Baby Boomers Essays (Examples)

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Baby Boomers
Pages: 4 Words: 1237

Baby Boomers
The "Boomers"

An Analysis of the Impact the "Boomers" will have on Society in the next Thirty Years

The years between 1944 and 1964 is often referred to as the great "baby boom." It is often referred to as this because this period produced the largest generation of babies in the history of the United States. This marks the period after the end of orld ar II when the country was going through a time of prosperity and the conditions were favorable for families to feel comfortable bringing life to the world as many did. ith 77 million people in their ranks, boomers are expected to intensify many of the challenges already facing our country and will continue to do so for roughly another estimated 35 years (Randall, 2012).

Baby Boomers are the considered one of the most powerful demographic group in history. The boomers have the influence to rule the marketplace…...


Works Cited

Fox, M. (2013, August 31). 'Double whammy': Nursing shortage starts in the classroom. Retrieved from NBC News: 

Gleckman, H. (2013, August 28). Why Baby Boomers Are Facing A Caregiver Shortage. Retrieved from Forbes: 

Randall, R. (2012, April 24). Baby Boomers' Defining Characteristics Could Help Them Redefine Aging in America. Retrieved from Huff Post 50: 

Rosseter, R. (2012). Nursing Shortage. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing:

Baby Boomers
Pages: 2 Words: 932

Baby Boomer Retirement
Economic impact of the impending Baby Boomer Retirement

Within the next two decades, the largest segment of the American population will be retiring, leaving a huge void in America's workforce, as well as creating the largest single pull on the struggling Social Security system that America has ever sncountered. According to Dailey (1998) over one third of the American population is composed of this generation. What will be the effects of pulling this group of productive American workers out of the wealth producing sector of our economy, and transferring them to the non-working sector? The American economy, which has reoriented itself to an information economy rather than a manufacturing-based economy may face pressures to adapt further as it relied on less professional, executive leadership which has been provided by the Baby Boomers, and has to learn to rely on Gen X and Gen Y citizens in order to form…...


Joseph Quinn, Richard Burkhauser, Kevin Cahill and Robert Weathers, "Microeconometric Analysis of the Retirement Decision: United States," Economics Department Working Papers No. 203 (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, July 1, 1998), pp. 18-19; also, see OECD'S Economics Department website on the Internet at .

Frederick W. Hollman, Tammany J. Mulder, and Jeffrey E. Kallan, "Population Projections of the United States, 1999 to 2100: Methodology and Assumptions," Working Paper No. 38 (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1999). This paper digs deeper into the statistical data regarding the baby boomer retirement.

John R. Woods. Pension Coverage among the Baby Boomers: Initial Findings from a 1993 Survey. Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 57, 1994. One of the most significant effects of the boomer retirement will be the economic drain on pension and social security plans. This article considers the ramifications of preparation, and potential effects of lack of financial preparation for the event.

Baby Boomers and the Healthcare Crisis
Pages: 3 Words: 952

Baby Boomer and Health Care Crisis
Baby boomers and healthcare

Baby boomers and the health care

As the United States continues to grapple with the growing rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, the aging population may continue to signal a health care crisis. Therefore, this is really important time for Americans to consider these demographic changes as well as the health and behavior outcome for this population. One of the United Health Foundation's senior advisors, honda andall, explains that if we do not measure it, we will not be able to know what to do about it.

It is projected that as the Baby Boomer generation starts to enter their senior years, these demographic shifts may pose a serious drain on the United States' health resources, (Alex Egervary, 2008). Already seniors tend to consume more health care as compared to the younger Americans, and moreover, the expectation is that Baby Boomers…...



Alex Egervary (2008) Preparing health care for baby boomers' golden years. Retrieved January 19, 2014 from 

Mary Ann E. Zagaria, (2008) Baby Boomers on Brink of Health Care Crisis. Retrieved January 19, 2014 from,health_care_crisis 

Soliant Health (2010) Worker shortage: America's next healthcare epidemic.

Baby Boomers Nowadays Companies Have
Pages: 3 Words: 1221

Thus, on the one hand, this has to include enticing photographs that display characters having similar age and problems and, on the other hand, it has to make use of key words like "experienced" and "mature" that are able to outline the high value that the employer assigns to this generation (
A second challenge that contemporary companies encounter due to the changing demographics is diversity. Up-to-date researches have revealed that the percentage of employees belonging to racial and ethnic minorities is expected to increase. However, despite the non-discriminatory political correctness that is in fashion nowadays, there are many companies which do not put theory into practice. Consequently, studies emphasize that minorities are either unemployed/underemployed and that they represent an "untapped labor pool." Additionally, one could touch upon the distrust that minorities display against employers either because of the non-discriminatory slogans which are not genuine or because of the positive…...



Amble, B (2006). Baby boomers look to a working retirement. On the Internet at   March 22, 2008. 

Exploring the next generation of retirees (2002). On the Interent at   March 22, 2008. 

A mmigration policies affect recruitment, retention (2008). On the Internet at March 22, 2008.

Recruitment 2020: Changing workforce (2007). On the Internet at Retrieved March 22, 2008.

Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health
Pages: 8 Words: 2239

S." (Liu, 2008) the actual solution to the challenges facing the health care system in the United States is one that makes a requirement of three components:
implementing tort reforms; mandating the use of best practices; and driving systemic process improvement. (Liu, 2008)

This report states that the threat of litigation gets in the way of health care delivery in that is "causes providers to hide problems and engage in unnecessary procedures to avoid potential negative occurrences. If caregivers document mistakes, they are immediately exposed to litigation. Consequently, obfuscation and secrecy become the standard practice when confronted with errors. Quality issues are concealed and knowledge is suppressed, leading to the high likelihood that mistakes will be replicated." (Liu, 2008)

The answer in addressing quality issues and medical errors is a "system of health courts practice to the arbitration system utilized to address other complex issues requiring dispute resolution, such as workers' compensation, tax…...



Alzheimer's Disease Likely to Affect 18% of Baby Boomers, Cost Health Care System $160B by 2010, Report Says (2008) Medical News Today 19 Mar 2008.

Bishop, C.E. 1999. "Where are the Missing Elders? The Decline in Nursing Home Use, 1985 and 1995," Health Affairs, July/August, (18)(4): 146-155.

Cohen, M.A. 1998. "Emerging Trends in the Finance and Delivery of Long-Term Care: Public and Private Opportunities and Challenges," the Gerontologist, (38)(1): 80-89

Dennison, Thomas H. (2008) Political Science Perspectives on Aging Policy: A Policy-Oriented Curriculum Component. Center for Policy Research - Issues Shaping Health Policy for an Aging Society.

Caring for Ageing Baby Boomers
Pages: 2 Words: 636

To start with, finances have to be availed for the institution of long-term care that is responsive to challenges that the frail Baby Boomers contend with. A viable and affordable community-based delivery system must be built. To achieve lower disability rates, stakeholders should make an undertaking to invest in healthy aging. Finally, the concept of family and the value of seniors in American culture have to be recharged (Knickman & Snell, 2002). The review of this report has made me know the current sources of financing for the long-term care services of the elderly. I have realized that Medicare's coverage only focuses on home care related to medical problems like broken hips and is essentially restricted to people receiving rehabilitation. It doesn't cater for long-term care (Knickman & Snell, 2002). The report has made me appreciate the role federal Medicaid program plays in long-term care financing of the frail…...


References List

GPO. (2013). Public Law 111-148-Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Retrieved May 20, 2013 from

Knickman, J.R. & Snell, E.K. (2002). The 2030 Problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers.

Health Services Research, 37(4), 849-884.

How Have Baby Boomers Impacted Organizations
Pages: 6 Words: 2480

formation on the topic of baby boomers and their impact on organizations and businesses. The articles of focus are "Last Boomer Turns 50 but This G-G-Generation Ain't Done Yet" by Dan Kadlec and "Peace, Love, And No etirement In Sight: Why So Many Baby Boomers Must Keep Working" by Martha T.S. Laham that are a commentary on the predicaments that the generation fast approaching retirement faces.
As Landon Jones, the historian, described the trend 'the cry of the baby was heard across the land,' the end of World War II brought in a trend of baby boomers. As compared to 1945, 3.4 million babies were born in 1946 which was twenty percent more. 1946 was the start of baby boomers after which in 1947, 3.8 million and in 1952, 3.9 million babies were born. During 1954 to 1964, more than four million babies were born after which the trend somehow…...



(n.d.). AHA Home Page. Baby Boomers to Challenge and Change Tomorrow's Health Care System. Retrieved November 20, 2015, from 

(n.d.). History Canada -- Videos, TV Schedule & Watch Full Episodes Online. Baby Boomers - Facts & Summary - Retrieved November 20, 2015, from 

Kadlec, D. (2015, January 28). TIME - Current & Breaking News -- National & World Updates. The Last Boomer Turns 50 -- but This G-G-Generation Ain't Done Yet - TIME. Retrieved November 20, 2015, from 

Laham, M.T. (2015, June 11). Huffington Post Canada - Canadian News Stories, Breaking News, Opinion. Peace, Love, And No Retirement In Sight: Why So Many Baby Boomers Must Keep Working -- Martha T.S. Laham .Retrieved November 20, 2015, from

Advertising Connections to Baby Boomers
Pages: 15 Words: 4111

Mark Solon, former President of the Board of Directors of the Discovery Center of Idaho, currently serves on the Idaho Business Coalition for Education Excellence. These four men, along with six others noted on their Web site, manage TopTenEVIEWS, Inc. ("Cell phone providers," 2008). The following four categories denote criteria TopTenEVIEW used to evaluate cell phone providers:

Feature Set:...variety of options, including call waiting, call forwarding, Bluetooth (internet connectivity), text messaging and more.

Service Area on-Network:...coverage areas, including nationwide coverage. Minutes: A good cell phone provider should offer plans with a good minute-to-dollar ratio. Overage charges should be minimal, and the cell phone plan should offer free mobile-to-mobile minutes, free long distance and similar features.

Help/Support Options: Cell phone providers should offer extensive support, including phone support, an online FAQs page, live chat and an email contact address. ("Cell phone providers," 2008)

Four of the 10 companies noted and reviewed by TopTenEVIEWS (2008) included…...



Christensen, P.D. (1995). The Environment: It's Not Time to Relax. The McKinsey Quarterly, (4), 146+. Retrieved October 25, 2008, from Questia database: 

Baker, Christopher a., and Kim-Sung, Kellie K.. "Understanding Consumer Concerns about the Quality of Wireless Telephone Service." Public Policy Institute, AARPDATA Digest; Number 89; June 2003, p. 4. Retrieved October 23, 2008, 

Borenstein, Seth. " Cell phone users outside U.S. secretly tracked Study tracking 100,000 raises privacy, ethical questions." Associated Press; June. 6, 2008. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at 

Brown, Rachel. "The ultimate bundle: baby boomers and teenagers." Rural Telecommunications, May 1, 2007. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at

The Pedagogy of Emotional Intelligence Ei in the Workplace for Generations Baby Boomers
Pages: 16 Words: 5531

Multigenerational Workforce Motivation Leadership Style
Talent management and human resource management personnel have, been aware of the commercial value of creating and leveraging an all-encompassing, diverse workforce for several years. ecruitment and employee retention programs have focused on gender, ethnicity, race, recruitment and career development of veterans, disabled persons, etc. One can observe increased demands among corporate personnel, to include multigenerational diversity in their organizations. Talent and human resource managers have to take into account the impacts of multiple generations on the organization, while designing their inclusion and diversity programs. Multigenerational workplaces pose unique opportunities and challenges to organizations leveraging the fortes and talents of every generation for benefitting the bottom line of the company (Kordbacheh, Shultz & Olson, 2014). Modern-day business owners and managers face unique challenges by the presence of multi-generational workers. An inadequate understanding of generational disparities results in workplace conflicts, increases employee turnover, and decreases productivity. More…...



Acar, A.B. (2014). Do Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Factors Differ for Generation X and Generation Y? International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 5. No. 5: 12-20.

Akduman, G., Hatipo-lu, Z. & Yuksekbilgili, Z. (2015). A Research about Emotional Intelligence on Generations. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review Volume 3, No.:4

Alsop, R. (11 July 2013). Why can't Generation X get ahead at work? BBC. Retrieved from .

Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of Employee Engagement and Their Impact on Employee Performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol 63. No. 3: 308-323

Home Supportive Services Ihss the Baby-Boomers Are
Pages: 2 Words: 487

Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
The baby-boomers are getting to the age to need nursing homes or in home care. One of the programs for people in California is In Home Supportive Services. This program provides services that range from household care help, help with personal care to paramedical services. It is considered to be an alternative to assisted living or nursing facilities. If you are blind, disabled or over the age of 65, or qualify for SSI, the basic criteria for the program, a county social worker will conduct a needs assessment to figure out the types of services and number of hours you are eligible for. Some recipients qualify for up to 283 hours of service a month. (DB101)

The cost of nursing home care can take up to $3,000./month and Assisted Living facilities usually cost twice as much per month. People who don't have the assets to pay for…...



Ceja, M., Marrs, L., Pursell, K., Taylor, C. Alternative Policy for In Home Supportive Services (Spring

2011), California State University, Long Beach.

Disability Benefits 101 (2010) Retrieved from 

May 10,2011.

Millennials are Depressed because of Student Debt and Poor Job Prospects
Pages: 5 Words: 1492

Millennials are Depressed because of Student Debt and Poor Job Prospects Introduction
Depression among Millennials and Baby Boomers is not the same: it has been found to be more severe among the younger generation than among the older generation, for various reasons. Some of those reasons include economic instability, fear of joblessness, debt concerns, and too much time involved with electronics and digital media to the point where it interferes with the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle (Brown, Richman & Rospenda, 2016). This paper looks at the generational differences and the social interaction challenges that occur among these two generational groups and how these factors play a part in the different levels of depression.
Generational Differences
Brown et al. (2016) found “that the associations between economic stressors and symptoms of both depression and anxiety were significantly greater for members of the millennial cohort compared with baby boomers” (p. 267). Millennials in other words face…...



Accius, J., & Yeh, J. C. (2017). America must invest in its next generations.  Generations, 40(4), 101-107.

Arocho, R., & Kamp Dush, C. M. (2017). Like mother, like child: Offspring marital timing desires and maternal marriage timing and stability. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(3), 261.

Bland, H. W., Melton, B. F., Welle, P., & Bigham, L. (2012). Stress tolerance: New challenges for millennial college students. College Student Journal, 46(2), 362-376.

Brown, R. L., Richman, J. A., & Rospenda, K. M. (2017). Economic stressors and psychological distress: exploring age cohort variation in the wake of the great recession. Stress and Health, 33(3), 267-277.

Cannon, L., & Kendig, H. (2018). ‘Millennials’: Perceived generational opportunities and intergenerational conflict in Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 37(4), E127-E132.

Twenge, J. M., Cooper, A. B., Joiner, T. E., Duffy, M. E., & Binau, S. G. (2019). Age, period, and cohort trends in mood disorder indicators and suicide-related outcomes in a nationally representative dataset, 2005–2017. Journal of abnormal psychology, 128(3), 185.

Baby Boomer Population Have on
Pages: 5 Words: 1567

This is because the current system, is not addressing the underlying challenges of: increasing demand and rising prices. To corroborate the different findings from the literature review a survey will be conducted. This will accurately determine the underlying trends and possible challenges that could be facing the sector in the future (from the increasing number of aging aby oomers).
Summary of the Findings and their Implications

Clearly, the aby oomers are creating a seismic shift in the way various health care services will be delivered in the future. This is because they account for such a large segment of the population. At the same time, the services that they demand and the number of health conditions that are affecting this group (i.e. diabetes / heart disease) underscores how they will require more health care services. This is problematic, because it means that the current health care system will more than likely…...



Green, B. (2006). Of Statistics, Demographics and History. Marketing to the Leading Edge Baby Boomers. (pg. 8). Ithaca, NY: Paramount Marketing.

Ezzy, D. (2002). Introduction. Qualitative Analysis. (pp. xi - xvi). London: Routledge.

Kandal, J. (2009). Baby Boomers. Encyclopedia of Elder Care. (pg. 44). New York, NY: Facts on File

Mellor, J. (2005). Future of Medicare. Baby Boomers. (pp. 49 -- 54). New York, NY: Springer.

Baby Boomers and Training
Pages: 7 Words: 1959

Human esource Strategy
Organizations exist in a rapidly changing environment due to factors such as technological advancements, regulatory shifts, workforce adjustments as well as industry and market changes. To thrive in the long-term, organizations must perceive and adapt to these changes effectively. Human resource management (HM) is one of the major areas affected by changes in the internal and external environments (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2012). As businesses evolve and grow, there are often changes in workplace structures, systems, processes, demands and expectations. The HM function must ensure that the organization has the right pool of human capital to fulfill the organization's mission, vision and objectives against the backdrop of a constantly evolving environment (Mello, 2015). Accordingly, the notion of strategic HM has gained prominence in recent times. Strategic HM essentially entails planning and managing human resources with consideration to the organization's long-term goals and objectives (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development…...



Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) (2015). Strategic human resource management. Retrieved 13 October 2016 from:   resources/factsheets/strategic-human-resource-management.aspx -

Daly, J. (2012). Human resource management in the public sector: policies and practices. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

Falcon, P. (2002). The hiring and firing question and answer book. New York: AMACOM.

Mello, J. (2015). Strategic human resource management. 4th edition. Mason: Cengage Learning.

Baby Boomers and Employees
Pages: 3 Words: 970

Demand for More Work Flexibility
As times change, the workforce of today and tomorrow will be different than of the past. Work conditions and standards alter per demand and evolution of the human resource department. With need for quality human capital within companies, H managers must respond to the professional and personal needs of employees to keep turnover rates low and retention high. The answer to the retention problem may be flexible staffing schedules and work hours. By companies implementing policies that include flexibility in working hours, employees can benefit and maintain a higher level of satisfaction at work.

Demand for more work flexibility began as early as the 1960's. In the 1960's certain dynamics within the family/work balance shifted. For example, more women joined the workforce. Later, as technology developed, telecommuting options strengthened the idea of flexibility in working hours. esearch into emergence of family and work balance problems within…...



Becker, P. C. (2006). Social change in America: The historical handbook, 2006. Lanham, MD: Bernan Press.

Blount, Y., & Gloet, M. (2017). Anywhere Working and the New Era of Telecommuting. IGI Global.

Fu, H. (2015). Temporary agency work and globalisation: Beyond flexibility and inequality. Farnham: Gower Publ.

Hughes, C. (2012). Valuing people and technology in the workplace: A competitive advantage framework. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Retiring Baby Boomer Generation on
Pages: 4 Words: 1186

Given the declining ratio of workers to reitirees, the level of increases to fix the shortfall would be too burdensome and would negatively impact consumption of workers who aren't retired.
Reducing the rate of growth in benefits for future retirees could work if implemented in an appropriate manner. An outright reduction in benefits would be too punitive on retirees and would further dampen consumption. Instead, the reduction in benefits would need to be accompanied by a new model called consumerism where consumers have greater accountability for the costs of their healthcare decisions. but, dramatically improved transparency in quality and pricing would be necessary for this model to work. In this way, consumers could shop for healthcare services just as they already shop for other goods and services. This would help healthcare services be more subject to the market forces of supply and demand and would help to contain healthcare costs.




Cauchon, D. (2005, January 25). Social security gets stretched, strained by long retirements. USA Today. Retrieved at 

CEA memo on Social Security. Retrieved at 

Cohan, P. (2007, October 15). Will baby boomers bankrupt social security? Retrieved at 

Facts on policy: Consumer spending. Hoover Institution. Retrieved at

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