Aviation Security Essays (Examples)

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Aviation Security
Pages: 3 Words: 910

Aviation Security
Keeping passengers safe on their flights involves more than just making sure the aircraft in use is fully functional and operationally fit. Aviation security involves keeping dangerous people from becoming passengers, and that entails security checks during the boarding process, and more. This paper points to the steps that government officials and airline management must take to ensure the safety and security of private and commercial air travel.

National Strategy for Aviation Security

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which was created following the attacks on the United States (the orld Trade Center and Pentagon were hit with hijacked commercial airliners, due to flaws in security checkpoints), has ultimate responsibility for aviation security and safety in America. The DHS published a document entitled "The National Strategy for Aviation Security" in 2007, and within that document readers find the basic theories and strategies for keeping the airways safe and keeping passengers secure…...


Works Cited

American Association of Aviation Executives. (2011). AAAE Aviation Security Summit

Focuses on Risk-Based Security.

Department of Homeland Security. (2007). Aviation Operational Threat Response Plan.

Retrieved December 27, 2011, from security.shtm.http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/aviation-

Aviation Security Keeping Skies Safe
Pages: 5 Words: 1396

Post 9/11 Security

Despite the working group presented above, post 9/11 security entails measures that must be carried out in a dedicated, complex manner in order to be efficient, even if they, in turn, have a negative impact on airport efficiency. Without a doubt, these measures that provoke so much annoyance have a positive impact on the security of airports and the sky. Post 9/11 security comes with much pain, but many rewards as well (i.e. over 10 years of safe flight).

Such security measures are, however, constantly revised. For instance, in a study conducted quite recently at Cornell University, two professors examined the impact of such airport security measures on air travel, which included the impact upon airport security personnel and passengers. These two individuals utilized five years of data geared towards analyzing passenger volume and direct effects of the implementation of various post 9/11 rules, such as additional baggage screening…...


Blalock et. al., 2007.

N.A. (2001). Aviation Security. U.S. General Accounting Office. Retrieved, .

N.A. (2012). Publications. Counter-Terrorism. Retrieved, < http://www.counterterrorismtraining.gov/pubs/01.html>.

Aviation Security and Its Impact
Pages: 8 Words: 3058

Like the airline industry, it seems as if the airport industry is moving towards consolidation and more airport cooperation and alliances seem likely in the future. (Graham, 2003)
One approach in which civil aviation can contribute in ensuring peace amid the countries of the world is principally through its key role of facilitating communication and international discourse. The ICAO -- International Civil Aviation Organization has played a large part in achieving this to a great extent. Article 44 of the Chicago Convention charges ICAO to work towards aiding the global community for the development of civil aviation in an economic, safe and orderly manner. A apid esponse Team on Airport Security was formed under the DOT -- Department of Transportation of the United States. The initiative of ICAO for ensuring harmony and peace in the field of aviation is largely accomplished through its Council which has its origin in the…...



Abeyratne, Ruwantissa Indranath Ramya. (2003) "Aviation in Crisis"

Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Anderson, John. (2005, Mar) "New Aviation Security Laws" Retrieved 8 April, 2008 at http://www.minister.infrastructure.gov.au/ja/releases/2005/march/a36_2005.htm

Armstrong, David. (2007, Sep) "Programs to Speed Airport Security Checks Advance

Security Aviation Security Pre and
Pages: 30 Words: 10540

ith the threat of terrorism remaining so strong in this country it is vital to find new and better ways to protect people and to keep them safe from harm as much as is humanly and technologically possible.
Scope of the Study

The scope of this particular study is very broad and far-reaching, because there are so many people who are being affected by it now and will be affected by it in the future. This was mentioned briefly earlier, as the current individual that may be suffering from the after-effects or the fear of terrorism is by far not the only one that is affected or will be affected in the future. The family and friends of that person are also affected, and the individuals of the future and their families and friends may also be affected by terrorism some day. Even though not everyone that goes through a traumatic…...


Works Cited

Autodesk Technology used in homeland security applications. 18 March 2002. Business News Publishing Company.

Benson, Miles. In the name of homeland security, telecom firms are deluged with subpoenas. 2002. Newhouse News Service.

Doganis, R. 1991: "Flying off course: the economics of international airlines," London, Harper Collins; (2nd ed.)

Fredrickson, H.G., & LaPorte, T.R. 2002. "Airport security, high reliability, and the problem of rationality." Public Administration Review, 62(Special Issue), 33-43.

Aviation Security Necessity of a
Pages: 10 Words: 2738

'The International Outreach Plan' provides a comprehensive framework to solicit international support for an improved global aviation security network.

All these specially suggested plans addresses the need of different aspects of aviation security, yet, these security plans support and complement each other and that is why all have been properly integrated with the designing plan of the airport (Transportation Security Administration, 2010).

The designed plan for the airport includes all aspects of TSA -- mandated and provides a system for passenger screening in terms of concentric ring theory -- defense-in-depth. The first layer of security is presented and guarded by the 'Passenger Security Screening Checkpoints -- SSCP.' Every passenger or employer is required to pass through the SSCP before they may access the departure gate. Enhanced security measures are engaged in the system of screening. Security officers properly screens and scans the passengers and their carry baggage. No person can enter or…...



Aviation transportation System Security Plan. (2007) "Supporting Plan to the National Strategy for Aviation Security."

N.A. (2007) "National Strategy for Aviation Security"

N.A. (n. d.) "Aviation Projects: Bodouva, Architects and Planners" Retrieved 26

July 2010 from http://www.cbodouva.com/pages/3/index.htm

Aviation Safety Aviation Security As the First
Pages: 8 Words: 2552

Aviation Safety
Aviation Security

"As the first flights began again on September 15, some crews refused to fly, not confident of airport security. Those who steeled themselves to work entered a strange new workplace. With no guidance from the airlines or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on how to handle potential future hijackings, flight attendants inventoried galleys for objects they could use as defensive weapons. Shell-shocked passengers sometimes hugged flight attendants as they boarded. Many crewmembers barely contained tears, often hiding in galleys to avoid alarming passengers."

odney Ward

Association of Flight Attendants

As the growth in air traffic appears to be picking up again, people are demanding more safety and security. As we look back to the events of September 11, 2001, we realize that this was a day that most Americans will never forget as long they live. Some of those who witnessed and watched airplanes plunge into both World Trade buildings in…...



Ansoff, I.H. (1983). Strategic management. London: Macmillan.

Bass, B.M. (1990). Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications. (3rd ed.). New York: Free Press.

Charan, R. (1991). How networks reshape organizations for results. Harvard Business Review, 69, 104-115.

Cherry, B.L. (2003). Safety and security within the airline industry. (Available from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington, DC 20319)

Aviation Security First Case United
Pages: 4 Words: 1570

S. Constitution. Notwithstanding the defendant's claim that the money orders were not his, the DEA and other federally authorized airport security seized the briefcase because they had probably cause to do so. One federal statute 31 U.S.C. § 5324(a) (avoiding currency transaction reporting rules) was referenced. Moreover, believing that they had probably cause to believe money laundering was involved they invoked 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1)(i) and 1957(a) (2000). And after a drug sniffing dog detected cocaine, the federal law 21 U.S.C. § 881(a)(6) (1994) (amended 2000) was referenced. The answer to the question posed in the first paragraph of the Second Case, the contents of a briefcase may be seized if a "plain view" observation on the contents gives the officer probable cause to believe that the contents could have resulted from: a) money laundering; b) the avoidance of currency transaction laws; or c) drug trafficking activities. Those contents may…...


Works Cited

Cornell University Law School. (2010). Fourth Amendment / Exceptions to the Warrant

Requirement. Retrieved Dec. 18, 2010, from  http://topics.law.cornell.edu/wex/fourth_amendment .

Cornell University Law School. (2010). U.S. Code Title 18 § 930. Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities. Retrieved Dec. 18, 2010, from  http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/usc_sec_18_00000930-000-.html .

FindLaw. (2010). United States v. $557,933.89 More or Less in Funds. Retrieved Dec. 18,

Aviation Security Since the September
Pages: 2 Words: 689

For managers, this meant that they had to implement some kind of solution that could respond to these changes. ("Christmas Day ombing Plot," 20100
As a result, the TSA introduced full body scan imaging machines. These are similar to X ray machines that will look beneath the clothing of the suspect, to see if they have any kind of explosive in their private areas. For those individuals who were concerned about privacy issues, managers offered them another option (which was fully body pat downs by same sex security officers). During this procedure, they were required to manually check various private areas on a host of different individuals. The problem is that many civil rights groups and victims advocates, were claiming that this is a violation of basic constitutional principles. However, from a manager's perspective, these different views were unfounded, as they believed that the current system could address these underlying…...



Christmas Day Bombing Plot. (2010). Reuters. Retrieved from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/01/07/us-security-airline-intelligence-idUSTRE6065V120100107 

Baskas, H. (2010). TSA Pat Down. MSNBC. Retrieved from:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40291856/ns/travel-news/

Aviation Security
Pages: 3 Words: 1027

Criminal Justice
After the 911 terrorist attacks on the United States of America, airline security has become one of the most prominent safety issues within the country and also abroad. Indeed, specific organizations and strategies have been implemented in order to ensure the safety of aircraft for passengers and for the country as a whole. One of these is the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations (CAPA), an organization specifically concerned with airline security issues and the implementation of safety measures (Air Safety Week, 2003). Critics have however suggested that the government has been in denial regarding the danger and shortcomings inherent in safety and security measures for commercial airlines.

According to Air Safety Week (2003), CAPA has implemented a measure by which it grades the governmental effort towards improving aviation security. And even two years after the September 11 attacks, the grades still fall considerably short of the desired result. CAPA thus…...



Ahlers, Mike (2004, August). " 9/11 commission leaders cite gaps in aviation security." CNN.com, August 28, 2004.

Air Safety Week (2003, October). "Aviation Security Report Card." Air Safet Week, Oct. 13. Retreived August 28, 2003, from: Looksmart Find Articles: www.findarticles.com

Feuerherd, Joe (2004, January). "Top secret: critics say Bush refusal to release records is more about politics than security." National Catholic Reporter, Jan. 9. Retreived August 28, 2003, from: Looksmart Find Articles: www.findarticles.com

Pit & Quarry (2004, January). "Aviation funding legislation signed by president." Pit & Quarry, January. Retreived August 28, 2003, from: Looksmart Find Articles: www.findarticles.com

United States Aviation Security Current
Pages: 5 Words: 1413

However, funding cutbacks have delayed the expected completion of this training by all air marshals. Currently, federal air marshals protect less than 5% of daily U.S. flights. Other limitations to the use of air marshals include a mandatory dress code and the ongoing surveillance, which makes the marshal obvious to passengers. Furthermore, marshals must show identification to the flight crew and board the plane before first-class and handicapped passengers, which further compromises their undercover status.
Despite the limitations to the current aviation security system, many aspects are quite strong. Although not 100% accurate, airport screening devices are sensitive enough to detect metallic orthopedic implants (Kamineni, Legge and are). Also, TSA made remarkable enhancements to these areas in a relatively short period since "9/11." The agency has ongoing initiatives to increase the efficiency of screening checked baggage, including the development and construction of in-line baggage screening systems at larger airports to…...


Works Cited

Barnett, a. "Capps Ii: The Foundation of Aviation Security?" Risk Anal 24.4 (2004): 909-16.

CBS Broadcasting, Inc. New Airport X-Ray Too Revealing? New York, NY, 2003.

Galiano Riveros, E. "The Digital Radiographic and Computed Tomography Imaging of Two Types of Explosive Devices." Appl Radiat Isot 57.6 (2002): 861-5.

Kamineni, S., S. Legge, and H. Ware. "Metallic Orthopaedic Implants and Airport Metal Detectors." J. Arthroplasty 17.1 (2002): 62-5.

International Intra Cooperation in Aviation Security
Pages: 3 Words: 1154

intra and inter-agency cooperation in the context of aviation security, since the 9/11 attacks. The paper will also look into obstacles to cooperation and how to mitigate them.
Means of Inter-Intra Agency Cooperation Increase

Aviation Operational Threat esponse Plan recommends systematized and all-inclusive protocols for guaranteeing a well-organized and successful governmental response to threats from airborne sources against the country and its welfare. The Aviation Transportation System ecovery Plan outlines a set of strategies for mitigating the economic and operational impacts of an aerial attack, in addition to measures, which will allow the Aviation Transport System, as well as other concerned private sector and governmental aviation-connected groups, to rapidly recover from these kinds of attacks (Aviation Transportation System Security Plan, 2007). Efforts for further reducing susceptibilities in each critical system area are maintained, increased, and improved by the Aviation Transportation System Security Plan. The Plan guides forceful efforts for: (1) ensuring…...



(2014, July 7). Fox News - Breaking News Updates -- Latest News Headlines -- Photos & News Videos. U.S. increases security at foreign airports, with focus on cellphone, other electronic devices -- Fox News. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/07/07/us-increases-security-at-foreign-airports-focus-on-cellphone-other-electronic.html 

(2007). Homeland Security. Aviation Transportation System Security Plan. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/hspd16_transsystemsecurityplan.pdf

Kaser, F. (2011, May 31). Federation Of American Scientists -. Interagency Collaborative Arrangements and Activities: Types, Rationales, Considerations . Retrieved November 27, 2015, from  http://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41803.pdf 

(2009). U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO). Key Issues for Congressional Oversight of National Security Strategies, Organizations, Workforce, and Information Sharing . Retrieved November 25, 2015, from  http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09904sp.pdf

Security After 9 11
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Countermeasures After 911

Without a doubt, September 11th changed a tremendous amount about how we live and about how safe (and unsafe) we feel. These attacks caused enormous changes and countermeasures regarding the way we travel and the way we interact with one another and the way in which we use technology. However, ever since the ten-year anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone, it begs to determine just how much we've changed in the way that we live, examining specific areas of technology, commerce and communication. Consider the following: "In spite of a doubling of the intelligence budget since 2001 to $80 billion, the creation or reorganizing of some 263 government organizations, and the formation of the $50 billion Department of Homeland Security, the government has largely fallen short, the new report notes. The report states that while some progress has been made, 'some major September 11 Commission recommendations remain…...



Aclu.org. (2003, August 25). The Five Problems With CAPPS II. Retrieved from Aclu.org:  https://www.aclu.org/national-security/five-problems-capps-ii 

Alpha.org. (2011, Fall). Aviation Security. Retrieved from alpa.org:  http://www.alpa.org/portals/alpa/pressroom/inthecockpit/ALPAIssueAnalysis_10YearsAfter9-11Attacks.pdf 

Browne, D. (2009). Flying without Fear: Effective Strategies to Get You Where You Need to Go. New York: New Harbinger Publications.

Elias, B. (2009). Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Age of Global. New York: CRC Press.

Security Concerns in Air Cargo Sector
Pages: 11 Words: 3723

air cargo industry experienced tremendous growth since inception because of various factors in the aviation industry, particularly the freight sector. The growth and development of this industry is evident in its current significance on the freight sector. Moreover, this industry currently accounts for huge profitability in the freight sector because of increased shipping of various packages across the globe. This increased shipping is fueled by increased interconnectedness of people and countries due to rapid technological factors.
However, the industry has experienced tremendous challenges and concerns in relation to security because of the increase of security issues and emergence of new security threats throughout the world. Some of the major security challenges or issues facing the air cargo industry include terrorism, hijacking threat, vulnerability to security breaches, and probable introduction of explosive devices. These security threats are largely brought by the development of sophisticated tools and means for criminal activities by…...



"Bilateral and Regulatory Issues Facing the Air Cargo Industry." (n.d.). Chapter 6. Retrieved

April 17, 2015, from  http://www.aci-na.org/sites/default/files/chapter_6_-_bilateral_and_regulatory_issues.pdf 

Elias, B. (2010, December 2). Screening and Securing Air Cargo: Background and Issues for Congress. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from  http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R41515.pdf 

"Evaluation of Screening of Air Cargo Transported on Passenger Aircraft." (2010, September).

Why Is the Main Security Program at Airports Still Ineffective
Pages: 4 Words: 1452

Aviation Security Since 911
How has aviation security improved since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? hat do reliable sources in the literature say with reference to safety and security in 2015? And how effective is the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at keeping air travelers safe? This paper covers those issues and in particular provides a number of good sources commenting on the quality (or lack of quality) displayed by the TSA employees.

Generalizations about aviation security in the Post-911 era

For most people who travel by air, the screening at the airports in 2015 is certainly more thorough than it was prior to 911, but there are continuing problems with TSA, as will be documented in this paper. But at the beginning of this paper it is worth reviewing the "Mission" of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in terms of what the U.S. Government wants the public to know: "Safety is…...


Works Cited

Blackburn, M. (2012). The TSA Is Coming To A Highway Near You. Forbes. Retrieved August 20, 2015, from  http://www.forbes.com .

Federal Aviation Administration. (2014). Mission. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from  http://www.faa.gov .

Jacobson, A. (2009). Why have 67,000 TSA Employees Left Their Jobs? PJ Media.

August 20, 2015, from  http://pjmedia.com .

Aviation Safety Is Flying Really Safer Than Driving
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

Aviation Safety: Is flying safer than driving?
There has been an ongoing debate regarding the relative safety of flying as opposed to driving over long distances. Many argue that flying is the safer option, since statistics have proven this mode of transport to be one of the safest in the world. On the other hand, flying has been perceived as unsafe because passengers have relatively little chance of survival should mishaps occur in midair. One interesting dimension in terms of aviation safety is the events during September 11, 2001. These have caused many travelers to choose driving over flying as a result of terrorism fears. When comparing statistics, however, it appears that flying is indeed safer than driving because of factors such as the fatigue that drivers may suffer and human error on American roads. When flying, passengers do not need to maintain any level of concentration in order to remain…...



Blalock, G., Kadiyali, V., and Simon, DH (2005, Dec. 5). Driving Fatalities After 9/11: A Hidden Cost of Terrorism. Retrieved from:  http://dyson.cornell.edu/faculty_sites/gb78/wp/fatalities_120505.pdf 

Jones, P. (2003). Letter to the Editors: Flying vs. Driving. American Scientist. Retrieved from:   page.1,css.print/issue.aspxhttp://www.americanscientist.org/issues/id.391,y.2003,no.3,content.true ,

Kersten, M. (2011). How Did Aviation Change the Travel Experience? Grin Verlag.

Sivak, M. And Flannagan, M. (n.d.) Flying and Driving after the September 11 Attacks. American Scientist. Retrieved from: https://www.americanscientist.org/issues/issue.aspx?id=3312&y=0&no=&content=true&page=2&css=print

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