Aviation Essays (Examples)

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Aviation Safety Program Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1584

Aviation Safety Program Management
The average air traveler rarely sees the essence of recognizing the aviation safety regulations in place. People only and often recognize the factors of safety after a horrific accident occurs. Within the daily working schedules in the private and commercial flights, countless lives of innocent passengers depend on the full implementation of the safety regulations. These safety procedures are in place to protect the lives of the passengers. The drafting and implementation of safety regulations is not only significant to those travelling by air, but to those conducting their business on the ground, as well. For instance, a scenario in which a large plane crashes in a large metropolitan area has disastrous and detrimental effects. Thus, every nation has placed a civil aviation authority to maintain order in the management of the air industry (Transportation department (DOT); federal aviation administration (FAA) (F.. page 53530) -- meeting, 2011).…...



Stolzer, A.J., Halford, C.D., & Goglia, J.J. (2008). Safety management systems in aviation.

Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate.

FAA exceeds general aviation safety goals. (2008). Professional Safety, 53(1), 6. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/200392259?accountid=458 

Transportation department (DOT); federal aviation administration (FAA) (F.R. page 53530)

Aviation Risk Management in Commercial Aviation Improving
Pages: 6 Words: 1913

Aviation isk
isk Management in Commercial Aviation

Improving airline safety means continually improving policies and procedures based on the most recent evidence. The FAA, ICAO and other professionals in the airline and air freight industry are under continuing pressure to make certain that their policies and procedures represent state of the art, particularly in the area of safety. Air traffic continues to increase on a global level, leading to the need for a greater level of standardization and uniformity. This research explores the problem of risk manage in aviation and efforts to improve the industry safety record. It suggests areas that need to be studied in the quest for safer aviation.

isk Management in Commercial Aviation

isk management in commercial aviation has many facets. Many types of risk management affect the aviation industry. The first type that people think about is safety issues. isk management concerning safety issues is by far the most well-known,…...



Chidambara, R. (2010). Problems and Solutions in the Implementation of Safety Management

System. November 30, 2010. Retrieved from / 8 asiapac.aero/upload/page/817/photo/4f2fa5b9b8ed5.pdf17/photo/4f2fa5b9b8ed5.pdfhttp://aci-

General Accounting Office (GAO). (2005). FAA's Safety Oversight System Is Effective

but Could Benefit from Better Evaluation of Its Programs' Performance. Physical Infrastructure Issues: GAO-06-266T. Retrieved from  http://www.gao.gov/assets/90/82203.html

Aviation Industry Political Drivers in the Aviation
Pages: 5 Words: 1390

Aviation Industry
Political Drivers in the Aviation Industry: Implications and Opportunities for Sustainability

Ladies and Gentleman, distinguished guests, and concerned citizens, thank you for joining us today as we reflect on the political and ecological challenges facing the British Aviation industry. Although I use the term challenges to describe the issues facing the aviation industry, I want to encourage all of you to see each challenge as a hidden opportunity. View each challenge as an opportunity for our industry to evolve as it grows more competitive, and begins to function sustainably.

Industries, such as ours, conduct business at the cross-roads of stock-holders, government regulatory agencies, all the while continuously finding ourselves subject to the geo-politics of the Middle-East and its affect on the price of crude oil. If there ever was a reason to find real world alternatives to oil- surely the fact that a sudden rise in the price of crude oil…...



David Strahan. (2008) Green Fuel for the Airline Industry. New Scientist, Vol. 199, No. 2669, pp.34-37

Emma Nygren. (2004) Aviation Fuel and Future Oil Production Scenarios. Energy Policy. Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 4003-4010

Gerald Schneider. (2008) The International Politics of Oil: The Impact of Political Events on the Oil Spot Market, 2000-2004. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the APSA 2008 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. Aug 28, 2008 <

ot available> at   (accessed 12 Dec. 2011)http://www.allacademic.com 

Aviation Business Ethics Sept 11 Industry Implications
Pages: 16 Words: 4384

Aviation usiness Ethics and Sept. 11 Industry Implications
On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists passed through several security checkpoints at three United States airports and proceeded to hijack four commercial jets. The horror began at 8:45 A.M. Two hours later, more than three thousand people were killed in New York City, rural Pennsylvania and Arlington, Virginia (Duffy, 2002).

shattered the nation's sense of safety and security and forever changed the way people travel through and across America. In response to the tragic event, there is an increased pressure on the aviation industry to develop and implement higher ethical standards.

ecause millions of people fly daily and rely on airlines, s well as the Federal Aviation Administration's oversight of aviation procedures, the entire aviation industry must work together to keep their passengers safe and secure.

Research Objectives

This research paper aims to address the subject of business ethics in the field of aviation, as well as…...



Alaska Airlines Web Site

Aviation Safety Network:


Cillufo, Frank.

Aviation Fatigue Is a Complex
Pages: 15 Words: 5257

Furthermore, subjective feelings of fatigue can be inconsistent with performance (Holding, 1983), sometimes exhibiting a greater sensitivity to sleep loss than the performance measures (Haslam, 1981).
While different studies have produced variable results about the effects of fatigue inducing elements in flight performance and aviation errors, yet there is on the whole general agreement among researchers that fatigue is negative factor in aviation, particularly when it comes to military operations. "Despite the mixed findings, there is agreement on the importance of adequate sleep management and sleep logistics for military troops in wartime (Johnson & Naitoh, 1974; Naitoh et al., 1986; Nicholson & Stone, 1987). (ibid)

Researchers also point out that the varying results obtained from studies are related to and dependent on the type of experiments and the situations in which the testing takes place. They note that the best data and sources of information on the true effects of fatigue…...



Bartley, S.H., Chute, E., & Ivy, a.C. (1947). Fatigue and Impairment in Man (1st ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Baranski, J.V., Cian, C., Esquivie, D., Pigeau, R.A., & Raphael, C. (1998). Modafinil during 64 Hr of Sleep Deprivation: Dose-Related Effects on Fatigue, Alertness, and Cognitive Performance. Military Psychology, 10(3), 173-193.

Belenky, G., Penetar, D.M., Thorne, D., Popp, K., Leu, J., Thomas, M., Sing, H., Balkin, T., Wesensten, N., and Redmond, D. (1994) the effects of sleep deprivation on performance during continuous combat operations. In Food Components to Enhance Performance, 127-135. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Billings, C.E. (1997). Aviation Automation: The Search for a Human-Centered Approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Aviation Regulations
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Aviation legislation and law is quite a complex subject. There are incredibly detailed rules and regulations based on the very sensitive nature of the aviation industry. Ultimately, the field of Aviation Law revolves around issues regarding the ongoing process of adhering to and updating regulations as technology continues to develop in the constantly changing industry. Aviation professionals of all levels are impacted by such regulations, and thus need to be aware of them. Ultimately, these laws and regulations impact the way that CM management is practiced within the industry because management needs to be aware to and adhere to such regulations.
In the United States, Aviation Legislation and egulations are determined by the FAA and local states. The FAA has a central document of authority in the Federal Aviation egulations (FAs). This legal system is a codified approach that spells out the very detailed and complex regulations involved in domestic and…...



Barstch, Ronald C. (2013). International Aviation Law: A Practical Guide. Ashgate Publishing.

Federal Aviation Administration. (2009). Advanced Avionics Handbook. Web.  http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/advanced_avionics_handbook/media/FAA-H-8083-6.pdf 

Reigel, Gregory. (2013). Changes to the aviation safety reporting program increase opportunities for mechanics. Reigel Law Firm: Aero Legal Services. Web.  http://www.aerolegalservices.com/Articles/2013-02-11%20Changes%20to%20ASRP%20Benefit%20Mechanics.shtml

Aviation Maintenance Management Theory and Practices
Pages: 12 Words: 4265

Aviation Maintenance Management Theory & Practices
Aeronautics is considered to be the most secured and fastest mode of journey. But the frequent air accidents and resulting consequences reduce our reliance on the mode. Human flaws are acknowledged to be very critical in diverse fields like medicine, mining, shipping so also aviation. Irrespective of the fact that the role human component is widely acknowledged in the cockpit, its contribution in sphere of aircraft maintenance has been ignored to a great extent. (Special Investigation eports: Aircraft Maintenance Safety Survey) The first ever air accident as a consequence of manufacturing and designing error was associated with lcarus while many held the mistakes committed by pilot as responsible for the same. The faulty maintenance and irregular maintenance is considered to be a major cause of most of the air disasters presently. The accident of Aloha Airlines in Hawaii during 1988 occurred as a result of…...



"Aircraft maintenance management" Retrieved from55808.html" http://www.*****/lib/essay/term-paper55808.html

Accessed on 26 February, 2005

Anderson, Deryk. "The Maintenance Theory Jungle" Maintenance Management

Solutions Pty Ltd. Retrieved from http://www.plantmaintenance.com/articles/maintenance_jungle.shtml

Aviation the Educational and Financial Requirements of
Pages: 3 Words: 944

The Educational and Financial Requirements of an Aviation Career

A career in aviation can mean a lot of different things. From the pilots who fly commercial airliners and the air traffic controllers who guide them from the ground to the routing specialists and engineers who keep the highly complex flight schedules in check, aviation is a highly varied field. The course that one takes will be a determinant in the nature of one's education, the costs of progressing in the field and the eventual earnings that one can expect. However, even with the greatest of ambitions in the field of aviation, starting the process does not have to be prohibitively complex.

According to the article by Cobb (2012), the first steps are fairly accessible to all who live in close proximity to an airport. Cobb advises that "aspiring pilots can launch their aviation interest by visiting a local airport - specifically the…...


Works Cited:

AV Scholars. (2012). Careers in Aviation. AVScholars.com.

Cobb, B. (2012). Useful Aviation Career Guidance. Jettutor.com.

National Career Services (NCS). (2010). Finding Out About Aviation. Nationalcareerservice.direct.gov.uk.

Aviation Accidents Caused by Microbursts
Pages: 10 Words: 3429

Aviation Crashes: Delta 191 and USAir 1016
This paper examines two of the most devastating plane crashes in all of professional aviation, the crashing of Delta 191 and the crashing of U.S. Air Flight 1016.

To the lay person, these crashes might just look like isolated incidents that both involved the inability of technology to handle inclement weather. However, these crashes were related to a weather phenomenon known as a microburst -- a weather phenomenon that was not well understood at the times of the incidents and which neither the pilots nor the aircraft were well equipped to handle. This paper documents the elements of both crashes and the unique details that led to them both and how they could have been avoided. This paper also explores what a microburst is and how it functions and also scrutinizes why the field of aviation was so ignorant about this particular weather occurrence to…...



Dresser, M. (1994, September 20). USAir captain seized controls just before N.C. crash. Retrieved from Baltimoresun.com:  http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1994-09-20/news/1994263026_1_usair-flight-pilots-crash 

Flannigan, D. (2011, May 9). When Full Thrust Isn't Enough -- A Sobering Look at Delta Flight 191. Retrieved from Aviationchatter.com: http://www.aviationchatter.com/2011/05/when-full-thrust-isnt-enough-a-sobering-look-at-delta-flight-191/

FSF. (1996, February). Unaware that they have encountered a microburst... Retrieved from Accident Prevention:  http://flightsafety.org/ap/ap_feb96.pdf 

Gibson, W. (1985, October 1). Delta Crew Sensed Trouble Transcript Traces Last Minutes Of Flight 191. Retrieved from Sun-Sentinel.com:  http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1985-10-01/news/8502110289_1_air-traffic-controllers-transcript-safety-board

Aviation Safety - Fire Issues
Pages: 5 Words: 1790

In would appear that cabin safety is still the main goal for the airline industry, as it should be, but it also appears that not enough individuals are paying attention to what is going on and what needs to be changed where the cockpit is concerned. hen even a small fire can damage systems that the pilot and crew need to fly and land the plane safely, this is a serious and significant issue that should be addressed quickly. Despite this, little has apparently been done regarding this problem.

As for what should be recommended for future research and study, there are two that are the most significant. First, cockpit safety must be further addressed through the use of smoke detectors, circuit breakers that will stop fires and problems from spreading, and other issues that will be helpful for the future. hen this problem is not addressed it does not really…...


Works Cited

Adams, K. (1999). A new approach to cockpit and cabin fire safety. Air Safety Week.

In-Flight fires wreak havoc with systems reliability. (2003). Air Safety Week.

Knutson, L.L. (1998). FAA wants more fire-retardant insulation on airplanes. Associated Press.

McSweeny, T.E. (1999). We're improving cabin safety. USA Today.

Aviation Safety List Three Main
Pages: 2 Words: 667

It may refer matters within its sphere of action to the commission or council. It is responsible for delegating duties to the Council and modifies or revokes the delegated authority. This shows that the Assembly reviews technical, legal, economic, and administrative operations of the organization (Goglia, Halford & Stolzer, 2010).
2. Discuss the ICAO ulemaking Process including the rule of SAPs, PANS, and SUPPs

Three international bodies conduct ulemaking: the International Civil Aviation Organization, International Monetary Fund, and Civil Aviation Organization. These organizations conduct an examination on types of rule making. They begin by sponsoring international treaties, which generates traditional global responsibilities on ratifying countries. This is followed by enactment of voluntary codes of practice and standards. ICAO rulemaking process requires that all appropriate experts must be consulted before making any considerations. This helps in omitting certain issues, which might be an obstacle in the real world (Goglia, Halford & Stolzer,…...



Goglia, J., Halford, C. & Stolzer, a. (2010). Safety Management Systems in Aviation. New York:

Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Jakhu, R. (2012). The Need for an Integrated Regulatory Regime for Aviation and Space.

Michigan: Springer

Aviation Profitability and Air Travel Recent History
Pages: 5 Words: 1431

Profitability and Air Travel

Recent history has been particularly unkind to the aviation industry. A sector uniquely vulnerable to the fluctuations, uncertainties and anxieties that seem to connect to particular moments in history, the air travel business has suffered greatly at the hands of a decade-long recession with various peaks and valleys; at the hands of series of wars in the Middle East punctuated by the 9/11 terror attacks and all their attendant paranoia; and at the hands of public health scares such as the SARS and avian flu panics. These events led to a dramatic reduction in elective air travel as members of the public within an inherent need to fly actively avoided doing so. Indeed, the financial hit on the industry as a consequence of 9/11 and the subsequent ar on Terror would be a catastrophic one, underlining one of the core internal contradictions of the air travel business.…...


Works Cited:

Chapman, L. (2010). Airline Brands: Piloting A Failing Business Model and Brand Experience. Technorati.

Pilarski, A.M. (2007). Why Can't We Make Money in Aviation? Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Steffy, L. (2009). Why the airline industry will never be profitable. Chron.com.

Aviation Maintenance
Pages: 3 Words: 1029

Aviation maintenance and management are probably among the most important actions within the transport industry today. Failure to provide adequate maintenance or indeed to manage this effectively can result in errors, accidents, and death. In the aviation industry, death is far more likely than in other modes of transport, since there is the factor of height added to speed and crashing that act as danger factors when accidents occur. Kinnison (2004, p. 13) notes that, in reality, all mechanical parts and engineered components, regardless of quality, will fail at some point during their lifetime. This is at the heart of the importance of maintenance. Management means that maintenance and inspection schedules are set up in such a way that the failures cause the least disruption in service while ensuring optimal safety for passengers and crew. Specifically, maintenance management includes a variety of components such as repair, inspection, and the upkeep…...



AOPA. (2011). Best Practices Guide for Maintaining Aging General Aviation Airplanes. Retrieved from: http://www.vintageaircraft.org/informational_articles/Best%20Practices%20Guide%20for%20Maintaining%20Aging%20General%20Aviation%20Airplanes.pdf

Kinnison, H.A. (2004). Aviation Maintenance Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Xavier, A.J. (2005, March). Managing Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance Through a Performance Excellence Framework. Retrieved from:  http://www.system-safety.com/articles/Xavier%20Thesis.pdf

Aviation on January 13 1982 an Air
Pages: 2 Words: 691

On January 13, 1982, an Air Florida operated Boeing 737 crashed. Flight 90, with call-in nickname Palm 90, was schedule to fly from Washington, D.C. To Fort Lauderdale via Tampa. The flight crashed seconds after takeoff, just a mile from the Washington National Airport (Kaye, 2009). The Palm 90 disaster was the "the first major airline accident attributed to organizational factors," (Ciavarelli, 2007, p. 1). Some of the potential causes of the disaster are attributed to organizational factors such as Air Florida being an "upstart airline" that was willing to "cut corners," (cited by Kaye, 2009). A "poor decision chain" that included inadequate staff training, errors in judgment, "inappropriate procedures," and communication breakdowns were the primary factors in the accident (Ciavarelli, 2007, p. 2).

Weather was an intervening factor, but it was human error that caused the crash itself. At the time of scheduled departure, there was a blizzard in the…...



Ciavarelli, A.P. (2007). Safety climate and risk culture: How does your organization measure up? Retrieved online:  http://www.faa.gov/about/safety_efficiency/sms/resources/documents/safety_climate_and_risk_culture.pdf 

"Civil Aviation Disasters," (n.d.). Retrieved online:  http://www.pilotfriend.com/disasters/crash/airflorida90.htm 

Kaye, K. (2009). Air Florida disaster still chilling 27 years later. Sun Sentinel.com. 10 Jan 2009. Retrieved online:  http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/news/weather/hurricane/blog/2009/01/air_florida_disaster_27_years.html 

OHS Body of Knowledge (2012). Models of Causation: Safety. Retrieved online: http://www.ohsbok.org/downloads/32%20Models%20of%20Causation%20Safety.pdf

Aviation Aerospace
Pages: 7 Words: 2822

Aviation / Aerospace
Course # Management 311 Marketing

The business of aircraft for defense requirements is quite different from the requirements of aircraft for civilian requirements. The sale of the material is also to different groups and all defense equipment has to be sold to governments whereas the civilian purpose aircraft have to be sold to airline transport companies. The objective of the government for military aircraft is simple -- the protection of the country. Here the cost or carriage capacities are not very important considerations. What matters is whether the defense aircraft will be able to repel the possible attacks by the other country. The situation varies from country to country depending on the aircraft that the opposition has. The aircraft must have the capacity of being upgraded as these aircraft are likely to be used for many generations as they are quite expensive. Up gradation requirements mean that the company,…...



"Aeronautics" Retrieved from   ci=15047& sc=400 Accessed on 8 June, 2005http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec& ;

Coffman, Vance. D. (17 June, 2001) "Bridges are better than Walls" Retrieved from Lockheed

Martin Paris Air Show Press Dinner Ritz Hotel, Paris, France.

I\'m not very familiar with main landing wheel. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 280

1. The importance of main landing wheels in aircraft operations
2. The evolution of main landing wheels in aviation history
3. The different types of main landing wheels used in aircraft
4. The maintenance and inspection procedures for main landing wheels
5. The role of main landing wheels in ensuring safe landings and take-offs
6. The impact of main landing wheel technology on aircraft performance
7. Case studies of incidents or accidents involving main landing wheel failure
8. The future trends and advancements in main landing wheel technology
9. The environmental impact of main landing wheels in aviation
10. The innovations and developments in main landing wheel....

I\'m not very familiar with main landing wheel. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 619

Essay Topics on Main Landing Wheel

1. Design and Engineering of Main Landing Wheels

Explore the various types of main landing wheels, including single-wheel, twin-wheel, and multi-wheel configurations.
Discuss the structural components of a main landing wheel, such as the tire, rim, tread, and hub.
Analyze the design considerations for main landing wheels, including load bearing capacity, durability, and rolling resistance.

2. Aerodynamics and Performance of Main Landing Wheels

Explain the aerodynamic forces acting on main landing wheels during takeoff, landing, and taxiing.
Discuss the role of tread patterns and tire pressure on the wheel's traction and rolling resistance.
Analyze the effects....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on main landing gear wheel. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 222

1. The Evolution of Main Landing Gear Wheels in Aircraft Design
2. The Importance of Proper Main Landing Gear Wheel Maintenance
3. The Role of Main Landing Gear Wheels in Aircraft Performance
4. Innovations in Main Landing Gear Wheel Technology
5. The Environmental Impact of Main Landing Gear Wheels
6. A Comparative Analysis of Different Types of Main Landing Gear Wheels
7. The Significance of Main Landing Gear Wheels in Aircraft Safety
8. The Future of Main Landing Gear Wheel Design in Aviation
9. Main Landing Gear Wheels: From Design to Manufacturing
10. The Impact of Main Landing Gear Wheels on Aircraft Operations and Efficiency.
11. The Influence of Material....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on main landing gear wheel. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 641

1. The Role of Main Landing Gear Wheels in Aircraft Safety and Performance

Examine the critical functions of main landing gear wheels in ensuring safe and efficient aircraft operations.
Discuss the various types of main landing gear wheel designs and their impact on rolling resistance, braking effectiveness, and stability.
Analyze the advancements in main landing gear wheel technology, such as composite materials and advanced tire designs.

2. Engineering Considerations in the Design of Main Landing Gear Wheels

Explore the structural analysis and material selection involved in designing main landing gear wheels to withstand high loads and dynamic forces.
Discuss the factors....

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