a person of elevated integrity and I believe in honesty in order to implant mutual confidence and trust. This has enabled me to create a culture that promotes high standards of ethics inside me and my team members. With this, I have shown a sense of…...



Berger, D., & Berger, R. (2003). The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Dustin, W. (2005). Lifehack, Your Individual Development Plan. Retrieved from 

Ethan, B. (2012). Example Personal Development Plan. Self-improvement mentor.

Sanghi, S. (2007). The Handbook of Competency Mapping: Understanding, Designing and Implementing Competency Models in Organizations. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Business Plan for an Imaginary
Pages: 16 Words: 5030

There are minor differences in prices, quality, and features of these products. Therefore, consumers can choose those products that best match their current needs. In the new market, Technosoft will need to strive hard for building a strong customer base by producing and promoting innovative technology solutions.
v. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

The bargaining power of suppliers is strong against new and small scale software manufacturers while very low against top market leaders. eason being, large scale manufacturers take advantage of their financial strength and make long-term collaborations with the raw material suppliers in a view to get regular and non-stop supply. On the other hand, small manufacturers can neither make strategic collaborations nor make bulk purchases for getting discount on raw material. As a result, the bargaining power of suppliers increases against these small manufacturers.

Section 3: Marketing Plan

3.1: Potential Target Market

Technosoft specializes in operating system designing and development. Therefore,…...



Bangs, DH, & Henricks, M. (2005). Business Plans Made Easy, 3rd Edition. Irvine, California: Entrepreneur Press.

Cadle, J., Paul, D., & Yeates, D. (2010). Business Analysis, 2nd Edition. Swindon: British Informatics Society

Canzer, B. (2006). E-business: strategic thinking and practice, 2nd Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Daft, R.L. (2011). Understanding Management, 7th Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western.

Business Plan for a Sleep
Pages: 30 Words: 8375

Offered under the same roof are "consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services" which are stated to be provided "by board-certified practitioners in the fields of pulmonary medicine, otolarngology, family medicine and more." (2006)
Smith reports that the laboratories experiencing the most dramatic growth are two which are located the "farthest from the Hillsboro flagship" as they are located in two areas that were "formerly underserved." (2006) Smith additionally reports that the demand is stronger in the areas where the two fastest growing centers are located which supplies "plenty of fuel for expansion."

Smith states that the Sleep Health & Wellness NW is attempting to "fill a gap so that patients who previously were overlooked or not being reached or who fell through the cracks no longer are," she says. "We have no plans to open centers in areas where there are already quality sleep services programs. We only want to go into…...



Inspiration! Sleep Study Results & Analysis (2006) Q&a with Ron Richard, senior vice president of strategic marketing initiatives at ResMed HME Business April 2006. Online at 

Johnson, Duane, PhD (2008) Are you Really Managing Your Sleep Lab? The Business of Sleep. Focus Journal May/June 2008. Online at 

Kay DC, Pickworth WB, Neider GL. Morphine-like insomnia from heroin in nondependent human addicts. Br J. Clin Pharmacol. 1981;11(2):159-169

MacFarlene, James (2009) the Painful Pursuit of Sleep. Sleep Review Journal Jan/Feb 2009. Online available at

How do educators apply psychological perspectives to manage learning behaviours effectively?
Words: 758

1. Educational psychologists play a crucial role in understanding and managing learning behaviors in students. By applying psychological perspectives to teaching, educators can create effective strategies to address various challenges that may arise in the classroom. These perspectives help educators identify the underlying factors influencing behavior, tailor instruction to meet individual needs, and create a positive learning environment conducive to student success.

2. One key psychological perspective that educators often utilize is behaviorism. Behaviorism focuses on observable behaviors and the external factors that influence them. Educators can apply behaviorist principles by using reinforcement and punishment to shape students behaviors. For example,....

How can you leverage your classroom management strengths to address your weaknesses effectively?
Words: 597

Leveraging Classroom Management Strengths to Address Weaknesses

Effective classroom management is crucial for fostering a positive learning environment. While educators possess strengths in certain aspects of classroom management, it is equally important to identify and address weaknesses. By leveraging these strengths, educators can strategically enhance their overall classroom management practices.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Introspection and feedback from colleagues or administrators can help educators identify their strengths and weaknesses. Some common strengths include:

Establishing clear rules and expectations
Fostering relationships with students
Maintaining a positive and supportive classroom climate
Employing effective discipline strategies
Utilizing technology to enhance instruction and communication

Weaknesses may include:


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