Organizational Assessment Tools: LESAT
Discuss the premise of the model - how and when was it developed?
Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT) is an organizational assessment tool developed by a group comprising of government, industry, and academia members pooled and enabled by the Lean Advancement Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The model is a questionnaire intended to be utilized as a self-assessment tool, encompassing the top leadership of an organization. The assessment tool was primarily created to be incorporated in a prevailing transformation plan, which is the Transition to Lean oadmap. However, since then, the Enterprise Transformation oadmap replaced the tool and functions autonomously (Perkins et al., 2010).
The Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool takes into account key signs linked with organizational leanness and assessing the gaps that exist between the current and desired states. Considering this, the tool has a significant value from a transformation standpoint. Initially, this model was…...
Baker, G. R. (2014). Improving Healthcare Using Lean Processes. Healthcare Quarterly, 17(2) April 2014: 18-19.doi:10.12927/hcq.2014.23882
Jones, D. T. (2015). Four Lessons on Lean Healthcare. The Lean Enterprise Academy. Retrieved from:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2012). LAI ENTERPRISE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL (LESAT) Version 2.0. Retrieved from:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2012). LAI ENTERPRISE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL (LESAT) Version 2.0: Facilitator's Guide. Retrieved from:
Heritage Assessment Tool
Upon completing the Heritage assessment tool there were several things that I realized. The primary realization was that in my family we do tend to cling to those things familiar, we seek things that are known and comforting. Some of the common health issues in my family consist of Cancer, Diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. In my family, these are issues that have not only been handed down within my bloodline, but they have been issues within my heritage for as long as you can trace back.
When looking at health maintenance there are certain things that have occurred in my family for generations to try to hinder the onset of certain illnesses and disorders, physical activity and a healthy diet have been important because if the increased risks of cardiovascular issues as well as the high chances of having high blood pressure and diabetes (Last-Name, 2011). Cancer has also…...
Arnone, J. (2011). Family 3 heritage Interview/Interviewer: Your name Here. Heritage Family Interviews, U.S..
Last-Name, First initial. (2011). My Family Interview for Heritage Project/Interviewer: Your Name Here. Family 1 Interview for Heritage Project, U.S.
Picchu, K.A. (2011). Family 2 heritage Interview/Interviewer: Your Name Here. Heritage Interviews, U.S.
Assessment results on this particular population shape educators' attitudes about the skills and abilities of this subset of students, and hence may not capture the reality of all the students know or are capable of. Moreover, this inherent failing in attempting to capture the progress of Early Language Learners may mean that they may not have access to opportunities to higher education, because standardized tests are not measuring the actual knowledge of these students (Lachat).
Young Children and Standardized Testing
Standardized testing in young children focuses on gathering information in three program areas: information sharing and communication with parents, identification of special needs, and program evaluation and accountability (Hills). Problems, however, in testing young children are evident in the concerns that young children are easily distracted, that their social and emotional development is not mature, and that the children have no personal stake in being assessed. The educator faces a very…...
In that respect, it seems like a very well-designed tool with no apparent inherent weaknesses. The tool includes six specific aspects of writing ability, each of which is obviously relevant to individual crucial writing skills. Because problems can arise in connection with these individual skills in combination or individually, this tool fulfills an essential need in relation to writing assessments. The principal value of the tool would likely be its facilitation of the most appropriate and beneficial type of remedial exercises corresponding to specific weaknesses in writing identified by the tool.
The Ideas & Content skills component of the tool relate directly to the learner's ability to compose thoughts and ideas at grade level. The Organization skills component of the tool evaluates the learner's ability to arrange concepts in a manner conducive to effective expression. The Word Choice skills component of the tool tests the degree to which the learner…...
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Six-Trait Analytical Writing
Assessment Tool. (1996). Retrieved June 7, 2010 from:
Informal Reading Inventory (IRI): Assessment Procedures Manual Secondary (2008). St.
360 degree assessment tool is providing an objective evaluation as to how professionals and organizations are perceived around the world. This helps them to understand what is happening and to make adjustments to improve their image among stakeholders. These areas allow both individuals and firms to protect and build upon these beliefs. ("360 Brand Assessment," 2013)
This is providing a number of benefits that will help in achieving their objectives. The most notable include: strong personal branding, the ability increase compensation / pay / fees and it improves confidence. The combination of these factors will have an impact on how well a person or organization is able to interact with others. ("360 Brand Assessment," 2013)
The benefits of a strong personal brand, helps someone to increase their favorability among stakeholders. This is accomplished with the reviews which are received. The opinions that are provided, helps the individual to understand their image…...
360 Brand Assessment. (2013). Reach CC. Retrieved from:
pre-employment assessment tools to select employees result in hiring better workers. If one looks at job applications, sometimes companies may ask the applicant to fill out a survey or perform a test. These preliminary actions help "weed out" potentially incompatible or unqualified applicants in order to allow for an increased focus on suitable applicants. Although logically it seems like a good way to increase the pool of qualified workers and limit exposure to unqualified or incompatible workers, consistency may be a problem.
In some of these articles, the gap information reveals that most companies may not follow through with the recommendations given by these pre-employment assessment tools. If that is the case, then such tools may be ineffectual because of the lack of commitment by the business or organization in following through with recommendations. Other articles highlight the effectiveness of such tools in order to remove potentially dangerous candidate through…...
Carrigan, M. (2007). Pre-Employment Testing -- Prediction Of Employee Success And Legal Issues: A Revisitation Of Griggs V. Duke Power. Journal Of Business & Economics Research, 5(8), 38.
This is an article that revisits the now famous case of Griggs V. Duke Power. The authors explore modern screening methods. They also take a look at modern testing methods. They show the effects of the case in current cases and businesses.
Christian, R. (2012). Pre-employment examinations for preventing occupational injury and disease in workers. International Journal Of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 10(1), 84-85. doi:10.1111/j.1744-1609.2012.00256.x
This article looks at how businesses prevent illnesses and occupational injury through screenings. Some people are more prone to injury and some suffer from chronic illness. Certain screenings may help to eliminate potentially costly people from entering the business or organization. It is a study conducted on survey data.
However, there are also some disadvantages with this assessment tool. The assessment is based on projections, if there are any divergences from those projections there can be a significantly different outcome. The net present value also has an inherent bias towards projects which provide higher short-term returns, due to the compounding effect of the discount applied to returns in later years. The use of NPV may also be difficult as the result is a dollar value, which can create ambiguity when comparing very different types of projects, especially where there is a significantly different investment amount.
Internal Rate of Return
The internal rate of return (IRR) is a calculation which assesses the rate of return created by a particular investment as a percentage of the amount invested. The calculation itself is based on a net present value calculation, and a net present value calculation it is negative in order to assess…...
Ed Assessment
Oral Hygiene Educational Assessment Tools
Assessing educational outcomes and thus the efficacy of certain specific educational efforts and methodologies is an important part of any educational program regardless of the specific educational area or setting. Choosing the appropriate methods for such assessment, however, is highly dependent on specific aspects and parameters of the education being assessed, and thus should incorporate evidence of successful assessment practices previously identified in specific fields and settings while at the same time determining new methods for assessment in line with identified trends and principles. This paper will briefly identify certain assessment methods and tools appropriate in the field of oral hygiene education, also including specific known problems and barriers to education in this area.
Direct longitudinal research-based assessment is one method of educational assessment that has been employed in this knowledge area with a great deal of useful knowledge regarding the successes and failures of oral…...
Epstein, R. (2007). Assessment in medical education. New England Journal of Medicine 356(4): 387-96.
Kay, E. & Locker, D. (1996). Is dental health education effective? A systematic review of current evidence. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 24(4): 231-35.
Matear, D. (1999). Demonstrating the need for oral health education in geriatric institutions. Probe 33(2): 66-71.
Nursing Education Assessment Project
Coursework early in a nursing education program covers a broad range of topics and extensive amount of details must be committed to memory. Assessments that are directly tied to coursework are primarily formative assessments, which demonstrate the ongoing learning over the period of the course. Formative assessments generally take the form of quizzes and clinical demonstrations of a particular knowledge set recently covered in during a class or classes. ummative assessments are generally used at the end of a course to assess the overall learning that has taken place during the course; summative assessments include final exams or tests, practicum demonstrations, and capstone projects.
The focus of this assessment project is a formative criterion-referenced test of general, fundamental nursing education knowledge. The items used in the test are included in Appendix A -- Nursing Education -- Fundamental Concepts. Twelve individuals were approached to take the exam as though…...
Armstrong, P. (2015). Bloom's Taxonomy. Nashville, TN: Center for Learning, Vanderbilt University.
g., students, instruction, program, or system), and the complexity of the units being evaluated (Billings & Halstead, 2012).
Develop a timeline and action plan.
A timeline and action plan for the re-accreditation visit is presented in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Timeline and action plan for re-accreditation visit
TIME (MONTHS) (2012-2014)
3rd Qtr 2012
4th Qtr 2012
1st Qtr 2013
2nd Qtr 2013
3rd Qtr 2013
4th Qtr 2013
1st Qtr 2014
2nd Qtr 2014
3rd Qtr 2014
Evaluation of past accreditation results
Identification of problem areas based on past accreditation visits
Creation of QA committees to evaluate current status
emedial steps for any deficient practice areas
Mock re-accreditation inspection
Evaluation of mock inspection results for further opportunities for improvement
What are the evaluation obstacles facing your nursing program and what plan do you have to overcome these obstacles?
According to Iwasiw et al. (2009), there are a number of obstacles involved in formulating effective evaluation programs. Developing effective curriculum evaluation programs requires asking some basic questions about available resources that can…...
Billings, D.M. & J.A. Halstead. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St.
Louis: Saunders.
Iwasiw, C., Goldenberg, D., & Andrusyszyn, M. (2009). Curriculum development in nursing
education (2nd ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
Kacke et al. (2011). The fist pupose of the study is to measue the level of satisfaction associated with the cuent (at the time of witing) activities povided veteans at a VA CLC. The second pupose is to identify past/pesent "activity pefeences" in ode to povide guidance fo futue activities development fo veteans at the VA CLC. Activities included a ange of execises -- fom eating to paying.
The methodology used in this study was that of the suvey method. The sample was selected fom the veteans population fom five of the six lage VA CLC in the sububan notheasten U.S. Veteans at the VA CLC wee thee fo "shot-tem ehabilitation, shot-tem tansition, o LTC sevices" and the demogaphics of the veteans population wee 19 males fo evey 1 female. Total numbe of veteans at the CLC was 200. The suvey was sent to evey vetean. The acial demogaphics of…...
mlareferences and satisfaction among older adults in a veterans administration long-term care facility. Clinical Gerontologist, 34: 103-116.
aSSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSISUsing this template, you will identify an assessment tool you intend to incorporate into your clinical intervention with at least one client during the quarter. Once you have completed the initial review of your approved sites scope of practice and provided services, you will identify an assessment tool and a client with whom you have determined the assessment tool to be beneficial. You will submit an analysis of the assessment tool.STEP 1: PREPARATION ____________________________________Read Hays, D. G. (2013). Use of Assessment in Counseling. InAssessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures(5th ed., pp. 324). American Counseling Association. Hays, D. G. (2013). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations in Assessment. InAssessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures(5th ed., pp. 2540). American Counseling Association. 2: SITE ASSESSMENT NEEDS REVIEW __________________Review your sites data in the following areas. Based on the data, consider…...
The purpose of organizational development and change is to provide sustainable pathways to achievement and success by helping the organization to be more effective at all worker levels as well as at systematic and infrastructural levels. The tools required to enable organization development and change are numerous: they include the relationship-building tools, communication tools, culture-promoting tools, leadership tools, and so on. This paper will describe and discuss the tools needed to make organization development and change possible.
Theory and strategy are two primary tools needed for organization development and change. Theory and strategy provide the support and framework for the change management and culture building process, and they can consist of various approaches to the issue: there theories like appreciative inquiry, experiential learning theory, intentional change theory, and more; there are strategy development techniques that strategic swarming and Three Horizons (Camp, 2012). Theory helps to give a basis of understanding about…...
Developing and Testing Data Collection Tools
In research and planning, data collections tools are essential because they are the media that bridges the researcher to the target respondents or groups of the study. These tools serve as "building-blocks" that enables the researcher to visualize the outcome of his/her study: how the tool aligns with the study's objectives and how it generates data and information that will be used for analysis later. It is critical, then, to establish how faithful and appropriate the tools are to the objectives of the research at hand. To achieve this goal, it is therefore imperative for a researcher to develop and test data collection tools that will be used in the study.
While developing a data collection tool, the goal is to maintain fidelity of the research objectives. Questions that will be asked should answer the objectives, but they must be also organized coherently and must…...
"Poverty assessment tools." 2014. Poverty Tools Website. Accessed from:
Reisman, J., Gienapp, A. And S. Stachowiak. 2007. A Handbook of Data Collection Tools: Companion to "A Guide to Measuring Advocacy and Policy." Organizational Research Services.
Heritage Assessment
Click http://wps.prenhall./wps/media/objects/663/679611/box_6_1.pdf order access "Heritage Assessment Tool." Assess Heritage Assessment Tool answering questions. In 1,000-1,500 words discuss usefulness applying a heritage assessment evaluating person, summarize learned Heritage Assessment Tool.
Heritage assessment tool
The heritage assessment tool acknowledges the different degrees of impact an individual's ethnic heritage may have upon his or her worldview. For some individuals who are very emotionally connected to their family and extended family, their sense of self is defined by their religion, customs and beliefs as they relate to a larger tradition. For example, someone who is Hispanic-American may spend a great deal of time not only with his or her nuclear family, but also with an extended network of cousins, grandparents, and even friends of the family. Even if not particularly religious, the rituals of the Catholic Church might provide a source of joy during traditional holidays and a source of comfort during times of stress.…...
Heritage assessment tool. (2013). Prentice Hall. Retrieved:
Person centered care focuses on the patient as an entire human being, not just as a person experiencing an illness, injury, or other health emergency. The approach is gaining traction in healthcare and mental healthcare. There are five essential elements in person-centered care. They include understanding what motivates people to act how they do; controlling how you respond to behavior you find challenging; honoring the patient’s preferences when you can do so without compromising patient care; changing to a strength-based mindset instead of focusing on deficits; and changing the culture of staff and....
Title: Addressing the Nuances of Oral Work Correction: A Comprehensive Guide
Oral work, encompassing both speaking and listening skills, plays a crucial role in effective communication. As educators, it is imperative that we provide constructive feedback to students to enhance their oral proficiency. This essay explores various strategies and considerations for correcting oral work, ensuring that students receive meaningful and actionable guidance to improve their communication abilities.
1. Establishing a Positive and Supportive Environment:
- Creating a classroom culture where students feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks during oral presentations.
- Fostering a supportive atmosphere where peers provide constructive feedback to each other,....
1. Discuss the importance of effective communication and interpersonal skills in a teacher interview process.
2. Analyze the role of creativity and innovation in determining a teacher candidate's suitability for a position.
3. Evaluate the significance of cultural awareness and diversity in a teacher interview process.
4. Explore the impact of technology and digital literacy in modern teacher interviews.
5. Discuss the ethical considerations and challenges involved in conducting teacher interviews.
6. Examine the role of emotional intelligence and empathy in assessing a teacher candidate's potential.
7. Analyze the effectiveness of various assessment tools, such as role-playing and case studies, in teacher interviews.
8. Discuss the importance....
Essay Topic Ideas on Homework
The Benefits of Homework
The positive effects of homework on academic achievement
Homework as a tool for reinforcing classroom learning
How homework can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
The role of homework in fostering independence and responsibility
The Challenges of Homework
The excessive amount of homework assigned in modern education
The negative impact of homework on students' free time and well-being
Homework as a source of stress and anxiety
The potential for homework to widen educational inequalities
Homework and Educational Equity
The role of homework in perpetuating educational disparities
How homework can exacerbate challenges faced by students....
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