Of all the nations hit by the great Asian financial crash of 1997, Indonesia has gone through the most widespread political upheaval (Smith, 2003). A hated dictator has been thrown out, and democracy is on everyone's lips. But in spite of this victory, the capitalist democracy that most of the mass movement imagines is not possible in a nation as super exploited and crisis-ridden as Indonesia. In the end only a socialist revolution led by the working class can prevent a new period of dictatorship by the imperialism supported military (Indonesia's evolutionary Crisis, n.d.).
Built-up bitterness at the thirty two-year reign of military dictator-president Suharto, who had himself officially re-elected, was combined with anger at the rapid inflation and other austerity measures commanded by imperialist financiers like the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Starting in January, the assortment exploded in militant strikes, mass riots in opposition to rising food and fuel prices…...
Aung-Thwin, M. 1997, "The Dvaravati Wheels of the Law and the Indianization of South East Asia," the Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 545-547.
Day, T. 1996, "Ties that (un)bind: Families and states in premodern Southeast Asia," the Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 384-384.
Dellios, R. 2003, [ONLINE]. Mandala: from sacred origins to sovereign affairs in traditional Southeast Asia. Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2012].http://epublications.bond.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=cewces_papers
Indonesia's Revolutionary Crisis, n.d. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2012].http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/socialistvoice/IndonesiaPR57.html
In contrast, some of the things which those in the West admire about the East are much more centered on the social framework in countries like Japan, Taiwan and even China. For instance, people in the East tend to consider the whole of society, rather than their own material gain when it comes to work and family. People in the East are also more socially progressive and tend to consider more closely what impact their actions will have on society. Also, as a result of strict gun laws, the crime rate in Asia is far less than what it is in the U.S. which Westerners admire as a way to bring about peace and security for all. Perhaps the most important thing which Westerners admire about the East is based on religion, for in Asia, religions like Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan promotes peace of mind, transcendence and contemplation and…...
The East and the West will surely come to a point where they will have different ideas regarding the manner in which need to be done.
The rise of China and India as change factors will make things different not just for the existing superpowers, but also for the developing countries. They will have to put up will strong pressures which will arise due to the enormous size of the Indian and Chinese economies. The fact that the prices for primary goods have been going upwards is caused by the demand pull from India and China. The exports from these countries are also starting to make a difference at international level, which will surely leave a mark upon the dynamics of the world's economy. The countries which are undergoing development phases will need to adapt to a new global reality and face their competitors while understanding their very approach to…...
Oborne, M. (2004), Regional Integration in Asia: Some Key Issues for the Future - Blandy, R. (ed) Regional Integration in Asia Pacific, Issues and Prospects - Paris: OECD, pp.27-41.
Humphrey J. & D. Messner (2006), China and India as Emerging Global Governance Actors: Challenges for Developing and Developed Countries" World, IDS Bulletin, Vol 37, No. 1, pp. 107-114.
Asian Studies
Segregation can breed empowerment, by creating self-defined and self-sustaining communities. Asian communities, for example, have been able to maintain identities that are separate from the white hegemony. Terms like Asian-American music, Asian-American literature, and Asian-American humor both promote and challenge social segregation in American society.
Hawaiian band Sudden Rush uses the vehicle of music to convey a unique cultural identity, and to resist the appropriation of Hawaiian culture. For example, Sudden Rush's "EA" is a hip hop song about independence and liberation. The song draws attention to Hawaiian history, and points out the hypocrisy and greed inherent in the American takeover of the archipelago.
The art of Kango Takemura is singularly Japanese. Photographs like "His Bride" and "Setsu" offer a careful juxtaposition of classical Japanese imagery with modern Japanese women. Because of Takemura's background as a prisoner in an internment camp, the artwork takes on a whole new meaning. Integration into…...
mlaWorks Cited
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. "Clothes."
Leong, Russell C. "Poetry Within Earshot." Amerasia 15(1): 165-193.
Peters, Russell. "Asian and Indian People." Retrieved online: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=russell+peters+asian&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dm0L6pFsNpDM&ei=GzF9T_qdFoOS9QTlgYXODA&usg=AFQjCNF3Rts_mUwpzTif4rx_Rr9mGZjWzw
Pok, Ra. "My Mother's Hair."
Hanoi has improved, but its improvement requires a letting-go of the past on the part of the speaker.
3. "Oh, you greedy, wretched monsters!' she would cry to herself. 'I will find a way to punish you. I will never be your rich puppet-wife. I will find a way to have my Mahoseth returned to me. I will find a way to teach you to respect and honor a woman's mind and heart.'" woman's heart cannot be bought with money. If a woman does not have her independence, she cannot be happy. This feminist folktale from Cambodia, of Princess Amaradevi, belies the Western stereotype that all Asian heroines as passive, waiting to be saved, or are submissive to their husbands. The princess fights for her beloved, and is strong-willed enough to vow revenge when she is taken advantage of by men. She is wise in the ways of government, as…...
Daoism picked up where Confucianism left off in terms of creating an ideal society. For the Confucian, morality and social order are the ultimate aims. For the Taoist, morality and social order are only side-effects of living according to the Tao, or the ay. Morality is not a set of prescribed behaviors but rather, is the natural by-product of living in harmony with the universe. Taoism has none of the specificity of Confucianism in its teachings and does not advise specific actions or institutions. The foundation of Daoism is a mystical philosophy outlined in texts like the Tao-te Ching, also unlike Confucianism which is determinately pragmatic. However, like Confucianism, Daoism is also replete with ritual. Taoist rituals are not of the social type, though, but rather, of the mystical variety.
One of the sharpest philosophical differences between Taoism and Confucianism is the Daoist emphasis on non-interference, which is often misinterpreted…...
mlaWorks Cited
De Bary, Wm. Theodore (Ed.) Sources of Chinese Tradition. Volume One. New York: Columbia, 1960.
While it is beneficial for foreign students studying in the U.S. To understand the domestic culture, it is as important that the domestic classroom setting incorporates sufficient cultural studies in lessons. This implementation provides a level of familiarity and comfort to the student while allowing the collective student class to experience parts of one another's lives.
Just as "children" can often be cruel, adults and high school to college-aged students can be cruel. ullying is another obstacle the Asian student encounters. To avoid situations that may lead to conflict and confrontation, academic setting much incorporate positive communication. It is also important for teachers and domestic students to understand that the Asian culture instill a preference to "keep problems within the family." Therefore, a domestic student's interest in an Asian ESL student's life, classes, et al., may be perceived as prying. As a preventative measure, schools and universities must work to…...
Yeh, Christine et al. (2002) Educators of Asian Bilingual Students: Pedagogical Techniques, Strategies and Challenges 2002 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Volume 23 Issue
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979) the Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Li, C. & Liu, T.C. 91993) How to work effectively with Asian-American Families. National Association of School Psychologists Communique, 21 23-26.
Liu, T. (1995) Relationships of Acculturation to Academic Achievements and School Adjustment of Hmong American Youth. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WS
Milchaikovit, T. et al. (1993) the effects of Culture on Illness Behavior and Medical Care: Asian-American Differences. General Hospital Psychiatry, 15 41-50.
Low Cost Airline in Thailand
The Study on Improvement of Low Cost Airline in Thailand
Geography of Thailand
Nature of Airlines
Variables under Study
The Profitability of Low Cost Airlines in Thailand
Thai Economy
Operating esults, Selected Airlines, Financial Year 1999
The Economies of Scale Attained By Airline Industry
Human esource Practices
The future of low cost Thailand Airlines
Contrasting Qualities of State Owned and Non-State Owned Airlines
The Study on Improvement of Low Cost Airline in Thailand
Thailand is a global source for customers seeking cheap labor or material inputs. The country is rich in natural resources -- tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, and timber being a few examples. The country is a major source for agricultural products1a.
Thailand also has an abundant supply of low-skilled labor with high participation rates in the workforce 86% for males and 67% for females in 1995. At the same time, the country is the most developed in Southeast Asia, making for a relatively reliable work…...
Aharoni, Y. & Nachum, L. (Eds.). (2000). Globalization of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=102764448
Alagappa, M. (Ed.). (1998). Material and Ideational Influences. Stanford, CA: Stanford University. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=35541491
Asia Top Companies by Sales. (2000, June). Business Asia, 8, 38. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001764374
Beirman, D. (2003). Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis: A Strategic Marketing Approach / . Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=102031189
Tourist Behavior Toward Nature-Based Tourism Activities
For most of the developing countries tourism industry is playing a very important role in boosting their economies. In 2004, it was found out that Asia Pacific was one of the fastest growing tourism regions (Cruey, 2005). According to WTO, up to 3% of world's tourism market is made up of Thailand, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. It was in 1970's that the development of Thai international tourism started (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). Tourism industry accounts for 5.1% of Thailand's National Gross Domestic Product (Tourism Authority of Thailand, 2009). For the purpose of providing a proper development direction, the National Economics and Social Development Plan (NESDP) served as a guide (Mcdowall and Wang, 2007). The result of the survey which was conducted by the Universities of USA and Thailand, showed that Thailand stood on the first place as best hospital city for all the…...
Blamey, R.K. (2001). Principles of ecotourism. In Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, Weaver D (ed). CAB International: Wallingford, England; 5 -- 22.
Brass, J.L. (1997). Community Tourism Assessment Handbook. Western Rural Development Centre, Utah State University, ed.
Business Day, (2005). Tourist Sector Wins 3.65BN Baht Budget. [Electronic bulletin board], February 24, 2005.
Carter, R. And Fabricius, M. (2007). UNWTO Conference in Topic is Creating campetitve advantage for your destination, Budapest, UNWTO Consultants (TEAM tourism Consulting).
Study Abroad
Sometimes in our internet age it seems that we don't ever need to leave our own homes to experience the world. Google can let us drive in a virtual way down nearly any street in the world. We can chat at any hour of the day with residents from any continent about any subject. We can even craft online selves that allow us to become more interesting, more educated, and more urbane than are our actual personas.
So why -- given the complexities, unavoidable drudgeries and occasional miseries and sometimes even outright dangers of travel -- should we ever venture any significant distance from our homes? Because there is still -- and surely there will never be -- anything comparable to travel to teach us about the varieties of the world. Without meaning to disparage the wonders of either online information acquisition or reading about other places and other peoples,…...
Also, certain light electronic products such as fans and lighting fixtures typically set off for export were diverted to the domestic market, which underwent a construction boom because of the economic stimulus package.
Construction Sector
One engine for growth during the crisis was Vietnam's construction sector. Vietnam's government enacted a program of stimulus spending which emphasized public works and building projects. (the Economist, 2009, Sep 24). Vietnam's stimulus spending went a long way with regard to construction because of the cheap labor available in Vietnam. The stimulus program was successful because it provided valuable infrastructure while alleviating unemployment.
Vietnam's greatest liability in the eyes of investors, its lack of full integration with the global economy, served as its greatest protection against the effects of the global financial crisis. (the Economist, 2008, Jun. 19). With an aggressive economic stimulus program and a healthy consumer base, Vietnam was able to keep its production lines…...
Economist Intelligence Unit (2010). Vietnam Country Forecast. The Economist. Retrieved from http://www.viet-studies.info/kinhte/EIU-VN-Country-Forecast-2010-02.pdf
Nguyen, T.C. (2009). -- Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam in the Global Financial Crisis. Retrieved from http://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/resources/seminars/Urbanization_Seminar/HCMC_Workshop/Papers_and_Presentations/FinancialCrisisPaper_NguyenThiCanh.pdf
Konishi, a. (2008).The Global Financial Crisis: Viet Nam's prospects in 2009 and Beyond [PowerPoint Slides] Retrieved from http://www.adb.org/Documents/Events/2008/AmCham-Economic-Prospect/AmCham.pdf
The Economist (2009, Sep 24). V not yet for victory an impressive recovery may create problems of its own. The Economist. Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/node/14506580
Asian Patient Culture
Jong's refusal to wear a CPAP machine is not surprising. They are fairly obstructive and it would take anybody some time to get used to the idea. However, this is tied to other issues as well. In general, Mr. Jong has not been taking care of himself; he is in denial about his reduced ability to live independently. The CPAP machine is simply another manifestation of his loss of independence and this is clearly difficult for him. The first thing to remember is that in Asian cultures respect for elders is a strong value. This is the approach that will need to be used to gain his consent -- to treat him with respect, and show how the machine will help him to breathe better. It might be best to explain that it is temporary as well, to reduce the threat. But respect for the patient's elder status…...
Some Chinese researchers assert that Chinese flutes may have evolved from of Indian provenance.
In fact, the kind of side-blon, or transverse, flutes musicians play in Southeast Asia have also been discovered in Africa, India, Saudi Arabia, and Central Asia, as ell as throughout the Europe of the Roman Empire. This suggests that rather than originating in China or even in India, the transverse flute might have been adopted through the trade route of the Silk Road to Asia. In addition to these transverse flutes, Southeast Asians possessed the kind of long vertical flutes; similar to those found in Central Asia and Middle East.
A considerable amount of similarities exist beteen the vertical flutes of Southeast Asia and flutes from Muslim countries. This type of flute possibly came from Persians during the ninth century; during the religious migration to SEA. Likeise, the nose-blon flute culture, common to a number of traditional African…...
mlaworks cited:
Purple highlight means reference from his thesis, chapters 1-5
Blue highlight means reference from his raw research that was sent (17 files)
Yellow highlight means that writer could not find reference; one of the 17 files received
Gray highlight means writer found this source
.....Zhu Xi understood daotong ( "transmission of the dao" or Confucian orthodoxy). What texts, in sequence, were to be studied? Keeping in mind the context in which he wrote, accept, qualify or refute his position.
Central to the evolution of Confucian orthodoxy, the teachings of Zhu Xi understood the transmission of the dao, the daotong, in terms of the natural ordering and hierarchy of the universe, and of universal laws. Daotong is conceptualized as a flow, a transmission of actual energy from a source higher on the cosmological hierarchy, or from the principle of Heaven, tianli (Adler 143). Moreover, the transmission of the dao is presented as an ongoing flow, more like a waterfall than a tap that gets turned off or on according to the will or desire of the human being. Zhu Xi's understanding was, however, ironically rigid and inflexible. His teachings deeply conflicted with prevailing Confucian ideology, and…...
One only has to look at the technological advances Japan has provided the world to understand the importance the race as a whole places on advanced educational goals.
Throughout recent history the Asian cultures have been periodically stripped of their military abilities, however, their educational goals have always been supported. This provides a viable explanation why, today, several generations later, American Asian families place such importance on education which translates to the academic excellence their children display, which in turn leads to the reputation the culture has for academic excellence.
The American Jewish community is only three generations away from the horrors of the Holocaust and the concentration camps. This memory, still fresh, has spurred the parents to insist their children do well academically so that they can have careers and professions that are valued by society.
Cheo, oland. " Making the grade through class effort alone."
Economic Society of Australia; (2003) June pp…...
Cheo, Roland. " Making the grade through class effort alone."
Economic Society of Australia; (2003) June pp 46
Ho, Tamara. "Environmental, social, and psychological experiences of Asian-American undergraduates: examining issues of academic persistence." (Research).
Journal of Counseling and Development | (2003) January pp
Pandita Ramabai was a trailblazing figure in the world of literature and social reform in India during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in 1858 in Maharashtra, Ramabai faced numerous challenges and adversities in her life, which fueled her passion for education and social change. She was a prolific writer, scholar, and advocate for womens rights, and her contributions to literature and social reform have left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire generations of readers and activists.
One of the ways in which Pandita Ramabai revolutionized literature was through her groundbreaking memoir, The High-Caste Hindu Woman. Published....
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