Automation Essays (Examples)

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Automation of the Drug Court System These
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Automation of the Drug Court System
These are specially formed courts whose jurisdiction involves offenders majorly with drug related problems. Drug courts are primarily an alternative to the normal prison, or the detention camps. The criminal justice system in drug courts works hand in hand with the treatment systems. The main objective of the drug courts is to provide the offender with the necessary support towards recovery, to maintain their stay during recovery and afterwards to enable them lead a life that is productive to the society.

Drug courts represent a unique approach to managing drug-related cases. This approach is a fairly recent phenomenon for the justice system. It grew out of problems created for the justice system, and the communities it serves, when the growth of drug-related arrests threatened to overwhelm the system in the early 1990s.

There is an urgent need to carry out urgent mitigation measures; this is because this…...

Office Automation
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Automation and Group Collaboration Software
Our organization uses several automation and group collaboration software that we find important and indispensable when developing projects. This paper will discuss a few of these softwares, analyzing their functions as well as the advantages and disadvantages that they bring to users.

Remote Desktop Connection

The first automation and group collaboration software that we will discuss is Remote Desktop Connection. The development of Remote Desktop Connection is very brilliant because it allows a remote access of computer machines. The task of opening files and working on your computer machine that is located in your office can be done virtually wherever you are. Thus, allowing a user to become productive at work whenever and wherever he wishes. In the continuous development of our technology, making things portable is becoming a trend. Devices become smaller and smaller, allowing every component in technology easy to bring. y using Remote Desktop…...



Remote Desktop Connection Instruction.

2004. University of California. 2004.

Skype Online.

Cockpit Automation The Impact
Pages: 20 Words: 8023

Cognitive laziness, according to the experts, is a condition in which people reveal a tendency to take short cuts for a number of things, including a short cut to flying on automation, as in this case. Social loafing refers to the tendency displayed by people, in which people tend to expend lesser effort in any given situation, when there is a group of individuals involved. ("Cockpit automation may bias decision making," 1999)
Most individuals, stated Dr. Skitka, tended to display a tendency to slack off when there was a situation that warranted a sharing of responsibility. Therefore, in this case, when the computer is a part of the group, the same tendency would apply. Diffusion of responsibility refers to the inclination of individuals to conform to the demands that figures of authority make on them. In this particular case, the computer was taken as an authority figure, or at the…...



Associated Press, (2006, Nov) "Very Light Jets poised for Aviation Stardom?" Retrieved 11 November, 2007 at 

Eichenberger, Jerry a. (1996) "General Aviation Law"

McGraw-Hill Professional.

Higdon, Dave. (2007) "FBO Light Jet Review, Special Aviation Features" Retrieved 11 November, 2007 at

Cross-Cultural Cockpit Automation CRM Crew Resource Management
Pages: 14 Words: 3851

aviation is automation. Automation has been a part of aviation far longer than it has been a part of any other industry or cause, and aviation has been multi-cultural since the first flight across the Atlantic. In light of the recent global changes in aviation, after recent terrorist acts, there is a much greater international need for a culture of safety that alleviates the rational fears of the public. Challenges of international collaboration are now more important than ever. The challenges of automation and especially the cross-cultural issues of it are the ways in which pilots and mangers view automation and how they use it. The challenges to the aviation industry are trendsetting in the field of human and computer interaction, almost before the complex ideas of technological advance and its time and energy saving effects were devised.
In aviation technology was used from the early beginning to automate flight…...



Driskell, J.E. & Salas, E. (Eds.). (1996). Stress and Human Performance. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Helmriech, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A., Klinect, J.R. & Merrit A.C. (2001) Culture, Error and Crew Resource Management. In E. Salas, C.A. Bowers & E. Edens (Eds) Improving Teamwork in Organizations (pp. 305-331) Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Helmriech, R.L. & Merrit, A.C. (1996, April) Cultural Issues in Crew Resource Management. Paper presented at the ICAO Global Human Factors Seminar Auckland, New Zealand, April 1996.

Helmreich, R.L. Wilhelm, J.A. Klinect, J.R. & Merrit, A.C. (1999) Culture and Crew Resource Management, University of Texas at Austin.

Database Marketing Sales Force Automation and Virtual
Pages: 8 Words: 2511

Database marketing, sales force automation and virtual reality are three of the newest trends in technology to impact the way company's market to their customers. All three technologies offer specific advantages and disadvantages for their use. The appropriate use of the technology must be based solidly on the type of product, costs incurred, and the nature of relationship with clients. hen used in a judicious way, all three technologies can have a viable and positive effect on a company's marketing strategy.
Database Marketing

As the name suggest, database marketing simply involves the extensive use of database systems, and tools related to databases within the field of marketing. Database marketing allows a company to use all information in their databases (or any other useful external information) in a potentially wide variety of marketing efforts. Further, information gleaned from company databases can be used to evaluate new markets, and assess the potential for potential…...


Works Cited

Argus. Press Release: For Immediate Release: January 3, 1995. Virtual Reality Developed as Industrial Marketing Tool. 04 November 2002.

Copulsky, Jonathan. What are the major reasons why sales force automation (SFA) initiatives fail? 04 November 2002.

An Overview about Database-Marketing. 04 November 2002.

Which tools to use in Database-Marketing? 04 November 2002.

Adaptive Automation Is Apparently a
Pages: 3 Words: 987

It provides the visibility that could help an organization figure the relation between its assets and processes governing them and thus reduce the risks by implementing reforms and innovations wherever necessary.


As the adaptive automation is brought into the lime light not only will it help decreasing human errors but would also eliminate the unnecessary human intervention.

This technology would itself adapt as its name suggests to the changing data processes, make the necessary changes automatically and thus improve the system's function and agility.

Out ruling the possibility of human errors "fewer systems and solutions will break or unnecessarily slow down. And more changes will be able to be effected without major impacts on systems, users, time capital and personnel budgets. This is because change will revolve around the infrastructure, but the infrastructure will stay "glued-in," adapting to whatever happens around it in terms of new information…...



Mark W. Scerbo-Adaptive Automation. Available at   on:29/10/05] [Accessed

Harriet Fryman -The Future of IT is Automation. posted on:01/03/04. Available at   on:29/10/05] [Accessed

Jay S. Bayne - Next generation will offer distributed real-time automation, control. posted on:01/03/04.Available at [Accessedon:29/10/05]

Office Automation
Pages: 4 Words: 1535

Office Automation: Funeral Homes
An Examination of Software Applications Used in Funeral Homes Today

The funeral industry is not for everyone, but it is a solid industry with healthy projections for future growth (Anderson, 1997). While funeral homes have some needs that are unique to the industry, many of the administrative and processing tasks associated with their operation are similar to virtually any other type of business today. This paper will provide an overview of what office automation and group collaboration software is used in a typical funeral home today. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages for each software application is followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Background and Overview. A consequence of the transition of the American economy from manufacturing to service-based has been a sharp increase in jobs that require direct, face-to-face interaction with the final customer. In various industries today, different positions increasingly…...



Abraham, R. (1999). The Impact of Emotional Dissonance on Organizational Commitment and Intention to Turnover. Journal of Psychology, 133(4), 441.

Anderson, J.A. (April 1997). ... And What for an Encore? Is the Stampede Still on, or Is the Bull Market Soon to Be Corralled? Black Enterprise, 27(9), 62.

Brown, M.R. (March 1999). Preparing for the Hereafter. Black Enterprise, 29(8), 129.

Funeral Home Software. (2004). SRS Computing Solutions. Available:

Office Automation and Group Collaboration Software
Pages: 2 Words: 576

Office Automation and Group Collaboration Software
One of the office automations that help our company is the e-commerce system that was mainly developed for the purpose of upgrading the business processes of the company. This e-commerce application involves the automation of the trading process between our company and the customers. asically, it makes the buying and selling processes faster and more convenient for both the customers, the marketing department, and retail department of the company. Aside from the benefits it brings to the marketing phase of product selling, our e-commerce application also offers lesser tasks in terms of financial accounting. This is because the site includes automated process of computing the necessary amounts involved in a transaction.

The e-commerce application that we have conforms to the basic definition of what an e-commerce system is. As defined online,

Electronic commerce: the conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers. Specifically, e-commerce…...



Kurtus, R. (2000). The Basics of E-commerce.

Retrieved May 25, 2004, from

Web site: 

Definitions of E-commerce.

Office Automation and Group Collaboration
Pages: 3 Words: 909

Office Automation and Group Collaboration
In my company, the imaging technology is used for the office automation purposes and the Lotus-Notes is used for the group collaboration purposes. Below I will describe the use of these technologies in my company.

The imaging technology has been useful to my company as it is able to eliminate the need for the paper in many areas. By the elimination of the paper in several business processes, my company has been able to significantly improve its performance by reducing the need to re-keying most of information in the paper format. Tasks, which were previously done one after another, now can be done simultaneously, because imaging technology can provide simultaneous access to documents. So, multiple people can do their jobs at the same time. This kind of access, which allows people working in parallel, offers considerable improvements to the overall processing time and the quality of the…...

A Posthuman Future Automation is not Autonomous
Pages: 1 Words: 341

Thanks to automation, human beings have been able to achieve better standards of living and solve some of the challenges that have bedeviled the human race for ages. However, as some have pointed out in the past, automation will continue leading to massive job loss (Wajcman, 2017). This is more so the case given that technology has ushered in some capabilities that allow for more efficiency and profitability. There are those who feel that tech will replace professionals as we know them. As a matter of fact, as Wajcman (2017) points out, the authors of The Future of the Professions are convinced that even those professions deemed immune in the past are not that safe after all. In the words of Wajcman (2017), the said authors are of the opinion that “in the internet society, we will neither need nor want doctors, teachers, accountants, architects, the clergy, consultants or lawyers to…...



Wajcman, J. (2017). Automation: is it really different this time? The British Journal of Sociology, 68(1), 119-127


Eurosec Automation and Security Systems Identifying Eurosec
Pages: 17 Words: 4763

Eurosec Automation and Security Systems
Identifying Eurosec Automation and Security Systems resource capabilities

Choosing the geographical location

Methods of Expansion

Finance and Information Technology

The organisation Eurosec Automation and Security Systems (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah) has undergone a detailed analysis from a performance management group. The analysis was done by using several performance improvement models including the 7S model, SWOT analysis, ADKA analysis, PESTLE, a cost comparison tool, Gaps Analysis, a year P/L projection, and a flow IT model.

The initial analysis of the Eurosec Automation Security Systems delved into the areas of strengths and areas needing improvement inside the organisation. The PESTILE analysis tool will be used in studying and researching current geographical locations (countries) where the company will begin to become more global. The 7S model, SWOT analysis, and the ADKA analysis explores how Eurosec Automation Security Systems is structured and the resource capabilities within.

The Gaps Analysis, P/L projection, and flow IT chart…...



Adkar change model. (2011, June). Retrieved from 

Aurifeille, J.M., Svizzero, S., & Tisdell, C.A. (2007). Globalization and partnerships. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Cheverton, P., Foss, B., Hughes, T., & Stone, M. (2005). Key account management in financial services. London, Great Britain: Kogan Page Limited.

CIA- the world factbook-China. (2011, June). Retrieved from

Management of Technology in Business
Pages: 2 Words: 626

Technology Management
The rapid technological advancements that have characterized the modern society have contributed to increased automation, especially in the business sector. The modern business world is experiencing increased automation and technological advancements because businesses are constantly seeking for measures to enhance their profitability and competitive advantage. In a survey conducted on the financial services industry, Fleming (2016) states that companies in this sector are facing increased automation, which could generate an upheaval for the industry and its employees. Financial services companies are increasingly adopting and introducing technology for their business processes to achieve greater accuracy and efficiency across all their operations. While these advancements could cause an industry upheaval, they help companies enhance their efficiency by improving functionality and reducing inefficiencies in operations.
As technological advancements continue to change business operations, its important for businesses to establish suitable measures for automation of their functions and technology management. The first step towards…...



Fleming, S. (2016, May 5). Financial Services Companies Braced for Automation. Financial Times. Retrieved August 4, 2017, from  

Forrest, C. (2016, November 1). Five Best Practices for Bringing Automation to your Organization. Retrieved August 4, 2017, from 

Automation and Logistics in Management
Pages: 11 Words: 3157

Technology That Will Change LogisticsIntroductionLogistics and supply chain management have always been a challenging area for companies, military organizations, and governments. With globalization and the increased complexity of supply chain networks, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that goods are delivered on time, at the right place, and at the right cost. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of supply chains, leading many organizations to seek ways to improve their resilience and agility. This paper aims to analyze the impact of new technologies on supply chain management, focusing on their potential to disrupt existing paradigms. The paper will consider various areas of exploration, including cybersecurity, disruptive technology, and app-based solutions, to understand how they are transforming supply chain management. It will also examine the commercial, military, and government aspects of supply chain management to understand how these technologies are being applied in different contexts.Current Uses of Technology…...


ReferencesAngert, S. (2019). Blockchain technology implementation in the US customs environment. NavalPostgraduate School Monterey United States.Castro, L., & Wamba, S. F. (2007). An inside look at RFID technology. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 2(1), 128-141.Paksoy, T., Kochan, C. G., & Ali, S. S. (Eds.). (2020). Logistics 4.0: Digital transformation of supply chain management. CRC Press.Shen, B., Dong, C., & Minner, S. (2022). Combating copycats in the supply chain with permissioned blockchain technology. Production and Operations Management, 31(1), 138-154.Yadav, J., Misra, M., & Goundar, S. (2021). Autonomous agriculture marketing information system through blockchain: A case study of e-NAM adoption in India. In Blockchain Technologies, Applications and Cryptocurrencies: Current Practice and Future Trends (pp. 115-138).

Office Automation and Group Collaboration
Pages: 1 Words: 382

Store managers are left voice mails on recommendations for pricing and product mix changes. The disadvantages of a satellite network are that first it can be seriously impacted by bad weather, is expensive to repair and maintain, and has security risks from advanced hacking approaches (Carr, 2004). Despite these limitations however Dollar General us successfully using their satellite-based WAN to collaborate on what matters most, and that is pricing management, revenue management and product mix decisions that have a direct impact on the company's ability to stay in business for the long-term.

David F. Carr. (2004, July). Gotcha! Ups and Downs of Satellite Networking; Very small aperture terminal satellite networking has long been a favorite of retailers seeking rapid geographic expansion, from Dollar General to drugstore chain Walgreens. Baseline, 1(32), 32.

Kim S. Nash. (2004, July). 8 Days to 'Go'; Dollar General opens two new stores every day. The secret isn't…...



David F. Carr. (2004, July). Gotcha! Ups and Downs of Satellite Networking; Very small aperture terminal satellite networking has long been a favorite of retailers seeking rapid geographic expansion, from Dollar General to drugstore chain Walgreens. Baseline, 1(32), 32.

Kim S. Nash. (2004, July). 8 Days to 'Go'; Dollar General opens two new stores every day. The secret isn't miracle grow. Instead, there's a well-honed choreography of human muscle and precision logistics that sets up each new outlet in little more than a week. We give you an inside look at what Dollar General doesn't want you to know. Baseline, 1(32), 32.

Managing the automation industry
Pages: 13 Words: 4092

Introduction The automotive industry segment within the economy of the United States is a fundamental employer as well as a key donor of the American Gross National Product. The automotive industry segment is one that faces intense and comprehensive competition not only locally but also internationally. In recent times, the automotive industry has experienced deterioration in the revenues and profits generated and a decline in the market share as well as a lack of major employment opportunities. Within this similar timespan, the automotive industry has experienced major problems owing to the increases in the level of importation of vehicles and their corresponding parts from Europe and Asia as they have attained a greater market share as well as sales volumes. The purpose of this report to is to examine the different strategies and tactics employed by General Motors and Toyota Motor Corporation. These two companies are some of the biggest automotive…...

How to make an essay outline of the invention of cars?
Words: 630

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about self checkout?
Words: 595

1. Self-Checkout: A Revolution in the Retail Industry

This title highlights the transformative impact of self-checkout technology on the retail industry. It suggests that self-checkout has revolutionized the way customers shop and pay for goods, leading to significant changes in store operations, customer behavior, and the overall shopping experience.

2. The Rise of Self-Checkout: Convenience, Efficiency, and the Changing Role of Cashiers

This title emphasizes the convenience and efficiency that self-checkout offers to customers, as well as the changing role of cashiers in the face of this technology. It explores how self-checkout has streamlined the checkout process, reduced wait times, and empowered customers....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on When will advancing technology make most of us unemployable? What should we do about this?
Words: 337

I. Introduction
A. Definition of advancing technology and its impact on employment
B. Introduction of the topic and its relevance in today's society

II. The timeline of advancing technology and unemployment
A. Historical examples of technological advancements leading to job displacement
B. Predictions for future advancements and their potential impact on employment

III. Factors contributing to potential unemployability
A. Automation and artificial intelligence replacing human work
B. Globalization and outsourcing of jobs to cheaper labor markets
C. Skills gap and the need for retraining in a rapidly changing workforce

IV. Implications of widespread unemployability
A. Economic consequences of mass unemployment
B. Social and....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on When will advancing technology make most of us unemployable? What should we do about this?
Words: 406

I. Introduction
- Begin by presenting a thought-provoking statement or question that captures the reader's attention.
- Briefly introduce the idea that advancing technology might make most of us unemployable in the future and highlight the significance of addressing this potential issue.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Technological Advancements and Job Displacement
- Discuss how technological advancements have historically impacted the job market.
- Provide specific examples of jobs or industries that have been affected by automation and artificial intelligence.
- Explain the concept of "technological unemployment" and its potential consequences for society.

III. Body Paragraph 2: The Skills Gap and Education
- Discuss the widening skills gap between....

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