Force Management Challenge -- Army
Force Management Challenge - Army
Change management in the short-term is a substantive challenge of any organization. When change management extends far into the future, the challenges increase exponentially. To establish and field a mission-ready force, the Army must shape the force of the future. For the Army to be prepared for an inchoate future, change management theory and force management practice must coalesce into a sustainable, cost-effective plan. This force management plan must manifest a high degree of flexibility and agile responsiveness in order to be "prepared to combat uncooperative and adaptive enemies" (AFOGEN, 2006). Overall, the Army must be able to "synchronize resources, [and] predict impact of future requirements on funding and optimize the use / reuse of forces" (AFOGEN, 2006).
The use of computer modeling has enabled predictive processes that can synchronize global Army capital, interfacing with the program objective memorandum (POM) of the Future…...
Coleman, G., C. Napoletano, and D. Hickman. Synchronizing Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN), (ProModel Corporation, 2006). Retrieved
Detailed Performance. "Force Management Quadrant." (2004). Retrieved
Dombrowski, Peter, and Eugene Gholz. Identifying Disruptive Innovation: Innovation Theory and the Defense Industry. Innovations 4, no. 2 (Spring 2009): 101-117.
Force Management System or FMS Utility exists due to the complex array of people existing within the army. These people have one or more of an assortment of skills and access to several millions of items of equipment. An organized system for the documentation of how much is authorized and what is required is put in place to keep things in order. Taking that into consideration, the force development process and its five phases keeps coordinated efforts in order as shown in the "Gen. Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium" reading. To begin, there was a mention of Odierno having difficulty turning a "1.1 million-man Army and another 250,000 civilians in a direction"[footnoteRef:1]. [1: U.S. Army,. "Feb. 24, 2012 - Gen. Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium." Www.Army.Mil. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 8, 2016.]
First, it important to understand how an army runs within the five phases. The first phases 1 and…...
Managing Army Change
Force Management Discussion Paper (ASSIGNMENT)
General Instructions
You may use the lessons (please request additional information if needed), readings and references (have been provided) to help you answer the questions. Reference the documents titled "F100 Lessons Overview" for determining if additional topic discussions (lessons) may be needed. Cite the sources you used to answer the discussion topics. Use footnotes (Turabian style) of documentation; do not use parenthetical citations. This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of the assigned readings, doctrinal references, or outside sources.
In academic writing, do not use first-person or passive voice.
Read the question thoroughly, and make sure you are answering the question being asked. As you formulate your responses, do NOT provide a simple summation to the question or your opinion. Use evidence (specific examples or concepts) from F100 as part of your answers. Imagine that you are submitting your answers to the first general officer in your…...
2012 Army Equipping Strategy. F106 Army Force Generation.
2013 Army Strategic Planning Guidance Excerpt. Lesson F101: Strategic Change.
Dempsey, Martin. "Chairman's Strategic Direction to the Joint Force."
Gen Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium. F103 Total Army Analysis.
(Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)
Agencies are required to develop a good understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses so as to plan their programs to their best advantage. An agency acquires this information by evaluating the views of the employees on diversity issues. Analysis of the trends and projections of the workforce in determination of the skills gaps and necessitates and devising successive planning strategies are crucial moves for agency strategic and business planning. Such efforts facilitate the managers with the required facts so as to be aware of the assignment of resources and the making the necessary planning for the future work of the organization and the points of concentration of their energy to produce a high performance organization. (Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce)
The successful managers understand the necessary skills for producing a successful diverse workforce. Firstly they should be aware of the discrimination and its…...
Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce" (25 June 2000) Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005 .
Creating a Diverse Workforce" Retrieved from Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005 .
Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce" Retrieved at on 15 January, 2005
Green, Kelli A; L. pez, Mayra; Wysocki, Allen; Kepner, Karl. "Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools" University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved at Accessed on 15 January, 2005
Conduct a mind map for the concept of "Power"
Force: I used this because a country that needs to take military action to protect its borders uses force, a way of showing their power to protect their homeland.
The authority figures in any company have the power to make policy, change policy, to hire and fire and train people -- all of which results from their power within the company.
An important part of the power that executives and managers hold is their strategic abilities to influence how their company should run, who should be the leader, and what the image should be that is marketed to the consumer and the public.
Hegemony: this is normally seen as an abuse of power; slaves were subjected to the hegemony of their masters, for example. It also suggests domination by one person over another, and some companies are run this way with employees fearful at every…...
successful management is that of the United States Army, which is the main branch of the United States Armed Forces and is responsible for land-based military operations on both a national and international level. The U.S. Army is both the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military and has labored for years under its mission to provide necessary forces and capabilities in support of defending the United States in regard to its security and defense. In viewing this organization, one immediately understands that when the safety of millions is at stake, clear and distinct management standards must be set in place within the U.S. Army to ensure that no stone is left unturned in terms of operations, intelligence, planning and enacting its duties. In understanding this basic relationship between the U.S. Army and management, one can better understand how certain strategies apply to different areas of specialization…...
mlaWorks Cited
Adubato, Steve. "Making the Communication Connection," in Nursing Management,
35(9): pp. 33-36. 2004. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.
Edmonds, John. "Making Change Happen," in Training Journal, April Edition, pp: 33-
37. 2011. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.
Army Force Generation Model
In order for the armed forces to fight effectively, they need to be manned, equipped, and trained properly. The proposed changes would have an impact on all three areas, and this might result in an armed force that is not prepared to fight effectively. The reduction in budget will definitely require there be changes in the structuring of the armed forces. Reduction in manpower will be inevitable, and this would lead to few soldiers being sent to the battleground. Equipment shortages would also occur since there will be a reduction in funding and only utterly necessary equipment would be serviced or purchased. Training is the area that will be highly impacted. This is because there will be few man-hours for the soldiers to train and prepare for any eventuality. The most modern equipment will require highly trained personnel to man and operate it. The shortage of…...
Congress, House. "Statement by Gen. Odierno before the House Armed Services Committee, First Session, 113th Congress on 18 September 2013." In Planning for Sequestration in Fiscal Year 2014 and Perspectives of the Military Services on the Strategic Choices and Management Review.
Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, United States Army War College. How the Army Runs: A Senior Leader Handbook, 2013-2014. Carlisle: PA: USAWC, 15 July 2013.
United States Army Corps of Engineers issued a report in 2012 that was known as the Human Capital Strategic Plan. It was meant to serve as a benchmark and projection for what was to come from 2012 through 2017. Of course, the United States Army Corps of Engineers is a public safety-oriented organization and their plan will be analyzed in terms of resource allocation, budgeting efficacy and overall quality. The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a very competent organization but no organization's plans, especially those organizations whose funding involves taxpayer dollars in whole or in part, is beyond reproach.
Strategic Plan Analysis
The author of this report has been charged with the analyzing the Human Capital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017 as issued by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in April 2012. The report is about fifty pages in length and will be analyzed cover to cover. As…...
CDC. (2015). Products - Vital Statistics of the U.S. - Homepage. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from (2015). FFF: Hispanic Heritage Month 2014: Sept. 15 -- "Oct. 15. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from
Kessler, G. (2015). Do 10,000 baby boomers retire every day?. Washington Post. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from
Krumrie, M. (2014). How To Incorporate Diversity Hiring Goals and Strategies. ZipRecruiter. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from
(2) Analyzing all accident data without regard to the type of airframe provides for an easy sampling and less potential bias toward fixed wing vs. rotary wing aircraft.
(3) Not including ground accidents into the research will allow the research to focus only on aviation accidents.
(4) Limiting the research to a four-year period; 2003 to 2006 will provide an adequate sampling of the data and not constrain the research results.
First Assumption
The first assumption is that accident data to be used will be an adequate sample of class a through class C accidents within the USAREUR area of operations.
Second Assumption
The second assumption is that ARMS inspection dates derived from official USAREUR Publications and historical data files will reflect actual dates of ARMS inspections.
Third Assumption
The third assumption is that current ARMS inspections continue to incorporate comprehensive checklist used to evaluate resource management and assist in improving operational readiness and safety for USAREUR aviation.
AbstractOn July 26, 1948, Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces was signed into law eliminating segregation in the military by President Truman. He envisioned an armed force that would extend opportunities to all persons. Though the Army strives to recruit a diverse fighting force that reflects the United States\\\' diversity, it tends not to reflect at the senior leadership level. However, African-Americans tend not to branch or choose combat arms military occupational specialty (MOS), thus not setting themselves up to be selected for a senior leadership position, when 59% of the general officer assignments are combat arms. To this end, the purpose of this qualitative methods study using a document analysis research strategy was to identify the main reasons behind the unreasonable representation rates of African-Americans in senior leadership positions in the U.S. armed forces today in order to formulate appropriate and timely recommendations to address this constraint…...
mlaReferencesAdams, D. E. (1997, March). Mentoring women and minority officers in the U.S. military. Air Command and Staff College Maxwell AFB, AL.American people. (2021). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from C. M. & Nas, D. (2018, February 16). Ignoring history, denying racism: Mounting evidence for the Marley Hypothesis and epistemologies of ignorance. Social Science and Personality Science, 10(2), 257-265.Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.Briscoe, D. L. (2013). The Black community perspective: Recruiting Blacks into combat arms. Philadelphia: U.S. Army War College. Brook, T. V. (2020, September 1). Where are the Black officers? US Army shows diversity in its ranks but few promotions to the top. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday. com/in-depth/news/politics/2020/09/01/military-diversity-army-shows-few-black-officers-top-leadership/3377371001/.Bryant, J. B. (2009). Mentorship: Strategically leveling the playing field for African American officers. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College.Caulfield, J. (2020, August 14). How to do thematic analysis. Scribbr. Retrieved from 20analysis%20is%20a%20method,meaning%20that%20come%20up%20repeatedly.&text=Reviewing%20themes,Defining%20and%20naming%20themes.Choi, D. (2021, February 24). A Tuskegee hero and the oldest living Black West Point grad reflect on the US military and its first Black defense secretary. Business Insider. Retrieved from .Cooper, H. (2020, May 25). African-Americans are highly visible in the military, but almost invisible at the top. The New York Times. Retrieved from, E. (2021, February 24). Military needs ‘honest reckoning’ over racism in its ranks. CBS News. Retrieved from .Ender, M. G., Rohall, D. E. & Mathews, M. D. (2015, August). Intersecting identities: Race, military affiliation, and youth attitudes towards war. War & Society, 34(3), 230-245.Executive Order 9981. (1948, July 26). General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.Feagin, J. & Elias, S. (2013). Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic racism critique. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(6), 37-41.Introduction to document analysis. (2016, March 9). Research Methodology in Education. Retrieved from .Johnson, W. B. (2008). Mentoring experiences among Navy midshipmen. Military Medicine, 196, 27-34.Jones, J. (2010, November). Diversity continues to challenge the military. Black Enterprise, 41(4), 57-61.Kendrick, C. W. (1998). African American officers’ role in the future Army. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. War College.Lyles, L. L. (2011). From representation to inclusion: Diversity leadership for the 21st century military – final report. Arlington, VA: Military Leadership Diversity Commission.Neuman, W. L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. New York: Allyn & Bacon.O’Leary, Z. (2014). The essential guide to doing your research project (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.Randolph, B. (2018, April). Mentoring and African American Army captain success: A case study. School of Advanced Studies, Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership.Segal, M. W. & Thanner, M. H. (2007). Hispanic and African American men and women in the U.S. military: Trends in representation. Race, Gender & Class, 14(3/4), 48-64.Shaffer, J. (n.d.). African-Americans and the United States military: A brief history. U.S. Naval Academy. Smith, I. (2010). Why black officers still fail. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College. .Bonam,
Essay Topic Examples
1. Navigating the Transition from Soldier to Leader:
This essay would explore the psychological and social challenges that army personnel face when they transition from being peers to assuming leadership roles. The focus would be on identity shift, changing dynamics with former peers, and the complexities of now being responsible for their well-being and development.
2. The Burden of Command:
This essay would delve into the unique pressures that come with leadership roles in the military, including the weight of decision-making in life-or-death situations, the stress of accountability for others' actions, and the often unrecognized emotional toll on leaders.
3. Developing Leadership Skills Amidst eers:
This topic would focus on the challenge of developing and exhibiting the necessary leadership skills while still in the rankshow to stand out, earn respect, and foster the ability to lead effectively without the formal authority that comes with promoted positions.
4. Mentoring and Its Challenges in the Army…...
mlaPrimary Sources
U.S. Army. \"ADP 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession.\" Department of the Army, July 2019.
U.S. Army. \"FM 6-22 Leader Development.\" Department of the Army, June 2015.Dempsey, Martin E. \"Chairman’s White Paper on Mission Command.\" U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, April 2012.Snider, Don M., and Miranda A. Bray. \"From Battlefield to Boardroom: Making the Difference in Transitioning From a Military Career to Civilian Employment.\" Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2012.King, Anthony. \"Command: The Twenty-First-Century General.\" Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Army Structure; from 3-Brigade Division Units to Units of Action
At the Pentagon, briefings routinely begin with the old adage that
"the only thing constant today is change." Since the age of the Cold War, the United States Army has faced change at home and abroad, experiencing not only a massive transformation in technology and infrastructure, but also in the worldwide approach to warfare. As the end of front-line battles gave way to urban streets and insurgency, the Army transitioned its structural paradigm to mirror the rapidly shifting needs, abandoning the Three Brigade Division Units for Units of Action.
This organizational shift had roots in Capitol Hill politics and dissent internal to the Pentagon, but was a desperately needed restructuring to meet the needs presented by the Iraq War, vastly different than those experienced during the Cold War history. In the early 1950s, the Soviet forces overwhelmed many of the Western nations,…...
Diversity-Why is it Important in Army The term ‘diversity’ has commonly been used to describe the variations in characteristics among two or more individuals; it can cover visible (for instance, age, gender, race) as well as invisible (for instance, knowledge, values, culture) characteristics. Considering the attention paid to diversity by contemporary firms, understanding the reason for this focus on workforce diversity and what it implies within the armed forces personnel management context is valuable (Kamarck, 2017). Within the armed forces, the subject of diversity is complex in nature, conceptually as well as with respect to its administrative and more practical implications. Diversity constitutes one among the biggest and trickiest HR management challenges faced by military HR leaders in the last twenty to thirty years. Increased diversity in the areas of recruitment, employment and development has challenged conventional armed forces organizational principles, standards, outlooks, and beliefs. It has led to the modification…...
equirement 1 -- unning Estimate
equirement 2 - The Problem
equirement 3 -- The Mission
equirement 4 -- Purpose and
equirement 5 -- CCIs
equirement 6 -- Commander's Judgement
equirement 7 -- COA Analysis
equirement 1 -- unning Estimate
Time management is one of the key elements in planning. There must be a balance between taking time to plan and creating synchronization, and maintaining the initiative that can be difficult to determine (AMY, 2012). A running estimate is important because it provides an assessment of the current operation against the planned baseline and establishes whether or not future contingent operations are still supportable.
Once the Japanese are aware of the angers and the guerillas presence, they are undoubtedly going to call for reinforcements as well as consider executing the POW held in the camp. Since the camp is also a transit post, then timing is even that much more critical as more Japanese forces could arrive quickly. The…...
Army. (2004). ADRP 1-02. Department of the Army.
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DoD. (2009). Joint PUblication 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
King, M. (1985). Leavenworth Papers. Combat Studies Institute, 1-58.
Creating and Implementing an Agency Policy on Ethics: Plan for a Code of Ethical ConductIntroductionCreating and implementing a Code of Ethics is an important step for any agency. This paper will provide policy steps for how to achieve this step. It begins with an explanation of how to establish the Code. This includes a description of what stakeholders to involve in the drafting of the Code and which references to source for its drafting. Next is the important step of how the Code will be communicated. Ensuring compliance and maintaining seriousness are the two big factors here.How the Ethical Policy Will be EstablishedDeveloping a Code of Ethics is not an easy task, but it is one that can be accomplished relatively reasonably. What it requires is input from stakeholders, which can be obtained both informally and formally, through Q&A sessions, focus groups, interviews, and surveys. The point is to collect…...
mlaReferencesAlqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 19(1), 17-24.Mason, C., & Simmons, J. (2014). Embedding corporate social responsibility in corporate governance: A stakeholder systems approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(1), 77-86.Prendergast, C. (2008). Intrinsic motivation and incentives. American Economic Review, 98(2), 201-05.Wheeler, D., & Sillanpa, M. (1998). Including the stakeholders: The business case. Long range planning, 31(2), 201-210.
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