Authoritative Parenting Essays (Examples)

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Indulgent Parenting vs Authoritative Parenting
Pages: 3 Words: 1085

Indulgent vs. Authoritative Parenting mother and her daughter walk through the aisles at a grocery store. As they stroll through the cereal aisle, the young girl begs her mom for the newest sugar-laden breakfast treat. When her mom says no, the girl begins to whine and beg, and proceeds to throw a mini-tantrum. Her wails grow louder and other shoppers start to stare. The mother, obviously an indulgent parent, reaches for the cereal in question and lovingly pats her little girl on the head. Another mother and her daughter walk down the same aisle. Only this time, when the young girl begs for sugary cereal, her mother firmly replies, "No." The girl pouts but doesn't say another word. Her mother has probably practiced a more authoritarian approach to parenting. While there as many different parenting styles as there are children in the world, most parents lead toward either a liberal,…...

parenting'styles and authoritative permissive
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Parenting styles vary, and include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and harmonious styles. All of these styles are relatively common, varying depending on culture and individual differences. Television shows reveal different parenting styles. For example, on the sitcom Modern Family, different parenting styles are evident. Gloria is occasionally authoritarian in her approach, but otherwise the parenting style evident in all the three different family units is harmonious. Harmonious parenting styles are superior to authoritarian, authoritative, permissive styles in that they prepare the child for healthy social relationships with others.
Moreover, harmonious parenting styles help achieve a harmonious household. Harmonious parenting styles create win-win scenarios as shown in the video explaining the different styles of parenting. When the child wants something, and the parents also want to enforce some rules of conduct, a conflict may ensue. An authoritarian parent will lay down the law, refusing to give into any of the child's requests. The…...

Parenting Styles Can Be Generally
Pages: 2 Words: 512

At the same time, authoritative parents use discipline judiciously.
Unlike authoritative parents, permissive parents shy away from discipline. They are overly indulgent to their child's whims. Permissive parents tolerate a wide range of behaviors that would not be tolerated by either authoritarian or authoritative parents. Although permissive parents can be emotionally nurturing, they often erect barriers to parent-child communication because of not paying closer attention to the developmental and maturation needs of the child.

Authoritative parents do not show much warmth toward their children. They can be unresponsive and emotionally detached, demanding a "be seen, not heard" environment. Discipline is heavy-handed but unlike authoritative parents, authoritarian parents do not explain their punishments or communicate with their children. However, they do not coddle their children like permissive parents do and do not tolerate emotional outbursts.

The effect of parenting style on self-esteem has been widely studied. Children who grow up in an authoritarian…...



Warash, B. & Markstrom, C. (2001). Parental perceptions of parenting styles in relation to academic self-esteem of preschoolers. Education. 121(3).

Parents Can Affect the Connection
Pages: 7 Words: 1924

(p. 226)
Findings and Discussion

Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al. (2008) present us with a number of key findings that have such pervasive implications for parenting. All toddlers engage in behaviors such as biting, hitting, screaming, or otherwise acting out. Such behaviors arise as a result of negative emotions. Parents often find these behaviors hard to deal with -- along with other children and other caregivers. The response by others in the children's world may be highly negative itself and may thus provoke additional negative feelings, which in turn provoke additional negative behaviors. This is a cycle that is bad for all concerned.

Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al. (2008) further validated the finding of others that an authoritarian parenting style is aimed at getting children to stop these negative behaviors by commanding them to follow parental orders. However, they also found, such a parenting style ignores the underlying emotions and so is ineffective in preventing the…...



Clark, K.E., & Ladd, G.W. (2000). Connectedness and autonomy support in parent-child relationships: Links to children's socioemotional orientation and peer relationships. Developmental Psychology, 485-498.

Kochanska, G., Murray, K., & Coy, K.C. (1997). Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to school age. Child Development, 68, 263-277.

Paulussen-Hoogeboom, M. etal (2008). Parenting style as a mediator between children's negative emotionality and problematic behavior in early childhood. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 2008, 169(3), 209 -- 226.

How Different Parenting Styles Affect Children
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Parenting Styles
There are a few different parenting styles, named by Matsumoto as authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritative. Generally, uninvolved parents are those who are too involved in their own lives to respond appropriately to their children, while permissive parents are warm and nurturing but allow their children to regulate their own lives. Authoritative parents are those that are firm, fair and reasonable. Authoritarian parents, by contrast, are those who demand unquestioned obedience, viewing the child as something to be controlled (Matsumoto, Chapter 3).

Within each style, the parents behave differently and this influences the child in different ways. The uninvolved parents have minimal interaction with the child. Often, this leaves the child with minimal enculturation as they have few adults from whom to learn. Such children end up being demanding and noncompliant. The children of permissive parents are often immature -- by setting their own boundaries they end no progressing as…...

Alcohol Drinking Frequency Correlated to the 4 Parenting Styles
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

Parenting styles have been correlated with the degree and frequency of alcohol use in college age students (that is what the next sentence is for!). In particular, there has been a clear association between parental monitoring and less drinking among teens (Beck et al., 2004). In fall 2006, a random sample of under graduate students attending 10 universities were invited to participate in an online Internet-based survey of alcohol use and other risky behaviors (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner, & Wolfson, 2008). All participating universities had a graduate program and surveys were sent to graduate and undergraduate students combined (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner & Wolfson, 2008). Campuses ranged from approximately 5,375 to 44,841 students (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner & Wolfson, 2008). Further, 139 Caucasian well-educated parents were paired with their adolescent children and assessed according to their perceived parenting styles (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner & Wolfson, 2008) Comment by AJ: Not…...

Different Parenting Styles and Their Effect on Children's Behavior
Pages: 10 Words: 3034

Parenting Styles and their Effect on Children Behavior
Different Parenting Styles

This research paper is based on Baumrind's theory of parenting and covers the impact and consequences of different parenting styles on children's development extensively. Four parenting styles named authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved are discussed in detail. This paper also discusses parenting style of Canada, Japan and China in contrast with Baumrind's theory of parenting. All the impacts and influences on parenting style are deeply studied and discussed.

Early years of learning in a child's life is believed to make a significant difference in the way they develop and go on to learn throughout their lives (Kim, 1999). Developmental psychologists have been making research about the role played by parents and its impact on child development. However, developing a cause-and-effect link between parents behavior and brought up and its impact on child behavior and attitude is a relatively tough task. This…...



Golombok, S. (2000). Parenting: What Really Counts? new york: Routledge.

Kim, M. (1999). Parental Involvement, Family Processes, and Parenting Styles of First Generation Korean parents on early childhood education. New York: Umi.

Nevid, J.S. (2009). Psychology: Concepts and Applications. New York: wadsworth.

Pressley, M., & McCormick, C.B. (2007). Child And Adolescent Development for Educators. New York: Guilford Publications.

How Parents Help with Identity Formation
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Parenting StyleHow is identity affected by authoritative parenting? The impact of parenting styles on developmental outcomes, particularly in the context of identity formation, is one area of research in developmental psychology that has received attention over the years. Authoritative parenting, characterized by a balanced approach of responsiveness and demandingness, has been extensively studied for its effects on children\\\'s development.Developmental Outcome: Identity FormationIdentity formation is an important stage in adolescent development, as posited by Erikson\\\'s stages of psychosocial development. Identity vs. ole Confusion is the major conflict of adolescence that must be resolved before development can effectively proceed to the next stage. One issue at hand is how authoritative parents impact this stage of development: does their parenting style hinder the resolution of the conflict? Does it support resolution? Does it have no impact at all? During adolescence, individuals explore various roles and ideas to develop a sense of self. The…...


ReferencesBaumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. The journal of early adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.Estlein, R. (2016). Parenting styles. Encyclopedia of family studies, 1-3.

Authoritative in Answering My Question Not Only
Pages: 3 Words: 1000

authoritative in answering my question not only since it originates from a reliable source, but also because it itself is obviously professional and of high quality.
There are numerous markers that indicate this. Firstly the title is concise and to the point stating the question followed by method of inquiry. The Abstract summarizes the article succinctly explaining objective (to investigate whether Paracetamol increases duration of fever and is safe when used with children); Design (a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial) the methodology; esults (with statistical abbreviations); and Conclusion (Paracetamol is effective on all counts).

Professionalism is further shown by a brief introduction that covers the purpose of the research and culminates in the hypothesis: (i) that use of Paracetamol prolongs fever clearance time, and that (ii) rate of decline in temperature with Paracetamol administration imitates that of placebo.

The subjects and method is thoroughly described in a way that anyone wishing…...



Breakwell, G., Hammond, S. & Fife-Schaw, C. (2000). Research methods in psychology. USA: Sage

Gheri, M et al. (2005). When fever, paracetamol? Theory and practice in a paediatric outpatient clinic, Pharm. World Sci, 27, 254-257

Gupta, H. et al. (2007) Role of paracetamol in treatment of childhood fever: a double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial, Indian Pediatrics, 44, 903-1002

Sullivan, J. & Ferrar, H. (2011). Fever and Antipyretic Use in Children. Pediatrics, 127, 2010-3852

Parent and Child Communication Article Review
Pages: 4 Words: 1871

Keijsers, L., & Poulin, F. (2013, March 11). Developmental changes in parent -- child communication throughout adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 49(12), 2301-2308. doi:10.1037/a0032217
The science of Developmental Psychology purposes and endeavors to elucidate the change that comes about in both children and adults in the course of time. I have decided to focus and lay emphasis on this topic as the most change takes place in the course of a person's lifespan during this particular period (Mcleod, 2012). Further, the topic "Developmental changes in parent-child communication throughout adolescence," lays emphasis on the individual changes and variations in the patterns of change between the association that exists between the child and the parent in the course of adolescence. Particularly important is the fact that any individual during its infancy is largely attached to the parent and therefore communicates a lot. However, according to this topic, it is delineated that the attachment and level…...

Parent and Child Relationship
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

Dynamism Between Parents and Children
Of diverse interaction people have over the course of lifetime, the relationship between parent and child is the most important. Children's growth and development is greatly dependent relatively on the parental bond which exists between them. This bond provides the child with the framework on how they outlook themselves and the people around them. The tie will also determine how well they relate with their peers and the environment their whole lifespan. However the tie between the parents and children can be affected because of parents physical or mental state which may keep him or her to from avoiding relationship with their children. Illness, depression, disorders, alcoholism and drugs addiction are also some of the factors the can make to difficult for the child and parent to relate with each other effectively. According to Cathy Meyer (2011), divorce and conflict can disrupt the growth of the…...



Amy Black 2011 Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting Types Retrieved April

26. 2011 from 

Baby Care Help2011 Exploring Different Types of Parenting Styles Retrieved April 26. 2011


Parents Definitely Have a Case
Pages: 2 Words: 685

Toxcio's experts, on the other hand, believe that evidence is incomplete and that further, costly studies need to be implemented to show the connection.
It seems to me that (a) if the biophysicist is indeed as credentialed and qualified as said and (b) if her studies are as empirical as stated from peer-reviewed scientific journals, bearing reliable evidence, than the families do, indeed have a case. This is because even thoguh further research may need to be conducted (as per Toxico's scientists) to assess strength of the research, the evidence that exists at the moment seems to show an almost undisputed association between the children's cancer and the toxic emission.

econdly, the biophysicist also reinforces her case with other empirical evidence -- and empirical evidence is that which is required by the courts - of the significant statistical incidence of this rare cancer in the neighborhood. In both cases, her testimony…...




The People of the State of New York, Respondent, v. George Wesley, Appellant, Court of Appeals of the State of New York., 1994.

Child Rearing Strategies
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

Parenting Styles:
In psychology, parenting styles can be described as mental constructs that represent typical strategies used by parents in child rearing. Generally, many parents tend to develop their own strategies through a mixture of factors, which emerge over time as children move across various stages of life and develop their own personalities. In essence, parenting styles are influenced by the personalities of parents and children but are largely influenced by the parent's culture. Parenting styles are associated with several theories and opinions on the most effective means of child rearing and the varying levels of time and initiatives parents are ready to invest in the process of child rearing. Notably, the investment of a parent in the growth and development of a child usually begins before birth. However, parenting styles are also determined by various principles that contribute to division of these strategies in different categories.

Principles of Parenting Styles:

As psychological…...


Works Cited:

Kopko, Kimberly. "Parenting Styles and Adolescents." Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University. Cornell Cooperative Extension - Cornell University, 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. .


Schnell, Christina. "Examples of Each of the Four Parenting Styles." Global Post - America's World News Site. GlobalPost - International News, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. .

Illuminate the Influence of Parents
Pages: 7 Words: 2000

36). Thus, such research could also generate results which point to the truths of human words and actions of parents that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships with alcohol. In this case, these findings would not be as the result of numbers, but would be as the result of uncovered viewpoints and perspectives verbalized by the participants.
Potential Questions:

Which parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved) in the Jewish community (Ashkanas, Hasidic, Sfardy) connects most strongly with college freshman (18-26) alcohol abuse and alcohol maturity?

How do offspring's perspectives on their parents' parenting styles impact their relationship with alcohol as it manifests during college years in the Jewish community?

How do parenting styles characterized by warmth and attentiveness impact children's consumption of alcohol in the college years in the Jewish community?

How do parenting styles characterized by high expectations, structure and rigidity impact children's relationship to alcohol during college years in the Jewish community?

These questions…...



Balter, L. (2000). Parenthood in America: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Benson, J.B.; Haith, M.M. (2009). Social and Emotional Development in Infancy and Early Childhood. San Diego: Academic Press.

Cohen, D., & Rice, J. (1997). Parenting Styles, Adolescent Substance Use, and Academic Achievement. Journal of Drug Education, 199-211.

Houghton, E., & Roche, a. (2001). Learning About Drinking. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

Correlation of Alcoholism to Parenting Styles
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Correlation of Alcoholism to Parenting Styles
Correlation of Parenting Styles to Alcohol Drinking Frequency in the Brooklyn Modern Orthodox Jewish Community.

Do the parenting styles in the Modern Orthodox Jewish community differentially correlate with self-reported alcohol use of Jewish College Freshmen males within the Orthodox Brooklyn Borough Park community (18-26)?

In general, the four parenting styles have a significant correlation on the behavior and attitudes of youngsters in college (Beck et al., 2004). Further investigation is required to demonstrate how these parenting styles correlate with the population in the Borough Park Jewish community. It has been demonstrated that college freshmen from different universities can be indulged in alcoholic habits given different parenting styles (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner, & Wolfson, 2008).


The freshmen are increasingly using internet thus they preferred to be surveyed online too, rather than being handed questionnaires on paper (O'Brien, McCoy, Rhodes, Wagoner, & Wolfson, 2008). The university's graduate programs were analyzed…...


Yang et al. (2010) suggested that parents can play an effective role in controlling the behavior of freshmen to avoid alcohol use. Hence, there should be friendly and effective communication between parents and children in the growing ages of youth, since the children can seek advice from the parents in the process (Yang et al., 2010). Bowlby & Ainsworth (1982), discussed that the attachment and relationship between parents and children improved when they communicated more often and thus a good parenting style can make it easier for the children to overcome problem barriers later (Bowlby & Ainsworth, 1982). The child personality visibly gets affected by any of the parenting styles (i.e. Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved) (Bowlby & Ainsworth, 1982). The level of influence however may vary.

Unreasonably high interference during the years of college or very low involvements is not productive factors in avoiding frequency of alcohol use (Bahr & Hoffman, 2012; Changalwa et al., 2012; Peckham & Lopez, 2007). The freshmen that have stressed (strained) relationships with parents are found to easily fall prey to alcohol use as well as abuse (Bahr & Hoffman, 2012; Changalwa et al., 2012; Peckham & Lopez, 2007). Since to them, relationships are not very important, they are less worried about their personal health too (Bahr & Hoffman, 2012; Changalwa et al., 2012; Peckham & Lopez, 2007).

In severe cases, where the children are the victims of psychological stress at home based on a

How do childhood experiences shape adult behaviors and personality traits?
Words: 700

## Childhood Experiences and Adult Development

Childhood experiences play a profound role in shaping our adult behaviors and personality traits. The environment in which we are raised, the interactions we have with our caregivers, and the events we experience during our formative years all contribute to the development of our unique characters.

### Attachment Theory

One of the most influential theories on the impact of childhood experiences is attachment theory. Developed by John Bowlby, attachment theory suggests that the quality of a child's early relationships with their caregivers has a lasting impact on their ability to form healthy relationships in adulthood.

Secure attachment, characterized....

How can parental involvement impact a child\'s social and emotional development?
Words: 475

Parental Involvement and Child Social and Emotional Development

Parental involvement plays a pivotal role in shaping a child's social and emotional development. It provides a nurturing environment that fosters healthy relationships, emotional stability, and social competence. Research has consistently demonstrated the positive impact of parental involvement on a child's well-being and developmental outcomes.

Impact on Social Development:

1. Strong Social Relationships:
Parental involvement helps children develop strong social relationships with peers, siblings, and adults. When parents are actively engaged with their children, they provide opportunities to interact with others, foster positive social skills, and encourage cooperation and empathy.

2. Prosocial Behavior:
Children with involved parents tend....

What external factors impact young children\'s emotional regulation and behavior control abilities?
Words: 394

I. Introduction

  1. Subpoint Title: External Factors

    1. Subpoint Description 1: Socioeconomic status

    2. Subpoint Description 2: Parenting styles
  2. Subpoint Title: Internal Factors

    1. Subpoint Description 1: Temperament

    2. Subpoint Description 2: Cognitive abilities

II. Body

  1. Subpoint Title: Socioeconomic status and emotional regulation

    1. Subpoint Description 1: Poverty and higher rates of emotional dysregulation

    2. Subpoint Description 2: Lack of access to resources and support
  2. Subpoint Title: Parenting styles and behavior....

What makes a great parent title and how does it influence the relationship?
Words: 383

1. The Impact of a Parents Title on the Parent-Child Relationship

    This essay will explore how the title of parent can influence the dynamics and communication within a family.

2. The Power of Positive Parenting Titles

    This essay will discuss how adopting positive parenting titles can strengthen the bond between parents and children.

3. The Influence of Authoritative Parenting Titles

    Exploring how authoritative parenting titles can shape the parent-child relationship and contribute to positive development.

4. The Role of Respectful Parenting Titles in Building Trust

    Examining how using respectful parenting titles can foster trust, respect, and open communication between....

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