Art Of Protest Essays (Examples)

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Art Culture
Pages: 15 Words: 5226

Art Culture: Public Space Art
Public art like that of Koon's Train (2011), Serra's Tilted Arc (1981), Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial (1981), and James' Sea Flower (1978), ignite discussion to the point of its modification, re-arrangement, or removal. The reason for this controversial treatment of public art is its ability to embrace a variety of aesthetic practices. The adoption of different aesthetic values like poster art, outdoor sculpture, earthworks, multimedia projections, and community-based projects among others, breaks the public's traditional understanding of art (Glahn, 2000). This critique finds that the public's totalizing classification of public sphere brings about controversy and dialogue over public art displays. By reviewing the famous public art "Tilted Arc" (1981) by Richard Serra, this analysis will show that there are distinct differences between public understanding and professional understanding of public art.

The government with the intention of exhibiting, protecting, and edifying art, commissions public art in America to…...


Works Cited

"REVIEW & OUTLOOK (Editorial, b) -- Asides: Tilting with the Arc." Wall Street Journal: 1. Sep 04, 1987. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Doss, Erika. "Public Art Controversy: Cultural Expression and Civic Debate," Americans for the Arts, October 2006. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.

Drescher, Timothy. "The Harsh Reality: Billboard Subversion and Graffiti," Wall Power, Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 2000.

Fleming, Ronald Lee. "Public Art for the Public." Public Interest.159 (2005): 55-76. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Art and Society an Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 2935

In this regard, Nead notes that because she was an art lover, Richardson experienced a moral dilemma in her decision to attack "The Rokeby Venus," but she felt compelled to do so anyway based on her perception that the government was failing to act responsibility towards women in general and the suffragettes in particular. "In her statement during her trial, Richardson appears calm and articulate and nothing is said explicitly about any objections that she might have had to a female nude. Indeed, it was not until an interview given in 1952 that Richardson gave an additional reason for choosing the Velazquez: 'I didn't like the way men visitors to the gallery gaped at it all day'" (emphasis added) (Nead 36).

Figure 1. Velazquez, The Rokeby Venus.

Source: The Social Construction of Gender, 2006.

According to Mann (2002), functionalism could help explain the attack by Richardson on "The Rokeby Venus" based on…...


Works Cited

Bartley, Paula. (2003). "Emmeline Pankhurst: Paula Bartley Reappraises the Role of the Leader of the Suffragettes." History Review, 41.

Damon-Moore, Helen. Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880-1910. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Harris-Frankfort, Enriqueta. "Velazquez, Diego." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 31 May 2006 .

Mallory, Nina Ayala. El Greco to Murillo: Spanish Painting in the Golden Age, 1556-1700. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.

Art Conception Early Renaissance Imagine
Pages: 6 Words: 2021

The function of the work of art would be to stand before the city, and to show the city as wisdom personified, and by implication show that the wisdom came from the works and power of the Medici. It would make an analogy between the city-state of Florence and the ancient city-state of Athens. Because Athens was a genuine republic, it might even deflect some criticism from the Medicis, who were technically supposed to be residents of a republic, even though they ruled from behind the scenes. The setting of the sculpture, next to David, outside the city gates would act as a powerful warning of the city's power (with the violence of the anvil and David's shotgun) as well as strike a balance between Classical representations of learning and the still-important tenants of the Catholic faith that must be honored in a world still dominated by the clergy.

The work…...


Works Cited

Essak, Shelly. "Art History 101 - Early Renaissance Art." 2007. 20 Apr 2007. 

Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance." 2007. 20 Apr 2007. 

Pioch, Nicolas. "La Renaissance: Italy." Web Museum Paris. 2002. 20 Apr 2007. 

Renaissance Masterworks from the National Gallery of Art." National Gallery: Washington, D.C. 20 Apr 2007.

Art the Nature of Art
Pages: 1 Words: 415

William Blake's works included writings and illustrations, some of which were a bit moody and gothic, which also characterized this era. It was a time of modernization, when the opulence of the past simply did not seem relevant or even desirable any more, and it again illustrates just how different eras and ideas about society and money can alter art and artists' works. Art mirrors society and society's interests, which is why it has always changed through time, and will continue to do so.

2007). The restored hall of mirrors revealed to the public. etrieved from the Chateau Versailles Web site: July 2007.

Blake, W. (2007). Infant joy (From Songs of Innocence). etrieved from the Mark Harden Artchive Web site: July 2007.

Fuseli, H. (2007). Satan starting from the touch of Ithuriel's spear. etrieved from the Tate Britain Museum Web site: July 2007.

Harden, M. ococo. etrieved from the Mark…...



2007). The restored hall of mirrors revealed to the public. Retrieved from the Chateau Versailles Web site: July 2007.

Blake, W. (2007). Infant joy (From Songs of Innocence). Retrieved from the Mark Harden Artchive Web site: July 2007.

Fuseli, H. (2007). Satan starting from the touch of Ithuriel's spear. Retrieved from the Tate Britain Museum Web site:   July 2007. /britain/exhibitions/gothicnightmares/infocus/satanspear.htm#t27

Harden, M. Rococo. Retrieved from the Mark Harden Artchive Web site: July 2007.

Art Great Art Proponents Art Is Not
Pages: 2 Words: 716

Great Art proponents

Art is not something new that started recently. Art work has been in existence for a very long time and there are various artists who have brought an influence in this field. When looking at art in the 1960s we can see that there are various art movements as well as cultural histories which are associated with this period.

Andy Warhol was a very influential pop artist in the 1960s. He took product logos and their labels from a commercial context and displayed them as a form of art. He also went ahead to make sculptures that were identical to Brillo boxes and Campbell's soup cans. Through his work we can see that pop art posed as a challenge to traditional art through equating imagery that was mass produced in advertising with existing fine arts. This was attracted by graphical directness of advertising and consumer packing which was simple.…...


References (2010).The Psychedelic [in] Society:

A Brief Cultural History of Tripping. Retrieved July 4, 2013 from 

Chappell, M. (2006). Art in the 1960s. Retrieved July 4, 2013 from

Sarasota Visual Art. (2012). William Pachner: Works from the 1960s. Retrieved July 4, 2013 from

Art Politics Using the Utilitarianism
Pages: 2 Words: 568

This number would then be compared to the number of people who worry about having their privacy violated. Since it is presumed that more than 16% of the population worry about such items as government intervention into their daily lives, and their concern about how to keep their private information to themselves. One study stated, "protests from certain quarters prompt public-sector officials to think long and hard about how to balance open government and the right to privacy" (Douglas 2006-page 1). ith this information in mind, the study would have to lean towards the better good for most people being when their privacy is respected rather than catching individuals who are using drugs.

Other questions such as smoking after hours, and having unprotected sex can also be categorized as a right to privacy issue rather than a cost issue and as such should be left alone by employers as well. It…...


Works Cited

Douglas M, (2006) Privacy Concerns. Government Technology, January 2, 2006, Accessed July 10, 2006,

Gledhill-Hoyt J, Lee H, Strote J, and Wechsler H., (2000) Increased use of Marijuana and Other Illicit Drugs at U.S. Colleges in the 1990's: Results of Three National Surveys. Addiction, Vol 95 Issue 11, pp. 1655-67

History of Dada Art Movement
Pages: 7 Words: 2082

History Of Dada Art Movement
There is a long list of movements that were begun for the sake of art, for instance cubism and surrealism. These two movements experienced grave criticism as they touched nihillism. On the other hand, movements like Dada have been admired and honored by the majorities (Mobileeference).

If truth be told, the early 20th century brought a turbulent and disorderly change in the world. The First World War and the ussian evolution tainted people's understanding of their worlds in an overwhelming manner. This new mind set of people was strongly reflected in the early twentieth century art movements as well. They were all, if seen in technical terms, were boldly modern and groundbreaking. In order to look into and explore the structure of realization, these movements moved further than the unruffled surface of traditional painting. However, perhaps Dada must be looked for its most compelling explorations of the…...



"Dada." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2009. Questia. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. .

Duchamp, M. "The Richard Mutt Case." Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings. Eds. Kristine Stiles, Peter Selz. Berkeley: University of California, 1996. 817. Print.

Essak, S.. "Dada - Art History 101 Basics: The Non-Art Movement (1916-23)." The New York Times Company, n.d. Web. 24 Apr 2012. .

Hopkins, David. Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Questia. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. .

Art Analysis Landscape With the
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

hile illiams writes of the "tingling" of the new year, the "tingling" is not merely natural, not simply the world sprouting into rebirth. It is a very human, manufactured kind of celebration of the world's bounty.
Thus to read the painting as a kind of a mockery of Icarus and the artist's desire for transcendence may not be entirely fair. Brueghel, after all could have just shown Icarus falling into the hungry sea, unnoticed by nature. The key to a more nuanced interpretation of the painting is evident in Brueghel's deliberate choice of a perspective. According to David Cole, this is a "crucial aspect" of understanding the poem (Cole 2000). "The landscape and the action are seen from above -- from the viewpoint, in other words, of Daedalus. The force of the picture is thus, I think, to move the viewer not only to recognize the unconcern for catastrophe inherent…...


Works Cited

Cole, David. "William Carlos Williams." The Explicator, 58.3 (Spring 2000).

Excerpted April 2, 2010 at 

Delahunt, Michael. "Conceptual art." Art Lex. 1996-2010. April 2, 2010.

Arts as Motivational Entry Points for Non Academic Students
Pages: 15 Words: 4718

Topic: Are the Arts Motivational Entry Points for Non-Academic Students?IntroductionFor a long time, academic courses, specifically STEM programs (i.e. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) have often been favored because of their real (and perceived) employability chances. It is indeed true that most societal undertakings are driven by specializations in these academic courses. However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no place for artistic specializations for non-academic students. It is important to note, from the onset, that there are a wide range of factors that influence the desires of academic students to pursue higher education. It would be prudent to highlights these with an aim of setting the stage for the assessment of arts as motivational entry points for non-academic students. Some of these include, but they are not limited to, the need to further enhance employability, the need to fulfill parental or familial expectations, the need to satisfy…...


ReferencesBanks, A. (Ed.). (2012). Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Washington, DC: SAGE Publications. Barnard, M. (2013). Graphic Design as Communication. New York: Routledge. Clark, N. (2015). Royal College of Art ‘in a State of Jeopardy’ as Staff Quit and Students Protest. Retrieved from   G.A. & Zimmerman, E. (1997). Resources for Educating Artistically Talented Students. Bloomington: Syracuse University Press. Cazeaux, C. (2017). Art, Research, Philosophy. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.Dawood, S. (2017). Why Are Fewer Students Taking on Art and Design at University? Retrieved from Daniel, R. & Johnston, R. (2015). Becoming an Artist: Exploring the Motivations of Undergraduate Students at a Regional Australian University. Studies in Higher Education, 42(6), 1015-1032. Dubert, F. (2015). Injustice at Work. New York, NY: RoutledgeEmery, L. (Ed.). (2002). Teaching Art in a Postmodern World: Theories, Teacher Reflections and Interpretive Frameworks. Altona: Common Ground.Jensen, E. (2001). Arts with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Levitt, L., Wisdom, S. & Levitt, K. (2017). Cultural Awareness and Competency Development in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI GlobalMcQuaid, R.W. & Lindsay, C. (2005). The Concept of Employability. Urban Studies, 42 (2), 197– 219. National Endowment for Arts. (2011). Artist Employment Projections through 2018. Retrieved from Nemko, M. (2015). Pursue an Artistic Career? Advice for You and Parents. Retrieved from, A. & Sherwin, R.K. (Eds.). (2013). Law, Culture and Visual Studies. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. Clark,

Art Education field
Pages: 7 Words: 2369

A number of modifications have occurred within the area of arts instruction, leading to a redesigning of the whole curriculum. A few transformations involve modern trends like literacy training via art, worldwide popular culture, 21st-century abilities, social justice, art evaluation, cultural diversity, and interdisciplinary approaches.
Teaching Literacy through Art

According to Moody-Zoet, art-teaching offers distinctive and useful intellectual behaviors and skill sets which aid in the learning of other academic disciplines. The following skills are introduced, cultivated and honed by arts education: craft creation capacity; task involvement and determination when it comes to task completion; envisioning, expression, and seeking of a vision for oneself; observation; reflection; stretching; exploration; and understanding of the art community/world. Arts education represents a vital component of every learner's holistic scholastic literacy. The arts, after all, are entrenched in representation and cognition, in addition to be profoundly involved in the way education expands as well as deepens people's…...

Art of Historical Detection by
Pages: 2 Words: 667

On the other hand, in the Dust Bowl evidence, photos and statistics play a very important role, because they paint a graphic picture of what was going on in the country and how people were suffering. This type of evidence plays a much more important role than in the Sacco and Vanzetti case, which was not so much about photographs and statistics, but about print documents and even the political climate. This indicates how different cases require different perspectives and the use of differing evidence.

The difference in these two historic cases also points to the use of differing evidence to study different moments in history. The Dust Bowl affected millions of people who lost their farms, left the area, and moved to places like California to find work and start new lives. There were books written about it, news stories, and everything in between. The Sacco and Vanzetti case initially…...



Davidson, James West and Lytle, Mark Hamilton. After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection. Volume 2, Fifth Edition. New York: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2004.

Art and Ideology of the Chicana Movement
Pages: 8 Words: 2473

History of ChicanosThe history of the Chicano and Chicana movements in the U.S. is a history of self-assertion and self-esteem. The Chicano population gradually became alive to the fact that they had value in a society that always seemed to devalue them and come to their support only when it served the governments best interests (as happened during WWII). By the 1960s and 1970s, Chicanos had had enough of this system. They were ready to break out and push back. This paper describes how that movement came about and what methods it used to achieve objectives.The Chicana/o Movement as a esult of ActivismThe Chicano Movement began when Mexican-American men began to assert themselves in the struggle for equal rights in the realm of economics, society and politics (Garcia, 1997). The Chicana Movement was largely in response to the feminist movement, which seemed to center wholly on white women to the…...


ReferencesBernal, D. D. (1998). Grassroots leadership reconceptualized: Chicana oral histories and the 1968 East Los Angeles school blowouts. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 19(2), 113-142.Carrigan, W. D. & Webb, C. (2003). The lynching of persons of Mexican origin or descent in the United States, 1848 to 1928. Journal of Social History, 37(2), 411-438.Escobedo, E. (2013). From coveralls to zoot suits. University of North Carolina Press.Garcia, I.M. (1997). Chicanismo: The forging of a militant ethos among Mexican Americans. The University of Arizona Press. The Lemon Grove Incident. (2013). You Tube. Retrieved from:  The Longoria Affair. (2010). PBS. Retrieved from: Mmize, R. & Swords, A. (2011). Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA. CA: University of Toronto Press.Partido la Raza Unida. (n.d.).Ramirez, B.C. (n.a.). Latinx women on the home front. Mary and Jeff Bell Library. Retrieved from 

Modernism in Art Triumphed From the 19th
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

Modernism in art triumphed from the 19th century onward and in the early 20th century virtually changed the way art came to be perceived. From the Abstractionists to the Cubists to the Surrealists to the followers of Dada, the modernists continually reinvented themselves with newer and wilder movements, firmly rejecting tradition and all its preoccupations. It was only fitting, however, that modern artists should break so completely with the past: modern society had split from the old world with the Protestant Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, and the Romantic Era, all of which followed one on the heels of the other. This paper will trace the history of the final era -- the modernist -- by examining five works of five different painters of the modernist era: Franz Marc's "Fate of the Animals," Pablo Picasso's "Guitar and Violin," Marcel Duchamp's "found" artwork "Fountain," Salvador Dali's Surrealist masterpiece…...



Dali, Salvador. "The Persistence of Memory." Wikipaintings. Web. 14 Feb 2013.

Duchamp, Marcel. "Fountain." Web. 14 Feb 2013.

Greenberg, Clement. "Avant-Garde and Kitsch." Art and Culture. MA: Beacon Press,


MOMA a Comparative Discussion of Modern Art
Pages: 3 Words: 825

A Comparative Discussion of Modern Art Museums

The Modern Museum of Art (MoMA) in New York City and Tate Modern in London have a number of major features in common that help to define the visitor's experience. Perhaps most importantly, both are considered among the most important collections in the world and both institutions are highly regarded not just for their conservation of art but for the usability of their facilities and the considerable educational, informational, cultural and recreational resources contained there within. hat strikes one as most compelling about both collections is that they trace their respective origins to the efforts of extremely wealthy philanthropists but that each offers a collection rife with examples of resistance, protest and rejection of established values. Indeed, this is perhaps the most unifying condition defining modern art in evidence at both sites.

Founded and overseen by members of the Rockafeller family, the Modern Museum of…...


Works Cited:

Modern Museum of Art. (2013). Homepage.

Tate Modern (2013). Homepage. .

Contemporary Art and Art
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

Modern Art
Contemporary and modern art has been characterized by increased focus on significant aesthetic and political work of artists across the globe. As a result, contemporary art is largely different from conventional work because of the shift in focus on elements of art. Actually, art has undergone significant changes throughout its history as a result of different influences across different time periods. Some of the major influences of contemporary and modern art include material culture, technology, consumerism, rise of graffiti, protest and posters, land art, mass media, representation strategies, political self-awareness, and expanded cinema. These influences have played major in art production in the contemporary world and contributed to new practices in art. Contemporary art has shifted from medium specificity as the organizing principle for advanced production to the concept of sites and systems because of the numerous factors that have influenced art over the years.

The Shift from Medium…...


Works Cited

Holert, Tom. "Art in the Knowledge-based Polis." E-flux. E-flux, Feb. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. .

Hopkins, David. After Modern Art: 1945-2000. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Print.

Reyes-Garcia, Everardo, Pierre Chatel-Innocenti, and Khaldoun Zreik. "Archiving and Questioning Immateriality - Proceedings of the 5th Computer Art Congress." Computer Art Congress. EUROPIA Publishing, 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. .

Shanken, Edward A. "Contemporary Art and New Media: Toward a Hybrid Discourse?" Hybrid Discourses Overview. Hybrid Discourses, Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2016. .

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