Armed Forces Essays (Examples)

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Diversity in the Armed Forces
Pages: 12 Words: 3758

Military Diversity
Diversity in the Armed forces

For over three decades, military diversity has been a very complex topic within the defense units or national security departments for many nations. This arises when it comes to matters of conceptual and practical leadership, as well as the managerial implications. It represents one of the most essential, but challenging topics for the human resource management departments that leaders within the armed forces have been facing for over three to four decades. One of the greatest diversity challenges for the traditional military has been within the fields of development, employment, and recruitment, with regards to keeping their institutional norms, attitudes, beliefs, and values. This scenario has caused a continuous revision of the human resource policies, philosophies, practices and programs conducted by the armed forces. As a result, many researchers on the military activities recommend that the armed forces should be a reflection of the entire…...



Andrew, T. (2013).Advisory board to suggest military is heavy on reserves. Army Times,

9(4), 45-57.

Charles, M. (1988).Institutional and occupational trends in armed forces.The Military and Diversity, 76; 15-26.

Henning, S. (1994). New perspectives on the military profession: The I/O model and esprit de corps Re-evaluated. Armed Forces & Society, 20(4), 99-117.

Working in the Armed Forces
Pages: 3 Words: 965

As a result, I interact best in diverse learning and professional environments. I will remain connected to the military during my initial years with the University of Phoenix for personal and financial reasons. However, once I secure my Bachelor's of Science I will obtain employment in the civilian sector, preferably working for another large organization.
I will achieve my personal goals at the University of Phoenix by participating actively in coursework and engaging professors and students in meaningful discussions. I plan on being an active member of the student body. Because I am used to working in a collaborative environment in the military I will in fact be unable to approach my studies in any other way but through active participation, collaboration, and participation. I believe that learning entails not simply reading textbooks and taking tests: learning is a process of communication. If my schedule permits, I will also become…...

Armed Forces and Training
Pages: 2 Words: 800

Army Force Generation Model
In order for the armed forces to fight effectively, they need to be manned, equipped, and trained properly. The proposed changes would have an impact on all three areas, and this might result in an armed force that is not prepared to fight effectively. The reduction in budget will definitely require there be changes in the structuring of the armed forces. Reduction in manpower will be inevitable, and this would lead to few soldiers being sent to the battleground. Equipment shortages would also occur since there will be a reduction in funding and only utterly necessary equipment would be serviced or purchased. Training is the area that will be highly impacted. This is because there will be few man-hours for the soldiers to train and prepare for any eventuality. The most modern equipment will require highly trained personnel to man and operate it. The shortage of…...



Congress, House. "Statement by Gen. Odierno before the House Armed Services Committee, First Session, 113th Congress on 18 September 2013." In Planning for Sequestration in Fiscal Year 2014 and Perspectives of the Military Services on the Strategic Choices and Management Review.

Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, United States Army War College. How the Army Runs: A Senior Leader Handbook, 2013-2014. Carlisle: PA: USAWC, 15 July 2013.

How the Armed Forces Can Eliminate Discrimination in Their Officer Ranks
Pages: 36 Words: 10700

AbstractOn July 26, 1948, Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces was signed into law eliminating segregation in the military by President Truman. He envisioned an armed force that would extend opportunities to all persons. Though the Army strives to recruit a diverse fighting force that reflects the United States\\\' diversity, it tends not to reflect at the senior leadership level. However, African-Americans tend not to branch or choose combat arms military occupational specialty (MOS), thus not setting themselves up to be selected for a senior leadership position, when 59% of the general officer assignments are combat arms. To this end, the purpose of this qualitative methods study using a document analysis research strategy was to identify the main reasons behind the unreasonable representation rates of African-Americans in senior leadership positions in the U.S. armed forces today in order to formulate appropriate and timely recommendations to address this constraint…...


ReferencesAdams, D. E. (1997, March). Mentoring women and minority officers in the U.S. military. Air Command and Staff College Maxwell AFB, AL.American people. (2021). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from   C. M. & Nas, D. (2018, February 16). Ignoring history, denying racism: Mounting evidence for the Marley Hypothesis and epistemologies of ignorance. Social Science and Personality Science, 10(2), 257-265.Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.Briscoe, D. L. (2013). The Black community perspective: Recruiting Blacks into combat arms. Philadelphia: U.S. Army War College. Brook, T. V. (2020, September 1). Where are the Black officers? US Army shows diversity in its ranks but few promotions to the top. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday. com/in-depth/news/politics/2020/09/01/military-diversity-army-shows-few-black-officers-top-leadership/3377371001/.Bryant, J. B. (2009). Mentorship: Strategically leveling the playing field for African American officers. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College.Caulfield, J. (2020, August 14). How to do thematic analysis. Scribbr. Retrieved from  20analysis%20is%20a%20method,meaning%20that%20come%20up%20repeatedly.&text=Reviewing%20themes,Defining%20and%20naming%20themes.Choi, D. (2021, February 24). A Tuskegee hero and the oldest living Black West Point grad reflect on the US military and its first Black defense secretary. Business Insider. Retrieved from .Cooper, H. (2020, May 25). African-Americans are highly visible in the military, but almost invisible at the top. The New York Times. Retrieved from, E. (2021, February 24). Military needs ‘honest reckoning’ over racism in its ranks. CBS News. Retrieved from .Ender, M. G., Rohall, D. E. & Mathews, M. D. (2015, August). Intersecting identities: Race, military affiliation, and youth attitudes towards war. War & Society, 34(3), 230-245.Executive Order 9981. (1948, July 26). General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.Feagin, J. & Elias, S. (2013). Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic racism critique. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(6), 37-41.Introduction to document analysis. (2016, March 9). Research Methodology in Education. Retrieved from .Johnson, W. B. (2008). Mentoring experiences among Navy midshipmen. Military Medicine, 196, 27-34.Jones, J. (2010, November). Diversity continues to challenge the military. Black Enterprise, 41(4), 57-61.Kendrick, C. W. (1998). African American officers’ role in the future Army. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. War College.Lyles, L. L. (2011). From representation to inclusion: Diversity leadership for the 21st century military – final report. Arlington, VA: Military Leadership Diversity Commission.Neuman, W. L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. New York: Allyn & Bacon.O’Leary, Z. (2014). The essential guide to doing your research project (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.Randolph, B. (2018, April). Mentoring and African American Army captain success: A case study. School of Advanced Studies, Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership.Segal, M. W. & Thanner, M. H. (2007). Hispanic and African American men and women in the U.S. military: Trends in representation. Race, Gender & Class, 14(3/4), 48-64.Shaffer, J. (n.d.). African-Americans and the United States military: A brief history. U.S. Naval Academy. Smith, I. (2010). Why black officers still fail. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College. .Bonam,

Illicit Arms Trade in South
Pages: 7 Words: 2310

Involved people in these illegal transfers take advantage of institutional weaknesses and corruption to achieve their objectives.
One of the constant features found along the research is the weak handling of systematic information by the state authorities, especially from the police bodies. At the same time, the lack of channels that facilitate the free access to information about official proceedings make it difficult for the citizens to take part in solving the problem (ibid.).

The borders' porosity is another risk for democracy because bordering zones are strategic spaces for different illicit traffics which look to be controlled by organized crime. Internationalization of crime and its organization structures represent a problem for national security and for the region's stability.

Illegal traffic of fire arms is associated with other illicit traffics which are complemented mainly with drug traffic. Economic resources generated with those actions at the sideline of law are higher than state budgets…...



Camacho, Daniel Avila . " Interrelationship between Drug Trafficking and the Illicit Arms Trade.", 2012. Web. 9 Apr 2012. .

Cullinan, Jeanna . "Latin American Leaders Demand Action on Illicit Arms Trafficking ."

U S Arms Exports the Impact
Pages: 11 Words: 3541

In February of 2001, the government responded to pressures to relieve some of the suffering, the Emir loosened many of the laws. The U.S. considers Bahrain and important non-NATO ally in the ar against Terrorism, often using Bahrain as a staging area fro entry into Iraq. For this reason, the Bush administration continues to support increases in arms transfers to Bahrain. eapons transferred to Bahrain have included large and small weapons from shot guns to M60 tanks.

In 1999 Indonesian armed forces killed citizens in East Timor in response to the formation of anti-independence militias that were being organized. The government forces were equipped with U.S. M-1-6 rifles and other U.S. military equipment. The militia was also equipped with $1 billion in U.S. arms and training. In this case, the U.S. had been supporting the illegal occupation of East Timor since 1975. The U.S. supplied arms to both forces and…...


Works Cited

Bahrain." Available from   Accessed December 6. .

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. 2006. UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Hundred and eighty-third plenary meeting Resolution 217(a)(III) of the United Nations General Assembly, December 10, 1948. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Deen, T.U.S. Ramps Up Arms Supplies to Repressive Regimes. May 26, 2005. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Disarmament" UN Department of Disarmament Affairs. Conventional Arms Branch. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Canadian Forces Small Group Military Relationships Within
Pages: 10 Words: 3017

Canadian Forces, small group military relationships
Within the Canadian Forces, how are small group military relationships on operational deployments in Kabul, Afghanistan?

A group is mostly defined to be two or more people interacting together so they can achieve a common specific goal. The main purpose of the group would be towards a shared and desired outcome. With this in mind, Military groupings are formed to achieve a common interest like defeating a common foe, or lobbying for a specific cause. The group will have some form of leadership structure to ensure it is not mistaken for a crowd. The leadership for military groups is formal. Military groups report to one leader, and follow the orders or instructions given by their leader. For the effectiveness of the military groups, the group members should work together. Working closely together, and for long periods, the group members will form certain bonds, and relationships…...



Cox, D.R., & Snell, E.J. (1974). The Choice of Variables in Observational Studies. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics), 23(1), 51-59.

Jiroutek, M.R., Muller, K.E., Kupper, L.L., & Stewart, P.W. (2003). A New Method for Choosing Sample Size for Confidence Interval-Based Inferences. Biometrics, 59(3), 580-590.

Johnson, B.A., & Tsiatis, A.A. (2004). Estimating Mean Response as a Function of Treatment Duration in an Observational Study, Where Duration May Be Informatively Censored. Biometrics, 60(2), 315-323.

Morgan, D.L. (1996). Focus Groups. Annual Review of Sociology, 22(ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: 1996 / Copyright © 1996 Annual Reviews), 129-152.

Special Forces in Vietnam
Pages: 13 Words: 5137

War has undoubtedly shaped the course of human history. Conflicts, through sheer human nature often arise through disagreement. Occasionally these conflicts end with war as opposing sides believe so vehemently in their respective reasonings and doctrinal views. Oftentimes, these war's end with one "victor" and on defeated party, however, in war everyone losses.
The Vietnam War in particular is an example of how war is a zero sum game that only results in losses for all those involved. This paper examines how the conflict started, taking particular care to express both points-of-view regarding core issues followed by a discussion concerning Special Forces operations and their overall impact on the outcome of the war. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings about Special Forces in Vietnam in the conclusion.

Review and Analysis

Origins of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North…...


Dyhouse, Tim. (2002, March). Delta Force: Secret Wielders of Death. VFW Magazine 89(7), p. 16.

Beckwith, Charles (with Donald Knox) (1983). Delta Force. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 9780151246571.

Kelly, Francis J. Green Berets of Vietnam - The U.S. Army Special Forces 61-71 - the. S.l: Archive Media Publishing, 2013.

Idf or Israel Defense Forces
Pages: 3 Words: 1040

It is emphasized that military service has become an intimate part of the culture and that the demise of this rite of passage must be considered in terms of its societal impact. On the other hand there are also signs that new immigrants to the county are less enthusiastic or concerned about compulsory military service; therefore there may be change within the society with regard to the perceived social importance of this rite of passage -- which in turn would augur well for a move to a more professional and independent defense force.
Another related and important factor is that the structural relationship between the society and the military is changing. In the modern international, political and military environment there is less need for semi-skilled and skilled input from the civilian sections of the society. As the military becomes more specialized in response to new and more sophisticated defense threats,…...

Military Forces in Mexico American
Pages: 4 Words: 1406

Particularly, many democrats and republicans expressed their dismay about the fact that the ush administration did not notify or seek congressional input while the policy was being developed. However, as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roberta Jacobson, who actually drafted the 'Merida initiative' says, "Although it [Merida] was proposed by a Republican administration, it was passed by a Democratic [party-controlled] Congress." [Jim Fischer, 2009]
Some policy analysts from Mexico have expressed their concern that controlling drug trafficking in Mexico would be better achieved if the U.S. takes active measures to control the arms trafficking from across its borders into Mexico. Gen. Javier del Real Magallanes, who is in command of the northeastern states such as Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosi says, "If there are no weapons, there's no violence. These arms aren't from Mexico; they're from the other side." [Laura Starr, 2007]. Sharing…...



1) Colleen W. Cook, Oct 2007, 'CRS Report for Congress: Mexico's Drug Cartels', retrieved Apr 22nd, 2010, from, 

2) Bernd Debussman, 'Latin America: Mexico Drug War Update', retrieved Apr 22nd 2010, from, 

3) Manuel Roig-Franzia, 'U.S. Guns Behind Cartel Killings In Mexico', retrieved Apr 22nd 2010, from, 

4) Inside USA, 'Mexico's Drug', retrieved Apr 22nd 2010, from,

Combined Arms Battle
Pages: 7 Words: 2171

Combined Arms attle
An Examination of the Use of Armor and Infantry on the attlefield during World War I from the attle of Cambrai to the attle of St. Mihiel

The gigantic logistics organization that supported American forces during the Cold War also had its genesis in World War I. The Army school system set up by General Pershing in France to serve the leaders of the AEF was moved to the United States after World War I, and was instrumental in our winning World War II and the Cold War. And the system, with few exceptions, still provides the backbone of professional education and development within the Army. -- Richard G. Trefry, 2002

The epigram above suggests that General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing was responsible for a legacy that remains largely unrecognized among military leaders in the United States today. Certainly, World War I established new precedents across a number…...



Blumenson M. (Ed). The Patton Papers 1885-1940, Houghton Mifflin, 1972

Childs, David J. 1999. A Peripheral Weapon? The Production and Employment of British

Tanks in the First World War. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Cooke, James J. 1994. The Rainbow Division in the Great War, 1917-1919. Westport, CT:

Results Driven Principle and Task Force
Pages: 4 Words: 1129

Driven (Principi & Task Force)
pplication Essay: Results Driven

In the Department of Veterans ffairs where I work, getting results is highly valued. There are various examples that could be used to point out how important results are in this organization and how I go about ensuring that I get results when I am asked to do something. There are two examples that are important to discuss here. The first of these is the Farewell Ceremony that I took part in. In late 2004, I was directly asked by those high-up in my organization to plan and execute a Farewell Ceremony for the Honorable nthony J. Principi, the 4th Secretary of Veterans ffairs. This particular event took place at the Veterans conference center at the V headquarters located in Washington D.C. Many members of the President's Cabinet were leaving the administration at this time. The ceremony had a strong impact and…...


A second example of this results driven issue was my participation in the Secretary's task force for the employment and advancement of women in 2002. This was designed to develop a comprehensive plan that would help to correct some of the imbalances that were seen between men and women in their employment opportunities and the advancements that they were able to make. In December 2002 the task force met in Washington D.C. In order to begin work and identified that there were several major categories that the comprehensive plan would need in order to address the current situation. These included data collection and analysis, business case, and an implementation plan that was related to the Department's strategic plan. A great deal of data and feedback was collected and analyzed by the task force from many different sources regarding the task force efforts.

The task force met again in January 2003 to help develop a draft report and refine the efforts for data collection in order to ensure not only accuracy and validity but relevance to the VA as well. Focus groups were conducted in March 2003 in Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C., and Little Rock. These cities were selected to ensure representation of both men and women from as many departmental organizational elements as was possible. These focus groups helped to validate the concerns that were raised during the first meeting that took place in 2002 with the Secretary and helped to assist the task force further in developing strategies that would succeed.

Personally, I led the subcommittee on researching best practices for the report that was ultimately created by the task force. I led focus groups, researched relevant information, and developed the best practices section that went in the final report. At that time, the committee had been in existence for one year. The report was accepted as a blueprint throughout the Department and this indicated that the task force report provided meaningful and effective strategies for success that were not only feasible but were cost-effective and cross-functional to other minority groups as well. The report also helped to link this information to the VA's organizational goals and objectives. By implementing these strategies, measurable improvements and results will be seen which will help individuals assess their behaviors and identify different and better approaches that they might take in the future.

Section 1983 Claims for Police Excessive Use of Force
Pages: 4 Words: 1559

Excessive Force Liability
The International Association for the Chiefs of Police (IACP) has maintained an updated model policy on the use of force for over two decades (Hough & Tatum, 2012). A number of 'use of force' policies implemented by policing agencies can be found online, but the basic tenets are the following: (1) use only the minimum amount of force necessary to bring a situation under control, (2) deadly force should only be used to prevent death or serious injury to the officer or bystanders (Tennessee v. Garner, 1985), and (3) the determination of an imminent threat of death or serious injury should be based on objective and reasonable evidence (IACP, 2006; Graham v. Conner, 1989). Officers should also warn the intended target that deadly force will be used if they failed to comply when possible (Tennessee v. Garner, 1985).

Based on these guidelines, Officer Jones was not justified in discharging…...



Baldwin, L. (2014). Aggravated battery laws and penalties. Retrieved from .

Estate of Davis v. City of Richland Hills, No. 04-10036, 406 F.3d 375 (5th Cir. 2005).

Graham v. Conner, No. 87-6571, 490 U.S. 386 (1989).

Hough, R.M. Sr. & Tatum, K.M. (2012). An examination of Florida policies on force continuums. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 35(1), 39-54.

Use of Preemptive Force in Iran
Pages: 6 Words: 1719

preemptive force in Iran after the event of eptember 11. It has 11 sources.
Though the United tates would have to bear the economic repercussions of pursuing another invasion, a preemptive effort in Iran would be in their best interest if they endeavor to rid the world of terrorism with weapons of mass destruction.

In recent times there have been great concerns over countries that possess weapons capable of mass destruction. Particular concern has been prompted over countries that hold grudges against the United tates. This is because of the fact that in recent times the United tates has fallen prey to such countries. Countries in the past that had been considered a threat to western interests have in recent times proven to be dangerous. Examples of these are countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq. In the past they warned and threatened the United tates that they would have damnation upon…...



Decade of Deception and Defiance; Saddam Hussein's Defiance of the United Nations," The White House, September 12, 2002, 21 pp.

Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction," The Assessment of the British Government, September 24, 2002, 50 pp.

Russia's Risky Iran Connection," The New York Times, June 10, 2002, p. A24.

Chubin, Shahram and Robert S. Litwak. "Debating Iran's Nuclear Aspirations," The Washington Quarterly, Autumn 2003, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 99-114.

Using Force in Policing
Pages: 7 Words: 2900

police management affect the way police officers use force?
The Force Continuum

Style of Leadership and Management

Proper Management of Police esources

Innovations in Excessive Force Training

Protection of its citizens is the fundamental mission of any government. And on the forefront of this mission are the law enforcement officers who are in fact the most visible arm that the government utilizes to protect the citizens and also to preserve public order ("Police Use of Excessive Force: A Case Study of Lethal (Deadly) Force," 2016).

And to achieve these missions, the police are given authorities that are unique in civil governments as well as granted by the society - authority to control the behaviors of the citizens with the ultimate aim of protecting them from harm. Hence in a manner that is most direct, the behavior of the members of the society are controlled and managed by the police personnel and the officers on a…...



Atherley, L., & Hickman, M. (2014). Controlling Use of Force: Identifying Police Use of Excessive Force through Analysis of Administrative Records. Policing, 8(2), 123-134. 

Banker, R., Chang, H., & Pizzini, M. (2004). The Balanced Scorecard: Judgmental Effects of Performance Measures Linked to Strategy. The Accounting Review, 79(1), 1-23. 

Bass, B., & Avolio, B. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA [etc.]: Sage Publications.

Belasen, A., Eisenberg, B., & Huppertz, J. Mastering leadership.

Need help coming up with a good thesis statement for an informative essay on army leadership styles?
Words: 343

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

What impact do military police have on maintaining discipline and order within the armed forces in times of conflict and peace?
Words: 400

Military police play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and order within the armed forces during both times of conflict and peace. They enforce military regulations, investigate infractions, patrol military installations, and provide security for personnel and equipment.

During times of conflict, military police are responsible for maintaining order within military bases and ensuring the security of personnel and equipment. They also play a key role in providing law enforcement support in combat zones, including conducting patrols, establishing checkpoints, and detaining individuals who are deemed a threat to the mission.

In times of peace, military police are still essential in maintaining discipline....

What impact do military police have on maintaining discipline and order within the armed forces in times of conflict and peace?
Words: 543

## Impact of Military Police on Discipline and Order

Military police (MPs) play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and order within the armed forces, both during times of conflict and peace. Their responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, including:

Enforcing Law and Order: MPs uphold military law and regulations, ensuring that military personnel adhere to established standards of conduct. They investigate crimes, make arrests, and provide security to military installations.

Maintaining Public Order: In combat zones, MPs assist in the maintenance of public order among civilians. They provide crowd control, protect property, and enforce curfews, contributing to the stability....

What title will the winner of the 2024 presidential election hold?
Words: 408

The President of the United States
The winner of the 2024 presidential election will hold the title of President of the United States. This is the highest office in the federal government of the United States and is responsible for leading the executive branch of the government. The President is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress.
The President is elected by the Electoral College, which is composed of electors chosen by the voters in each state. The candidate who receives the majority of electoral votes wins the presidency. If no candidate....

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