B2b Essays (Examples)

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B2B Supply Chain Differences in B2B and
Pages: 2 Words: 819

Supply Chain Differences in B2B and B2C Commerce

According to Bamboo web, a popular Internet source of business management information, a supply chain of a company has three main parts. The first is the business' original supply, namely where its raw materials or raw products come from and how these items are procured and supplied to manufactures. The manufacturing component of the supply chain converts these raw materials into finished products through manufacturing in the traditional sense, or packaging according to company standards. Proper distribution ensures that these finished products reach the final customers in an optimal fashion through a coordinated network of distributors, managers, and retailers. (Bamboo web, "Supply Chain," 2004)

Supply chain management involves forecasting demand of either businesses or consumers and making collective market forecasts with manufactures and according to consumer data. It involves predicting and promising order to distributors and customers, as well as determining the optimum plants…...


Works Cited

Bamboo web. (2004) "Supply Chain." Retrieved 4 Jan 2005 at http://www.bambooweb.com/articles/s/u/Supply_chain.html

Bamboo web. (2004) "Supply Chain Management." Retrieved 4 Jan 2005 at http://www.bambooweb.com/articles/s/u/Supply_chain_management.html

Larson, Paul & Jeff Fischer. (March 16, 2004) Short Intro to Business-to-Business E-Commerce. Motley Fool. Retrieved 4 Jan 2005 at  http://www.fool.com/research/2000/features000316.htm 

Patton, Susannah. (April 16, 2001)"The ABC of B2C." CIO Magazine Online. Retrieved 4 Jan 2005 at  http://www.cio.com/ec/edit/b2cabc.html

B2B Communication Analysis Communication Between Business Organizations
Pages: 6 Words: 1564

B2B Communication Analysis
Communication between business organizations is often taken for granted. The correspondences that pass between corporations, charity groups, non-government agencies, political bodies and small businesses are frequently composed and distributed with little consideration to the manner in which the corresponding company has been represented. However, today, with the increased interdependence of commercial entities coming to define the business world -- especially via web and social media outlets -- verbal, written and image-based communication between such entities is critical. The discussion below begins with an analysis of three types of communication that may be termed as Business-to-Business or B2B. B2B communications will take myriad forms aimed at achieving some level of interaction, cooperation, mutual support or partnership between two or more business entities. However, as we proceed to analyze the messages considered here below, we will find that there are distinct ways to use B2B correspondences as a way of…...


Works Cited:

Disney Cruise Line News. (2012). Requests for Donations. Dclnews.com.

Donaldson, R. (2009). Corporate Logos -- Examples of What Does, Doesn't Work. B2b Communications.

Khilawala, R. (2011). Sample Letters Asking for Donations. Buzzle.

Levick, R.S. (2012). Why B2B Companies Need to Up Their Communications Game. Fast Company.

B2B Marketing When it Comes
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

The main reason for which this occurs, is, in my opinion, the fact that consumers' choice will influence the computer producers which will have to decide among these two options which one best fits its company's standards, need and customers' expectations. So, it is actually a strategy they use; this way, they are aware of customers' preferences without having to do some serious case studies or big researches on the market.
I believe that anyone who considers a type of advertising as bad is forgetting the meaning of advertising in itself. In my opinion, it is the same case as with Hollywood stars, it does not matter whether you are talked badly or good about, as long as you are talked about. Even bad advertising is better than no advertising. Every perception on a certain commodity or service is good, even if that perception is negative, because you have yourself…...



Mercedes-Benz, May 2007, available online at  http://www.mercedes-benz.co.za/Trucks/Modules_fe/layout1/displayfull.asp?=1 

Mercedes-Benz, may 2007, available online at  http://www.mbusa.com/index.do?location=leadership-microsite 

Intel, may 2007, available online at  http://www.intel.com/ 

AMD, may 2007, available online at http://www.amd.com/gb-uk

B2B Marketing What Role Do
Pages: 5 Words: 1455

This is called becoming a trusted advisor to the customers, and while there are many books written on this topic every year, the concept of the trusted advisor is that the members of a distribution channel form a team to assist customers in assessing their needs, modifying products to specifically meet those needs, and creating a strong foundation of support. AM esearch (2003) in defining the complexity of fulfilling B2B product needs for customized products shows how both processes and software can be used to streamline in-channel product customization.
The bottom line is that business channels, or as they are sometimes called multi-tier distribution channels, vary significantly by industry due to the major differences between customers' requirements and the need for bringing together members of a channel to form a team that can respond effectively to the complex needs of customers. This is pervasive in B2B marketing, selling and servicing…...



AMR Research (2003) - Configuration is the Heart of Customer Fulfillment for Complex Product Manufacturers. AMR Research Report. Monday March 31, 2003. Retrieved from the Internet on May 13, 2007 at  http://lwcresearch.com/filesfordownloads/ConfigurationIstheHeartofCustomerFulfillmentforComplexProductManufacturers.pdf 

Hogan, Lemon, Libai (2003) - What is the true value of a lost customer? John E. Hogan; Katherine N. Lemon; Barak Libai Journal of Service Research: JSR; Feb 2003; 5, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 196

LWC Research (2005) - Users Speak Out About SAP NetWeaver. December 12, 2005. LWC Research.

Orange, CA. Page 12.

B2B Marketing Intel Canada -
Pages: 7 Words: 1997

Key goals: In my opinion, the main aim of Intel Canada has been that of regaining its position on the market. It has practically started a tuff advertising campaign, aiming to produce new items for both its person-clients and company-clients in order to be able to increase its sells.

As it has been mentioned above as well, Intel intended to regain its position on the market, but it seems to have realized that this action cannot be completed unless it would gain other types of clients as well. What it might be inferred from here is that the historical strategy used for the "Intel inside" advertising campaign - when Intel came up with a new type of computers, the personal ones -, meaning that it intends to develop through gaining a new spectrum of clients.

All in all, the immediate goal of the campaign would be in this sense a regaining of…...

B2B Questions Resellers Are Both
Pages: 2 Words: 892

The highly personalized selling of a car dealership. While grocery store attendants do not stop you within minutes of being in the store and ask how they can help you find what you need, anyone walking into a car lot will surely be approached within the first five minutes of arriving. The major difference is the gross margins and profits for each of these products.
In the case of the grocery store, margins and profits per item are quite small and there is a very short sales cycle for them. Picking up a roll of paper towels for example is a sales cycle of just three minutes or less, and as a result there is no need to provide service from the grocers' perspective.

Conversely the sales cycle of a car can be days or even months, and there is a significant amount of gross margin and profit involved in the…...

B2B Exchanges Analysis of the Three Types
Pages: 2 Words: 467

B2B Exchanges
Analysis of the Three Types of Business-to-Business Exchanges

There are three types of exchanges that are prevalent in business-to-business (B2B) in seller and buyer relations incouding New Buyer, Modified ebuy and Straight ebuy (Coupey, 2005). It is the goal of this analysis to evaluate each of these exchanges and explain their unique advantages. All exchanges share a commonality of catalog management, order capture, quoting, pricing and Web infrastructure support. The process workflows vary for New Buyer, Modified ebuy and Straight ebuy. All are integrated into the underlying IT platform through the use of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and role-based access to the specific systems of record and databases (Li, Jhang-Li, 2011).

A New Buy exchange is constructed to encompass the core functionality of comparable sell-side trading exchanges, with the specific goal of enabling as many transactions with new customers as possible (Coupey, 2005). The New Buy exchange is constructed to provide…...



Coupey, E. (2005). Digital business. (2 ed., Vol. 1). Upper Saddle River New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Li, Y., & Jhang-Li, J. (2011). Analyzing online B2B exchange markets: Asymmetric cost and incomplete information. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(3), 722.

Porterfield, T.E., Bailey, J.P., & Evers, P.T. (2010). B2B eCommerce: An empirical investigation of information exchange and firm performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 40(6),

B2B Marketing Questions What Model
Pages: 3 Words: 1378

There are many, many other factors to consider, but the fact is many manufacturers consider these two factors first, as they combined will save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in addressing a new market.
As a result of the relationships with retailers, chains and department stores and a thorough overview of how to make the order management and fulfillment processes as efficient as possible, distributors like Lambert are increasingly in demand. The reciprocal nature of the relationship all hinges on the trust of the retailers, chains and department stores in Lamberts' ability to execute on the many processes critical for managing ongoing buyer-supplier relationships. For any given manufacturer to just learn these processes, much less execute them with precision and speed, would take years to learn. That is the major benefit for a manufacturer to work with Lambert for example, yet this applies to many other indirect channels…...

B2B Marketing the Distribution Channel
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

All of them are either bicycle parts or components or even accessories. How ever, when it comes to promoting those brands, the company's website is mainly naming them, showing no further specifications or giving a full description of the product. Meanwhile, the exclusive brand website provides full description of it products, giving suggestions and even allowing you to choose certain aspects such as color, size etc. However, Cycles Lambert's site provides the correct information for you to get a general background, to see with what you may associate your product with, and even gives details about how and where you can buy it from. It is more than obvious that the manufacturer and the distributor stress different aspects of the product. The first one intends to present the whole product specifications, giving ample descriptions, giving suggestion etc. The distributor on the other hand limits itself to presenting the most…...



Online Dictionary, may 2007, available at  http://dictionary.bnet.com/ 

Cyles Lambertc website, may 2007, available at  

B2B Marketing Proposal for Selling
Pages: 3 Words: 901

Figure 1: Market Potential and Segmetnation for JINI Glasses

Sources: Based on intefviews with market researchers at Opticians Association of America (OAA) and their secondary published research.

esearch Strategy

In defining the research strategy to determine the best possible multichannel strategy for selling the JINI into the U.S. market, a combination of primary and secondary data needs to be collected. One of the most important critical success factors for creating a profitable B2B strategy is qualifying distributors, dealers and channel partners with regard to their service expertise (addats, Easingwood, 2010). Second is finding those distributors who have insights into how they can sell effectively to retailers, mass merchandisers and smaller offices (Stanley, Wojcik, 2005). JINI needs to set service quality as one of its most importation criterion for evaluating potential new resellers, distributors and dealers who can reach the 228M computer users in the U.S. The research strategy to accomplish this is as…...



Bonvissuto, K. (2009). Specialty eyewear has never looked so good. Ophthalmology Times, 34(12), 37-38,41.

Farres, R. (2012). Optimal pricing models in B2B organizations. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 11(1), 35-39.

Grobart, S. (2013, Feb 04). Browsing the web will become more like using an app. Business Week,, 1.

Irving, H.B. (2001). The trusted advisor revealed. Consulting to Management, 12(2), 35-37.

B2B Marketing -3M Canada B2B
Pages: 2 Words: 543

This would generically be achieved through the treatment of the distributors of organizational customers. They would be approached and an offer for product sale would be made. The company would generically strive to attract as many distributors as possible and it would even engage in promotional activities with this purpose. Examples in this sense include the promotion of the company within the specialized media, conventions and so on, but also the offering of advantages to the distributors, such as discount prices on high volume purchases.
Given the current context at 3M Canada, the adequate course of action to follow would be that of switching the focus from the OEM customers to the MO customers. This segment is continually increasing and it reveals valuable growth opportunities for the firm. Not only that it supports the context from the greater organizational change, but it could also generate long-term and stable financial results.




Chandrasekhar, R., 2006, Case 4: 3M Canada: Industrial Business Division, Ivey Management Services

B2B Correspondences and Analysis to Whom it
Pages: 2 Words: 599

B2B Correspondences and Analysis
To Whom it May Concern:

If we could request a moment of your time, I believe we can make it very worth your while. I'm contacting you today on behalf of ABC Company, a firm with over 25 years of experience in our shared industry. In the last ten years, our company has experienced tremendous growth, beginning several new productions operations abroad and transitioning to the highest standards in Information Technology systems. These improvements have allowed us to exceed projected quarterly earnings in 7 consecutive quarters. In this recession economy, I'm sure you know how rarified this level of stability has become.

With that in mind, I hope you will very seriously consider partnering with us in an endeavor that has the potential to bring both of our firms to yet a greater tier of success. XYZ has a tremendous record in the area of shipping. Indeed, we consider…...

B2B Trends and Analysis Business-To-Business
Pages: 6 Words: 2639

B2B marketing experts are now predicting that given how process-centric the roles of marketers will be in the future, that the new era of the marketing technologist continues to emerge since the last decade (Swindley, 2002). B2B marketers then are beginning to own three processes that involve pricing, quoting and contract management. This is bringing an entirely new era to B2B marketing of accountability for translating advertising and promotion into closed sales with many of the firms in the UK and throughout Europe being the leaders on this trend (addats, Easingwood, 2010). In conclusion, the PM strategies and platforms B2B marketers are using throughout the UK and Europe are setting the foundation for their ownership of pricing, quoting and contract management for the long-term. This will bring an entirely new era of accountability to B2B marketers, and already is throughout the UK and Europe.
Business Intelligence and Analytics

The fifth trend…...



Agarwal, J., Malhotra, N., & Bolton, R., 2010. A Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Approach to Global Market Segmentation: An Application Using Consumers' Perceived Service Quality. Journal of International Marketing, 18(3), 18.

Alderete, M. 2010. From traditional transactions to B2B: a contract theoretical analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 5(3), 17-26.

Francesca Auch, & Hedley Smyth. 2010. The cultural heterogeny of project firms and project teams. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(3), 443-461.

Beth Bacheldor, 2003. B-to-B reach refined. InformationWeek,(925), 49. February

B2B Transactions
Pages: 12 Words: 4027

Walmart and Business to Business transactions

Business to business (B2B) e-commerce transactions are the most rapidly growing segment of the e-commerce field. B2B transactions help two companies to interact between each other over the internet in order to complete transactions. It is beneficial for the businesses as it cuts down the cost. (Bidgoli, 2013)

Walmart is an international retail giant, which has a humungous retail chain in USA and abroad. Walmart uses B2B e-commerce arrangements in order to replenish its stocks and order stocks of new products from its suppliers. To control the replenishment of stock and making the buying process more efficient, Walmart has made B2B arrangements with its suppliers. As a result, it shares data related to stocks with its suppliers and in turn, it also gets information about new products. (Lussier, 2009)

Nature of Transactions

The nature of transactions that Walmart makes is ordering supplies. As Walmart and its suppliers share…...



Bianco, P., Kotermanski, R. & Merson, P. (2007). Evaluating a Service-Oriented Architecture. [report] Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, pp. 3-18.

Bidgoli, H. (2013). MIS 4. 4th ed. Stamford: Cengage Learning.

East, R., Wright, M. & Vanhuele, M. (2008). Consumer behaviour. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

Fong, B.C., Fong, A. & Chan, C.H. (2002). E-Business Project Management: Managing The Planning Process. E-Business Project Management: Managing The Planning Process.

Channel Management and B2B Marketing Aqualisa Quartz
Pages: 6 Words: 1897

Channel Management and B2B Marketing
"Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower"

This case describes the marketing problem which Aqualisa faced when it launched its Quartz shower in the U.K market. Aqualisa is a well-recognized brand in the U.K. shower market. It is the pioneer in introducing innovative showers for general consumers and became successful in terms of user friendly and stylish design, ease of installation, and water pressure. While launching its Quartz brand, Aqualisa had carefully analyzed the shower market which was about 60% of the total houses in the country. With this innovative product, Aqualisa aimed to solve the two major problems of household consumers, i.e. The temperature fluctuations and low pressure of water. The company spend a huge amount on different promotional activities for its Quartz brand, but the results came in the form of a big disappointment. The actual problem was in the target market and marketing strategy for…...



Bharadwaj, N. & Gordon, J.B. (2007). "Atlantic Computers: A Bundle of Pricing Options," Harvard Business Publishing, 2078: 1-10.

Moon, Y. (2006). "Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Shower," Harvard Business School, 9-502-030: 1-18.

Rangan, V.K. & Scott, D.R. (1994). "Lotus Development Corporation -- Channel Choice: Direct vs. Distribution," Harvard Business School, 9-587-078: 1-17.

My teacher suggested focusing on alphanumeric outline. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 517

Essay Topics for Alphanumeric Outlining

Alphanumeric outlining is a note-taking technique that uses letters and numbers to organize ideas secara hierarchical. It allows for easy identification and cross-referencing of main points, subpoints, and supporting evidence. Here are some essay topics that align well with this guidance:

A. Environmental Sustainability

1. A1. The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Ecosystems:
- A1a. Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Erosion
- A1b. Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching
- A1c. Impacts on Marine Biodiversity

2. A2. Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Greener Future:
- A2a. The Potential of Renewable Energy Sources
- A2b. Challenges and Advancements in Energy....

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