Art Nouveau Essays (Examples)

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Art Nouveau Symbolism Is an
Pages: 6 Words: 1884

The new woman is scary for many, especially for men. Not only because she personifies a radical change, but because they no longer have the power upon her. eing independent, wise and strong she becomes an adversary, an opponent and therefore a challenge. And it's not only the male pride at stake, but also the acknowledgement that society was really changing.

A relevant example for our discussion is the literary character Eliza in Pygmalion. She undergoes a radical change, modifying not only her dress, her speech and life style, but also her goals, ideals and life perspective. From this point-of-view she can be considered a personification of the new woman ideal, despite the fact that in the transformation process she is helped by a man.

The artwork that had the most powerful impression on me was the Eiffel tower. Not only it is a technological example of successful thinking taking into consideration…...



Art Nouveau, retrieved May 4,2009 from 

Guimard, Hector, retrieved May 3,2009 from 

Rimbaud, Arthur, Vowels, retrieved May 4, 2009 from 

Symbolism, Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, retrieved may 4, 2009 from

Art Nouveau Movement in America
Pages: 2 Words: 593

It is much less an expression of breaking away with the past and norms and rules, like the Art Nouveau current was. This is mainly due to the fact that contemporary art has been an expression of the individual freedoms throughout the 20th century and the numerous experimentations during this period produced no limits to the artistic capacity of individuals. The art of the 1990s continues the anxiety expressed in art through the 20th century and adds to it elements characteristic of this decade.
More and more, the 1990s formed what is known as the Internet art, along with related segments such as information art. Internet art prefers to use the internet as the main environment of expression. From this perspective, it is less a differentiation in the notion or concept of the artistic expression and more of a different way of presenting the material and ensuring that it reaches…...



Duncan, Alastair. Art Nouveau. World of Art. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1994.

Art Nouveau Art Architecture and
Pages: 10 Words: 3101

To be sure, under the label Art Nouveau, there resides a long list of diverse artistic styles, from two dimensional arts to constructive and geometrical arts.
Art Nouveau was an important architectural movement, inspired by the inherent patterns of nature. For example, C.F.A. Voysey's textile prints showcase plant forms in free curves, while Christopher Dresser's design philosophy stemmed from his knowledge of botany. Aubrey Beardsley (1872-98) is famous for his style of illustration that used curving linear forms. The work of Alphonse ucha (1860-1939), of France, uses similar themes, as does Henri Toulouse-Lautree (1864-1901) and Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947). Victor Horta (1861-1947), the Belgian architect and designer, had a body of work known for embodying all the qualities that are typical of Art Nouveau design. The Tassel house in Brussels (1892) has a symmetrical row-house facade with relatively conventional architectural styles. On the inside, though, there is a staircase of complex…...


Mucha, Jiri. Alphonse Mucha: His Life and Art. (NY: St. Martin's Press, 1966), 123.

6.Sayer, Derek. The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998).

7. Svacha, Rostislav. The Architecture of New Prague 1895-1945. (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1995).

Art Nouveau the School of Nan
Pages: 6 Words: 1580

Emile Galle and Louis Majorelle and the Art Nouveau Movement
Art Nouveau is best defined as a style in the visual arts that came to the fore in a number of European and North American cities in the early 1890s, and remained a force to be reckoned with until the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, when it faded quite speedily from view. The style emerged as a revolutionary style of art, existing as a form of protest against so-called academic art institutions and from the intense activity of a collection of movements, manufacturers, public institutions, publishing houses, individual artists, entrepreneurs and patrons. Its main areas of activity were in the decorative arts, though it affected all forms of visual culture.

The defining characteristic of Art Nouveau -- the factor that made it into an intellectually and socially cohesive force -- was modernity. It was the first deliberate, internationally…...

Victor Horta Art Nouveau Movement
Pages: 18 Words: 4788

According to Schmutlzer, "The buildings of Horta reveal the full importance of architectural initiative" (114).
In his book, a History of Modern Architecture, Joedicke (1959) reports that, "In the nineteenth century a circle of adventurous artists, known as 'Les XX,' had already appeared in Brussels, who were strongly influenced by illiam Morris and his followers. In 1893 Victor Horta, who belonged to this group, built the house in the Rue de Turin in Brussels at a period when there were still few signs of the new movement on the Continent" (44). A number of innovations can be identified for the first time in this project, as well as in Horta's the Maison du Peuple (1897), wherein iron was systematically used; prior to these pioneering efforts, iron had only be used in factories and exhibition buildings. "Iron as a building material," Joedicke enthuses, "which permitted a more open floor plan, now…...


Works Cited

Ballantyne, Andrew. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Boyd, Andrew, Andrew Carden and H.R. Hitchcock et al. World Architecture: An Illustrated History. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.

Cantor, Norman F. (1988). Twentieth-Century Culture: Modernism to Deconstruction. New York: Peter Lang, 1988.

Cassou, Jean, Emil Langui and Nikolaus Pevsner. Gateway to the Twentieth Century: Art and Culture in a Changing World. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.

Art Influence of Japanese Art on Western
Pages: 13 Words: 3463

Vincent Van Gogh, Frank Lloyd right and Madeleine Vionnet. hat did this 19th century artist, architect, and fashion designer share in common? Very simply: They all incorporated Japanese techniques into their works of genius. hen Commodore Perry opened the doors to this Eastern country in 1853, an abundance of unique and influential styles of art rushed out and captured the imaginations of artists throughout the estern world. As author Emile Zola once said,
It is certain that our students painting with black bitumen, were surprised and enhanced by these horizons, these beautiful vibrating spots of the Japanese painters in watercolours. There was a simplicity of means and an intensity of effect which struck our young artists and then influenced them with a painting filled with air and light

This flow of Japanese artistic riches and influence continues to this day. Ask any graphic designers including those at alt Disney Company what country…...


Works Cited

Coburn, F.W. "Mr. Benson's Birds," The Boston Herald, November 16, 1913, 28.

Encyclopedia of Visual Art. Grolier Educational Corp., 1984 printing. Danbury, CT: 1983.

Gardiner, Debbi. Japan, Inc., January 2003. Anime in America. 8/03/03.

Japan Economic Society, November/December 2002. Impact of the Kimono on Modern Fashion.   Visited 8/04/03. .

L'esprit Nouveau Pavillon De L'esprit
Pages: 3 Words: 847

Le Corbusier's Pavillon de l'Esprit Nouveaue was most essentially a statement to that effect, deliberately upsetting accepted aesthetic modes (Gronberg 1992; Gronberg 1998).
Critics and colleagues saw the "machine for living" that Le Corbusier created as an installation at the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris, 1925, as an abandonment of aesthetic principles and roundly shunned both the structure and Le Corbusier (Gronberg 1992). Seeing modern life more as an extension of the efficiency and productivity of the office rather than the personalization and decorations of a traditional home, the living space that Le Corbusier presented was very minimalist and truly belonged more to the school of modernism -- which hadn't even really solidified -- than Art Nouveau (Gronberg 1992; Gronberg 1998). As striking as this departure was, the backlash from critics is somewhat understandable.

The stance that was taken against Le Corbusier and the vehemence with which he and…...



Gronberg, T. Designs on Modernity: Exhibiting the City in 1920s Paris, Manchester University Press, 1998.

3) Gronberg, T. 'Speaking Volumes: The Pavillon de l' Esprit Nouveau', Oxford Art Journal, 1992, Vol.15, no. 2, pp. 58-69

Analyzing the Total Work of Art Charles Renee Mackintosh
Pages: 10 Words: 3712

Total ork of Art: Charles Renee Mackintosh
Born on June 7, 1868, in Glasgow, Mackintosh, worked as an apprentice under one of the local architects named John Hutchison, however, he changed to the more stable and established Honeyman and Keppie city practice in 1889. As a way of complementing his architectural apprenticeship, Mackintosh got enrolled into evening classes at the school of art in Glasgow, where he partook in a number of drawing programs. hile in the art school, Mackintosh in the company of Herbert MacNair, his friend and colleague, ran into the famous artist sisters, Frances and Margaret Macdonald. These four talented artists formed a group and specialized in furniture designs, illustration and metalwork, and developed several weird-looking images, which were very distinctive. Such images included abstracted female images and certain metamorphic lines that reminded one of Aubrey Beardsley. They got to be known as the spook school, a nickname…...


Works Cited

Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Web. 10 March 2016. 

Current, Karen. Greene & Greene: Architects in the Residential Style, Fort Worth, Texas: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1974. Print.

Finger, Anke and Danielle Follett (eds.) The Aesthetics of the Total Artwork: On Borders and Fragments, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Print

Harris, Nathaniel. The Life and Works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Bath: Lomond Books, 2000. Print.

Lesson Plan for Gustav Klimt Art Class
Pages: 20 Words: 6407

Gustav Klimt Lesson Plan
Central Focus

"Describe the central focus and purpose for the content you will teach in the learning segment".

Students will learn the art of Gustav Klimt, which will assist in creating the work of art that will resemble Klimt's style. Moreover, students will be introduced to the Gustav Klimt's artwork focusing on his love for cats. (Weidinger, 2007).Students will also learn their artistic style and utilize their patterns and shapes to fill up their works. Moreover, students will continue to build and develop the basic skill sets utilizing art tools such as paint, glue, scissors, and oil pastels. Students will also learn how to utilize the line variation, stylized form, symbol, color, and media variety with the ability to create their "Tree of Life". Moreover, the lesson plan will assist students to learn about cool and warm colors incorporating them into the artistic styles of Gustav Klimt. (Smith, 1998).


Milton Glaser Man of Art
Pages: 4 Words: 1153

Another favorite is the Dylan poster that is, again, not complicated in its appearance. The silhouette of Dylan is topped off with a mass of hair that is in the form of thick curly lines in bright colors. This image is one that is difficult to forget once it is seen. These images are iconic and they remain with us because they grab our attention without being overdone. The Saratoga Performing Arts Center poster is another design that is a favorite because Glaser has taken what we consider everyday elements and turned them into something that is recognizable but different enough to garner a second or third look. I enjoy the School of Visual Arts poster because it captures what artists do with a few words and what appears to be a simple image. Glaser's style is one that cannot be defined in a few words but, like most…...


Works Cited

Barnicoat, John. "Poster." Oxford Art Online. Information Retrieved 29 Jan. 2009. 

Glaser, Milton." Oxford Art Online. Information Retrieved 29 Jan. 2009.

Judith and the New Frau in German Art
Pages: 3 Words: 949

ho Assassinated Holofernes?The assassination of Holofernes is depicted in the Old Testament in the Book of Judith as an act of trust in God carried out through Judith. The Book of Judith tells the story of the Assyrians laying siege to the Israelites. The Israelites are afraid, while Judith, characterized as beautiful, chaste of full of trust in God, alone hatches a plan to settle the matter. She leaves with her maid Bethulia for Holofernes camp to ingratiate herself to him. He becomes drunk both by alcohol and her beauty. In his intoxicated state, he becomes her victim in his tent that night, as she decapitates him, causing the Assyrians to scatter in fear now that their leader has been killed. She returns to Israel and remains chaste. Two works of art that depict this story are Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi (1614) and Franz Stucks Judith and Holorfernes…...


Works CitedWade, Mara. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The Reception of Opitz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Judith\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" During the Baroque.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Daphnis 16.1 (1987): 147.West, Shearer. The Visual Arts in Germany, 1890-1940: Utopia and Despair (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2001.

Post World War II Art
Pages: 8 Words: 2450

Artists Since 1945
hat are the influences and events that caused Abstract Expressionism to develop? hat are the two modes of Abstract Expressionism? Compare and contrast these two modes and specially discuss the work of two artists from each mode. Share why you chose these four artist.

During and after orld ar II, artistic expression was destroyed in Europe. This is because, the onslaught of the Nazis created an environment of persecution. In some cases, these activities were based upon artists using their expressionism as a form of criticisms and social critiques. hile at other times; a host of individuals were persecuted because of their race or nationality. The result is that they fled to locations such as New York to be able to continue with their work. This played a major role in determining how Abstract Expressionism developed by taking a different approach that questioned and challenged the status quo. These…...


Works Cited

Adams, Ellen. After the Rain. Ann Arbor: Proquest, 2007. Print.

French Influence Upon Catalan Modernists
Pages: 11 Words: 3751

Symbolism first developed in poetry, where it spawned free verse. Forefathers included the poets Baudelaire, Verlaine, and Rimbaud; practitioners included Laforgue, Moreas, and Regnier. The Swiss artist Arnold Becklin is perhaps the most well-known Symbolist painter; his pictures are like allegories without keys, drenched in melancholy and mystery. Other artists working in this vein include Odilon Redon and Gustave Moreau. The Surrealists drew heavily on the Symbolists later on.
Catalan Artists

Catalan masters played a major role in the development of 20th Century modern art in many fields. For example, modernism expressed by Gaudi, Rusinol, Gimeno, Camarasa, Picasso, Nonell or Miro epitomized the efforts of the Catalan people. Still, most of them expressed their talents outside Spain in Paris where many of them lived and worked before going home to continue their expression. Like anyone honing a craft, they needed a foundation of knowledge for their art and Paris offered this…...


Works Cited

2000. Catalan Masters. Available at Accessed on 9 January 2005."

2002. Notes on Picasso: Important Terms, People, and Events. Available at   Accessed January 2005. .

Art Nouveau in Catalonia. Available at Accessed 9 January 2005.;.

Catalan Painting. Available at   Accessed January 2005. .

Designers During the Second Half
Pages: 2 Words: 736

New theories and esthetic visions brought a violent change in popular taste, bringing a fascination for the fantastic, the mythical, the exotic, taking inspiration from eastern civilizations (Japanese, Islamic), naturist ornamentation such as flowers and vegetal designs, waving lines that would induce motion and symmetry. The new art style became a commercial kind of work, since it was aimed towards the masses and the every day life. The industrial design was dictated by fashion and the public taste, that was rapidly changing as the speed of modern life brought new ideas almost constantly and commercial tools, such as films and advertising, influenced in that change.
The difference between the Arts and Crafts and the Art Nouveau movements was mainly the approach towards the creation itself. While the Art Nouveau was promoting the use of mechanical techniques to create art objects that would be used in common life, the Arts and…...



Art Nouveau, available at: 

Howard, J., 1996, Art Nouveau: international and national styles in Europe, Manchester

Ryan, D., Art Nouveau in Europe, available at

The Arts and Crafts movement, available at

Rodin David it Is Amazing
Pages: 3 Words: 1199

The bronze cools and the plaster mold is broken. The sculpture is cleaned, ground and welded to blend the surface texture. Finally, the bronze sculpture is treated with chemicals and heat to give it color or "patina" when it reacts with the air (Hatcher 72-74). Now one can easily see all the creativity, time and resources that went into this sculpture.
How different from odin's sculpture is this second piece of art, "The Oath of Horatii" by Jacques-Louis David. In about 1781, very early in his career as artist, David started thinking about the Horatii from a play dealing with Ancient oman history: The oman Horatii (named after legendary triplets) and the Alban Curatii were chosen to fight each other to death in order to determine the stronger town. The two families fighting were related by marriage, so it would be a tragedy no matter who was victor. Horatii won…...



Calvet, Arlette. Unpublished Studies for "The Oath of the Horatii" by Jacques-Louis David. Master Drawings, (1968) 6.1: 37-42, 81-90.

Chilvers, Ian. Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Eitner, Lorenz. An Outline of 19th Century European Painting: From David through Cezanne. New York: Westview Press, 1992.

Hatcher, Evelyn Payne. Art as Culture: An Introduction to the Anthropology of Art.: Westport, CT.: Bergin & Garvey, 1999.

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