Barack Obama Essays (Examples)

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Barack Obama and the Deracialization
Pages: 30 Words: 8978

More precisely, "color blind racism created a paradox for presidential candidate arack Obama. While he could not escape "race" his candidacy strategically figured "race" through color blind rhetoric that contained the threat of a black presidency. In spite of his campaign's efforts to avoid his racialization, "Obama" was alternately racialised and deracialized through his affective ties
The tactics used by Obama through the application of the deracialization theory may have its shortcomings. Some, as presented above include the lack of cohesion between being neutral in its gender and not being able to be perceived other than as an African-American. Another shortcoming of deciding to adopt a new stand, as an African-American, on politics is the fact that most advocates of African-American politics may consider a sign of betrayal for the way in which black politics is conducted for decades. More precisely, an interesting point was raised by Georgia Anne Persons…...



Abc News. Chicago's First Black Mayor. April 29, 1983 

Apple, R.W. The 1989 Elections: Black Success With Measured Approach. New York Times November 08, 1989. /1989/11/08/us/the-1989-elections-black-success-with-measured-approach.html

Appleman, Eric M. "Context 2008 elections." Democracy in Action. 2008. 30 April 2008 

Associated Press. "Obama tackles race divide in major speech." MSNBC. 2008.

Barack Obama as Representative of
Pages: 6 Words: 2143

teele's warning however appears to be negated by the fact of Obama's success. While there are indeed lapses in his discipline, these can be said to serve only as an indicator of Mr. Obama's humanity, connecting him more closely rather than alienating him from his followers.
Other authors also point out some potentially problematic factors in Obama's campaign and policy issues. According to Gerring and Yesnowitz, for example, Obama has used his biracial background as a mask behind which to avoid taking a stance on any matters of importance, including the Katrina aftermath and the Iraq issue. While supporters believe that he is, as mentioned above, representative of new social and political paradigms in the United tates, others feel that he is not only youthful and inexperienced, but also fundamentally hypocritical in his policy that claims an all-inclusive stance but that in truth takes no position at all. Be this…...



Gerring, John & Yesnowitz, Joshua. Obama: the Democrats in person. Le Monde Diplomatique, April 2008. 

King, Martin Luther Jr. Letter From Birmingham Jail.

Obama, Barack. A More Perfect Union (Speech).

Scott, Janny. A Biracial Candidate Walks His Own Fine Line. The New York Times, Dec. 29, 2007. /2007/12/29/us/politics/29obama.html

Barack Obama - Dreams From
Pages: 1 Words: 350

The second would be his candid portrayal of his own faults, including the use of cocaine -- not something a politician would want to admit.
The last would be the title of this book. The fact that Obama found inspiration from a father who was a drunk, a Ph.D., and who abandoned him and bothered to see him only once as a child, is a statement, I believe, of a man who thinks in broad terms about the humanity of people rather than harboring bitterness.

Some bemoan the fact that Obama wrote relatively little about the white mother who stuck by him and raised him, and I agree with that. However, he often praises her verbally, so we know the love for his mother is deep.

Perhaps it is the combination of these things that gives an indication of future greatness or at least an impression of a man with unlimited potential…...



Obama, Barack. Dreams from My Father. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004.

Obama's Economic Plans Barack Obama's
Pages: 3 Words: 1102

..we've got to make sure the economic stimulus plan is large enough to get the economy moving.... we need to be rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are failing our children, and building wind farms and solar panels" along with building "fuel-efficient cars and alternative energy technologies that can free America from dependence on foreign oil..." (District Chronicles, 2008).
Autos) the multi-billion dollar line of credit that Congress is expected to pass to help the auto industry survive has Obama's support, but he insisted the bailout be "tied to a reinvention and streamlining...and hold the industry's feet to the fire." In other words, the day of the gas-guzzling SUV may be on the way out, and hybrids will be in.

Banks) Obama said that his administration will launch a "strong set of new financial regulations, in which banks, ratings agencies, mortgage brokers...will start having to be more accountable and…...


Works Cited

Allen, Mike, & Martin, Jonathan. (2008). Obama unveils 21st Century New Deal.

Politico. Retrieved Dec. 8, 2008, at

Chen, Edwin, & Goldman, Juilanna. (2008). Obama to Spur Economy With Infrastructure Investment (Update3). Retrieved Dec. 8, 2008, at .

Knowlton, Brian. (2008). Obama Warms of Further Economic Pain. The New York

Barack Obama Campaign Barack Obama's
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Instead, the Web site is user-centered. Just as the catchy campaign slogan at the top reads, "I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours." The interactive content of the Barack Obama Web site and the links to activist sites reflect the central theme of the Obama campaign. Visitors to the site are placed in control of their Web viewing experience. Users can choose whether or not to register for newsletters, enter in zip codes for local campaign information, and read about local Barack Obama supporters.
Therefore, the Web site is an effective use of new media in communicating the central messages of the presidential campaign. For example, the Barack Obama campaign media strategy stays in line with the central themes of the overall Barack Obama campaign for president. Key words like "hope" and "change" are…...

Barack Obama in Political Time
Pages: 12 Words: 3373

Unemployment stands at a respectable 4.6%. Well, fine. But the other side of the ledger groans with distress: a tax code that has become hideously biased in favor of the rich; a national debt that will probably have grown 70% by the time this president leaves Washington; a swelling cascade of mortgage defaults; a record near-$850 billion trade deficit; oil prices that are higher than they have ever been; and a dollar so weak that for an American to buy a cup of coffee in London or Paris -- or even the Yukon -- becomes a venture in high finance.
And it gets worse. After almost seven years of this president, the United States is less prepared than ever to face the future. We have not been educating enough engineers and scientists, people with the skills we will need to compete with China and India. We have not been investing…...



Amstutz, M. (2011). The missile defense systems of george W. bush: A critical assessment. Choice, 48(8), 1571-1571.

Brose, C. (2009). The making of George W. Obama. Foreign Policy, (170), 53-55, 4.

Goldgeier, J. (2010). National security in the Obama administration: Reassessing the Bush doctrine. Political Science Quarterly, 125(3), 506-508.

Jacobson, G.C. (2010). George W. bush, the Iraq war, and the election of barrack Obama. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 40(2), 207-224.

Barack Obama Obama's Feelings About
Pages: 4 Words: 1326

He notes that the Iraq war has been a "tragic mistake" (Barack Obama, cited in, and vows to take American troops out of Iraq. Further, Obama notes his desire to have universal health care in America. He also notes his desire to lessen the influence of lobbyists and special interest groups (
Perhaps one of Obama's most important reasons for running for presidency is his belief that there has been a serious failure of leadership in the government of the United States. In his candidacy announcement Obama notes that America is being help back. He notes, "what's stopped us is the failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics -- the ease with which we're distracted by the petty and trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our preference for scoring cheap political points instead of rolling up our sleeves and building a working consensus to tackle the big…...


References 2007. Obama declares he's running for president. POSTED: 1:32 P.M. EDT, May 2, 2007. 

Obama, Barack. 2004. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Three Rivers Press.

Payne, Les. 2007. In One Country, a Dual Audience. Newsday, August 19, 2007.

The New York Observer. Does Obama's Being Half-Black Make Him More Acceptable?

Senator Barack Obama Should Be
Pages: 5 Words: 1597

The truth is that the American public has overall matured in their view and has gotten over the petty human differences that exist because the cognition that rests with this group is one that understands that today's world has much larger and looming problems that a simple difference in religion, country-of-origin, or differences based on race or ethnicity. While this may be too much to grasp yet as truth, perhaps the support being rallied for Senator arack Obama as the next U.S. President is telling in the shifting paradigm that locked older generations into tight and suffocating societal structures and may just be the rustling of the crusty old shells imposed so long and miserably by society which are finally falling off the backs of today's Americans.

Cesca, ob (2007) arack Obama for President 19 Dec 2007. The Huffington Post. 3 Oct 2008. Online available at

Lewis, James (2008) President…...



Cesca, Bob (2007) Barack Obama for President 19 Dec 2007. The Huffington Post. 3 Oct 2008. Online available at 

Lewis, James (2008) President Obama and a Nuclear Iran. 21 Apr 2008. American Thinker. Online available at 

Edwards, Steven (2008) Iranian President Takes Obama up on Offer. 18 Sept. 2008. Online available at

James, Frank (2008) Obama (nicely) accuses President Clinton of Lying 21 Jan 2008. The Swamp. Online available at

Team Skills Barack Obama Speech Analysis Team
Pages: 2 Words: 815

Team Skills Barack Obama Speech Analysis
Team Skills: Barack Obama Speech Analysis

Team Building, Team ecognition and Obama's Speech

In viewing then-Senator Barack Obama's speech to his campaign workers in summer of 2008, certain facets of team building can be seen in viewing the context and delivery of the speech at hand. Obama begins with the assertion that in order for a true team to function in order to achieve a common goal, personal egos and motivations must be pushed aside and the goal of the group must be placed at the forefront of everything that team and its respective members do. He notes that in sticking with a goal and remaining invested in order to achieve a common goal, anything is possible, which is a part of team-building that has the capacity to drive people over long periods of time.

He notes that this "sticking to a goal" despite adversity is exactly what…...



Carleton, Karen. "How to Motivate and Retain Knowledge Workers in Organizations," in International Journal of Management, 28(2): pp. 459-469. June 2011. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Crawford, C.B. "Effects of Transformational Leadership and Organized Position on Knowledge Management," in Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(6): pp. 6-17. 2005. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Hayes, Theodore. "Accentuating the Positive," in Personnel Psychology, 62(3): pp. 642-

647. Autumn 2009. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Post-Racial Society Since Barack Obama's
Pages: 1 Words: 499

9, compared to 8.4 for whites" (Statistics and Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2005). Moreover, the paper will examine other harbingers of economic robustness in addition to income, including net worth, income ranges, and unemployment rates. If America is post-racial, then blacks should be proportionately represented in the top 5% of wealthiest people and have median economic assets equal to those of whites, not simply have equal salaries. In the past, there has been a tremendous disparity, not only in income, but in asset ownership between the races. Moreover, in 2001, the median household income for White non-Hispanic households was $46,305, but only $29,470 for black households. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). Obviously, in 2001, America was not a post-racial society when it came to income. Comparing official census results from the census immediately prior to Obama's election and the census immediately following Obama's election will give a good…...



State Center for Health Statistics and Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. (2005,

April). North Carolina minority health facts: African-Americans. Retrieved February 18, 2010, website: 

U.S. Census Bureau. (2009, September 21). Income FAQs. Retrieved February 18,

2010 from the U.S. Census Bureau website:

2012 Presidential Election President Barack Obama vs Governor Mitt Romney
Pages: 8 Words: 2342

Presidential elections in the U.S.A.
The United States Presidential election that was held on 6th November, 2012 was the 57th in the United States history. Such elections are held after every four years. The Democratic Party nominee was President Barack Obama while his running mate was Vice-President Joseph Biden. Both were re-elected for a second term in office. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt omney and his running mate Paul yan were President Obama fiercest challengers. Both were nominated by the epublican Party. Jill Stein contested the presidency on the Green Party ticket where as Gary Johnson was a Libertian (Leighton, 2012). They both ran third party campaigns.

epublican Party presidential nomination attracted several candidates. These included Congressman on Paul, Governor Tim Pawlenty, Governor Mitt omney, Senator ick Santorum, and the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Three presidential debates and one vice-presidential debate were held in the last weeks of campaign. Issues addressed in the…...



Cable News Network. (2012). Issues. CNN.

Callahan, D. (2011, March 25). Ohio's Voter ID Law and the 2012 Election. Huffington's Post.

Leighton, V.M. (2012, November 8). Prediction Markets: The Other Big Winners on Election

Night. Huffington's Post.

Leadership President Barack Obama Has Proven Himself
Pages: 2 Words: 610

President Barack Obama has proven himself to be a leader, as he has led the United States of America as Commander in Chief for the past four years. His leadership style would not typically be viewed as "Machiavellian," and yet a close reading of The Prince does reveal that Obama does have some "princely" features. For example, Chapter 23 of The Prince advises the leader to avoid flatterers. Flatterers are those who give false praise, or only praise and no constructive criticism. A flatterer is a "yes-man" who can be a destructive member of a team. Obama has had a difficult time in office, given that the congress is peopled with a majority of Republicans. Lawmakers in Washington certainly are not lavishing praise for the president. Obama's team of advisers offers constructive criticism. The Vice President, Joe Biden, says what is on his mind. For this reason, Obama has followed…...

U S President Barack Obama Made an Announcement
Pages: 6 Words: 2214

U.S. President Barack Obama made an announcement to the nation that the Al Qaeda top leader Osama bin Laden had been killed by the U.S. special forces. He said that earlier that day, he had ordered a an elite military team to go deep into Pakistan and kill the mastermind of the September 11 terrorist attacks; attacks that shocked the nation and the world alike. In the course of his speech, the president indicated that he had told his CIA director, Leon Penetta that capturing or killing of Osama bin Laden was United State's counterterrorism strategy's main strategy for crippling Al Qaeda.Upon receiving this news, most Americans broke out into a spontaneous celebration. This sent pundits into speculating about the operational and symbolic importance of the mission. The main question that came into the mind of many is what the death of Osama bin Laden meant ad if it…...



Boll, H "Freies Geleit fur Ulrike Meinhof?," in: Klaus Wagenbach et al. (eds.), Vaterland, Muttersprache, Berlin 1979, pp. 283-286.

Byman, D (2006) "Do Targeted Killings Work?" Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85, No. 2 (March/April 2006), pp. 102 -- 104.

Dahl, EJ (2004).Warning of terror: explaining the failure of intelligence against terrorism.Available online at

David, SR (2002)"Fatal Choices: Israel's Policy of Targeted Killings," Mideast Security and Policy Studies, No. 51 (September 2002), pp. 1 -- 26;

Psychodynamic Case Study President Barack Obama President
Pages: 2 Words: 790

Psychodynamic Case Study: President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama was the first African-American to be elected to the presidency. Obama was born in Hawaii to a Caucasian mother and a Kenyan father. Before Obama's birth, both were students at the University of Hawaii. Obama called the autobiography he penned before the presidency Dreams From My Father (Barak Obama, 2012, Biography). This suggests that his life has been a quest in search of his father, a man who left him when he was two years old. However, it is equally possible to see Obama's life as a man defined by women: his idealistic, 'hippy' mother whom he describes as an idealistic child of the 1960s, that took the young Barry to Indonesia where she briefly had another marriage, and also his grandmother, who raised him when his mother laws finishing her anthropological fieldwork (Barak Obama, 2012, Biography).

The psychodynamic view of psychology of…...



Barak Obama. (2012). Biography. Retrieved: 

MacFarquhar, Larissa. (2007). The conciliator. The New Yorker. Retrieved:

Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's
Pages: 8 Words: 3407

S. To become legal, U.S. citizens (Alba, online at ( pathway was created in 2001, under Section 245 of the Life Act Amnesty of 2000 (Porter, 16). If it fails, Obama can pass the buck to the Bush Administration for implementing the plan. It also leaves the door open for Obama to do a new amnesty program at some point during his administration, to make good on his campaign promise of providing a legal pathway for illegal immigrants, who will surely continue to enter the U.S. By the thousands every day.
Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is not found on Obama's web site as of this date, August 25, 2008.

This is an issue that could bode ill for Obama, because the moral majority that is perhaps disgruntled with the conservatives, or to whom John McCain does not appeal, will be considering turning their vote in favor of Obama. As has been seen here,…...


Works Cited 

Altman, Stuart H., Uwe E. Reinhardt, and David Shactman, eds. Regulating Managed Care: Theory, Practice, and Future Options. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999. Questia. 26 Aug. 2008 . On the Issues, 2008, found online at   22 August 2008. ,retrieved

Birenbaum, Arnold. Managed Care: Made in America. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. Questia. 26 Aug. 2008 .

I\'m searching for essay topics on obama. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 637

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to Barack Obama:

1. Analyzing the major accomplishments and legacy of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
2. Exploring the challenges and obstacles faced by Obama during his presidency and evaluating his responses.
3. Investigating the impact of Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), on the American healthcare system.
4. Discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy, focusing on significant events such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement.
5. Examining the Obama administration's efforts to address climate change and promote clean energy.
6. Assessing the economic policies and strategies implemented by....

What role did key figures play in shaping American history?
Words: 569

Key Figures in Shaping American History
Throughout the annals of American history, exceptional individuals have emerged as pivotal figures, steering the course of events and leaving an indelible mark on the nation's trajectory. Their leadership, vision, and unwavering determination have shaped the very fabric of the country, from its inception to its present day.
George Washington (1732-1799): The Father of the Nation
As the first President of the United States, George Washington played a paramount role in establishing the young republic. His unwavering leadership during the Revolutionary War earned him the moniker "Father of the Nation." As President, he presided over the formation....

How do celebrities influence political opinions and issues through their public platforms?
Words: 362

Influence of Celebrities on Political Opinions and Issues
Celebrities, with their vast public platforms, wield significant influence in shaping political opinions and driving social change. They leverage their visibility, credibility, and emotional appeal to engage with audiences on a personal level.
1. Raising Awareness and Engagement:
Celebrities raise awareness about important issues by speaking out, participating in protests, and endorsing causes. They use social media, interviews, and public appearances to educate and motivate their followers. For example, during the Black Lives Matter movement, celebrities like Beyoncé and Lebron James amplified the voices of victims, raised funds, and called for systemic change.
2. Shaping Narratives....

What impact do politicians\' essays have on shaping public opinion and policy decisions?
Words: 543

Politicians' Essays: Shaping Public Opinion and Policy Decisions

Politicians have long used essays to communicate their ideas, advocate for policies, and influence public opinion. These essays serve as powerful tools that can shape the political landscape by informing debates, mobilizing support, and ultimately influencing policy decisions.

Influencing Public Opinion

Politicians' essays are an effective means of reaching a wide audience and disseminating their perspectives. By publishing essays in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms, politicians can bypass traditional media gatekeepers and directly engage with the public.

These essays allow politicians to present their views in a nuanced and in-depth manner, providing an alternative to the....

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