Articles of Confederation and Constitution
Constitution addressed a number of complaints listed in the Declaration of Independence against Great Britain's King. In addition, the Constitution cured a number of weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation by giving powers, rights and divisions to the federal government, as well as providing a different method of amending the Constitution. At times, the Constitution was developed through compromises such as the Great Compromise, which set up our bicameral federal government and the manner of determining each state's representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Through these historical documents and others, we can see the ideas and development of the United States of America.
How the Constitution addressed the Complaints in the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, finalized on July 4, 1776, was our announcement to Great Britain and to the world of our freedom from Great Britain. In the document's third section,…...
mlaWorks Cited
United States of America. (1776, July 4). Declaration of Independence. Retrieved April 11, 2013 from Web site:
United States of America. (1781, March 1). Articles of Confederation. Retrieved April 11, 2013 from Web site:
United States of America. (1789, March 4). Constitution of the United States. Retrieved April 11, 2013 from Web site:
Winkler, A. (2000). Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, Volume 2. New York, NY: MacMillan Reference USA.
Articles of Confederation & Constitution
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
The United States government has operated under two constitutions since its inception. The Articles of Confederation was ratified by Maryland on March 1, 1781 and was in effect until it was replaced by the Constitution upon its ratification by New Hampshire on June 21, 1788. The two documents differed in many respects. The Articles of Confederation was unicameral. Each state had two to seven members and who were appointed by state legislature in a manner each state directed. The Constitution is bicameral, with a House of Representatives and a Senate. Representatives were elected by popular vote and apportioned according to the population of each state. Each state was allotted two Senators appointed by that state's legislators.
Under the Articles of Confederation each state was given one vote while the Constitution provided for one vote per Reprehensive or Senator. Terms of office…...
Articles of Confederation with the new Constitution of 1787. We will see what were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles vis-a-vis the Constitution and give specific instances that demonstrate the weakness of the Articles, in particular its financial issues.
Default and debt is an American tradition and it was initiated with gusto in the days following the evolution when Dutch and French holders of American bonds found it impossible to get regular payments on the Continental notes that they held. Additionally, depression had struck the new nation in by the mid-1780s, raising questions arose about the nature of American democracy and the ability of the new government to function. Conservatives believed that the answer the nation's problems lay in a stronger national government. Most radicals believed it was up to the states to relieve the financial burden of the people. These sentiments fostered a movement for a new constitution.…...
The articles of confederation. (2010). Retrieved from Review/Review
Compare and contrast; the articles of confederation vs. The constitution. (2011, January 20). Retrieved
This would prove to cause competition between the states for power, economic and environmental resources, and political positioning. The interstate commerce law and the associated legislation did not exist under the articles. The Articles of Confederation were far less robust in their structure, giving states the majority of the unchecked power, and not allowing the Federal government the ability to oversee and tax the population in order to develop a balanced and fair economy. The articles did not even allow the Federal government the ability to raise an army, putting that responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the states themselves as well. The articles were certainly a step in the right direction, but they did not represent the best possible scenario for the young United States, and the Founding Fathers were more than capable of creating a far superior governmental framework in the Constitution.
Even after the adoption of the…...
mlaHarvard Law Review, Vol. 119, No. 2. Dec., 2005. pp. 431-490.
Jensen, Merrill. The Articles of Confederation. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, 1970.
Smith, Douglas G. "An Analysis of Two Federal Structures: The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution." San Diego Law Review, Vol. 34. 1997, p. 249.
Articles of Confederation has gone down in history and always will be known for the absolute failure that it was. In 1777, there was a need to lay a foundation or formulate a balanced government in accordance with the ideals of the American evolution. The Articles of Confederation reflected the fears of American after the evolutionary War, and their desire to free themselves of tyrannical rule. In order to understand the need for the 1787 Constitution, the articles of Confederation need to be understood. Under these laws, every state was basically its own country (at least by today's definition of what a country is). Each state had its own currency, interstate commerce, and foreign affairs (Jensen, 1959) . Though the largest problem was the issue of currency, as every state printed its own money and this brought issues when it came to trading beyond their territory because in some…...
Rakove, J.N. (2009) The Annotated U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; 1 Ant edition
Maier, P. (2010) Ratification: Americans Debate the Constitution, 1787-1788, Simon & Schuster
jensen, M. (1959) The Articles of Confederation: An Interpretation of the Social-Constitutional History of the American Revolution, 1774-1781 University of Wisconsin Press; 1 edition
Articles of Confederation & Constitution
Confederation and Constitution
The Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781, and provided a fairly rudimentary framework for the governance of the new country. But the Articles left the U.S. mainly as a collection of states, with powers concentrated primarily at the state level. The central government's power was severely limited, and one of the results of this was a push for a stronger central government to strengthen the union. The Constitution of 1787 came out of that push. This paper will examine these two documents, noting strengths and weaknesses of each.
Articles of Confederation
The Articles framed the union as a "mutual friendship" among the states, but left the states with a high degree of sovereignty. Article 3 noted that warfare/national defense was one of the main points of central government, where the states would defend each other from external attacks. The Articles governed issues such as interstate commerce and trade, in…...
The articles of confederation. Retrieved November 20, 2016 from
US Constitution. Retrieved November 20, 2016 from (2016) The U.S. Constitution. Retrieved November 20, 2016 from
Library of Congress (2016) The new nation, 1983-1815. Library of Congress. Retrieved November 20, 2016 from
Federalism, Unitary, And Confederation
Federalism: Federalism is a political system of governance in which powers are divided among two levels of government, i.e., a central government and governments based in smaller political units, usually called states, provinces, or territories. In this system of government, the smaller political units surrender some of their political power to the central government, relying on it to act for the common good. (Davidson, Encarta article)
Comparison of Federalist, Unitary and Confederation Governing Structures
Other types of government structure are Unitary and Confederation. In a Unitary system, virtually all powers are held by the central government, although it may delegate some of its powers to local or city governments but such delegation is discretionary and for administrative purposes only. A confederation is similar to a federation but with far less power given to the central government. In confederations, the local governments retain most of the powers and form a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Davidson, Roger H. "Federalism." Article in Encyclopedia Encarta. CD-ROM Version, 2003
Federal Government." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press. New York, 2000.
Theories of Government." A More Perfect Union: An exploration of American Democracy. 1999. Thinkquest Website. February 25, 2004
The word federal comes from the Latin term fidere, meaning "to trust."
Essentially, the forefathers that justified the American Revolution did not like the idea of a centralized government because of what they had just been through with Britain. Thus, if each state could keep its sovereignty, they thought that this would take care of a lot of issues. The thinking is not wrong considering what they had gone through with the Revolution, but it left for a weak nation because there was no central force to govern such things as taxation and enforce laws. Not only could economic conditions not be governed by the government, but neither could social conditions.
Of course there were many states that were worried about what a national centralized government might mean for them. Many people thought that it would lead to another form of tyranny just like had been experienced under Britain's rule. Nevertheless, it happened and while power was taken away from the states…...
Confederation & Constitution
The author of this report is charged with answering several questions relating to the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The original Constitution was hard enough to pull off but the Articles of Confederation were also a challenge and were in response to the economic challenges of that day. Different issues and weaknesses that came up were the Western problem, the slave vs. slave states, eastern vs. western states, Sherman's Plan, the Great Compromise and so forth. The debates that raged with the Federalists and the anti-Federalists will be covered as well as how the Bill of ights debate developed. Finally, the relative success of the Bill of ights will be summarized. While no single constitutional document is going to placate all sources and address all problems that could come to pass, the compromises and debates that raged about these two major parts of American legislative…...
mlaReferences (2014, August 1). Constitution of the United States - Official. National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved August 1, 2014, from (2014, August 2). Bill of Rights. National Archives and Records
Administration. Retrieved August 2, 2014, from
Library of Congress. (2014, July 31). Primary Documents in American History. The Articles of Confederation: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual
This news story has a positive impression of Oxfam works.
Analysis.- Oxfam has a record of 60 years in increasing worldwide public understanding of economic and social justice as crucial elements to sustainable development. Its 12 confederates are located in their respective regions and undertaking international goals and policies according to the requirements of the regions. The confederates work with poor people so that their lives may be improved and they may govern their own lives. Oxfam struggles to influence governments and powerful people in a straightforward manner without infringing upon their sovereignty. And it joins hands with all people for the universal good through open and popular campaigning, alliance building and media work in arriving at earnest and workable solutions to global poverty, to motivate as many people as possible to actively participate in the movement for change and to create a sense of global citizenship. Oxfam's work method…...
Courier Mail, the. Oxfam Unveils New Sense of Giving. Queensland Newspapers, May 12, 2005.
Nabi, Rashed un. Oxfam's Fair Trade Report: Rigged Rules and Double Standard. Holiday Editorials. Holiday Publications Ltd., 2005.
Oxfam International. Who We Are, 2002.
American Colonial experience and the Articles of the Confederation influence the content of our Constitution?
he American colonies existed as separate political entities. he only attempt to consolidate any of the colonies under one united government was that of the ill-fated "Dominion of New England," an attempt to reign in the independent colonies by a monarchy (that of James II) that was thought by many to want to 'catholicize' the Anglican church in the late 1680's. Administration had to be done at a local level because of the inferior condition of the roads. he advent of newspapers and printing presses in the mid-1700's was really the first non-commercial link between colonies; often colonies had been openly hostile to one another. For instance, dissenters that disapproved of the government of Massachusetts founded Conneticut, New Haven, and Rhode Island. he consolidation or division of colonies, when it occurred, happened by skillful diplomacy…...
mlaTHE SUPREMACY DOCTRINE basically states that national laws have supremacy to state laws. This is why the Bush administration can tell California to 'reign in' their medical marijuana laws. Because national law is predicated on the dogmatic belief that marijuana has no medical uses, it is what is considered a 'schedule one' drug such as heroin or LSD.
c. In this context, JUDICIAL REVIEW is the power of a court to review a law or an official act of a State for the violation of basic principles of justice. If DEA agents or federal marshals were to arrest a pharmacist for selling marijuana, the case would ultimately represent the interests of California vs. those of the federal government and be taken to the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land. (no pun intended)
D. FEDERALISM is the idea that the national government should have jurisdiction over state or local governments. Whereas originally the central government derived its power from the States (people after the revolution would say 'the United States are,') currently administrative law is the law of the land; for instance, executive orders take precedence over even Constitutional law. In the context of the medical marijuana debate, California would not be able to maintain policies that violated federal law. In extreme examples such as that of school integration in the 1950's, the federal government has even sent federal marshals to uphold federal laws.
thirteen colonies that drafted and announced the Declaration of Independence stating their intention to separate from England shortly thereafter wrote the first governing document, the Articles of Confederation. The Articles set forth and defined the relationship between the various colonies and how the relationship between such colonies would serve to form one entity. The Articles served to provide the colonies with a form of unification while the Revolution was being fought but as the nation attempted to recover from the War and build a new nation the Articles proved too weak to be effective. The Articles failed to grant Congress the power to raise funds, regulate trade, or conduct foreign policy without the voluntary agreement of the states. There were attempts to alter the Articles in order to increase the powers of the Congress but these efforts failed and a Constitutional Convention was convened to attempt to revise the…...
Delegates' top priorities include the following. First, the delegates set out to revise the Articles of Confederation to weaken the power of the state legislatures and increase the powers of the central government. Delegates also sought changes in the ways states were represented in the federal government and introduced the concept of separation of powers to create a system of checks and balances. Debates between federalism and republicanism brewed during the Constitutional Convention, as delegates like Alexander Hamilton favored an exceedingly strong executive branch whereas traditional republicans hoped for term limits for elected officials. Compromise was a must and the Constitution of the United States reflects the confluence of republican and federalist values.
Second, the delegates heatedly debated the question of how to deal with slavery. An abolitionist movement had taken root in Europe and delegates were forced to address concerns about the international and inter-state slave trade. Once again, delegates…...
Articles of Confederation." MSN Encarta. Retrieved Oct 13, 2006 at
Hamilton vs. Jefferson." Retrieved Oct 13, 2006 at
Lloyd, G. (2006). "Introduction to the Constitutional Convention." Teaching American Retrieved Oct 13, 2006 at
Eventually, these deficiencies would lead to the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. But during the years that they 13 states struggled to achieve their independence, the Articles of Confederation accomplished what they had been intended to. Adopted by Congress on November 15, 1777, the Articles became operational on March 1, 1781 when the last of the 13 states signed the document (The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, 2009).
During the debates that took place regarding the adoption of the Constitution, the opponents argued that the Constitution would open the way to tyranny by the central government. With the memory of the British violations of their civil rights before and during the evolution, they insisted that a bill of rights be used that would spell out the protections of the individual citizens. During the state conventions that were held to ratify the Constitution, several states asked for these amendments (Bill…...
Bill of Rights. (n.d). Retrieved June 13, 2009, from The Charters of Freedom Web site:
The Articles of Confederation. (2003). Retrieved June 13, 2009, from Ben's Guide to U.S.
Government Web site:
The American Experiment
The American experiment: The Articles of Confederation vs. The Constitution
When the Founding Fathers initially designed a governing structure for the emerging American nation, they wished to err on the side of conservatism, in terms of granting power to the federal authority. After all, the American evolution had been founded upon a principle of autonomy from a strong central authority in the form of the British king. However, the Articles of Confederation which emerged to govern was a "weak" and "anemic" structure ill-suited to a modern nation which had to hold its own with European powers such as Great Britain itself (Kennedy, Cohen & Piehl 2012:120)
The Articles of Confederation provided for a loose confederation or "firm league of friendship.' Thirteen independent states were thus linked together for joint action in dealing with common problems, such as foreign affairs" (Kennedy, Cohen & Piehl 2012: 120). In the Articles of Confederation,…...
Kennedy, D., Cohen, L. & Piehl, M. (2012). The brief American pageant. Cengage.
1. Lack of central authority The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government that had limited power to enforce laws or regulate commerce. This lack of central authority led to disputes between states, an inability to effectively deal with national issues, and a lack of cohesion among the states. 2. Inability to raise revenue The Articles of Confederation did not give the central government the power to impose taxes or regulate trade. This meant that the government could not raise funds to pay off its debts or finance its operations, leading to financial instability and an inability to address....
The Articles of Confederation, America's first constitution, were established with the intention of creating a loose confederation of sovereign states. However, this document was fraught with weaknesses that ultimately led to its failure. One of the primary issues was the lack of a strong central government, which resulted in an inability to enforce laws or manage interstate disputes effectively. This structural flaw was evident in the economic turmoil that ensued, where states could not agree on trade regulations, leading to economic discord and a lack of national economic policy. The inability to levy taxes directly from the citizens meant that....
1. The transition from the Articles of Confederation to the U.S Constitution resulted in a significant shift of power from the states to the federal government.
2. The U.S Constitution centralized power by creating a stronger national government with the ability to enforce laws and regulate commerce, unlike the decentralized system under the Articles of Confederation.
3. The creation of a system of checks and balances in the U.S Constitution allowed for the distribution of power among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, ensuring no single branch could dominate the others.
4. The transition to the U.S Constitution increased the....
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