Athletes Essays (Examples)

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Improving Athlete Performance using Mental Training
Pages: 7 Words: 2205

Annotated Bibliography: Mental Rehearsal in SportsBertollo, M., Saltarelli, B., & Robazza, C. (2009). Mental preparation strategies of elite modern pentathletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10(2), 244-254. study examined the range of preparation strategies and coping responses employed by elite modern pentathletes. The authors wanted to examine the athletes mental preparation strategies and behaviors in the days before their essential event, before, during, and after the competition. This was a qualitative study that employed interviews for its data collection. The sample size was 14 athletes (six women and eight men) aged between 21 and 33. The interviews were conducted during the competitive season, not close to the critical competitions. The interviews were semi-structured face-to-face individual interviews lasting between 60-90 minutes (Bertollo et al., 2009). Due to the interview duration, it was impossible to report all the information obtained. The authors selected representative quotes related to the study. The information…...


Gaggioli, A., Morganti, L., Mondoni, M., & Antonietti, A. (2013). Benefits of combined mental and physical training in learning a complex motor skill in basketball. 

Garza, D. L., & Feltz, D. L. (1998). Effects of selected mental practice on performance, self-efficacy, and competition confidence of figure skaters. The Sport Psychologist, 12(1), 1-15. 

Hanton, S., Wadey, R., & Mellalieu, S. D. (2008). Advanced psychological strategies and anxiety responses in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 22(4), 472-490. 

Positive and Negative Effects Athletic Performance and Caffeine
Pages: 8 Words: 2524

Positive and Negative Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance Introduction
Caffeine is an alkaloid as well as a natural intoxicant that is prevalent in coffee, tea, as well as cacao. In the contemporary setting, caffeine is the most extensively consumed psychoactive drug across the globe, enabling an individual to continue being attentive and precluding the onset of fatigue. In recent times, caffeine has become the prevalent supplement for numerous athletes. As a result of its positive impacts on exercise performance, a number of athletic organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association have even began to proscribe caffeine in high doses. According to Mishra (2018), the United States Olympic Committee has reported that there are numerous positive impacts of caffeine use for athletes. These comprise of increased endurance during workout performance, team sports, as well as for short duration sports. In contrast, there are parties that believe caffeine has a dehydrating impact…...

Athletes and Crime What Situations Can You
Pages: 1 Words: 301

Athletes and Crime
hat situations can you think of where an amateur or professional athlete was charged with a crime, or in your opinion should have been charged with a crime, for physical conduct beyond the rules of the game?

There are a number of professional athletes that have barely escaped legal prosecution for their criminal behavior. One example that illustrates this point well is Lance Armstrong. The world renowned cyclist was at the top of his profession for many years. However, during his reign as the world's top cyclist he was using performance enhancing drugs that were illegal. Not only did he take them himself, but he also pressured other cyclist that belonged to his team when he was representing the United States to take them as well. He was basically the advocate for the use of illegal drugs for team USA that competed in a number of events.…...


Works Cited

Gibson, O. (2013, February 6). Lance Armstrong could still face criminal charges in America. Retrieved from The Guardian:

Sex Appeal to Market our Athletes
Pages: 16 Words: 4505

They ae thee to play and not to show off thei bodies.
Female athletes with lage body size will find discomfots in the tightly fitted unifoms. This then pesents poblem to safety. The female athletes who will not be at ease to the equied unifom could not focus on the game she is playing. She will, fom time to time, ty to eaange, pull o push some pats o the gament whee she thinks she needs to be coveed. With such attention that will be given to the gament, how can it be assued that the athlete will be safe in pefoming on he spoting event?

Lastly, female athletes who have lage body size will not be motivated to join any spoting activities anymoe because of the fea fo negative judgments fom the cowd and the media. The spots aena is becoming moe of an aea fo the body image issues.…...


references of college women basketball players. Master's Thesis

Ford, S., & Feather, B. (May, 1993). Women's basketball uniform analysis. Final report presented to Russell Athletic Corporation.

Gitlin Cara. (November 2000). "Male gawkers have all the fun." The John Hopkins News Letter.

Girls Skip Meals to be like Skinny Models." 04 Feb. 2003. BBC Newsround. 8 Aug. 2005. 

Hellmich, "Do thin models warp girls' body image?" 26 September 2006. USA Today. 30 Nov. 2006.

Supplements for Athletes Ripped Fuel &Copy Is
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Supplements for Athletes
ipped Fuel © is a weight loss supplement used widely by individuals who are trying to improve their physical and athletic performance (Brown). These capsules are utilized as a method of rapidly burning fat, while quickly gaining muscle; they are popular among athletes because of this. The supplements work in a way that allows the burning of fat -- which is the most difficult part of body shaping -- to occur in a rapid fashion. Desired results are achieved in a limited amount of time, therefore adding to the appeal of this supplement to young athletes who are just beginning their journey through sports and are essentially attempting to make themselves stand out from the hundreds of other athletes. However, the components of these supplements have been of great concern due to their potential undesired effects (Brown). Despite the glorious results that the particular coach at hand has…...



Brown, E. (2011). What do ripped fuel capsules do? LIVESTRONG. Retrieved 22 April 2013 from   ipped-fuel-capsules-do/ 

OneResult. (2012). NCAA Legal and Illegal Supplements. ONERESULT: Look Like an Athlete. Retrieved 22 April 2013 from   -legal-and-illegal-supplements 

Professional Athletes Professional Atletes We
Pages: 6 Words: 1809

Figure 2: Comedy and Tragedy (iStock photo)

orks Cited

Beal, Becky, and Charlene ilson. "2 'Chicks Dig Scars'." Understanding Lifestyle Sport: Consumption, Identity, and Difference. London: Routledge, 2004. 31-54.

Drehs, ayne. (2007, Nov. 30).The Professional Athlete as Target: 'Am I Next?' abc NES. 4 Dec 2007

Getting it rite; Athletes Maintain Personal Blogs to Break News, Express Opinions Connect with Their Loyal Fan Bases." The ashington Times 12 May 2007: C01.

A iStockphoto. (2007). 4 Dec 2007...


Works Cited

Beal, Becky, and Charlene Wilson. "2 'Chicks Dig Scars'." Understanding Lifestyle Sport: Consumption, Identity, and Difference. London: Routledge, 2004. 31-54.

Drehs, Wayne. (2007, Nov. 30).The Professional Athlete as Target: 'Am I Next?' abc NEWS. 4 Dec 2007 

Getting it Write; Athletes Maintain Personal Blogs to Break News, Express Opinions Connect with Their Loyal Fan Bases." The Washington Times 12 May 2007: C01.

A iStockphoto. (2007). 4 Dec 2007

Goals Athletes Set in Training and Competition
Pages: 5 Words: 1560

Goals Athletes Set in Training and Competition
Perhaps the biggest mistake a researcher can make it to assume that if research has been done, that means the research is good research. In actuality, there is a significant amount of bad research available and those who rely upon it can easily draw bad conclusions. While there are an infinite number of ways that research can be bad, probably the most significant risk in bad research is research that detects a relationship (correlation) between two or more different variables and, from that relationship, seeks to suggest that there is causation between two or more of those variables. This can be due to an improper conclusion, but it can also be due to faulty research design that has failed to account for all of the other variables that could impact the results.

Defining Good esearch

It can be difficult to define good research because research…...



Denscombe, M. (2007). The good research guide for small-scale social research projects, 3rd

Ed. Poland: Open University Press.

Munroe-Chandler, K., Hall, C., Weinberg, R.S. (2004). A qualitative analysis of the types of goals athletes set in training and competition. Journal of Sport Behavior, 27(1), 58-74.

Shuttleworth, M. (2008). Validity and reliability. Retrieved March 9, 2012 from Experiment

Goal Setting For an Athlete Psychology
Pages: 6 Words: 1898

Psychology: Goal Setting For an AthleteA long-term goal that I would like to achieve is: Take part in the next Olympics games coming in two yearsThree short-term goals with process goals:1. Focus on fitness and physical exercise (The goal is to join a gym and exercise regularly, at least six days a week). The assessment measure would be daily punctuality for adhering to the fitness plan.2. Focus on a diet that would help give strength and vigor to the body for training (The goal is to follow a diet plan usually provided by the gym instructors in the beginning and then move on to the professional trainers one). The assessment measure would be the daily intake of each days specific food items with a combination of all nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, good fat, calcium, etc.3. Please search for a trainer that would guide the games and the relevant training session required…...


ReferencesBalk, Y. A., de Jonge, J., Oerlemans, W. G., & Geurts, S. A. (2019). Physical recovery, mental detachment, and sleep as predictors of injury and mental energy. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(13), 1828–1838. A. & Akyol, G. (2020). The effect of self-talk on athletes. African Educational Research Journal, 8(3), 640-648. de Albuquerque, L. R., Scheeren, E. M., Vagetti, G. C., & de Oliveira, V. (2021). Influence of the coach’s method and leadership profile on the positive development of young players in team sports. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 20(1), 9–16. Diotaiuti, P., Corrado, S., Mancone, S., & Falese, L. (2021). Resilience in the endurance runner: The role of self-regulatory modes and basic psychological needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Ives, J.C., Neese, K., Downs, N., Root, H. & Finnerty, T. (2021). The effects of competitive orientation on performance in competition. The Sports Journal, 24. Kershner, A. L., Fry, A.C. & Cabarkapa, D. (2019). Effect of internal vs. external focus of attention instructions on countermovement jump variables in NCAA division I student-athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(6), 1467-1473. Pyne, D.B. and Sharp, R.L. (2014). Physical and energy requirements of competitive swimming events. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 24(4), 351-359. Traboco, L., Pandian, H., Nikiphorou, E., & Gupta, L. (2022). Designing infographics: Visual representations for enhancing education, communication, and scientific research. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 37(27).,

Financial Policy Scholarships for Athletes
Pages: 2 Words: 782

Student athletes do not even necessarily 'give back' to the university with four years of attendance. Basketball players flee the ranks to 'go pro' and even those who do not go to the NBA may struggle and not emerge with a degree. hat students are likely to show greater financial long-term loyalty to their university -- a student who excels academically and remembers college as the best years of his or her life? Or a student who does not graduate and sees college a stepping-stone to a professional sports career or simply as a place that discarded him or her because a sports career did not materialize as promised?

Coaches and athletic programs also receive huge salaries, because of the attention that is diverted to sports, funds that could be better spent in other areas. Lately, many prominent coaches have been drawing negative publicity for their actions, which only serves to…...


Works Cited

"Northeastern men's basketball program is penalized." (2009, April 25). Associated Press.

Retrieved April 25, 2009 at

Injury Chest Athletes to Perform
Pages: 4 Words: 1634

About two thirds of major chest trauma cases are associated with motor vehicle accidents. About 25% of injuries from motor vehicle accident related to chest trauma. The outcome out of the study made by the North American Major Trauma Outcome Study indicated that about 70% of trauma cases are blunt in nature. About 50% of chest trauma injuries are associated with chest wall. The initial recovery from chest trauma concentrates on the ABCs-airway, breathing, and circulation- subject to all major trauma resuscitation instances. After completion of initial resuscitation and stabilization a concurrent evaluation of a patient is done with suspected chest trauma. Normally chest injuries are diagnosed by chest radiograph alone. The recognition of treatment of chest trauma mostly relies upon a high index of suspicion mixed with the appropriate diagnostic tests. (Lesson 18: Blunt Chest Trauma)
The rate of recovery varies from person to person at various rates. The…...



Athletic & Sports Injury Treatment" Retrieved at   Accessed 26 October, 2005 .

Rib injuries" Retrieved at   Accessed 26 October, 2005 .

Rib Injury" Retrieved from   Accessed 26 October, 2005 .

Sako, Edward Y. "Lesson 18: Blunt Chest Trauma" PCCU Update. Vol: 15.

Sports Psychology Athletes Can Often
Pages: 5 Words: 1570

The research suggests that sport psychology is useful to athletes because it provides them with the tools needed to fully exploit their physical talents by controlling their mental processes. The research found that here are several techniques associated with sports psychology. These techniques include MPSE, thought stopping, mental rehearsal (imagery) self-talk, visuo-motor behavior rehearsal (VMBR) and establishing goals. All of these techniques can be used to assist the athlete in focusing on the goal that they are attempting to accomplish.
orks Cited

Arvinen-Barrow M., Penny G.,Hemmings B., Corr S. (2010) UK chartered physiotherapists' personal experiences in using psychological interventions with injured athletes: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 11 (2010) 58 -- 66

"Careers in Sports Psychology." Retrieved February 16, 2010 from:

De Petrillo, L.A., Kaufman, K.A. Glass, C.R. And Arnkoff D.B. (2009) Mindfulness for Long-Distance Runners: An Open Trial Using Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE). Journal of Clinical…...


Works Cited

Arvinen-Barrow M., Penny G.,Hemmings B., Corr S. (2010) UK chartered physiotherapists' personal experiences in using psychological interventions with injured athletes: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 11 (2010) 58 -- 66

"Careers in Sports Psychology." Retrieved February 16, 2010 from: 

De Petrillo, L.A., Kaufman, K.A. Glass, C.R. And Arnkoff D.B. (2009) Mindfulness for Long-Distance Runners: An Open Trial Using Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE). Journal of Clinical Sports Psychology, 2009, 4, 357-376

Dreyer, D. (2004). ChiRunning: A revolutionary approach to effortless, injury-free running. Retrieved February 16, 2009 from: .

Home School Athletes in Public
Pages: 15 Words: 5154

Secondly, the student must meet the requirements for a home education program, which include the same curriculum as listed in Florida Statutes, 232.246(1) (Florida Statute 232.0201, 1993). During the time of participation, the student must show evidence of academic progress, as determined by an evaluation which may include a review of the student's work by a certified instructor, grades obtained through correspondence courses or community colleges, or standardized test scores (Florida Statute 232.0201, 1993). The student must register with the school at the beginning of the term in which they wish to participate (Florida Statute 232.425, 2003).
These requirements are difficult enough to enforce, but as noted, with proper testing and evaluation by qualified instructors, the curriculum and grading of home educated students appears to be very manageable. In the State of Florida, then, the academic requirements for sport participation are equal for both public and home educated students. Although…...



Colb, S. (2005). Should home-schooled have access to public school programs? Retrieved from FindLaw database through Web site: .

Craig Dickson Act, Florida State Statute, 2003, 232.425.

Exceptional Student Support Services (ESSS). (2002). Home School Brochure. Sanford, FL: Exceptional Student Support Services.

Florida State Statute, 1993, 232.0201.

What Sort of Protein Supplements Are Good for Athletes
Pages: 4 Words: 1177

Whole Plant-Based Protein: Whole Greens Hemp from

his product does work: it is a protein formula containing protein-rich plant-based ingredients, relying upon hemp for a protein basis that is comparable to that found in the human body. he product essentially meets the needs of the human body by providing a natural supplement. his is an excellent way to give the body what it needs. Not only does hemp have proteins akin to those found in people, it also contains essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, hemp has a wealth of fiber, minerals and vitamins. he formula contains "all 20 amino acids used in the human body," a recipe that includes the 10 essential acids.

scoop, or 30g, equals one serving size. One serving size gives the user 120 calories, 15 grams of protein, 3 grams of fats (or 5% of the recommended daily value). here is zero cholesterol contained…...


The beneficial aspects of this product can be found in the way it helps the user to produce energy and rapidly support muscle growth and stabilization. As the body goes through exercises, muscle tissue is destroyed and regenerated so this product helps to support that process by giving the body an extra boost of proteins needed for such regeneration.

Creatine or Glutamine as a Dietary Supplement
Pages: 3 Words: 1407

Dietary Supplement for Athletes or Bodybuilding
Creatine is a dietary supplement that has been popular for more than thirty years amongst athletes and bodybuilders (Feldman 1999: 45). Its alleged benefits include enhancing muscle-building and recovery. The use of dietary supplements, particularly amongst adolescents and young adult athletes has increased in popularity and may even be endorsed by coaches and parents. Creatine is not recommended for young athletes because of questions about the long-term safety of its use, but pressures to 'be the best' have increased as the margin between first-class and second-class athletes grows ever more razor-thin (Dunn et al. 2001).One study found that "62% of adolescent athletes believed supplements improve performance, with 50% consuming dietary supplements" (Dunn et al. 2001). In another study of attitudes of young athletes Dunn (et al. 2001) found widespread acceptance of the use of creatine and belief in its benefits, even amongst athletes who…...



Beck TW, Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Coburn DW, Malek MH, Cramer JT. (2007). Effects of a drink containing creatine, amino acids, and protein, combined with ten weeks of resistance training on body composition, strength, and anaerobic performance.

J Strength Cond Res, 21:100-104.

Buford, Thomas W. (et al. 2007). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand:

creatine supplementation and exercise. Retrieved:

Inverted U Hypothesis
Pages: 5 Words: 1647

It has been established that competitive state-anxiety normally follows a certain pattern of one-sided feelings of anxiety as well as inadequacy that combines with increased arousal of automatic nervous system (Fazey, 2008). Accordingly, the theory of Inverted U. hypothesis was formulated to explain this aspect, and it is widely applied in sports psychology. Inverted U. hypothesis a theory that suggest that there is a relative amount of anxiety and arousal that triggers one to perform higher- extremely little arousal or anxiety and too much arousal or anxiety will lead to poorer performance. This present paper briefly discusses the Inverted U. hypothesis in sports psychology.


Until presently, the traditional Inverted theory had been the key model employed by sports psychologists to explain the arousal-performance relationship. Nevertheless, various sport psychology researchers have criticized this relationship, and the modern trend is a change towards a higher multidimensional perspective of arousal-anxiety and its…...



Fazey, J. (2008). The inverted-U hypothesis: a catastrophe for sport psychology? Leeds, British Association of Sports Sciences.

Pascuzzi, D.L. (2005). The effects of anxiety on gross motor performance a test of the inverted-U hypothesis. Thesis (M.S.) -- Western Illinois University, 1975.

Reeve, J. (2000). Understanding motivation and emotion. Fort Worth, TX, Harcourt College Publishers.

Schnabel, C., & Wagner, J. (2008). Union membership and age: the inverted u-shape hypothesis under test. Luneburg, Univ., Inst. fur Volkswirtschaftslehre.

With reference to relevant theory and recent literature, critically discuss what is understood by the term ‘stress’ and the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sports?
Words: 524

Stress in sport can refer to two distinct things.  It can refer to physical stress and is compared to recovery periods or it can refer to the emotional stressors experienced by athletes in various sports.  Because you referred to the sources of stress experienced by those involved in sport, we are proceeding under the assumption that you are referring to emotional stressors.  We are going to provide an outline to give you an idea of what we might include in the introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion of an essay about that topic.

Essay Outline:

I. Introduction


My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 458

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding topics for toulmin argument?
Words: 207

1. Should social media platforms be held responsible for monitoring and removing hate speech?
2. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for violent crime?
3. Should college athletes be paid for their performance?
4. Are stricter gun control laws necessary to reduce gun violence?
5. Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
6. Is climate change a result of human activity?
7. Should the minimum wage be increased to a livable wage?
8. Is affirmative action still necessary in today's society?
9. Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student achievement?
10. Is privacy in the digital age a fundamental human right?
11. Should the use....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on perseverance. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 252

1. The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

2. Never Give Up: The Importance of Perseverance in Reaching Goals

3. Perseverance: A Key Trait for Personal Growth and Development

4. The Role of Perseverance in Resilience and Mental Toughness

5. Perseverance: The Secret to Overcoming Obstacles and Adversity

6. Perseverance in the Face of Failure: Learning from Setbacks and Moving Forward

7. The Connection Between Perseverance and Achieving Long-Term Success

8. Cultivating Perseverance: Strategies for Building Resilience and Persistence

9. Perseverance as a Driving Force for Motivation and Determination

10. The Benefits of Perseverance: How Persistence Leads to Accomplishment and Fulfillment
11. The Role of Perseverance in Overcoming....

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