small global village, business organisations are ever more doing business beyond national borders. Through exporting, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, subsidiaries, and other forms of corporate strategy, business organisations are expanding their operations across the globe. While cross-border business is important for global expansion it presents significant challenges from a marketing perspective. When business extends beyond the domestic market, new aspects come into play. An organisation must consider the characteristics of the local environment, particularly in relation to demographics, consumer preferences, culture, and regulations (Brady, 2011). These aspects change from country to country, making the replication of marketing techniques quite difficult or impractical.
An important topic within the discipline of international marketing relates to relationship marketing. When doing business internationally, marketing relationships are crucial. For instance, a manufacturer that elects to expand its operations to a foreign country through exporting will often partner with local distributors so as to…...
Brady, D. (2011). Essentials of international marketing. New York: Routledge.
Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A., & Baltas, G. (2016). Relationship value: drivers and outcomes in international marketing channels. Journal of International Marketing, 24(1), 22-40.
SOCIAL ISSUES Social Issues: Article CritiqueDifferences in Mental Health esiliency in Young African AmericansThe purpose of the selected study was to examine the differences in resiliency in terms of the mental health of young African Americans. The literature review was quite scarce; the context was, however, relatable to the actual investigation. The significance of the problem was comprehensively laid out with data and statistics. The variables were clearly defined for the secondary research: dependent variables were health resiliency in young African Americans while independent variables were several, to check their differences in effects on resiliency, comprising mindset (education), community connectedness, and religiousness (Wallace, 2012).The study design used was qualitative with secondary research methodology to explain the difference in selected variables upon mental health resiliency of the target population. Also, a correlational research design was adopted after collecting data from secondary sources so that correlation and its magnitude could be assessed…...
mlaReferencesMishra, P., Pandey, C. M., Singh, U., Keshri, A., & Sabaretnam, M. (2019). Selection of appropriate statistical methods for data analysis. Annals of Cardiac Anesthesia, 22(3), 297–301. W. L., Droege, J. R., Case, M. H., & Jason, L. A. (2015). Reducing stress and preventing anxiety in African American adolescents: A culturally- grounded approach. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 6(2). Wallace, E.V. (2012). Differences in mental health resiliency in young African Americans. American Journal of Health Studies, 27(1), 8-12.,
Critique of esearch Part Quantitative article Critique esultso Data analysisOf the fifty- seven patients undergoing hemodialysis through the use of central venous catheter (CVC), three- quarters were men aged 20 - 59 years; fifty- seven percent of subjects belonged to the Christian Catholic church and sixty-four percent were married. With regard to their educational qualification, forty- six percent of subjects had completed primary education while one in five patients was uneducated. With respect to CVC implant, seven out of ten implants were noted to have been installed within patients internal right jugular veins, whereas twelve percent were within their right femoral veins. Concerning causes for removal of implants, seventy percent were on account of maturation of AVF, while twenty percent were account of infection. Concerning hemodialysis dosage (gauged in terms of Kt/ V), eighty- two percent depicted > 250 ml/ min blood flow while seventy percent showed values ranging from…...
mlaReferencesde Lima Guimarães, G., Goveia, V. R., Quispe Mendonza, I. Y., dos Reis Corrêa, A., Silqueira de Matos, S., & Oliveira Guimarães, J. (2017). NURSING INTERVENTIONS FOR HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS THROUGH CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER. Journal of Nursing UFPE/Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 11(3).Jeffs, L., Saragosa, M., Law, M. P., Kuluski, K., Espin, S., & Merkley, J. (2017). The role of caregivers in interfacility care transitions: a qualitative study. Patient preference and adherence, 11, 1443.Loiselle, C. G. (2011). Canadian essentials of nursing research. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This is important as any analyses and conclusions which are drawn from the study are directly applicable to the intended population. The survey was issued in a wide variety of language, which ensured wide participation from the immigrant population and ensured that the language barrier was not a limitation to the study. The study conducted the survey over the telephone, which would have ensured a wider participation than postal survey. The study also gained a 55% participation from a total of 11,039 which indicates that the survey would be truly representative of the immigrant population due to the large numbers of immigrants participating. The surveys were conducted in 2000, which was 5 years before the article, which indicates that factors may have changed within the period. It may have been more accurate if the data were to be published within a shorter time period after collection.
The respondents were divided…...
Passel, J.S. (2005) Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Undocumented Population. Pew Hispanic Centre. Retrieved on November 3, 2007, at .
Ponce, N., Nordyke, R.J. And Hirota, S. (2005) Uninsured working immigrants: A view from California County. Journal of Immigrant Health, 7(1): 45-53.
Tanner, J. (2003) Reading and Critiquing Research. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 13(4): 162-164.
Article Critique
articles as well as an analysis of the three articles that have been chosen. There will also be a reflection on the connections that these three articles have towards the best practices in the social studies context and field in general. The three articles to be reviewed and analyzed are;
"Technology and classroom practices: An international study." By obert B. Kozma
"Using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversity Social justice." By Ava L. McCall.
"How to teach thinking skills in social studies and history." By Barry K. Beyer.
Technology and classroom practices: An international study. By obert B. Kozma
The main focus of the paper is how technology is used in classrooms all over the world and how it has changed the practice in class and general approach to learning by both students and teachers. According to the article the use of technological tools in classrooms is mainly by students…...
Beyer, B. K (2008). How to teach thinking skills in social studies and history
McCall, A.L. (2004). Using poetry in social studies classes to teach about cultural diversity
Kozma, R.B. (2003). Technology and classroom practices: An international study
Imogene King's Attainment Theory
King's Attainment Theory
The thrust of Imogene King's theory of goal attainment is a loosely-coupled partnership between the nurse and the patient that enables communication about the patient's condition, their health goals, and a plan of action to achieve the patient's goals. The conceptual framework is based on systems theory -- and King employs the three classic systems in her representation of her theory: (1) the personal system, (2) the interpersonal, and (3) the social system. As the conceptual framework takes shape for the personal system of the individuals in the schema (Yonge, 2007), several constructs emerge: Body image, self, growth & development, perception, space, and time. As the conceptual framework moves to the interpersonal systems, the constructs take on a more integrated form: communication, interaction, transaction, time, and space. In the last component of the conceptual framework, the constructs of authority, status, power, decision-making, and organization become…...
Alligood, M.R. And Tomey, M.A. ( Eds.) (2002). Nursing theory: Utilization and application. (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Black, M., and Hawks-Hokanson, J. (2005). Medical Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for positive outcomes. St. Louis, Missouri.
George, J. (Ed). (2002). Nursing Theories: The base for professional nursing practice. (5th ed.) Norwalk, CT: Appleton and Lange.
Jukkala, A., Greenwood, R., Ladner, K. And Hopkins, L. (2010, Fall). The clinical nurse leader and rural hospital safety and quality, Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 10(2). Retrieved
Articles on the History of Christianity
Christopher J. Haas' article "Imperial Religious Policy and Valerian's Persecution of the Church, A.D. 257 -- 260" was published within the scholarly journal Church History in 1983, and the author focuses his attention on the persecution of Christians by the Roman Emperor Valerian. According to Haas, one of the most compelling aspects of Valerian's persecution of Christians was the sudden shift in his official religious policy in the year 257 A.D. Haas asks in the article, "prior to that time the church was largely undisturbed, but the years 257 -- 258 witnessed a series of increasingly severe imperial edicts directed against Christianity. What prompted this sudden reversal of imperial religious policy in 257?,"1 and it is this question which forms the foundation of his subsequent scholarly inquiry. y reading this article, one learns that Valerian actually launched his campaign of persecution against Christians in…...
Evans, Gary. "Christological Errors: Then and Now." Affirmation and Critique, July (2008): 35-
Haas, Christopher J. "Imperial Religious Policy and Valerian's Persecution of the Church, AD
257-260." Church History 52 (1983): 133-144.
COMMUNICATING POFESSIONALLY Communicating Professionally: Critique of Presentation Software and ToolsPresenting information in presentation software could be a useful method to idssr4inate visual information that would be fast enough to connect with the audience. It is more versatile and interactive, along with a plethora of information that could be infused within a few slides. This paper examines some of the presentation software and well-known tools for the said purpose.Comparison of Two ToolsCanvaAdvantages, disadvantagesOne of the major advantages that presentation software should offer is real-time collaboration (Spencer, 2020). Canva is one of those names instantly coming to mind when talking about letting the peers edit inside the presentation. It has more than one million templates to be used easily with creative graphics and informative layouts. The variety of content that could be added within the pages is an extra value that makes it the right choice for speedy presentations.Presentations on Canva can…...
mlaReferencesAlbinagorta, C. (2019, September 24). PowerPoint vs. Prezi: Which one should you be using? 24 Slides. (n.a.). 5 smart ways to use Canva for social media. (2020, August 4). What are some of the benefits of presentations in business and professional settings? Graw, M. (2022, April 19). Best free presentation software and alternative to PowerPoint of 2022. Tech Radar. Spencer, L. (2020, June 26). The 15 best free online web presentation software tools for 2020. Envato Tuts+. Canva.
Communications -- "How to be a Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
"How to Be a Success" is a Maclean's journal article by Malcolm Gladwell stating that expert command of any field requires natural ability, outside help but chiefly unusually hard work for a great deal of hours over an especially long time. Though the successful examples mentioned in Gladwell's article all have talent, they are "outliers" -- exceptional people who all worked very hard on their special fields from their childhoods and spent at least 10,000 hours developing their skills. In fact, their long periods of very hard work over many years seem to be more important than having natural talent because the brain takes that much practice to incorporate all the skills needed to "master" a field. Achieving 10,000 hours of practice requires help, such as approval, encouragement and enough financial support from parents, special programs that make it possible for…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gladwell, M. (2008). How to be a success. Maclean's, 59-61.
Tkacik, M. (2009, November 23). Gladwell for dummies. Retrieved July 6, 2014 from Web site:,0
Theoretical foundation explored within this article is that there is a real relationship that exists between psychotherapists and clients, and that this relationship profoundly affects the outcome of the sessions (Gelso et al., 2012, p. 495). This relationship is couched with other working relationships between the therapist and the client. Moreover, the real relationship can be analyzed from the perspective of both the client and the therapist, so that it exists within a "dyad" (Gelso et al., 20102, p. 496.
One of the weaknesses of the literature review in the study completed by Gelso et al., "The unfolding of the real relationship and the outcome of brief psychotherapy" is that it is not distinguished within its own section. It is intertwined with the introduction of this document, and even extends into the hypothesis section. Additionally, the vast majority of the literature cited was conducted by the principal researcher in this study.…...
Gelso, Ch.J., Kivligham, D.M., Busa-Knepp, J., Spiegel, E.B. (2012). The unfolding of the real relationship and the outcome of brief psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 59 (4), 495-506.
Pros and Cons of the findings
The authors of Zero defection: Quality comes to service found out that there was tripling of the profits generated by one customer from in the fourth year than in the first year and this shows the advantages of loyalty because it leads to increased profits. All this profit is lost whenever the customer defects from the company. This increased profitability with loyalty is also evident in the credit card finding. The customer who is newly acquired generates only the base profit when using the card at first but after the second year, there will be improved economics. The usage increases as they become more familiar with the services. The disadvantage of these findings is that the profitability puzzle does contain many pieces and a direct association with loyalty is never definite (Ranaweera, 2007, p.115).
One advantage in the findings from the article The Mismanagement of…...
tattoo ink that is used in everyday and normal tattoos and how the ink and other materials used in those tattoos might be harmful to the people that adorn themselves with them. The audience is presumably doing this article as a caution to those that have tattoos, are planning to get tattoos and/or know someone that is in either of those first two classifications. The style, form and structure are rather nice. Rather than getting right into the negative details and the technical aspects of the issue, the author of the article waxes eloquent about who gets tattoos, why they get them, how proud they are of them and so forth. The author of the article also admits having some of their own tattoos. However, the article then gets down to business about how some of the components of tattoo ink can be toxic. There is also talk of…...
unning Head: COMPAATIVE CITIQUE COMPAATIVE CITIQUE 8Comparative Critique of Seven ArticlesAbstractThere is a need for a new crop of leadership and leadership educators with demographic shift internationally. The globalization of the economy and the technological demands of the information age are converging to create unique and unprecedented challenges and opportunities for school systems. The challenges in marginal areas include increased local student transiency, homelessness, and the influx of newcomers; including English language learners. Student leaders respond to transient outsider needs through a discourse of compliance and engage in contextually responsive, collaborative responses to meet the needs of community insiders. However, these are only momentous solutions necessitating a policy-based approach to solve such challenges. The role of morals in the construct of leadership as representation of a community cannot be overemphasizedComparative Critique of Seven ArticlesA response to poverty and the accompanying complexity of challenges: , Pavlakis, Lac & Hoffman (2014) in…...
mlaReferencesCline, Z., & Necochea, J. (2000). Socialization paradox: a challenge for educational leaders. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, 3(2), 151-158. B., & Walker, K. (2014). The lifecycle of trust in educational leadership: an ecological perspective. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, 18(1), 106-121. McHenry-Sorber, E., & Provinzano, K. (2016). Confronting Rapid Change: Exploring the Practices of Educational Leaders in a Rural Boomtown. Leadership And Policy In Schools, 16(4), 602-628. McHenry-Sorber, E., & Provinzano, K. (2016). Confronting Rapid Change: Exploring the Practices of Educational Leaders in a Rural Boomtown. Leadership And Policy In Schools, 16(4), 602-628. Kutsyuruba,
This study was similar to the third study in that both involved a retrospective review of data based on prior studies and program data. This study differed from the third study in that the prior study involved only a review of published literature, whereas the third study consisted of action research through both off-site data collection conducted through interviews of participating faculty members as well as a more in depth on-site action site case study of one educational institution. Additionally, while the second study concerned issues pertaining to the training of medical students in professional teamwork and collaboration skills in the professional medical setting, the third study concerned the manner in which community colleges establish and implement in-house "grow-your-own" staff development programs
Reille, a. And Kezar, a. "Balancing the Pros and Cons of Community
College 'Grow-Your-Own' Leadership Programs" Community College
Review 38 (1) 2010: 59-82.
This study consisted of action research in the form…...
The data gathered is subjected to statistical analysis using statistical methods of linear regression and chi square testing.
The main purpose of the study was to confirm the hypothesis that consultation with CNS or RN in a drug-monitoring clinic has a significant positive impact on the well being of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The study involved a single blinded randomized controlled trial over a period of three years. Subjects were chosen from the rheumatology out patient setting in a district general hospital with a drug monitoring service. A total of 71 subjects who were starting out on anti-rheumatic therapy were randomly assigned to either the interventional or the control group. While the interventional group was supervised by the CNS to assess patient needs (using Pendelton's framework) alongside drug safety evaluation, the control group was seen by an outpatient staff nurse purely for drug safety concerns. oth the groups were assessed…...
Teri Britt Pipe; Kay E. Wellik; Vicki L. Buchda; Carol M. Hansen; Dana R. Martyn, 2005, "Implementing Evidence-Based Nursing Practice," Urol Nurs. 25(5): 365-370, Available at,
Ryan, S, Hassell, a.B, Lewis, M, & Farrell, a. (2006). Impact of a Rheumatology Expert Nurse on the well-being of patients attending a drug monitoring clinic. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(3), 277 -286.
Considine, J. & Botti, M. (2004) Who, when and where? Identification of patients at risk of an in-hospital adverse event: Implications for nursing practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 10: pp. 21-31
Other references
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