Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Basketball
Basketball is not only a sport but a massive cultural institution, both in the United States and abroad. Over the past three decades, the sport has grown exponentially in global popularity, and the representation of basketball players as changed as well. As with any cultural institution of similar influence, it is clear that there are many psychological and sociological effects. Not only is basketball a sport that requires specific psychological traits in order to succeed, but the way in which people perceive the sport and play it is tied to the representations of athletes from the National Basketball Association. This paper examines the psychological traits that are necessary in order to succeed in basketball, and then offers a more specific account of the way in which professional basketball can impact the way people think of basketball as a sport and how they play it.
For years,…...
Dubrow, J.K., & adams, j. (2010). Hoop inequalities: Race, class, and family structure background and the odds of playing the National Basketball Association. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 47(1), 43-59.
Lonsdale, C., & Tan, J.T.M. (2006). On the temporal and behavioural consistency of pre-performance routines: An intra-individual analysis of elite basketball players' free throw shooting accuracy. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(3), 259-266.
May, RAB. (2009). The good and bad of it all: Professional Black male basketball players as role models for young, Black male basketball players. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 443-461.
Stoll, O., Lau, A., & Stoeber, J. (2008). Perfectionism and performance in a new basketball training task: Does striving for perfection enhance or undermine performance? Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9(5), 620-629.
Basketball Game Coverage
If I were to imagine myself as a sports journalist covering a basketball game, I would want to provide coverage for games that take place during "March Madness," a term used to describe a competition among NCAA universities for champion standing. March Madness is an annual event that is as much of a sports tradition as it is a media and journalism tradition.
Covering a game in NCAA March Madness was very exciting and required substantial preparations. It was necessary for me to acquire a press pass. I had to get permission or the "go ahead" from my supervisor to proceed with covering the game. I had to prepare a proposal for travel and hotel expenses. I additionally needed to borrow or purchase or otherwise acquire (legally) the materials I needed to write the story. I covered a Division I Men's Basketball game between Syracuse and Ohio State. I…...
National Sports Journalism Center. (2013). Home. Indiana University, Web, Available from: 2013 March 10.
Sherman, G. (2011). How sports journalists learned to go for the hard tackle. New York Magazine, Web, Available from: 2013 March 10. .
TheJayJones. (2013). Home. One Click Sports Now -- Sports Journalism, Web, Available from: 2013 March 10.
Basketball, more than any sport played on a major scale in America, characterizes the plight of Blacks in their struggle to acquire equality as a race. Basketball has proven to be an area of society where Blacks have not only obtained equality but have managed to demonstrate a remarkable superiority. On the confines of a small competitive surface, Blacks have exhibited their talent, their creativity, and their physical energy.
In his essay, The Black and White Truth about Basketball, author Jeff Greenfield examines this phenomenon. Greenfield does so by basing many of comments on racial stereotypes but, nevertheless, his comments touch home on many levels. Written in 1975, many years before Blacks began to dominate the sport like they have today, Greenfield was prophetic in his comments and, thereby, demonstrating that the stereotypes that he utilized in making his points may not be stereotypes at all but definable facts.
Greenfield argues in…...
mlaPrice, S.L. "Is It in the Genes?" Sports Illustrated 8 December 1997: 54-59.
Riess, Steven A. City Games: The Evolution of American Urban Society and the Rise of Sports. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Motor Development
Coaching Girls Basketball Experiment
The purpose of this experiment was to conduct a muscular fitness test to access the upper and lower body strength of female girls who are on the basketball team. Muscle strength can be thought of as the amount of force that an individual can exert in a single muscle contraction which can be accessed through circuit training. Muscle endurance is also a consideration and refers to the quantity of weight repetitions that can be performed at any given weight. The team's initial level of strength was recorded during various strength training exercises, a strength training routine was performed over a period of ninety days, and finally the team's level of strength was recorded again at the end of the activity.
Assessment of Muscular Strength
The assessment of muscular strength will be measured along four important variables related to strength training. The first will be maximum number of push-ups…...
Scully and Noll dispute that the dispersion of victory could be calculated by evaluating the real performance of a group to the performance that would have happen if the group had the greatest degree of competitive equilibrium in the logic that all players were equivalent in playing potency. A smaller amount of the variation of real association performance and presentation from that of the model league however the better is the level of competitive equilibrium. Which was the most of the Noll-Scully competitive equilibrium calculation the examination a model of sport league of basketball? The league initiated with the final normal season rank. The examination of the diffusion of normal period winning percent by means of equation toward discovering the rank of competitive set of scales that exist inside the league With respect to a good number of the leagues including sample includes including complete history of every association…...
Berri, D.J., Brook, S.L., Frick, B., Fenn, a.J., & Vicente-Mayoral, R. (2005). The Short Supply of Tall People: Competitive Imbalance and the National Basketball Association. Journal of Economic Issues,
Basketball. (2004). In the Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.
Houlihan, B. (1997). Sport, Policy, and Politics: A Comparative Analysis. London: Routledge.
Hu-Dehart, E. (2003). Globalization and Its Discontents: Exposing the Underside. Frontiers - a Journal of Women's Studie.
Motivate N.B.A basketball players
The game of basketball, primarily, involves the continuous struggle of the teams for about 45 minutes in defending their sides, while striking the ball at the demarcated floor, hanging on and throwing efficiently to the basket. The team success is intensified through reducing their faults and making the opponent team to commit errors. Contrary to the game of football, basketball seems to involve many such faults. The opponent team gains scores when the ball is turned over, when a free throw is misdirected, when the team members commit personal errors and leaves the buckets, etc. Giving away opportunities to opponent teams to gain the scores easily mark the failure of the team. (Trace Fields Basketball Handicapping Techniques) Even though it has been laid down that the seasonal success of NBA is determined by victory at least in one championship however, most of the team members of…...
Amico, Sam. (May 1, 2004) "Around the NBA: Amico Report- Marvelous Memphis" Retrieved at Accessed on 17 July, 2004 .
Winning Basketball Philosophy" Retrieved at Accessed on 17 July, 2004
Background to Bee Ball" Retrieved at Accessed on 17 July, 2004
Basketball Coaching Clinic Notes: Wisdom from Great Coaches" Retrieved at Accessed on 17 July, 2004
Killer Bees is a basketball team in a small town in New York named Bridgehampton. The team has only 7 players on the floor of 41 students in the entire school (Energy Team 2004). Yet they rally around their coach to win games against taller, more talented and well recognized players from surrounding communities. John Niles is one of the coaches of the team, who explains the players as dedicated to a single purpose. Based on the descriptions of a high performance team, the Killer Bees fit the bill. They have the right combination of accountability, commitment, and athleticism with each player complementing the skill set of the others (Energy Team 2004).
orking Group
Any high performance team starts out as a working team that is made up of a group of people that have to complete a job. In the case of the Killer Bees, it is the players that make…...
mlaWork Cited
Energy Team. "The Team Performance Curve." 2004. Retrieved from Module 4. Faith.
Killer Bees. Book Extract.
Leadership in Sports Smehra
Leadership Qualities and Characteristics of Successful asketball Coaches
Vince Lombardi once said, "Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will be judged by only one thing -- the result" (Website, 2004). Lombardi is still considered the epitome of the over-achieving coach who wanted nothing but results, and got them through pure grit and determination. In 1958, he started coaching the Packers when they were a 1-10 record team, and within a year, had turned them into the record breaking, double Super owl winning team that has become a legacy in NFL achievements.
Lombardi is just one example of a successful sport coach, still he is a common example given in many leadership seminars, and often quoted by coaches as they determine their own successful leadership styles and systems of coaching. So, what is it that makes a coach successful, and what particular…...
Lombardi, V. Quotes: Winning
Vince Lombardi Website, 2004
Lombardi, V. No1 Speech
Ex-asketball Player" by John Updike analyzes a former high-school basketball's life after he has graduated and introduced to the "real world." "Ex-asketball Player" allows the reader to empathize with Flick Webb, the poem's subject, and see how Flick's life has changed and how it still remains the same. "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden explores similar issues of change and focuses on the sacrifices made in order to live life.
A metaphor of Flick's basketball career can be seen in the layout of Pearl Street where the gas station he works at is located. The layout of the street echoes the movements a basketball player. Like a basketball player would maneuver a basketball court, traversing from one side to the other, stopping to decide his next move before finally taking a shot, "Pearl Avenue runs past the high-school lot,/ends with the trolley tracks, and stops, cut off/efore it has a…...
Hayden, R. (1966). Those Winter Sundays. Collected Poems of Robert Hayden. Ed. Frederick
Updike, J. (1993). Ex-Basketball Player.
Team/Individual Case Study: Select a team individual -Season track progress issues encounter. You choose a team -season makes gather information recent season.
Journal entry 1: The question remains -- will the Louisville Cardinals men's basketball team become a victim of its previous success? It is very difficult to have an equally strong performance for two consecutive years in the NCAA tournament, particularly given the 'one and done' rule which results in such high levels of team turnover.
Journal entry 2: Louisville has had some impressive victories thus far this year but against comparatively weak teams. This may hurt them in the tournament and lead to overconfidence.
Journal entry 3: Everyone celebrated Kevin Ware's fortitude in coming back from the broken leg that he sustained during the Duke semifinal last year. Now it seems he will have to redshirt the season after being re-injured in the leg. Sobering to reflect that sometimes being…...
Cassilo, D. (2014). Louisville's Russ Smith enjoying his encore. Retrieved from:
Greer, J. (2014). Louisville basketball takes care of Temple. Courier-Journal. Retrieved from:
Goodman, J. (2014). Kevin Ware to redshirt season. ESPN. Retrieved from:
The analytics that each of the league's teams marketing departments use also pinpoint the most and least interesting aspects or content (both digitally written and video-based) delivered across the website and microsites. The league marketing teams have also experimented with more interactive experiences with passive spectators, focused experiencers and absorbed identifiers through the use of social media. This also validates the findings of Napoli with regard to the egalitarianism of content in marketing and its role in creating active audiences who become absorbed identifiers over time (Napoli, 2010). The role of social media in any experiential marketing strategy must be predicated on audience participation that is so convincing that it inspires AIDA to be attained in a marketing strategy (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Further, the role of social media can create the strongest of fall links between those evaluating an experientially-driven brand and those that choose to become an active audience…...
Aoki, H.M. (1999). Video marketing generating one success story after another.. Adweek,, 8-10+.
Apostolopoulou, a., & Biggers, M. (2010). Positioning the New Orleans hornets in the 'who dat?' city. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 19(4), 229-234.
Apple, Investor Relations (2012). Investor Relations. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from Apple Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site:
Basheer, a.M.A., & Ibrahim, a.M.A. (2010). Mobile marketing: Examining the impact of trust, privacy concern and consumers' attitudes on intention to purchase. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(3), 28-41.
NBA Lockout 2011
The National Basketball Association (NBA) locked out NBA Players on July 2011. According to the U.S. Professional Sports Market & Franchise Value Report (12), this situation occurred when the owners and players were not able to create a new collective agreement (CBA) before the expiration of the old CBA (Sheridan). This fourth lockout in the history of the National Basketball Association was 161 days long. It started from July 1st 2011 and ended on December 8th 2011.
The reason behind this lockout was unsuccessful negotiations between the owners and players due to which they could not reach to an agreement. The owners claimed that their teams were losing, as a large part of the revenue, which they were, required paying as the salary to the players (Zegers). The problem was that the owners did not have enough proofs and evidence through which they could prove that they were losing…...
mlaWorks Cited
Johnson, Kelvin. Tentative deal reached to end NBA lockout: Plan is for 66-game season to tip off on Christmas
Day, Chicago Tribune, 26 Nov. 2011. 26 June 2012.
-- 20111126_1_nba-lockout-tentative-agreement-tentative-deal
Sheridan, Chris. CBA expires, NBA locks out its players. ESPN. 30 June. 2011. 27th June 2012. ..
Wolves Shoot Down Kicks, 109-100
Hunters in Wisconsin, Montana and elsewhere have been given authorization to kill as many wolves as they can, despite protests from conservation groups that claim wolves are not yet ready to be removed from the "endangered species" list.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday night, November 3, the New York Knickerbockers tried hard to kill the spirits -- and shoot down the momentum -- of the Minnesota Timberwolves, but in the end, Wolves were never really in danger of losing, and they topped the Knicks, 109-100.
Why did the Knicks lose this game to the Wolves after surging ahead briefly? It is clear that when the Knicks allowed the Wolves 40 points in the first quarter, New York was in deep trouble, albeit they battled back.
"The Knicks made their run and we responded and went back up again," said Wolves' head coach Rick Adelman. "The Knicks are a good team. Carmelo…...
Physical Education SNAP Mini Plan: BasketballActivitiesDribbling, cross-overs, passing, shootingSDribbling Using a single hand to bounce the ball while moving aroundCross-overs Moving the ball from one hand to the other by dropping it on the ground and letting it bounce over to the other handPassing Sharing the ball with your teammates, i.e. by throwingShooting Throwing a ball from a distance such that it goes through the hoopNIndicate to learners that the moves identified above can be performed successively and in various combinations. For instance, one can dribble, perform a crossover, pass the ball to a teammate, after which the teammate can shoot the ball.The ball could also be passed from a teammate, where one proceeds to dribble, and shoot the same.Demonstrate each of the four moves (i.e. dribbling, cross-overs, passing and shooting) to learnersAHave each learner perform each of the four moves as demonstrated above, i.e. dribbling,…...
Changing the Basketball Landscape
Perhaps the most valued basketball player's representative that contributed to transforming the landscape of how athletes in this sport were compensated was Paul Silas. Interestingly enough, Silas worked for multiple of agencies that were intimately associated with basketball and player remuneration. He was actually a member of the Boston Celtics. Additionally, in 1975 he became the president of the National Basketball Player's association. During the middle of that decade, Silas was able to take a decidedly different approach to arbitration and its presentations which resulted in desirable compensation benefits in which "the players could claim a major victory" (Bradley, 2016).
A Worthy Agreement
Silas played an integral role in enabling the players in the NBPA to avoid an arbitration settlement shortly after taking over the presidency of this organization. His contribution to the way that he was able to alter the foundation upon which players were paid in this…...
1. The Evolution of Basketball: From its Inception to Modern Day
2. The Impact of Basketball on Society and Culture
3. The Psychology of Winning: How Mentality Plays a Role in Basketball
4. The Role of Coaching in Developing Successful Basketball Teams
5. Gender Equality in Basketball: Breaking Down Barriers for Female Players
6. The Economics of Basketball: How the NBA has Become a Billion Dollar Industry
7. The Globalization of Basketball: How the Sport has Transcended Borders
8. The Influence of Basketball on Youth Development and Education
9. The Science Behind Basketball: How Technology is Changing the Game
10. The Politics of Basketball: How Social Issues are Addressed....
The Evolution of Basketball: A Historical Perspective
From peach baskets to air Jordans: The technological advancements that have shaped the game
The rise of the NBA as a global phenomenon: How basketball became a cultural and economic force
The impact of star players on the popularity and growth of basketball
The Social and Cultural Impact of Basketball
The influence of basketball on urban culture and youth identity
Basketball as a tool for social change and community building
The representation of diverse cultures and perspectives in the game
The Psychological and Physiological Aspects of Basketball
The mental toughness and determination required to succeed....
I would choose to play professional basketball. The fast-paced nature of the game, the teamwork involved, and the thrill of competing at the highest level make basketball an exciting and rewarding sport to participate in professionally.
Playing professional basketball would not only be a dream come true for me, but it would also offer a platform to showcase my skills and athleticism on a global stage. The opportunity to inspire others and be a role model for young athletes is something that I find incredibly motivating. Additionally, the potential for financial stability and success in the basketball industry is another attractive....
The Impact of Low Body Fat on the Performance of Female Athletes in Sports
Low body fat, often measured as a percentage of total body mass, is a topic of growing concern in the world of female athletics. While a certain level of body fat is essential for optimal health and function, extremely low levels can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental well-being, potentially impacting athletic performance.
Physiological Impacts
Reduced Muscle Mass: Low body fat can lead to a decrease in muscle mass, which is essential for strength, power, and endurance. This can compromise athletic performance in a variety of....
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